=== md_5- is now known as md_5 === jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand === himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf [18:48] * tsimonq2 is currently git bisecting bug 1829805 [18:48] bug 1829805 in linux (Ubuntu) "Lubuntu Eoan Daily Image fails to boot after install on KVM" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1829805 [18:49] I'll try my best to work out the problem, but it'd be cool to get a second set of eyes from someone who regularly does kernel stuff. :) [19:02] tsimonq2: are you still working on the bug? [19:07] TJ-: Yes. [19:07] It just takes a while for a kernel to build, and I've been at SELF. [19:08] no need; see my about-to-be posted comment to the bug [19:08] Oh? [19:08] So, why does installing the Disco kernel work fine? :/ [19:09] tsimonq2: not sure, but I'd start with investigating from the initramfs to identify the problem [19:10] That's a weird one. [19:11] TJ-: And it only happens with Lubuntu. [19:11] Harumph. [19:11] tsimonq2: I'm fetching the lubuntu image so I can test here in QEMU too [19:11] Thanks. [19:12] I've dealt with lots of these unable to mount root-fs using the break=XXXX method [19:12] 22 minutes to fetch; I miss the days of CD image! [19:12] haha :) [19:13] You should have fixed it by the time I've got the image :) [19:13] TJ-: We do have a new release of Calamares that should be in this daily. [19:13] Watch that be the solution. :P [19:14] I trust your judgement though, because last time you were right. [19:14] (I'd like to document whatever the solution is, though.) [19:14] remind me what Calamares is? installer? [19:14] Yeah. [19:14] It replaces Ubiquity. [19:15] tsimonq2: are you saying the current daily may be fixed? [19:18] tsimonq2: is there a lubuntu-dev channel for dealing with this?