[05:18] morning === pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski [07:01] hey [07:03] hey pstolowski [07:25] mvo: pstolowski: hey [07:28] hey mborzecki and pstolowski [07:29] o/ [08:12] mvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6879 has conflicts [08:20] pstolowski: thanks, looking [08:39] mvo: #6981 can land? [08:43] pstolowski: yes, thank you [08:46] mvo: hi, this is fixed now https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1819318 ? (by installing snapd) [08:53] pedronis: yes, this is in *-proposed now [08:54] pedronis: once it lands in -updates we can mark it as fix released [08:54] * mvo double checks [09:35] Hello [09:44] zyga: hey [09:45] hey zyga ! [09:45] zyga: how are you? [10:03] was there a yaml-querying tool we were already using in tests? (if so, what was it?) [10:03] like jq but for yaml i mean [10:03] yq? [10:11] mborzecki: going with that one [10:11] * pstolowski lunch [10:11] mborzecki: i thought there was a gustavo one [10:11] anyway, tets running, time for coffee [10:11] tests also running [10:11] everything is running [10:15] did we have any fixes in master recently for a case when spread test node runs out of space? [10:17] https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6980 consistently fails in google:ubuntu-16.04-64:tests/cross/go-build:ppc64el, / is 100% in use [10:17] mvo: Chipaca: I wrote this: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/behavior-change-risk-only-channel-specifications-will-not-switch-track/11769 [10:20] pedronis: thank you! [10:26] pedronis: nice [10:27] pedronis: I flagged you for reviewing the leave-cohort, but it's got two +1's so if you don't feel you need to review it i'll go ahead and land it [10:31] Chipaca: I'm taking the afternoon off for some errands but I will try to skim it quickly later today [10:31] I don't expect suprises [10:31] though [10:32] * pedronis off for errands [10:32] ok [10:34] 6691 needs a second review [10:36] it has a conflict though [10:36] oh, let me fix this [10:36] thanks! [10:37] pedronis: you suck at being off for errands [10:37] hm, deviceMgrSuite.TestUpdateGadgetOnClassicErrorsOut seems to fail sometimes in chg.IsReady(), Equals, true [10:37] is that known? [10:38] * mvo looks into it [10:40] mvo: sorry, I looked at 6691, I have a silly remark [10:43] anyway it's seems a more general problem [10:54] mvo: maybe there's too few iterations there [11:10] mborzecki: yeah, fix should be trivial [11:10] mborzecki: and pushed [11:15] pedronis: thanks for the remark in 6691 [11:18] ondra: I fixed the conflicts in 6691 now, hopefully good to go now [11:19] mvo thank you [11:19] mvo just saw it, good times [11:25] Hey [11:25] I’m good thank you! === ricab is now known as ricab|lunch [12:47] a trivial that could land, just needs 2nd look: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6967 === ogra is now known as Guest43551 [13:11] kyrofa: What happen re. GCE? === ricab|lunch is now known as ricab [13:51] mvo: snap info 0ad [14:00] Chipaca: \o/ 950mb === ricab_ is now known as ricab === ricab_ is now known as ricab [15:15] mvo: did you get state.json for the missing 'current' symlink error? [15:16] pstolowski: no reply yet afaict [15:16] pstolowski: also no private mail [15:17] pstolowski: does it die for you if you remove current? [15:21] mvo: no. the error comes from patch subsystem, this code only kicks in under certain conditions (namely, when range of core revisions was found) [15:22] mvo: the 4961 revision from the bug report falls into the range [15:22] pstolowski: interessting [15:23] pstolowski: there are two newer revisions though, I wonder what is going on [15:23] pstolowski: but a patch would explain why it happens [15:23] pstolowski: I wonder if the patch is buggy in general [15:24] pstolowski: 4961 is 2.33.1+git822... [15:25] pstolowski: aha, nevermind 4916 is 2.33.1 [15:25] pstolowski: I wonder if going from 2.33.1->current is an issue, might be worth a test, I can make 2.33.1 availalbe [15:25] pstolowski: unless you already have ideas what might be the issue(?) [15:27] mvo: not really, the main issue is obviously the missing symlink; state.json could give us answer why it's missing [15:30] mvo: if you can make 4916 available it's certainly worth trying out [15:31] pstolowski: its an armhf one, should I grab you the coresponding amd64? [15:33] mvo: what is the revisions number of the corresponding one for amd64? [15:37] pstolowski: 4917 [15:37] * cachio lunch [15:37] mvo: good. ok, yes, amd64 would be preferred [15:38] pstolowski: sure [15:49] niemeyer, re: GCE, whenever I try to run spread using my gcloud creds I get this: Cannot allocate google:ubuntu-16.04-64: cannot perform Google request: Get https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/computeengine/zones: oauth2: cannot fetch token: 400 Bad Request === pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk [16:30] kyrofa: That looks like an issue with the request indeed [16:30] kyrofa: Doesn't feel like something that was rejected based on permissions or something [17:04] niemeyer, true. Not sure what's going on there [18:12] mvo: strace is a bit borked [18:13] I've seen it fail in various environments [18:13] on ubuntu I see [18:13] zyga@fyke:~/locale-experiment$ snap run --strace locale-experiment.locale [18:13] /snap/strace-static/current/bin/strace: Unexpected wait status 0x8b [18:21] zyga: oh - I have not seen this. what distro release? and what do you try to trace?