
pavlushkazabir: o/14:45
pavlushkazaki: o/17:55
zakihey pavlushka 17:55
pavlushkazaki: you know zabir? was here till 11.17, lke a bot does not react17:56
zakipavlushka, nah, never seen before 17:58
zakiযা দেখলাম, সবাই এখানে একবার আসে শুধু ! :D 17:59
zaki2nd time rare 17:59
pavlushkazaki: এসে দেখে যে এটা ফেসবুক না অথবা হজ করার মত কোন কিছু হয়তোবা, একবার এসেই সম্পন্ন হয়ে যায়18:01
zakiwelcome back zabir 18:04
zabirস্বাগতম 😊18:05
zakipavlushka, may be I was wrong , you too :p 18:05
pavlushkazaki: আচ্ছা ঠিক আছে, তাহলে দুবার আসে :পি18:06
zakizabir, I'm zaki from Chittagong 18:06
pavlushkazaki: https://review.coreboot.org/c/coreboot/+/33421/1..218:08
zakiah 18:09
zakipavlushka, it's verified now ?18:10
pavlushkazaki: not yet, need +2 and they will decide on which version they will publish it, current is 4.9, 4.10 kept postponding.18:11
pavlushkazaki: and need so much more work, it's just the start18:12
pavlushkaoh Hello both zabir 18:14
pavlushkaand zabir_ 18:14
zabirbotg me18:14
zabirboth me18:14
zakiদুই দেহ এক আত্মা :p 18:15
zakiসরি, দুই আই ডি এক মালিক18:15
zabir_using in mobile and pc at a time, thats why18:16
pavlushkazabir: which one is which?18:17
pavlushkazabir_  ?18:17
zabir__is pc 18:17
pavlushkazabir_: So what's up?18:18
zakipavlushka, I just signed in there with my lunchpad profile18:19
pavlushkazaki: wow, এই কাজ করার জন্য আমাকে vi/vim শিখতে হচ্ছে18:19
zakizabir, do I need to say some greetings again? :P 18:20
pavlushkazaki: peculiar একটা জিনিস, কিন্তু মজার ব্যাটার হচ্ছে 16MB memory router এও vi সাপোর্ট থাকে18:21
zakipavlushka, only vi works there ?18:21
zabirwait I missed may be, I'm new to IRC, just started yesterday. Hi to everyone :]18:22
pavlushkapatch comment করা লাগে, এবং শাস্ত্র মতে, মন্তব্যেরও ঠিক জায়গায় ঠিক tag দেওয়া লাগে, নাহলে bot বাবাজি ঘ্যাচাং করে দেয়18:23
pavlushkazabir: what's up?18:24
pavlushkazaki: আর সেই patch comment vi দিয়ে করা লাগে18:24
zabirGood. What about you?18:25
pavlushkapavlushka: good18:25
zakiaha 18:25
zakiওরা হিটলার 18:26
pavlushkazaki: vi এ লিখতেই ঘাম ছুটে যায়, typo হলে তো কথাই নেই18:26
zakipavlushka, I remember the 1st time :318:26
zakizabir, so are you happy with your OS ? :D 18:28
zakiমনের মিল কেমন? :P 18:28
zabirbut sometimes got disappointed , cause miss many wndows apps :{18:30
zabirwhich distro you guys are using18:31
* pavlushka on Parabola/Ubuntu-mate dual boot on one machine, Parabola/Ubuntu-mate/Windows triple boot on the other18:34
zakipavlushka, http://www.commitstrip.com/en/2017/05/29/trapped/18:34
u-la-la[ Trapped | CommitStrip ] - www.commitstrip.com ( https://tinyurl.com/y4jr6ckh )18:34
* zaki Ubuntu 18.4 18:35
zabirnice. I completely moved to linux. Not touching windows completely for almost 1.5 or more year18:36
pavlushkarofl on the commitstrip post18:36
pavlushkazabir: cool18:37
* pavlushka on switches to windows to port twrp recoveries for androids.18:37
u-la-lapavlushka meant to say: only switches to windows to port twrp recoveries for androids.18:38
zakipavlushka, rolling on floor with lemon? :P 18:39
zabirThat's what I said, linux has many lack of apps. :{ sometimes some have linux verrsion but with less feature18:39
zakipavlushka, I miss plasma desktop 18:41
pavlushkazaki: why? you can still use it!18:42
zakiভাল লাগেনা বাট মিস করি !!  pavlushka :3 18:42
pavlushkazaki: Oh, and my desktops are Frankensteins, not a pure desktop in any manner18:42
pavlushkaone has a DM and the other don't18:43
pavlushkazabir: its a mix mode, mate DE but with no DM and the window manager is sometimes openbox, sometimes fluxbox18:44
pavlushkaDM means lightdm, lxdm, mddm or gdm18:45
zabirI good one's PSW unit fried may be , can't unplug it by myself. Now runing on a 'thelagari'18:45
pavlushkazabir: thelagari??18:45
zakihe he 18:46
zabirpavulshka  I meant how it is frankensteins18:46
zakizabir, its frankensteins frankensteins :P18:46
zakiI get it 18:46
pavlushkazabir: that kind of mixture is termed as Frankenstein18:47
pavlushkaoh and the term Frankenstein for this situ is not coined by me, I learned it from somewhere else while querying issues for my desktop18:49
pavlushkathey said, oh so you have a Frankenstein desktop?18:50
* zaki laughing on the floor with lemon 18:51
pavlushkazaki: its rofl, rolling on the floor with laughter18:52
zakihe he 18:52
pavlushkabut this one was more funny, I don't know why18:53
* pavlushka laughing on the floor with lemon18:53
pavlushkawhy one would laugh on the floor with lemon, may be stepped on it and slipped?18:54
pavlushkaand then laughing as lying on the floor, that makes sense18:55
zakipavlushka, genius guess :p18:56
zakipavlushka, I tried OpenWrt on a ASUS router last wk, It's good 18:57
zabirasus merlin firmwire looks so nice18:59
zakizabir, yea, they are giving it to every new router now 19:01
zabirI wanted to used open wrt :{ but my router doesnt't support it19:02
zakiI hate there old firmware 19:03
zakiah 19:03
zakithere is other firmware like DDWrt 19:03
pavlushkazaki: zabir I bough lenovo x230 to put coreboot because it is supported19:03
zabirbut I dont like it, also there is 'tomatto' firmware too19:04
pavlushkazabir: zaki so before you buy a device, check if it supports the tweaks or the firmware you want to put in it.19:04
u-la-lapavlushka meant to say: zaki: zabir I bought lenovo x230 to put coreboot because it is supported19:05
zakipavlushka, x230 is good 19:05
pavlushkazaki: to me, hell yes.19:05
zabirYes, true. I told one of my friend to buy a routher for me, and he brought it. I was sick that time.19:06
zakipavlushka, I tried OpenWrt cuse builtin firmware has so much issues 19:06
zabirI heard that Merlin Firmwire has security issues19:06
zabirBut it looks nice19:07
zakipavlushka, 3rd gen?19:07
pavlushkazaki: well you can build the openwrt or some other free firmware for your machine19:08
* pavlushka dreams about cross-compiling19:08
pavlushkato the required size19:08
zakipavlushka, OpenWRT working well  for me . you ment this for zabir ? :P 19:09
zabirIt has some interesting news: https://routersecurity.org19:09
u-la-la[ Router Security ] - routersecurity.org ( https://tinyurl.com/y6zbcjdq )19:09
pavlushkaonce I tried the same for my 16 MB router and got that advice but wasn't smart enough to apply it19:09
pavlushkazabir: now may be I can try but it is a hell of a job19:10
zakipavlushka, zabir, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs069dndIYk 19:15
u-la-la[ Earth, Wind & Fire - September (Official Music Video) - YouTube ] - www.youtube.com ( https://tinyurl.com/jw6pqyj )19:15
zakia little gift :P 19:15
zabiris u-la-la a bot?19:17
zabirI found everywhere Chanserve, who is he19:17
zakiChanServ, is here too 19:18
zakiu-la-la, is ChanServ sister :P 19:19
zakipavlushka, made it 19:19
pavlushkazaki: জি প্রাচীন মানবদের উৎপত্তি আফ্রিকাতেই হয়েছিল, চোয়াল আর দাঁতগুলো দেখেছেন পারফর্মারদের?19:20
zakihe he 19:22
pavlushkaIts my fav singer, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl1aXFKhFUE19:22
u-la-la[ Alanis Morissette - Lens - YouTube ] - www.youtube.com ( https://tinyurl.com/yykjxxcl )19:22
zakipavlushka, I miss asking QA for rusks :D it was fun 19:22
pavlushkazaki: QA is in #ubuntu-africa, #ubuntu-za !19:23
pavlushkazaki: chanserv is the global OP bot, almost every irc network has it19:24
pavlushkazabir: ^^19:24
pavlushkaon almost every channel19:25
zakipavlushka, should I go there and ask for rusks ? I know it's on top of a fridge :D 19:25
zakizabir, how is the name u-la-la !? :P 19:27
zakipavlushka, Brainstorm still give me earthquake update on twitter 19:29
pavlushkazaki: thats what it is for :)19:30
zakithanks to LjL 19:30
pavlushkazaki: Brainstorm can do so much more19:30
zakizabir, working on something ? 19:33
zakipavlushka, you remember Tareq 19:34
pavlushkazaki: yes, why?19:34
zakiEEE teacher at DIU 19:34
zakiI added him on FB last year 19:35
zakinow he is a top Bengali film fan 19:36
zakimay be he go to FDC almost everyday 19:37
zakiand post photo with Moushumi and Omorsani everyday 19:37
zakiI can't mach 19:38
zakipavlushka, https://www.sudosatirical.com/articles/man-pledges-to-try-just-one-more-desktop-theme/19:52
u-la-la[ Man Pledges to Try Just One More Desktop Theme ] - www.sudosatirical.com ( https://tinyurl.com/y3upllbq )19:52
zakizabir, https://www.sudosatirical.com/articles/local-man-reconsidering-relationship-finds-girlfriend-using-nano/19:57
u-la-la[ Local Man Seriously Reconsidering Relationship After Finding Girlfriend Using Nano ] - www.sudosatirical.com ( https://tinyurl.com/y3vt5k98 )19:57
zakithis one for you :D 19:57
zakiGood Night 19:57

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