
didrocksgood morning04:48
jibelsalut didrocks04:51
didrockssalut jibel04:52
dufluMorning didrocks and jibel05:12
didrocksgood morning duflu05:40
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:27
dufluMorning oSoMoN06:36
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
marcustomlinsonmorning all08:01
Laneyyo de yo08:03
didrockshey marcustomlinson, Laney08:03
Trevinhomorning folks08:03
didrocksand a Trevinho08:04
Trevinhohi didrocks08:04
Laneyhi Dan Rock and Mark Trevor08:06
Trevinhoduflu: hey still here?08:07
dufluMorning marcustomlinson, Laney and Trevinho...08:07
Laneyhello Dieter der Vogel08:08
Trevinhonight duflu!08:09
dufluTrevinho, not yet. Only 4pm08:09
TrevinhoSo, as per the vmwgfx regression, as I was telling seb in one of my machine I was affected by that although not sure i did a bionic dist-upgrade, but more i upgraded to cosmic few days after release but and then to disco, but iirc this happened when switching to disco.08:10
marcustomlinsonWho's Euan Lone talking to?08:11
Trevinhoin that machine, what I've isn't anything crashing, more not showing things but the buffer per se is there.08:11
Trevinhoso something lower level08:11
Laneyyo Marcello Tonioli08:12
Trevinhoduflu: as for https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/merge_requests/613 I expect upstream prefers always to keep crashes around more than avoiding them, when the solution isn't the final one.08:13
Trevinhobut if can replicate that?08:13
dufluTrevinho, I closed that and am working on an alternative. But I also explained why I disagree with crashing in this case08:14
Trevinhothe only case I might think could be an issue is the case where a window isn't added to the window group actor (and thus not destroyed) or not deleted from the windows list when syncing the stack.08:14
Trevinhoduflu: I know, but I expect that while we might use it as distro-patch I don't see that being accepted considering the upstream modus operandi08:14
dufluThat's fine. It's not a critical issue and I will work toward whatever upstream prefer08:15
Trevinhofor sure that foreach covers the case where windows aren't in the window group, and I should have done that before, so that's not wrong.08:15
dufluI agree it is correct. I was saying it's just not the only fix we should have08:16
dufluTrevinho, can you propose that fix too?08:16
TrevinhoI also expect not to do much, in my tests I never got there with a populated list08:16
dufluBecause yours might fix the root cause, but doesn't prevent regressions. Mine (and v2 of mine) also prevents regressions so we don't see it again.08:17
dufluWe shall see how upstream feels about them08:17
Trevinhobut I expect that in the sync case we're forgetting some window... Following the over-complicated logic, I can't find the issue easily, but maybe I'm missing the point where we remove the window from the list, but we never add it back to the windows list... nor destroy it (or that's not either destroyed ever)08:17
* duflu nods08:18
Laneyyou should probably be talking in #gnome-shell ...08:18
Trevinhoright :)08:18
oSoMoNLaney, didrocks: are you familiar with the image build infrastructure? I'm looking at bug #1832656, trying to understand why that build failed to contact the snap store while installing the updated chromium-browser08:33
ubot5bug 1832656 in ubuntukylin-meta (Ubuntu Eoan) "chromium-browser deb->snap transition breaks ubuntukylin image builds" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183265608:33
oSoMoNI suppose the build environment has restricted network access08:34
didrocksoSoMoN: the image build has restricted network access, but can contact the snapstore08:34
didrocksI didn't look at the bug yet, but FYI, it happens that there are glimps sometimes and the image fail to build due to network issue on the snapstore08:35
didrocks(so, if it's a one time build failure, ignore it)08:35
didrocksah, but you are doing this when installing the deb08:35
didrocksoSoMoN: did the previous build used the same deb: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/eoan/ubuntukylin/ ?08:36
didrocks(yesterday, there was a store/network outage during image build)08:36
oSoMoNdidrocks, no, the previous successful build used the old deb that doesn't install the snap08:36
didrocksyeah, that's what I see08:37
didrocksso, the debs are installed in a chroot08:37
didrockswhich copies resolv.conf and such08:37
didrocksI'm unsure though that it has all the settings for the snap store there08:37
LaneyIt'll be because of network access, indeed08:37
didrocks(like snapd isn't running for instance)08:37
Laneyin livecd-rootfs we pass SNAPPY_STORE_NO_CDN for example, that's probably important in this area08:38
didrocksyeah, so this env variable is certainly not in the chroot ^08:38
LaneyI would guess that this is reproducible if you make a pkg in a PPA that has Build-Depends: chromium-browser08:38
oSoMoNinteresting, I'll test that08:39
Laneynice that you don't have to build the browser to iterate on fixes08:39
Laneydid Stéphane avoid this for lxd by switching the seeds?08:40
Laneythat might be more correct btw08:40
oSoMoNyeah, certainly, but it would be good to figure out the problem anyway08:41
oSoMoNI don'08:41
Laneyit'll be hard to do the environment variable for only image builds08:41
oSoMoNI don't know what Stéphane did, will ask him08:41
Laneycan anyone explain this? :(08:46
Laneythere clearly is a WantedBy there08:46
didrocksLaney: missing reload <unit>?08:47
LaneyI tried a systemctl daemon-reload08:48
didrocksyeah, so not that…08:49
Laneyit's to do with that drop-in file08:49
Laneyif I remove it, it works again08:50
oSoMoNLaney, your guess seems correct, a PPA build cannot contact the snap store: https://launchpad.net/~osomon/+archive/ubuntu/foobar-test-chromium-browser-builddepends/+build/1694456508:56
LaneyoSoMoN: cool, so you can't really (easily) have such packages in build-depends08:58
Laneyunless they do something like "if [ -e /CurrentlyBuilding ]; then export SNAPPY_STORE_NO_CDN=1; fi08:59
oSoMoNI guess in the case of chromium-browser that's not really a problem, who would want to build-depend on a browser anyway? but that means that seeds need to be updated to install the snap08:59
Laney(package builds set that, not actually 100% sure if image ones do)08:59
Laneys/set that/create that file/09:00
Laneywould be interesting to me to know if that env var does make it work09:00
oSoMoNthis comment suggests that seeds were updated when lxd was transitioned to snap: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxd/+bug/1788040/comments/1209:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 1788040 in OpenStack LXD Charm "Replace LXD deb by snap in Ubuntu 18.10" [Medium,Triaged]09:02
* Laney cries09:36
Laneywhat ever is wrong with this09:36
didrocks380 zfs tests for grub menu generation!09:44
=== CrazyMelon is now known as CrazyLemon
ovrhHey everyone, I think I messed up my video drivers again and I can't figure out how to get it back to work. I installed slimbook (from the ppa) and powertop this morning to try and see if I could get longer battery life for my laptop (which I didn't), but now that I connected it back to power and my second monitor, it absolutely fails to recognize it14:00
ovrhI removed slimbook and powertop already14:00
ovrhBut still, every time I was attaching the hdmi cable, the whole laptop would freeze slow and nothing else would happen. So I fired up nvidia-settings, switched the setting to the nvidia card from in there, and restarted, but still nothing14:02
ovrhThe laptop doesn't seem to freeze anymore when I plug in the monitor with the hdmi, but it doesn't appear to recognize it at all. Went in "Displays" but there's nothing there14:02
ovrhAny idea what else could be messed up?14:03
tkamppeterkenvandine, Laney, seb128, sorry, it looked for me that cyphermox has done it, I have even seen a fixed nm.py script what was missing.14:11
tkamppeterIt was this one giving me the confidence: https://git.launchpad.net/network-manager/commit/?h=gir-nm&id=6fb84a283f0587a894c00dcf9f13f3c35744a5d314:13
kenvandinetkamppeter: yeah, cyphermox said he things it's hanging in a callback14:13
kenvandineafter his port14:13
kenvandinetkamppeter: we need this fixed asap14:14
kenvandines/things/thinks :)14:15
tkamppeterkenvandine, I will look into it, but I probably also do not have more GLib/gir knowledge than cyphermox.14:19
kenvandinetkamppeter: poke around and find people to ask.  Maybe Laney might be able to give you some hints after you do some debugging14:21
tkamppeterkenvandine, I will look into what comes out in the logs and then ask.14:29
Laneyyeah (although I'm off tomorrow and Monday)14:39
kenvandineoSoMoN: i moved the USN refresh card for chromium to done based on the date the latest revision was published15:38
kenvandinewe now have an empty list15:38
kenvandinewhich won't last for long :)15:38
oSoMoNkenvandine, thanks, and sorry for not doing it myself. I have multiple builds of the various branches of chromium snap going, and each single build takes a long time to complete, so it's hard to tell for sure when the refresh is actually done15:39
oSoMoNbut at least it's being actively handled :)15:39
kenvandineno worries15:39
kenvandinethe list is much more for mine since i have so many to juggle15:40
kenvandinei'm just glad mine build quicker :)15:40
tkamppetercyphermox, hi16:16
tkamppetercyphermox, do you have any log from the failed nm.py after the port to gir1.2-nm-1.0?16:17
cyphermoxit's trivial to test though, you can just run it via autopkgtest -U -s . -- qemu <whatever VM>16:18
tkamppetercyphermox, so this is what you did and where you observed the error?16:19
cyphermoxthere is no error, it just hangs and eventually autopkgtest times out16:19
tkamppetercyphermox, OK.16:20
tkamppetercyphermox, thank you, I will try it.16:24
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk

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