
pl44cI suppose I could just use a kernel to kexec the kernel on the volume for now00:15
Thr0rHi! I'm having issues with the wireless mouse when the laptop has been running for some hours, Then the mouse pointer starts "lagging" way back of my movements of mouse. I suspect it has something to do with some power saving settings. When I set everything - Suspend, blank after, put to sleep after, Switch off after, lock, etc. to "never" it works ok. Is this an issue with the Core/Kernel of ubuntu or is it an issue as pr. Flavours? I'm00:17
Thr0r testing and want to know where to ask questions for now..00:17
longus_catusAre you using wifi on your laptop?00:17
Thr0rlongus_catus:  If that question was for me - Yes00:19
longus_catusWell, the only time I've gotten wireless lag is when using bluetooth and 2.4GHz wifi.  Proprietary wirless protocols don't seem to be affected much00:19
Thr0rlongus_catus:  ok - but "Is this an issue with the Core/Kernel of ubuntu or is it an issue as pr. Flavours?"00:21
longus_catusIn that case it would be neither.  Uh, supposing it was a quirk with your wireless mouse, it would be a kernel issue to have a "quirk" enabled for your wireless mouse to disable power saving.  But, like, using powertop you can disable and enable the auto power saving features which might be useful to toggle and see if it affects your mouse00:22
longus_catusIt could still be thermal throttling or performance (both things that are more likely after a bit of uptime)00:24
guest011118.04 xubuntu blank screen after resume from suspend or lock screen. can someone help?00:25
Thr0r longus_catus: Ok - I'll see if I can pinpoint it more and ask again. Just wondered what "layer" it was - thanks.00:34
akemguest0111, resume from suspend is maybe just not fully supported on your hardware, you can check logs, also try to switch to tty with ctrl+alt+fX etc00:38
guest0111akem : it used to resume fine same hardware.00:39
akemguest0111, Ha ok that's different then - it worked on 18.04 or previous release?00:40
guest0111yes fresh install but worked on previous install00:41
akemguest0111, i would try to suspend and try to resume from a clean new user, just to see if some user configuration could impact on this - i think it's not the case, but worth a try...also maybe you changed video drivers since then?00:44
guest0111akem: im using i915 driver. ok ill try new user00:44
akemguest0111, if it worked on some fresh install there must be a way to reset the APM/suspend-resume settings thought i don't really know how, couldn't help much with that.00:46
akemAnd i think many people on the chan are sleeping atm.00:47
guest0111akem: thanks for helping.00:47
AppleBuggyhowdy, peeps!00:47
AppleBuggyanyone there?00:48
AppleBuggyanyone here use guayadeque?00:49
OerHeksnot that many, i guess, it is not in our repos, just a ppa00:51
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gofiothere is one guayadeque in the canary islands http://www.grancanaria.com/turismo/es/cultura/espacios-arqueologicos/centro-de-interpretacion-del-barranco-de-guayadeque/01:21
valerio_ Hello everybody :) What info should be collected when performing social engineering? E.g. name, surname, email address, etc? Could you give me the most detailed list of info you can come up with? Include everything you think is valuable to collect about a person. I want to know it for educational purposes and to better defend myself. No malicious intent01:48
xamithanMaybe you should try ##security01:49
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abort_abaValerio, make a query to satan - extensive information.01:56
OerHeksanyway, not an ubuntu support issue01:58
longus_catusThat's racist01:59
longus_catusCheck your privilege01:59
* longus_catus waits for the b& ... 02:00
chowderI must finally be old. IRC seems dead02:20
longus_catusThis channel used to be way too overactive not too long ago.  I wonder where the support is taking place.  Or ubuntu is dead too.,02:20
abort_abathat's 'cause you're a nerd02:20
chowderlongus_catus: yeah, I remember when this channel was jam packed with like 20 people asking how to use apt at the same time02:22
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gbellinozlongus_catus: It turns out all question about Ubuntu have finally been answered.02:48
longus_catusha ha ha, nice one gbellinoz02:51
gbellinozI sort of resent Slack for splitting traffic.02:52
gbellinozIRC is simpler, uses less memory, and does everything we need.02:53
gbellinozANYWAY, maybe Stack Overflow is enough of a resource now to bat away most of the apt questions? I mean, there are 1252 people in here...02:53
longus_catussplitting traffic between...?02:53
gbellinozIRC and slack.02:53
gbellinozIn other words, I have two places to go for a certain topic now.02:53
longus_catusslack?  is that stack overflow?02:53
gbellinozSlack the chat client. It's been taking over IRC for a few years now.02:54
gbellinozAre you messing with me?02:54
longus_catusNo...I've never heard of slack02:54
gbellinozIt's huge. Not to make you feel like a rock under-dweller. But back me up here team?02:55
longus_catusare there art places?02:57
leftyfb!ot longus_catus03:03
leftyfb!ot | longus_catus03:03
ubottulongus_catus: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:03
longus_catusUh thanks... I was asking gbellinoz about the topic of Slack03:05
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truexfan81how do i find out who the maintainer is for libplacebo? i need to ask them a question04:16
truexfan81the package maintainer*04:17
mallulooking for another pair of eyes as I have been staring at it for a while. How come this grep command /bin/grep -P '^-w[\s]+/etc/apparmor.d/[\s]+-p[\s]+wa[\s]+-k[\s]+MAC-policy$' is not matching -w /etc/apparmor.d -p wa -k MAC-policy?04:28
Bashing-omtruexfan81: Looks like upstream is debian: https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/libplacebo ,04:33
adeloIs it just my slow connection, or does the Spotify in the snap repo suck?04:42
lotuspsychjeadelo: for snap problems, snap info snapname and see the 'contact' section to reach the maintainer04:43
friendlyGoatanyone know a bit about plymouth? for some reason i cant get my boot splash to show up on startup or shutdown. i just have the black screen and white text while booting but i'd prefer the nice Xubuntu logo i used to have.04:53
lotuspsychjefriendlyGoat: did you change grub 'quiet splash' yourself?04:54
friendlyGoatwith grub customizer but no matter what i do i cant fix splash being gone04:54
lotuspsychjefriendlyGoat: by default quiet splash is enabled, did you do update-grub after edit?04:55
friendlyGoatim gonna try real quick.04:56
monte9On a new laptop the wireless card and driver doesn't work after a new install of operating system. I am rusty with Linux commands, so I need someone with patience to help.04:56
friendlyGoati use a tool called Grub Customizer and save it, after saving it i do Install to MBR.04:56
lotuspsychjemonte9: ubuntu version kernel version and wifi chipset please?04:56
friendlyGoatfor a pic of what i use to customize grub: http://tipsonubuntu.com/2018/03/11/install-grub-customizer-ubuntu-18-04-lts/04:56
lotuspsychjefriendlyGoat: why did you use grub customizer for?04:57
jackmonte: "sudo ifconfig" to check if your wireless got recognized at all04:58
friendlyGoati used it for changing my background on grub and then i tried out disabling my splash screen and now i want to undo it @lotuspsychje04:58
monte9lotuspsychje: I am using Kali, but I don't think anyone will help me in the Kali IRC page so I came here as I used to use Ubuntu for a number of years.04:58
lotuspsychjemonte9: we cant support kali here neither sorry04:59
monte9lotuspsychje: if i wanted to ditch the install of kali and install ubuntu now, is there an easy way?05:00
lotuspsychje!download | monte905:00
ubottumonte9: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Disco, and help keeping the servers' load low!05:00
monte9lotuspsychje: I was hoping there would be a quick way thru terminal bash. But thank you for your time.05:03
lotuspsychjefriendlyGoat: when you come here in ubuntu support, please mention this in your original question you installed grub customizer, this way you can avoid volunteers digging a problem05:03
friendlyGoatoh sorry about that05:03
lotuspsychjefriendlyGoat: try uninstall grub customizer, and edit grub the way i suggested?05:04
jackmonte9, sudo ifconfig.05:04
monte9jack: should i go ahead and bash that command?05:05
lotuspsychjejack: if the user doesnt use ubuntu, its not fair to keep helping here05:06
jacklotuspsychje, does it really matter05:06
jacki'm on trisquel ;)05:07
lotuspsychjejack: there's ##linux to support different distro's if you want?05:07
lotuspsychjeyou could both join there?05:07
jacki'm there already05:07
monte9I have been trying to get this laptop wireless card working after the install for a while and I finally have my own NBN connection at home so I can connect via wire to the router05:08
monte9jack: done05:09
jackso? study the output05:10
jackdoes anything resemble a wlan?05:10
friendlyGoatuninstalled grub customizer, gotta remember how to edit grub without it now05:11
monte9eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500         inet  netmask  broadcast         inet6 fe80::82ce:62ff:fe3a:324c  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>         ether 80:ce:62:3a:32:4c  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)         RX packets 159803  bytes 190898003 (182.0 MiB)         RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0         TX packets 91660  bytes 11928765 (11.3 MiB)         TX 05:11
lotuspsychje!kali | monte905:11
ubottumonte9: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)05:11
monte9jack: thanks, I will go to the kali channel05:12
friendlyGoatedited sudo nano /etc/default/grub without grub customizer, cleaned it up a bit, and used sudo update-grub05:19
monte9jack: the Kali Channel is silent, but well populated. I have found the chipset: 0bda:b009 Realtek idVendor=0bda, idProduct=b009 802.11n Manufacturer: Realtek05:45
dnivraHello everyone! I'm running Firefox 67.0.2 on ubuntu 18.04 and I find that now, audio does not work on Firefox. It works fine on desktop applications but I can hear no audio output from firefox. I tried refreshing, deleting all contents of ~/.mozilla and even apt purging + reinstalling firefox but no luck. Can someone help out here?06:07
vas_tappendagewhat the command for xrandir to resize your screen06:07
blackflowdnivra: and it worked with 67.0.1?06:11
dnivraYes I'm certain it did. I think it probably did work with 67.0.2 too since according to my apt history logs, it was installed yesterday and I do remember watching some videos.06:13
blackflowdnivra: start playing somethign with audio, say a youtube vid, then go to Settings -> Sounds -> tab Applications   and see if the Firefox icon's audio slider is enabled and to the max (right).06:13
blackflowdnivra: the system Settings I mean06:14
dnivrablackflow: Ah there we go. Thanks for that tip! The sounds were at max but looks like firefox was picking the wrong hardware device for some reason. I have system default set to built in analog audio but somehow firefox was using a different device. I switched and now it works.06:16
vas_tappendageHey you super smart linux weinies. Whats the command for xrandir to resize your screen..I am to lazy to go through all my cli  commands to find it.06:17
dnivraStrange how firefox doesn't use the system default though.06:17
blackflowdnivra: it should, who knows what happened there.06:17
dnivraYeah. I've never really had this problem before so it is baffling. Even more baffling is that the other device is an HDMI device but nothing is connected to my HDMI output port.06:19
blackflowvas_tappendage: you need both --display and -s (--size) params, the  manpage has more info06:19
blackflowvas_tappendage: `man xrandr` for a stream of pure, informational enlightment! :)06:20
blackflowdnivra: nvidia?06:21
blackflowvas_tappendage: sorry, --output not --display06:22
dnivrablackflow: Nice guess :). Yeah I have an NVIDIA card but currently I'm using the onboard and not external graphics.06:22
Ben64vas_tappendage: not really the right way to ask for help06:23
blackflowdnivra: asking because there was an update few days ago and depending how recently you ran updates, it's possible that combination of    driver update + hdmi/device-renumeration + something something reset + oh look, new FF   == FF audio settings burped.06:24
dnivrablackflow: Ah okay. I run updates daily; sometimes even twice daily. The latest firefox was installed ~32 hours ago.06:28
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vincenzomlHi, I'm the author of an old tool / hack called pdf2oo which would turn a pdf into a libreoffice document without editing possibilities (but with overlay possibilities, which some of us found useful). Now libreoffice has pdf import but06:46
vincenzomlthe question is: is there a way to convert a pdf to another pdf in ubuntu, keeping it vectorial, but discarding text information, so that libreoffice does not attempt (and fails) to make it editable?06:47
cfhowlettvincenzoml= ubuntu has several pdf tools built in.  from the command line, pdf + tab will get you the complete list.  ghostscript can also do some interesting things.  you might also see pdfshuffler though that will require installation06:50
cfhowlettif I understand your request correctly, I think ghostscript might be the key.  It removes the meta settings, e.g. printing disabled and creates a "clean", generic PDF06:56
cfhowlettcommand line: gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile='output.pdf' 'inputfile.pdf'06:57
vincenzomlcfhowlett: that command line produces a pdf with textual information still embedded but yes, restricting my search to gs is a good idea for the moment06:58
darutokois there an app that can change window size? like Sizer for Windows06:59
blackflowdarutoko: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/5999/setting-the-window-dimensions-of-a-running-application07:12
alkisgHi, is it possible to export /home with nfs3, yet specify that /home/administrator isn't exported? E.g. maybe with an additional line like this in /etc/exports? /home/administrator
vincenzomlas we are here: since some days, I keep getting a very hot cpu just by using chrome and / or searching an application in gnome-shell (win key + type)07:21
vincenzomlThis is since ubuntu 19.0407:21
vincenzomlMay this have anything to do with e.g. updated video card drivers? did any of you hear about this?07:21
darutokoblackflow, thank you!07:22
lotuspsychjevincenzoml: you might wanna tail syslog & keep an htop running while you use chrome07:25
lotuspsychjevincenzoml: also keep in mind you are on a non-lts version of ubuntu, and chromium is the ubuntu alternative of chrome07:25
cfhowlett_1"ubuntu alternative"?? I always thought it was a linux alternative.  is it specific to ubuntu lotuspsychje ?07:27
vincenzomllotuspsychje: sure, I'll first of all install chromium07:28
lotuspsychjecfhowlett_1: chrome is from google, chromium the ubuntu inspired one right?07:28
cfhowlett_1gotta research this one.  I thought chromium was the unbranded version offered and maintained by google07:29
vincenzomllotuspsychje: I'm tailing everything I can but the fact is, nothing odd appears, cpu usage is low. Thinking of it I will try iotop07:29
lotuspsychjecfhowlett_1: oh you mean other distro's chromium?07:29
vincenzomlchromium-browser is the FOSS part of chrome compiled for linux and distributed by distributions07:29
lotuspsychjei just wanted to point out, chrome we dont really support and for ubuntu we advice chromium :p07:31
vincenzomlI've wasted like 2 precious hours of my saturday morning with family still sleeping, but did not find a 2019-ish way to remove the **** textual information from a pdf...07:31
vincenzomleven pdf2ps retains text.07:31
lotuspsychjevincenzoml: inkscape seems to be able to edit things on pdf's, worth a try?07:31
vincenzomllotuspsychje: yes I know, I don't suspect chrome on its own, but it costs nothing to try chromium first07:32
vincenzomllotuspsychje: I need to NOT edit things :) I want a flat pdf like in the old days when text selection in pdfs was not a thing.07:32
vincenzomlor even better, I want an option in libreoffice to import text as vector graphics, not text, which is broken07:33
vincenzomlmy final goal is to update my pdf2oo which has gotten rotten07:33
lotuspsychjevincenzoml: i like mupdf, lightweight, but not sure its what you need07:34
blackflowvincenzoml: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28797418/replace-all-font-glyphs-in-a-pdf-by-converting-them-to-outline-shapes07:41
vincenzomlblackflow: aaah finally! Thanks. I was using the first solution in the first answer (gs -sDEVICE=pswrite, as a first step) and that apparently is no longer supported by gs (is ps dead?)07:44
blackflowps can't be dead, it's the defacto format the printers use07:44
vincenzomlbut the second solution works, the "new" option is "-dNoOutputFonts" directly in pdf conversion. Thanks a lot, I googled for 2 hours and was unable to.07:44
blackflowyou can literally cat a ps file to a /dev/<printer device>   and it'd print it out07:45
vincenzomlblackflow: that's the same thought I had, but where did "DEVICE=pswrite" go?07:45
blackflowvincenzoml: yeah I looked up using "convert to curves" terminology we used in pre-press industry07:45
vincenzomlI mean, once upon a time gs did NOT support pdf at all...07:45
vincenzomlblackflow: "convert to curves", great info07:45
vincenzomlok, so I can update pdf2oo and make it greater and better.07:46
vincenzomlhummm no, it's not so easy since libreoffice's pdf import is broken also in other places besides text, e.g., transparency and color fill of those curves07:48
cfhowlett_1vincenzoml= I think I saw that on a hat.  "M P G B"07:48
cfhowlett_1and I think pswrite would be the output?07:51
vincenzomlcfhowlett_1: I don't understand what you mean with your first line :) but for the second one, pswrite just doesn't exist anymore, but I guess there's another filter replacing it maybe for newer formats, who knows.07:52
cfhowlett_1ah.  got it.  you know, it might be worth querying the ghostwriter forums/channels directly for their expertise.07:53
fishcookerwhy this sanduhr package removed on bionic?08:18
tomreynfishcooker: probably because it was removed from debian08:27
tomreynfishcooker: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=88785908:30
ubottuDebian bug 887859 in ftp.debian.org "RM: sanduhr -- RoQA; long-dead upstream, old gnome libs" [Normal,Open]08:30
trafaret1hi there08:38
trafaret1can anybody help me. want to do double boot on my computer. I have windows 10 and under that sytem I'm tryign to do usb ubuntu installer08:39
cfhowlett!dualboot | trafaret1 here's the general guide08:40
ubottutrafaret1 here's the general guide: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot08:40
trafaret1I use rufus application for that. When I'm trying to boot that usb then I get message  will not mount read/write08:40
cfhowletttry a different USB?08:40
trafaret1also trying to install under VB all works well08:41
trafaret1don't know what is the problem08:41
trafaret1does it possible to install ubuntu right into windows?08:45
cfhowlettdo you mean the full ubuntu desktop?08:46
cfhowlettsince VB works, why not do that?08:47
trafaret1does fat32 will work in x64 systms?08:47
qswzCan I remove python 2 or 3? I dislike python as a language, don't want to see it in the updates08:54
cfhowletttest it for yourself: apt purge -s python*                        will SIMULATE removal.  NO SUDO08:55
ayekatqswz: if there are packages that depend on python, there is not much you can do08:55
k_szeDoes Livepatch cover HWE kernels?09:00
k_szelooks like no09:01
ayekatqswz: in the end, whether you like python as a language or not shouldn't have any influence on whether you have python installed09:03
ayekatqswz: that's a bit like saying: "I don't like C as a language, so I want to get rid of the C standard library on my system"09:03
qswzayekat: hehe ok09:05
qswzyea removing python affects lots of packages I have (firefox, chrome, krita, ..)09:07
snake-venomhi there i was adding crons in my ubuntu , i want to know  " wget -O - -q -t 0 " why  "0" in last and somewhere existing cron have "1" in last..09:28
qswzwget --help | grep -t09:40
qswzwget --help | grep '\-t'09:41
EriC^man wget09:46
EriC^snake-venom: the manual says -t is for retries, 0 is infinite09:47
ivoadfHi there. I am running into a weird issue. I am running the Tibia game (you can find it on tibia.com) and when I try to drag an item in the game with my touchpad all is well but when I do the exact same action with my external mouse (Logitech G402) the fps in the game drop to 1 or 2 and I even get disconnected from the game if I keep dragging the item on screen for too long. I think this might be an issue with the drivers10:11
ivoadfor configuration because I can not replicate the issue with the touchpad. Do you have any idea of how to debug this? or what the issue might be? Thanks for the help. Cheers.10:11
cfhowlettivoadf= what ubuntu version?10:23
ivoadf18.10 with i3 window manager10:25
cfhowlettI'd suggest making sure you're fully updated/upgraded.  open a terminal:                 sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade10:26
ivoadfI did have some upgrades but the issue remains.10:35
BluesKaj_Howdy folks10:36
nils_I have somewhat of a weird issue, when I'm root the output from apt is in German even though I haven't set the language to German anywhere.10:43
ikanoboriYour system has decided for you, as root, what does `locale` output?10:45
nils_ikanobori, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TXhDDYKwmk/10:45
nils_I haven't even generated locales for German, and it seems to only affect apt so far.10:46
ikanoboriFor some reason you seem to have a de_* locale.10:47
nils_I think that's likely inherited from Plasma / KDE, I have set German as a secondary language there.10:47
ikanoboriI don't know what exactly the standard for secondary languages is and if that environment variable is correct.10:48
ikanoboriBut it seems it makes apt go all German on you.10:48
nils_yeah normally it should pick the leftmost language first?10:48
ikanoboriI am unsure, I've never seen that before.10:48
ikanoboriSo I don't know what the 'normal' is here.10:48
nils_https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/The-LANGUAGE-variable.html#The-LANGUAGE-variable states the priorities are left to right.10:50
ikanoborinils_: The last paragraph there seems interesting.10:53
nils_indeed, this also seems to only hit when I don't set LANG/LC_ALL, I'll give that a test.10:54
ayekatI assume it just doesn't know about en_US and en_GB (because maybe the locales haven't been generated), so software using gettext falls back to german - `locale -a` might help understand it a bit better10:56
nils_I haven't generated the de_* locales though (at least not on the CLI). The output gets even more bizarre when I start adding other languages. For example when I have LANGUAGE="en:pt_BR:de" it mixes German (for string not translated in portugese) and Portugese10:57
ayekatnils_: please paste the output of `locale -a`10:57
candidathello :)10:57
candidathow do you see on ubuntu the current servers that are running ?10:58
nils_ayekat, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6Tjnsr8HTf/ (first one is the output from locale -a, the rest shows the bizarre behavior)10:59
ayekatcandidat: if you want to list running services, `systemctl list-units --state=running`10:59
ayekatnils_: wow11:00
ayekat"Meist verwendete Befehle:   update - Obtém novas listas de pacotes"  O_o11:01
nils_I'm pretty sure I never generated any portugese or spanish locales11:01
ayekatI imagine that apt may have their own localisation files, so even without certain locales existing system-wide, it can localise most of the messages11:05
ayekatand I guess pt_BR is just missing a lot (because I assume it is meant to fall back to pt_PT, but you instead fall back to german), so that would explain that weird mix11:06
ayekatthe only thing that's weird is just why `en` seems to be entirely ignored11:06
nils_ayekat, it may be intentional, so people get the localized version first?11:07
ayekatnils_: yes, so you can do things like de_CH:de_DE:de for swiss people, for instance (and de_CH only needs to define the swiss-specific grammar, and use the german orthography as a fallback)11:07
cixxi found the guilty11:08
ayekat(actually, I think de_CH:de should be sufficient there, because `de` is simply shorthand for `de_DE`)11:08
candidatthanks ayekat11:08
cixxi am using ubuntu as guest on virtualbox and it doesn't allow me to copy&paste from guest to host11:08
nils_yeah that's how it's supposed to work (similar to the Accept-Language: header for HTTP)11:08
cixxbut in fact, it doesn't allow me to copy url from chrome address bar to host operating system11:08
ayekatnils_: so the only mystery there is why english is entirely ignored ^^11:08
cixxso, it seems like the reason is multiple clipboard registers11:09
nils_ayekat, yeah that is bizarre.11:09
cixxi really started to hate this multiple clipboard feature11:09
cixxis there a way to have only one clipboard for all console, gui apps, mouse selections etc.. for all of them?11:09
cixxis it impossible to memorize which application use which clipboard and manage this situation11:10
cixxit is*11:10
ayekatcixx: it is custom to use the clipboard for Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V like operations, and the primary selection for mouse-select/middle-click11:10
ayekatcixx: if Ctrl-C in chromium doesn't put the content in the clipboard, but in the primary selection, that's just weird11:11
cixxyes it doesnt11:11
ayekatI just tested, and chromium behaves as expected, but I'm not on Ubuntu right now, so I can't confirm that...11:12
cixxbuy also when i use Ctrl+u on console to cut and copy the line, it doesn't put the content in the clipboard either11:12
ayekatcixx: you mean in a terminal emulator (like gnome-terminal)?11:12
cixxok but there must be a center to manage all11:13
cixxayekat: yes11:13
ayekatCtrl-C/Ctrl-V in a terminal usually doesn't do any copy/pasting, because those keys are already mapped to something else11:13
ayekattypically it's Ctrl-Shift-C instead11:13
cixxayekat: i use Ctrl + u11:13
cixxit copy the content but for just inside ubuntu11:14
ayekatthat also has some meaning in many CLI applications, so it's not very wise IMHO - but I guess if you've mapped it in the terminal's settings, it should work11:14
ayekatcixx: so Ctrl-U ends up in the primary selection instead?11:14
cixxi don't like custom settings really if i don't have to11:14
cixxit seeems like it is working only on terminal11:15
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ayekat(to correct what I wrote above: Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V are not mapped to something else by the terminal, but just aren't mapped to anything, because they typically are used by the CLI application running inside)11:17
ayekatcixx: I would personally just try to get used to Ctrl-Shift-C/Ctrl-Shift-V in gnome-terminal - it's pretty standard behaviour, after all11:18
ayekatah well, that seems unfortunate -- can you reproduce it in chromium?11:21
cixxexactly.. it happens everytime. it doesn't work11:21
cixxi call it as chrome, why do you call it as chromium?  :)11:22
ayekatbecause they are two different pieces of software - chrome is the browser distributed by google, and chromium is the open-source version on which chrome is based on11:23
ayekatI'm not 100% sure how exactly those projects are related and how much development efforts of google flow back into chromium, but essentially: chromium=open source, chrome=proprietary11:24
ayekatI mean... chromium=free (because open source does not strictly exclude proprietary, but that's getting offtopic ^^)11:24
ayekatcixx: but anyway, I'm afraid I can't help there, because it seems a deliberate design decision by chrome, and I don't have sufficient knowledge how the X clipboard and primary selections are implemented :-|11:26
cixxthank you11:26
cixxthere is a project like this but it seems old. http://www.nongnu.org/autocutsel/11:26
cixxafter tried virtualbox drag and drop feature to ubuntu desktop, all files on desktop are gone. ubuntu doesn't show files which are in Desktop folder anymore11:33
cixxi don't like virtualbox for years but after chrome thing, i can't blame it :|11:34
candidati use virtual box11:35
candidatbut i think vmware is better11:35
cixxcandidat: vmware is much much more better but not free :(11:35
cixxand not cheap11:35
candidatyou can have it cracked11:35
cixxi gave up using cracks11:35
ayekatcixx: the desktop directory is no longer shown on the desktop because that's how GNOME works11:37
ayekat(for whatever obscure reason)11:37
cixxayekat: files were on desktop before virtualbox drag drop test11:37
lotuspsychjetry gnome boxes, its fast and easy11:38
cixxi am checking. i heard it first me11:39
tomreynthere's also virt-manager which interfaces with (local or remote) libvirt, which can can use kv-qemu and other HVs and also containers11:41
tomreynthat's a bit more work to set up, though, if you're used to GUIs.11:42
ayekatwell, gnome-boxes and virt-manager are both frontends to libvirt11:44
cixxlotuspsychje: so i need linux host for virtualbox? i use windows 10 as host11:46
tomreynvirtualbox withs with either windows or linux hosts. but we only support ubuntu here. try #vbox11:47
tomreyn* works with11:47
cixxthey are dead11:50
ayekat3 minutes without a reply doesn't mean "dead"11:50
lotuspsychjecixx: other timezones might help11:50
cixxit is not 3 mins. it is 6 hours11:50
cixxno single msg on channel11:51
lotuspsychjecixx: i hope you understand, we have a lot of ubuntu users here, we cant mix other Os support11:51
cixxlotuspsychje: i dont insist about it :) i was just asking if it possible to use gnome boxes on windows 10 somehow11:51
cixxin fact, it is linux app as i got11:52
lotuspsychjecixx: you could make your life easy, install ubuntu physical and ask lifetime support here :p11:52
cixxlotuspsychje: it is corporate machine and they will not allow that :)11:52
candidati have to say linux changed my life11:55
candidatim so gratefull11:55
candidatno crash no virus11:55
lotuspsychje!discuss | candidat11:55
ubottucandidat: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!11:55
candidatthanks lotuspsychje i m gratefull11:56
cixxcan i restart gnome completely without logout user?11:59
ayekatcixx: depends how you've started gnome12:00
ioriacixx, you mean restart gnome-shell ?12:00
cixxin fact, if gnome-shell is equal to gnome, yes12:00
ioriacixx, Alt+F2 , r, enter12:01
cixxayekat: it starts automatically, i login via gnome gui12:01
Xardit's quite shame that the gtk3 doesn't honor a custom font weight set from gnome-tweak even though gtk2 applications do :(12:01
ayekatah, I didn't know about the GNOME self-restart mechanism ^^12:03
cixxioria: alt+f2,r -> what does this run at background?12:03
Xardas a workaround I created custom font family variant from the font I use using font forge and saved it as a standalone font, which forces the gtk3 to use it as it has no regular weight to fall back to12:03
ioriacixx, press Alt+F2; trype 'r' and then Enter12:04
cixxit is gnome shortcut? not linux12:04
cixxso it is same for all gnome's on all dists?12:04
ayekatit seems to be distro-agnostic, though (it's apparently the same as sending SIGHUP to the gnome-shell process)12:07
cixxi tried kilall -1 gnome-shell. seems same thing but different taste12:09
Sorin84I need a video player that can download subs for movies like bsplayer. There is any?12:30
RonaldsMazitishow do I make Ubuntu start openbox session12:37
RonaldsMazitiswhat should I write with startx12:37
RonaldsMazitisI am having difficulties as my WINE game does not allow me to alt-tab, so as solution I thought is starting different tty windows12:38
RonaldsMazitisbut starting window manager starts gnome which I don't like\12:38
RonaldsMazitismy pc kinda lags on gnome12:38
blackflowRonaldsMazitis: startx is not really supported any more. Installing openbox will add an Openbox session to choose from on login.12:39
cixxohh there is wine already12:39
RonaldsMazitisI am on 18.0412:40
RonaldsMazitisstartx kinda is how it starts windows manager12:41
RonaldsMazitiswhat should I write12:41
blackflowRonaldsMazitis: startx is no longer used. if you're using startx, that's because you're manually running it, and that's not really supported here.12:41
blackflowfor a regular ubuntu installation, just installing openbox will add an openbox session to choose from, on login (click the cog icon to select it)12:42
RonaldsMazitisbut when I start tty12:42
RonaldsMazitisI don't get window manager12:42
blackflow"start tty"?12:43
RonaldsMazitisI know how to start openbox from login screen12:43
blackflowoh you mean _Change_ tty, not _start_ it12:43
blackflowyeah so, no, you can't run parallel sessions like that in different TTYs like that (would require running separate instances of xorg, but that's another issue)12:44
blackflowon the login screen, choose openbox, and that's it. you can switch to and from openbox/gnome from the login screen.12:44
RonaldsMazitisokay so it's limited12:44
RonaldsMazitisbut the main problem is12:45
RonaldsMazitiswhen I start my wine program in fullscreen12:45
RonaldsMazitisI can't alt-tab out of it12:45
blackflowwhich wine program?12:45
RonaldsMazitisthug pro game12:45
blackflowI'd say something is wrong with alt-tab in that game then. I can normally alt-tab in wine games like doom3, doom and warhammer 4k -- though nowadays I don't use wine any more, the Linux Steam does it automatically in the background.12:46
blackflow(in gnome, that is)12:47
blackflowbut nevertheless, you're talking about two separate things here. one is using openbox and the other is alt-tab in a wine game.12:48
RonaldsMazitisI just thought12:49
RonaldsMazitistty is solution12:49
ubottuThe XY problem is when you need to do X, and you think you can use Y to do X, so you ask about how to do Y, when what you really should do is state what your X problem is. There may be a Z solution that is even better than Y, but nobody can suggest it if X is never mentioned.12:49
blackflowusing another tty or even starting xorg from startx most certainly has nothing to do with the alt-tab problem.12:50
blackflowif you think your game would work better when run under openbox, that's fine, you can log into openbox session from the login screen, but forget fiddling with TTYs and startx. That's a red herring.12:51
nonix4How do I add (jetdirect) printer in 18.04? The UI prompts for driver but there is no way to focus anything in the list.13:22
nonix4... or does that depend on networkmanager actually working, which sounds like science fiction for systems upgraded from prior ubuntu releases?13:26
RonaldsMazitisblackflow: solution to my problem was creating key in openbox to show desktop13:31
RonaldsMazitiswith super-d13:31
speeder39_Good morning13:37
speeder39_Anyone around13:37
ryuoNope. We're all hiding.13:37
RonaldsMazitisfun fact, my i5 processor does video rendering 20 times slower that my galaxy s7 phone13:38
RonaldsMazitisshould I blame kdenlive or ubuntu13:38
speeder39_@RonaldsMazitis: what year is computer from13:38
RonaldsMazitisI don't even remmeber13:38
speeder39_5 years older or more?13:39
RonaldsMazitismight be 201313:39
speeder39_Can you upgrade ram or processor in computer?13:40
RonaldsMazitisIntel(R) Core(TM) i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30GHz13:41
speeder39_Are you in the usa?13:41
RonaldsMazitisno Latvia13:41
RonaldsMazitisbaltic states13:41
speeder39_Or ok13:41
speeder39_Just curious13:42
speeder39_I am in usa13:42
RonaldsMazitisI think all the PC's they are selling here are garbage anyway13:42
raininjaRonaldsMazitis: how much RAM are you running?13:42
RonaldsMazitisso I am sticking to13:42
raininjathose chips need RAM13:42
RonaldsMazitisoh ok13:42
RonaldsMazitisI should upgrade RAM for sure13:42
raininjaand IIRC matched as closely as possible for each channel13:43
RonaldsMazitisalso, gnome is too slow for this pc13:43
RonaldsMazitisonce they will make gnome that flyes on this one, I would not go use that for anything13:45
RonaldsMazitisI like progression not regression13:45
candidatis ubuntu totally secure ?14:09
cfhowlettno OS is totally secure14:10
candidatwhat do you think about gentoo ?14:10
cfhowlettI think it's completely offtopic in the UBUNTU support channel.14:12
cfhowlettperhaps you mean to have this discussion in #linux?14:12
candidatyes true14:12
candidatsorry about that14:12
candidatdone !14:13
__raven__missing volume key operation on xubuntu 19.04. i already tried adjusting plugin-settings, keyboard shortcut settings with amixer and pactl but no success yet. pactl command in terminal eg works and volume change is notified but keyboard shortcut does not. any problem regarding "keyboard focus" or such things?14:15
jeffreesup, dawgs14:23
jeffreeupdate-manager used to have categories like 'security' and 'other', as I remember, did this go away?14:25
Sven_vBsuppose I have a misbehaving 3rd party program whose source is too terrible to fix. it opens too many TCP (HTTPS) connections too quickly, and is too brittle to retry if they fail, so I can't just make my firewall drop the excessive connection attempts. can I instead delay them until e other connections are14:47
Sven_vB*enough other connections have finished?14:47
Sven_vB__raven__, put "xmessage " in front of your volume adjust command to produce a dialog box instead. this way you can check whether the problem is about the hotkey trigger or the command14:50
Sven_vB__raven__, beware that in some versions of xfce, the hotkey manager seems to have a bug where editing a shortcut removes it instead.14:51
Sven_vB__raven__, also what do you mean with "is notified"? the sound effect? or whether the volume slider in pavucontrol moves?14:53
jluci want to use parlatype keyboard shortcuts while writing with openoffice14:54
jluc how can i define global keyboard shortcuts that dont require to select parlatype first14:55
jlucon LUBUNTU14:55
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jeffreeI suspect I'm not seeing categories because I set security update to auto-install15:12
Sven_vBjluc, no idea about parlatype, but you could set up global shortcuts in the keyboard settings, and have them launch: xdotool type 'your text here'15:47
Sven_vByou might need to install xdotool first15:47
jluci'm trying with obkey now15:48
jlucdo you suggest a specific tool ?15:48
jlucso as to create the shortcut and have it work15:48
Sven_vBoh I see now I totally confused programs.15:48
Sven_vBnah, somehow I thought parlatype was a keyboard macros program15:49
Sven_vBhowever, xdotool might be able to send keystrokes to a specific window even if it doesn't have input focus. I'll check.15:50
jeffreepretty sure you can specify window15:50
jeffreexdotool is awesome15:50
Sven_vBjeffree, yeah but not sure whether the window is automatically raised then15:51
jeffreethat I don't know15:51
Sven_vBjluc, what are some of the keystrokes you'd want to send?15:51
jluci wish to stop and start the music player15:53
jlucafaik it's a standard action15:54
Sven_vByeah, works. I made my IRC client cut its input buffer while input focus stayed on my terminal, by issueing this command: xdotool search --name 'Sven_vB @ FreeNode' key Ctrl+a key Ctrl+x15:54
Sven_vBif you want to use the media keys you'll have to find their names from xkbmap15:54
Sven_vBprobably media keys are what you mean with the standard action15:55
jeffreeusing xdotool seems like a weird solution to me for this15:55
Sven_vByeah, ideally the media player could itself register a global shortcut15:55
jeffreejluc: what exactly do you want? a single shortcut that will start or stop the media player?15:56
Sven_vBanother hack: in case you have a spare input device, you could map it to a 2nd virtual keyboard and use that to control the media player. Ubuntu can handle multiple simultaneous input focii, one per virtual input device (xinput).15:57
jlucsorry i need a GUI15:58
jlucas in ubuntu15:58
jlucme discovering all these tools will require whole day and my sister will be gone when i'm ready with these system things15:59
Sven_vBI guess you transcribe audio speech into a text document? so you'll probably want play/pause, jump back short, jump back far, jump forward short, jump forward far16:00
Sven_vBobkey seems to be the Openbox Key Editor. unfortunately their repo doesn't have a readme16:02
Sven_vBand is probably dead because it still links to google code16:03
Sven_vBoh this repo seems to be more recent. https://github.com/stevenhoneyman/obkey16:04
jluci found http://www.webupd8.org/2016/07/how-to-create-and-edit-keyboard.html16:04
Sven_vBwell since you use Xubuntu, I assume you use xfce with it? then I'd use xfce4-keyboard-settings16:05
jlucnope : lubuntu bionic16:05
Sven_vBah ok16:05
Sven_vBoh right xubuntu was __raven__'s request16:06
Sven_vByeah then obkey seems to be the correct program16:06
Sven_vBdoes it work already? becaue I just remembered qmmp has very easy command line navigation commands, which in turn you could map to keys16:10
jluci have to stop trying because i'm supposed to be having nice afternoon with my daughter (not sister taht was an error) and not being geek16:12
jlucthanks for helping though16:12
Sven_vBhehe, have fun then16:12
Sven_vBnext time try qmmp ;)16:12
jlucok i take note16:12
notecloudI cannot enable livepatch16:34
notecloudit says16:34
notecloud2019/06/15 16:34:16 error executing enable: cannot enable machine: cannot send request: Post https://livepatch.canonical.com/api/machine-tokens: dial tcp: lookup livepatch.canonical.com on [::1]:53: read udp [::1]:34365->[::1]:53: read: connection refused16:35
notecloudAny ideas?16:35
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Cracki18.04 lts, wanting to build kernel with rt patch. first problem: even with "deb-src" lines active in sources.list and apt update, $ apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)17:22
Cracki gives me Picking 'linux-signed' as source package instead of 'linux-image-4.15.0-51-generic'17:22
Cracki, and that gives me no kernel source at all17:22
Crackiwhat am I doing wrong?17:22
CrackiI'm trying to follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel but there are these obvious speedbumps17:23
ayekatCracki: that's because multiple packages can be generated from the same source - linux-signed is the correct source17:35
Crackiit contains a few directories but weighs nothing17:35
Crackiwhat am i supposed to do with that17:36
Crackishould a source tarball from kernel.org, without ubuntu-anything, work as well?17:39
ayekatah true, it appears there's just a script in there to somehow download the real thing...17:39
ayekatpossible that the build tools will use that to fetch the sources once you start building it, though17:39
Crackihm, that could work. I'm already using the second method, cloning a git repo17:39
Crackiin any case, there's no rt patch for 4.15 (which 18.04 lts uses)17:39
ayekatbut the debian package build system is a bit too complex for me to really tell how it's supposed to work...17:39
Crackiso I have to improvise and maybe try 4.1617:39
Crackihm, picking the newly compiled kernel, on boot after "loading ramdisk" it's just sitting there blinking the cursor and printing nothing17:42
__raven__Sven_vB: xmessage is not triggered too but at config the key was regognized17:48
acresearchpeople, i am trying to install ubuntu on a macbook pro 2015    but i keep getting error 5: input/output error    and keeps saying i should clean my DVD even though i am installing from a USB, can someone help me?17:49
acresearchi tried mint and i am getting the same issue,     is there another distro that i can try? maybe i cannot install debian based distros18:06
xamithanNot if you keep making bad USBs or using bad ISOs18:07
xamithanThat's what that error usually means18:07
acresearchxamithan: sudo dd bs=4M if=FILENAME.iso of=/dev/sdb status=progress oflag=sync18:08
acresearchthis is the command i am using18:08
xamithanAh looks like there is a bunch of extra stuff you need to do for macbooks,  maybe a good guide will help18:12
acresearchxamithan: this is strange, because the same installer on the same USB was working on the same laptop just last week. nothing has changed18:14
mTeKIf you saw this message "systemd-networkd[1299]: enp2s0: Gained carrier" were would you look this interface is part of a bond and after working for a week I've started to see the nics drop out.18:23
mTeKI'm wondering if its a the DAC's.18:23
styledashyeah... trying to get linux running on a mac is always a pain18:38
lotuspsychjestyledash: i had good experiences with 18.04 on several macs, whats your issue?18:39
styledashhaven't tried in like 4 years... always issues with their EFI and various drivers... gave up and got a thinkpad lol18:40
tonytmacs, may as well stick with macos on the thing18:41
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mattflylol this is kinda ridiculous18:57
lotuspsychjemattfly: can we help you?18:57
mattflyim trying to file a bug of ubuntu, and launchpad has a bug too and dont let me18:57
mattfly(Error ID:         OOPS-0c32e465a28adc8c462fec63bbea99df)18:57
mattflyanyone else has this? know why?18:58
lotuspsychjemattfly: can you share what you are trying to bug first please?18:58
mattflya Xorg crash18:58
lotuspsychjemattfly: your kernel isnt up to date18:59
mattflywell i just runned apt upgrade18:59
lotuspsychjemattfly: wich kernel are you on now please?18:59
mattfly# uname -a18:59
mattflyLinux matheus-Inspiron-15-7000-Gaming 4.18.0-17-generic #18~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 15 15:27:12 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:59
mattflytheres no newer kernel according to apt19:00
lotuspsychjemattfly: 4.18.0-2119:00
mattflywhy cant i update?19:00
lotuspsychje!uptodate | mattfly try this19:00
ubottumattfly try this: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.19:00
mattflyok, ill run apt update then that19:01
mattflyno new kernel19:01
ioriamattfly, apt-cache policy linux-generic19:02
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ioriamattfly, it's ok19:03
ioriamattfly, no, sorry ...  uname -r ?19:04
ioriamattfly, apt-cache policy linux-generic-hwe-18.0419:05
ioriamattfly, how can you have 4.18.0-17-generic installed ?19:06
mattflybad ppa's ? ubuntu servers are off19:07
ioriappa ?19:07
mattflyi have no idea19:07
mattflyis this saying the 21 is the candidate?19:07
mattflybut im running the -1719:07
ioriamattfly, did you manually installed 4.18.0-17-generic ?19:07
mattflyhaha i think i did with ukuu19:08
ioriaah, ok19:08
mattflybut im not sure and it doesnt want to open19:08
ioriamattfly, not a good way of action, if you ask me19:09
mattflyi said im not sure19:09
lotuspsychjemattfly: pastebin: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade19:09
mattflyuh you dont want to see the ppa mess...19:10
ioriano, thanks19:10
lotuspsychjemattfly: we dont support external ppa's19:10
mattflywait if i use a external ppa, lets say for installing vscode or whatever, then you dont support the official Xorg package anymore?19:11
mattflyif the kernel is from a external ppa i would agree with the lack of support19:11
ioriano relation with xorg, afaik, and code is in snaps19:11
lotuspsychjemattfly: before we start debugging possible bug, we need an up to date system first19:11
mattflyyeah, i wil ltry to get the kernel up to date19:12
lotuspsychjemattfly: we also advise to avoid issues on ubuntu, to not add external ppa's to your system19:12
mattflybut apt question, how do I clean multiple times configures ppas?19:13
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | mattfly start here19:13
ubottumattfly start here: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html19:13
royal_screwup21I'm on linux ubuntu 18.04 and all of a sudden some of my applications such as IDE, video player etc,  are freezing up. I have no idea why everything has gotten so laggy. Is there any to confirm if things are indeed slower than usual, or if this is just one of those rare moments where everything is actually normal and the lagginess is just an anomal19:13
mattflyi just want to remove duplicates and those returning error 40419:13
_KaszpiR_royal_screwup21 sounds like out of memory19:16
royal_screwup21_KaszpiR_ but I have 10gb available https://termbin.com/2acq19:17
_KaszpiR_some messages in /var/log/kern.log ?19:18
lotuspsychjeroyal_screwup21: kernel version, graphics card chipset and driver version please?19:18
royal_screwup21graphics card: Intel® HD Graphics 630 (Kaby Lake GT2). Kernel version: 4.15.0-51-generic19:20
lotuspsychjeroyal_screwup21: can you pastebin your dmesg please?19:21
lotuspsychjeroyal_screwup21: what did you do?19:23
royal_screwup21lotuspsychje not sure I understand :) I just pasted the output for dmesg?19:23
lotuspsychjeroyal_screwup21: your network going nuts, more details of your system please?19:24
royal_screwup21my wifi isn't great -- it's at 10mbps19:25
royal_screwup21i'm on a 64 bit os19:26
royal_screwup21and my processor is: Intel® Core™ i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz × 819:26
coz_8 cores?19:27
royal_screwup21coz_ yep19:28
coz_royal_screwup21, which system is this?19:28
royal_screwup21 ubuntu 18.0419:28
coz_royal_screwup21, I mean manufacturer or did you build this?19:29
Yatekiihow do I do a proper release upgrade from the shell (18.04->19.04)?19:29
Yatekii(I always used the GUI for that before)19:29
royal_screwup21coz_ manufacturer would be Dell, and I upgraded from 16.0419:29
coz_royal_screwup21,  which dell , this is completely curiosity19:30
royal_screwup21I'm not entirely sure what the problem is: is it inherent to my PC or is it outside of that?19:30
royal_screwup21I understand how the weak wifi can make my IDE and browser laggy, but it's affecting my video player t oo19:31
ioriaYatekii, you can't (you first need 18.10)19:31
Yatekiiioria: yeah, I don't mind that :) is it as easy as apt dist-upgrade twice?19:31
ioriaYatekii, nope, do-release-upgrade19:31
coz_royal_screwup21, have you tried the live cd/usb and if so did it have the same issues?19:32
royal_screwup21coz_ I did not try those, nope19:32
coz_royal_screwup21, so the issue was not on the live cd/usb19:33
Yatekiiioria: thanks a ton. I wasn't sure how to google that actually because I was looking for distupgrade because I didn't know the proper term :/19:33
BungeeTheCookieare there any good system monitors for ubuntu19:33
BungeeTheCookielike where it will display for me CPU, GPU, RAM usage?19:34
BungeeTheCookieand I can view it via a  HTML server19:34
coz_royal_screwup21, if that's the case, this might not go over well, reinstall19:34
royal_screwup21coz_ ok, will do. Out of curiosity do you know what the problem is from the logs of `dmesg` I posted above?19:34
BungeeTheCookieor good system monitors in general where i can view system stats easily19:35
coz_royal_screwup21,  no I dont, however the upgrade apprently messed up, I generally allways clean install a new version19:36
royal_screwup21I made the upgrade a few months back, everything was working fine until now19:36
coz_royal_screwup21, ah!! what did you do? ")19:37
royal_screwup21Not sure if it's a networking issue or if it's an upgrade issue19:37
royal_screwup21it's likely that it's mostly a networking issue seeing as it was hinted at, but I don't really understand the root of it19:38
coz_royal_screwup21,  again, I always prefer a clean install to illuminate upgrade issues19:38
coz_royal_screwup21, not sure I will take anothe look, no promises, I am bad at any kind of networking issues19:39
coz_royal_screwup21,  by they way which dell model system is this?19:39
royal_screwup21lotuspsychje can you give me a pointer or two on what I should be looking at? :)  You mentioned it was a networking issue but I don't quite understand what's wrong (are you referring to the weak wifi?)19:39
Yatekiihmm can I somehow monitor the progress of the release upgrade19:40
lotuspsychjeroyal_screwup21: i think you are not giving us full details of your install, docker? VM?19:40
ioriaYatekii, it will19:40
YatekiiI just see lots of "preparing .." and "unpacking ..". I don't see where that shwos anything :PO19:41
mattflylotuspsychje and ioria, im not running a custom kernel, why doesnt it want to update?19:41
lotuspsychjemattfly: you did not pastebin what i asked yet19:42
mattflyor how can i make sure its not a custom kernel at all, because according to ukuu, well it has the ubuntu sign near to it19:42
mattflyoh okay19:42
ioriamattfly, please, you did the wrong thing; if you wanted 4.18 on bionic you should have installed the hwe19:42
coz_Yatekii, if doingvia terminal, there should be a fairly clear output, yes?19:43
royal_screwup21lotuspsychje I dual booted  it with windows19:43
coz_eeeww! sorry, did I say that out loud? ")19:43
royal_screwup21and speaker of docker...I was actually playing around with it yesterday and I think something might have happened. I have now killed all containers https://gist.github.com/evanscottgray/8571828 but I don't see a noticeable increase in speed19:44
Yatekiicoz_: it just prints out loudly what it's doing atm. no mention of overall progress :)19:44
ioriaYatekii, just wait, it's not progressive; it's by interval19:45
coz_Yatekii, I would think there would be a progress bar19:45
Yatekiiioria: sorry, I don't understand that sentence :/19:46
ioriaYatekii, you don't have a progress bar19:46
royal_screwup21does the `dmesg` output still show that I have a network problem? https://termbin.com/q6d119:46
Yatekiiyeah but why. I mean it knows how many packages have to be updated ;) but yeah I'm fine without :)19:47
YatekiiI just wanted an indicator since my entioer PC is lagging during the update and I can't read wikipages in my browser which is annoying as I wanna code :D19:47
ioriaYatekii, you'll get the progress in few minutes19:47
mattflyhttp://dpaste.com//2Y8ZMVW  https://bpaste.net/show/fec7e84b336e  lotuspsychje19:48
lotuspsychjemattfly: im not gonna debug your system sorry, i advice a clean install19:49
hggdhmattfly: just a comment, and I am out: your 'apt update' output shows MANY external (non-Ubuntu) repositories; additionally, there seems to be duplicate lines. So... start by eliminating the duplicate lines in the sources.list20:05
mattflyis there a automatic way to do this?20:05
hggdhmattfly: no20:11
mattflyif it can detect the duplicate and the line it is on, why cant it simply ignore it or auto delete it?20:12
hggdhmattfly: it might be possible, but it is not there; as such, will not help you.20:14
mattflyI actually thought there was a reason for this20:15
Yatekiiok, so the update to 19,04 is now in progress :)20:16
hggdhmattfly: please *read* the pastes you sent to us. Pay special attention to the lines after "Reading package lists... Done".20:24
Gallomimiado snaps get upgraded?21:04
coz_Gallomimia, for me, I don't know. I son't use snap or flatpak21:05
styledashthink snaps update themselves automaticallyh21:12
daxthey get updates if/when their maintainers update them21:15
daxsince they aren't synced from Debian like universe is, and don't get security team support like main/restricted do, that sometimes gets a bit fun21:16
styledashsounds like a mess21:17
bray90820What kernel does ubuntu 19.04 have?21:31
jeremy31bray90820: 5.0.0-16?21:33
bray90820jeremy31: So what did 18.10 have?21:34
jeremy31bray90820: 4.18.0-?21:35
bray90820Ok ok that makes sense thanks21:35
dr_hrbWould anyone like to buy a puzzle box, slightly used, only $35?21:52
supercoolI certainly not. But thank you.21:54
kinghatanyone have a brother scanner?23:56

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