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xnoxjibel:  didrocks: uploaded grub2-signed to match the grub2 upload. Note each time one uploads grub2 it creates a side-tarball for signing, which launchpad then signs and publishes in the archive like a custom upload (similarish to e.g. d-i)09:42
xnoxjibel:  didrocks: then one has to upload grub2-signed such that it would fetch those signed blobs, and repackage them into .deb and ship it in the archive, to make grub2 securebootable.09:43
xnoxanyway, uploaded09:43
* xnox hopes to get d-i buildable and migratable.09:43
jibelxnox, thx09:45
didrocksxnox: ah, good to know! Thanks! Is it documented anywhere?09:45
didrocksso that I can add a bookmark for my own self next time :p09:46
cjwatsonHave these ZFS patches been sent upstream?09:49
xnoxdidrocks:  no idea. but watch out for things that produce signing tarballs like: linux shim grub2 s390-tools09:49
xnoxall of which have linux-signed shim-signed grub2-signed s390-tools-signed matching packages09:49
xnoxjibel:  didrocks: also cyphermox is in the middle of rebase on top of 2.04 =)09:50
cjwatsonAn entire new script in util/grub.d/ is a significant maintenance commitment if it's downstream-specific.09:50
didrockscjwatson: there is a card for this, we'll do it once zsys enters the distro09:50
didrocksand we separated the ubuntu-specific things in following patches (like the "recovery" translations)09:50
didrocksso that we only have in the first patch what can be upstreamed09:50
didrocksxnox: got it, thx ;)09:51
cjwatsonI really recommend doing the upstreaming first next time.  From experience.09:51
cjwatsonWe can end up in unfortunate situations where we have to maintain interfaces in perpetuity that have been changed in the review process upstream.09:51
didrockscjwatson: noted down, we wanted to testproof it a little bit, but that makes sense as well09:51
didrockswhat interfaces? I don't think we added anything in any lib (no new API)09:52
cjwatsonI don't think that multiple 10_linux_* scripts is a good pattern to follow, *at all*.09:52
cjwatsonThe interface between the boot loader and the installed system is an interface.09:52
cjwatsonDataset naming patterns, that sort of thing09:53
didrockswe initially got it as 15_, but thought 10_ would be better as it override for zfs 10_linux and is really similar, we can rename it + add the conffiles transitions09:53
cjwatsonYou misunderstand me.  My objection is not to the 1009:53
cjwatsonWe need to work out how to integrate this properly so that we don't have to have multiple scripts for booting Linux.  The existence of 20_linux_xen is bad enough but really shouldn't be perpetuated09:54
cjwatsonAnyway, this isn't a veto since I no longer maintain Ubuntu grub2, but I wouldn't be willing to take this patch in Debian grub2 as it stands, and I'd be surprised if it were upstreamable (but I could be wrong)09:55
cjwatsonIMO to be upstreamable it must be integrated into 10_linux properly09:56
cjwatson(Also, a minor point: zfs_enhance_support.patch shouldn't patch the autogenerated files Makefile.in and Makefile.util.am)09:57
didrocksIf it could be merged with 10_linux, that would be great, but I really doubt about it or it means 10_linux will need to be really refactored a lot to be properly testable (as we do with 10_linux_zfs) and in functions. The intersection of commonality is quite small, but happy to discuss this upstream09:58
cjwatsonRight, so start with preliminary patches to refactor it?09:58
cjwatsonI imagine that would be a good thing anyway09:58
didrocksif my manager acks some time to do this, yes09:59
didrocks(and ack on Makefile.in, will fix this)09:59
cjwatsonIdeally this would be laid out in such a way that the history handling could be shared by e.g. a btrfs implementation10:00
cjwatsonNot saying you actually have to implement that, but if there were obvious slots for doing so, to me that would be a good indicator that the code layout is about right10:01
didrockswe have intermediate representations in memory of system layout and machines, so it can be generic enough (with in linux_entry() have switch cases for specifity in each file system)10:03
cjwatsonAnyway, don't get me wrong, I'm glad to see work being done here, the particular shape of it just caught me by surprise as somebody who cares about the packaging being long-term sustainable10:04
didrocksWe thought having a separate script will make it more maintainable, but I get you. Anyway, upstreaming is part of the plan and we'll ensure we have most of it upstream. Then, I will need to have official work time on merging with 10_linux as this will mean: more tests to write (we have 396 only on 10_linux_zfs) and I guess a month of refactoring for 10_linux10:05
cjwatsonSorry, if anyone had asked me earlier I would have said a separate script would make it less maintainable, without a second's hesitation10:08
cjwatsonSome kind of upstream test framework for the grub.d scripts would be fantastic10:08
cjwatsonI know there's been some talk upstream about a project to rewrite the whole grub-mkconfig structure (again), but I don't know how far it's got10:09
didrockscjwatson: if I don't include Makefile.in and Makefile.util.am, debian/rules clean (and so debuild -S) is failing due to those files being modified before creating the source package10:16
cjwatsondidrocks: Only if you've first done a build in-tree10:20
cjwatsonIn fact I think only if you've run ./autogen.sh in-tree10:20
cjwatsonIf you do it via the debian/rules machinery then clean should revert those changes, via dh_autoreconf_clean10:20
cjwatsonIt is not standard practice in this package to patch the autogenerated files, so it definitely works in general10:21
didrockscjwatson: hum, I have a clean git checkout (without any modifications), I modified debian/patches/zfs_enhance_support.patch to remove those 2 files patches and I run debuild -S10:21
cjwatsonSee e.g. restore-mkdevicemap.patch10:21
cjwatsonDid you actually revert the patches too rather than just removing them from the patch file?10:21
cjwatsonAnyway, just telling you what standard practice is10:22
cjwatsonYou can look at the other patches for proof10:22
didrockscjwatson: no patch is applied, no local modification, I remove Makefile.in and Makefile.util.am from debian/patches/zfs_enhance_support.patch, and then debuild -S, what is wrong in that workflow?10:23
cjwatsonI don't know, sorry, you'll have to work it out yourself.  I use git-dpm in Debian which may not be in use for the Ubuntu packaging10:25
cjwatsonSounds like your local tree isn't quite clean10:25
didrockslet me try a fresh checkout, maybe the file which triggers this behavior is in .gitignore10:26
didrocksbut I was told by cyphermox to use the git-dpm branch, but to build the source package with debuild -S10:26
cjwatsonThat's what I do in Debian10:27
cjwatsonYou don't need a fresh checkout10:27
cjwatsonLook at git ignored files10:27
didrocksyeah, that's what I will try to purge and not only rely on git st10:27
cjwatsone.g. git clean -dfx will probably sort it out10:27
cjwatsonAssuming you have nothing uncommitted that you want to keep in that tree :)10:27
didrockswell, I did my cp first ;)10:27
didrocksgit clean -dfx doesn't do it, let me try to inspect any ignored files directly10:28
cjwatsonSo wait, you're using git-dpm but you hacked the .patch file directly?10:29
didrocksjust for testing before committing10:29
cjwatsonThat seems unlikely to work well.10:29
cjwatsonThe files will still be modified in the working tree.10:29
cjwatsonUse git-dpm properly10:29
didrockswhy, "debuild -S" has no idea of git dpm?10:30
cjwatsonYou have a category error10:30
cjwatsonIt doesn't work that way10:30
didrocksand cyphermox told me that for this package, just use debuild -S to build the source package10:30
cjwatsonWhich is correct, but not if the working tree has been deliberately made out of sync with debian/patches/ ...10:30
* didrocks is more familiar with gbp10:30
cjwatsongit-dpm is a patches-applied workflow10:30
cjwatsonThings will not go well if you modify .patch files by hand in a way that makes them not be in sync with the working tree10:31
didrocksah? so debuild -S knows about git dpm and the applied commits?10:31
cjwatsonNo, it doesn't have to10:31
cjwatsonThe working tree has patches applied10:31
didrocksah, indeed, even in the ubuntu branch, I thought it was only after a checkout-patched command10:32
cjwatsongit-dpm checkout-patched; git rebase -i <whatever the corresponding upstream ref is>; edit the patch in question using git; git rebase --continue; git-dpm update-patches10:32
didrocksok, makes sense then, so I'll refresh the patch even for testing10:32
cjwatsonOK, that explains the confusion if you didn't realise it was patches-applied10:33
didrocksyeah, I was thinking with the gbp model, which is different10:33
didrocksok, so let me rebase and test10:33
didrockscjwatson: ok, so all good now. I was really at 100 feets of thinking the ubuntu branch would be patch-applied (I thought only patched-ubuntu was, after checkout-patched). No more issue know. let me just stage that in tree. Thanks and sorry for the confusion10:38
julianknot sure if I want to fix goplay on ppc64el (spurious? uninitialized variable error) or just ask for removal10:41
julianklike last update in debian was me nmuing it in 201510:41
cjwatsondidrocks: Cool, thanks10:46
juliankQt question:11:00
juliankNo rule to make target 'string', needed by '.ui/ui_debtagssettingswidget.h'.  Stop.11:00
juliankpackagesearch fails to build like that11:00
juliankAnyone has an idea?11:01
juliankit's written like that in the Makefile11:02
juliankthat qmake generated11:02
juliankwhy would qmake make that file depend on set and string, standard C++ headers?11:03
juliankthere are includes for that in the .ui file, but it seems like a bug in qmake to turn   <include location="global" >string</include> into a <file>: string depends11:04
julianknvm, I removed the include lines and it worked11:13
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seb128bdmurray, hey, do you have any idea why bug #1820130 is showing on https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html for disco but not bionic?14:01
ubottubug 1820130 in modem-manager-gui (Ubuntu Disco) "[SRU] modem-manager-gui fails to start after modemmanager is upgraded to 1.10.0-1" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182013014:01
bdmurrayseb128: looking14:04
seb128bdmurray, thx14:04
bdmurrayseb128: there's nothing obvious I'll run the report locally and see if I can sort it out14:06
seb128bdmurray, thx14:07
seb128juliank, bug #1766890 has been assigned to you since august 2018 ... do you still plan to work on it? if not it might be worth wontfixing it or unassigning as appropriate?14:16
ubottubug 1766890 in gnome-menus (Ubuntu) "package gnome-menus 3.13.3-6ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: triggers looping, abandoned" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176689014:16
juliankseb128: closing as invalid14:17
seb128juliank, thx14:18
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
bdmurrayseb128: I don't know what happened but it self resolved.15:21
mdeslaurinfinity, stgraber, vorlon, kees: TB meeting in 6m18:54
seb128bdmurray, thx for checking, good that it autoresolved :)19:53
vorlonmdeslaur: sorry for missing, feeling a bit under the weather today :/20:07

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