
StupidLikeAFoxSo, new installation on a kind of old machine with an AGP dual monitor graphics card00:26
StupidLikeAFoxThe primary display is working fine, and the native resolution and frequency was detected right00:27
StupidLikeAFoxbut the second display isn't working at all00:28
StupidLikeAFoxxubuntu 18.04 lts, I did install restricted extras, minus ms fonts, already00:30
Kali_Yugahi, does someone know how I can encrypt a usb stick compatible with windows? I thought I just use LUKS+EXT4 but I realised that windows can't do that. what encrypted file system can I use for Windows?00:37
StupidLikeAFoxGraphics card is a Matrox millenium G55000:37
StupidLikeAFoxKali_Yuga: NTFS and FAT32 are the FSs windows likes00:38
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: which *buntu version are you using? What does "xrandr -q" report ?00:40
TJ-Kali_Yuga: you'd need to use Vera(True)crypt + NTFS or {ex,}FAT00:41
StupidLikeAFoxxrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default00:44
StupidLikeAFoxScreen 0: minimum 1280 x 1024, current 1280 x 1024, maximum 1280 x 102400:44
StupidLikeAFoxdefault connected 1280x1024+0+0 0mm x 0mm00:44
StupidLikeAFox   1280x1024     77.00*00:44
Kali_Yugabut how do I encrypt an NTFS or FAT32 usb stick? I can use disks but It only gives me the option to encrypt via LUKS+EXT4... TJ: thx I will look into that, I thougt I would have to download a seperate program for that :/00:44
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: that hints that the system is (trying ot) use Wayland compositor, not Xorg server00:45
StupidLikeAFoxThat resolution is correct, but it really should be 76Hz instead00:45
TJ-Kali_Yuga: the Linux 'cryptsetup' program, that creates/opens LUKS, can also do Veracrypt, so you could use that (from the command-line) to create the encrypted container, open that, THEN format it with which file-system you prefer. See "man cryptsetup" for more info00:46
StupidLikeAFoxTJ-: The second monitor isn't working period. And I am on xubuntu 18.04.2lts, fresh install and up to date as far as I know00:46
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: what does "echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE" report?00:46
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: the "default" connected looks wrong, you should see actual output name, e.g. "eDP-1 connected primary 2560x1440+0+0"00:47
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: things like "VGA-1" and so on00:47
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: I can only think that Xorg is using the generic VESA driver, not the Matrox specific driver00:47
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: check the Xorg log; which should be /car/log/Xorg.0.log00:48
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: typo, should be  /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:48
StupidLikeAFoxTJ-: https://pastebin.com/3cdaFjWd00:56
Kali_YugaTJ-: Thanks, I will look into it.00:57
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: right, its fallen bac to the worst possible driver, the framebuffer driver01:00
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: notice before the FBDEV grabs the GPU there's "(EE) Failed to load module "mga" (module does not exist, 0)"  EE means error, WW means warning01:00
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: from what I can see, 18.04 no longer has Matrox drivers01:02
StupidLikeAFoxWonder if my card is too old/weird- this machine is a dual boot with an old windows version, and at least there the nitty-gritty config happened in the matrox program instead of directly in windows01:03
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: I'm not sure why, but it was in 16.04 and it is in 19.04 and 19.10; looks like maybe there was something wrong with it and it got dropped. https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/xserver-xorg-video-mga01:03
StupidLikeAFoxor it should be dual boot, but in an urelated issue grub isn't offering windows as an option01:04
StupidLikeAFoxHuh, that is a touch strange01:05
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: Looking at the publishing history it seems like some Dev thought this and others were obsolete due to other packages. bug #1661409    https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-mga/+publishinghistory01:07
ubottubug 1661409 in xserver-xorg-video-mga-hwe-16.04 (Ubuntu) "Remove obsolete X drivers from the archive" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/166140901:07
StupidLikeAFoxI mean, this thing is a penioum 4 and the driver diskette with the card supports win 98 to xp, so it is kind of obsolete01:08
TJ-Your issue is reported in Bug #177806201:08
ubottubug 1778062 in xserver-xorg-video-mga (Ubuntu) "xserver-xorg-video-mga package is missing in Bionic" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177806201:08
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: that "obsolete" refers to the driver not being needed; which has proved wrong, which is why it got re-added to the archive for 19.0401:09
StupidLikeAFoxyeah, tried to make a bad joke :s01:10
* TJ- has fond memories of multihead Matrox going back to the 1990s :)01:11
AmedioYyoHi, guys! I am having  a lot of problems with Ubuntu 18.04. I  am talking about not running amule, makehuman, Libreoffice and continous warnings system problems which I have aleady reported.  Does anyone have the same problems?01:14
StupidLikeAFoxtried to add the xenial universe repo, think I typo'd something01:14
AmedioYyoThanks. Good nigth for everybody01:19
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StupidLikeAFox Depends: xorg-video-abi-2001:23
StupidLikeAFox Depends: xserver-xorg-core (>= 2:
StupidLikeAFoxOh bother01:23
StupidLikeAFox"unresolvable dependancies" after adding deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial main universe to sources01:24
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: I've uploaded it into my PPA as an 18.04 package; lets see if it'll build01:28
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: might take a little while but watch results at https://launchpad.net/~tj/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages01:29
StupidLikeAFoxThe former package not showing up seems to be the issue01:29
TJ-I doubt the 16.04 package will work because the Xserver internal Application Binary Interface (ABI) has changed since01:30
StupidLikeAFoxI have 2:1.20.1-301:30
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: looks like the build succeeded :)01:32
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: so if you add my PPA, once the packages get moved to the archive, you'll be able to install it01:32
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: oh, you're fetching it manually then?01:36
StupidLikeAFoxThe other *LikeAFox is my laptop that's not having any issues atm01:42
StupidLikeAFox>using two irc clients and bouncing stuff off a server to share lines of text back and forth01:44
StupidLikeAFoxtrying to just install the .deb directly had no effect01:46
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: you restarted the display manager ?01:53
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StupidLikeAFoxTJ-: I just did a full reboot and wanted to check something else01:58
StupidLikeAFoxNo changes I can see01:58
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: can you paste the new xorg log?01:58
StupidLikeAFoxTJ-: https://pastebin.com/4HjyTVAW02:02
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: I don't think that is the current log, going by its timestamp "Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Sat Jun 15 21:40:06 2019"02:04
StupidLikeAFox21:40 is about when I booted- US EST02:06
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: you said you just did a full reboot' the log is 18 minutes before that02:07
StupidLikeAFoxer, lemme try that again then02:10
StupidLikeAFoxit gives me the same file..02:16
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: hmmm, not sure what is going on then. Have you verified the driver is installed?02:17
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: what does "file /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/mga_drv.so" report?02:18
StupidLikeAFoxNo such file, so yeah, didn't work02:19
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: how did you install it!?02:19
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Kent14is it normal to have a jumpy mouse pointer while using the touchpad :( ? mine is synaptics04:10
Kent14This did not happen during the post-installation, however, it's been like this lately04:10
Kent14thank you for further support04:10
devITI'm in trouble with last reboot... can someone help me please?06:56
lotuspsychje!details | devIT06:56
ubottudevIT: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.06:56
devITTo be precise, I've rebooted i) after 174 days uptime, and ii) after Ruby installation. The OS is Ubuntu Server 18. The reboot ends in "emergency mode"06:57
lotuspsychjedevIT: come join in #ubuntu-server please06:59
plongshotI have the following in 2 files:  https://pastebin.com/xYfFrSjD   My variables aren't expanding and I don't know why  I never realy tried something like this and I probably got ti worng. Can anyone assist?07:47
rfmplongshot, i3 isn't the ubuntu window manager, I suggest you find the i3 IRC channel, which apparently they make hard to find.07:51
blippe@plongshot: I can't see why i3 should read the bash variables? According to i3vm.org/docs you have to set variables in i3 with the command set.07:53
gofiowhat does  --start --log-target=syslog mean? that it's taken 17% of cpu. Thanks09:28
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Puneet07Hey, anyone here?09:33
Puneet07Guys, I'm having a problem with my brightness, (ubuntu 18.04 LTS)09:34
Puneet07Brightness control buttons does not work so I tried another way to control the brightness by installing "brightness controller" and I saw that my secondary birghtness is disabled09:38
nugrohobreezy badger09:57
azi`I am trying to install the latest version of ubuntu 19.04 and I am getting a installation crash with the message09:59
azi`rub-efi-amd64-signed failed installation /target/09:59
azi`I've googled all around and I still am not able to fix the problem09:59
azi`tried boot repair, made sure I have an EFI partition etc09:59
azi`what could be the cause of this issue?09:59
_KaszpiR_need more detailed error log10:01
azi`_KaszpiR_: how can I provide it10:01
azi`the whole thing crashed10:01
_KaszpiR_set up rsyslog server to get logs10:01
_KaszpiR_start intallation with sending logs to rsyslog server10:01
_KaszpiR_or more easy setup - enable ssh server on installed system, and ssh to it and fetch logs10:02
_KaszpiR_also ensure you have seleted option to download updates from internet during install10:06
azi`_KaszpiR_: yes that is enabled10:07
azi`_KaszpiR_: I suspect its an issue with UEFI10:08
azi`but I don't know how to handle it10:08
_KaszpiR_maybe tyr disabling secureboot10:08
azi`so that's a thing in my bios?10:09
_KaszpiR_(well its uefi no)10:10
azi`so I should disable UEFI as well as secure boot10:11
azi`whichever is enabled?10:11
azi`also, the installer just hanged on me, which process am I supposed to kill to stop it?10:11
jeremy31azi`: ubiquity is the installer10:11
azi`ok thank jeremy31 and _KaszpiR_10:13
azi`i'll reboot and try again10:13
tomreynazi`: no you shoul dnot disable uefi (unless as a last option)10:13
_KaszpiR_just try to disable secure boot10:13
_KaszpiR_keep uefi if possible10:13
tomreyn(more technically correct, you can't disable uefi but you could (possibly, depends on firmware) enable CSM / legacy BIOS support - but that's not something you should do now)10:16
jeremy31azi`: If it failed at grub install, you can try https://maunium.net/blog/linux-grub-fix/10:20
azi`jeremy31: ok let me try10:20
qwebirc34077how to see hidden files?10:22
lotuspsychjeqwebirc34077: ctrl + h10:22
tomreynls -a10:22
lotuspsychjefound what you need qwebirc34077 ?10:28
qwebirc34077yes have more questions, will ask soon10:28
qwebirc34077how to show screenshots etc for better support here?10:28
lotuspsychjeqwebirc34077: imgur.com for example10:29
M_aDlotuspsychje: depends on what they are running, KDE uses ALT+.   ;)10:29
lotuspsychjeM_aD: good point, i was assuming :p10:29
qwebirc34077how does imgur work? i need to register and copy screenshot and put link here?10:30
qwebirc34077i need to connect usb device and be detected in VM10:31
lotuspsychjeqwebirc34077: no, it doesnt need a register, just upload your picture and share the made link here10:31
qwebirc34077"I'm not sure what you mean by activate. You just need to enable USB pass through"10:31
qwebirc34077how to do this?^^10:31
lotuspsychjeqwebirc34077: start from the beginning please, what are you doing with what tool, on wich ubuntu version?10:32
qwebirc34077latest ubuntu, Im connecting a usb signing device to main laptop and i need to enable USB pass thorugh so that I can see it in the VM10:33
lotuspsychjeqwebirc34077: latest, as in ubuntu 19.04? vmware? virtualbox? gnome boxes?10:35
qwebirc34077VM virtual box10:36
gofioqwebirc34077: with xubuntu once the screenshot is taken from the system tools it gives a direct link to imgur with the screenshot loaded10:36
qwebirc34077ubuntu 18.04.210:36
lotuspsychjeqwebirc34077: virtualbox questions you could ask in #vbox if you like10:37
gofiowhat does  --start --log-target=syslog mean? that it's taken 17% of cpu. Thanks10:37
qwebirc34077I joined vbox no one replies yet, maybe here can help? it's ubuntu in VM to detect UBS device connected in main laptop10:41
azi`_KaszpiR_: ok so I've now disabled everything related to "secure" in the bios10:54
azi`and i get the same error10:54
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, irc is freaking out today.10:55
azi`is there a way to extract the log files and figure out what is going on?10:55
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: noticed netsplits yesterday10:56
cfhowlettI got hit with BANNED - your host has abused VPN ...10:56
cfhowlettI have no host nor VPN so ... mystifying10:57
cfhowlettall good now though10:57
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: maybe with the split, services are flipping, banning other ip's10:57
gofioit's sun day10:59
qwebirc34077can anyone help? libusb ubuntu issue11:19
gofioif a driver is changed in a kernel upgrade, is it possible to go back to the older kernel and get the same driver was later on changed? or is that gone? thanks11:19
hans_> root@storagetests:/home/hans# uname -a11:20
hans_Linux storagetests 4.15.0-51-generic #55-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 15 14:27:21 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux11:20
gofioqwebirc34077: I've also a usb issue, but it's not just ubuntu, it's the manufacturer. In my case11:20
hans_why does it repeat x86_64 three times?11:20
jeremy31gofio, you should be able to use Grub menu/Advanced Options to boot into older kernel11:20
hans_(Ubuntu 18.04 server edition)11:20
gofiojeremy31: when I tried, it crashed11:21
gofiojeremy31: only tried twice. Enough for me11:21
jeremy31gofio: what driver is causing the issue11:21
gofiojeremy31: a qualcomm-atheros one11:22
jeremy31hans that is because uname -a shows kernel version, processor type and hardware platform11:22
gofiojeremy31: can't give much detail from it as is not recognized and we've tried11:22
jeremy31gofio, did you install some dkms for it?11:22
gofionot recognized now. It was with ubuntu 17.10 right out of the box11:23
hans_nvm found the answer (the first is "machine hardware name" and #2 is "processor type" and #3 is "hardware platform", which all are called x86_64 )11:23
gofiosomehow something similar happened while on windows 7. It stopped working. Thus when fresh installed ubuntu was a big advantage to get back the bluetooth working. Not anymore but is not a priority.11:24
gofioat least I know it's not just me11:24
jeremy31gofio: was the bluetooth 0cf3:300411:24
gofioit seems qualcomm needs to sell more no matter what.11:25
gofiojeremy31: it could yes did not memorized it11:25
gofiojeremy31: can't tell about the dkms right now11:26
jeremy31gofio: you might want to remove the wifi card and see if it will boot11:26
gofiojeremy31: thanks for the suggestion11:27
gofiojeremy31: which would be the relation?11:27
gofiothing is if manufacturer changed the driver title11:28
jeremy31gofio: if it is a driver issue for the wifi, removing the card will keep the kernel from loading the module.  It could be a hardware issue with the wifi card causing the issues11:28
gofiojeremy31: it's a usb bluetooth device11:29
gofioI should try though boot on the older kernel with the usb unplugged yes11:29
gofiofor having an android device plugged it was a longer than desired time to figure out the black screen was from that usb11:30
jeremy31Most Qualcomm wifi have been supported since kernel 4.411:30
BluesKajHi folks11:30
gofioso, it'd be not the first time a usb plug does something like that11:31
gofiojeremy31: I know there are loads of issues with bluetooth11:31
gofiobut I had none while ubuntu 17.10 already being eol11:32
jeremy31gofio: There were some issues with 0cf3:3004 as Atheros used the same ID for 2 different bluetooth chipsets.  That was fixed in some 4.15 kernels11:32
gofiojeremy31: that's very close to my case if not the same, but if fixed, why still not working even though all the rest up to date11:36
gofiois up to date11:36
gofioI had to do NOTHING when fresh installed ubuntu 17.1011:37
gofioif a selling strategy for qualcomm is very bad strategy no matter they sold a few more. As I've been suggested to solve the issue. Not gonna happen11:39
jeremy31gofio: It might be a firmware loading issue as a few years ago they put a timer in the ath3k module to make it wait11:39
gofiojeremy31: yeap if I understood it could be similar with an issue I had with firefox when the upgrade and 20mb bookmarks folder11:44
gofiojeremy31: more so when sometimes I "have to" hard shut or whatever the word used11:45
gofioexchanging installed hard disk between machines, etc11:46
gofiowill try with the 4.15 see what happens11:47
gofiojeremy31: thanks11:47
gofioright now I have another issue out of the 99 issues, with pulseaudio, but highly likely is coming from a malfunctioning audio cable. So don't bother11:52
qwebirc34077need help12:04
qwebirc34077image in link above12:04
tomreyn!alis | qwebirc34077: try asking in #rust or ##rust (if those exist) or look for a matching channel:12:06
ubottuqwebirc34077: try asking in #rust or ##rust (if those exist) or look for a matching channel:: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"12:06
qwebirc34077there is no rust channel12:09
qwebirc34077where can i find rust support,12:09
_Trullothe game?12:16
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_KaszpiR_rust language12:56
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ca1ekmy system tends to hang at least once a day. it starts to use the hard drive a lot, then after a couple of seconds I can't move the cursor, then it's unresponsive, can't even switch to a different terminal with ctrl-alt-f113:08
ca1ekthat sounds very much like it's swapping13:08
ca1eki've disabled swap a couple of days ago, yet it still happens13:08
ca1ekanybody got a clue what might be going on, where in the logs I could find any clues?13:09
ca1ekmaybe there's a known memory leak in ubuntu 18.10? I used Linux Mint and it had a horrible memory leak in the file browser that would kill any system if it was open for more than an hour13:10
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ca1eki think this restart broke gnome13:30
ca1eki can't start the file browser13:30
ca1ekcan someone explain to me how it happens that windows has no issues swapping when it needs to, yet for linux having to swap even 50 mb of data hangs the system for 20 minutes13:31
gofioi try to avoid swapping at all13:37
FreeBDSMwhy does 'android-tools-adb' package have description 'transitional package'?13:57
FreeBDSMwhat does it even mean?13:57
FreeBDSMshould I install that or just 'adb'?13:58
tomreynFreeBDSM: this usually means it is an empty package which is just left in place to ensure another package it depends on will be installed if you are upgrading and previously had this package installed.13:58
tomreynthat's a better explanation than mine.13:59
FreeBDSMso, basically, it's a workaround for a problem that ubuntu's packaging system lacks a function to rename a package in such a way that updates would work?14:00
ayekatnah, just a bit more extensive ^^ (I just thought "I went and found this online, and I didn't want my efforts to be for nothing, so I'll paste this anyway") :-P14:00
FreeBDSMthank you, ayekat and tomreyn14:01
FreeBDSMlooks like I should install just 'adb' and 'fastboot', rather than android-tools-fastboot (it is not marked as transitional package, btw) and android-tools-adb14:01
ayekatrenaming a package is not an issue itself (no need for a special "function") -- the issue is that renaming a package can break dependencies of other packages14:03
FreeBDSMwait, it is marked so14:03
ayekatso that's more of a high-level/conceptual issue, not specific to ubuntu's packaging system14:03
FreeBDSMayekat: by renaming I meant exactly that problem14:03
TJ-FreeBDSM: no; read the package descriptions. adb/fastboot add rules to allow user operation of adb/fastboot without root privs14:03
TJ- This package recommends "android-sdk-platform-tools-common" which contains14:04
TJ- the udev rules for Android devices. Without this package, adb and fastboot14:04
TJ- need to be running with root permission.14:04
FreeBDSMyour meaning of renaming is 'drop pkg X, create pkg Y', my meaning is 'make pkg X get renamed to Y, updates for X will result into Y'14:04
FreeBDSMTJ-: where did you read that?14:05
TJ-FreeBDSM: The package description: "apt-cache show <package-name>"14:05
TJ-FreeBDSM: although I slightly mis-interpreted what it means :p14:06
FreeBDSMDescription-en: transitional package  This is a transitional package. It can safely be removed.14:06
ayekatFreeBDSM: "your meaning" and "my meaning" are just the same thing on different levels of abstraction - "rename X to Y" is implemented by "drop X, create Y"14:06
TJ-FreeBDSM: right; and you can also see "Depends: adb"14:06
FreeBDSMayekat: drop x, create y - is not renaming, in my opinion14:07
ayekatFreeBDSM: if you want to avoid that, you'll need to identify packages by some other means than names (e.g. numerical IDs), but that brings its own (very much larger) set of issues14:07
ayekatso the pragmatic solution chosen by most package managers is to identify packages by their name, because it simplifies a lot14:07
TJ-FreeBDSM: transitional packages are mainly to allow dist-upgrades to not leave the user with surprises14:08
ayekatwith the downside that renaming a package causes some hickups, for which different package managers have different solutions - debian (and thus ubuntu) use transitional packages14:08
ayekatother package managers (like e.g. arch linux' pacman) use the concept of "provides", but that system isn't entirely perfect either14:09
ayekat... actually, no - they use "replaces" - "provides" is more like virtual packages with dpkg, I believe (but anyway, this is offtopic)14:09
TJ-didn't we have an issue with netplan vs netplan.io originally, with the Canonical package originally being named "netplan" and clashing with the Debian 'netplan' which contains something entirely different?14:09
FreeBDSMwell, then there should be cronjob or something that would scan the installed packages list for transitional packages and ask user the permission to remove them14:09
TJ-FreeBDSM: why? they don't cause any problems, take up almost no space since they're just a control file, and in later releases as nothing depends on them, they get autoremoved14:10
FreeBDSMhow to make 'apt list -installed' to output descriptions too?14:11
StupidLikeAFoxTJ-: My appologies, I fell asleep sitting at the computer after having one too many last night14:11
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: lol really, I almost did... stayed up until 5am and regretting it now!14:11
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: did you solve the MGA issue once the package was correctly installed?14:11
TJ-FreeBDSM: submit a patch :)14:13
StupidLikeAFoxI haven't tried to correctly install it yet, just tried to ham fisted 'run the .deb with Software Install from thunar' method14:13
StupidLikeAFox*to /s/ the14:13
FreeBDSMI don't get it14:13
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: stick to the shell command-line; it's 100% precise :)14:13
FreeBDSMwhat makes a distro a distro?14:13
FreeBDSMusually it's some set of utils14:14
StupidLikeAFoxTJ-: I think there's an unmet dependancy still14:14
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: although as I said originally; just add my PPA and it'll stay up to date if I have to publish fixes14:14
FreeBDSMlike package manager, for starters14:14
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: I installed it without problems on 18.04 here14:14
FreeBDSMhow come a very mature (by time it exists) distro still has shitty tools for the core function of managing packages?14:14
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: you only had a problem trying to install the *16.04* package14:14
FreeBDSMdoes no one just notice that?14:14
TJ-FreeBDSM: this channel isn't for opinions or sounding off; take that to #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss14:15
FreeBDSMit's not an opinion14:15
FreeBDSMit's a fact that package manager seems to lack a function14:16
FreeBDSMwell, nvm14:16
FreeBDSMI'm not a programmer, I can't help but point at poorly made things and obvious lacking functionality14:16
FreeBDSMI guess, that's useless14:16
coz_FreeBDSM, linux is linux, however each distribution may handle these "issues" differenly14:16
TJ-FreeBDSM: I showed you where it is: "apt-cache show ..."14:17
FreeBDSMcoz_: linux has nothing to do with apt, apt is a distro thing.14:17
FreeBDSMTJ-: that's not what I asked14:17
FreeBDSMI have a command to list installed packages, but that command only prints package names + versions, no summary14:18
TJ-FreeBDSM: APT is *not* the 'apt' front-end, it covers many other tools. Originally there was no 'apt' friendly frontend, it was all apt-get, apt-cache, apt-*14:18
FreeBDSMdoes that essentially change things? IMO not.14:18
FreeBDSMyou may go on and divide a package into a set of scripts, then go on and divide a script into a set of classes and methods.14:19
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coz_FreeBDSM, synaptic gives more info if you want a gui14:19
FreeBDSMwell, nvm, that discussion will lead nowhere14:19
FreeBDSMcoz_: I wanted TUI, so I could grep14:19
TJ-FreeBDSM: that's what apt-cache search ... is for14:20
notecloudanyone encounter this while enabling livepatch?14:21
notecloud2019/06/16 14:20:45 error executing enable: cannot enable machine: cannot send request: Post https://livepatch.canonical.com/api/machine-tokens: dial tcp: lookup livepatch.canonical.com on [::1]:53: read udp [::1]:44264->[::1]:53: read: connection refused14:21
coz_FreeBDSM, i can't solve this for you, most options have already been given, they seem to be sufficient for most14:21
TJ-notecloud: you're not alone; we've been getting a lot of reports over the last few weeks of similar issues with livepatch BUT you're the first to give us a command-line error message. Could you open a !bug report on this and I'll get the Canonical sysadmins to address it14:22
FreeBDSMTJ-: a quote from `man apt-cache`: `search performs a full text search on all available package lists`, available != installed14:23
FreeBDSMcoz_: that's what I was wondering: whether it is really an important missing stuff or that my needs aren't as basic/trivial for others as I estimate them14:25
stonerlI'd like to use the unattended update feature. Is it possible to add a ppa to /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades  ?14:27
coz_FreeBDSM, I understand the frustration, perhaps an in-depth google search might reveal other options. If you find something, please report it here, I would be interested14:27
stonerlor have a whitlist?14:28
coz_FreeBDSM,  out of curiosity, because I was not here for the original question, does apt search "package name" reveal anything you want?14:30
FreeBDSMcoz_: even without google I see the most obvious solution would be writing a pipeline conveyor like `apt list --installed | for-loop parsing | awk/sed ... | apt-cache show`14:30
coz_FreeBDSM, you may want to try #linux channel, perhaps they have other options, ?14:31
OerHeksstonerl, old post, still valid i guess https://linux-audit.com/upgrading-external-packages-with-unattended-upgrade/14:32
FreeBDSMI'm scared of #linux, linux is either too general (basically, for discussing everything non-windows and non-mac), or too narrow (for discussing the kernel)14:32
coz_FreeBDSM, ok let me check.14:32
TJ-stonerl: You need Origins-Pattern, see  /usr/share/doc/unattended-upgrades/README.md.gz14:33
coz_FreeBDSM, try #freebsd14:34
FreeBDSMI tried14:34
FreeBDSMI left that OS14:34
FreeBDSMbecause their development is even slower14:34
coz_FreeBDSM, ah sorry, whatever irc client you use, check the channel list for other potentially advanced channels?14:35
FreeBDSMare you subtly telling me you hate me and want me gone from this channel? :)14:36
coz_FreeBDSM, no ") not at all14:37
ayekatif you're frustrated with dpkg and its dozens of frontends, you could try a distro with another package manager14:37
coz_FreeBDSM, trying to lead you to some potential solution14:37
FreeBDSMcoz_: don't bother, that's not much of a problem14:37
coz_FreeBDSM,  maybe #fedora14:38
FreeBDSMI'm not going to hop distros over such thing14:38
TJ-PKG=vim; apt show $(apt list --installed $PKG 2>/dev/null | tail -n +2 | cut -f 1 -d/ )14:39
FreeBDSMmakes no sense14:39
FreeBDSM`apt list --installed` should be the 1st step14:40
FreeBDSM(then awk/sed/cut/parse to get all packages into an array; then for loop the array doing apt-show and concatenating it's output to $RESULT, then echo $RESULT)14:41
ayekatit's weird that --installed is explained in a section independently from the available sub-commands, but only works for some subset of commands (that does not contain `list` for some reason)14:41
FreeBDSMshitty docs - is the most common thing across software14:41
ubottuPlease avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList14:42
ayekatFreeBDSM: why not hop, though? :-) what keeps you with your current distro, after all? maybe there is another distro that fulfils the same criterias, plus some more?14:42
FreeBDSMEickmeyer: docs as in documentation, not doctors. Documentation can't be offended.14:43
TJ-ayekat: --installed because for a long time those that needed it were mostly devs that only had narrow use-cases14:43
TJ-ayekat: it started in apt-cache for tracking down dependency issues for building 'stuff (rdepends/depends)14:43
EickmeyerFreeBDSM: "___ docs". Please don't use that language. That was a warning.14:44
FreeBDSMEickmeyer: ____ approach, dude.14:45
EickmeyerFreeBDSM: That's trolling, also against IRC guidelines.14:46
coz_FreeBDSM, careful with language, the ops can ban you, and ubuntu is great for new users and ease of use, perhaps a distribution like fedora, gentoo, or arch may be more to you level?14:46
ayekatFreeBDSM: I'd stop it - this channel is pretty pedantic about choice of words and... pretty much everything14:47
FreeBDSMayekat: I did, but this won't stop Eickmeyer. Just you wait, he'll call cops on me for using wildcards.14:48
TJ-FreeBDSM: As I already told you; this is a support channel for support questions, NOT for ongoing pedantic commentary.14:48
FreeBDSMlooks like I offended you all greatly, to the bottoms of your hearts. I'm truly sorry.14:49
coz_FreeBDSM, not offended at all here14:50
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coz_FreeBDSM, challenges should always be welocomed14:50
chalcedonyinappropriate behavior is inappropriate, which needed to be addressed14:52
FreeBDSMI can't believe how deeply I hurt you all with just one word.14:53
stonerlOerHeks,TJ- thanks allot14:54
EickmeyerLet's move on. We don't need to dwell on it unless it becomes a pattern.14:55
FreeBDSMsins can't go not absolved14:59
Sven_vBFreeBDSM, I often stumble accross problems that I'd expect a modern OS to be able to take care of, as it would seem logical and intuitive to handle this at OS level, but then I find that nobody seemed to have found the time to solve it, or at least none of the solutions found widespread adoption or even knowledge.15:12
FreeBDSMSven_vB: same. I feel like this comes as a result from manuals being chiseled in stone. They should be more wiki-like, so that they could be easily updated by anyone.15:13
FreeBDSMBut this is not going to happen.15:14
Sven_vBFreeBDSM, I think a few weeks ago I read somewhere that man and info pages are often maintained with their old target audience in mind, where in some environments being terse is essential to be useable at all. and I want Ubuntu to keep supporting people who use teletypes with very small text screens (or an interest in using the least amount of print paper) who try to leave as much bandwidth as possible for their neighbors. I'd just hope15:18
Sven_vBa community will form to also cater to people like us in modern paradise where we have the luxury to dwell on the high level problems of our everyday computing.15:18
FreeBDSMI've found 'bropages', but failed to form a habit of using them over mans.15:20
Sven_vBwhen everyone can edit, you have a trust problem, which for man pages can directly result in catastrophic bugs. so we'd also need a trusted review group.15:20
Sven_vBthanks, I'll have a look at them,.15:20
TJ-Sven_vB: the majority of Ubuntu installs by far are server, where there is nothing but (remote) console access15:20
FreeBDSMSven_vB: do you use wikipedia? it can be edited by anyone, they've developed mechanism to protect against conflicts, trolling and vandalism.15:21
FreeBDSMI doubt so. Ubuntu is mostly for desktops, on servers one would choose Debian (if there's a need for deb-based distros) or CentOS (if there's no need for deb-based distros)15:22
Sven_vBFreeBDSM, I often read wikipedia, and I see some accidents of "everyone can edit" as well as a lot of areas where wikimedia politics effectively restrict who can edit.15:22
FreeBDSMSven_vB: it's not like the problem doesn't exist at all, of course it does. But in my experience - I never noticed such stuff.15:23
TJ-FreeBDSM: there are millions of -server installs; possibly close to 100M, that is where Canonical makes money to support Ubuntu15:23
Sven_vBin an ideal world, majority would not be a relevant concept for how Ubuntu is designed.15:23
lotuspsychjeplease follow Eickmeyer advice and move on, keep ontopic15:23
FreeBDSMEickmeyer ^ I think he's trolling, warn him.15:24
EickmeyerFreeBDSM: He's a regular here, and not trolling.15:25
FreeBDSMI'm irregular but even to me it is obvious that he's trolling: we passed the discussion long time ago and he brings it back.15:25
Sven_vByeah probably we should discuss those aspects in #ubuntu-social15:25
EickmeyerSven_vB: You mean #ubuntu-offtopic15:26
FreeBDSMoh, wait, did he mean the topic about manuals?15:26
FreeBDSMnvm then15:26
Sven_vBFreeBDSM, while it's no longer about language, it's still offtopic here15:26
FreeBDSMyeah, realized it too slowly15:26
FreeBDSMnvm then15:26
FreeBDSMdoes anyone have an experience of using adb/fastboot on ubuntu?15:28
Sven_vBhowever, one practical aspect is probably relevant here because I consider it an accessibility problem: is there a way to read documentation for Ubuntu software in a way that short CLI options in the explanations and examples are translated into their long forms?15:29
gofiofunny how a stereo channel can f up pulseaudio15:29
FreeBDSMSven_vB: iiuc - manpages are plain text, so no.15:30
qwebirc34077i want to enable usb device inside ubuntu in VM15:35
gofiogood luck15:36
FreeBDSMqwebirc34077: what software you use to run VM?15:37
FreeBDSMand what OS is your host?15:37
qwebirc34077windows host of VM15:38
StupidLikeAFoxTJ-: I seem to need 'xserver-video-abi-23'15:39
FreeBDSMqwebirc34077: :/15:40
StupidLikeAFoxInteresting, gksu seems to be deprecated now?15:40
jeremy31StupidLikeAFox: yes, has been for a while.  Debian removed it from the repos, then Ubuntu did15:42
EickmeyerStupidLikeAFox, jeremy31: pkexec can be used in lieu of gksu with mixed results.15:46
jeremy31StupidLikeAFox: If you want to edit text files  gedit admin://15:46
Sven_vBFreeBDSM, I doubt they're just text, there's a lot of formatting in man pages. But even after stripping that, one could infer some information programmatically like what short option equals which long option. resolving statements like in man wget "--mirror […] is currently equivalent to -r -N -l […]" should be easy for a machine to resolve. I could probably even make a script for that, it's just the usual programmer capac15:47
Sven_vBity problem: I've got even worse gaps of functionality to fix.15:47
sonicwindStupidLikeAFox, https://www.linuxuprising.com/2018/04/gksu-removed-from-ubuntu-heres.html15:47
qwebirc34077why i get this issue15:52
Eickmeyerqwebirc34077: That's a question for virtualbox support. My guess is you haven't restarted your computer since installing virtualbox.15:53
StupidLikeAFoxjeremy31 / sonicwind: Ah, so instead of 'gksu mousepad /etc/foo.cofig' 'mousepad admin:///etc/foo.config'?15:55
qwebirc34077Eickmeyer i need to restart computer after installing package upate of VM?15:55
StupidLikeAFoxSeems easy enough15:56
Eickmeyerqwebirc34077: Typically, yes. But, this is not a channel for virtualbox support, so this is getting offtopic.15:56
miaHey all16:02
miaI realized that changing the GDM theme does not change my lock screen theme16:02
miaHow can I change the lock screen theme in ubuntu?16:02
StupidLikeAFoxOkay, 'mousepad admin:///etc/default/grub' opened a file '/home/cooper/admin:///etc/default/grub'16:03
StupidLikeAFoxThat's not what I was trying to do16:03
jeremy31StupidLikeAFox: mouspad must not have gvfs support16:07
EickmeyerStupidLikeAFox: Try "pkexec mousepad /etc/default/grub"16:08
StupidLikeAFoxEickmeyer: Ah, that had the intended result16:10
StupidLikeAFoxif mousepad doesn't, I'm guessing thunar also does not16:10
EickmeyerStupidLikeAFox: "pkexec thunar" could help you out there.16:10
Eickmeyerjeremy31: Most Xfce apps, such as mousepad or thunar, don't have gvfs support. For admin://, one needs to use pkexec to launch the intended gui app.16:11
StupidLikeAFoxthunar does have gvfs support16:12
StupidLikeAFoxjust not mousepad *shrug*16:12
EickmeyerStupidLikeAFox: Oh, I stand corrected.16:12
StupidLikeAFoxNot sure how it took till now for me to notice gksu was pining for the fjords16:13
malluIn Ubuntu 18.04 I'm trying to change permission for /var/log/btmp and /var/log/wtmp. Everytime I reboot the server something is resetting file permissions. Anyone knows which process is resetting permission for these files?16:16
StupidLikeAFoxbrb, testing grub's new options and that it #invokes all it's os's properly16:16
Gallomimiasuddenly my machine won't output on display port16:42
Gallomimiastarted out by finding a loose cable at the PC side16:42
EmanueleCHi everyone, I don't know if I'm in the right place to ask, in case let me know.16:42
EmanueleCI'm creating my own custom ISO with Btrfs by default, unfortunately the Ubuntu 19.04 installer doesn't support swapfile on Btrfs.16:42
EmanueleC1) I would like to add to the installer with automated installation the right steps to create the swapfile on Btrfs16:42
EmanueleC2) best option, reactivate the swap partition.16:42
Gallomimiabut i can't for the life of me get it to work again. any tips? (i've had this problem many many times16:42
EmanueleCThe bug has been reported, but there is no activity on this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/181881116:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1818811 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "The swapfile on the Btrfs file system is not activated" [Undecided,New]16:42
EmanueleCWhere is the swapfile created, maybe I have identified it, is that right? /lib/partman/finish.d/25create_swapfile16:45
StupidLikeAFoxOh, I still need to setup a swap file16:45
Gallomimiaahhhh there we go. nvidia x server settings to the rescue16:46
Gallomimiahow very very annoying.16:46
Gallomimiawell. looks like the built in display settings of ubuntu aren't that good. it doesn't even have a detect/rescan button16:49
Gallomimiaeven after quitting and reloading it, still shows that i have a 26" benQ attached on hdmi.16:50
qwebirc8522no one in #vbox channel16:51
jackqwebirc8522, so?16:54
jackmaybe virtualbox isn't THAT popular16:54
qwebirc8522someone can help here?16:55
qwebirc8522i install package for usb support inside VM16:55
qwebirc8522rebooted and still fail to connect usb16:55
EickmeyerGallomimia: Don't blame Ubuntu for that. It's really Nvidia that has poor Linux support in general.16:56
Eickmeyerqwebirc8522: Did you install the extensions? https://virtualbox.org16:56
EickmeyerAlso, it's a holiday in the U.S., so support is going to be minimal today in general.16:57
Gallomimiathat still doesn't take away from the idea that there's a missing button or control in the settings program16:57
StupidLikeAFoxEickmeyer: Today is a holiday?16:57
EickmeyerStupidLikeAFox: Father's Day in the U.S.16:57
* StupidLikeAFox in the us16:58
Gallomimiathen call your Father16:58
SimonNLfather's day in NL16:58
EickmeyerGallomimia: There are some items (especially in proprietary systems) that Linux (and Ubuntu's settings, therefore GNOME's settings) cannot do because the hardware manufacturer doesn't open up the code APIs for others.16:58
EickmeyerEveryone: Let's stay on topic.16:59
Gallomimiait can't re-detect devices plugged into the graphics board?16:59
EickmeyerGallomimia: Not if NVidia doesn't let it.16:59
Gallomimiahow did it detect them in the first place17:00
EickmeyerGallomimia: I don't know, I don't have an Nvidia card.17:00
Gallomimiawhy is it stuck with the old "detected" settings after relaunching the settings app17:00
EickmeyerGallomimia: Couldn't tell you. The Nvidia hardware likely didn't report anything to the OS.17:00
OerHeksGallomimia, hardware needs to bee registered in the bios, pcix hardware like videocards, those are not hot swappable17:01
Gallomimiait's not the card i'm talking about, it's displays plugged into the card17:01
EickmeyerGallomimia: The displays talk to the OS through the card to identify it. Therefore, the card is the bottleneck.17:02
Gallomimiayeah. trust me don't plug video cards into a hot system17:02
Gallomimiaor unplug17:02
OerHeksoh oke :-D17:02
Gallomimiaseen that happen once to a card that wasn't screwed in17:02
OerHeksthe reason not detecting an external monitor, is the EDID info?17:02
Gallomimiano i fixed it using the nvidia app17:03
Gallomimiawhich has a "detect" button to trigger a rescan17:03
EickmeyerOerHeks: EDID likely not being passed to the kernel.17:03
EickmeyerNvidia's app likely bypasses straight to the video card, so Linux couldn't see the new display.17:04
* OerHeks wonders if there is a problem in the 1st place17:04
Gallomimiai've always had some very odd problems with this monitor and display port. what we're talking about now is part of my workaround17:04
EickmeyerGallomimia: I just explained to you why it doesn't work. Nvidia has a proprietary standard that Linux cannot support.17:04
EickmeyerGallomimia: It's the hardware manufacturer's refusal to open up to the Linux kernel.17:05
EickmeyerGallomimia: Which is precisely why Linus Torvalds himself is historically frustrated with Nvidia.17:06
ldz27hi, how to disable the time screen? I have disabled the lock screen inside privacy but it doesn't help. the "time lock screen" still appears17:18
ldz27the login screen doesn't appear anymore but i mean the time screen17:18
ldz27I am using ubuntu 1917:19
OerHeksldz27, i find no entry in dconf-editor, just this: edit the .css and change font to  font-size: 0pt; >> https://askubuntu.com/questions/1107000/removing-clock-from-the-lock-screen17:22
EickmeyerOerHeks: I think they don't even want the lock screen at all17:23
ldz27Eickmeyer: exactly17:23
Eickmeyerldz27: Did you try this? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1140079/completely-remove-lockscreen17:24
OerHeksoh, that option is in systemsettings > power17:24
OerHeksabd systemsettings > privacy > screenlock17:25
Eickmeyerldz27: Another result: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28281077/how-do-i-disable-the-gnome-desktop-screen-lock17:25
ldz27OerHeks: privacy > screenlock was already done, but the systemsettings > power option was missing :). thank you :)17:25
OerHekstip: install gnome-tweak-tool for more settings17:25
lotuspsychjeor dconf-editor17:26
OerHeksdconf is tha bomb, indeed, carfull etc etc17:26
EickmeyerMultiple paths to the same result.17:26
vijuI cannot logoff. Nothing happens when I click logoff.  Ubuntu 18.0417:26
Eickmeyer^looks like it finally logged-off. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯17:28
StupidLikeAFoxEickmeyer: Pulled the surge bar out of the wall17:28
EickmeyerStupidLikeAFox: hehe17:29
vijuUbuntu 18.04 - One more thing - it just closes all the programs and then brings back right in. It doesn't log off as it should. How do I solve this?17:29
vijuI have been facing this for many months now.17:29
Gallomimiaviju, turn off auto-login. require a password17:49
sparrI'm having trouble with X dying when I resume from suspend with my laptop (Dell XPS 9570) not plugged in. I'm using the Ubuntu 418.56 driver/etc packages. The most damning error is in Xorg.0.log "(EE) modeset(G0): failed to set mode: No space left on device". More logs and details here https://gist.github.com/sparr/bf17c4ab3ba95f8338076918e96a094317:51
TJ-viju: that sounds like you've altered ownership on some key file or service, or disabled or deleted something essential18:00
vijuTJ-, what file do you think it is? Also, it asks me password for keyring or something like that18:01
vijuBut I am bothered about logoff issue, that's what I want solved for now.18:02
lotuspsychjesparr: did you have this on LTS?18:03
vijuGallomimia, I don't have auto login on18:03
TJ-sparr: try this: https://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html18:04
Gallomimiawhoa! i have a problem with playing a movie file... the standard player shows it very very transparent unless it loses focus18:04
Yatekiican anyone tell me the difference between `cmd < data.txt` and `cat data.txt | cmd`?18:05
TJ-viju: I have no idea where the cause is, it could be in many places, but the symptoms you describe sound like a lack of permissions to execute the tasks. I'd recommend you create a brand new user account, log-in to it, and see if it is able to log-out/shutdown whatever. If it can, then you know the issue is caused by something in your main user account18:05
TJ-Yatekii: one is I/O redirect, the other is a pipe from one process to another18:06
YatekiiTJ-: yes I know, but what's fundamentally different? because I just tried to decode a protobuf (for the reference, not really important) and the first way it fails (even tho all examples on the net are like that) and the second one succeeds. so something with the filetype or the likes has to be broken I suppose :/18:08
Yatekii(I loaded the protobuf via HTTP, so maybe there could be the reason (it not being marked properly in the fs))18:08
vijuOk thanks tj-18:09
Gallomimiacan anyone tell me why "videos" is flickering and refuses to play full opaque? i can't seem to see my show18:14
lotuspsychjeGallomimia: did you compare with vlc player?18:14
Gallomimiai... don't think i have that. one sec18:15
usneywhat is the best app for streaming currently downloading torrents in ubuntu?18:16
lotuspsychjeusney: we dont really take polls here18:17
usneywell what do you use lotuspsychje18:17
lotuspsychjeusney: we focus on ubuntu support questions18:17
usneyoh okay lotuspsychje18:18
usneyshould I ask on the forums?18:18
Gallomimiathe last time i checked, which was years ago, Vuze was the only app which did that, and i think you needed the paid version18:18
Gallomimia..... i still call it Azureus18:18
usneyI am trying to google it and I am going getting windows apps18:18
Gallomimiai'm going to reboot this thing and see if some of my problems go away18:19
Gallomimiai tried searching VLC in "activities" and a blank window popped up, running under ubuntu software18:19
StupidLikeAFoxWould updating to 18.10 be advisable as a fix for my graphics?18:21
Tenkawaany of you using the new WSL2 Ubuntu image?18:22
aguiteli cannot play youtube videos18:23
sentakuwaiting for wsl218:23
Tenkawasentaku: ahh waiting for non pre-release?18:23
sentakui still on 190318:24
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:24
Tenkawaahh theres the offtopic cha18:25
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Tenkawathat should be in the topic imo18:26
Tenkawacheers all18:26
StupidLikeAFoxHuh, I could do 18.10, but 19.04 doesn't support this hardware18:29
lotuspsychjeStupidLikeAFox: whats wrong with your graphics on wich ubuntu version, with wich driver version and graphics card chipset?18:29
StupidLikeAFoxlotuspsychje: 18.04LTS here, I seem to be using the framebuffer driver18:30
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: have you installed the driver package from my PPA yet?18:30
StupidLikeAFoxI have a mattrox millenium graphics card18:30
StupidLikeAFoxTJ-: it has a dependancy that's not resolved- xorg-video-abi-2318:31
lotuspsychjeaguitel: your ubuntu version please? wich browser doesnt play youtube, and what happens exactly?18:32
StupidLikeAFoxTJ-: it also complains about my xserver-xorg-core (>= 2:, I have 2:1.20.118:35
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: xorg-server provides xorg-video-abi-23 on 18.0418:35
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: As I've said TWICE now, you have the **16.04*** package installed that you pulled from 16.04, rather than my package !!18:36
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: delete that package, remove the entry you must have added in apt's source lists (unless you downloaded it manually) and then *add my PPA*18:36
StupidLikeAFoxI do have your ppa added and the extra sources entry removed18:37
StupidLikeAFox"http://ppa.launchpad.net/tj/ppa/ubuntu bionic main"18:39
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: can you paste a log of the problem with the package when installed; I've installed here on 18.04 and there are no complaints18:41
jackbionic is so old now18:41
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: "xserver-xorg-video-mga/bionic,now 1:2.0.0-1ubuntu0~1804tj amd64 [installed]"18:41
lotuspsychjejack: please dont say statements like that in the support channel18:42
StupidLikeAFoxIt's not installing is the thing- unless I'm failing to grasp something18:42
jackisnt it?18:42
lotuspsychjejack: join #ubuntu-discuss for conversations18:42
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: I need to see what messages apt is reporting when you do "apt install xserver-xorg-video-mga"18:42
OerHeksjack, you know better18:43
jacki wish :P18:43
StupidLikeAFoxThe following packages have unmet dependencies:18:45
StupidLikeAFox xserver-xorg-video-mga : Depends: xorg-video-abi-2318:45
StupidLikeAFox                          Depends: xserver-xorg-core (>= 2:
StupidLikeAFoxE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.18:45
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: "sudo apt -f install"18:46
StupidLikeAFox0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.18:47
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: there's something wrong with your system's packages to get that error.18:48
TJ-!info xserver-xorg-core bionic18:49
OerHeksdid you run apt update before installing stuff? fresh lists18:49
ubottuxserver-xorg-core (source: xorg-server): Xorg X server - core server. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.19.6-1ubuntu4.2 (bionic), package size 1383 kB, installed size 4129 kB18:49
StupidLikeAFoxstill Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have18:50
StupidLikeAFoxrequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable18:50
StupidLikeAFoxdistribution that some required packages have not yet been creat18:50
StupidLikeAFoxand the same error18:50
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: compare my list with yours from here https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/87BpvYrh7P/18:51
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: or show us "pastebinit <( apt list '*xserver*' --installed )"18:52
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: doh! You've got the HWE packages installed! xserver-xorg-hwe-18.0418:54
StupidLikeAFoxI promise, that's what the live dvd put there :s18:54
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: That's fine, not your fault, but as you didn't know that's why we have a problem18:55
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: the 18.04 LTs has "point" releases where we effectively backport the kernel and the xorg packages from the next release (18.01 cosmic) as HardWare Enablelement packages18:56
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: so, in the case of Xorg you've actually got te 18.10, not 18.04 packages :)18:56
StupidLikeAFoxOh, yes, this was 18.04.218:56
StupidLikeAFoxI just grabbed the most recent recent i386 iso18:57
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: so, I need to republish the package in my PPA for Cosmic, and you need to change the at source for my PPA from bionic to cosmic18:57
TJ-I'll republish it for Cosmin now18:57
StupidLikeAFoxIt looks like the next LTS isn't going to do 32 bit, oh bother18:59
craigbass76I ran apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop, but I'm still seeing a kubuntu splash screen before my login. What'd I miss?19:00
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: it's now building19:00
OerHekscraigbass76, as it is still in use, run this command to set an other splash19:01
TJ-craigbass76: that's only a 'parent' package that depends on everthing that is actually needed19:01
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: flavours like Lubuntu and Xubuntu and others likely will (it only affects installers, not actual package architectures)19:01
OerHekssudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth ( and choose something) sudo update-initramfs -u19:02
Bashing-omcraigbass76: " apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop" only removes the directive, not what it acted on.19:02
StupidLikeAFoxI'm on xubuntu, 19.10 is planned as 64 bit only19:02
OerHeksadding a desktop is no problem, removing one is interesting19:02
StupidLikeAFoxlubuntu is something to look into though19:02
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: installer; it doesn't affect which architecture packages are available19:03
craigbass76That's what I'm finding. I installed XFCE too, but am keeping that. Just couldn't get it to work with the Dropbox app last time I tried.19:03
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: as long as you're doing a d-r-u or dist-upgrade its fine19:03
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: packages built, just need to wait for them to be moved to the archive19:03
Gallomimiado you really have a 32-bit system?19:04
TJ-Lots of good reasons for using 32-bit; systems with small RAM (less than 4GB) will generally do better19:05
craigbass76OerHeks, so, was there a way with one command to completely remove all traces of Kubuntu (artwork included)?19:05
OerHekscraigbass76,  i just gave you the way to reset that splash19:05
Bashing-omcraigbass76: Here is scripting to go back pure: https://github.com/aysiu/purebuntu - that you may find interesting.19:05
StupidLikeAFoxGallomimia: this is pentium 4 machine I'm setting up to do some legacy type stuff- I have 3x 64 bit laptops for practical things19:05
OerHeksanyway; adding a desktop is no problem, removing one is interesting19:05
StupidLikeAFoxGallomimia: but I figured hey, I should intall linux too19:05
TJ-craigbass76: this'll show you what that package actually installs "apt-cache show kubuntu-desktop | grep ^Depends" ... the real meat is in te plasma* packages19:06
Gallomimiaoh yeah. good point19:06
Gallomimiai guess i have an old pentium-something laying around which i'm going to do the same to19:06
Gallomimiaofc, i don't plan to give that thing a head19:06
StupidLikeAFoxIf anything, I can download stuff and throw it on the NTFS partition to use easier (the OS that owns that has netowrking disabled)19:06
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: I've got Sony Vaios I bought in 2002, that ran WinXP fine originally, with 256/384MB RAM respectively, and I keep them going with 32-bit installs :)19:07
craigbass76OerHeks, No, I got it, I was just wondering if there was somethign I could have done in the first place. Not sure why I still have a KDE splash screen when I erased the desktop19:07
craigbass76TJ-, Ahh...19:07
StupidLikeAFoxTJ-: I went ahead and put a faster cpu and 4gb or ram in. Old parts are cheap.19:07
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: these aren't upgradable, they're one-piece. At the time they were the top of the market :)19:08
craigbass76Bashing-om, Is that going to nix XFCE and Cinnamon too you think?19:09
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: packages are published now, you can install19:09
StupidLikeAFoxThanks :D19:09
StupidLikeAFoxMan, I picked the exact wrong graphics card19:10
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: I'm hoping I didn't need to do some changes to make them install!19:10
StupidLikeAFox-something cheap, AGP, low profile, and dual VGA19:10
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: I need to learn to type, too, just noticed the changelog notice: "Publish for 18.04 Cosmic"19:12
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: which in your case is ironicly, correct19:12
Bashing-omcraigbass76: Not messed about much with the scripts, As there is no xubuntu option, you will have to adapt a script to your particular needs, Not an easy process.19:13
StupidLikeAFoxThe following packages have unmet dependencies:19:15
StupidLikeAFox xserver-xorg-video-mga : Depends: xserver-xorg-core (>= 2:
craigbass76Bashing-om, No, I was hoping to keep it.19:15
Bashing-omcraigbass76: Re-install ? Are you interested in testing what will be xubuntu 19.10 ?19:15
craigbass76Bashing-om, Not on my work PC. Why you looking for guinea pigs? I'm running UbuntuStudio on my own laptop, so Xub wouldn't be much of a change19:16
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: hmpph!19:17
StupidLikeAFoxMy version is higher, can I just force it?..19:17
craigbass76Bashing-om, I've tried GNOME3 twice (honest 2+ weeks) and just can't do it, os I'm usually running Xub or Mint.19:17
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: It's my fault, I should have altered the Depends to include xserver-xorg-core-hwe-18.0419:18
Bashing-omcraigbass76: :) - I do xfce4 as my GUI of choice.19:18
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: I've modified the package and done another upload; hopefully this will solve the problem with the HWE19:24
TJ-XFCE on 19.04 (xubunt) looks very smart, and seems to have resolved a few bugs too19:25
craigbass76Bashing-om, You getting PMs?19:25
Bashing-omcraigbass76: Yeah .. PM .. Just slow getting back to it :)19:26
StupidLikeAFoxTJ-: Force installing the package slightly worked and a bunch of didn't worked :P19:48
StupidLikeAFoxBoth screens are active, which is progress, but the system is running veryslow, and both screens are just copies the OS sees as one19:49
StupidLikeAFoxThink I'm going to undo this, the system is painful to evn type into an irc client on19:54
qwebirc91697i have issues with this: https://imgur.com/dr7fQFT19:55
qwebirc91697the directory cannot be found19:55
qwebirc91697how to solve this, it is a linux issue19:56
StupidLikeAFoxOkay, so it wasnt that simple as forcing it.19:58
pm23I installed 'hplip' for 'HP Laser Jet M1005 MFP' and the printer is working but the scanner in it is not working...can one help me out? I am new to linux19:59
craigbass76pm23, Welcome aboard. I have an older M1212 that has similar issues. I'm leaning toward HP messed things up along the way somewhere, but havnen't gotten back to an old enough version yet to prove it.20:00
craigbass76pm23, There's a way to grab older ones on Sourceforge, and reading comments around the net point towards that being a fix, but like I said, I can't confirm personally yet.20:01
pm23thx craigbass76...but i have to use scanner for daily work....20:01
craigbass76pm23, yes, tell me about it. I'm trying to get reimbursed for a $1000 plane ticket, but can't scan things in...20:02
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: sounds like its doing software rendering; is there a compositor in use? which desktop session is it, Xubuntu/XFCE ?20:02
StupidLikeAFoxXubuntu yeah20:02
pm23yeah.....though printer is working20:02
craigbass76pm23, If it helps, 3.18.12 wasn't far back enough. I was going to tackle the 3.17's this week.20:03
StupidLikeAFoxTJ-: that sounds right, as even just doing some basic tasks is a bit slow20:03
StupidLikeAFoxand trying to render two monitors just wasn't happening20:03
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: can you "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log"20:03
craigbass76I don't think my scanner has worked since Mint 18, and that was a while back.20:03
StupidLikeAFoxTJ-: I've removed the package and rebooted, would the info needed still be there?20:04
pm233.18.12 is what....please explain...version of which file? i am new in linux20:04
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: ahhh, no, it'd be an older file. Use "ls -latr /var/log/Xorg*" to identify the one with the correct timestamp20:04
craigbass76pm23, look for a om in a sec. We're going to clutter up the channel20:04
StupidLikeAFoxTJ-: it was showwing up in irssi as like a couple key presses per second20:05
qwebirc91697Hi can some help I put issue in imgur: https://imgur.com/WaTmx1t20:05
TJ-pm23: looks like you need the HP binary add-ons for that one: "HP LaserJet m1005 Multifunction Printer  Required  2.8.9  1.Scanning support. 2.Printing support."20:07
TJ-pm23: See https://developers.hp.com/hp-linux-imaging-and-printing/binary_plugin.html20:07
OerHeksqwerirc likely that key  folder or key itself have wrong permissions, see the ssh key manual?20:08
StupidLikeAFoxyes, the one older version looks like when the mga drivers were running20:08
OerHeksor that folder does really not exist ..20:08
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: if you can pastebin that it may give some clues20:08
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: if I recall correctly the MGa drivers only do a framebuffer; there is no hardware acceleration, which would explain it20:09
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: does the hardware support x2 or x4 AGP? "MGA(0): Using AGP 1x mode"20:10
StupidLikeAFoxohhh, and this system is not fast enough to do non-accelerated graphics20:10
StupidLikeAFoxThat I am unsure of, I know the AGP slot if the fanciest version and this card seems to support multiple agp versions20:11
StupidLikeAFoxbut the CPU and FSB together only support 333MHz ram20:12
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: also, there's a lot of buffer copying going on since "MGA(0): Direct rendering disabled"20:13
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: ^^^ means that the driver cannot write directly to the hardware, so has to copy buffers from CPU RAM to MGA RAM20:14
StupidLikeAFoxThat does make sense why it was so slow, but a 'stable' and fairly constant slow20:15
StupidLikeAFoxinstead of 'firefox has eaten your resources, move quickly to prevent total lockup'20:16
StupidLikeAFoxForcing the issue to enable the driver simply doubled the amount of vram writes needed20:20
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: I *think* this may be a big reason: "[drm] failed to load kernel module "mga""20:21
StupidLikeAFoxBlah, I'm willing to concede my second monitor for something with more usefull prgorams that can safely be connected to the internet..20:23
qwebirc91697hi why no one help with my question20:23
StupidLikeAFox*and that can be20:23
OerHeksqwerbirc, read back20:24
OerHeksdirectory should have 755 permission, keys file should have 644 permissions and be owned by the user. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys20:24
qwebirc91697Oerkeks what do you mean?20:25
OerHeksyeah, what do you not understand about read back?20:25
qwebirc91697i mean, i dont understand the explanation about the permissions20:26
TJ-StupidLikeAFox: apparently the device you have doesn't have a kernel DRM driver; it only has matroxfb_base which is a framebuffer driver20:27
StupidLikeAFoxmillenium G55020:27
StupidLikeAFoxeven the framebuffer one was working incorrectly though20:27
TJ-qwebirc91697: 755 = owner=rwx, group=r-x, others=r-x20:28
qwebirc91697TJ thanks but how can i fix it, sorry to be noob but im totally lost20:28
OerHeksqwebirc91697, for a start, does that folder ~/.tmkms exist?20:29
qwebirc91697Oerkers, yes I created myself in home directory, i created new folder and called it ~/.tmkms20:32
miacan anybody tell me how to change the lock screen theme on ubuntu?20:33
miaI've tried changing the gdm theme but that does not affect the lock screen theme ovbiously, somehow20:33
mia(it should though, right?)20:33
qwebirc91697OerHeks, inside that folder I created the required .toml file20:35
qwebirc91697I have absolutely no clue where the error is coming from20:36
qwebirc91697a whole week now trying to solve this20:36
qwebirc91697last hope i have here20:36
qwebirc91697https://imgur.com/mmsAJAk here the toml file example OerHeks20:37
TJ-qwebirc91697: run this command and show us the URL it gives you " pastebinit <( sudo find /home/cos/.tmkms -ls 2>&1 ) "20:38
qwebirc91697OK one sec TJ20:41
qwebirc91697TJ i get this error: https://imgur.com/UoEm4l220:52
Bashing-omqwebirc91697: close out all instances of the package manager - only one can be active at any given time - and try again.20:54
gabrielc_Hi, Firefox hangs up for a few seconds when I open Opera or Chrome. Anyone having the same problem?20:59
qwebirc91697Bashing-om, how do I do that?21:00
qwebirc91697I only have the terminal open21:01
ducasseqwebirc91697: are you running something like software center or synaptic?21:01
StupidLikeAFoxqwebirc91697: If you have a synaptic window, software center, uopdater, or something similar running, close it's window\21:01
qwebirc91697Nothing running, just open the machine in VM, and open the terminal21:02
qwebirc91697ok closed web and worked21:03
Bashing-omqwebirc91697: Only you can see your system - and what is open and how .. things like synaptic - software center - dpkg - or apt may be in use when running the "pastebinit" command. - apt install is one instance of the package manager attempting to run; if another is already active will get the "lock" advisory.21:03
qwebirc91697TJ AND Oerheks, please check: https://thenextweb.com/hardfork/2018/02/15/anatomy-of-a-cryptocurrency-scam-in-the-wild/21:04
qwebirc91697sorry worng link21:04
qwebirc91697one sec21:04
TJ-qwebirc91697: so you didn't create the directory21:06
qwebirc91697wait one sec21:07
qwebirc91697the cos was screenshot from a friend21:08
qwebirc91697that imgur is my file21:08
TJ-qwebirc91697: how are we supposed to help you if you show us a screenshot of someone else's error?21:09
qwebirc91697I get same error too as him21:10
TJ-qwebirc91697: that doesn't help us though, we aren't interested in the error, we're interested in how your system is set up21:10
TJ-qwebirc91697: run this command and show us the URL it gives you " pastebinit <( sudo find $HOME/.tmkms -ls 2>&1 ) "21:11
qwebirc91697TJ i pasted the URL21:16
FreeBDSMdoes anyone know, is it possible to let wine execute something using fastboot installed into ubuntu, rather than trying windows fastboot.exe?21:18
qwebirc91697TJ here is the result: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rQfc5XnMGT/21:20
ollienThe apt-get manpage indicates that for the --simulate option "Square brackets indicate broken packages, and empty square brackets indicate breaks that are of no consequence (rare)." Looking at the output on one of my boxes, I don't understand what "broken" really means. One of the output lines is "Inst bash [4.3-14ubuntu1.2] (4.3-14ubuntu1.3 Ubuntu:16.04/xenial-updates [amd64])." I can't imagine these are the square brackets they're referring to, is it?21:22
qwebirc91697TJ and my friend gets this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kHJHrxybf3/21:23
qwebirc91697OerHeks, TJ ? dod you check he URL?21:26
TJ-qwebirc91697: you have files in the directory; what command are you executing and what error do you get ?21:27
qwebirc91697TJ this: "tmkms start -c ~/.tmkms/tmkms.toml"21:28
qwebirc91697and i get this error.21:28
qwebirc91697oh i know error, the UBS device is not detected in ubuntu21:30
qwebirc91697i sintalled the package for USB and still failed to connect21:30
qwebirc91697thats why gives error, becuase needs the UBS device to complete operation21:30
qwebirc91697what can i do to connect it to ubunut VM?21:30
vltHello. I'm trying to debootstrap an old Ubuntu by running `debootstrap dapper target/ http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu` but get "E: Invalid Release file, no entry for main/binary-amd64/Packages". Any idea how to solve this?21:42
vlthttp://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/Release lists "main/binary-amd64/Packages".21:42
AlexPortableSometimes ubuntu can't find internet, after a reboot of the computer, unplugging the cable waiting some time and plugging it again it works. Right now it's happening, which commands can i do to diagnose the issue?21:53
towserI'm trying to get firestorm to run but it doesn't want to start. the output from terminal can be found at https://pastebin.com/NTXjTZv522:25
AlexPortabletowser: which ubuntu version?22:28
towserAlexPortable, 18.04.2 LTS22:28
OerHeksthat error is clear: by enabling 32-bit architecture and installing one or more 32-bit compatibility libraries.22:29
towserAlexPortable,  i have thoes libaries insalled22:30
OerHekssudo dpkg --add-architecture i38622:30
towserOerHeks,  same error22:32
OerHeksafter that, you can install libidn11:i386 libstdc++6:i386 libuuid1:i386 zlib1g:i386 and so on22:32
towserOerHeks,  I did that already22:33
akem_towser, Do you have libfreetype installed?22:35
towserakem_, yes already installed22:38
akem_towser, do you see the libs if you "locate libfreetype.so.6" check the files really exists and the symlinks are valids.22:43
towserakem_,  yes it says there is files when I put that command in22:46
akem_Try "file /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libfreetype.so.6 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libfreetype.so.6.15.0" and "file /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libfreetype.so.6 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libfreetype.so.6.15.0" just to verify...and if it's ok you need to see why it does not find the lib you can try to symlink it to the binary directory and use something like "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./;$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./firestorm" with the correct binary name22:51
akem_If you are on 18.04 that should be the same versions of the lib.22:52
akem_not ";" but ":" in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH22:53
towserakem_, the first commend returned thoes files wern't found but the second one it found22:54
akem_towser, you need to install the missing ones.22:55
towserakem_,  the first command you gave me failed to file thoes files the second one found all files22:55
towserakem_,  it tells me libfreetype6 is already the latest version22:58
akem_towser, try: sudo apt install libfreetype6:i38622:58
towserakem_,  that is now installed22:59
akem_Try again your binary now to see.23:00
towserakem_,  still erro loading shared libaries23:03
akem_towser, still freetype? paste the output.23:04
towserlooks like libGLU to me now23:06
TJ-Sounds like you should run 'ldd' against the binary and then cross-check each library against installed packages23:08
towserTJ-, how do I do that?23:08
TJ-towser: assuming what we see in your pastebin is a real executed, then "ldd bin/do-not-directly-run-firestorm-bin"23:09
towserTJ-,  ok now it gave me a bunch of directories23:10
TJ-towser: if you can pastebin the output I can give you a command to check them all at once23:11
TJ-towser: "sudo apt install libfontconfig1:i386 libglu1-mesa:i386 libgtk2.0-0:i386"23:16
towserTJ-, ok that's all done23:19
towserand it's trying to run23:19
towserand it looks like it works, thanks23:21
towsernow I need to figure out where the temp files for chromium os install are. I tried to install but ran out of disk space and it left behind a lot of files23:22
AlexPortableSometimes ubuntu can't find internet, after a reboot of the computer, unplugging the cable waiting some time and plugging it again it works. Right now it's happening, which commands can i do to diagnose the issue?23:30
akem_AlexPortable, keep the computer plugged to the net and if you loose the connection check your IP and network interface, try to ping your router, that kind of process to see what's going on.23:34
AlexPortablewell the networking icon keeps blinking up and down23:36
kinghatis it possible to see memory type info via command line?23:58

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