
hloeungppa.lp.net going down in 10 mins for quick maintenance02:51
hloeungppa.lp.net donw for maintenance03:00
cpaelzercjwatson: wgrant. (others?): the builders again are soemwhat stuck07:24
wgrantcpaelzer: Looking07:24
cpaelzeractually more than I've seen every before so maybe this is not one of the usual "please bump"07:24
cpaelzerbut I'll leave that to you07:25
wgrantcpaelzer: Looks okay to me, what's the issue you're seeing?07:25
cpaelzerreally, let me make sure I refreshed that ...07:25
cpaelzerwell I assumed that 6 day queues are the same usual issue07:25
cpaelzerbut maybe ther just is that much load?07:25
cpaelzeroh I see07:26
wgrantcpaelzer: It's a test rebuild.07:26
wgrantBut normal builds will be scheduled in front of it.07:26
wgrantIf you have a particular stuck build we can investigate.07:26
cpaelzerI'll give it a few minutes for the prios to kick in on the next finish07:27
cpaelzershould be fine07:27
cpaelzerand I'll not which builders are in "cleaning" as sometimes they seem to not recover07:27
cpaelzernote to myself atm 4-7, 9, 11, 13, 17-1907:27
cpaelzerno I think we are good wgrant07:28
cpaelzersorry for the noise07:28
wgrantWe track the cleanings fairly closely during this sort of event07:28
cpaelzerI assumed on the long queues we might again be stuck on cleanup, but we arent07:28
wgrantHeh that would be pretty impressive07:28
acheronuklivefs build seems 'stuck'? https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/eoan/kubuntu/+build/17039108:45
acheronuksame for ubuntu https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/eoan/ubuntu/+build/17040508:45
cjwatsonbuildd-manager seems to be working happily enough08:46
cjwatsonThough the job apparently finished (according to its logs) quite a few hours ago and it hasn't finished fetching it, so might be more subtly stuck08:47
cjwatsonAnyway, I'm off today so can't look08:48
acheronukcjwatson: thanks. I just looked at yesterdays livefs, and the log says it took about 15mins, but the LP page says 'took 6 hours, 15 minutes'. the full cd-build-logs also show there was that ~6hr hang08:59
acheronukso something is amiss, but hopefully will complete after a delay09:00
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Coda_SailorHow do I reopen an "Solved" answer?15:19
brycehi, need help with an account issue15:58
brycemy uploads are getting associated with an incorrect account - 'brmce' instead of 'bryce'15:59
bryceIf you look at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/exim4/4.92-7ubuntu1 you can see Uploaded by is linking to https://launchpad.net/~brmce instead of https://launchpad.net/~bryce15:59
bryce'brmce' doesn't appear anywhere in my local configs nor in the .changes or .dsc I used to upload, so I can't spot where this misconnection occurred16:00
bryceit is also present on a recent dovecot upload and I believe on logwatch as well, so is not something package-specific16:01
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wgrantbryce: The link occurs by email address. See the link on https://launchpad.net/~brmce to merge the account into your main one and add the email address to your account.21:40
brycewgrant, alright thanks21:46
wgrantbryce: The issue is you don't have canonical.com addresses on your main LP account21:47
wgrantSo a new placeholder was created when LP saw you upload with it again21:47
brycehuh, interesting.  I take it it just randomly changes a char in the firstname or something?21:48
wgrantbryce: It normally tries to append innocuous characters first, but those must have collided too21:49
wgrantPermuting a random character is close to a last resort21:49
bryceI should go ahead and add bryce.harrington@canonical.com while I'm at it21:50
wgrantI see the merge has worked though21:51
wgrantYou should also remove any obsolete OpenPGP or SSH keys21:51
wgrante.g. there's a couple of 1024Ds there21:51
bryceah yes, will do21:51
wgrantbryce: Also revoke any old clients from https://dogfood.paddev.net/%7Ebryce/+oauth-tokens21:52
teward'dogfood' - fun names for instances heh.  :)21:53
brycewgrant, ok that's quite a list, but think most all of those are obsolete.  I'll cull it down.  Thanks!21:54
rbasak"Permuting a random character is close to a last resort"22:00
rbasakI was convinced it was caused by a typo because of that permutation :)22:00
* wgrant finds the code22:06
sarnoldpity attempts isn't logged :)22:11
bryceI like the exception.  "some twonk"22:12
wgrantsarnold: So funny story22:12
sarnoldbryce: hah, I overlooked that :)22:13
tewardLOL xD22:13
tewardmust read that exception xD22:13
wgrantsarnold: Originally generate_nick was run on the whole email address so you ended up with something like foo-gmail. But that revealed too much of the email address, so it was changed to just use the local part (so foo).22:14
wgrantBut of course many local parts collide22:14
wgrantAnd it seeded the RNG from only the localpart22:14
wgrantSo we ended up with hundreds of deterministic mutations of "lp"22:14
sarnoldohhhhhh nooo22:14
wgrantWe had usernames that were more than 200 characters long as a result of it22:14
sarnold"why does it take ten minutes to create a new user account?"22:14
wgrantThey all look very random22:15
sarnold"mine just created in seconds"22:15
wgrantrandom, but suspiciously similar22:15
wgrantWas very confusing before we worked it out :)22:15
sarnoldyeah, I can imagine it wasn't real obvious :)22:15
sarnolddid you wind up swapping out all those user names? those urls would be pretty unwieldy to use, but they aren't needed often..22:16
sarnoldhow many needed changing?22:16
wgrantWe didn't go back and fix them.22:16
wgrantThere are maybe a thousand past 100 characters, not many.22:17
sarnoldno complaints? :)22:18
wgrantPeople could always change their username22:18
wgrantSo anyone who cared had already fixed it22:18
sarnoldoh! I never noticed that :)22:19
sarnold(or maybe I did, is that the one where you can't change your name if you've got PPAs?22:20
wgrantIt's locked while you have live PPAs22:20
tewardwgrant: is there a bug about longer-than-4digits CVE codes?23:04
tewardwrt bugs and CVE linking23:04
wgrantteward: They work fine23:06
tewardwgrant: they don't23:07
teward2019-12816 <-- "Invalid format" - unless it needs CVE- before it?23:07
sarnoldteward: you can paste long cves into a comment and launchpad will scrape them out of it23:07
tewardor is that a "CVE Not Listed" issue?23:07
teward2019-12816 is not a known CVE sequence number. <-- this is what i hit23:07
tewardsarnold: oh good you're alive23:08
tewardyou can answer the question in -hardened nwo :)23:08
wgrantThat sounds like it wasn't in the last dump we imported from Mitre23:09
wgrantLP's supported up to 7 digits since 2014 from what I can see23:09
tewardwgrant: when was the last import?23:11
wgrant2019-06-17 08:48:40 ERROR   Unable to connect for CVE database https://cve.mitre.org/data/downloads/allitems.xml.gz23:12
wgrantI wonder why23:12
sarnoldcurious indeed. I can scrape it from my home machine23:14
wgrantYeah, probably an internal proxy issue23:15

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