
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== marcc is now known as kub
bodicceaCrazyLikeAFox, Unit193's solution would likely not work is your home filesystem is btrfs.09:31
xubuntu41ihod do i ensure that my webcam is installed properly during xubuntu installation09:37
gnrpxubuntu41i: During installation?09:39
diogenes_xubuntu41i, https://www.onlinemictest.com/webcam-test/09:39
gnrpI mean, you can check whether it was recognized and everything, but "properly", for that you would have to use it actually09:39
xubuntu91ieveryone its connected?11:22
xubuntu40wHi, does anybody know if it's possible to use GSConnect on Xubuntu rather that KDE Connect?13:23
bluesabrexubuntu40w: it is not. GSConnect requires gnome shell. Instead, I recommend indicator-kdeconnect which works well in xubuntu :)13:25
xubuntu40wbluesabre: Thanks, yes I had been using indicator-kdeconnect, but I was an OS refresh and I wondered if I could use GSConnect instead of downloading the full required KDE stack to use indicator-kdeconnect. You saved me some at least. Cheers.13:27
twoelkcan somebody help with using xfburn to burn an iso to dvd?13:38
xubuntu28wWhat is the best Xbuntu for a Dell V90 netbook it is Intel Atom.14:00
cousteaudoes xubuntu 18.04 use Xorg, or Wayland?14:59
cousteauXorg, right?15:00
cousteauok thanks!15:01
brainwashand so will 20.0415:01
xubuntu62wI'm sorry, I have one quiestion16:14
xubuntu62wDId you know guys if there is a way to run Xubuntu on a Chromebook?16:14
xubuntu62wI mean, it runs smoothly but I don't have sound16:14
xubuntu62wand have no Idea of how to install those drivers16:15
diogenes_xubuntu62w, see if you can install pavucontrol.16:16
xubuntu62wI know there is GalliumOS Xubuntu base on, but I keep having some bugs with it16:17
xubuntu62wthat is why I want to try with a Xubuntu distribution16:17
xubuntu48ii love xubuntu17:15
xubuntu48iwaiting for it to install...17:17
JeffFromOhHi. I'm trying to get Hibernate to work in Ubuntu Studio. I was recommended to ask here, because Studio, I was told, is based on Xubunty23:13
JeffFromOherr, Xubuntu23:13
JeffFromOhcan't type sometimes lol23:14
JeffFromOhWhen I go into Xfce Power Manager, under the system tab23:14
JeffFromOhThe option to hibernate is not available for the "close lid when unplugged"23:14
JeffFromOhI found one problem, which I fixed - the swapfile was only 2G23:15
JeffFromOhbut this laptop has 16G of RAM23:15
JeffFromOhso I found instructions to increase the swapfile size23:15
JeffFromOhand free -m now shows 16G of swap space23:15
JeffFromOhBut hibernate still isn't available under the power manager23:15
JeffFromOhAny suggestions?23:16

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