[06:59] hi [07:01] I ask again (posted this question in #ubuntu) "I've rebooted i) after 174 days uptime, and ii) after Ruby installation. The OS is Ubuntu Server 18. The reboot ends in "emergency mode"" [07:02] devIT: I'd say that Ruby is irrelevant. There has been a number of kernel updates in the past 174 days. You'll have to check what the systemd output/logs are saying. [07:03] what /var/log I have to look at? [07:03] syslog ? [07:03] syslog, but you can also use the journal [07:04] infact, check teh journal as there's no guarantee anything has been forwarded and committed to disk, for syslog [07:04] there is a way to quick search failures? [07:04] journalctl -p err [07:04] but important messages needn't be marked as errors. also check -k [07:04] This sounds useful [07:05] journalctl -p -k err ??? [07:06] devIT: man journalctl [07:12] Ok, -k to get kernel only messages [07:12] There are a lot of them [07:14] devIT: a number of last lines are usually most relevant [07:15] -p error show me 3 kernel errors: one about "tpm", one for "sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] No Caching mode page found" and the last sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through" [07:15] doesn't look like an error. what about system services.... systemctl --failed [07:16] I'll try [07:16] (btw -k doesn't show _errors_, it shows kernel messages from the dmesg ringbuffer) [07:17] also what filesystem is on root? emergency mode usually means failure to pivot to root [07:18] --failed show "0 loaded units listed" (in red) then "Pass --all to see loaded but inactive units too" [07:20] can you somehow pastebin the output of `journalctl -xe` ? maybe take a screenshot and post to imgur [07:20] I am assuming no network there to use netcat [07:21] I'll try with screenshot... back soon [07:22] preferably reboot again and give the fresh output immediately upon entering emergency mode [07:24] ok, I'm rebooting, then I'll take the photo [07:35] here is the screenshot [07:35] https://imgur.com/STAOWPi [07:38] hrm yes that's for the emergency mode boot.... not showing the important bits. I guess you'll just have to go through the journal and locate anything that would explain failure to mount root or whatever the reason is for the emergency mode. [07:39] ordinarily I'd ask you to pastebin the entire log but without network, that's gonna be very difficult [07:41] it was fstab! [07:41] an entry to an USB external drive [07:41] An external drive not present [07:42] (and is supposed to be not present, I used it as a temporary drive) [07:43] devIT: temporary drives shouldn't be listed in fstab, but it you really want to, then add to the options section, something like this: nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=1s [07:44] without nofail, missing fstab mounts will block on boot [07:45] thx blackflow , probably I'll add that option [07:46] I' very appreciate your support, guys :-) [07:46] ("I've very appreciated ...") [07:51] I have to go now... [07:51] thank you again! [07:51] !cookie | blackflow [07:51] blackflow: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! [07:54] !yum [07:54] Uh, don't you mean !apt ? [07:54] lol === Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo