
laddai have a problem with connecting with my wifi on Lubuntu 18.10 32-bit07:43
toyata_swifti have a problem with connecting with my wifi in lubuntu 18.10 32-bit08:00
toyata_swifti have a problem with my wifi08:27
kc2bez!ask | toyata_swift08:29
ubottutoyata_swift: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:29
toyata_swiftCan any one hlep my with my wifi problem?10:57
vincentgood morning12:25
=== vincent is now known as Guest50951
Guest50951im having a trouble installing midori12:27
Guest50951can I get some help from someone?12:27
=== Guest50951 is now known as Bolilas
=== Bolilas is now known as Valentino
=== Valentino is now known as VinceVal
=== VinceVal is now known as VinnieVal
VinnieValgot my nickname now registered13:04
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK
sbabozwhy is the public folder not public?19:51
wxlgood question19:52
wxlthat's the way ubuntu set it up19:52
wxlapparently the intention is for either samba or web server sharing19:53
wxli see nothing about the intention to share it with other users on the same system which is strange19:54
sbabozyes, it's very strange that there is no default easy way for users on the same system to share files19:55
sbabozwhy would they not give this possibility?19:56
sbabozby default19:56
wxlthat's a good question for the ubuntu developers :)19:56
sbabozI would recommend the following solution: - Create a group for sharing, just call it "shared". - Add all users who should have access to the shared files to this group. - Create a directory outside of users homes, e.g. /shared for shared files. - Change group of this folder to the group for sharing and adjust group permissions. - Set group sticky bit for this shared folder.19:57
sbaboz(found online)19:57
sbabozwhat do you think?19:58
wxlworks as well as a bunch of other possibilities19:58
sbabozbut i want it to work also for the guest user19:58
sbabozcan you give me an advice?19:58
wxlTHAT is hard19:59
wxlthe only thing is to leave a folder outside of home that's open to anyone. very permissive permissions19:59
sbabozwhere should i put the folder?19:59
wxloff of root20:00
wxl /shared works20:00
sbabozcan i make default that if a file is put there it will automatically get permissions for everyone?20:01
sbabozwho should be the owner of the folder?20:02
sbaboz(not sure if it's important)20:03
sbabozthis permissions thing is very strange, because even if a file is put in the shared folder (without adjusting permissions) the other users won't be able to access it, right?20:09
sbabozwxl: are you still here?20:10
lubot<teward001> patience please20:10
lubot<teward001> wxl is a busy person20:10
lubot<teward001> and to answer the question you can adjust the permissions ON /shared to give everyone access20:11
lubot<teward001> for example, `chmod 777 /shared` would give designated owner user, designated group user, and all other users/groups read/write/traverse on the directory20:11
sbabozso any file put inside will get them automatically?20:11
sbabozalso guest user?20:12
lubot<teward001> most files that're 'new' default to a 'readable by all' state, if you need to alter the default permissions for FILES inside there to be read/write by everyone then that's a different story20:12
lubot<teward001> and 'guest' user is... a little trickier since that's more jailed than anything20:12
lubot<teward001> (and not really straight 'perms' per-se)20:12
sbabozif the file is readable but not modifiable, one can make a copy and modify the copy, right?20:14
sbabozso it should work...20:14
lubot<teward001> in theory, but i haven't tested it20:15
lubot<teward001> you can GRANT write perms with ACL changes though, change the default access masks20:15
lubot<teward001> but that's also nonstandard and can be fragile at times20:15
sbabozand i am a beginner :)20:15
sbabozwhat is <teward001>  ?20:16
lubot<teward001> Access Control Lists20:16
lubot<teward001> basically?   Extended permissions beyond straight chmod/chown20:16
lubot<teward001> but users should just be able to 'make a copy' and save that copy, but wouldn't be able to overwrite the existing one.  I came in late to this, sorry :)20:17
lubot<teward001> so i'm still catching up20:17
tewardwxl: thought guest user was jailed btw20:18
tewardseparately from standard ACLs/perms20:18
sbabozwxl said that if i make the shared folder in /  (and adjust permissions) then the guest user will be able to access it20:19
lubot<teward001> right that's why I poked wxl on IRC ;)20:19
lubot<teward001> because I could've sworn it was jailed specially under the hood20:20
wxltbh i'm not sure. never bothered doing anything like this, and especially not for the guest user20:20
tewardalso I'm teward001 via the bot/telegram20:20
tewardbut teward here ;)20:20
tewardwxl: 'cause I could've sworn it was specially jailed, but never dug super deep into it20:21
teward'course I *disable* the guest account for security reasons, but...20:21
sbaboz(they must read these channels i suppose)20:23
* teward looks left, looks right20:23
tewardOH you mean the people who define default features, riiiight.  Yeah for security reasons I think they don't include that by default.  Just saying.20:23
tewardsbaboz: let me write up a test and see if it works20:23
tewardbut you'll have to wait until I'm home in front of a VM20:23
* teward is heading home from work shortlyu20:24
sbabozthank you20:24
wxlthe "recommended" way in ubuntu is to use samba or a web server, but the latter doesn't give read/write access and the former is a little much20:25
sbabozActually beginners use online sharing services to share files between local users (on the same system), it's ridiculous i think, is it not?20:26
wxlagain, "public" is not meant for local users20:27
sbabozIt's something so basic, it's incredible they didn't put this feature20:27
wxli've never had a need for it20:27
sbabozbut you can imagine that many people do, right?20:27
sbabozand we are talking MILLIONS...20:28
sbabozwhat do you mean?20:28
wxli can't imagine that millions of people have such a need20:28
sbabozhow many total ubuntu users?20:29
wxlconsidering how many people have asked about it, 120:29
lubot<teward001> 5  if you include a special-case server I had to set up for a client20:29
lubot<teward001> 6 if you include me being derp with containers but that's waaaay different20:29
wxlderpy indeed. lxc file push/pull is all you need20:30
lubot<teward001> 7 if you include tsimonq2 trying to fumble his way through sysadmin20:30
lubot<teward001> um I mean :)\20:30
lubot<teward001> (disclosure: that's not meant as rudeness it's just friendly jabs between friends)20:30
lubot<teward001> *EODs and heads home*20:30
sbabozUbuntu is on tens of millions of machines... Even if you take only 1 out of 10 (with multiple users who are beginners) that's still a very large number...20:31
wxli didn't mean 1 out of 10. i meant 1.20:32
sbabozso why did you think it was strange?20:32
wxlbecause it's never been brought up, as i said20:33
sbaboz"i see nothing about the intention to share it with other users on the same system which is strange"20:33
wxlif it was so common of a need that certainly wouldn't be the case20:33
sbabozsearching online shows that i am far from being the only one... :)20:33
wxlafaik this is not a trivial thing to do in windows either20:34
wxlit's just a non-trivial issue, especially considering security20:34
wxlas far as i knwo20:34
sbabozI think we all want Ubuntu to be as easy as possible so that it can conquer the masses...20:37
wxlyou need to read bug 120:37
ubottubug 1 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120:37
sbabozicrosoft has a majority market share in the new desktop PC marketplace.  This is a bug which Ubuntu and other projects are meant to fix.20:41
sbabozI liked the motto "linux for human beings"20:42
sbabozIt has to be EASY!20:42
sbabozWe are not all born programmers...20:43
lubot<HMollerCl> wxl: actually what is ~/Public for?20:45
wxlsbaboz: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1/comments/1834 "from Ubuntu's perspective, this bug is now closed"20:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress]20:47
wxl@HMollerCl there are relatively easy ways in Ubuntu to Samba/Apache share it20:48
sbabozfor some reason i get a timeout error when trying to open the other comments...20:57
sbabozbut i believe you... :)20:57
wxlyou can just click the link20:57
wxlpoint being, it's not a great goal20:57
sbabozand in this world if you don't grow you perish...20:59
sbabozlooks like the only languages that will survive are english and chinese...20:59
wxlyep, but you can only grow based on the resources you have available21:00
wxland not making wise choices about how you spend resources means certain death21:00
wxlput less generally, there's only a few contributors to lubuntu. a small fraction of those contributors work on things that you could call "development" where new features are being added or bugs are being fixed (though we have many testers and bug reporters) and they are only volunteers so they have limited time. they can only work on important things. given the aforementioned lack of interest in this21:03
wxlparticular feature, while i don't see it as silly, it's very low priority21:03
sbabozI disagree. I think it should have been solved a long time ago. Many beginners work around this by using online transfer services (or even pendrives!)  - but this is clearly ridiculous, developers should find it embarrassing to have their users do so...21:17
wxlare you aware of all of our problems to be fixed?21:17
sbabozI know you do a great job at them, and i am sure they are a lot more complicated than this...21:18
wxland more urgent21:18
wxlthat's my point21:18
wxlif you don't know the list, you're not really in a position to agree or disagree about priority21:18
sbabozI hope i am allowed to say my opinion... :)21:19
wxlmost certainly21:19
wxlnow the *u*buntu team has more resources. if you can kick it over to them, it might get more traction21:19
wxli would go file a bug21:20
sbabozdo they read these channels?21:23
wxlfile a bug21:23
sbabozthat's strange, isn't it?21:23
wxli work in a manufacturing facility. the people in production don't listen in on support requests.21:24
sbabozhearing the voices of users (wherever they may be) would interest me if i were a developer...21:25
wxlmaybe you should become a developer21:25
wxlor maybe you'd recognize that there's a way to make your voice heard: bug reports21:26
sbabozyes, i understand, i am not against bug reports...21:26
lubot<HMollerCl> sbaboz, as wxl said we have a long list of things to fix/implement that are mostly exclusive for lubuntu. Ubuntu, on the other hand, has more resources and most of the ubuntu solutions work in the other flavors. Giving that, if you find that there is something missing in ubuntu, you should file a bug to ubuntu, it will be quicker th21:27
lubotan filing to lubuntu.21:27
lubot<HMollerCl> If I understand correcly, you want that every use can have a share folder, roght? Or you want to have an internal file server?21:28
wxlthey want every user, including the guest user, to be able to have full read/write access in a folder21:28
lubot<HMollerCl> in the same computer? but not trhough network?21:29
lubot<HMollerCl> like a pendrive?21:29
lubot<HMollerCl> (usb-stick)21:29
wxlnot with a pendrive, no21:30
lubot<HMollerCl> I woul make a partition w/o security for that.21:31
wxlthat's an interesting, albeit convoluted solution.. use a file system that doesn't support permissions XD21:31
lubot<HMollerCl> that's why I was thinking in pendrives.21:32
wxl[m]If it's for a quick file share an even easier solution might be /tmp21:34
lubot<HMollerCl> other option, but I don't know if it would work, create a promiscuous user, that have al of his security down.21:34
lubot<HMollerCl> and no privileges21:34
lubot<HMollerCl> so everyone could read/write in his folders, but he can do nothing.21:35
sbabozI prefer Lubuntu to Ubuntu21:37
sbaboza lot...21:38
sbabozAnd all i say/do is hoping to improve it...21:38
sbaboz(with the hope of)21:38
lubot<HMollerCl> me too, but ubuntu has more resources, and if ubuntu finds a solution It might (99%) work in lubuntu w/o problem and/or we could more easily adapt it.21:39
sbabozAnd Im using Lubuntu...21:40
sbabozI see..21:41
lubot<HMollerCl> for example, all the printer solution we use comes right from ubuntu.21:42
sbabozyes as many other things...21:42
lubot<HMollerCl> yes21:43
sbabozbut we don't have all the "frills"...21:43
lubot<HMollerCl> sometimes we touch and modifys things though.21:43
sbabozI have also installed Lubuntu to some of my friends (ex-windows)21:44
sbabozEven those with powerful machines...21:44
sbabozI think Lubuntu is always better...21:45
sbabozWe must just always remember that "for human beings" part...21:46
sbabozfor a bright future :)21:47
* teward reappears from home21:49
lubot<HMollerCl> sbaboz, in lubuntu we all have that in mind.21:51
sbabozgood to hear that...21:53
wxlsbaboz: since you're so passionate about this, read https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/why-not-contribute/8721:54
sbabozhow does that Free training work?22:02
wxlit's not formal22:03
wxlyou have an area of interest, we help you explore it22:03
sbabozis it here in this channel?22:03
wxlwith the goal, of course, of using that for contributing back22:03
wxl#lubuntu-devel would probably be a better place22:03
sbabozMy main area of interest is to help old people (with old computers) use Lubuntu22:05
sbabozSo I more need to say the changes that need to be done, or the options that need to be given...22:06
wxlthat sounds like bug reporting to me :)22:07
sbabozFor example the email client could be improved a lot...22:07
wxlahh yes then we can show you how to file upstream bug reports22:08
sbabozyes, bug reporting, but also training so i better know what i am talking about...22:08
sbabozwhich i often dont... :)22:08
sbabozAlsothunderbird isn't good for old people...22:09
sbabozAll the clients should have a SUPERSIMPLE version...22:10
sbabozIt's not cool to exclude old people...22:11
sbabozIt's not cool to exclude anybody...22:11
wxlsbaboz: trojita is about as simple as it gets22:15
lubot<HMollerCl> but you can alway ask for new features upstream22:16
sbaboznever heard that, is it in the software center?22:16
wxlit's the email client in lubuntu22:16
wxlunless you're using the old version :/22:16
wxlin which case, yeah, sylpheed sucks22:17
wxlwe're not using it anymore22:17
sbabozI tried many (though not trojita) but none comes with a SUPERSIMPLE-MODE... Maybe this necessity is too obvious for it to be seen? :)22:21
wxlsylpheed is convulted22:22
sbabozwhat level of priority would you give here?22:24
wxlwe've stopped seeding it in recent versions of lubuntu, so it's about level 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000122:25
wxlout of a possible 522:25
lubot<HMollerCl> making changes in sylpheed has NO priority22:25
sbabozcan you install trojita in 18.04?22:26
lubot<HMollerCl> wxl is overoptimistic22:26
lubot<HMollerCl> @sbaboz [<sbaboz> can you install trojita in 18.04?], you could try22:26
lubot<HMollerCl> type in a terminal: apt list *trojita*22:27
lubot<HMollerCl> and tell what's coming out.22:27
sbabozJust this: Elencazione... Fatto22:28
wxldoesn't exist until cosmic22:28
lubot<HMollerCl> try because, I don't know if trojita exist in 18.04.-22:28
lubot<HMollerCl> ok, so it does not. You "could" still do it, but I wouldn't recommend it.22:29
sbabozOut of all the lubuntu-machines out there what percent would you guess has 18.04?22:29
sbaboz(my guess is 65%)22:30
lubot<HMollerCl> I don't have info to guess that.22:31
sbabozit's gotta be at least 50%, don't you think?22:32
wxlme either22:32
sbabozlast LTS22:33
wxlwe do not recommend it22:33
sbabozwhat do you mean? It's Lubuntu..22:33
wxlit's lxde, not lxqt, which is where all the current development is22:33
wxllxde is essentially not developed at all22:33
wxlit's a waste of time22:33
sbabozBut this one will go for 10 years!22:34
wxlsupported by us until next year22:34
sbabozyes, i read it22:34
wxland again: lxde is undeveloped22:34
sbabozso who will support it?22:35
sbaboz(if not you)22:35
wxlwell the real problem is that lxde doesn't even really support themselves22:36
wxl(one of the many reasons we're not using it anymore)22:36
wxl18.04 packages will remain in the repositories until 2022. so from 2020 until then, the ubuntu community will support it. you will find that to be extremely limited support. beyond that, no one supports it.22:37
wxlso i wouldn't waste your time with it. upgrade to 19.04 and be done with it.22:37
sbaboz19.04 is not LTS22:38
wxlso what?22:39
lubot<HMollerCl> that's correct, but it's pretty mature now and you can easily upgrade from 19.04 to 19.10 and to 20.04.22:39
sbabozLTS is cooler :)22:39
lubot<HMollerCl> If I had to install one system from scratch I will start with 19.04.22:39
lubot<HMollerCl> I would go to 18.10 if I had some hw problem, mostly kernel related (and nvidia)22:40
wxlit's full of old packages22:40
wxlthat's not cool22:40
sbabozjust being done with it, and for a long time, IS VERY COOL...22:41
wxlwhat does that mean, though?22:41
wxlyou upgrade packages during the lifecycle22:41
wxland guess what an upgrade to a new version is? an upgrade of packages22:41
sbabozActually you reminded of another question i had...22:42
sbabozSometimes I get the feeling the automatic updates feature doesn't work....  they seem to get downloaded but not installed (until you click install)22:43
wxlif you want automatic upgrades you want unattended-upgrades22:44
sbabozit's an option in the update-manager22:44
wxlyeah, that's not actually what you think it is22:45
sbabozplease explain22:45
wxlyou just described it. it doesn't install anything.22:45
sbabozbut it makes me think it does22:45
sbabozwhy, is it a trap? :)22:46
sbabozit says download and install automatically...22:46
wxlafter you give it permission22:47
sbabozthen that totally needs to be made clear...22:47
wxlthen get to filing a bug report :)22:47
sbabozthis definitely affects millions...22:48
wxlthis is not a lubuntu issue22:48
wxlit's an ubuntu one22:48
wxlso file away22:48
sbabozalso why this thing of not having updates go automatically by default?22:49
wxlLOTS of people don't want that22:49
wxlincluding people with poor or no internet connection22:50
wxlbut also people that want more control over how their updates work22:50
wxland actually i don't see your bug22:50
wxlthe language is "Automatically check for updates"22:50
sbabozthen the italian translation is wrong...22:50
wxland then *IF THERE ARE SECURITY UPDATES* there's an option for download and install automatically22:51
sbaboz"Scarica e installa automaticamente"22:54
sbabozeven the security seem often to not go through...22:55
sbabozThey get done only when clicking install...22:56
wxlhow do you know which ones are the security ones?22:56
wxli will say those are relatively rare22:56
sbabozit says "Aggiornamenti di sicurezza" in the details...22:56
sbabozFor example, say I install Lubuntu for a 90 year old man, it would be cool he need not worry about this stuff...22:58
sbabozthe machine just gets updated automatically...22:59
sbabozi dont understand what you mean23:00
sbabozI think windows had this thing of all updates getting done automatically...23:02
wxl!info unattended-upgrades23:02
ubottuunattended-upgrades (source: unattended-upgrades): automatic installation of security upgrades. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1ubuntu1.18.04.11 (bionic), package size 40 kB, installed size 384 kB23:02
sbabozThat's the option we were talking about before?23:07
sbabozOk thank you for all the assistance, near bedtime here,...23:08
sbabozActually there's one thing i wrote before that i didn't send for worry of it being offensive... Do you give me permission?23:09
sbaboz(there's no intention of being offensive)23:09
wxlhm, potentially offensive is not something that sits well with the ubuntu code of conduct23:10
wxli guess it depends on what offensive might mean23:10
sbabozI adjusted it a bit, it should be ok...23:10
wxlconstructive criticism is fine23:10
sbabozI guess there is a rootproblem that generates many other problems...23:14
sbabozProgrammers are the only category of workers who often tend to think you have some kind of intellectual disability if you don't understand the basics of their work...  No other category does... Not the blacksmith, not the shoemaker,..no other… (This "disability" is probably due to spending too much time in front of the computer… :)23:14
sbabozDon't you think there is some truth there? :)23:14
sbabozI think there is some truth... but i didn't mean anyone of you who assisted me today...23:17
wxli think like all gross generalizations, it's ridiclous23:18
sbabozI think if you look at the logs of various support channels you will find many examples where newbies are being almost (or even clearly)  treated as stupid...23:20
sbabozI mean Ive seen it...23:20
wxlyou assume too much23:20
sbabozAgain, Ive seen it...23:21
sbaboz(but again notreferring to my experience today...)23:21
wxli understand that but you assume too much about the identities of the people involved23:21
sbabozi dont understand23:22
wxlthis is your proof about your statement about programmers23:22
wxland yet you have no proof that the people involved are programmers. you're assuming that23:22
sbabozOk you're right those who are in the channels doing support aren't all programmers, but many clearly are... But this can also be seen by some easily avoidable problems given to newbies in the distros (because they should be able to handle that, THEY SHOULD GET THOSE BASICS...)23:27
sbabozand those working on the actual distros are all programmers...23:27
sbaboz(on the software)23:28
sbabozI just think that sometimes they assume too much about what their users should know...23:29
sbabozThat's why i think that "for human beings" is a great motto to always keep in mind...23:30
wxlin any product you have designers and users23:30
wxldesigners create with users in mind, but even with significant study, do not completely understand user needs23:31
wxlsimilarly users expect designers to know exactly what they want but since this is entirely unknowable without direct communication, that makes for a problem23:31
wxlthus the beauty of open source: direct communication is possible. file bug reports!!!!23:31
wxlthe best motto is "good human beings file bug reports"23:32
sbabozdo you need a registered account to file bug reports?23:32
sbabozwhy is this necessary?23:32
wxlask at #launchpad-users if you want23:32
wxli didn't develop the system23:33
sbabozI would guess it would be best to make the procedure as simple as possible...23:33
wxlmaybe, maybe not23:34
sbabozOk anyways, thanks my friend, goodnight... (at least for me, not sure in what part of the world you are.. :)23:35

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