
baron-samediIs anyone available for support?00:51
Eickmeyer!ask | baron-samedi00:53
ubottubaron-samedi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:53
baron-samediHow do I disable autojack and let pulseaudio autospawn?. I have "autospawn = yes" in my dotfiles, and start-pulseaudio-x11 enabled in session & startup. Off topic: the IRC ToS isn't reachable.00:58
OvenWerksif you turn jack off with controls, then pulse is in autospawn as normal.01:02
OvenWerksThe fact that autojacvk is running doesn't mean jack is running01:02
baron-samediIn controls I have jack session startup unchecked and pressed stop jack, pulse won't autospawn still.01:05
OvenWerkshow do you mean?01:05
OvenWerksHave you ever installed or run Cadence?01:06
OvenWerksPulse should run if jack is started or not in any case, if jack is running pulse will not see any audio devices besides jack01:07
baron-samediNo I haven't, I just want to forego jack entirely and purely use pulseaudio.01:08
OvenWerksthen "Stop Jack should do that.01:08
baron-samediWhich I have pressed and disabled session startup. I have never ran jack, this is a fresh install with backports. I've been spawning pulseaudio in manually terminal.01:10
OvenWerksif you really don't want autojack running in the background in idle, in the settings manager choose: "Session and Startup"->application autostart and uncheck Autojack.01:11
OvenWerksbut if pulse is not running on it's own that is it's own problem01:11
baron-samediThat's the main problem, I thought the cause was autojack.01:12
OvenWerksStudio does not change pulseaudio's configuration at all.01:12
baron-samediI'm aware and checked /etc/pulse/* and have made my own pulse config's that have worked in other ubuntu flavors. This puzzles me.01:13
OvenWerksif you run pavucontrol does it show anything?01:14
baron-samediConnection to pulseaudio has failed etc.. check default-server or client.conf. Which makes no sense, I can run it manually fine.01:16
OvenWerksis dbus running?01:16
baron-samediyes, htop shows it running01:17
OvenWerksin general, even if pulse is not running, starting pavucontrol will start pulse.01:17
OvenWerks(via dbus)01:18
baron-samediYeah, I've had pavucontrol autospawn pulse if needed in arch, it won't on studio.01:18
OvenWerkswhen you start pulseaudio manually, does it have any error messages?01:19
OvenWerkswell normally it will in Studio. this is strange01:19
OvenWerksIs this a straight ubuntustudio install? or another ubuntuflavour with Studio installed on top?01:21
baron-samediWould it be faster to paste my log? Using pulseaudio -vvv I see "I: [pulseaudio] main.c: setrlimit(RLIMIT_NICE, (31, 31)) failed: Operation not permitted"01:21
baron-samedistraight install01:21
baron-samedi18.04 with backports01:22
OvenWerkssame here.01:22
OvenWerksI have never had trouble getting pulse going in years. (over 10)01:23
OvenWerksWhich user are you running it as? (normal, install user, root)01:24
OvenWerksshould not be root BTW01:25
baron-samedinormal, the user created upon install01:25
OvenWerksthat should just work (of course)01:25
baron-samediThe only oddity for root was to give it a password for tty's01:26
OvenWerkssudo in a terminal to run something as root01:26
OvenWerksbut neither jack or pulse should be run as root01:27
baron-samediyes, i just like having root accessible and i never run jack or pulse as root/sudo01:28
baron-samediis the default pulseaudio services in sysctl modified at all?01:29
OvenWerksStudio uses stock pulseaudio with n0o mods at all.01:30
baron-samedialright, i'm stumped then ;) i should paste my config's perhaps01:31
OvenWerkswe have had so many problems solving things after cadence has run, it was decided that pulse should remain stock. autojack, when jack runs, uses pactl to change config on the fly. When jack stops pulse respawns back to normal.01:32
baron-samediI'll give it a shot then01:32
OvenWerksyou can try that, but my knowage of pulse config is minimal :)01:33
baron-samediIs the backports supposed to auto install cadence? full-upgrade?01:33
OvenWerksno, we sugest not to use cadence01:34
OvenWerkscadence would come from kxstudio if you installed that01:34
OvenWerksthe only app we have from kxstudio is Carla which is a plugin wrapper.01:35
baron-samediits not installed, i'll run jack and see if thats it01:35
baron-samedistarting jack starts pulse and stopping it kills pulse with no autospawn (no change)01:36
baron-samedithe install has lvm-luks if that matters01:37
OvenWerksI don't know for sure, but I wouldn't think so.01:38
baron-samedii'm going to paste my configs on ubuntu paste in one post separated by #'s01:39
baron-samediThanks for the help and time even if we can't figure it out ;)01:44
OvenWerksso this is a set of config file you have made then?01:45
OvenWerks(or modified?)01:45
baron-samediyes. daemon.conf client.conf and default.pa, modded defaults using pulse docs01:46
OvenWerksThey are not the saem as mine right from the top.01:46
OvenWerksAre these in your home directory or /etc/pulse/?01:47
baron-samedihome dir .config/pulse/*01:48
OvenWerksso first quick check is to rename .config/pulse to something else and try.01:48
OvenWerksand see if it at least works with the default01:49
baron-samediautospawn now works01:50
OvenWerksso something in the new config is not playing nice.01:51
baron-samedithats great but ubuntu studio is the only flavor not working with config01:52
OvenWerksARe you sure your audio device works at 44k1? (some don't)01:52
OvenWerksah that would be yes01:52
baron-samediyes, generic laptop realtek audio01:52
baron-samedii'd like to point out that there's a default jackdbus module for default.pa in the standard ubuntu studio pulse config, should i add it?01:54
OvenWerkswhere did you get the pci-0000_00_1b.0?01:55
OvenWerksthere should only be one in /etc/pulse/ so far as I know.01:55
OvenWerksunless pulse writes it's own file at run time.01:55
baron-samedifrom my old alsa only install in arch01:56
baron-samedipulse gave it that card name01:56
OvenWerksand that works with other buntu flavours?01:56
baron-samediyes 100%01:56
OvenWerksI am wondering if the number part is sightly different.01:57
baron-samedii've never used jack + pulse with this config.01:57
baron-samediso hold on01:57
baron-samedilet me add that module01:57
OvenWerksyou don't have to have it.01:58
OvenWerksautojack actually removes it on the fly so it can add jack sink/source on the fly01:59
baron-samedithen should i mess with my config? i really like the quality/resampling and latency for consuming my media02:01
OvenWerksTo be honest, I don't know enough about pulse to understand what you are trying to do.02:03
OvenWerksso it is pretty hard to answer that02:04
baron-samediokay so this config came from a system with a basic alsa install and pulse setup, 100% no jack. I've removed all jack modules from the defaults and discarded auto hardware detection. Pulse loads/interacts with my soundcard by loading a module with my specific parameters and has never broken till now.02:05
baron-samedii know its overwhelming i read pulse docs for nearly a month to grasp a understanding02:07
OvenWerksThat sounds reasonable.02:07
OvenWerksthe error you were getting was at the nice-level = -1502:07
OvenWerksthe default is -1102:08
baron-samedinice level isn't realtime, i've changed realtime settings even thought i never used it02:08
OvenWerksdefault realtime is = yes.02:09
OvenWerksyou have no02:09
baron-samedirealtime-scheduling = no02:09
OvenWerksdefault seems to be yes02:10
OvenWerksbut nice level defaults to -11.02:10
baron-samedithe problem isn't pulse running, the autospawn feature is what i'm concerned about and can't get to work. i should just make a startup.sh and do it that way02:11
OvenWerksOne of the things to try is just add a ; in front of every line and remove them one at a time02:11
baron-samedithe default config has no commas02:12
baron-samediin etc02:12
baron-samedisorry commenting it out 1 by 102:13
baron-samediload-default-script-file = yes, i assume this read from etc?02:13
baron-samedioven i'll take a seat, help this fellow instead02:14
iommiI install ubuntu studio, but when start a few of seconds and goes to blngthiack screen02:15
iommisorry black screen02:16
OvenWerksiommi: at what point does the screen go black? after login? or before?02:16
iommisomeone knows what to do02:16
iommino more than 15 seconds02:17
Eickmeyeriommi: Are you running in a virtual machine?02:17
EickmeyerOkay, it was a hunch. We've had reports of that.02:17
iommii installed in my computer02:18
iommiand what can i do_02:18
Eickmeyer!yy.mm iommi: What version?02:18
ubottuEickmeyer: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:18
Eickmeyer!yy.mm | iommi: What version?02:19
ubottuiommi: What version?: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle02:19
iommii download today02:19
iommiis the one from the web site02:19
Eickmeyeriommi: There are two versions downloadable from the website.02:20
Eickmeyer18.04 and 19.0402:20
iommii was checking on the web site02:21
Eickmeyeriommi: My family is calling me. I need to refer you to #ubuntu (/join #ubuntu) since the problem you're describing isn't necessarily specific to Ubuntu Studio. You may need to register a nickname first.02:21
Eickmeyer!register | iommi02:21
ubottuiommi: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.02:21
* Eickmeyer must leave02:21
baron-samedialright, i've found the issue. so the problem is leaving [extra-arguments =] empty causes pulse not to start. simple fix is to comment it out. this oddity affects pulse 11.1 with autospawn and wasn't present on arch; pulse 12.202:51
baron-samediwhat a pain02:51
OvenWerkswow, I wonder why Ubuntu's pulse is so far behind.... maybe I don't, Arch tends to update faster than most. We are behind debian for a lot of things.02:52
baron-samedialso i would suggest anyone with a custom default.pa to re-add the jackdbus module02:53
baron-samediyeah what a weird parsing error02:53
baron-samedi2017 pulse shows its age ;)02:53
baron-samedidoes 19.04 have a newer pulse?02:54
baron-samediyes, 19.04 has 12.2, so it won't have this issue ;)02:55
OvenWerks19.04 has 12.202:55
baron-samedimaybe add this info to FAQ? for those on 18.0402:56
EickmeyerIt's far behind because it's synced from Debian.02:56
Eickmeyer18.04 isn't going to have a newer version unless there's some pressing security issue. Nature of LTS releases.02:56
EickmeyerLTS releases are basically "frozen in time".02:58
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.02:58
baron-samediunless you add a ppa that nukes your system, i'm glad we got this resolved ;) btw the nice error was referring to the "realtime" nice level which can go to 9902:58
baron-samediwell i like lts and ubuntu's adoption among software devs so i moved back here02:59
baron-samediis this chat focused on support? is there a general area03:02
EickmeyerThis is a support-focused chat.03:02
EickmeyerThere's an #ubuntustudio-offtopic, if you wish to join. Tends to be quiet there, but the chatter does get going at times.03:03
baron-samedithanks :D03:03
baron-samedihow in the world do i turn off pidgin? accidentally clicked on it getting to hex chat and now it haunts my indicator plugin04:40
Eickmeyerbaron-samedi: Right-click on it in the system/indicator area, click close? It's been forever since I've run pidgin.04:43
baron-samediwell pidgin is closed but it seems to imbued with the indicator regardless if its open or not04:45
HiDeHohi all are there any ways to test if the vga plug si working properly.08:44
HiDeHoon this laptop the screen looks dark. using another one the screen looks normal.08:45
HiDeHohi all anyone around atm09:25
HiDeHoi am wanting to add a menu option in the right-click menu for files and folders to open as root.09:26
HiDeHothis used to work using gksu thunar %f09:26
HiDeHowhy doies this not work10:00
* HiDeHo is yelling kicking and screaming 10:00
OvenWerksumm he left at 3am :P14:57
=== JTa1 is now known as JTa
carbonzerofinally getting around to testing ubuntu studio as a standalone installation. I think I've got to say that I miss using Ubuntu Studio as the primary installation. I remembered some tweaks and put them into use and I'm pretty satisfied.20:51
carbonzeroEickmeyer, I've got to head over to the qa tracker and log my results.20:52
Eickmeyercarbonzero: Hey! Nice to see you!20:52
Eickmeyercarbonzero: Don't worry about the qa tracker. We're not in official testing phase yet. :)20:52
carbonzeroEickmeyer, good to see you, too, brother and friend! how have you been?20:52
EickmeyerDoing okay. A little busy at the moment, brb20:53
carbonzeroEickmeyer, oh. Ok, cool. Gives me time to go get coffee. lol20:53
studio-user488hi im installing ubuntu studio for now and the installation brought me here22:29
studio-user488Does anyone use buntu studio like a guitar processor? Switching effects via midi controller?22:36
OvenWerksguitarix can do that22:36
OvenWerksI think it gets loaded with presets first and then can switch through it at least. As it works with plugins, the plugins may be dirrectly midi controlable also22:38
studio-user488cool, I have a interface focusrite 2i4 whith midi in & out and a fcb1010 to control this22:38
OvenWerksArdour can do this as well but Ardour is a bit heavy for that use22:38
OvenWerksAlso look into Carla which is a plugin rack (and other things)22:39
studio-user488ok I will search the audour and carla softwares to learn how to configure22:40
studio-user488Im planing use Reaper too22:41
OvenWerksI have no personal experience there22:41
studio-user488now they support linux too22:41
OvenWerks but I know of people using reaper22:41
studio-user488I was running reaper in wine a while22:43
studio-user488but I dont remember if it was heavy like ardour22:44
OvenWerksArdour is not that heavy, but more than needed for a guitar effects pedal22:45
studio-user488yeah i think so, a full daw just to run some plugins haha22:50
studio-user488goodbye OvenWerks Instalation has finished, I will play with U.Studio22:52

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