
fairhbneed help with audio driver (realtek alc298) install/upgrade00:10
fairhbhave been trying to use Ubuntu DKMS, but looks like daily builds are failing for 19.0400:11
fairhbwithout the .deb, not sure how to proceed00:11
Thr0rI Just installed Kubuntu  18,04,2 LTS (i386) and it seems to work fine.. But after install I chose "update" and it was a list longer than I could read. It started it and it did not complete as I could see.. Rebooted, and now it says all is updated. Can I trust that? No more updates required to be safe and secure? ...Kubuntu is nice...03:55
Thr0rubottu: Kubuntu 18.04.2 lts install upgrade05:32
ubottuThr0r: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:32
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mparilloThr0r: If you open your konsole, and type: sudo apt update09:30
mparilloapt should return if you have any packages to upgrade09:30
moonmaney can anybody help me with something? i installed kubuntu on a seperate drive than windows 10 and now windows 10 wont boot anymore10:06
moonmanalso does anybody know why the videowallpaper plugin got taken down?10:07
BluesKajHi folks10:52
Thr0rmparillo: Ok - Sudo apt update returns "all packages are up to date" - so guess I'm fine then. Thank you.12:36
aienaI need some help I just fresh installed kubuntu 19.04 when I boot I get a "minimal grub" shell i need to press tab and then type out exit to boot into kubuntu. I also noticed I do not get a "/boot/efi" mountpoint with lsblk.14:32
aienaThe update-grub command does not detect my windows efi partition and errors out at 'grub-probe: error: cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdc1.  Check your device.map.' sdc1 is the thumb drive of the install of kubuntu. If I unplug sdc1 it does not pickup windows.14:32
aienaWhat did I do wrong with my installation in manual mode I made /dev/sda2 reserved for BIOS partition I think that is for efi14:33
aienain the older kubuntu /dev/sda2 was mounted at /boot/efi which isn't happening on this kubuntu fresh install14:34
BluesKajaiena, best to ask in #ubuntu chat, there more uefi knowledgeable users there when it's about dual booting in uefi14:39
BluesKajoops just missed14:39
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aienaI am struggling to get kubuntu 19.04 to install correctly on my dual boot efi system. I tried 2 things if I reserve /dev/sda2 as a boot partition it gets marked as bios grub if the boot area is set to /dev/sda it boot but I get a minimal grub screen and grub is a bit broken if I specify /dev/sda2 it goes to minimal grub but never boots.15:56
aienai dont understand why there is an additional boot area drop down15:56
aienai feel its booting in legacy mode or something I am confused15:56
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deadmundMy OS key is not working at all.  Can somebody help me figure out why?  My keyboard layout is US 104 (I believe)17:53
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