
studiobot<Chris> @Eickmeyer [<Eickmeyer> OvenWerks: Yes, the latest installer is in backports.], So, if the updated version of ubuntu-installer is already installed on my backports PPA enabled system, I can just click on it in the launch menu, fund Carla in the Audio section and install it from there? Yes?  … Or do I have to do something else first to ensur00:21
studiobote that the updated version of ubuntu- installer is present?00:21
studiobot<Eickmeyer> @Chris [So, if the updated version of ubuntu-installer is already installed on my backpo …], "sudo apt full-upgrade" … Then run Ubuntu Studio Installer from the menu.00:23
studiobot<Eickmeyer> That will help you install carla.00:23
studiobot<Chris> Great. Thanks.00:38
studiobot<Chris> I installed Carla via the terminal first. Then I did the full upgrade.  … Now Ubuntu Studio installer won't launch either from the launch menu or from the terninal. This is the message I get in terminal: … $ ubuntustudio-installer … Error in startup script: E: You must give at least one search pattern …     while executing … "close $fhcache00:55
studiobot" …     (procedure "makelist" line 25) …     invoked from within … "makelist $default_packages $default_number" …     invoked from within … "if {!$argc} { …     set cllist $default_packages …     set clnum $default_number …     makelist $default_packages $default_number … } else  { …     set cllist $argv …     set cl..." …     (file "/usr/bin/ubunt00:55
studiobotustudio-installer" line 321)00:55
studiobot<Chris> Anyway, Carla is installed and appears to be OK.00:56
studiobot<Eickmeyer> @Chris [I installed Carla via the terminal first. Then I did the full upgrade.  … Now Ubu …], Thanks for that. Means there's a bug, and I just fixed it. I'll get that fixed asap.01:59
studiobot<Eickmeyer> Chris The fix is live in the backports. Feel free to "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade".02:45
studiobot<Chris> Ok, just seen your reply now this morning. Many, many thanks for fixing the bug! Impressed. 😀😃😄10:54
studiobot<Chris> Yep, Ubuntu Studio installer launches OK. 😀10:58
studiobot<Chris> (Photo, 973x421) https://i.imgur.com/CJILHfJ.jpg11:02
studiobot<Chris> This is what I now see when I launch Ubuntu Studio i.bnstaller.11:02
studiobot<Chris> I opted to install all US packages when I first installed US 18.04. I assume that is why there isn't much left to install now?  … Should I install the three items seen in the  screenshot?11:06
OvenWerksChris: If you are just upgrading a Studio install they should already be there, I think, but if you are installing the studio packages on top of another ubuntu flavour, then it would make sense to add them.14:06
OvenWerksEickmeyer: ^^ with regard to the above, Are these packages going to become part of the ISO?14:08
OvenWerks(or are they already a part?)14:08
Eickmeyer[m]Already part of the iso. I just need to get the updated installer in eoan.14:11
Eickmeyer@Chris: With regards to the picture, that's stuff that is installed in Ubuntu Studio by default. Those items are for other flavors.14:53
studiobot<Chris> Ok, great. Understood.  Many thanks.14:56
studio-user975no puedo instalar wine en mi ubuntu studio 19.0418:33
Eickmeyer[m]!es | studio-user97518:34
ubottustudio-user975: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:34
veremitz+1 nice19:00
Thr0rTJ- Hello! Remember you Helped me with some problems I have with Download/upload speed on ubuntu on my laptop the other day? The commands I got from you helps sometimes and sometimes not, reboot also helps some times.. Do you think I could contact the producer of the laptop/network card in order to get a permanent fix? With a little bit help from you maybe I could write a mail to them and try to get a permanent fix for Ubuntu?19:05
Thr0rEickmeyer[m]: Is the above request for me to TJ- the correct way to try to contact another person in here or is that not allowed or something? ..Maybe he/she is unaval but that is fine - I'll just wait. but..19:39
EickmeyerThr0r: No, that's good. Just expect to wait a while.19:40
EickmeyerThr0r: Though, I will say, that anything regarding drivers typically needs to go completely upstream to the Linux kernel, which is developed at https://www.kernel.org/.19:40
Thr0rEickmeyer:  Ok -many thanks. I will go all the way if it helps me. This upload/download issue - mostly upload at 0,8Mbit/s - is the only thing I am not satisfied with on my UbuntuStudio....19:42
EickmeyerThr0r: Yep, just bad collaboration between hardware manufacturers and the Linux kernel. Most ignore the Linux kernel entirely because they don't think it has enough users. There used to be a list of Ubuntu-certified hardware.19:44
Thr0rEickmeyer:  Ok. I am trying to free myself from both Microsoft, Google/Alphabet and Apple now. I am aiming to use Ubuntu/Linux as my primary OS. Just a pitty there are some showstoppers but I should maybe had expected that....19:48
EickmeyerThr0r: To be honest, if using Intel or AMD chipsets, the problems are few and far between. You just seem to have some hardware that isn't cooperative.19:49
EickmeyerThr0r: In all honesty, your situation is a one-off compared to thousands, perhaps millions, of installations.19:49
Thr0rEickmeyer:  Ok - That is just so "Typically me" - Just have to live with it I guess :)19:52
EickmeyerThr0r: Been there, done that. I built a computer back in 2000 and upgraded in 2003 with Windows that, when I switched to Linux in 2009, had a few hardware incompatibilities that I was unaware of. That computer is now gone.19:53
Thr0rEickmeyer:  Ok.. My Problem Laptop is an Asus X53Z (Reported as K53Z with inxi -Fxz in Ubuntu). I have One Thinkpad T400 - works excellent and one ThinkPad T43p - works exellent too. So Asus!?19:59
EickmeyerThr0r: Whatever chipset your Asus is using for its wifi is the culpret.20:00
* Eickmeyer has to go spend time with his son on his first day of summer break, and replace the display in his main laptop20:01
EickmeyerThr0r: I'd honestly recommend a USB wifi adapter to mitigate the problem altogether.20:01
EickmeyerThey make some rather unobtrusive ones.20:01
Thr0rEickmeyer:  Ok.. (And BTW - many thanks for your tips to Use DigiKam for Photo handling... It is just amazingly good!!!) All my photos in DigiKam on UbuntuStudio now.20:01
* Eickmeyer is out20:02
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