
AnAntHello, my PPA refuses my upload saying that my signing key has expired, although I have updated the expiry date and uploaded it to SKS servers, what should I do ?02:01
wgrantAnAnt: It can take a little while to replicate to the keyservers that Launchpad uses. What's the fingerprint, and how long ago did you push it?02:21
AnAntI uploaded yesterday the updated key: 8206A19620847E6D0DF8B176BC196A94EDDDA1B702:22
AnAntI judt iploaded that key to keyserfer.ubuntu.com too02:22
AnAntI just uploaded that key to keyserver.ubuntu.com too02:23
wgrantkeyserver.ubuntu.com isn't a single server, so it's not quite that simple02:23
wgrantBest to wait a day or two if you can02:23
AnAntok, thanks02:23
wgrantWe're working on replacing the software that runs keyserver.ubuntu.com with something more reliable.02:24
wgrantBut it's still a couple of weeks away02:24
juliankcjwatson: is the diff generator broken?10:23
juliankI uploaded goplay no-change rebuild over 12 hours ago, does not have a diff yet10:24
cjwatsonjuliank: Thanks, should be unstuck now, though it has a backlog10:46
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cjwatsonjuliank: your diff finally processed12:00
juliankcjwatson: yay!12:02
acheronukLP git: 503 Service Unavailable15:10
cjwatsonYes I know15:10
cjwatsonWorking on it15:10
acheronukcjwatson: ok. thank you15:10
cjwatsonacheronuk: Should be back15:28
cjwatson(A while ago - I was busy on something else)15:28
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brainwashany chance to remove this requirement? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website-content/+bug/78448515:40
ubot5Launchpad bug 784485 in ubuntu-website-content "Ubuntu pastebin requires Launchpad credentials for getting the plaintext version of a paste" [Undecided,Won't fix]15:40
tewardbrainwash: given that's a "Won't Fix" my guess is "No"15:41
brainwashit was a won't fix in 201215:41
brainwashthat's why I ask15:41
brainwashwe now have 201915:41
tewardall pastebins ar eheavily abused.  Pretty sure the "protect from abuse" component is still relevant15:41
teward(which is the quoted reason)15:41
tewardbut I don't think that #launchpad is the proper place to discuss that integration15:42
tewardsince AIUI that's a separate component15:42
brainwashI guess I don't understand that part about abuse protection15:44
brainwashI'll try to wait for a response in #ubuntu-website15:45
brainwashbut that channel is probably dead15:45
cjwatsonbrainwash: Launchpad developers don't maintain paste.ubuntu.com.16:28
cjwatsonCan't help you.16:28
cjwatsonteward: The CVE sync script is fixed on production now, so the missing sequence numbers should be fixed as of the next time that cron job runs (sometime tomorrow morning)16:33
tewardcjwatson: ack.16:36
tewardwas it a proxy issue?16:36
tewardor was the script busted?16:37
cjwatsonteward: Old version of the requests package with an old certificate bundle that was missing cve.mitre.org's current root16:38
tewardah, makes total sense.16:38
tewardglad to hear it's fixed :)16:38
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cjwatsonI'd entirely coincidentally already done the work to upgrade requests, so it was just a rollout16:39
tewardah, heh.16:39
tewardcjwatson: thanks for poking at it again :)16:39
tewardCVEs not being updated sounds like a bad thing ;)16:39
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