
gallomimiaas good a reason as any to poke the source00:01
swillsi need an excuse?00:04
swillsconfirmed, rebuilt with the linked patch applied and the issue i'm hitting went away00:20
Sven_vBwhat's the latest version of Ubuntu that did not support AHCI, i.e. just before AHCI support was introduced?00:38
sarnoldI'm going to guess that AHCI support was there in the first version of ubuntu00:39
Sven_vBany other ideas how to get Samsung Magician to work on Ubuntu when the BIOS doesn't offer a legacy IDE mode option? or should I try to get WinPE run the windows version of magician?00:41
sarnoldwhat are you tryuing to do?00:42
TJ-Sven_vB: AHCI is the mode the PCI SATA controller is put it at power-on, by firmware.00:43
Sven_vBsarnold, trying to update the firmware on a SAMSUNG MZ7LN256HMJP00:45
sarnoldheh, ahci was in Linux-2.6.12-rc2, at the birth of the git tree..00:45
Sven_vBTJ-, does it mean when Grub runs it's already too late to switch to legacy IDE mode?00:46
sarnoldmost systems I've seen have a toggle to get legacy sata or legacy ide or whatever it was..00:47
sarnold(in the bios)00:47
TJ-Sven_vB: almost always, yes00:48
Sven_vBthanks. then I can probably skip experimenting with WinPE.00:48
Sven_vBsarnold, I know. I wish my BIOS had it. then I could have be done following the vendor tutorial hours ago.00:49
Sven_vBnow it seems I need to transplant the drive00:49
TJ-Sven_vB: what's the ID of the host controller?00:59
Sven_vBthis one? 00:17.0 SATA controller: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-LP SATA Controller [AHCI mode] (rev 21)01:01
valerio_hello everyone :) Can someone assist me in restricting access to hard drives in ubuntu 16.04?01:02
swillssarnold: bug report submitted01:02
sarnoldswills: cool, thanks01:03
Sven_vBvalerio_, what are you trying to do, what have you done so far, what did you expect, what happened instead?01:03
valerio_Im trying to restrict access01:04
valerio_Im trying to prevent standard users from accessing hard drives01:05
Sven_vBvalerio_, one easy way would be to physically unplug the disks' power supply. so I assume there are a lot more side conditions. :)01:06
Sven_vBe.g. why are there standard users in your scenario? what's your use case?01:06
sarnoldvalerio_: the default settings in /var/lib/polkit-1/localauthority/10-vendor.d/com.ubuntu.desktop.pkla allow people with sudo or admin groups to do disk things. it should be enough to make sure your users aren't in these groups.01:07
TJ-Sven_vB: can you get the controller [vendor:device] ID from "lspci -nn -s 00:17.0 "01:07
sarnoldvalerio_: if you want something else you'll have to be a lot more specific about what you want01:07
Sven_vBTJ-, 8086:9d0301:07
Sven_vBvalerio_, my crystal ball just said you might be running a multi-user system and want to protect a user's home directory from other users' eyes, is that (partially) it?01:10
valerio_right now Im logged in a sudo user. From terminal I went to my media folder. I have two disks plugged in they show up as UUID code01:11
valerio_Sven I had that problem a while ago and I solved it01:12
valerio_I type sudo chmod 770 * but nothing happens01:13
TJ-Sven_vB: see https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5vGXtrPYCp/01:13
valerio_All two disks keep having rwx permissions01:13
Sven_vBvalerio_, it seems you like error-prone commands ;) that chmod invocation is bad in many ways01:13
Sven_vBTJ-, thanks!01:14
valerio_I see that using the ls -la command01:14
Sven_vBTJ-, so it means there should be a command to switch the controller SATA mode from within Ubuntu?01:15
sarnoldvalerio_: (a) what filesystem is on those disks? that's probably a vfat filesystem, those don't have unix permissions01:15
sarnoldvalerio_: (b) doing your testing with a user with sudo privs is probably the wrong approach; log in as a user without sudo privs and see if you can mount the filesystem in the first place. *THAT* is the actual problem you're trying to solve, right?01:16
valerio_both are ntfs01:16
Sven_vBare the "disks" as you call them, directories? if so, are they mountpoints, too? are they mounted?01:17
Sven_vBbecause you might need to change the mount options' umask01:18
TJ-Sven_vB: not a command, but there's code in ahci.c that forcable puts the controller on an Apple MacBook into AHCI mode after the Apple firmware disabled it when booting in BIOS/compatiblity mode - which implies we could create a small hack to allow you to force it01:18
Sven_vBTJ-, sounds interesting. however, getting the device owner's authorization to hack an undocumented controller command would be more troublesome than transplanting the device.01:19
Sven_vBlatter "device" = disk01:20
valerio_yes they are directories (/media/valerio) and they are mounted01:20
sarnoldSven_vB: I wonder, if you're going to do it often, you might have an easier time to just have a win10 machine around somewhere for these tasks :(01:20
valerio_sorry for my English Im just a beginner and dont know the right gergo01:20
tncxrbhey guys just updated my 19.04 server and getting a bunch of strange btrfs errors on my raid drive that crashes boot, if i comment out that mount in fstab it boots fine just wanted to see if anyone else have come across a known issue thats similar. i am still diaging issue, but figured ask here too01:20
Sven_vBsarnold, I'd prefer Ubuntu, just on anohert computer with a BIOS that has the legacy option. :)01:21
sarnoldSven_vB: when I skimmed the samsung magician manual it made a bunch of refernces to windows but none to running on ubuntu01:22
sarnoldSven_vB: wwhere'd you find a linux version? :)01:22
Sven_vBsarnold, check the "DC" (data center/"enterprise" = command line) edition01:22
sarnoldSven_vB: AHA!01:23
sarnoldcool, thanks. I wonder if I have any samsungs :)01:23
Sven_vBcommand line tools aren't meant for consumers, obviously01:23
tncxrbthe btrfs errors were parent transid verify faled......... open ctree failed..... i am chunck recovering atm...01:23
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Sven_vBsarnold, also, even with the windows version of Magician, lots of forum threads said to switch to legacy IDE mode, so the AHCI problems don't seem to be OS-specific.01:24
Sven_vBnew problem: how can I get lightdm on xenial to show the user selection before autologin? here's my config and the log: http://paste.debian.net/hidden/2af768cb/ as you see in line 30, auto-login for adam seems to work (the session startup is a separate problem), but why does lightdm care about gitlab-runner (line 26)?01:40
Sven_vBon the visible side: when lightdm starts, I see the users list for a split second. then it changes to a purple-ish background with the ubuntu circle in the center and the xenial version in the lower left. it doesn't seem to react to escape, enter, space or mouse clicks.01:42
Sven_vBooooh I'll have to test whether this is about multi monitor setup01:44
Sven_vByeah nevermind, the users menu just moves to the other screen after that initial split second of greatness01:45
Sven_vBstill why does it care about gitlab-runner?01:47
Sven_vBalso how can I make unity-greeter show the users list on all screens?01:48
kaddihi, is there a way to force snap to use ipv4 like there is for apt-get? Looking for the equivalent of sudo apt-get -o Acquire::ForceIPv4=true install  for snap01:55
raijinmouses: the wiki has me stuck at fakeroot 'debian/rules editconfigs' which doesn't seem to work on 18.0401:56
kaddior do I have to disable ipv6 systemwide?01:56
raijinwhoops, ignore that mouses01:56
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raijinthe wiki is so ancient for building a kernel01:58
raijinwtf ubuntu devs, get on ya job01:58
sarnoldit's a wiki, fix it :)01:59
raijinif I knew the answer, I would02:00
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kaddisorry I got disconnected02:13
kaddihow do I force snap to use ipv4? It tries ipv6 and then just slowly fails because our network doesn't support ipv6 yet (not my decision)02:13
kaddialternatively is there a way I could still install discord with apt-get in 18.04?02:13
gallomimiaprobably can fetch it from the normal repos. or add a ppa? i installed discord from the software center02:15
kaddiunfortunately snap doesn't work because it only tries the ipv6 connection, which fails and never resorts to testing the ipv402:18
kaddidownloading the package manual may work, but will probably create the same issue I have no with every update02:19
longus_catuskaddi: hi02:25
longus_catus(this is in response to the test)02:25
RojolaPlease help me,  something does not work here:02:37
Rojolaroot@xcs52t:~# su - user202:37
Rojolaroot@xcs52t:~# su user202:37
Rojolawhatever I do - I remain root02:37
RojolaI must try a command as "user2"02:37
Sven_vBtry sudo -E -s -u user202:44
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Sven_vBor su --command /bin/bash user202:45
Sven_vBRojola, the reason probably is that user2 has no useful shell, so you sucessfully become user2, execute the bogus shell and then your user2 session ends.02:46
RojolaSven_vB, just solved it02:48
RojolaSven_vB, thank you for your help!02:49
RojolaI made a stupid mistake02:49
Rojolathe shell was defined as /bin/false02:49
Sven_vBas I thought :)02:49
Sven_vByou're welcome02:49
RojolaThank you :)02:50
kinghatwasnt the account containers/profiles in ff built in?02:54
Sven_vBkinghat, firefox profiles and the profile manager are a built-in feature.02:55
Rojolapeople, please help me, I am devastated.02:56
RojolaI can not log in as "root" user via ProFTPd02:56
RojolaRootLogin is set to "on"02:56
Sven_vBkinghat, are you looking for "firefox -ProfileManager"?02:56
Rojolaanyway, I can not log in02:56
Rojolawhen I add a new user with the same home directory, I can log in, but I can not edit the files (no rights)02:57
Sven_vBRojola, what does proftpds log say?02:57
RojolaSven_vB, let me check - brb02:57
kinghatnah. i feel like ive seen the multi account container thing before but ive never installed it so i was thinking it is built in.02:57
Sven_vBah ok02:57
RojolaSven_vB, SECURITY VIOLATION: Root login attempted02:59
Sven_vBRojola, looks like it didn't see your config change to allow root login02:59
Sven_vBmaybe you need to restart the service?02:59
Sven_vBalbeit I though ProFTPd uses xinetd03:00
RojolaSven_vB,  the actual error was deeper down03:01
RojolaUSER root (Login failed): User in /etc/ftpusers03:01
Rojolathank you Sven_vB03:01
Rojolayeah, and now I am chrooted to /root03:02
RojolaI am root - why can't I access /var/www ?03:02
Sven_vBvia ftp?03:03
Sven_vBcheck the logs03:03
Rojolaoh, yes03:03
longus_catusI didn't see why you're using ftp.  It's customary to use sftp instead.  Sort of like how ssh is used over telnet03:04
Rojolano error messages03:04
xamithanDon't jail yourself03:05
Rojolalongus_catus, how would I do that?03:05
Rojolaxamithan, that was not my intention03:05
longus_catusIf you can ssh to a host, you can just sftp user@host and then it's like an ftp client, but over ssh03:05
Sven_vBRojola, indeed if your proftpd allows plain ftp, you should forbid that, to help prevent your users from accidentially sending plain passwords.03:05
xamithanMost ftp clients do sftp just fine03:05
Sven_vBwhich is ftps, not sftp. but sftp is nice, too. also sshfs.03:06
Rojolalet me try - brb03:06
RojolaError:Received unexpected end-of-file from SFTP server03:07
RojolaError:Could not connect to server03:07
RojolaI connected to  sftp//<ip>03:07
longus_catusCan you ssh to it?  I don't think ubuntu comes with openssh installed by default03:08
xamithanDid you put in a user03:08
RojolaI can definitely ssh to it03:08
Rojolayes, root03:08
longus_catusIt looks like root login with ssh is disabled by default.03:11
xamithanor either sftp is disabled on the configs03:12
longus_catusnot by default on my system03:12
longus_catusThat can be changed by putting "PermitRootLogin yes" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and /etc/init.d/ssh restart03:12
longus_catusThis is probably a bad idea for something exposed to the internet03:12
xamithanProbably better than allowing root to ftp its password unencrypted03:13
longus_catusUsing a user for this purpose and then changing the ownership (or adding the special user to a group for /var/www that has write permissions) is the more prudent thing to do03:13
Rojolain the file:  /etc/ssh/sshd_config03:13
Rojolacommenting out this:  Subsystem sftp /bin/false03:14
Rojolaadding this:   Subsystem sftp internal-sftp03:14
longus_catus19.04 has Subsystem       sftp    /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server by default03:14
longus_catusOh well.  It is what it is.03:15
Rojolalongus_catus, that's a vserver03:15
DanteviosDoes anyone know how I can make an installer for a distro I created based off Ubuntu?03:20
DanteviosBesides the obvious automated tools like Linux Respin and Ubuntu Imager03:20
RojolaThank you again for your help!03:31
Rojolagood night!03:31
valerio_Ill change my question: how to disable all usb ports for standard users? My standard user is not in the plugdev group but can access the usb storage anyway. I also tried this procedure https://askubuntu.com/questions/153964/how-do-i-prevent-standard-users-from-using-the-usb-ports03:34
valerio_but it didnt work03:34
k_szeIf I already have the HWE kernel installed, what's the correct way to (temporarily) return to running the stock kernel?03:39
k_szeAnd if I then build DKMS or install kernel modules that depend on the stock kernel, the system is smart enough to ignore them when I boot the HWE kernel again, right?03:40
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regeditis it possible to `mv` overwrite a file, but maintain the original file's ownership & group?04:36
sorin-mihaicp -a04:37
regeditso cp -a stuff/foo.txt ./foo.txt will overwrite the file, BUT the file will be owned and grouped to whoever the original foo.txt belonged to?04:38
Humatielcp -p can and does preserve the permissions of the file, but it cannot preserve the file's ownership in general. Since you aren't running cp as root, it cannot create files that don't belong to you, or that don't belong to a group that you belong to.04:40
regediti can run as root04:42
regediti want to discard the original contents of the file, replace it with new file contents, but otherwise keep the exact same ownership & group04:43
regeditrecursively... for a whole directory, if possible04:43
HumatielIf the editor being used creates a new file when saving, then there's no way of controlling the owner of the file. I imagine what you probably care about though is ensuring the files remain readable by GROUP?04:48
HumatielI suppose you can always enforce group permissions, which with careful planning and an appropriate umask, can solve most permissions problems.04:51
Humatiel:regedit if you would like examples, a more applied explanation, or alternatives that may fit your specific use-case then feel free to reach out. I'm in a lot of different chats which causes some delay in communication.05:02
regeditHumatiel: thanks muchly! i'm trying things from a different angle at the moment, i'll get back to that soon if efforts still fail05:12
dsaghow to allow port ranges using ufw from 35000 to 3500405:20
dsagcan i use wild cards?05:20
regeditam on an old ubuntu 14 i'm trying to move off of... meanwhile i need to perform some tasks on it, but it seems outbound connections keep failing05:34
regeditapt-get fetch connections fail05:34
regediteven basic curl commands fail to connect05:34
regeditanything i can look into about this?05:34
regedithangs indefinitely https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/WNJpzL0y/curl%20command05:35
Bashing-om!14.04 | regedit Repo moved to old-releases ?05:35
ubotturegedit Repo moved to old-releases ?: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) was the 20th release of Ubuntu. !End-of-life was April 25th, 2019. Paid support (ESM) is available. See also !esm, !eol, !eolupgrade05:35
regeditswitching to old-releases sources doesn't seem to help.. the machine itself seems to fail to connect outbound05:39
Kendos-KenlenHello :)05:40
Kendos-KenlenDo anyone have an alternative to TeamViewer QuickSupport? (Free or not does not matter)05:41
lotuspsychjeKendos-Kenlen: whats your end goal?05:52
Kendos-Kenlenlotuspsychje Do some remote support. Our users needs help and we would like to fix the issue from here. I am currently not sure if I we will install it by default on all devices or offer a per-need download yet05:53
Kendos-KenlenI found anydesk.com as a potential solution but I am also looking for recommendations from people here05:54
lotuspsychjeKendos-Kenlen: remote support also hold security issues, so its good you think this over well, choose the right service for the job05:54
lotuspsychjeKendos-Kenlen: ssh and protect with fail2ban is popular05:55
Kendos-KenlenThe issue with SSH is that our customer are behind university securities and similar. The idea is to keep it as simple as possible.05:56
lotuspsychjeKendos-Kenlen: the security part of router/firewall you need to discuss with the admins of the .edu, egal wich service you will choose05:57
lotuspsychjeKendos-Kenlen: remmina is now default on ubuntu, maybe try that?05:57
Kendos-KenlenThat's true. Thank you! I'll try Remina too.05:58
lotuspsychjeKendos-Kenlen: teamviewer had recently security issues, and is also added on ubuntu via external ppa, so we dont reaaly reccomend/support05:59
Kendos-KenlenI love when my company sell remote assistance when that has never been worked on and come to ask me when there is an issue "why we cannot fix it remotely?"... T_T05:59
lotuspsychjeKendos-Kenlen: will this be from ubuntu server ==> ubuntu desktops?05:59
Kendos-Kenlenlotuspsychje what kind of security issue was it?05:59
Kendos-Kenlenlotuspsychje  I (the operator) work right now on both Ubuntu and Mac but I'll connect to a ubuntu desktop yes.06:00
lotuspsychjeKendos-Kenlen: from another ubuntu-desktop too?06:00
Kendos-KenlenYes, there is no server implied. Only desktops.06:01
lotuspsychjeKendos-Kenlen: allright, great to discuss about teamviewer, feel free to proceed in #ubuntu-discuss06:01
deanmanHiya, i'm on a fresh Kubuntu 18.04 and I'm having difficulties launching snap installed apps. It seems like they are not in my PATH and either i have to use /snap/bin/<app> or sometimes sudo. Any ideas what might be wrong?06:03
lotuspsychjedeanman: yes, alot of maintainers have their snap not built properly, hence the user needs to find the launcher from path06:04
lotuspsychjedeanman: we reccomend if you have troubles with a snap, to contact via: snap find snap-name and see the 'contact' to find the maintainer of the snap06:05
deanmanlotuspsychje, It's not a particular snap, it's all snaps hence it makes to believe there is something wrong with the /snap/bin/ path not added correctly to my user's environment06:06
lotuspsychjedeanman: that would be weird, as ubuntu has also snaps installed by default for example: calculator, can you try launching that?06:08
lotuspsychjedeanman: or gnome-logs06:08
deanmanlotuspsychje, I'm Kubuntu and calculator nor gnome-logs are installed by default. For example I've installed slack and hexchat and to launch them i have to prepend the /snap/bin path06:10
lotuspsychjedeanman: aha sorry missed the kubuntu part06:11
lotuspsychjedeanman: maybe that is worth a bug then06:13
lotuspsychjedeanman: ubuntu-bug snapd from terminal and describe your story please, feel free to paste us the bug # after06:13
deanmanlotuspsychje, on it, thank you very much06:29
sentimentI've been having this lingering issue for a month now06:42
sentimentand I haven't been able to identify the root cause of it06:42
sentimentand it is really annoying06:42
sentimentthe problem is that after I login, the purple screen stays for like 10 seconds and then the desktop appears06:43
sentimentthis slowness becomes specially annoying considering that I have an SSD drive it is supposed to boot up very fast06:44
sentimentI tried the systemd-analyze and it was revealed that perhaps the network wait service and the plymouth service are at fault06:45
blackflow!enter | sentiment: which ubuntu? which gpu? also06:46
ubottusentiment: which ubuntu? which gpu? also: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.06:46
sentimentbut I couldn't figure out the correct solution06:46
sentimentUbuntu 18.04, 4.18.0-21-generic06:46
sentimentgpu: radeon 465006:47
blackflow!enter | sentiment: missed the part about this? please read again06:47
ubottusentiment: missed the part about this? please read again: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.06:47
sentimentI saw that, I hit ctrl-shift-v and it was entered as a new line. No big deal. sorry again06:48
blackflowsentiment: check with journalctl if there are any excessive errors or warning produced by gnome shell or a related process, immediately after login. get to terminal and type `journalctl --since '10 seconds ago'`06:49
blackflowas for the SSD... in certain circumstances it can actally become dog slow. like for example if it's full to the brim and the firmware has hard time moving and copying sectors on write.06:51
lotuspsychjesentiment: of press F1 to switch to text mode boot, to see where it bottlenecks07:01
sentimentblackflow: how are errors indicated?07:02
sentimentthere are alot of messages for sure07:02
sentimentblackflow: the SSD has alot of free space and it is also pretty new07:03
sentimentjust over month old07:03
lotuspsychjedeanman: thank you for taking your time to bug #183267507:03
ubottubug 1832675 in snapd (Ubuntu) "On a fresh install of Kubuntu and fish shell my snaps are not in PATH" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183267507:03
blackflowsentiment: !pastebing | well you could pastebin that output, post the URL here07:04
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:04
sentimentbbl sorry07:05
lotuspsychjedeanman: please also elaborate more details in your bug description, like you tryed installing hexchat and several snaps etc07:05
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isomarigreetings, I just noticed that my daily apt-get update is not listing all my repos. eg. I don't see universe anymore.07:12
deanmanlotuspsychje, doen07:13
lotuspsychjethank you deanman07:14
lotuspsychjedeanman: another idea to fasten bug solving, maybe share this with other #kubuntu users?07:15
blackflowisomari: is it enabled? please check /etc/apt/sources.list or via "Software & Updates" app, "Ubuntu Software" tab.07:24
isomariblackflow: yes it's enabled.07:25
deanmanlotuspsychje, sure thing07:27
naraHello all, I'm using MySQL as backend. I've a master and slave Qt application running on 2 systems. Slave application connects to master db remotely. I'm on MySQL 5.7.26. I'm using mysql-community-server on Ubuntu 16.04.  libmysqlclient crashes on yaSSL::Sessions::add (this=0x0, ssl=...) when the slave system tries to reconnect to master. The same crash does not happen if I disable SSL (skip_ssl). Is this a bug in MySQL or yaSSL ?07:27
lotuspsychjedeanman: could join in #kubuntu07:28
blackflowisomari: can you pastebin both /etc/apt/sources.list and the output of `apt update`?07:31
isomariblackflow: 1 sec ...07:31
isomariblackflow: waiting for an upgrade to finish before I can apt update again ..........07:35
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isomariblackflow: https://pastebin.com/Kvc1a3Lc07:41
blackflowisomari: I can't visit that. Can you please use paste.ubuntu.com?07:41
isomariblackflow: ok .....07:43
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isomariblackflow: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ykdZGT6PzM/07:46
blackflowisomari: yeah well that only shows you have up to date repo database07:53
isomariblackflow: why am I not seeing universe and multiverse?07:53
blackflowbecause there are no changes in those repos since your last update?07:54
isomariblackflow: ok. I thought I would see it scanning them.07:54
blackflownot scanning but downloading the database updates. if there are none, then...07:55
isomariblackflow: I C. thanks07:55
MarkusDBXDid something change with localhost in 19.04? It seems I'm unable to create ssh proxies using ssh -D, for localhost.08:19
MarkusDBXI might use ssh -D, and then using chromium with --proxy-server setting, but it seems localhost will never be using the socks proxy, just target my local machine.08:20
MarkusDBXTested in both chromium, chrome, firefox, socks-proxy localhost doesn't work.08:20
MarkusDBXI've used that before for remote systems no problem.08:20
blackflowMarkusDBX: define "unable"08:20
MarkusDBXwhen using a socks proxy with chromium. All urls is using that socks proxy, but not "localhost", I get the localhost of my local machine. I except the localhost of the remote machine.08:21
blackflowalso, elaborate which of the two is actually the case: a) you can't open the ssh tunnel, or b) you can but then eg. firefox can't/won't use it?08:21
MarkusDBXssh tunnel works, socks proxy works08:21
MarkusDBXfor all urls except localhost08:21
blackflowthere is no "localhost" of the remote machine. "localhost" is the default hostname for
blackflowwell yeah, iirc that is the defautl config in firefox. ignore "localhost" hostnames for the socks proxy08:22
MarkusDBXyeah, but when using a socks proxy, it should use the localhost of the remote machine, if using ssh -D08:22
MarkusDBXit has worked that way for a long ti,e.08:22
MarkusDBXblackflow: ah, I see.08:22
MarkusDBXblackflow: I don't use firefox so much, it might have been there for a long time08:23
MarkusDBXI guess it's chromium, that I use a lot that has added that setting08:23
MarkusDBXmore recently08:23
blackflowagain, there is no "localhost of the remote machine". "localhost" is just a name. exactly the same name as "google.com" is, with the only difference that it is predefined by default in your /etc/hosts08:23
MarkusDBXwell if localhost is defined in the /etc/hosts of the remote machine, it should work when using ssh -D to the remote machine08:24
amitkm9204Any one have idea about ndtrack?08:25
MarkusDBXBut probably a browser setting in that case, that has been default in firefox for the longest of time.08:25
amitkm9204Its been taking all my cpu utilisation on  the server08:25
amitkm9204More than 100%08:27
amitkm9204Its been great if someone will give brief..as i am killing ndtrack command and its always started and taking the cpu utilisation08:28
blackflowMarkusDBX: yes, iirc "localhost" is exempt by default. you can turn that off / remove the exception08:28
amitkm9204I tried searching on google but didnt find any satisfied answer08:28
MarkusDBXblackflow: great, thanks. that clearifies a lot08:30
MarkusDBXblackflow: now I just need to find that setting for chromium, any ideas?08:30
MarkusDBXblackflow: do you know what setting to look for in firefox, some "name of the setting"?08:31
blackflowMarkusDBX: it's all in the network settings page of FF, dunno about chromium, check the command line options help, as that's the only way iirc08:32
michelehow can I know how big (in GB) are bionic main main-updates universe and multiverse please?08:34
cfhowlettare you asking how many gb those repositories are using?08:34
micheleis there a way to know without downloading them?08:35
cfhowlettwhy would you need to download the entire repo??08:35
cfhowlettah. makes sense.08:36
cfhowlettper the 4th bullet; approx 2TB08:37
DevAntoineI've got the following line in my fstab: /home/vagrant/dartagnan/composer/vendor /vagrant/dartagnan-api/vendor/ none x-systemd.requires=/vagrant,bind 0 008:37
DevAntoineNow my FS is read only08:38
cfhowletthttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors  or this michele08:38
michelecfhowlett: yep, but that is not divided by repo (main, main-updates, etc)08:39
blackflowDevAntoine: tried adding    ,rw     after bind?08:39
DevAntoineblackflow: well, I cannot edit the fstab anymore :,D08:40
blackflowmount -o remont,rw /08:40
DevAntoineBut I don't understand what's happening, because this mount doesn't touch the FS.08:40
DevAntoineblackflow: it did the trick, thanks!08:42
DevAntoineBut I don't understand why, can you tell me more please?08:42
blackflowI have no idea what happened there.08:43
blackflowmaybe there are clues in the journal or dmesg. is there a coincidental fs error so kernel remounted root ro?08:43
DevAntoineBlackDex: EXT4-fs (sda1): re-mounted. Opts: (null)09:08
miahey guys09:16
miais it popssible to install the new gnome theme on ubuntu 18.04 LTS09:16
cfhowlettmia= you mean the community theme??09:17
mianew gtk4 theme09:17
deanmanCan anyone suggest a text suggest keyboard for linux, similar to T9 functionality on the mobile phones?09:18
cfhowlettmia= details of the theme??09:19
yuradochello, I'm trying to use systemd for mount of the partitions and directories09:19
sentimentblackflow: Hello again09:19
sentimentI'm gonna paste the journalctl result09:19
miacfhowlett, https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2019/01/adwaita-gtk-refresh09:20
yuradocsyslog say systemd[1]: var-www-html.mount: Mount process exited, code=exited, status=32/n/a09:20
yuradocthis is ^^ syslog09:20
yuradocdirectories won't mount and break other mount09:20
miaAlso I'd love to know what text editor this is: https://youtu.be/izM_vUPV00Y?t=56 -- looks like a native gnome thing09:20
cfhowlettmia= it's a theme.  the article lists "how to" install.  what is the problem??09:21
yuradocwhat to do?09:21
miacfhowlett, the newest version of the theme (as far as I read) uses GTK4 --- which isn't here for ubuntu 10.04 I believe ?09:21
sentimentblackflow: lotuspsychje https://gist.github.com/no149/eb94f33b3ef67e8b6c554adc80e7c27f09:21
sentimentthe slow login issue09:21
cfhowlettmia= one would think so.  try it???09:22
lotuspsychje!crosspost | yuradoc09:22
ubottuyuradoc: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.09:22
sentimentI see some error lines in there. For example: JS ERROR: Gio.DBusError: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get owner of name 'org.freed09:23
sentiment                                                  getUniqueBusNameSync@/usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ubuntu-appindicators@ubuntu.com/util.js:58:2009:23
sentiment                                                  traverseBusNames/<@/usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ubuntu-appindicators@ubuntu.com/util.js:82:3409:23
lotuspsychjeuse a pastebin sentiment09:23
sentimentsorry, it's in the link I posted above. I just wanted to point it out here09:23
sentimentit's line 1109:23
miaWhat's this text editor? https://youtu.be/izM_vUPV00Y?t=5609:24
sentimentit takes 3 seconds for the gnome shell to starwt lotuspsychje09:24
yuradocok, sorry ubottu. I thought #ubuntu is common, #kubuntu is more special09:25
sentimentalso systemd-analyze reports this (just two lines):09:25
sentimentStartup finished in 3.803s (kernel) + 24.076s (userspace) = 27.879s09:25
sentimentgraphical.target reached after 18.029s in userspace09:25
yuradocthat's why i placed question in both09:25
yuradocsorry again09:27
yuradocbut how to make systemd recognize folder09:28
sentimentare those errors related to the slow login?09:43
sentimentalso judging by those seconds, gnome termnal server is also slow to start09:44
isomarigreetings, what is the network tool that shows me the speed of each nic in a bond?09:45
sentimenthowever the systemd-analyse reports the graphical target taking 9.8 seconds to get reached09:45
lotuspsychje!crosspost | isomari09:46
ubottuisomari: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.09:46
sentimentisomari: can't tracert be used?09:46
isomarilotuspsychje: sorry, didn't think of that.09:46
tomreynsentiment: whats the hardware this runs on?09:47
sentimentlotuspsychje: does journalctl report reflect the systemd-analyze's?09:47
sentimentgpu:radeon 4650, cpu: athlon x2 5400+, ram: 4gb dual channel 667mhz, OS disk: SSD SATAII, user disk: 7200 rpm HDD09:49
tomreynthen i don't see an unusually slow login taking place there09:50
sentimentbut it's unusually slow, Windows wouldn't behave like that.09:50
sentimentisn't 10 seconds unusual for an SSD disk?!09:51
sentimentthe purple screen getting stuck for almost that many seconds sounds like a problem09:52
sentimentwhy do you think so tomreyn ?09:52
lotuspsychjesentiment: you cant confuse kernel boot & userspace time09:53
sentimentare you implying it is by design?09:53
sentimenttomreyn: ^09:53
sentimentlotuspsychje: the numbers were related to gnome and graphical target09:53
sentimentsounds pretty much the same to me09:53
blackflowsentiment: are you talking about the gnome shell login? after you login there, it takes ~10 seconds to reach the desktop?09:53
sentimentas systemd-analyze reports blackflow, yes09:54
blackflowsentiment: systemd analyze has nothing to do with that09:54
sentimenthmm really?09:54
blackflowalso a .target can report readiness much later than you actually see it ready09:54
sentimentso maybe I should measure it by hand?09:54
sentimentok I'll be back after a cold reboot and measurement of just the login step09:55
isomarinevermind. I found it. dstat09:57
dsagi get this error ControlSocket /Users/test1 already exists, disabling multiplexing10:01
dsagany idea why?10:01
lotuspsychjedsag: provide the whole contect to the channel please so volunteers can think along, what are you doing?10:02
dsagim trying to use ansible to execute a command10:02
dsagsuddenly i get this error10:02
lotuspsychjedsag: maybe more a question for #ansible ?10:03
dsaglotuspsychje: hmm i think its more of ssh related10:03
lotuspsychjedsag: whats your ubuntu version, openssh version and why do you suspect?10:05
JimBuntudsag, are you using PuTTY ?10:06
dsagJimBuntu: no10:07
JimBuntudsag, Well, generally, as far as I am aware, that's more of a warning message... based around your client/server connection settings, and it's basically saying that it's preventing multiplexing... is it causing an issue for you?... do you have a customized SSH config OR using special arguments?10:09
sentimentblackflow: You'd be surprised10:09
sentimentsame for tomreyn10:09
lotuspsychjesentiment: of what?10:10
sentimentit took 26 seconds right after I hit the login button until the desktop was shown10:10
sentimentsystemd-analyze reports almost the same number as the sum of userspace and kernel time10:11
lotuspsychjesentiment: pastebin: systemd-analyze critical-chain please10:11
Mava42sentiment: you got nvidia graphics ?10:12
dsagJimBuntu: the command is not getting executed as it throws me the warning10:13
sentimentlotuspsychje: https://gist.github.com/no149/d8428dfb166946909743ba05e9e581bf10:13
JimBuntuok, dsag, please verify that you do not have any special arguments in ~/.ssh/config related to this host10:13
sentimentMava42: nope10:13
Mava42sentiment: k, noticed similar behavior with a setup with nvidia and some specific driver package installed10:14
sentimentbtw what was the command to paste directory into pastebin?10:14
TJ-sentiment: have you done "systemd-analyze blame --user" (and critical-chain) ?10:14
JimBuntudsag, or the Hostname * settings... specifically related to Control<anything>10:14
sentimentI've done blame numerous times and all the time it pointed finger at the network wait service and plymough10:15
lotuspsychjesentiment: dbus & target are only 1.8 sec here for me10:15
sentimentevertime I ran it10:15
TJ-sentiment: I thought you were talking purely about the user login, hence I suggested "--user"10:15
JimBuntusentiment, and it's faster if not on a network?10:15
sentimentoh you are right10:15
dsagJimBuntu: ControlMaster auto ControlPath /tmp/ssh_mux_%h_%p_%r10:15
blackflowsentiment: systemd-analyze is not measuring time after you hit enter on the login screen. here, in my case it shows 22s total time and I get the desktop immediately after I hit enter10:15
sentimentJimBuntu: no, not much (haven't measured it but it's by feel of it(10:16
JimBuntudsag, well ok then, you have special settings related to this, and they are causing the issue. This is a known downside, especially when connections are dropped unexpectedly10:16
TJ-sentiment: it could be the network-wait-online system unit overlaps the user login10:16
dsagJimBuntu: should i delete this?10:16
sentimentblackflow: yeah, systemd-analyse seems to be of no help here10:17
JimBuntudsag, I would prefer you  comment them out, or make a backup copy and then delete them, but yeah10:17
blackflowsentiment: Startup finished in 13.506s (kernel) + 8.724s (userspace) = 22.231s            (kernel is longer as I have to type in the LUKS passphrase for FDE)        and I don't have to wait 8 or 22 seconds after I hit enter on desktop login.10:17
sentimenthave got that reply before10:17
blackflowsentiment: did you pastebin the journal output with --since '10 seconds ago' or whatever number of seconds it is, after you hit enter on login?10:18
JimBuntuGenerally speaking dsag , those settings improve performance, but in special cases, quite the opposite10:18
sentimentyes, gonna send the link again10:18
blackflowsentiment: please do10:18
dsagJimBuntu: no progress still, after removing them10:18
JimBuntudsag, you may need to wait for them to timeout/die, sorry10:18
sentimentblackflow: https://gist.github.com/no149/eb94f33b3ef67e8b6c554adc80e7c27f10:18
sentimentthat's with 10 seconds10:19
lotuspsychjeTJ-: i also suspect network there, 13sec & 7sec10:19
sentimentlotuspsychje: do you think I should measure with the router off?10:19
JimBuntusentiment, you don't have to power off the router, simply disconnect the CAT cable10:20
sentimentI have searched the web for the network wait service and got a few results with workarounds10:20
sentimentbut I didn't try any10:20
TJ-sentiment: I arrived late to the party; is you issue purely about a delay after entering password, or about the combined start-up delay10:20
sentimentJimBuntu: it's wifi10:20
JimBuntudisable wifi then?10:21
TJ-sentiment: network-wait-online is waiting for the network to be up before moving on to other jobs that rely on network, and wifi can often take 8 seconds or even more to bring up10:21
sentimentTJ-: post login10:21
blackflowsentiment: need bigger time frame, it appears you start terminal 6 seconds later10:21
blackflow(which is expected-ish)10:21
sentimentblackflow: should I automate it to run in the shell?10:22
sentimentto minimize that time window?10:22
sentimentI mean in the basrc file10:22
TJ-sentiment: one question then - have you got the Network Manager connection for the wifi set to "share this connection for all users" (or whatever the phrase is!) because if not, if it is only for this user, then the wifi passphrase will not be available untuil *after* you log in, and therefore you WILL have a delay after login whilst network comes up10:22
sentimentTJ-: 8 seconds? this takes 26 seconds, it is beyong abnormal10:23
TJ-sentiment: I've not seen the systemd-analyze critical-chain - is there a link?10:23
blackflowsentiment: no need, but from what's seen here you have gnome shell starting at 13:45:22 and then terminal starting at 13:45:26, that's 4 seconds apart, that's normal. so if there's a delay, it's before gnome shell starts. I'll join in with TJ- on assuming your wifi is blocking things.10:23
JimBuntuI wonder if rebooting the router would change the time required10:23
sentimentTJ-: I am thinking your passphrase comment10:24
TJ-sentiment: i've seen this for users who make the wifi connection per-user not shared for all users10:24
sentimentlet me check that setting, is it in the net manager UI?10:24
TJ-sentiment: yes, in the connection itself10:25
sentimentor is it accessible by iwconfig?10:25
lotuspsychjeTJ-: https://gist.github.com/no149/d8428dfb166946909743ba05e9e581bf10:25
sentiment"Make available to other users" is ticked10:25
sentimentlotuspsychje: thanks, I was about to paste it :)10:26
sentimentshall I paste the analyze blame --user too?10:26
sentimentI ran that command and the numbers are <1 second10:27
TJ-sentiment: OK, so that means it'll be available before log-in10:28
sentimentit takes the network wait service almost 6 seconds to come up, as seen in the paste10:28
sentimentit's still 20 seconds difference10:28
TJ-sentiment: network-wait-online ... less than 8 seconds :p  "+7.721s"10:28
sentimentdisregarding that 6 seconds still seems a lot10:28
TJ-sentiment: and system is reaching graphical.target in 17 seconds10:29
sentimentoops yeah10:29
TJ-sentiment: that 7.7 seconds includes having to do an initial channel scan, possibly on both 2.4 and 5.x GHz, and then do WPA association and then DHCP, so that is pretty good10:30
sentiment6 or 7 seconds... not much diff, still alot, don't you think so?10:30
sentimentbut the big issue is not the network service apparently is it?10:30
TJ-sentiment: no, to be expected on first boot, due to doing the first channel scan10:30
sentiment"reaching graphical target in 17 seconds" --< does this mean gnome start basically?10:31
TJ-sentiment: apparently not, if your desktop is taking a while. I'm beginning to wonder if - as there was some years ago - there's some per-user login file indexer task running in the background10:31
myxenoviais it possible to make symlink of a folder to a mounted gcp bucket?10:31
TJ-sentiment: Yes, that is when the Display Manager has reported itself as started10:31
sentimentso does it mean 26 - ~7=19 , which is close to that graphical target number?10:32
TJ-sentiment: have you tried creating a brand new user account and then booting into that (TWICE!) and seeing if that is any different? if it is then you've got a per-user-config issue going on10:32
blackflowTJ-: thinking of Nepomuk/baloo on KDE?10:33
TJ-sentiment: no it doesn't mean that. the times when things were reached are the @.... numbers, network-wait-online reaches at 6.170 since boot, graphical target at 17.5 since boot10:33
TJ-blackflow: I'm actually recalling something in Gnome about 10 years ago, some indexer that was really painful10:34
TJ-blackflow: well, something in the Ubuntu Gnome/Unity default10:34
blackflowit rings a vague bell from the past, yah10:34
sentimentok then. let me try with a new account10:34
TJ-blackflow: was fine when the user had a clean fresh install but if they had thousands of media files and what-not, it could delay desktop rendering by a minute or more10:35
TJ-especially as back then it was mostly HDD not SSD10:35
myxenoviacan someone help me10:36
lotuspsychjeask a question forst myxenovia10:36
TJ-myxenovia: yes10:37
TJ-myxenovia: assuming you mean a symlink to a mountpoint on your local system :)10:37
myxenoviai asked it but i think its been flooded10:37
myxenoviais it possible to make symlink of a folder to a mounted gcp bucket?10:37
TJ-myxenovia: symbolic links are just text files with the path to the other location stored in them10:38
myxenoviayea i mounted gcp10:38
myxenoviaim able to create a symlink and its working10:39
sentimentuseradd test right?10:39
TJ-sentiment: no, "adduser" it is more friendly !10:39
myxenoviabut when viewing the gcp in the browser its just a file not a folder.10:39
TJ-sentiment: "sudo adduser newuser"10:39
myxenoviain my local its a folder with desired content10:39
sentimentok thanks10:39
TJ-myxenovia: in a browser? that makes sense10:39
myxenoviaTJ- yea in the console.cloud.google.com10:40
TJ-myxenovia: presuming you mean that accessing the GCP itself, which is not on your computer if I understand things correctly, its on Google servers10:40
sentimentTJ-: ~13 seconds with the new account. Consider this is not a cold boot10:41
TJ-myxenovia: so whilst you've got a GCP 'thing' mounted on your local system your local tools can follow the symlink, but when you 'view' it on the Google servers they have no understanding of symlinks and even if they did no idea you've got a local link10:41
TJ-sentiment: is that better?10:41
sentimentso logging in with the current account should take almost the same time10:41
TJ-sentiment: so 13 seconds difference ?10:41
myxenoviaTJ- i see. that makes sense. they wont reach the path of my local. can u tell me what to do for this?10:42
TJ-sentiment: so focus your invetigation of what you've got autostarting in your usual user session10:42
sentimentI could try measring this account's login, but I believe it's almost the same10:42
sentimentit would be10:42
TJ-myxenovia: I do not think there is any solution, but I don't use GCP so you'd have to ask their support if what you want to do is possible10:43
sentimentwhat about the other 13 seconds?10:43
TJ-sentiment: which other 13 seconds? the 13 seconds after typing paswword until desktop is ready?10:43
BluesKaj_Howdy folks10:43
sentimentthis was not a cold boot. Cold boot meaning rebooting takes 26 seconds. 13 seconds is subtracted after that which amounts to the time it takes after login10:44
sentimentand it happened with the new user too, do you mean there's a default user session config causing that?10:44
TJ-sentiment: well it needs to be a cold boot if you're comparing with a cold-boot for your regular user account, else you're not learning anything10:45
TJ-sentiment: I think we're talking at cross purposes here!10:45
sentimentI could just log off this account and relogin without rebooting10:45
sentimentwhich is what I was sayin10:45
myxenoviaTJ- what if i put the url of my server? instead of doing relative path10:45
TJ-sentiment: so, after typing new user's password, it took 13 seconds to reach a usable desktop?10:45
sentimentfor the new user10:46
TJ-myxenovia: I do not know10:46
sentimentlet me try with this account10:46
sentiment13 seconds is still alot though, for the new account10:46
sentimentisn't it?10:46
TJ-sentiment: depends on what is installed! but at least you can narrow your focus on finding out what is causing it10:46
abbyneedshelpHi, I have recently moved my plex server over to the latest version of the ubuntu LTS version. I was wondering if it's possible for me to remotely connect to it via my windows or mac computer? I am currently connected to it in terminal form via putty but I would like to be able to access the gui version too10:47
sentimentok, by using the systemd-analyze and which logs?10:47
TJ-sentiment: it may be some task that takes time initialising and remains around in which case we might be able to deduce what it is with looking at "systemdctl --status --user"10:47
TJ-grrr "systemctl --user status" even10:48
sentimentlet me run it in the new account's session then10:48
lotuspsychjesentiment: install haveged, install preload, bleachbit your system free space,trim down startup applications, trim down unneeded services10:49
miais it possible to change gedit theme to dark? just like console?10:49
miaThe rest of my theme is light, but I can set console to use dark theme10:49
miaso I want to do the same for gedit as well10:49
TJ-sentiment: one thing I noticed earlier, your log showed several Evolution-data-server tasks starting. At one time that was *famous* for causing delays10:49
TJ-mia: GUI themes are set for all GUI applications, generally. Terminal does its own colours for the shell, which is not GUI10:50
abbyneedshelpIs it possible on the latest version of ubuntu to rdp connect to the computer?10:51
sentimentTJ-: yeah Evolution was in the systemctl output along with tracker and volume something service10:53
TJ-!info xorgxrdp | abbyneedshelp: if it has the correct rdp server service installed10:53
ubottuabbyneedshelp: if it has the correct rdp server service installed: xorgxrdp (source: xrdp): Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) modules for X.org. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.5-2 (bionic), package size 80 kB, installed size 411 kB10:53
sentimentthere are just two startup items though10:53
TJ-abbyneedshelp: most people use VNC not RDP though10:54
sentimentsnapd and ssh key agent10:54
TJ-sentiment: there are usually lots of hidden items too, that the shell triggers10:54
abbyneedshelpokay for vnc would i need to install a server on the computer I'm trying to connect to?10:54
abbyneedshelpor would i still use "sudo apt-get install xorgxrdp10:55
TJ-sentiment: show us the "systemctl --user status"  after log-in10:55
TJ-abbyneedshelp: you'd need the VNC server component. But mind, this is all assuming that the OS already has Xorg xserver installed too10:55
TJ-abbyneedshelp: if the 'server' is headless or console-only that won't work10:56
abbyneedshelpTJ: It's just the default ubuntu LTS OS10:56
abbyneedshelpTJ: What commands should I use to install both of those things?10:57
sentimentTJ-: https://gist.github.com/no149/d9b4c885c4056a6c7fecf9ec8b80ddba11:01
TJ-abbyneedshelp: I don't think I'm equipped to help you on that; if the current install is effectively ubuntu-server with a shell or  web-admin interface, presumably that's what the developers intended. But I don't use plex. Maybe someone else here knows11:01
sentimentwhere are time seconds?11:01
myxenoviaTJ- my boss said it was already done by others. when i check the folder it wasnt even a symlink11:01
sentimenttracker, volume monitor and xdg permission store services are at the top11:02
TJ-sentiment: "systemctl --user status tracker-store.service"11:02
TJ-sentiment: there's no significance to their position aside from their process ID11:02
sentimentTJ-: https://gist.github.com/no149/f9364b299685db3c5257f8fcad0b13bb11:04
sentimenttracker had to be installed because of gnome-music11:04
sentimentmaybe I should try disabling it and see what diff does it make?11:04
sentimenthow can I time its startup?11:06
TJ-sentiment: if you haven't already, might be time to deploy bootchart11:06
TJ-sentiment: it's status log seems OK, the timestamps are close together11:07
TJ-sentiment: one other thing we should look at first: "journalctl --user"11:07
sentimentbootchart? I looked it up and found it is related to systemd-analyze plot11:08
TJ-sentiment: no, it is a separate tool11:08
sentimentok systemd-bootchart11:08
TJ-sentiment: it inserts itself into the systemd init (replaces systemd-init) to monitor/record timings, an the graphical chart makes it easier to understand where things are happening11:10
sentimentreading its man page11:11
TJ-sentiment: while you do that show me: journalctl --user --since="1 hour ago"11:12
sentimentTJ-: what was that termbin command?11:14
sentimentfor pastebin?11:14
TJ-sentiment: something | nc termbin.com 999911:15
sentimentoh thanks11:15
gofiowhat kernel did ubuntu 17.10 was carrying when launched?11:16
sentimentTJ-: https://termbin.com/khjo11:16
sentimentgofio: I'd google it11:16
gofiosentiment: yeap that too, but not only that11:16
TJ-sentiment: I think I see the problem, and i'd guess you caused it :D11:17
sentimentrelated to SSD?11:17
sentimentfingers crossed anyways :D11:17
TJ-sentiment: my bet is you've, at some point, run some command with 'sudo' that has changed ownership of key directories and files... here's just one very easy-to-understand error message as a result: "The owner of /home/meghdad/.config/ibus/bus is not meghdad!"11:18
gofio4.13 says google so I'll assume that's correct11:18
TJ-sentiment: show us "find $HOME -not -user $USER -ls | nc termbin.com 9999"11:18
sentimentyeah actually, I saw that TJ- , but dismissed it as unimportant to this problem11:19
TJ-sentiment: I'd certainly want to fix this first, because it could be causing all sorts of programs to delay and rety etc.11:19
gofiowaiting for the ubuntu siri to come some day (well, there are already beta versions, but in support version)11:19
sentimentTJ-: https://termbin.com/ldtj11:21
sentimentlots of GPUCache permission issues11:21
sentimentwell not lots of, but quite a few11:22
sentimentlol all my dark history is now pasted :D11:22
TJ-sentiment: looking at timestamps the session starts at 15:28:17 and seems to be ready around 15:28:4111:23
sentimentsome of it anyways :D11:23
gofiosentiment: isn't that open source?11:23
TJ-sentiment: not interested in what's there, just that it confirms lots owned by root, so lets fix that11:23
TJ-sentiment: " sudo find $HOME -not -user $USER -exec chown $USER:$USER {} \; "11:24
TJ-sentiment: that may not be the cause but once fixed do (yet) another login test and see how it goes11:25
sentimentthe time difference is close to the initial 26s11:26
KuleshovWelcome on International Direct Connect Hub with TLS and UTF-8 supported. Адрес хаба:11:26
sentimentTJ-: thanks, I'm gonna do that11:26
TJ-sentiment: I'm pretty sure its tracker due to messages such as "tracker-extract[11387]: Couldn't create PopplerDocument from"11:27
TJ-sentiment: since ^^^^ that infers tracer is OPENING documents which imples time is taken11:27
laptop2on an RPi3 using the official Ubuntu kernel (aarch64), wine64 doesn't work11:29
laptop2(dlls/ntdll/virtual.c:256: BOOL alloc_pages_vprot(const void *, size_t): Assertion `end <= pages_vprot_size << pages_vprot_shift' failed.)11:29
sentimentTJ-: ~12s upon re-login11:30
leftyfbKuleshov: can we help you with something?11:30
TJ-sentiment: we saved a second!11:30
blackflowlaptop2: sounds like a #winehq issue11:30
sentimenthaha yeah :p11:30
laptop2blackflow: doesn't affect other kernels11:30
laptop2just rpi311:30
laptop2and even then, not rpi3 kernels outside of ubuntu11:30
sentimentI'm gonna run systemd-bootchart now and paste the svg, ok?11:30
TJ-sentiment: I really think your issue now is likely tracker, especially after reading about what it does, but it's onnly a hunch, no solid evidence to point to (yet)11:31
TJ-sentiment: yes11:31
sentimentcould be11:31
Kuleshovframebuffer on thx11:31
blackflowlaptop2: only wine devs can know what that assertion is about. please check in #winehq or ask on their forums, you'll get help faster.11:31
laptop2blackflow: thanks, will try to ask more there11:34
qwebirc18334hi all11:36
qwebirc18334i am not able to terminate tail -f processes on ubuntu 1811:36
qwebirc18334eventhough I issue kill -9 PID it is not working11:37
qwebirc18334can comeone help me please11:37
jeremy31qwebirc18334:  Ctrl + c11:37
qwebirc18334jeremy31: thats not working either11:37
qwebirc18334jeremy31: these processes are owned by  init 1 process as parent11:37
blackflowqwebirc18334: what are you tailing? any file or some file tail specifically can't be terminated with ctrl+c?11:38
qwebirc18334blackflow: some log file11:38
blackflowif they're owned by pid 1 they're zombies11:38
qwebirc18334blackflow: tail -f /var/log/syslog11:38
blackflowcrashed and possibly waiting on nonexisting io11:38
qwebirc18334blackflow: so how to terminate them11:39
qwebirc18334blackflow: any file I try to tail it is not getting terminated11:39
TJ-sounds like a general I/O error11:39
qwebirc18334TJ-: whats could be the cause ?11:40
blackflowqwebirc18334: is _every_ tail you run reparented to pid 1?11:40
qwebirc18334blackflow: yes11:40
TJ-qwebirc18334: check "dmesg"11:40
blackflowthat sounds highly abnormal. yeah, see what the kernel is saying with dmesg11:40
qwebirc18334TJ-: scsi host12: iSCSI Initiator over TCP/IP  connection206:0: detected conn error (1020) scsi 12:0:0:0: Direct-Access     EQLOGIC  100E-00          8.1  PQ: 0 ANSI: 511:42
qwebirc18334TJ-: is that the error from dmesg ?11:42
sentimenthey TJ-11:42
sentimentI coundn't bootchart to run at startup, had to run it manually11:42
sentimentthe result shows tracker-miner taking lot of cpu time11:43
sentimentlet me paste it11:43
qwebirc18334TJ-: blackflow how to find the root cause here ?11:43
TJ-qwebirc18334: looks like it; the network connection has broken for the iSCSI11:45
qwebirc18334TJ-: but why is it interfering with OS commands like tail -f ?11:45
TJ-sentiment: this may be helpful: https://gist.github.com/vancluever/d34b41eb77e6d077887c11:46
TJ-qwebirc18334: are those logs on the iSCSI device?11:47
qwebirc18334TJ-: from dmesg11:47
TJ-sentiment: I do not see any process names in your gist for some reason11:47
TJ-qwebirc18334: no; the logs you are trying to *tail*11:48
qwebirc18334TJ-: those are syslog11:48
qwebirc18334TJ-: all tail -f processes are not getting terminated11:50
sentimentTJ-: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v3DAWvw0fkexstgfHukJqFm65xAnl_zW/view?usp=sharing11:50
sentimentand I'm gonna disable tracker in the meantime11:50
blackflowqwebirc18334: are the files you're tailing on the iscsi device?11:50
qwebirc18334blackflow: no11:51
blackflowqwebirc18334: can you tail, say, /run/rsyslog.pid11:51
TJ-sentiment: that seems to confirm it; tracker is eating up most CPU time and therefore slowing everything else down11:51
inad922I'm using 18.04 with gdm. How can I make it run commands that are usually in ~/.xinitrc? Like "xrdb ~/.Xresources"11:51
qwebirc18334blackflow: even that is hanging11:52
TJ-qwebirc18334: is the command producing output before hanging? My guess is the $PATH includes something on the iSCSI and is hanging due to not being able to search11:53
blackflowqwebirc18334: is /usr/bin/tail on the iscsi device?11:53
TJ-qwebirc18334: "echo $PATH"11:53
blackflowTJ-: good call11:54
TJ-qwebirc18334: try "/usr/bin/tail -f /var/log/syslog"11:54
qwebirc18334TJ-: even that is hanging11:54
blackflowqwebirc18334: is /usr/bin/tail itself on the iscsi device?11:55
TJ-qwebirc18334: are you able to "cat /proc/mounts" ?11:55
qwebirc18334TJ-: yes11:56
TJ-qwebirc18334: check that output for what is mounted from the iSCSI11:56
TJ-qwebirc18334: and cross check that with "echo $PATH" to see if there is a component in the search path on iSCSI11:57
blackflowinad922: via ~/.xsession methinks11:57
qwebirc18334TJ-: nothing is from iscsi11:58
TJ-qwebirc18334: seems like the system has got itself in a mess so reboot is the only sane course11:59
qwebirc18334TJ-: but how wto find the root cause ?11:59
inad922blackflow, I tried that one. It didn't work12:00
blackflowinad922: try ~/.xsessionrc then12:00
qwebirc18334TJ-: blackflow can I take any kernel dump for later analysis before a reboot ?12:02
qwebirc18334TJ-: blackflow any idea ?12:04
blackflowthe only things I can think of are relatively unlikely. a) some library arch mismatch (eg. 64-bit lib on a 32-bit system or a non-intel lib on an intel cpu, ...),   b) hardware issues with RAM (which would be evident elsewhere)12:06
TJ-qwebirc18334: what ubuntu release is it? what kernel version, what architecture?12:06
blackflowI mean, I am talking about tail crashing and reparenting to pid 1, unless you mischaracterized that part :912:06
leftyfbblackflow: it's on a pi, which is ARM12:07
TJ-Only time I've seen anything like this is hardware failing, but that didn't cause reparenting to PID 1 - that sounds like some non-standard library issue12:07
blackflow(because running it with full path against a file in tmpfs /run removes disk issues from teh equation)12:07
qwebirc18334TJ-: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS \n \l ,  4.15.0-46-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP12:07
leftyfboh wait, wrong person :)12:07
TJ-qwebirc18334: amd64 (64 bit) ?12:07
qwebirc18334TJ-: yes12:08
blackflowqwebirc18334: maybe you can strace tail while you're doing it, see where it hangs last12:08
blackflowoh, wait, amd64 ubuntu on ARM?12:08
TJ-blackflow: that'll hang strace before it starts tail :)12:08
blackflowthat wouldn't even boot12:08
qwebirc18334TJ-: so how to capture the dump then for root cause analysis ?12:08
TJ-blackflow: leftyfb is winding you up :D12:08
qwebirc18334blackflow: its not ARM12:09
TJ-qwebirc18334: I'm not sure you can seeing as it seems to have fundamental issues reading the file-system12:09
blackflowTJ-: leftyfb: ohlol :)12:09
qwebirc18334blackflow: INTEL processor12:09
TJ-qwebirc18334: does this work? "cat /var/lgo/syslog"12:09
sentimentTJ-: :-(12:10
sentimentno avail12:10
sentimentand the tracker services are disabled12:10
blackflowdoes echo "herp derp" work? If you say no, reboot into memtest12:10
qwebirc18334TJ-: yes it works12:11
TJ-sentiment: what is bootchart showing now?12:11
TJ-qwebirc18334: so, I think you've somehow broken the system libraries12:11
TJ-qwebirc18334: it's affecting executables, not file-system access itself12:11
qwebirc18334TJ-: how to confirm that ?12:12
blackflowqwebirc18334: try reinstalling coreutils.    apt --reinstall install coreutils12:12
qwebirc18334blackflow: will it break the running system then ?12:13
blackflowand if that fixes it, check your hard drive for bad sectors and corruption12:13
blackflowqwebirc18334: if it does, it'll break due to a much bigger problem you have there12:13
* TJ- is expecting almost all commands to hang if tail does, since "ldd /usr/bin/tail" only shows libc linked!12:13
blackflowTJ-: I have a hunch about a bad sector corrupting the tail binary specifically12:13
blackflowcat is libc too  and it worked12:13
TJ-qwebirc18334: has any non-ubuntu-archive software been installed or built on this system?12:13
sentimentTJ-: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ElmTDcR_ivBJyA6u5yYkX5gaISkpWGH012:14
sentimentgnome-shell now seems to be at fault12:14
TJ-blackflow: good point, I'm getting myself mixed up with /bin/echi vs shell's builtin echo12:15
TJ-sentiment: it's denied access12:15
sentimentsorry TJ- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ElmTDcR_ivBJyA6u5yYkX5gaISkpWGH0/view?usp=sharing12:16
sentimentthis is turning out to be a nasty problem12:18
sentimentit took 26s again to login12:21
blackflowsentiment: some time ago I remebmer a same/similar problem, which was caused by nouveau gpu driver, what with GNOME shell requiring acceleration12:21
blackflowbut you said you had Radeon, so I'm not sure what to suggest you to try12:22
BanditNulluhm I'm trying to join #ubuntu-beginners, but it keeps connecting me to #ubuntu12:22
BanditNullanyone has a suggestion?12:22
sentimentblackflow: yeah I'm at a loss12:22
sentimentis there a gnome specific log?12:23
blackflownah, it's going to journal/syslog12:24
sentimentI'm gonna try disabling minidlna now12:24
blackflowhowever, there might be clues in ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log12:24
sentimentcould help12:24
blackflowdunno if the xorg log was mentioned before12:25
sentimentthanks I might check it too12:25
blackflowor it's /var/log/Xorg.0.log, depends whether your Xorg runs as root or user12:25
DevAntoineI've got errors at boot time regarding my bind mounts and I have to skip them in order for the VM to boot. Is there a log where I can know more?12:26
ayekatthe journal12:26
ayekat`journalctl -b`, to be precise - should contain all the logs of the current boot12:27
DevAntoineayekat: I'm on trusty :/12:28
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) was the 20th release of Ubuntu. !End-of-life was April 25th, 2019. Paid support (ESM) is available. See also !esm, !eol, !eolupgrade12:29
TJ-sentiment's last bootchart still shows tracker-miner eating CPU; did he realise?12:30
DevAntoineayekat: yeah, I'm aware of this but you, you're not aware of my contraints ;)12:31
blackflowDevAntoine: well then /var/log/syslog or .../messages, one of those,12:32
DevAntoineblackflow: thanks.12:33
* ayekat wasn't very sysadmin-savvy during the pre-systemd era12:33
TJ-DevAntoine: are the bind mounts reliant on some other file-systems to be ready first?12:34
blackflowthe syslog files are available even under systemd, it's just that teh journal is much more versatile in lookup12:34
DevAntoineTJ-: yes, they are mounted to a NFS directory, which is a shared volume with Vagrant.12:34
TJ-DevAntoine: I once solved that by giving anything dependant on NFS "noauto" option in fstab and then having a later service parse fstab and start them once the NFS mount was working12:36
DevAntoineTJ-: well, I was playing wiuth systemd dependencies but I don't think it's available on Trusty12:36
DevAntoine(I've got two boxes, one on Trusty, the other one on Bionic)12:37
DevAntoineA mount from the fstab: /home/vagrant/dartagnan/node_modules/renderer /vagrant/dartagnan-renderer/node_modules/ none x-systemd.requires=/vagrant/dartagnan-renderer,defaults,bind 0 012:37
TJ-DevAntoine: no, it's not on 14.0412:37
DevAntoineSee the "x-systemd.requires"?12:37
DevAntoineSo I guess the option is just ignored then.12:37
DevAntoineBecause iirc it works on Bionic.12:38
TJ-yes, the x-systemd is read by the systemd-generator-fstab12:38
TJ-DevAntoine: any reason you cannot start those binds manually?12:38
DevAntoineTJ-: easy of use for the rest of the team.12:39
TJ-DevAntoine: script it then from an /etc/init.d/ job added to rc212:39
sentimentTJ-: https://termbin.com/5jw112:39
DevAntoineTJ-: "mount -a" would be enough?12:40
sentimentI see some gnome errors12:40
sentimentnot the right paste12:40
sentimenthold on12:40
TJ-DevAntoine: the other question is, at boot-time is mount being forked (-F) or is it only using -a which operates sequentially on fstab order12:41
sentimenthere https://termbin.com/slrz12:41
TJ-DevAntoine: it could be as simple as mount -F being called,12:41
sentimentcould be some extensions?12:42
sentimentI have one or two installed12:42
sentimentJS sucks btw12:42
sentimentTJ-: ran out of ideas?12:43
sentimentthanks for trying to be helpful anyway12:45
TJ-sentiment: I think it is just how long it will take; looking at the start-time and the various delays in the timestamps, e.g. starting from Jun 13 16:58:57 Ubuntu-Desktop gnome-session-binary[1048]: Entering running state12:45
TJ-sentiment: there's 14 seconds there before the next message12:45
bynariewhere do i input iptables rules at? as opposed to typing them command line12:46
TJ-sentiment: is it on a HDD or SSD ?12:46
bynarieubuntu 18.0412:46
TJ-!ufw | bynarie12:46
ubottubynarie: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo12:46
DevAntoineTJ-: wow, I have no idea what you're talking about regarding mount being forked oO12:46
sentimentTJ-: I was going to ask you exactly that. Those empty windows...12:47
sentimentTJ-: the OS disk is SSD12:47
jackwasnt iptables replaced by ipchains or so12:47
blackflowthe other way around12:47
TJ-DevAntoine: "man mount" see the section starting "The files /etc/fstab, /etc/mtab and /proc/mounts"12:48
bynarieTJ-, thank you, but I've looked into that. UFW doesnt support directly redirecting ports12:48
bynariei think i found it... /etc/ufw/rules.before12:48
jackblackflow, ipchains was first?12:48
bynarieiptables is being phased out now i think12:48
blackflowbynarie: hardly. nftables are supposed to replace iptables at some point, but there's talk about deprecating even nftables in favor of EBPF12:49
blackflowmore about it in #ubuntu-discuss12:49
sentimentTJ-: was it you who helped me to relocate the OS from an old HDD to this new SDD?12:50
sentimentlike over a month ago12:50
TJ-DevAntoine: check what the actual command used is, hopefully, with: "grep -rn 'mount ' /etc/init.d/ "12:50
sentimentbecause I guess it happened after that12:50
TJ-sentiment: not sure; I've been to sleep since then!12:51
TJ-sentiment: did you notte my earlier comment about your latest bootchart?12:51
TJ-sentiment's last bootchart still shows tracker-miner eating CPU; did he realise?12:51
TJ-sentiment: that's from bootchart-20190613-1642.svg12:52
sentimenthmm, missed that12:53
DevAntoineTJ-: https://gist.github.com/devantoine/8570804226cb3c55bfab16165322706712:54
DevAntoineNot really sure which one is relevant.12:54
sentimentI don't see it though12:54
sentimentare you sure you looked at the right svg?12:55
sentimentit seems there's not much I can do12:58
sentimentexcept for a clean install12:58
sentimentor putting the os to sleep everytime12:58
sentimentthat does away with the cold boot time12:59
sentimentbut I bought an SSD so that I don't have to put it to sleep12:59
sentimentI don't want unnecessary power usage12:59
sentimentI'm gonna post this issue on the askubuntu website13:01
sentimentmaybe more eyes can help13:01
TJ-sentiment: well I think so, I'm looking at the file Google sent me :)13:01
sentimentthe svg?13:01
TJ-sentiment: ok, that one is different and I see some things... coming up13:03
sentimentit's gnome shell13:04
TJ-sentiment: gnome-shell 10.91s, gnome-software 3.17s are the main ones13:07
DevAntoineTJ-: maybe this line "mount $MOUNT_FORCE_OPT -n -o remount,ro                       /" which is the last line of my gist.13:09
TJ-sentiment: I've just read that failure to do hostname resolution of localhost can cause delays; not sure if that still affects recent Gnome though13:10
ChrisL71Hi, I updated my Ubuntu 18.04 VM install today and now it won't start, it gets stuck on the purple screen with an "Ubuntu" watermark at the bottom13:11
ChrisL71How can I troubleshoot this?13:12
TJ-DevAntoine: those look like *unmount* jobs13:12
EriC^^ChrisL71: try pressing 'esc' to see where it's hanging13:12
TJ-DevAntoine: it looks like the actual 'mount' command may be in an external 'library' that is sourced by the mount service job13:13
DevAntoineTJ-: it's starting to get hard.13:14
DevAntoineIf I really need to improve this box I'll do what you said, a script in /etc/init.d which will just do "mount -a"13:15
TJ-DevAntoine: seems this is how it is done http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/en/man8/mountall.8.html13:16
DevAntoineIt's a legacy box for maybe, hot fixing stuff until the new version of the APP is released, the new new version currently run under Ubuntu BIonic and I don't have to deal with all theses things thanks to systemd.13:16
ChrisL71EriC^^: I tried pressing Esc and it does nothing on that screen13:16
TJ-DevAntoine: it implies the correct ordering is used "...correct  order  to  mount  filesystems..."13:17
DevAntoineTJ-: I'm not sure when /vagrant is mounted because virtualbox and vagrant add their own startup scripts.13:17
ChrisL71Relevant info: I just managed to boot from the recovery option. I selected 'continue' and it managed to get to the log-in screen13:17
ChrisL71By 'recovery option' I mean the recovery mode under GRUB13:18
tomreynChrisL71: can you upload your VMs' syslog from the previous boot (and post the url here)?  journalctl -b -1 | nc termbin.com 999913:20
TJ-DevAntoine: you can control the /etc/init.d/script ordering via their headers, you can set dependencies13:20
DevAntoinewow, I was not aware of this.13:20
TJ-DevAntoine: it's complicated by the fact that on 14.04 I think it'll be using Upstartt by default, and I'm not sure how/if it abides by the /etc/init.d/ dependencies declared in the comments at the top of each of those files13:21
TJ-DevAntoine: I cannot find the LSB docs on it but here's a good link with an example that is easy to understand https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/150343/how-can-this-init-script-start-without-its-dependency13:23
DevAntoineTJ-: is there an easy way to load the script last?13:23
TJ-DevAntoine: ahh, here we go https://wiki.debian.org/LSBInitScripts/13:23
TJ-DevAntoine: I'm not even sure if LSB dependency ordering will solve your issue, but as you said some of thse things are in other jobs, presumably changing those other jobs to depend on the mountall job (whichever that is!) would help?13:24
TJ-DevAntoine: according to 14.04 ISO manifest, "mountall" is a separate package so I presume "dpkg -L mountall" will list the files it installs, including an /etc/init.d/XXXXXX file where XXXXXX would be the name to depend on in the other job scripts13:27
DevAntoineTJ-: ok, thanks. I stop this task for today, need to work on more up-to-date stuff.13:29
ChrisL71tomreyn: http://termbin.com/ekle13:29
DevAntoineAnyway, thanks A LOT for your help TJ-13:29
ChrisL71timesyncd couldn't be the problem could it? surely that wouldn't prevent me from booting...13:30
ChrisL71I think 14:18:03 is around when it starts hanging, and during that time it is trying to do a timesync13:33
TJ-ChrisL71: looks like it cannot reach the ntp server; firewall?13:37
maurocgoodmornig, i need some help with UFW. How can I add thousand of rules from file?13:37
maurocI want to black a list of ip from china13:38
ChrisL71TJ-: that's possible, but why was it booting before the update?13:39
TJ-mauroc: dont use ufw, use ipsets13:39
roryis your file just a list of IPs or what?13:39
TJ-ChrisL71: i'm just offerimg a possibility; collect data on network to determine13:40
maurocrory, is a list of ip13:40
ChrisL71TJ-: Do you know how I could troubleshoot that?13:40
TJ-mauroc: use 'iprange' to reduce you list to the minimum then use 'ipset' to create a net:hash set and then add a rule to the 'raw' table POSTROUTING to use it13:41
roryyou could loop in bash mauroc: while read -r line; do sudo ufw deny from $line to any < list_of_ips.txt13:41
maurocTJ-, i go to search about ipsets... By the way, i'm trying to block connection from china. Some guys are flooding my vps.. so i want to block all the traffic from thsi country13:41
TJ-ChrisL71: as it's a VM guest, on the host I'd run tcpdump watching for all network traffic by that guest13:42
rorywhile read -r line; do sudo ufw deny from $line to any; done < list_of_ips.txt13:42
rorythat one ^13:42
maurocrory, was my first attempt, but it take too much times :D13:42
TJ-mauroc: I wrote scripts + systemd timer controlled log scanning this week to do just that, do you want to get my code to see how it is done?13:42
maurocTJ-, sure :D13:42
rorywhat you're trying to do is called "geoblocking"13:43
rorythere might be dedicated tools for this that keep rules up to date. not sure tho13:43
maurocrory, i took the list from here: https://www.ip2location.com/free/visitor-blocker13:43
TJ-mauroc: https://iam.tj/projects/misc/ipset_proxy_request_block.tar.gz13:43
TJ-mauroc: look at the shell-script for the precise way it works, that includes adding the iptables raw table match to use the set13:43
ChrisL71Thanks TJ-13:44
maurocTJ-, can you explain me? I'm not very good in system administration13:44
TJ-mauroc: you only need the actions from line 55 onwards, of /usr/local/bin/ipset_proxy_requests_block.sh13:45
maurocTJ-, probably i need all the script :D because i want to block malicius request on my nginx server13:46
maurocso i will read all the script and try to understand13:46
TJ-mauroc: Ignore my script - it seems it is possible - manually - to use ipsets with UFW. Read the comments on this wishlist bug #1571579 by Jamie13:47
ubottubug 1571579 in ufw "Support for ipset" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157157913:47
maurocok tnx13:49
ChrisL71Anyone have any idea what's stopping my VM from getting past the purple watermarked Ubuntu screen? http://termbin.com/ouhl14:17
blackflowChrisL71: hit ESC to see systemd output14:18
ChrisL71That isn't working for some reason14:18
blackflowoh wait, then where's the pastebin from?14:18
ChrisL71It's from booting in recovery mode and using journalctl -b -114:19
blackflowChrisL71: yeah you better boot normally, edit the grub menu (hit e when the menu appears), scroll down to the kernel line and remove "quiet splash" words from that lne, hit F10 to continue booting14:21
ChrisL71Ah that's useful, okay will do14:21
ChrisL71Apart from the parameterised arguments, there is "auto noprompt quiet", no "splash"14:23
ChrisL71Oh and "ro"14:23
nfakhirJun 13 15:03:49 ubuntu gnome-session[1634]: gnome-session-binary[1634]: CRITICAL: We failed, but the fail whale is dead. Sorry....14:24
blackflowChrisL71: remove "quiet" then14:24
ChrisL71It displayed more in the log, and then went to the purple ubuntu screen and is just waiting there again14:25
nfakhirp4dctl failed to start, LSB failed to start14:26
nfakhirdunno what does are, or if that's relevent14:26
ChrisL71That is a perforce daemon and I don't need it, I would like to remove it but "systemctl disable" did not work when I last tried14:27
ayekatChrisL71: would you mind elaborating on "did not work"?14:28
ChrisL71I'm going to try again and say what happens14:29
TJ-ChrisL71: 'disable' doesn't mean what you think it means; you need "mask"14:29
TJ-ChrisL71: 'disable' means some other unit or socket or timer can still start it, it just doesn't start on its own14:30
ChrisL71Okay "mask" I have never heard of, that sounds like what I need14:30
ayekatnote that masking is not a long-term solution14:31
ChrisL71The long term solution is purging perforce from this VM14:31
ChrisL71This, by the way, is what I get on "systemctl disable helix-p4dctl": "helix-p4dctl.service is not a native service, redirecting to systemd-sysv-install." "Executing: /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install disable helix-p4dctl"14:32
ChrisL71This is what I was getting before: https://i.imgur.com/N032ejk.png14:35
ChrisL71This is what I am getting now: https://i.imgur.com/NX6pekh.png14:35
ChrisL71It freezes on that screen14:35
nfakhirbefore/after masking preforce ?14:36
ChrisL71I think that is a coincidence though14:36
ChrisL71It looks like the DM is crashing, or the graphics driver14:37
Jonopolyso i can't boot ubuntu without acpi=off ...14:38
TJ-ChrisL71: what hypervisor are you using? We had a similar issue yesterday that turned out to be caused by the wrong virtual GPU being used by the hypervisor (VirtualBox)14:38
Jonopolyis that safe to do so?14:38
TJ-Jonopoly: generally disabling all of ACPI is not a good thing14:38
JonopolyTJ-: It doesn't sound good, just wanted to make sure...14:38
ChrisL71TJ-: VMWare Workstation 12 Player14:39
TJ-ChrisL71: the result was it wwas using - I think - an SVGA device, and the user changed that to something else and reported it fixed the issue14:39
Jonopolyi've got an Asus FX505, so i'll see if i can run with acpi=off14:39
Jonopolyand get all specs/details to check for updates could need bios update14:39
TJ-ChrisL71: In that user's logs I found the Xorg.log was showing the GPU/drivers couldn't do '3D' hardware acceleration and that was the issue.14:40
TJ-Jonopoly: how does the system "not boot", have you tried in recovery mode? Is this 'just' a "'can't start/do GUI" or something earlier in the startup sequence/14:40
tomreynChrisL71: from your logs:   (EE) vmware(0): Failed to open drm.14:41
ChrisL71Okay that sounds relevant!14:42
tomreynnext line: "(WW) vmware(0): Disabling 3D support."14:42
tomreyndid you install their guest utils?14:42
JonopolyTJ-: I'm trying to dual boot. so i'm just having a look at the OS see if it works fine before commiting to it14:42
JonopolyTJ-: I juat want to make sure it boots fine before installing, basically...14:42
JonopolyTJ-: Oh sorry! and it just freezes on load14:43
ChrisL71I believe their guest utils are installed, this VM was set up by someone else but it seems to adapt the screen resolution on resize and stuff14:43
ChrisL71I mean it must be if it's saying "vmware" in those logs, right?14:43
TJ-Jonopoly: you never see any kernel messages at all after GRUB loads kernel?14:45
ChrisL71Trying with 3D acceleration disabled in the VM options14:45
daifucohi I need to free the super key alone, let say that to open the activities I want super + ctrl14:45
TJ-tomreyn: Jonopoly what's the kernel command-line option to prevent microcode load? "no_ldr" or similar?14:48
ubottuMicroarchitectural Data Sampling is a security issue with Intel processors. Update your system to receive the kernel and microcode patches. Visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/KnowledgeBase/MDS for more info and recommendations.14:49
ChrisL71Okay 3D accel made no difference14:49
tomreynTJ-: dis_ucode_ldr14:50
TJ-tomreyn: I knew it was weird!14:50
TJ-Jonopoly: ^^^^ try that on the kernel command-line instead of acpi=off (just as a test)14:50
tomreynprobably the name of a C function14:50
tomreynJonopoly: *only* if this helps it *may* be bug 182962014:51
ubottubug 1829620 in linux-hwe-edge (Ubuntu) "intel-microcode on ASUS makes kernel stuck during loading initramfs on bionic-updates, bionic-security" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182962014:51
leonardusWhy, when I run `apt install youtube-dl`, do I get `The following additional packages will be installed: mpv`? afaik, mpv is not a dependency of youtube-dl14:56
leonardusI also do not want to install apt's mpv because I built it myself14:56
TJ-leonardus: is it a recommends? "apt-cache show youtube-dl"14:56
leonardusyeah, it is14:58
leonardusis there a way to "blacklist" mpv?14:58
tomreynChrisL71: the log i copied those lines from is of a kernel booted with several non standard kernel boot parameters. Try booting weithout any non standard parameters (ro recovery nomodeset find_preseed=/preseed.cfg auto noprompt priority=critical locale=en_US), and post the log of that,14:59
hggdhleonardus: you can try apt-get --no-install-recommends youtube-dl15:00
ChrisL71Okay I boot fine when I blacklist "vmwgfx" which is the VMWare graphics drm module15:00
hggdhleonardus: and even apt-get -s --no-install-recommends youtube-dl # the -s will cause apt-get to just simulate what would be done in a install15:01
leonardusI'd rather blacklist mpv if at all possible as a permanent solution to this problem15:01
lordcirthleonardus, I recommend installing youtube-dl from pip anyway, you need the latest versions in order to keep up15:02
TooOldMindwhat is "pip" ?15:02
ChrisL71tomreyn: So that was the crucial line, something is wrong with their graphics DRM module15:02
leonardusTooOldMind: python's package manager15:03
TooOldMindthanks leonardus15:03
tomreynChrisL71: in svga mode, yes. not what you'll want. but it helped you diagnose that either the version of the "vmwgfx" driver you have on your VM doesn't work with this version of the (VmWare Workstation) hypervisor or the other way around.15:03
ChrisL71Yeah this isn't what I want, I will try and update the guest stuff15:04
tomreynChrisL71: now turn to vmware support and ask them which version of their product is compatible with the ubuntu version you're running.15:04
ChrisL71Thanks for the help though I am already miles ahead of where I would have been on my own15:04
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TJ-TooOldMind: and don't be caught out; there's python-pip and python3-pip !15:11
TooOldMindthanks for wisdom TJ-15:12
* TJ- mutters darkly at instructions that assume "pip" means latest, and glares at ConsoleMD !15:13
Jonopolyubottu: oh so there is a bug on linux kernal :(15:18
Jonopolywill mr linux fix it?15:18
daifucohello I need to free the super keyboard because I need it to create custom shortcuts for an application, how can I unbind it from "activities"?15:20
lordcirthJonopoly, 1) ubottu is a bot 2) That bug says it's not clear whether it's a kernel bug or intel-microcode.15:20
Jonopolyohh sorry bot, thanks lordcirth15:21
JonopolySo it might be bug related.. which means gotta wait for fix..15:21
ovrhHello, is it possible that installing slimbook and powertop might have screwed my laptop ability to use a second monitor?15:25
lordcirthDesmesura, hi15:29
DesmesuraIt's my first time using IRC, I'm testing it15:29
JonopolyDesmesura: hello15:30
bbbourqHello! I just recently got into Linux and was introduced to it through Fedora (I'm using a live version right now). I want to branch out and familiarize myself with other distributions, so I'm looking to try out Ubuntu next15:44
TooOldMindyou could try run Ubuntu mate15:45
TooOldMindi did like it15:45
TooOldMindit is quite light15:45
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours15:45
OerHeksfor stability, use LTS versions15:46
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Bionic (Bionic Beaver 18.04). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.15:46
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours15:47
TooOldMindyep yep15:47
bbbourqright on. thank you15:50
yuradochow to improve boot: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6t5R7rpbC6/16:01
yuradocI did add this line: After=var-lib-mysql.mount run-user-1000.mount in /lib/systemd/system/mysql.service16:01
yuradoci'm waiting for mounted partition16:01
yuradocwhat's wrong?16:01
valerio_how do I prevent standard users from running certain programs on their sessions?16:02
tomreynyuradoc: don't run a database server (at boot) on a desktop-like computer if you care about fast system boot. if it serves as a headless server, then uninstall the desktop and don't care so much about its boot time.16:06
yuradocso it's correct boot?16:07
tomreynyuradoc: i don't know, can't tell based on the limited information you made available. but it doesn't look strictly wrong to me.16:07
yuradoci attach mounted folder throgh fstab16:08
ayekatvalerio_: depends on the case - what do you want them not to run?16:49
valerio_libreoffice. Im doing this for educational purposes only16:50
valerio_ayekat: libreoffice. Im doing this for educational purposes only16:50
ayekatI guess you'd have to apply some form of ACL or MAC - not sure what the most elegant way would be, though16:51
ayekatthen again, I can't think of a valid usecase of preventing users from running libreoffice ^^16:51
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ayekatactually, I can't think of a way of *absolutely* preventing a user from running anything specific - one can always do a user-local installation of some tool (under their home directory) and run it from there16:54
lordcirthAn ACL preventing that user from executing the binary seems like the way. But yes, that won't prevent them downloading their own.16:54
ayekatI mean, with an ACL, I don't think anything keeps them from just copying that binary elsewhere, removing the ACL rules again, and running it like that16:55
ayekatah, when copying a file with cp, it seems the ACL rules are not even preserved - so it's just a matter of copying /usr/bin/libreoffice into your home and running it like that ^^17:00
nitzicuileHi ppl. I had a problem with do-release-upgrade. I was running Tomcat8 with Ubuntu 18.10. When upgrade finished. Tomcat 8 fails with this message: "Failed to start tomcat8.service: Unit tomcat8.service is masked." ¿Any idea?¿Something to read?17:02
dannyboy35is snap still used?17:03
lordcirthdannyboy35, "still"? It only started recently17:04
dannyboy35i installed it but i got an error saying it couldn't start the serivce that its disabled17:04
dannyboy35it couldn't run the repair either17:04
ovrhAny suggestions where to start debugging an issue with external display not being recognized anymore?17:04
lordcirth!paste | dannyboy3517:05
ubottudannyboy35: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:05
kinghatis there a 19.10 download on the website?17:05
kinghati found 19.0417:05
dannyboy3519.10 isn't out yet17:05
dannyboy35it isn't october yet17:06
kinghatthat be why then.17:06
lordcirthkinghat, it's not october yet. #ubuntu+117:06
dannyboy35the version numbers tell you when the release is17:06
lordcirth!info tomcat8 disco | nitzicuile17:06
ubottunitzicuile: Package tomcat8 does not exist in disco17:06
dannyboy3519.04 april 201917:06
dannyboy3519.10 october 201917:06
kinghatso do the .04 versions of ubuntu go to .10 or..? i cant remember if .04 versions are automagically upgraded to .10.17:07
lordcirthkinghat, you can upgrade any supported release, but none do so automatically.17:07
lordcirthYou will be prompted when checking for updates.17:07
dannyboy35the numbers are just the month and year when it was released has nothing to do with anything17:08
nitzicuilelordcirth: thanks. So I need to install tomcat9, right?17:08
lordcirthnitzicuile, that's probably best, yes17:09
kinghatdannyboy35 why not take everyone from .04 -> .10 automatically then?17:09
ayekatnitzicuile: also probably disable the tomcat8.service, because it likely links to a non-existing file17:09
lordcirthkinghat, because you don't change releases without asking first?17:09
ayekatkinghat: automatically upgrading packages without asking the user is generally not very nice17:10
nitzicuilelordcirth: thanks.17:10
nitzicuileayekat: thanks you too.17:10
kinghatthat makes sense. is there something that usually changes that major in the biannual release that might be an issue? or is it literally just a version # change?17:11
dannyboy35kinghat: one is a lts one is a major update17:11
lordcirthkinghat, releases generally upgrade kernel, gcc, and glibc.17:12
kinghattyvm guys.17:12
ayekatdannyboy35: what's the command you ran there? doesn't exactly look like an error to me17:12
dannyboy35lts is mostly for business who doesn't want to upgrade often so support is kept longer for lts17:13
dannyboy35and it usually doesn't have major changes17:13
kinghatsomeone mentioned devilspie to get app windows to open on a specific workspace, is there something newer/gui/actively maintained?17:13
dannyboy35ayekat: im not saying its an error but i was just wondering17:14
ayekatdannyboy35: you mentioned something about getting an error above17:14
dannyboy35ayekat: it said failure i assumed thats an error but your saying thats normal?17:15
ayekatkinghat: think of the biannual releases like jumping half a year forward :-) you get all the updates that have happened during those 6 months, in all the software17:15
lordcirthdannyboy35, it doesn't say it's a failure, it said it didn't start snapd.failure.service17:15
dannyboy35i read that wrong17:16
ayekatI guess your brain has just hardwired to go into alarm mode at any occurence of 'fail' or 'err' in a text :-)17:16
ayekat*has just been17:17
ovrhAnybody has a suggestion how I could debug ubuntu not recognizing my external monitor anymore? `xrandr` doesn't even list the HDMI port anymore, just the builtin display17:30
Sven_vByeah! party! just found out sane now supports Canon CanoScan LiDE 220, and indeed, it just works now! :D17:33
qqqqqqqqq9today chromium-browser pulled in snapd. Will snapd be mandatory in the future?17:34
lordcirthqqqqqqqqq9, what Ubuntu version?17:36
qqqqqqqqq9APT::Default-Release "eoan";17:37
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irgendwer4711how to fix systemd error "Failed to wait for process: Protocol error" on Ubuntu 18.04?17:53
dannyboy35irgendwer4711: what are you trying to do17:54
irgendwer4711shutdown computer17:54
dannyboy35since its a know bug maybe updating to 19.04 will fix it?17:55
irgendwer4711I wanna stay on LTS17:56
irgendwer4711and I have another pc with 18.04, but without this problem, so there must be a working config.17:57
dannyboy35are ou tried the workaround mentioned in the article you posted?17:57
dannyboy35have yoiU17:57
irgendwer4711power off hard??17:58
dannyboy35did you actually read the thng you posted?17:58
irgendwer4711btw restart didnt work too17:58
dannyboy35if you read the forum post you posted in chat you will see there is a work around mentioed17:59
irgendwer4711did not work17:59
dannyboy35it looks like the was a pr made to the repo as well17:59
dannyboy35when was the last time you did an update?17:59
dannyboy35as i don't use 18.04 i cannot help18:00
irgendwer4711systemd really sucks, they made Linux as bad as Windows18:00
lordcirthI have had great experiences with systemd18:01
irgendwer4711how many days of use? two?18:02
lordcirthSeveral years18:02
irgendwer4711one pc? or morew18:02
lordcirthseveral PCs, two laptops, a home server, and ~20 servers at work, with ~20 LXC containers18:03
irgendwer4711so I have 30 servers at work and systemd is wasting my time18:04
sarnoldirgendwer4711: please file a bug with ubuntu-bug systemd18:04
dannyboy35sarnold: its a known issue18:04
irgendwer4711sarnold: there was a bug report, I could find it today18:04
sarnoldwhat's the bug number?18:05
irgendwer4711but nobody will fix this18:05
dannyboy35its probably fixed in 19.0418:05
irgendwer4711there is a ubuntu bug# too18:05
sarnolddannyboy35: that bug was filed in 2004: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/815518:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 8155 in linux-source-2.6.15 (Ubuntu) "CD-ROM not detected" [Medium,Invalid]18:05
irgendwer47118155 is a systemd #18:05
dannyboy35they just haven't pushed it to 18.04 which is going out of support next year18:05
dannyboy35sarnold: ah18:05
dannyboy35thats what he posted18:06
sarnoldyes. what's the *ubuntu* bug numberZ?18:06
irgendwer4711??? 18.04 is LTS ???18:06
dannyboy35irgendwer4711: i would report it again for 18.0418:06
dannyboy35ive never seen this issue18:07
irgendwer4711I am searching ä#18:07
dannyboy35you must have some weird device thats stalling shotdown18:07
dannyboy35unplug your usb devices one at a time and try to shut down18:07
dannyboy35it was a systemd issue that would be a big deal18:08
dannyboy35ubuntu would be broken since 200418:08
dannyboy35no one would be able to shutdown18:08
irgendwer4711why do you think this error if from 2004??18:08
dannyboy35i can't definetly shut down my system18:08
dannyboy35irgendwer4711: are you just trying to troll chat?18:09
sarnolddon't search reddit18:09
lordcirthdannyboy35, 18.04 will last until April 202318:09
sarnoldfile a bug18:09
irgendwer4711there is one from 201818:09
dannyboy35lordcirth: duh lts lol18:09
sarnoldirgendwer4711: what's the bug number?18:10
irgendwer4711sarnold: I am searching my browser history18:10
dannyboy35sarnold: seems like he just wants to troll about systemd18:10
dannyboy35we know you hate change get over it :P18:11
dannyboy35ill get you a blanky18:11
irgendwer4711dannyboy35: the real troll is you, didnt know 18.04 is LTS18:11
lordcirthNo need for the personal attacks.18:11
qqqqqqqqq9show this https://bpaste.net/show/fcbb53375cc1 /etc/apt/preferences prevent the installation of the snapd-dependent chromium-Version?18:16
lordcirthqqqqqqqqq9, you are on Eoan? That's not released and thus not supported here. /join #ubuntu+118:17
qqqqqqqqq9ok thanks18:18
irgendwer4711sarnold: I didnt find the bug number18:18
sarnoldirgendwer4711: then please file a new one with ubuntu-bug systemd18:19
irgendwer4711maybe someone will find then the duplicate18:20
irgendwer4711sarnold: done18:23
sarnoldirgendwer4711: cool, thanks18:23
sarnoldirgendwer4711: could you run apport-collect 1832754  ? thanks18:24
irgendwer4711sarnold: on a frozen pc??? :-D18:24
sarnoldirgendwer4711: after reboot18:24
irgendwer4711makes no sense18:24
sarnoldbummer, I was hoping to capture the state of the thing :(18:24
irgendwer4711rarly used notebook18:25
akikirgendwer4711: did you try with the different reboot= kernel parameters?18:28
irgendwer4711and acpi stuff18:28
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akikirgendwer4711: arch forum mentions "Just add the "shutdown" hook to your /etc/mkinitcpio.conf, and rebuild initramfs" as a fix18:39
irgendwer4711and where is mkinitcpio.conf in Ubuntu?18:40
irgendwer4711LOL, no where18:40
sarnolddoesn't exist, ubuntu uses initramfs, not initcpio18:40
irgendwer4711akik: did you ever looked in your hooks folder? its empty!18:49
akikmaybe that fix doesn't apply on ubuntu then18:50
irgendwer4711as written in bug report....18:51
miaHey all - I need some help with gtk css classes - I can't find the class that covers the whole window - "window" class seems like it but it does not cover the titlebar of the window itself.18:57
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miaSince I learned ubuntu UI is almost pure CSS moddable, I'm enjoying it :D but, I need some documentation, I believe..18:58
woenxHi. I think I need some help reporting a bug. My bluetooth trackpad connects and disconnects every few minutes, but I don't know where to reportat this issue.19:20
woenxThe website https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs is actually more confusing that it should be19:20
duo_ubuntuhi, anyone can help me, im stuck cannot go to ctrl alt f1 after remove lightdm19:20
sarnoldwoenx: 'ubuntu-bug bluez' would be a good first start19:21
lordcirthduo_ubuntu, what Ubuntu version, and why did you remove lightdm?19:21
woenxI actually think it's not Bluez fault.19:21
duo_ubuntubecause login loop before19:22
duo_ubuntuthen I try to reinstall lightdm,  but forgot it will remove all :-(19:22
woenxif I click on Report a bug, it returns me back to the Reporting Bugs web page19:22
woenx(so i am going in circles)19:22
ioriaduo_ubuntu, have you tried  sudo apt install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop ?19:23
duo_ubuntubut how to go to terminal?19:23
lordcirthduo_ubuntu, Ctrl-Alt-F219:23
duo_ubuntuwhen it start ubuntu, it stuck on logo on screen only19:23
miaduo_ubuntu, disable quiet boot19:24
duo_ubuntuhow to disable it? on bios?19:24
miato go to termişnal you can try CTRL ALT F4 (or any F keys actually)19:24
miayou need to gedit the grub19:25
miaduo_ubuntu, wait, I'll send you a link - much easier19:25
duo_ubuntuok thanks19:25
tomreynwoenx: inspect "dmesg" or "journalctl -b" to determine related error messages, this will help you identify the package to report a bug against.19:26
ioriaduo_ubuntu, you can reinstall also from Recovery, after remount read-write19:26
miathis will remove your splash screen - but if you can't boot maybe you can't even go into terminal?19:26
duo_ubuntuya cannot go to terminal19:26
tomreynwoenx: which ubuntu verison are you running there?19:26
miaDid you try CTRL ALT F419:26
RyviusHello, is there a way to back up my system before I install new packages? I need to install Mir but afraid it will conflict with KDE19:27
duo_ubuntunot yet, wait19:27
woenxtomreyn: yes, I already found some informatio nin bluetoothctl and dmesg19:27
woenxtomreyn: ubuntu 18.04 with gnome.19:27
lordcirth!backup | Ryvius19:27
tomreyn!bootparam | duo_ubuntu19:27
ubottuRyvius: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup, !borg, and !cloning19:27
woenxI am currently submitting a question on https://answers.launchpad.net19:27
RyviusCool, thanks. Can you say whether installing Mir even though I'm running KDE can cause problems?19:28
duo_ubuntuok asking login now19:28
netametaanyone knows why would ubuntu get stuck19:29
sgt_chucklesnetameta: it froze19:29
tomreyn!details | netameta19:29
ubottunetameta: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.19:29
netametai am running it in vmware, and it half loads and stuck on purple screen with blur image and icon of ubunut19:29
miaduo_ubuntu, okay, good - now try to login your username pw19:30
duo_ubuntualready, then?19:30
miathen nano the grub file as described in the link I've sent19:30
miasudo nano /etc/default/grub19:30
duo_ubuntutry sudo apt install lightdm, it said already newest version19:31
duo_ubuntualready, then?19:31
duo_ubuntutry sudo apt install lightdm, it said already newest version19:31
miacomment out the line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"19:31
miayou don't want it to be splash and you don't want it to be quiet, you want to see what's going on19:32
miathat's why you're commenting that line19:32
miajust put a # to the beginning of that line, shortly19:32
netametasgt_chuckles, tomreyn, https://ibb.co/2y26GfW19:32
miathen CTRL X to save, and accept the overwrite.19:32
miaduo_ubuntu, -- then do sudo update-grub19:32
netametaimage of how it stuck19:32
duo_ubuntuok done19:32
miathen restart.19:32
duo_ubuntuok done19:33
miaafter updating the grub you can restart19:33
tomreynnetameta: someone was here earlier today reporting a similar or the same issue with vmware workstation 12. their xserver-xorg reported   "(EE) vmware(0): Failed to open drm." and "(WW) vmware(0): Disabling 3D support."19:33
miait'll show you the log during restart so if it doesn't boot you'll see where it fails19:33
duo_ubuntulet me try19:33
netametaNot sure how to disable 3d support19:33
nerditupMy installation of 18.04.2 is failing at `Select and install software` when deploying using Cobbler - I'm hoping someone here has attempted installation via Cobbler?19:34
duo_ubuntubut before I have to do export PATH=/usr/bin:/bin otherwise cannot type19:34
duo_ubuntushould I change something  here on the system while its on?19:34
gallomimiathat's something you might want to change permanently19:34
gallomimiawhy doesn't it have those in your path??19:34
qqqqqqqqq9How do i forbid a package from being installed? APT-PINNING does not seem to work, when it's a new dependency of an already installed package19:35
tomreynnetameta: we concluded that either the version of the "vmwgfx" driver they had on their ubuntu VM doesn't work with this version of the (VmWare Workstation) hypervisor or the other way around.19:36
nerditupI can see that `bionic Releases` is hit when running apt-get update manually.19:36
duo_ubuntumia, should I change sonething first?19:36
netametaIts weird though, it worked fine i just refreshed and it died19:36
duo_ubuntubefore I restart?19:36
tomreynnetameta: "refreshed"?19:37
netametaah sorry, restarted*19:37
tomreynnetameta: well check your logs, see what you find, when you have something specific we can talk19:38
tomreynnetameta: you should be able to boot fine (to get access to the logs) by booting to recovery, then continue from there.19:39
tomreyn!recovery | netameta19:39
ubottunetameta: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode19:39
duo_ubuntuo just reboot then19:39
duo_ubuntumia, its back to login again19:41
duo_ubuntufailed to start display manager I guess19:41
netametawill continue playing with it and see19:42
duo_ubuntuthe command could not be located because /bin is not included in the PATH environment19:42
tomreynnerditup: try #ubuntu-server - you're more likely to get help with pxe booted installations there.19:43
woenxHey, I just submitted aquestion on Ubuntu Questions, but I can't get the formatting to work (I want command line outputs to show as "code"). Otherwise it's a bit of a mess.19:43
Luna_xoxoHello, I'm wondering if someone can help me, i've been stuck on a rather stupid problem for weeks now and still can't find a working solution other then SSH tunnels19:43
woenxputting text between `accents` does not work.19:44
duo_ubuntudo export PATH /usr/bin then startx, now can goes to ubuntu desktop19:44
duo_ubuntuwhat should I do to fix it?19:44
tomreynqqqqqqqqq9: how did you do the apt pinning, does "apt-cache policy $packagename" confirm the pinning applies?19:44
rypervencheLuna_xoxo: What problem are you having?19:44
lordcirthduo_ubuntu, do you have any idea how you broke your PATH?19:44
Luna_xoxoSo i'm trying to do a port forward for HTTPS, pretty simple right?19:44
rypervencheLuna_xoxo: Is this on a machine that you have at home?19:45
tomreynqqqqqqqqq9:did you consider apt-mark hold $package ?19:45
Luna_xoxorypervenche, correct19:45
netametaThis is so wierd19:45
rypervencheLuna_xoxo: Your ISP likely won't let you use port 443 unless you have a static IP.19:45
rypervencheI.e., a business account.19:45
Luna_xoxoso my internal network machines sit behind a pfsense firewall connecting to a VPN so my ISP has no idea19:45
Luna_xoxobasically i have a machine behind the firewall, which connects to a small VPS and listens on port 443, connections to that port go through the tunnel and connect to port 443 localhost on the other end19:46
Luna_xoxothis all works just great but it's kind of slow and not so reliable, autossh doesn't seem to keep the tunnels alive all the time19:47
Luna_xoxoso what i've done is setup an openvpn server on the remote machine, and connected my local machine to it via openvpn as a client19:47
Luna_xoxoon the remote machine i can connect to just fine19:47
woenxI submitted this question about my bluetooth trackpad disconnection. Feel free to chime in if you want: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/68140419:47
Luna_xoxohowever for whatever reason i can't forward connections from the servers external ip address to the openvpn client19:48
Luna_xoxoI'm trying to use ufw to do the port forwarding and it doesnt work, i've tried other solutions like setting up nginx but that just gave me loads of strange SSL errors and didn't work19:48
rypervencheLuna_xoxo: To be honest, it would be much simpler to simply use a remote host for your web server, in a data center that isn't going to block port 443. You can still get cheap ones.19:48
Luna_xoxoso i have a ton of servers running on a couple of proxmox machines which are using TB's worth of space i dont really want to keep on a remote server, it's really handy to be able to access this stuff across my network19:50
Luna_xoxoeverything is working out really well so far apart from theres a pretty long delay when someone visits one of the sites i host, i think this is the tcp-through-tcp issue i've seen mentioned regarding ssh tunnels19:50
Luna_xoxoso i've spent weeks trying to shave off that delay to get it down to something reasonable as it's almost 1s19:51
Luna_xoxothroughput is fine once someones connected though19:51
Luna_xoxoi thought i'd have another quick go at it today and these are the rules i have setup in /etc/ufw/before.rules https://pastebin.com/uGtD6hYM19:53
Luna_xoxoand ufw status and the iptables rules19:54
Luna_xoxoi have ipv4 forwarding set to 1 as well19:55
Luna_xoxooh rypervenche i also do have a static IP and a business account although it's not really relevant due to the VPN i have setup for all my internet traffic20:01
netametawhen i got to recovery mode then click on resume normal mode it works fine20:03
netametawell not 100% fine as the resultion is all messed up but at least it boots20:04
netametaand logs in20:04
duo_ubuntulordcirth, I think path is broken because I install android and put another path on envorinment and bashrc20:06
lordcirthduo_ubuntu, ok, so you will need to edit those files again and fix it.20:06
lordcirthduo_ubuntu, with /bin/nano, for example20:07
duo_kalilordcirth, type /bin/nano?20:08
lordcirthduo_kali, /bin/nano /etc/environment20:08
gallomimiathat would be how you run nano with a screwed up path variable yes20:08
duo_kaliI add this : export ANDROID_HOME=/root/Android/Sdk export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/root/Android/Sdk:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-toolss20:09
gallomimiaalso duo_kali pay close attention. having mucked up settings like this is how you learn a lot about linux20:09
lordcirthduo_kali, that's in /etc/environment?20:10
duo_kalialso this : PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games"  QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=120:11
lordcirth /etc/environment is not run in a shell and therefore $PATH is not a valid variable there20:11
lordcirthIf you move that to .bash_profile, it should work20:11
tomreynnetameta: that's (unaccelerated) svga graphics, used as a fallback. you'll instead want to work out how to use accelerated graphics using the vmwgfx driver (which should be provided by ubuntu (via linux-modules-extra-* and libgl1-mesa-dri packages)20:11
duo_kalithe android one or?20:12
duo_kalimove this one? export ANDROID_HOME=/root/Android/Sdk export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/root/Android/Sdk:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-toolss20:12
lordcirthduo_kali, all of them. Restore /etc/environment to how it was before.20:12
tomreynnetameta: a newer or older (compatible or incompatible) version / variant of these drivers may also be provided by the vmware provided guest OS driver packages20:12
duo_kaliok, and move the andridf path to .bash_profile20:14
duo_kaliandoid path I mean20:14
tomreynduo_kali: which ubuntu release and kernel version are you running again? this would tell:   nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version,cmdline};echo "$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE)";)20:15
tomreynalso you shouldn't be developing software / using SDKs as root.20:16
tomreynnor ask for kali support in #ubuntu20:16
duo_kaliUbuntu 16.04.5 LTS Linux version 4.15.0-51-generic (buildd@lgw01-amd64-031) (gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.10)) #55~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu May 16 09:24:37 UTC 2019 BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-51-generic root=UUID=677b591c-021e-4161-84a4-258fffb34c74 ro XFCE ()20:16
duo_kaliit just a name20:16
tomreynok ;)20:17
duo_kaliim using ubuntu, I have 2 account20:17
tomreyndon't forget to install the pending security updates your system is missing.20:18
duo_kalilet me google20:22
duo_kaliso fixing the path and move path for android to .bah_profile will fix now?20:23
duo_kalilordcirth, so I can restart now?20:24
tomreyn!uptodate | duo_kali20:31
ubottuduo_kali: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.20:31
tomreynduo_kali: the file you want to set your PATH in is ~/.profile and/or ~/.bash_profile (read the comments on top of these files)20:32
duo_kalitomreyn, yes I moved to .bash_profile already for it20:34
duo_kalidoing apt updat and upgrade and will try rebooot after that should normal can go to desktop ya?20:34
duo_kaliwill try20:35
tomreynduo_kali: i'm having difficulties interpreting your question, please try to use punctuation and not slang.20:39
duo_kalitomreyn, sorry.. now Im doing sudo apt update, after that I will try to reboot the system to see if the system can login do desktop20:41
duo_kaliit will fix the login loop because from the PATH mistake I guess?20:41
tomreynduo_kali: i didn't follow the full conversation you had here, so could not make a guess on this, i'm afraid.20:42
gallomimiawhat's a full-upgrade? i usually do dist-upgrade20:43
duo_kalibut the question why this is happen after 1 month I put the PATH for android in /etc/environment? why just happen now? not from first I put that PATH?20:43
duo_kalitomreyn, before it was a loop login and I cannot go to desktop20:44
duo_kalihhhmm... why it still connecting? 0% [Connecting to id.archive.ubuntu.com (2001:67c:1360:8001::21)] [Connecting20:45
duo_kalifor apt update20:46
duo_kaliahh ok, sorry20:46
duo_kaliits been a while im not updating maybe20:47
qqqqqqqqq9tomreyn: Thanks, I solved it by creating and installing a conflicting package. Beat it with it's own weapon ...20:47
gallomimiaupdates are the first thing i do each day. clean up the kitchen, get coffee, update my ubuntu machine.20:47
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sarnoldclean the kitchen? overachiever over here :)20:48
gallomimiait is the cure to depression20:48
duo_kalithere is one reason Im not updating, because new kernel not compatible with some program in my system20:48
gallomimiabroken userspace?20:48
duo_kalibut I guess now I need to updating in this laptop20:48
gallomimiasounds like a bug report that you need to write20:49
OerHeksso, you need to stay vulnerable, and want help.. \20:50
duo_kalinot really, some people in my other channel also test to older kernel and thats why Im not updating this laptop, it happen with other one of mine and the program not working20:50
tomreynqqqqqqqqq9: that's a weird approach for "solving" dependency issues, or rather introducing new ones.20:50
sarnoldheh, like the equivs package, but the other way around :)20:51
gallomimiaspeaking of updates, today device manager got some updates to various packages within ubuntu. or at least, i did. where can i go to read patch notes on this update if i am curious?20:51
OerHekslaunchpad is the place to be20:52
sarnoldyou can also find all the changelogs for all the packages for a release on a mail list https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/bionic-changes/20:52
tomreyngallomimia: also: apt changelog $package20:53
OerHeksand usn.ubuntu.com for security notices20:53
gallomimiadrowning in data20:53
rdococnot sure whether to put this in a linux channel, this ubuntu channel, X window system, or an xfce channel, but whenever a program crashes hard enough, the rest of my operating system crashes too20:55
rdococis this normal?20:56
gallomimiawhat sort of crash?20:56
gallomimiathat's often a video driver problem in my experience. ofc my fix was to throw my AMD card away and buy a geforce20:57
rdococah, I have a laptop that I think doesn't a dedicated GPU20:57
gallomimiaa likely culprit. what gpu is it?20:57
gallomimiamy condolences20:58
rdococI'm considering looking for graphics cards that I can attach to the laptop without going into its internals20:58
tomreyngallomimia: debugging based on hardware brands is not how we usually work here.20:58
rdococif that fails, I might just get a desktop computer20:59
gallomimiait was very long time ago for me. perhaps improvements have been made20:59
gallomimiabut i had problems shutting down a bitcoin mining program i was trying out. the full graphical environment would crash hard whenever i quit it20:59
tomreynrdococ: try to get some error logs from the "crash", and post them online and the url of that post here so volunteers can review it for you.21:00
gallomimiai agree. more investigation is needed. first, write down what chip you have. then interest yourself in which driver is running the graphics side of it21:01
tomreynso far we have not even established that this is in any way related to graphics.21:01
gallomimiano. it's only my personal suspicions based on prejudice. if it smells like a duck and quacks like a duck...21:02
sarnoldor what it means when a program crashes hard, or soft, etc21:02
jane_laneIt's probably a chicken in disguise21:02
gallomimiacause it wants bigger eggs?21:02
gallomimiaanyway. logs from the crashing programs. how do we get them?21:03
tomreynrdococ: here's something to get you started, run this after it happens and you rebooted:  journalctl -b -1 | nc termbin.com 999921:03
rdococby crashing hard, I mean that the program completely freezes, displaying the last frame that it could. sometimes, this causes my entire operating system to do the same and I have to restart21:03
tomreynrdococ: ...then come back here and post the url it returned21:03
tomreyn!sysrq | rdococ21:04
ubotturdococ: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key21:04
tomreynactually just S, U and B on ubuntu21:04
gallomimiaif you can, try connecting to the machine by ssh or similar, while it is hung. just to see if things are still operating in the backend21:04
tomreyn!tty | rdococ: also try switching tty's when it happens to see whether you can still get textual output21:06
ubotturdococ: also try switching tty's when it happens to see whether you can still get textual output: To get to the TTY terminals 3-6, use the keystroke Ctrl + Alt + F3-F6 respectively. Ctrl-Alt-F2 or Ctrl-Alt-F1 will get you back to your graphical login (Ctrl-Alt-F7 on 16.04). To change TTY resolution, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution21:06
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rdococdoes having desktop compositing off affect this in any way?21:10
gallomimia.... i should think having it on would affect it if there's a problem.21:10
tomreynthe main issue so far is that we do not know what "this" is.21:12
gallomimianor what flavor or version of ubuntu you use21:12
rdococxubuntu, I think it's 18.04 or 18.1021:13
gallomimiathere's not much room for think in a support situation21:13
gallomimiabe sure. get a notepad and write down some of these details.21:13
gallomimiai'm sorry to say but i think this is going to take you some days to track down21:13
tomreynrdococ: here's how you can put together some system info:  nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version,cmdline};echo "$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE)";)21:18
Nikita790did this work?21:56
Nikita790Hello Disconected :D21:57
Nikita790i just set up my irc21:57
Nikita790Can someone help me with configureing ubuntu server with my network card?21:58
duo_kalihi tomreyn, could you help me, after I move the path for android to .bash_profile, my ionic framwork cannot find the path : Failed to find 'ANDROID_HOME' environment variable. Try setting it manually. Failed to find 'android' command in your 'PATH'. Try update your 'PATH' to include path to valid SDK directory.21:58
Nikita790sorry if i seem like a noob to linux, its becase i am21:58
Nikita790Duo_Kali i think you need to set your java path, or your python path21:59
OerHeksNikita790, try #ubuntu-server, and did you read https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/serverguide/ ?21:59
Nikita790oh no i didnt21:59
duo_kaliwhen using /etc/environment is working, any suggestion?21:59
duo_kaliNikita790, thats quite difficult for me, im not coding person :(22:01
jeremy31Nikita790:  /join #ubuntu-server22:05
LinuxLeprechaunhi all22:26
LinuxLeprechaunwhat is the easiest way to view aggregation of code level diffs between versions of ubuntu provided packages?22:26
LinuxLeprechaun(if wanting to see whats changed after running "apt list --upgradable")22:27
Bashing-omLinuxLeprechaun: Running just "apt list --upgradable" changes nothing.22:28
mischiefhi. gdm's gnome-shell is using 30% of my system memory... how can i reduce it? i don't even use gnome for my session, i use a simple tiling window manager, but gnome-shell keeps running after i log in22:28
LinuxLeprechaunBashing-om: that is understood; what I'd like to do is see release notes and ideally a simple git diff webview of what was changed in all source files between the new package (prior to actually upgrading) vs what I have installed now22:30
OerHeksapt changelog $package22:32
OerHeksand launchpad it the place to be22:32
sarnoldLinuxLeprechaun: eg head to the source package for irssi, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/irssi find the version 1.0.5-1ubuntu4.1, click on that, and there's a link on the next22:33
sarnoldLinuxLeprechaun: "diff from 1.0.5-1ubuntu4 (in Ubuntu) to 1.0.5-1ubuntu4.1 (1.1 KiB)"  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/irssi/1.0.5-1ubuntu4.122:33
LinuxLeprechaunthank you all; this is perfect / exactly what I was looking for22:36
LinuxLeprechaunany chance there is a version (or alternative site) that offers similar to https://launchpadlibrarian.net/422618954/apt_1.6.10_1.6.11.diff.gz but with standard github or similar color coding?22:36
CarlFKhow do I disable automoune usb sticks?22:36
jeremy31CarlFK: It should be an option in the file manager22:37
OerHeksudisks2 gives that service; systemctl mask udisks2 https://askubuntu.com/questions/1062719/how-do-i-disable-the-auto-mounting-of-internal-drives-in-ubuntu-or-kubuntu-18-0422:38
sarnoldLinuxLeprechaun: vimdiff on it will have some colours..22:38
LinuxLeprechaundoes there happen to be an existing bash one liner for invoking vimdiff on a particular set of package versions?22:40
sarnoldnone that I've seen22:40
CarlFKjeremy31: I don't see anything under Properties or prefereences22:41
jiffeany idea why I would be getting '** (appstreamcli:30693): CRITICAL **: Error while moving old database out of the way' when trying to run apt update from live cd?22:41
Bashing-omjiffe: Disk space ? .. what shows ' df -h ; df -i ' ?22:43
jeremy31CarlFK: It might be in settings, removable media22:43
Bashing-omjiffe: Naw " update from live cd?22:44
netametaWhats current stable ubuntu ?22:44
Bashing-om" does not aply ^.22:44
jiffeI moved /var/cache/app-info/xapian/default to /var/cache/app-info/xapian/default_old and that seems to have fixed it22:44
Bashing-omnetameta: Currect is 19.04 .. LTS is 18.04.22:46
DOSfanquestion : I'm having a problem with my mouse dissapearing on my screen .. it's still working cause icons move/highlights/etc ... but the ARROW is gone.  Is there an easy way/key stroke to make it come back?  Even brining up the SEARCH popup menu doesn't do it.22:51
DOSfanOh .. version 16.0422:51
DOSfanperhaps it's a hardware mouse issue ... it happens mainly when my system comes back from SUSPEND mode btw.22:52
DOSfananyway .. I'm in and out here, I'll check for replys (if any) laterz .. thanks.22:53
jiffeso I'm trying to run boot-repair which reinstalls grub, but when trying to do so it says I need to enable a repository that has grub2 on it, I've done this and even installed grub2 but it continues to say I need to enable a repository with grub2 on it22:54
linkrageDo you know alternative to "usb_modeswitch -R -v 12d1 -p 1506 /dev/ttyUSB0" ? The Huawei usb 4g modem works BUT it stopped rotating it's pubic IP. It has to be unplugged & plugged but it's on a remote location and that's not possible.23:00
kwhat4Hi, I am trying to remove sudo access from the default ubuntu user... I have removed the user from the sudo group (verified via `groups ubuntu`) but the user still has sudo access to every cmd... what am I missing here?23:03
kwhat4never mind, I found the "stupid" in 90-cloud-init-users23:04
duo_kalihi tomryen, I just restart and its not direct to desktop, but still on terminal, I use startx. how to make login normal again? path is fine now after remove. thanks23:10
OerHeksstartx is for kali, not for ubuntu-desktop that uses GDM..23:15
duo_kaliim using lightdm, strange23:19
duo_kalitry comment the quite splah, hope is work23:19
duo_kalimmm maybe nope23:20
wisI can't configure my WiFi USB adapter with Ubuntu Server but I can get it to work using the Ubuntu Core on my RPi, can I use the setup program on Ubuntu Server to config WiFi? what is it called?23:21
wisthe Ubuntu core setup wizard*23:21
OerHeksTo use wifi with netplan.io and systemd-networkd, you need to manually install the wpasupplicant package.23:22
wismy adapters driver ahk9k_htc is in /lib/driver but wpa_supplicants says driver not found23:22
duo_kaliI think when I remove lightdm, ubuntu desktop is remove cause purge from that23:22
duo_kalitrying sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop now23:23
wis#OerHek /lib/firmware*23:23
OerHeksahk9k or ath9k ?23:26
wis @OerHeks u r correct23:26
wis @OerHeks ath9k , it's an open source driver for that chipset23:31
=== BrianBlaze420 is now known as brianblaze
wiscan I use Ubuntu Core not over ssh (i.e using a keybaord and monitor), how can I google that, it's not googleable? I need to run a script that dissconnects ssh.23:41
cuebixHey peoples23:43
cuebixI'm trying trying to set up my computer as a dev machine. I've got docker containers, one of which is a dns server for the environment. I am trying to figure out the path of least resistance to taking any dns request for *.test and sending it to that server.23:44
cuebixI know I can do it with dnsmasq, but just installing dnsmasq seems to be a hassle since there seems to be some other dns server listening on *:5323:44
cuebixI think it's systemd-resolved? but I can't seem to figure out how to foward lookups for *.test domains to the other server. Help?23:45
sarnoldcuebix: give this a look https://dnsdist.org/23:46
cuebixtaking a look, thanks sarnold23:47
sarnoldcuebix: I think this is the config that'd do the task https://dnsdist.org/guides/serverpools.html23:48
cuebixi think i'd sooner use dnsmasq since it's more widely known. the real problem is i'm trying to write repeatable instructions for ubuntu and as soon as i try to start dnsmasq i get an error saying that port 53 is taken23:49
cuebixhmm let me try something....23:50
sarnoldcuebix: I think the first answer here is the right way to disable systemd-resolved https://askubuntu.com/questions/907246/how-to-disable-systemd-resolved-in-ubuntu23:51
cuebixThanks sarnold, i'm gonna try to work with systemd-resolved. if i can avoid adding another dns server into the mix it'll be simpler. but i'll definitely try that if i fail :P23:52
cuebixbah, systemd-resolved is fkin weird23:56
cuebixthose instructions seem to be good for getting rid of it though. i searched for a while and nothing really fully did it23:59
cuebixthanks sarnold23:59
sarnoldcuebix: good luck, have fun :)23:59

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