
SmShHi, I've been trying to debug an issue with building the dolpin emulator, and I discovered that qt applications in general are displaying completely borked on my screen. Example:https://i.imgur.com/XMsGba1.png00:27
SmShAmy tips on how to fix this issue? Thanks!00:27
SmShSorry, the issue is with running the built emulator, not building it00:28
SmShVLC (qt) is also not working00:28
longus_catusHello.  I'm using ubuntu 19.04.  I used to be able to connect to my pc with bluetooth using the a2dp profile.  Now, that service doesn't appear any more...  anyone have hints on fixing this?00:56
longus_catusIt only connects for call audio now00:59
Bashing-omlongus_catus: Maybe there is a problem: ->00:59
Bashing-omlongus_catus: "< jeremy31> Anyone know why it is difficult to switch a bluetooth headset from HFP/HSP to A2DP?  I usually00:59
Bashing-om                  have to use Blueman to disconnect from the device and then reconnect to headset for  it to use00:59
Bashing-om                  A2DP.  It seems to only affect devices with mics and/or volume controls as a simple bluetooth00:59
Bashing-om                  speaker pod will use A2DP automatically00:59
longus_catusspeaker pods have volume controls...01:00
longus_catusThanks, Bashing-om01:00
Bashing-omOuch .. forgot that urc has line returms :(01:00
EickmeyerBashing-om: Uh... !paste?01:00
longus_catusI'll ask it differently...  This worked before killing x or something.  What services can I restart to make sure ...it's restarted?  I cycled bluetooth power, restarted bluetooth service and bluemon too01:01
longus_catusI'll try axing pulseaudio01:01
Bashing-omEickmeyer: Naw .. not in this bad bad case .. a text ediitor !01:01
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solidfoxhello i am trying to debug a program01:07
solidfoxand im getting "program" is not responding01:07
solidfoxits kinda in the way and keeps showing up :/01:07
sarnoldsolidfox: can you just shove that dialog out of the way and leave it there?01:08
longus_catusalright, i killed pulseaudio and i restarted /etc/init.d/bluetooth and now it works01:08
gallomimiai have a few games that say not responding while they load01:08
gallomimiabut it only shows once01:08
longus_catusif you've suspended a program using a debugger, it will stop responding01:08
longus_catushint: debugging the x server is a fatal idea01:08
longus_catus"The biggest mistake you've ever made"01:09
longus_catusOops... "The last mistake you'll ever make"01:09
solidfoxno im not debugging the x server01:09
solidfoxi need this to work01:09
longus_catusAnd not poppng up that notification would be sufficient?01:13
solidfoxyes it keeps popping up and i cant move it, it just stay in the middle of the window01:14
sarnoldew :(01:16
solidfoxsarnold: ikr01:16
solidfoxnever had this problem in kde01:17
gallomimiapretty sure that means its actually not responding01:17
solidfoxgallomimia: its not.. if i run it without debugging it works find01:17
gallomimiastill haven't told us what program. we're all just speculating and hoping for the best at this point01:17
solidfoxgallomimia: https://github.com/ericshawlinux/aft-game2/tree/LabelRefactor01:18
sarnoldrofl "Amazing falling tetromino game"01:19
solidfoxsarnold: the original name was tetris-clone2 but tetris is taken01:19
gallomimiaso let me get this straight... it runs normally. but it hangs when you run it in debug?01:20
gallomimiayep. debuggers hang a program. on purpose.01:20
sarnoldgallomimia: the problem is the window manager or desktop environment or something is trying to be too clever, and pops up an annoying dialog box01:20
solidfoxgallomimia: yeah they're called breakpoints01:20
solidfoxgallomimia: i get this error when i hit a breakpoint01:20
gallomimialet's search google01:20
solidfoxit shouldnt show up01:21
solidfoxbecause i WANT it to stop01:21
solidfoxbreakpoints are essential, stopping the program so i can examine what is displayed is needed and also examine memory01:22
solidfoxcant see whats displayed with the window there01:22
sarnoldgallomimia: can you see the deleted answer on that page?01:22
solidfox"Note 3: It appears this has been fixed in Ubuntu 18.04 (GCC 7.3)."01:22
solidfoxapparently there was a regression cause its broke again in Ubuntu 19.0401:23
solidfoxcc (Ubuntu 8.3.0-6ubuntu1) 8.3.001:23
sarnoldsolidfox: what version gnome-shell ar eyou running?01:24
sarnoldcomment #26 suggests it should be fixed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1740869 in version 3.28.4-0ubuntu18.04.101:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1740869 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu Disco) "<something> is not responding window is constantly showing when debugging a program" [High,Fix released]01:24
solidfoxGNOME Shell 3.32.001:24
solidfoxanother regression?01:25
sarnoldsolidfox: i'm guessing the fix wasn't in 3.3201:25
solidfoxits ok i understand.01:25
gallomimia.... i guess the people writing code and debugging for Ubuntu releases.... don't use ubuntu to do it?01:25
gallomimiathat's, embarrassing :(01:25
sarnoldsolidfox: please file a bug against gnome-shell, and reference that this bug should be fixed for the version you're running, too01:26
solidfoxi really liked the way ubuntu looked, and it was much better than 18.1001:26
solidfoxsarnold: how do i do that01:26
sarnoldoh. hrm. "This has already been fixed both in Disco and Cosmic"  :/01:26
sarnoldsolidfox: 'ubuntu-bug gnome-shell', then fill in the webpage that launches01:27
solidfoxoh i have an update for gnome shell01:27
solidfoxlet me try that01:27
solidfoxyeah still happening unfortunately01:32
sarnoldsolidfox: dang. I was hopeful :(01:33
gallomimiathere's a script here that claims to kill such a dialog: https://askubuntu.com/questions/412917/how-to-increase-waiting-time-for-non-responding-programs01:34
sarnoldthe script looks like garbage, but it's an interesting way to try to make this thing less painful01:36
solidfoxi just found ubuntu-bug program01:38
solidfoxit makes it easy to report a problem01:38
gallomimiamaybe you can turn mutter off while doing the debugging01:38
solidfoxSorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad.01:38
solidfoxnvm bug reporting is down too01:38
sarnoldsolidfox: wow.. copy that oops-id down.. try again.. and if it fails a second time, please pop into #launchpad and paste in the oops-ids01:40
solidfoxyeah it has happened twice01:40
solidfoxidk i hope im not bothering them01:40
solidfoxit is linux after all01:40
solidfoxbugs are expected01:40
sarnoldlauchpad folks are usually happy to chase down an oops-id01:41
sarnoldwell,maybe 'happy' isn't quite the right word, but they've never asked me to stop :)01:41
ZeZuC++17  std::filesystem::exists() is broken on my system lol01:55
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eraserpencilaudio seems to be turned off each time i start my laptop. How can i check which process it is that's turning it off?02:48
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friendlyGoathey i was wondering, how would i go about re-enabling my Boot Splash Screen?03:08
friendlyGoati dont want the text anymore, i just want the splash screen but i have no idea how to fix it03:08
sarnoldthe usual way to get text booting is to remove "quiet splash" from your kernel command line; if that sounsd like what you did, edit /etc/default/grub, put them back, then run sudo update-grub03:11
ElliriaHey there, I had an ifconfig command to get my netmask, but my understanding is that Ubuntu no longer uses ifconfig. Is there a new command to get your netmask?03:29
sarnoldElliria: dont go, on phone..03:31
sarnoldElliria: ifconfig can't do the full range of what the linux kernel can do, which is why the ip command is replacing it03:31
sarnoldifconfig is probably still available if you want to install it though03:32
ElliriaOkay, not a problem. I'm just wondering if there's an ip command to get the netmask. Do you happen to know it or another way to get the netmask from the command line?03:32
ElliriaNo, I'd like to do this with default software.03:32
solidfoxman ip03:32
ElliriaI looked at the man page and didn't find it. Is it in there?03:32
solidfoxno :(03:33
sarnoldip addr will dump the thing in CIDR format..03:34
solidfoxthe help for ip command is a bit... complicated03:34
sarnoldmost tools can accept that, so that's easiest :)03:34
solidfoxall them symbols03:34
sarnoldfor a decade or so there wasn't even the bloody docs. just the source. no wonder it's taken twenty years for ip to replace ifconfig :)03:34
ElliriaI used to do ifconfig | grep 'Mask:'| grep -v '' | cut -d: -f4 and am looking for something like that that will get me just the netmask. Is there such a thing nowadays?03:34
ElliriaAll of my Google searches so far are turning up either old instructions using ifconfig or manual instructions for going manually into the router while I'm looking for a quick command.03:35
sarnoldyou can try this? ip a | awk '/^    inet/ {print $2;}'03:36
sarnold(that's four spaces in the awk matching field)03:36
ElliriaThanks, but, sadly, that gave me four lines of information and none of it was the netmask.03:37
ElliriaUnless that last line with all the letters in it is the netmask written in CIDR format, which I'm not familiar with. Is it?03:38
doraomy wifi indicator in xfce broke recently (running 19.04).  Can somebody point me to what I should start looking into?03:38
eraserpencilpulseaudio isnt turning on my speakers on boot. What's a good way to see what is turning it off/ how to turn it off at boot?03:38
eraserpencili mean how to turn it on at boot03:38
jane_laneHave you checked alsamixer for a muted line ?03:40
eraserpencilhmmm, where should i go to check that?03:40
puppetmasterFPUcheck the "session and startup" tool and make sure pulseaudio is loading03:43
leftyfbElliria: ipcalc  $(ip -o addr show dev wlp58s0|awk '/inet / {print $4}')|awk '/Netmask/ {print $2}' # replacing wlp58s0 with your interface... and installing ipcalc03:45
jane_lanealsamixer in a term03:45
leftyfbElliria: unless you can just deal with the CIDR, in which case you don't need to use ipcalc03:45
jane_laneSorry eraserpencil had a issue here had to take care of03:45
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Ellirialeftyfb: Ouch. Are those the only ways?03:47
eraserpenciljane_lane no worries03:48
ElliriaI'm trying to update my static IP tutorial with simple steps anybody can easily follow with software that's installed by default.03:48
leftyfbElliria: what does that have to do with finding your netmask?03:48
ElliriaBecause you must know your netmask in order to choose an IP.03:48
leftyfbElliria: how can you know your netmask if you don't have an ip?03:49
ElliriaYou have an IP.03:49
leftyfbElliria: I don't understand the workflow here03:49
leftyfbElliria: if you have an ip, then why do you need to choose an ip?03:49
ElliriaIt's irrelevant to my request. My request is to find out if I can get my netmask from the command line.03:50
leftyfbElliria: I showed you that above03:50
ElliriaYou don't. But if you want to assign a static IP, you need to properly choose one, in which case you need to know your netmask. But once again, that's irrelevant to my request.03:50
ElliriaYes, thank you. I'm hoping someone will show me how it's done with default software.03:50
leftyfbElliria: setting a static ip based on the ip you get from dhcp is a terrible idea. Especially one on a network where you don't have control over the dhcp server03:51
ElliriaI'm not doing that, leftyfb. I'm instructing others on how to use their netmask to choose a static IP.03:52
leftyfbElliria: ipcalc is the way to go03:52
ElliriaOkay, thank you, leftyfb.03:52
sarnoldElliria: the CIDR is in some sense better than the netmask, because (a) it's only three chars total, rather than 15 (b) mistakes are a thousand times easier to spot with CIDR than with netmasks03:52
leftyfbElliria: it'll show you the dhcp range based on the CIDR which you can get from the ip command I posted above03:52
sarnoldElliria: that's why nearly everything takes CIDR these days03:52
ElliriaWhy is ipcalc not installed by default?03:53
sarnoldonly a handful of people need it03:53
ElliriaInteresting. Thanks, sarnold.03:54
eraserpencilso im loooking at Startup Application Preferences and I believe this application: "Slimbook Battery Autostart" that's causing pulseaudio to turn off. The thing is, I've removed slimbook a while back and not sure why it's still showing up.03:56
eraserpencilI dont see slimbook in htop, ps -aux, or systemctl list of services03:57
friendlyGoatif anyone sees my question, ping me so i can see please04:02
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while123how can I enable vt340 support in the terminal?04:49
jackwhat's vt340?04:50
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Jonno_FTWwhy do thunar and files take so long to delete a directory of files when rm can do it near instantly?04:51
while123jack: its one type of standard governing part of how the terminal works (most seem to be vt220)04:52
puffvt stands for virtual terminal.04:52
while123like how the characters can be colored, escape sequences, etc04:52
puffIt defines what capabilities the terminal has and what escape codes the server sends to the terminal in order to use those capabilities.04:53
while123it seems vt340 supports sixels, but terminal doesn't seem to support them04:53
puffMy favorite being the answerback buffer.04:53
puffI know someone who figured out how to use escape codes to reprogram the answerback buffer on vt100 terminals.04:54
lotuspsychjeJonno_FTW: wich ubuntu version are you on?04:55
artyxusing BB in ubuntu, is there a way to set gpm style clipboard settings for mouse?04:56
Jonno_FTWlotuspsychje: 18.0404:56
artyxLike click/drag == select/copy and right click/middle click == paste04:56
Jonno_FTWlotuspsychje: I assume it's distro independent because it happens on fedora as well04:57
artyxthat right click->copy is a drag04:57
Jonno_FTWprobably just the way that those file managers handle deleting folders recursively04:57
lotuspsychjeJonno_FTW: how about your system specs? ram? hd/ssd? cpu?04:57
Jonno_FTW32gb ram, i7 9700k04:58
Jonno_FTWon a hdd04:58
lotuspsychjeJonno_FTW: that should be plenty, wich flavour of ubuntu?04:58
artyxand how do you delete the files? rm -f? GUI?04:59
lotuspsychjeJonno_FTW: maybe you can try launching thunar from terminal to see whats happening and also htop and a tail -f /var/log/syslog05:00
artyxHow many folder lvls? How many files per folder05:00
* artyx wants to set this up and test ...05:00
Jonno_FTWI think tens of thousands of files05:01
artyxunder each folder?05:01
Jonno_FTWactually, it's the output of scrapy httpcache if you've ever used that05:04
artyxthat helps05:04
Jonno_FTWso there's a folder with hundreds of folders, each has a subfolder with 6 files05:04
artyx=) i'm testing time to remove on disk right now05:04
Jonno_FTWrm -rf httpcache is very fast, thunar takes forever05:05
artyxokay .. i've got 4 levels deep, 10k files per dir, which is a LOT of files05:10
artyxstill creating ... lol05:10
Jonno_FTWthat should be enough05:12
artyxWell i just crashed the gui .. so maybe too much05:14
Jonno_FTWyeah but do it in terminal and it will be quick05:16
artyxwell its 100*100*100*100 dirs with 10k files per 4th lvl05:19
artyxi guess that was too much typing. coulda done with 100^4 .. but that doesnt convey the magnificence of such a shell cmd05:19
artyxonly getting about 50MB/s on the file create. so let this run for a min, and i'll try the file manager... just the default?05:21
artyxJonno_FTW: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://pastedb.io/paste/1cb07b50-fb61-45e7-73e4-63f19ac76d29%2393e42e6bbe69643473a50062e9298e27a5f1eebfaca887c920019d1b258941fb&sa=D&source=hangouts&ust=1560403436294000&usg=AFQjCNFdVLE_0tocmDMQAYDKVL6IeerUAQ05:24
fastfreshHow to skip grub select os menu at boot? I did a clean install, I dont have any other oses05:24
artyxwow .. whats with that crappy link05:24
artyxJonno_FTW: https://pastedb.io/paste/1cb07b50-fb61-45e7-73e4-63f19ac76d29#93e42e6bbe69643473a50062e9298e27a5f1eebfaca887c920019d1b258941fb05:25
artyxis there an easier way of doing that nest i wonder05:25
artyxexcept i have a typo05:26
artyxsomething is not right 12K./087/064/000..100}/testfile_00000..10000.bin05:27
artyxoh d and wow have extra space05:27
artyxOkay .. its running merrily05:32
artyxalmost done with a/a/*/* ... that should be 10k folders05:35
artyxJust using the default file manager, to delete the files. takes about ... half a second to delete... Now thats not purge trash or whatever05:36
artyxlet the full a set finish, and i'll try again05:37
artyxJonno_FTW: Do you use "files" to delete stuff, or some other app ...05:47
Jonno_FTWartyx: I use thunar05:48
artyxadding it.. i wanted to test this slowness05:52
artyxIts 12GB per final directory .. so 12G*100^4 total file space.. wondering if i should have gone wiht smaller files05:52
artyxno, ive got enough.. barely05:53
artyxHoly cow Jonno_FTW.. that is a sLOW app05:55
artyxjust to index 1010203 items .. took awhile05:55
artyxcan't wait to see how big an A level dir takes, since its still populating a/B/* right now05:56
Jonno_FTWjust use rm -rf06:19
BeepBeepJeepHow do I move everything from one partition to a new clean install?06:20
BeepBeepJeepthat way I don't have to reinstall everything06:21
vltBeepBeepJeep: Can you give an example for something you want to move?06:24
BeepBeepJeepI want to move two partitions06:24
BeepBeepJeepmy root and my home dir!06:24
BeepBeepJeepI have two partitions on a drive i want to transfer them to a new drive thats bigger.06:26
jane_laneBeepBeepJeep, although it can be done via dd and or other methods id suggest clonezilla or such liveusb/livedvd to move to the larger drive.06:28
BeepBeepJeepAlright. I'll look into it.06:30
BeepBeepJeepI have a few drives I need to do.06:30
BeepBeepJeepOne after eachother, if the need be!06:30
blackflowBeepBeepJeep: be careful with dd as that will lead to duplication of UUIDs06:32
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gallomimiaoh that's interesting06:56
gallomimiai also have a drive that needs moving. it's a partition on a plain drive, which i want copied inside an LVM and other container. clonezilla and not DD?06:57
vltgallomimia: If you know what you're doing dd (or ddrescue or pv ...) are totally fine.06:58
gallomimiai've used dd quite a few times without shooting myself in the foot06:59
gallomimiabut it's currently booting this system. i've heard bootable partitions don't like that. and i've had trouble with this windows partition on another system07:00
janie_awayIve had alot of luck with dd and ddrescue myself but clonezilla seems to be safer in my opinion. Especially if you use a third disk and make images first as a temporary state incase of errors . Bootsectors and all .07:14
kim_bruningI'm looking for documentation on the default full disk encryption done by the regular ubuntu installer. When googling I keep finding (somewhat older?) documentation on how to do it manually, but I'm looking for how it gets done automatically these days.07:23
kim_bruning https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManualFullSystemEncryption <-  is first ghit, and does explain how to do it manually, but doesn't seem to include what the installer does automatically.07:26
janie_awayA good place to start would be07:27
kim_bruningthe slideshow links on that page looked really promising, but they are currently 404 (were stored on google picasa?)07:31
janie_awayAlso a good read07:32
janie_awaypartman is ubiquity's partitioning feature07:33
kim_bruningfair enough. That might be one piece of the puzzle, but ^f-crypt gets 0 hits. :-/07:33
* kim_bruning is mildly worried that #ubuntu doesn't go "RTFM noob you can find it at ..." and links directly to the relevant document. :-P07:34
kim_bruningI do appreciate your help though ;-)07:34
janie_awayYour asking about the process built into ubiquity the results are basically the same if you do it manually or use the installer. Not sure there is a tell all documentstion for this.07:37
kim_bruninghttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1773457   <- says the documented method is not the one used by the ubuntu installer :-/07:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1773457 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Full-system encryption needs to be supported out-of-the-box including /boot and should not delete other installed systems" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:38
janie_awayThe possible combinations are staggering. The diversity of hardware and software involved is varied to say the least . Partman uses recipe's to derive its stepfeom the hardware combo found in the particular system07:39
kim_bruningfair enough, I guess I can look at the partman code to see what it decided for my system07:39
janie_awayThats a great place to start07:39
kim_bruningin any case (ubuntu 16) seems to indeed have /boot on-the-metal, while it has a lvm pv on /dev/mapper/..._crypt07:40
janie_awayyes even 18.04 is that way07:41
kim_bruningThis is a lot harder than it should be ^^;;;;07:42
janie_awaykernel is needed to decrypt if it is encrypted it becomes even harder to achiev this07:43
janie_awaygrub and kernel live on /boot07:44
kim_bruningWell, I mean just finding the information ;-)07:44
kim_bruningAnd obviously having the kernel unencrypted is nonideal, but that's a different bridge which I'm not going to be crossing today :-P07:44
kim_bruningjanie_away, hmm, would you happen to know where to look for the ubuntu partman (git) repo?07:46
* kim_bruning shall go forth and RTFC07:46
janie_awayits a kernel that exists on most other installs as well even if you encrypted it a usb stick and bootload/kernel combo and the knowledge and you can get around it if your wanting complete id suggest something like truecrypt07:46
kim_bruningNah, I'm just looking for TFM. Having failed that, TFC is fine too.07:47
* kim_bruning is documenting today.07:47
janie_awaybut i get a 40407:50
janie_awayWants login07:50
kim_bruning<_< suspicious07:51
Mava42question: why does my machine have avahi-daemon ?07:52
Mava42this is the only device in the network without any "services" anywhere near inside the firewall. In case I'll remove it - what breaks ?07:52
kim_bruningjanie_away, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/partman-auto/ubuntu/files/677   aha, ubuntu uses bzr, not git . Fiiiine07:55
janie_awayAvahi is mdns/dns-sd aka  apples zeroconfig or bonjour07:56
janie_awaysweet you found it07:56
Mava42janie_away: how so?07:56
janie_awayRegisters local ips and static services07:57
guivercMava42, http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man8/avahi-daemon.8.html or http://avahi.org/  ; from reading those i suspect you'll only have issues as janie_away already stated07:58
Mava42guiverc: thats what I'm expecting to happen as well07:59
janie_awayExplains it pretty well07:59
Mava42yup, better to keep it on08:00
Mava42things likely just work better with it08:01
kim_bruningWelp,I'm out of my timebox for today. if anyone knows more about where ubuntu's default encrypted install is implemented, give me a poke08:01
blackflowkim_bruning: what do you mean "where"?08:01
Krikkehey, did openvpn break for anyone else lately?08:02
Krikkefirst I didn't get dns and then just network unreachable, this setup has been working for 6 months08:03
kim_bruningsorry blackflow... I was just looking for some documentation on how ubuntu's default encrypted install is implemented. (I promised to help out the company's compliance officer. Clever me %-) )08:03
kim_bruningblackflow, I do seem to have some of the source code now (partman-auto) , but that seems to modify an underlying package. That'll take a while to sort out %-P08:04
blackflowkim_bruning: it's a LUKS container atop of which Ubuntu installs LVM atop of which it sets up filesystems. If you need more details, I suppose you'd have to look into the installer source code08:04
kim_bruningblackflow, that was my conclusion too %-/08:04
blackflowkim_bruning: so what kind of detail are you after?08:05
kim_bruningJust basically what it sets up, which luks configuration is used, etc.08:05
kim_bruningare you sure it's not eCryptfs?08:07
blackflowkim_bruning: default one, which is aes xts plain64, sha256 key, default number of iterations08:07
kim_bruningblackflow, Oh, where (did/would) you dinf that info?08:08
blackflowit's a standard LUKS setup08:08
kim_bruningwhere did you find , I mean08:08
blackflowalso obtainable with cryptsetup luksDump after the fact08:08
blackflowkim_bruning: I'd advise you to install Ubuntu in a VM and then inspect all the details of it you want :)08:09
ryusakuhow can i make this rename script (to replace 'v' in several filenames with '0') to work on files with spaces in them? for f in *v*; do mv -v "$f" $(echo "$f" | tr 'v' '0'); done08:09
kim_bruningpay dirt. <3 blackflow08:09
kim_bruningeh I have it installed on the metal, that works too08:10
vltryusaku: Quotes around $() should work.08:10
kim_bruningryusaku,  start with ....  IFS=;for f in *v*;do echo "--->${f}<---"; done08:12
geirhafor f in *v*; do mv -v "$f" "${f//v/0}"; done08:12
kim_bruningOr just do what geirha says :-P08:13
ryusakuvlt : thanks!08:13
ryusakugeirha ; that worked. thank you08:13
ryusakukim_bruning :)08:15
kim_bruningTIL bash supports regex replace ^^;;08:16
geirhait's not regex08:17
Krikkeah lol, something modified my systemd unit file, got it fixed08:17
geirhait uses globs. The only place bash uses regex is with the [[ keyword's =~ operator08:18
kim_bruninggeirha, Heh08:46
kim_bruningThanks for all the help! blackflow janie_away , et al :-)08:46
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bryanroderyckhello ubuntu im having trouble installing over terminal it says "unable to locate package"09:04
puppetmasterFPUwhat are you trying to install?09:05
puppetmasterFPUthat is part of net-tools package09:06
puppetmasterFPUuse "sudo apt install net-tools"09:06
puppetmasterFPUthen you should be able to run ifconfig09:06
bryanroderyckthanks puppetmasterFPU09:09
puppetmasterFPUyou are very welcome09:09
j_cHi anyone using , Ubuntu server 18 with more than 1 NIC cards? I am not able to bring network up on the second NIC09:17
j_csame issue on Ubuntu server 16.04 as well09:18
puppetmasterFPUyou should try #ubuntu-server09:19
puppetmasterFPUmight have better luck in there09:19
j_c@puppetmasterFPU, thanks I will check in #ubuntu-server09:20
puppetmasterFPUno problem. sorry i couldn't help you09:21
j_cI was not aware of IRC, you have pointed me in the right direction. Thanks for you help09:22
SenharaAlright, so yeah, I rebooted, couldn't log in. Chrooted in from the other OS and I think I fixed everything09:40
acebrianjuanHi folks10:09
acebrianjuanI have a question about terminology10:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:10
puppetmasterFPUacebrianjuan: what is your question?10:11
acebrianjuanhow should I refer to the "items" inside the /dev/ directory? devices? ports?10:12
acebrianjuanI know the question is a bit weak10:12
puppetmasterFPUodd question. i've never put any thought into it to be frank10:13
acebrianjuanif I do an ls /dev/ I can see many interfaces like loop null sda tty etc...10:14
acebrianjuanI don't know how should I call these10:14
EriC^^acebrianjuan: they are literally devices, it depends there's block devices character devices etc10:14
puppetmasterFPUwell you need to remember, everything in the linux filesystem structure is considered a file10:15
EriC^^acebrianjuan: block devices read in blocks, characters in characters etc10:15
acebrianjuanEriC^^: ok, how would you tag a tty device? a character device?10:15
EriC^^acebrianjuan: try it yourself10:15
acebrianjuanpuppetmasterFPU: that's true so they really are files in the end10:15
EriC^^ls -l /dev/tty110:15
EriC^^you'll see it starts with a "c" indicating it's a character device10:16
puppetmasterFPUthat's right. everything is a file. that's my point10:16
puppetmasterFPUto ask what is the correct terminology is not an entirely accurate question to start with10:16
acebrianjuanok, so I think it's safe to call them devices10:16
puppetmasterFPUi would dismiss the question10:16
puppetmasterFPUacebrianjuan: that would be a loose answer, but yes10:17
acebrianjuanI am writing a piece of code and wanted to make sure that I named my variables accordingly10:17
EriC^^if you want the most accurate definition, acebrianjuan the files in /dev are either block device files, or character device files10:17
acebrianjuanso that's the reason for making the question10:17
acebrianjuanEriC^^: ok, thank you EriC^^10:18
EriC^^no problem10:18
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/10:29
multifractal16.04 Dell 9365. My cursor keeps freezing/disappearing. Usually it happens after locking and unlocking, but sometimes is happens right in the middle of use. Usually if I just close the lid and reopen it (instead of ctrl+alt+L) the cursor doesn't disappear. The only solution I have is to reboot.10:53
TJ-multifractal: that is likely related to the GPU and drivers, or possibly the compositor10:54
multifractalwhat should i do?10:55
TJ-multifractal: first thing is always to review various log files for hints and clues, kernel log ('dmesg'), /var/log/Xorg.0.log (Xserver), $HOME/.xsession_errors (user session)10:56
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andre144khi all11:29
andre144khow define follow rules in crontab:  1.   each 5minutes between 6am and 7pm do /root/foobar.sh       2. each 15 minutes between 7pm and 6am do /root/foobar.sh11:29
andre144koki founded11:36
ybaumymoin. any ideas on how to run nginx and apache somehow both on port 443. i know this is normally not possible but maybe there is way or tool or something12:07
ybaumyhmm is it possible to use nginx with subdomain routing to different backends? like sub1.domain.com goes to localhost:444 and sub2.domain.com goes to localhost:445 ?12:09
Fuchsybaumy: not on the same IP at least. Why would you want that? Just have one proxy the stuff meant for the other through, either can do that12:09
ybaumyok yea i could get another pub ip too12:10
ybaumyand use that one explictily12:10
ybaumyah ok but it is that easy12:12
sarashinaTJ-: Hello, I bought a Linux-supported USB RJ45 network interface, then install Ubuntu 19.04 again with Internet connection, now nVidia driver + SecureBoot works (And graphic card won't hang shutdown/reboot anymore).12:29
TJ-sarashina: glad to hear that12:30
sarashinaTJ-: Then build this https://github.com/tomaspinho/rtl8821ce , and Wifi works now. Thanks a lot!12:30
TJ-sarashina: :)12:31
sarashinaOh yeah thanks again!12:31
githanohi all12:53
githanoanyone can help me with thrustmaster joys in ubuntu ?12:54
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mike_papaHello, I've installed snap 'nano' in Ubuntu Core 18. It had no permission to access any file. I connected it to nano:home, and now I can read file, but cannot write ("file is unwritable" error at the bottom, and "Permission denied" while trying to write). How do I give snap permission to write?13:15
lotuspsychjemike_papa: if you have software-centre, you can tweak options of snaps there13:18
mike_papalotuspsychje, not in the Ubuntu Core. It's stripped down to bare system core, and just few things to keep it running in network. That's where "core" name comes from.13:19
lotuspsychjemike_papa: allright, not sure myself howto change those in cli13:20
lotuspsychjemike_papa: alternate, with: snap info foo, you can find the snap maintainer in 'contact'13:21
mike_papaI'm not even able to install it with --classic flag: "Warning: flag --classic ignored for strictly confined snap nano"13:21
mike_papaOk... so nano:home connection allows me to read in ~/ and subdirectories, but write in ~/ only, and not in it's subdirectories. No permission to read/write in other folders. :/13:25
mIk3_08sarashina, I have USB RJ45 network interface and it automatically work during installation of ubuntu without any driver installed. But I notice that I only got very low net speed when using it. thus your USB RJ45 network interface driver runs in my USB RJ45 network interface device, will that be possible?13:26
mIk3_08sarashina, I have USB RJ45 network interface and it automatically work during installation of ubuntu without any driver installed. But I notice that I only got very low net speed when using it. thus your USB RJ45 network interface driver runs in my USB RJ45 network interface device, will that be possible?13:26
mike_papalotuspsychje, I did use 'conect nano:home' which gave me r access to ~/ and subfolders, and w access to ~/ only. No access to anything else.13:26
sarashina mIk3_08: No. I bought the one which says it can supported by Linux kernel > 4.15.13:28
mIk3_08sarashina: ah.... I see... so, you don't any driver to be install in your system... Thanks a lot. how was your net speed thu?13:31
mike_papaOk. Got it. I had to install it in dev mode by 'snap install --devmode nano'13:33
qwertrtuttupulseaudio-equalizer can work in ubuntu-mate?  i insstalled through synaptic pulseaudio-equalizer, no ico: '/bin/qpaeq' There was an error connecting to pulseaudio, please make sure you have the pulseaudio dbus module loaded, exiting... What to do with this, or other equalizer for 19.10? /bin/qpaeq when start = There was ...13:43
cfhowlett19.10 isn't supported yet as it's still in development13:44
qwertrtuttu pulseaudio-equalizer can work in ubuntu-mate 19.04?13:44
cfhowlett!ubuntu+1 | qwertrtuttu13:44
ubottuqwertrtuttu: Eoan Ermine is the codename for Ubuntu 19.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+113:44
qwertrtuttui say this in irc channel ubuntu-mate.13:45
mike_papaWhich snap do you recommend for python3? I can see two with 3.6.4 version. By arun and jamesh.13:47
mike_papa3.7 not available at all :(13:48
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epizefiri89hallo there14:18
marcoagpintoguys?! What is it with this messages "blah blah is ready"?14:19
epizefiri89i'm using ubuntu budgie and i would like to have nautilus as file manager AND desktop icons. I installed nautilus and I set it as default file manager.. but i don't have the icons on the desktop. How to set that?14:19
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leftyfbmarcoagpinto: you'll need to provide more context14:36
marcoagpintoleftyfb: well, I opened a program and it said it was ready14:37
marcoagpintoalso, when I copy files from a folder to other or so it says it is ready14:38
leftyfbmarcoagpinto: what program? Where are you seeing this exactly? got a pastebin or a screenshot?14:38
marcoagpintoI have turned off the other computer14:38
marcoagpintotomorrow I will do a print screen14:38
marcoagpintobecause it is annoying "blah blah is ready"14:39
leftyfb!enter | marcoagpinto14:39
ubottumarcoagpinto: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.14:39
marcoagpintoahhhh... yes... I know... sorry... I am just a little demon14:40
sgt_chucklesHow do I make categories for apps in the GNOME app drawer the same way apps such as  "Utilities" and "Office" are?14:45
leftyfbsgt_chuckles: try menulibre14:50
sgt_chucklesleftyfb: thanks14:51
harusuarezWhy is using Ubuntu 14.04.6?15:08
harusuarezI am using that15:08
nfakhirharusuarez: what do you mean ?15:10
harusuarezmmm. I saying the version of Ubuntu i using15:10
lotuspsychjeharusuarez: 14.04 is end of life, not supported anymore15:10
harusuarezsorry nfakhir15:10
harusuarezmm. Yes. That is correct15:11
nfakhirWhats your question ?15:12
harusuarezOk, i enter now15:14
harusuarezok. I use Ubuntu 14.04.6 because that is low space required15:15
harusuarezalso else?15:15
transhumanisthi! How do I tell the difference between packages required to build a piece of software (in this case cuda/opencv/darknet/darkflow) and packages required to run this group of software. I know after a compile is complete I can safely delete *dev packages but I am sure this is not fully encompassing. Is there a way to tell? trial and error is a painful process15:16
Sven_vBhi! I wrote an ISO to a USB flash drive that was larger, so gparted recommended I move the backup GPT to the end of the disk. it also warned the backup GPT is broken and I might want to overwrite it with the primary GPT. I chose "fix" for both. the position issue seems to be gone, but still, whenever I open the disk in gparted or gdisk, I get the warning about a corrupt GPT. I even created a new empty GPT with gdisk, wrote it and still15:16
Sven_vBget the warning. any ideas?15:16
transhumanistthis is inside a docker container15:17
Forty-3is there a standard way to modify a file tracked by dpkg such that edits are preserved across updates?15:17
sgt_chucklesI have this issue after I uninstalled and re-installed my Nvidia driver, where my system would freeze momentarily (about 5 secs) whenever opening windows or menus.15:18
sgt_chucklessometimes longer. Does anyone else have this issue when updating/reinstalling the nvidia driver?15:18
harusuarezmmm. Ok. Ubuntu also can burned in CD/DVD / USB15:18
harusuarezand... Can protect the user with a usb15:18
EriC^^Sven_vB: try to dd the start and end of the disk then gdisk a new partition table15:18
lotuspsychjeharusuarez: who are you talking to?15:18
harusuarezfor example. pamUSB15:18
harusuarezI use a USB to protect my laptop15:19
Sven_vBEriC^^, how many KB at the end should I erase?15:19
EriC^^Sven_vB: erase like 10M at the start 10M at the end, why not15:19
harusuarezRight now. That channel is safe, i don't like toxic peoples15:20
harusuarez... Two hardran3?15:20
harusuarezI am inside again15:26
eelstreboris there  something i can do to place an indicator on the app icon in the dashboard to indicate that the app is running? especially when an app isn't visible because another launched app is hiding it? just a convenience kind of thing15:41
Sven_vBlooks like the last few sectors of my USB disk are a null device for writing and /dev/zero for reading.15:41
Sven_vBI'll check which is the last sector that retains data and then try and resize it.15:42
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Sven_vBjust tested with a quality drive, no problem there. I'll deal with the cheap one some other day.15:52
qwertrtuttufor ubuntu have other equalizer except  pulseaudio-equalizer?15:58
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mojikunhello. is the casper live system ubuntu specific? or can i use it to add persistence to my non ubuntu live system as well?16:02
leftyfbmojikun: casper is not ubuntu-specific16:07
harusuarezcasper is a ubuntu module .. :)16:07
leftyfbharusuarez: no, it's not.16:08
harusuarezmmm. why?16:09
leftyfbharusuarez: what do you need help with?16:09
mojikunleftyfb, it needs a system using the same initramfs tools from what i understande16:10
harusuarez... I am trying help to otherp peoples leftyfb16:10
mojikunfor example wont work in fedora which uses dracut to make initramfs16:10
leftyfbmojikun: you'll need to seek support from your other distro.16:11
harusuarezubuntu is a global community16:11
mojikunleftyfb, you are the tool makers16:11
marcoagpintoleftyfb: https://i.imgur.com/VJL1Oe9.png16:11
DevAntoineIn my fstab I've got the following line: /home/vagrant/dartagnan/composer/vendor /vagrant/dartagnan-api/vendor/ none bind 0 016:11
marcoagpintoI turned on the laptop just to printscreen16:11
mojikunso i think the question is accurate. on the use of this tool and where it applies16:11
harusuarezYes mojikun Fedora IRC, not Ubuntu IRC, try to connect to that16:11
DevAntoineIf I do "sudo mount -a" the bind mount doesn't work.16:11
harusuarezHi DevAntonie16:11
DevAntoineIf I redo "mount --bind /foo /bar" it works.16:11
DevAntoineWhat am I missing?16:12
mojikunharusuarez, yeah and go ask them about a tool they didnt make, casper. good idea. also fedora was an example16:12
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!16:12
leftyfbmojikun: Sorry, but we can only support Ubuntu here16:12
lotuspsychjeplease stick to ubuntu support questions here16:12
marcoagpintoit is annoying these "blah blah is ready" messages16:13
leftyfbmojikun: we cannot support using Ubuntu packages on other distros16:13
lotuspsychjemarcoagpinto: focus on questions only and patient please16:13
marcoagpintolotuspsychje: sorry16:13
qwertrtuttuhumor: creative help me, give me equalizer for audio for ubuntu-mate.16:14
TJ-DevAntoine: does the entry (in fstab) depend on some other mount(s) being ready first? Ordering may be an issue16:15
leftyfbmarcoagpinto: https://superuser.com/questions/644850/disable-window-is-ready-notification-in-gnome-shell16:15
marcoagpintoleftyfb: ohhhhh.... it can be disabled?16:16
DevAntoineTJ-: https://gist.github.com/devantoine/2e26373ec7b695c2f23d77f57c013ba716:17
paqmake -v says qt416:18
pahow can i switch to qt5 qmake by default?16:18
pai mean it says Using Qt version 4.8.7 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu16:19
TJ-DevAntoine: you're missing the "auto" option. That is included with a "defaults" but you've only got "bind" there, so you want "defaults,bind" or "auto,bind" - check "man fstab" for what 'default' includes16:22
DevAntoinehum, adding "defaults,bind" doesn't work either after trying to remount everything :/16:25
DevAntoineAnyone, got to go to a kafka conference, I'll have a look at it tomorrow.16:25
Sven_vBany idea how I could mount the 3rd partition of the Super GRUB disk? "sudo file --special-files /dev/sdc3" says "/dev/sdc3: Macintosh HFS Extended version 4 data", gparted shows file system "hfs+", but "hpmount: /dev/sdc3: This is not a HFS+ volume (Unknown error -1)" and "hmount: /dev/sdc3: not a Macintosh HFS volume (Invalid argument)"16:25
srjii am having a serious wifi issue, it seems the firmware keeps `disturbing` the kernel? it happends when i am trying to set the laptop to suspend mode. https://gitlab.com/snippets/186591216:28
srjiim not experienced in reading logfiles16:29
srjiit seems to the kernel is trying to wake up the device, and then trying to suspend it again?16:29
srjiit is already the newest firmware installed16:30
srjiit only stops when i restart the device16:31
longus_catussrji: Can you upgrade the firmware on your wifi card?16:31
srjii already did16:32
srjithe newest firmware is installed16:32
Sven_vBsrji, what are the symptoms that make the issue a problem? does it block you machine from entering standby?16:33
TJ-srji: ACPI issuw; try this: https://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html16:33
ZeZuanyone on disco want to test something real quick?  I'm thinking it's a glibc bug16:34
marcoagpintoleftyfb: Buaaaaaaaa.... I read the whole comments and it says zero... it seems I have to install an extension of some kind... should I open a enhancement request in LaunchPad to allow to remove that message?16:34
ZeZuifso: https://wandbox.org/permlink/qblNZgnbSifs6gvU16:35
leftyfbmarcoagpinto: there's an extension you can use, or manual editing of a file or gnome-tweak. All of which are explained in the post I gae you. That is the opposite of "says zero"16:35
ZeZubuild w. -std=c++17 and pass it a file, it segfaults16:35
marcoagpintowell, after I read the comments, the information was zero16:36
marcoagpintoI didn't understand anything16:36
Sven_vBwow. that acpi_osi discrimination reeks of anti-trust.16:37
marcoagpintobut I am Windows guy, isn't it? :)16:37
marcoagpintoI am a*16:37
srjiSven_vB: correct. it blocks the device from entering in suspend mode16:37
Sven_vBsrji, in case fixing the ACPI won't work (easily), you could also try disabling the internal antenna and plugging a USB antenna. if that one blocks standby as well, you can just unplug it before.16:40
ZeZuidk where to report, gnu.org || ubuntu :  maybe not that many things use C++17 filesystem but it's pretty serious if everything using this function will crash16:41
Sven_vBthat was my workaround for when I had ath9k problems :)16:41
srjiSven_vB: i will try to understand the acpi thing, and fix it16:47
Sven_vBZeZu, I can't get that site to work in my browser. do you have a plain text link, gist or sth.?16:50
ZeZuI don't want to paste as it's like 8+ lines, and it's already on pastebin16:51
transhumanisthow do I tell apt install to use a repository as a last resort only?16:55
Sven_vBZeZu, ok so your bug is that on Disco Dingo, building this source http://web.archive.org/web/20190612165347if_/https://pastebin.com/raw/e0gtvBeF with gcc -std=c++17 causes a segfault?16:56
ZeZurunning the application by passing it a filename causes a segfault16:56
ZeZumore specifically:  std::filesystem::exists() segfaults16:56
Sven_vBdoes it work for other filesystem functions?16:56
ZeZuI didn't check,  i only went with the first issue and tried to debug it16:57
ZeZufound same behaviour on every compiler: indicating it's the libc(++)16:57
Sven_vBdoes it segfault even if the binary is in / and you make it test for it's own existence? (to avoid any file system issues like FUSE stuff)16:58
Sven_vBin that case, have you tried with an older libc?16:58
ZeZuIt segfaults no matter what you pass it,  as long as there is a param16:59
ZeZuno i have not,  how is that done ?16:59
ZeZu( IE: I forget if there are other dev versions of libc on the repo,  i know all the bins will be built with the current one )16:59
Sven_vBcan you try make it print the filename before it tries to check exists? to make sure it's not a string conversion problem16:59
ZeZualready did,  I only made the demo this way to keep it simple17:00
Sven_vBas for how to test with an older libc, someone else please help.17:00
ZeZuI mean i know _how_ I just have no real desire to rebuild glibc,  and I know it's worked in the past.  There has been C++17 support for a while now :)17:02
ZeZuI guess the question is whether it's specific to ubuntu on this version17:03
lordcirthtranshumanist, why do you need that?17:04
adamitschMy computer froze and since then doesnt work with nvidia drivers anymore, only with  nouveau. Is my gpu faulty?17:04
adamitschtried reinstalling different drivers, but no luck17:05
ZeZuprob not if it works w. nouveau17:05
ZeZutry installing a different driver version if you want to use nvidia17:05
ZeZupurge your current nvidia driver version completely, and reinstall another version17:05
adamitschBut also in windows it boots with small resolution and with warning sign in device manager17:06
adamitschWith nvidia drivers it doesnt boot, i am just getting many xid errors in dmesg17:06
ZeZuthen yes it is possible it's the hardware17:07
ZeZuyou haven't changed any settings in bios ?17:07
ZeZuor added any other new hardware?17:07
adamitschI had random freezes during playing games, but with the last freeze it got worse17:08
TJ-ZeZu: which library package is needed that contains the filesystem class? I was trying to test on 18.04 but don't have it17:08
ZeZuyou just need to build w. -std=c++1717:09
ZeZuthere is no other package needed17:09
ZeZuit's just hidden in another include dir path17:09
TJ-ZeZu: I am of course!17:09
TJ-I did a "apt-file search filesystem.h" and didn't spot any package obviously containing the header17:10
ZeZuwhat version is set as your default (cc) ?17:10
ZeZuThis is a fresh disco install w. 'build-essential'17:10
ZeZuso gcc 8.3017:11
TJ-ZeZu: ahhh!, does it need 8 ?17:11
ZeZusomeone just told me this works w. gcc-9 , which is very confusing17:11
ZeZusince it would use the same glibc17:11
ZeZug++-9 does indeed work,  and it has an updated libstdc++-9-dev with it17:18
ZeZudefinitely a bug17:18
=== enko-h is now known as enko
TJ-ZeZu: check the changelog it may mention it17:20
jackwow wtf...is gcc at v9 now?17:20
ZeZuIf it were known you'd think it would get a patch17:20
ZeZubroken libc is bad business17:21
TJ-ZeZu: hehehe fun here; I get a linker error17:25
TJ-ahhh, needed to include the lib g++-8 -v -std=c++17 -o test test.cpp -lstdc++fs17:29
TJ-ZeZu: and it works!17:30
TJ-ZeZu: I'm on amd64; cannot make it fail17:30
Oderushi. i just updated my system, and now afterward, (19.04 by the way) it wants to revert to an earlier version of a certain package. I had this package locked in muon, and when i try to unlock it, it acts like it unlocked it but really it did not. What do I do?17:36
ZeZuTJ-, did you build your system ?17:37
ZeZuI have two other people telling me it fails17:37
Oderusi will simplify.. how do I unlock a package in muon that I have previously locked? When I try to unlock it, it doesn't work?17:40
ZeZuTJ-, and you are passing it a file?  ( the output should be 'file exists' if so)17:41
pragmaticenigmaOderus: Are you sure that the package was originally locked to begin with?17:43
Oderuspragmaticenigma: yes. I had locked it because the updated version had a bug. Now there is a newer update, but I cannot unlock the package in order to update it. I tried installing the newer version with apt and it did install, but immediately after running apt get update && apt get full-upgrade, it wanted to downgrade it back.17:45
Oderuspragmaticenigma: the package in question is libkf5globalaccelprivate517:46
pragmaticenigmaOderus: is there an entry in /etc/apt/preferences folder?17:52
Oderuspragmaticenigma: there does appear to be some files, and one by the name of the package in question, in /etc/apt/preferences.d/17:54
Sven_vBis muon good? I heard they decay quickly ;)17:55
Oderuspragmaticenigma: however, the file is 0 bytes17:55
pragmaticenigmaOderus: if you remove the file (or ideally move it out of that directory) the run "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade" the package should upgrade17:55
Oderuspragmaticenigma: thank you, this did the trick. can I now safely delete the moved file?17:57
pragmaticenigmaYes, the fact the file was empty is strange. That file normally would have the package name, the desired pinned version in it17:59
pragmaticenigmaOderus: https://serverfault.com/a/435416 is where I found the answer17:59
Forty-3how can I preserve edits to a file tracked by dpkg across updates18:00
Oderuspragmaticenigma: thank you so much. I did search around for how to remove hold on a package, and did do that with apt-mark unmark, but I didnt come across this answer. much appreciated.18:01
pragmaticenigmaOderus: I had to think a little out of the box in my search... mainly, I opted for "ubuntu lock package version" and that was one of the results with a command line solution18:02
Forty-3looks like dpkg-divert does what I want18:03
Oderuspragmaticenigma: you definately thought outside of the box, it did not occur to me at all heh18:04
TJ-ZeZu: standard 18.04 amd64, program works fine18:04
TJ-ZeZu: see http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2RGPGCcfqm/18:14
miaHey channel - how can I install the latest version of gnome on ubuntu 18.04 stable?18:15
TJ-mia: you want to make it unstable?18:16
TJ-mia: if you want the latest version you need to use a rolling-release distro, or try Ubuntu 19.0418:16
miaTJ-, I don't care much at all - I just want to test it as an addition to my current stable gnome shell18:17
miaHm, should I / can I update my 18.04 to that18:17
TJ-mia: not without doing a custom build of Gnome, no18:17
ZeZuI did not know that was a thing | required in any way ..18:32
ZeZuif they are going to make a completely separate lib,  to something that links in automatically as part of the language : there should be a big flashing neon sign somewhere imo18:33
ZeZuI get no link error,  just a segfault if i don't use it18:33
ZeZuso imo it's still a bug :P18:33
ghutzriopI have a broken ubuntu 1804 in virtualbox on windows. It is set to auto login an only shows a purple screen with nothing on it. how can I switch to a tty?18:33
ZeZudepending on how you want to look at it18:33
ZeZuctrl + alt + f118:34
ZeZuor maybe it's just ctrl+f1 i forget18:34
ghutzriopit should be ctrl+alt+f*, but it doesn't do a thing18:35
ZeZuweird,  some of them work here18:36
mmysticHi, I'd like a more hardened chromium apparmor profile. Anyone know if are there such kind of things already done ?18:36
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mmysticfor example, the default chromium profile leave the home dir opened to chrome ... and also it can access to /bin/ps18:36
mmysticI don't want such kind of things18:37
sarnoldmmystic: while many users have significantly tighter profiles, I don't think any are distributed in any formal way18:37
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mmysticthen I have to manually edit the existing one ?18:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1821920 in apparmor (Ubuntu) "apparmor-profiles installs the chromium-browser profile but not the abstraction" [High,Fix released]18:39
sarnoldmmystic: I believe you could also write one with the tighter rules that you'd like, and *stack* the profiles together, to get the intersection of the two, but if some silly program launches chromium-browser directly, it'd probably not get the stacking..18:39
mmysticsarnold: nice idea18:41
mmysticI'll try18:42
sarnoldmmystic: here we are.. give this a skim https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor/wikis/AppArmorStacking18:43
TJ-ZeZu: when you built did you use the -v (verbose) flag - that warns of missing symbols, which clues you in the librariary is required18:47
ZeZuprob not,  how would it link though?18:47
ZeZujust doesn't make sense there18:48
ZeZuso still the logic holds that it's broken18:48
TJ-ZeZu: here, without linking the library: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SB2Djr2qTX/18:49
TJ-ZeZu: you're using the Filesystem *library* hence you have to link it in!18:50
ZeZuit's part of libc++ !18:50
ZeZuit is standard C++ as of `1718:51
ZeZuthere are no pieces to the c++ std lib18:51
TJ-ZeZu: no, it's part of the standard BUT requires linking, see end of https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/filesystem18:51
ZeZuAND i do not get those errors at link time18:51
TJ-ZeZu: see Notes18:51
ZeZuno error18:52
ZeZubuilds and doesn't work18:52
ZeZunot even a warning18:52
ZeZuso that just doesn't hold true18:52
ZeZuif it wasn't in the lib, it wouldn't link18:52
ZeZuit's in and doesn't work18:53
ZeZufurther proof is that it works fine in newer versions18:53
ZeZuand works fine on windows, and works fine on bsd18:53
TJ-ZeZu: have you checked the symbols in the binary?18:57
ZeZuvia what ldd ?18:57
ZeZui'm sure they are there,  what is to check exactly ?18:57
TJ-ZeZu: objdump or whatever, for linked-in symbols18:57
TJ-ZeZu: also, is it possible you've got the original Boost filesystem libraries installed?18:57
ZeZuyep they are there and fine18:57
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ZeZuboost would have to be included in and has different headers18:58
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ZeZuso no18:58
ZeZuthis is just the test,  what you see is what you get18:58
TJ-ZeZu: well, not sure then, but I've shown on 18.04 and having to add g++ 8 for this (so no other artifacts existing) it builds fine with the library specified18:58
pragmaticenigmaHello Patrezze19:01
ZeZuTJ-, that tells me that your packages are not the same,  as this is on 19.04 and act differently19:07
ZeZuif there was a link error,  at least someone would have to go hunt the problem down why it wouldn't link in and after much searching maybe find that there is a separate libstdc++19:08
ZeZuas it is now,  anyone who builds a C++ source that uses this,  it links then just crashes19:08
ZeZu(upon running) : with no explanation19:08
TJ-ZeZu: I've got a 19.04 here, I'll test it19:09
PatrezzeTJ-: Hi, the problem abount ethernet card persists. I do this and its not work -> <TJ-> Patrezze: well, you can turn it off manually and see if that helps, but not sure if you can do that from boot-time easily. E.g. "ethtool --offload enp4s0 gro off"19:12
TJ-ZeZu: 19.04, see https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3kvrKPm5bt/19:13
TJ-Patrezze: vaguely yes; I wondered if the issue were GRO19:14
ZeZuTJ-, that's very odd,  considering two other people have confirmed it.  Maybe you have a diff version of gcc set as default ?19:14
ZeZu'g++ (Ubuntu 8.3.0-6ubuntu1) 8.3.019:14
Budgiiis there a way to clone my system so I can put it on a VM instead?19:15
* ZeZu shrugs, the full project is using CMAKE and i'm not about to add a ton of logic to check version #'s and see if i need to use some branch of a specific libstdc++ on a specific distro because it is buggy19:16
ZeZuI'll add a subnote somewhere:  if you try to build in ubuntu it'll prob crash, link manually w. -lstdc++fs19:17
TJ-ZeZu: which g++ version were you using that failed? 9?19:20
ZeZug++ (Ubuntu 8.3.0-6ubuntu1) 8.3.019:20
TJ-so same one19:20
ZeZu9 works fine (w.o -lstdc++fs)19:20
ZeZuso i'm just switching to it I guess,  I want clang to link by default to that version of libstdc++ tho ; grr19:21
ZeZuor it's own libc++19:21
miaHey channel19:32
Budgiihi mi19:32
miaI've installed elementary os desktop - pantheon - just to test on my ubuntu installation but it somehow messed up my gnome settings19:32
miaHow can I restore my gnome settings --- or fix it19:32
miaI was already using vanilla gnome session19:32
miaso I don't think I need to fix the ubuntu-packed gnome19:32
PatrezzeTJ-: the issue where unplug/plug cable to active interface. When reboot the system, does not work until unplug/plug again.19:33
gvvg_Hi - I'm trying to figure out what is triggering the RDNS_NONE=4 from these headers19:37
tomreyna spamassassin rule19:39
gvvg_but I've tried reverse dns lookups for all the servers and they all have reverse dns setup19:41
tomreynthen your #ubuntu-server (hint!) is not configured to do RDNS lookups properly19:42
gvvg_oh where should I look at19:50
miaHey all19:50
miathere was a command to select a gtk css file19:50
miaI think I somehow broke my default gnome theme, what was the command to fix that?19:50
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miaI was using vanilla gnome on ubuntu, and today I wanted to test elementary-desktop, didn't like i,t, uninstalled it -- but now my gnome settings are all messed up.  I did "sudo apt install --reinstall gnome-shell" that didn't fix the problems. Specifically themes/fonts and certain behavior are broken. I also can't enable tray icons any more with any extensions. So I need to fix it --- any help is much appreciated20:11
sarnoldprobably removing files or directories in ~/.config/ that look related to gnome or gtk or cairo or fonts etc would be a good start20:12
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miasarnold, didn't help --- I've deleted pretty much every file under .config, that's modified today20:18
miaWhat else can this be?20:18
miais there any way to make a clean install of gnome-shell somehow20:18
sarnoldmia: don't look at directory modification times, those don't get updated when files get updated20:19
miasarnold, ah I see20:20
escimoAnyone know why nginx is only on 1.14 (18.04 LTS)?20:20
sarnoldescimo: 1.14 was the newest stable release from nginx when 18.04 was released20:21
escimoShould be updated even so, right?20:22
leftyfb!latest | escimo20:23
ubottuescimo: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.20:23
sarnoldescimo: no; ubuntu's not a rolling release, we almost never bring in new versions from upstream. firefox and chromium-browser are obvious counter-examples, but nearly everything else gets only bugfixes after release20:24
escimoSo would manually need to update openssl as well, in order to support TLS 1.320:25
sarnoldescimo: we released a new openssl 1.1.1 yesterday for that20:25
sarnold(it's been a very painful reminder why we don't do new versions)20:26
hggdhand still giving more reminders, methinks20:26
sarnoldescimo: this describes some of the work in the openssl 1.1.1 in bionic process https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssl/+bug/179738620:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1797386 in python-tornado (Ubuntu Bionic) "[SRU] OpenSSL 1.1.1 to 18.04 LTS" [Undecided,Fix committed]20:27
swillsi was about to ask about an openssl issue, lol20:29
swillswhere can i find the list of versions and release dates for a given package, openssl in this case?20:30
sarnoldswills: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssl/+publishinghistory20:31
escimoWell, I will have to check if I am affected by the bugs. I need TLS 1.3 - All the software running on the server supports TLS 1.3, so shouldn't be an issue20:31
swillsasking google these things seems impossible, lol20:31
escimoAnd thanks for getting support for it 👍20:31
sarnoldswills: from the 'main' openssl package page, the 'view full publishing history' link in upper right gets you that page https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssl20:31
sarnoldescimo: indeed, many people wanted tls 1.3 :) it's a wonderful change from previous tls version rollouts that took years :(20:32
stavrosI have a Bluetooth headset but the HSP profile has very low quality. With the A2DP profile, the microphone doesn't work. How can I have both, like with my mobile?20:32
swillsso all bionic was moved from openssl 1.1.0 to 1.1.1, am i understanding right?20:32
swillsi really wish i could filter that publishing history page by os release20:33
sarnoldswills: hold on, I think that's possible too20:34
raijinso how do you build a kernel on 18.04? the wiki is telling me to editconfigs but fakeroot is saying there's no such20:34
sarnoldswills: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/amd64/libssl1.120:35
sarnoldswills: it's on binary packages rather than source packages20:36
swillssarnold: thanks. bit hard to find, but maybe it's because i'm new to di20:37
swillsand i'm kinda confused by the data still, but working through it20:37
sarnoldswills: I've been here over six years and found this page like a month ago. and I have no idea how to *navigate* to this page, I just have this pattern stored in a wikipage: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/<rel>/<arch>/<binary>20:38
swillsi'm glad we agree on the difficulty of finding the info, i guess? :)20:38
swillsam i right in understanding that 1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.1 came out and then was quickly replaced by 1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.2 like a day later?20:38
raijinHi mouses20:41
raijinmouses: ever build a kernel in ubuntu?20:41
raijinthis is why I run arch20:41
swillssarnold: ^20:41
mousesraijin: yes20:41
sarnoldswills: the .2 version is apparently still in -proposed20:41
swillssarnold: i see, thanks20:41
swills          2019-06-12 17:28:22 UTC     Published             Ubuntu Bionic amd64          proposed     main     libs            Important                        1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.220:42
swillsmakes me think .2 was published?20:42
raijinmouses: the wiki has me stuck at fakeroot 'debian/rules editconfigs' which doesn't seem to work on 18.0420:42
sarnold'published' to the proposed pocket in this case20:42
swillsi see20:42
mousesraijin: it's been many years since i've done that on a ubuntu system, so I won't be much help20:42
swillswhat's a pocket?20:42
swillsbesides where you keep your wocket20:42
raijinmouses: oh ok, thanks for the answer anyway20:42
swillsi have "things" that are breaking with the new openssl20:44
swillscan i perhaps lock the package during my preseed, then upgrade everything else?20:45
miaokay I've created this if anyone wants to help. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56570114/gnome-settins-are-messed-up-after-installation-of-elementary-desktop20:46
sarnoldswills: updates, security, proposed are pockets20:46
gt8ost4ldoes anybody here know how to open /etc/default/grub with gedit on ubuntu 19.0421:04
leftyfbgt8ost4l: what did you try?21:04
gt8ost4lgedit admin:///21:04
jeremy31gt8ost4l: gedit admin:///etc/default/grub should work21:06
jeremy31gt8ost4l: or do> sudo nano /etc/default/grub21:06
gt8ost4ljeremy31: i dont like nano its to cluttered21:07
JonopolySo i've got an SSD and HDD21:07
JonopolyIf i dualboot linux would it be on HDD?21:08
leftyfbJonopoly: it depends on what drive you install ubuntu to21:08
CoffeeCattleGnome MPV's documentation says you can change the input file in the preferences. The preferences no longer seem to exist in the latest ubuntu. Does this mean the input also can no longer be customised?21:08
Jonopolyleftyfb: Oh so i could ideally just partition 250GB on my HDD21:08
Jonopolyleftyfb: and just install it on there21:09
leftyfbJonopoly: sure? Though, you really should provide more context21:09
Jonopolyleftyfb: Okay, so i've got a gaming laptop (250gb ssd, 1tb HDD 8gb Ram) I want to dual boot linux as i mostly use linux but i want windows too so my son can play some games and maybe VR21:10
leftyfbJonopoly: ok?21:10
jeremy31gt8ost4l: you could always use pkexec, see http://www.webupd8.org/2015/03/how-to-run-gedit-and-nautilus-as-root.html21:13
rud0lfthere's /usr/share/doc/nvidia-driver-418/index.html .. how should i open it properly? just paste filename into browser?21:13
Jonopolyleftyfb: Uh more context? So i think i should install ubuntu onto the 1tb ...?21:14
leftyfbJonopoly: technically you can install Ubuntu to either one. It's your choice21:14
qwebirc95665if i check the status of a systemctl service and get a (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE) on a line, does that mean it crashed at this line of code? Would that mean my server crashes on ExecStop even i tried the start command?21:16
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Sven_vBis there a kernel command line option to disable AHCI and use something older instead?21:21
jackprobably something in the sourcecode...21:23
gallomimiai.... isn't that a motherboard option? bios21:25
gallomimiaJonopoly, how is your endeavor going? i'm going to do the same. my ssd got swapped out... it's a 500gig and i partitioned it21:26
gallomimiahaving trouble moving the windows partition from the platter drive. i think i will fresh install it.21:26
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Sven_vBSo I read I can set satamd=ide in /etc/mount/conf.cfg but that's only for mounting stuff, right? My problem is that Samsung Magician (their SSD update tool) doesn't seem to detect AHCI mode disks.21:32
Sven_vBnope unfortunately my BIOS doesn't offer that option. would have been too easy.21:32
jacki'd say dig the kernelcode21:33
gallomimiawhich samsung drive are you planning to update?21:37
gallomimiai've also had problems with samsung and their lack of support for linux, evo840's with trim bug21:37
Sven_vBI don't remember the name exactly but it wasn't an evo. :)21:39
MrKeunerhi, how can I install the default kernel distributed with 18.04?21:48
MrKeunerlivepatch fails with 4.1821:48
MrKeunerhow can I find the meta package name21:50
timClicksMrKeuner: if you have an Ubuntu Advantage subscription, you should be able to access help via support.canonical.com21:50
MrKeunertimClicks, I don't think I have that21:50
MrKeunerBut if my question is offtopic sorry for that21:51
timClicksMrKeuner: I don't think it's offtopic21:52
artyxJonno_FTW: that funar delete took AGES ... still going21:53
artyxIncidentally, it also takes ages on ssd21:53
TJ-MrKeuner: we've been getting quite a few reports of livepatch failing recently21:54
MrKeunerTJ-, the FAQ page error points to states it would only work for 4.1521:55
MrKeunerI couldn't decide how to get back to the distribution suggested kernel version. Cannot figure out the meta package name to install21:55
TJ-MrKeuner: makes sense I suppose, if we theorise that livepatch is only been applied to LTS kernels, but I'd have thought HWE was supported to21:55
TJ-MrKeuner: the livepatch docs say only the GA kernels, so 4.15 and 4.421:57
TJ-MrKeuner: to remove the HWE kernels you'd need to remove "linux-generic-hwe*" and then the actual linux-4.18.0* that depends on21:59
miamy tray icons are missing after elementary-desktop installation21:59
miaI uninstalled it from my ubuntu but they're still gone :(21:59
miaFor hours I've been looking for a solution desperetaly, but, not able to find one.22:00
miaANY ideas would worth a try at this point.22:00
TJ-MrKeuner: this'll show you what you want: " apt-cache depends linux-generic-hwe-18.04 linux-image-generic-hwe-18.04 "22:00
signalsouttheres litterally nothing you can do.22:01
TJ-mia: create a new user and log-in as it, see if that is OK. If it is, the problem is in the user's $HOME/.config/ or $HOME/.local/ or $HOME/.cache/22:01
nshirehas anyone used their ubuntu computer as a hotspot/ad hoc network?22:56
nshireall the guides I've read say they need to disconnect from the wifi first, but I want to share that wifi connection from my laptop but using my own ssid/password22:56
nshireie: connect to a router with my laptop, then allow other devices to connect to the laptop which gets routed through the first connection22:57
nshireI have no problem doing it in windows, but afaik no one does it for ubuntu..22:58
jeremy31nshire dont use ad-hoc, adroid devices will ignore it.  I think the github project is called create_ap22:58
jeremy31nshire: https://github.com/oblique/create_ap22:59
nshirelooks promising22:59
nshireall the examples only show bridging between wlan and ethernet, does it really work with just wifi?23:00
jeremy31nshire: It might not be really fast but it does work with just one wifi adapter23:01
nshiresomehow I'm able to get at least a hundred mbit when I do it23:02
nshireat least in windows23:02
jeremy31nshire: I didn't use it a lot in Ubuntu, just enough to say that it does function23:03
nshirethat should be fine then, thx23:03
gallomimiahey what is everyone's favorite method of monitoring temperatures and fanspeeds in ubuntu vanilla 19.04?23:09
gallomimiai have to get some of those going now23:09
Bashing-omgallomimia: What shows ' inxi -s ' ?23:09
nshireI used lm-sensors in ubuntu 1823:10
gallomimiame too23:10
gallomimiaBashing-om, it says not found, install it23:10
gallomimialm-sensors was just a library iirc. not a method of displaying graphically23:11
Bashing-omgallomimia: Thought in 19.04 was installed by default .. the tool is well worth having .. shows mucho system info.23:12
gallomimiais it nice? all graphical and all?23:12
gallomimiadang. how do i make it install the suggested with it23:13
sarnoldthis is about all it does: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MFc9C3j57N/23:13
friendlyGoathello, im still having trouble with my splash screen unfortunately. i fixed everything else i was struggling with but i cant get my boot screen to be the xubuntu logo anymore, just the same rolling text.23:13
friendlyGoatalso: whats the default values for printk? bit unrelated but i'd like to know23:13
friendlyGoat@ me when you respond so i can see easily23:13
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gallomimiainxi is installed now. very limited number of readouts. will lm-sensors require a restart to get it all?23:20
swillssarnold: ping23:42
swillssarnold: is it possible the new openssl has this bug: https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/735023:42
swillsor maybe someone can tell me how to check the exact source of a given package?23:43
sarnoldswills: apt-get source openssl   should download the latest for your release of ubuntu23:44
ryuosounds like an issue mainly for application developers. why does it matter to you?23:45
sarnoldswills: could you file a bug for that, ubuntu-bug openssl, then paste in the details you're seeing?23:48
swillsryuo: because it's breaking my app23:50
swillssarnold: i'm trying to verify, one sec23:50
swillsand thanks23:50

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