[00:03] no need for oibaf ppa no more, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu [00:04] with latest cards just use 18.04 + HWE, or jump to 19.04 [00:04] ok thank you [00:04] !hwe [00:04] The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [00:05] and there is hwe-edge, but that could be too buggy [00:05] OK - Thanks All. I now have "StartUp Disk Creator" or also named "Make a Startup Disk" on my Xubuntu. And Yes - I prefer a GUI. But thanks - I will try it. Rufus was really easy to use.. [00:06] edge will give kernel 5.x, which will be in edge when 18.04.3 comes out in august [00:06] https://packages.ubuntu.com/source/bionic/linux-meta-hwe-edge [00:15] Even if you think my questions sometimes are stupid or simple just remember that I have now told alot of my friends about the state Linux/Ubuntu is in these days. I tried it many years ago but it was too much manual work to get it functional. Now it mostly just works. So bare with me for a while.. :) [00:16] Hi Thror [00:17] i'm looking for help w/ "greyed out VPN" for the GUI (lubuntu 16.04) [00:18] jakeajake: lubuntu 16.04 is EOL. You need to upgrade to 18.04 or higher. [00:19] i see. [00:19] Ok [00:19] suppose i could update w/ the Dist upgrade cmd? [00:19] looking for an LTS distro [00:19] right, lubuntu gives 3 years [00:19] do-release-upgrade is the best approach [00:20] what happens when you update, jakeajake ? maybe a message to upgrade ? [00:20] returns a print re: package name [00:20] "sudo do-release-upgrade" [00:21] Checking for a new Ubuntu release [00:21] No new release found. [00:22] jakeajake: "lsb_release -a | pastebinit" [00:23] jakeajake: Also Check /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades for what it is set for. [00:25] eickmeyer, thinking i'm going to do a fresh install. [00:26] jakeajake: Ok, if you feel that's the best way. https://lubuntu.me [00:26] is there a good terminal multiplexer (i.e., more stable and programmable than screen) that can divide my terminal in a top half and bottom half, and in each half offer me independent selection of which of my many shells I want to view and control? [00:27] !info byobu | Sven_vB [00:27] Sven_vB: byobu (source: byobu): text window manager, shell multiplexer, integrated DevOps environment. In component main, is optional. Version 5.125-0ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 101 kB, installed size 650 kB [00:27] thanks! I'll try that [00:29] Will I get the new "Plasma 5.16" if I install a newly downloaded Ubuntustudio .iso? I read about "Plasma 5.16" in : https://kubuntu.org/news/plasma-5-16-for-disco-19-04-available-in-backports-ppa/ [00:31] Thr0r: Only if you're running 19.04 and you add that backports PPA. Ubuntu Studio's DE is Xfce. If you want Plasma as your desktop, best to download/install Kubuntu and add Ubuntu Studio via Ubuntu Studio Installer. [00:31] thank you Eickmeyer. [00:31] !ubuntustudio-installer | Thr0r [00:31] Thr0r: Ubuntu Studio Installer is an app that can be used to add Ubuntu Studio's benefits to an existing Ubuntu (or official flavor) installation, or add additional packages. For more info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UbuntuStudioInstaller [00:31] byenow [00:32] that plasma 5.16 need the kubuntu backports ppa .. interesting if that works with studio https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2019/06/kde-plasma-5-16-features-upgrade [00:33] Eickmeyer: Ok - Thanks - Will try it! [00:33] OerHeks: It does. [00:33] * Eickmeyer has firsthand knowledge [00:33] oke, thanks for confirmation :-D [00:33] i was just thinking out loud [00:33] hehe [00:34] but still interesting [00:34] Eickmeyer: I have copied all the info from you and will try if it works and is good [00:34] Thr0r: Good luck! [00:34] Eickmeyer :) [00:41] is it possible to add an executable to the PATH under a different name? [00:41] what are you trying to do? [00:42] I need to be able to type blender28 to run /opt/blender/blender-2.80/blender [00:43] adding to PATH is not the solution.. [00:43] why that word specficailly? [00:43] "To run the tests locally, your system should be modified to include blender279b and blender28 as shell scripts" [00:44] try sudo ln -s /opt/blender/blender-2.80/blender /usr/local/bin/blender28 [00:44] Eickmeyer, I guess I should use tmux as the byobu backend? [00:46] sarnold: oh yeah thanks [00:46] wondows: did that work for you? [00:48] sarnold: yes [00:48] Sven_vB: That's the default, and it works quite nicely. [00:49] Eickmeyer, so I was able to make byobu split my screen into a bottom half and top half, and have each run a shell. that's how far I was with tmux as well. now how do I open a new shell in the bottom half? [00:49] Sven_vB: There's a built-in help. Should do it automatically. [00:51] Eickmeyer, it launched one shell when I split the window. however, I can't find in the help how to open more shells and select which of them is shown in the bottom half. [00:51] for now all I can find in the help is what tmux can do as well, just not the things I want. ;) [00:51] F1 will open the help in your active shell. [00:51] wondows: great! :) thanks for reporting back [00:52] Eickmeyer: Kubuntu 19,04 is only avail in 64-bit.. And I guess Plasma 5,16 is not avail on the Kubuntu 32-bit 18,04 LTS? (Is Ubuntu planning to leave 32-bit computers?). [00:52] Thr0r: 32-bit is no longer supported. [00:53] Thr0r: is your hardware 32bit? [00:53] Thr0r: No, Plasma 5.16 is not available for 18.04. [00:53] Eickmeyer, seems I'm still blind. could you give me another hint? I also tried creating a new window but that's tmux's notion of a window. [00:54] Sven_vB: That's all I've got. [00:54] Sven_vB: Since byobu is a frontend for tmux, that's to be expected. [00:54] Eickmeyer, oh. then I guess byobu can't do it either. :( [00:54] so my original question is open again. [00:55] sveta: Just one of them - Was thinking of trying out Plasma 5,16 on that but thats fine - it's an old THinkpad T43p [00:55] Thr0r, are you wedded to ubuntu? [00:56] Thr0r, you already answered [00:56] Thr0r: you could perhaps check several other distributions, compiling this may be a bit hard with qt deps and other things [00:57] Thr0r, yes sveta is correct, other distros aka fedor I believe still offer 32bit [00:57] fedora [00:57] Hello. I have a super-weird problem [00:58] in Libreoffice writer, when I copy figure (3) [for example], then paste in another file, I get figure (4) instead! [00:59] Ubuntivity, let me try that here, hold on [00:59] Ubuntivity: Support for libreoffice is in #libreoffice. [01:00] sveta: coz_: Thanks - but I already run Xubuntu on my 32-bit systems and it works fine. Not "wedded" to Ubuntu but it just feels good for me - and excellent support aswell.. I wanted to try out a new desktop - that's all. [01:00] Ubuntivity: you can select the field and press F9 to update the number [01:00] Ubuntivity: can you? [01:01] Thr0r: ok [01:01] Ubuntivity, cannot reproduce it here, a mentioned $libreoffice is a better resource [01:01] Eickmeyer: I've asked there too, thanks for the notice. [01:01] sveta: could not understand what you mean. [01:01] Thr0r, understood [01:01] Ubuntivity: select the figure number and press the F9 key on your keyboard [01:01] coz_: Try copying from a .docx document with several figures in it. [01:02] Thr0r: even though there's no 32-bit installer for 18.04, we'll try to support as much of 18.04 LTS on 32 bit for as long as we can. I wouldn't be surprised if we can't keep the browsers going through the whole lifetime of 18.04. [01:02] Ubuntivity, ok let me try however #libreoffice is the better place to be [01:03] sveta: I believe this is irrelevant to my issue. My issue is that the next figure is being actually copied to the clipboard. And if I copy the last figure (where there is no next one) then paste; I get a blank object with a lego-brick symbol and a number only. [01:05] Ubuntivity, again no luck in reproducing, are you also in the #libreoffice channel>? [01:06] coz_: Yes. I'll provide my file there [01:07] Ubuntivity, cool [01:09] i think you need to save those figures on disk first, drag and drop would give those empty items indeed [01:09] ?? [01:09] in libreoffice [01:10] sarnold: Ok - I will try to install the Kubuntu 18,04,2 LTS on one of my 32 bit laptops. I am kind of curious how it is.. At the same time I will have a chance to try out the Linux bootable USB creator.. "Startup Disk Creator". [01:10] OerHeks: empty item is only on the last figure, the figre before the last is acutally pasting the last figure! [01:13] coz_: Any method to send you my file? Its jus 47KB. [01:14] Ubuntivity, you can pastebin it, although I have not done that often enough to guide you [01:15] Ubuntivity, other methods, agan I am not familiar with [01:15] ddropbox? [01:16] Ubuntivity, no one in #libreoffice has dealt with this? [01:17] screenshot? imgur [01:17] coz_: sveta is investigating my issue there.. [01:18] OerHeks: no, .docx file. [01:18] Is Plasma 5,16 much different than Kubuntu 18,04,2 LTS? [01:18] coz_: actually I could upload it here: https://filebin.net/xfi7xc57w6ztc2w5/RESULTS.docx?t=n2uzt3mh [01:18] ok [01:19] Ubuntivity, let me check it here [01:19] * Ubuntivity uses LibreOffice on Ubuntu 16.04 [01:20] Thanks, coz_. Try copying figures into another new Writer document. [01:20] Ubuntivity, I am on I believe [01:20] let me check to be sure [01:20] coz_: It won't hurt to try it anyway. [01:20] Ubuntivity, yep Version: [01:21] Do the figures get copied correctly into another file? coz_ [01:21] Ubuntivity, I am going to pvt message you first [01:21] OK [01:37] mmmmm [01:38] Do you know..... [01:38] * Ubuntivity waiting for signalsout to complete the sentence.. [01:38] The muffin man! [01:40] Fyi! I read "Planet Ubuntu" for Ubuntu news in rss reader Liferea - Recommended.. Source is "http://planet.ubuntu.com/rss20.xml" .. [01:44] What is the latest LibreOffice available in repo for Ubuntu 16.04? [01:45] Ubuntivity: is in a snap https://snapcraft.io/libreoffice and 5.1.6~rc2-0ubuntu1~xenial7 is in a deb [01:47] sarnold: whats the latest on apt-get? [01:48] Ubuntivity: that's the 5.1.6~rc2-0ubuntu1~xenial7 version [01:50] Thanks sarnold [02:08] ,,,The installer of Kbuntu is pretty nice - All Flavours should use it. And the Bootable USB creator - sudo apt-get install usb-creator-gtk - Application work even better than Rufus on Windows. So Thanks. === TheMesquito_ is now known as TheMesquito [02:19] Thr0r, have fun! [02:23] OerHeks: I will - Maybe I can somehow install the Old Studio stuff on top of the new Kubuntu 18,04,2 LTS. I will soon find out. [02:24] Thr0r: You'll need the Ubuntu Studio Backports for that with 18.04. [02:27] Eickmeyer: Ok - And how do I get that? Sure there is a guide for that? [02:27] !ubuntustudio-backports | Thr0r [02:27] Thr0r: The Ubuntu Studio Backports PPA is required for users of Ubuntu Studio to receive LTS support for Ubuntu Studio 18.04, and for #ubuntustudio to support users of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and its flavors using !jack. For more info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/BackportsPPA, !ubuntustudio-controls, and !ubuntustudio-installer [02:31] Eickmeyer: OK -Your answer has been logged and I will look into that and the answer from this ubottu - I suspect that is some kind of Robot.. [02:32] Thr0r: Yes, ubottu is a bot. [02:32] ubottu: Thanks! [02:32] You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) [02:33] ubottu: You are wrong [02:33] Thr0r: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [02:34] :) ha ha [02:46] Добро пожаловать на Интрнацональный DC хаб с поддержкой UTF-8 и TLS (полным шифрованием данных и поддержкой всех символов). [02:46] Welcome on International Advanced Direct Connect Hub with TLS and UTF-8 supported. [02:46] Таблица Символов Юникода - https://unicode-table.com [02:46] Группа в ВКонтакте - https://vk.com/dchubone [02:46] Адрес хаба - adcs://dchub.one:411 [02:48] say, what actually happens when i suspend the computer with power button? is it a low power sleep? [02:49] It puts all your data into ram and switches off other hardware components such as hard disk [02:49] (and your screen) [02:49] Yes sleep uses less power [02:51] ...The number of updates and the size of all updates somehow tells me that the .iso image of Kubuntu 18,04,2 LTS needs to be updated.. This will take forever... [02:52] !op | Kuleshov [02:52] Kuleshov: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax === Evie is now known as AnotherForkInThe === AnotherForkInThe is now known as Evie [03:13] my PC just hard powered off, wouldn't turn back on for a bit. the cpu cooler was hot enough to burn me. where can i go look at logs about this event? [03:20] Gallomimia, if it's a hardware event; and hardware turned machine off - usually the running OS isn't told (eg. cpu can shutdown if temperature hits threashold, it just grounds a pin & PSU shuts system down; your machine logs may contain logs prior to shutdown event, but not usually event) [03:23] not seeing much in a grep command i found [03:23] Gallomimia, clean your fans?? [03:23] i actually just stood a desk fan next to the case with the lid off [03:25] Gallomimia, hardware logs is where I'd look, not OS logs (enterprise grade hardware keep great logs, consumer grade often little-none) [03:25] naw its consumer grade [03:28] Gallomimia: does the PC usually have the lid off? If so be aware that often the lid being on is required to force the airflow to the places it is needed. Secondly, if a thermal overheat event occurred that could be due to problems with the firmware<>OS interface not correctly operating the fans. You can monitor the state of temperatures with the lm-sensors package, and the 'sensors' tool (before it crashes, [03:28] to see trends) [03:29] it only happened this one time, and it was after taxing it heavy with multiple reloads of a game under proton [03:30] Gallomimia: ahhh... still, shouldn't happen at all, OS should manage things and throttle CPUs... but it could have been the GPU and if that isn't monitored it could cause a hard shutdown [03:30] my burned thumb thinks it was the cpu [03:31] it's cooled right off now. but the heatpipe on the cpu cooler was really really hot [03:33] can't seem to find anything that shows me fan speeds. [03:33] but they do throttle up when it gets taxed [03:34] ubuntu 16.04 used to have them... [03:34] as for the lid being off, this lid has 2 grates in it for 140mm fans so, really don't think it being off or on is going to be an issue === [b0b] is now known as b0b [03:36] Gallomimia: "inxi -Fxz" sometimes shows fan-speed, if it is supported on your computer.. [03:36] ta [03:39] no fanspeed there. oh well [03:40] temperature is reported in the CPU at 18 and 20 now. there's a deskfan blasting at it, and it's cooling off in my room too [03:40] thanks everyone for the information and concern [03:40] i'll go after some dust too [03:41] Only time I've seem temperature problems was the GPU hitting 90C and CPU 105C :) === sveta is now known as Sveta [05:14] !ping | cfhowlett [05:14] cfhowlett: pong! [05:15] yowza ^3 lotuspsychje [05:15] seems IRC is behaving today :) [05:15] yay [05:27] anyone have an idea why I don't get terminal colors for the user@computername when using PuTTY? things like ls and neofetch show color properly [05:29] nshire: what does echo "$TERM" output when you're logged in via putty? [05:30] nshire: that depends on the PS1/PS2 etc configured by the shell [05:30] geirha, xterm [05:32] nshire: Ok, sounds like .bashrc isn't getting read then. Do you have a file named ".bash_profile" in your homedir? ls -l ~/.bash_profile [05:35] I don't [05:35] just history, logout, rc [05:35] have you made any changes to .bashrc or .profile? [05:36] I haven't made any edits, no [05:38] oh right, the default test in .bashrc checks if $TERM matches xterm-color or *-256color [05:38] before adding colour to the prompt [05:39] btw just to be clear-color does work when logged in locally [05:39] just not over ssh [05:40] so the question is whether putty can be configured to report a different TERM variable, such as xterm-256color, or whether you should include xterm in that test in .bashrc [05:43] I think there's a setting for that [05:43] let me see [05:44] currently it was already set to allow xterm-256 color mode [05:45] keep in mind that if you change putty's default configuration, it won't affect already saved sessions, you have to make the same changes there === beaver_ is now known as beaver [07:09] Hello, I just pulled ubuntu-18.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.img from cloud-images.ubuntu.com, after running Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA1 i got a hash mismatch on local image vs https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04/release/SHA1SUMS [07:10] local sha1 hash == 6CF38F236E220BB475681C61961F731958757D16 online hash == 6771621708ffa9ebe48d910ebe11442c78618853 [07:11] A tad confused rn and don't want to create any unneccesary panic, trying to understand why i'd get a hash mismatch [07:14] phyrexia: is the file of correct size in raw (not mega, giga, ...) bytes? [07:14] phyrexia: 6771621708ffa9ebe48d910ebe11442c78618853 bionic-server-cloudimg-amd64.img [07:14] maybe you downloaded and/or checksum'd incorrectly? [07:15] blackflow: let me check, filesize seems to differ 3MB local image vs what's listed on https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04/release/ for some reason. Let me redownload. [07:16] removing local image and redownloading, will update. [07:19] blackflow: Redownloaded image, hash matches now [07:19] not sure what went wrong during the download [07:20] Thanks for the help [07:20] You too Ben64 [07:20] phyrexia: some mirrors can glitch like that. I've had very frequent issues with OSUOSL for example (for another distro) [07:20] took several redownloads to get the correct thing [07:21] phyrexia: that's why checksums exist, good looking out [07:22] !cookie | phyrexia [07:22] phyrexia: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! [07:22] First time i had hash mismatches, wasn't sure what to think of it [07:30] hey all, I have a, again, a weird freaking thing that I need done.. I need to find a way of doing wide-band noise reduction on my microphone array, particularly, I need to reduce the noise of server fans [07:32] I can find 10,000 articles on enabling echo cancellation.. that's nice and all but this isn't an echo.. it's an external sound === KaitoDAumoto is now known as KaitoDaumoto === KaitoDaumoto is now known as BertyCo === BertyCo is now known as BertyCoX [07:51] gartral: you're on a hiding to nothing; eliminate the fans or move the microphones [08:19] hi - regarding the new 'ping of death' - i.e https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/KnowledgeBase/SACKPanic [08:19] Is it good enough to just install the latest kernel ? Or do I need to install the new kernel and use 'net.ipv4.tcp_sack = 0' ? [08:20] yossarianuk: no [08:21] tachikomas: do you mean I just need to install the updated kernel ? [08:22] The latest kernel doesnt fix it yet [08:22] please read https://github.com/Netflix/security-bulletins/blob/master/advisories/third-party/2019-001.md [08:22] but according to -> https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2019/CVE-2019-11477.html [08:23] the fix is in : released (4.18.0-22.23) [08:23] when I have [08:23] *which* i have [08:23] have you read what i send you ? [08:23] that only patches 2 of them. the third one isn't included yet. [08:23] https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2019/CVE-2019-11479.html [08:24] uh the third one is for FreeBSD [08:24] really ? [08:24] ah sorry, missed the link, and I have read it [08:24] : CVE-2019-11479: Excess Resource Consumption Due to Low MSS Values (all Linux versions) [08:24] (or did you not mean the sack slowness RACK TCP stack thing?) [08:24] 11477 and 11478 are in the new ubuntu kenrel update [08:24] they are [08:24] I see - it fixes some of the issues not all - CVE-2019-11477 is the higher threat if I am not mistaken ... [08:25] ah you mean fourth then, on the netflix github [08:25] if you read a bit the article, the mss filter is the same mitigation that the 2 previous ones. [08:27] right. [08:28] there are three facets to this, all mitigated with the same measure (drop low mss packets and disable tcp mtu probing): panic, slowness and resource exhaustion. the first two are patched in the kernel, the third requires the mitigation for now. the fourth is FreeBSD specific. [08:31] does somebody knows how i can use json file to export data in image files exif? [08:32] i just downloaded my instragram photos but instagram dosnt support exif.. all the metadata is one json file [08:34] why are you in ubuntu asking how to use instagram ? [08:36] also, you dont have any exifs into instagram pictures [08:40] blackflow: so updating the kernel + using 'net.ipv4.tcp_sack 0' should do it ? [08:40] no. [08:40] read again [08:40] you need a iptables filter [08:40] iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcpmss --mss 1:500 -j DROP ? [08:40] depend of you conrig [08:40] config [08:41] but most likely yes. [08:41] from -> https://github.com/Netflix/security-bulletins/blob/master/advisories/third-party/2019-001/block-low-mss/iptables.txt [08:41] sounds good. [08:41] also be sure of the probing [08:43] achikomas: thanks for your advice ! [08:44] your welcome === jmcgnh_ is now known as jmcgnh [09:01] grady: libimage-exiftool-perl === jmcgnh_ is now known as jmcgnh [09:09] tj can't remove the fans can't move the mics. [09:29] I spent two hours fixing non-trivial stuff I thought was related to software but turned out to be BIOS reset of uEFI mode to windows [09:30] blob problems [09:33] is there a way to tame apparmor-notify, it keeps throwing 1000s of notifications per min over clamd (in complain mode) and breaks the screen? [09:39] sudo service apparmor reload [09:39] resets all the tracked profiles [09:39] give it a try [09:50] hello [09:58] welcome to ubuntu support pksonikal [09:59] yvyz: thanks [10:03] np [10:06] it still keeps posting 100s of those [10:07] I think it is best to disable apparmor-notify and configure exim for emailing logs [10:08] there are other programs that are configured for notify-send and I will probably miss those notifications [10:49] HJi everyone. I have a "ceph-monitor" user and a 'ceph' user on my machine. The one was created by me and the other one created by the ceph installation. However I am having issues because the "ceph-monitor" cant seem to gain access to the "ceph"'s files. How can I make all 'ceph' file accessable and writeable by 'ceph-monitor' === lotus|i5 is now known as lotuspsychje [10:52] Hi folks === mIk3_09 is now known as mIk3_08 === md_5- is now known as md_5 [11:38] anyone having trouble with au.archive.ubuntu.com [11:39] TJ-: please check private message === kuanyui__ is now known as sarashina [12:54] is there a serious downside to disabling systemd-resolved ? [12:56] zophyx, only if you have DNS setting enabled there [12:57] they're commented by default [12:58] BluesKaj, i tried to put DNS=x.x.x.x in the systemd-resolved config file but it didn't work [12:58] [12:59] well, systemd-resolved used the cable system provided dns server, but not my DNS entry in the config file [12:59] so i disabled systemd-resolved [13:00] zophyx, I assume you deleted the comments (#) [13:00] sure [13:01] ok, perhaps your ISP DNS takes precedence in the router/modem [13:34] I want to setup a gateway in 18.04, but iirc 18 doesn't use /etc/network/interfaces ? [13:34] My current config on 16.04 is https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ppXtWpJyx7/ [13:34] Any help converting? [13:42] JuJUBee: https://www.ascinc.com/blog/linux/how-to-build-a-simple-router-with-ubuntu-server-18-04-1-lts-bionic-beaver/ # first result on google for "ubuntu 18.04 router" === laptop20 is now known as laptop2 [13:46] What is the name of the IRC channel where the folks that are responsible for keeping the Ubuntu SW "Shop" updated are? [13:48] Thr0r: #ubuntu-devel maybe [13:49] Thr0r: here's a list of all the channels: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [13:51] Hello, I have a kind of weird question: When I ssh to a server, for some reason it turns out I end up in a screen session [13:52] However I don't remember ever setting this up. How can I find what config file is leading to screen starting on log in? [13:52] nathdwek: look in ~/.bashrc [13:52] nathdwek: or $SHELL [13:53] leftyfb: yeah I did that already [13:53] That's what I meant by "I don't remember setting this up" [13:53] nathdwek: what version of ubuntu is the server running? [13:53] My dotfiles are versioned, there shouldn't be anything in there [13:54] Worse, my bashrc normally starts tmux up [13:54] but since $TERM is screen, it doesn't [13:54] 16.04R2 [13:54] R2? [13:54] my bad, [13:54] nathdwek: nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version,cmdline};) [13:55] 16.04.6 LTS [13:55] the hello message ends up with 18.04.2 is available so I mangled the 2 [13:55] leftyfb, thanks a bunch [13:55] M_aD: OK - That's a long list - Like looking for the "needle".. Thanks [13:56] leftyb: https://termbin.com/mwh3 [13:57] I'll try bomb: suggestion - #ubuntu-devel [13:57] where it gets weirder is that it feels like the usual screen (not a power user of screen) commands do not work. [13:58] It's like screen is running with some heavily customized config from somewhere [14:07] Hi, i have 2 monitors with icons on both desktop areas, but in shell in /home/user/Desktop only is showed icons from one monitor, why? sorry disturb and thanks in adv. [14:09] maybe is extended....let me check [14:09] Sorry network issues [14:09] leftyfb: if I may, any advice? [14:20] a lot help, im afraid :/ [14:21] nathdwek: I would start by grepping all your dot files in your home and everything in /etc for -i "screen" === ianychoi_ is now known as ianychoi [14:27] Can anybody tell me what package owns the file /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/ubuntu-browsers.d/firefox, if any? [14:29] leftyfb: ok that was my approach [14:30] hoped I would find something smarter to do... [14:31] jollydutchman maybe apparmor :) , try apparmor-notify is usefull [14:31] hiyosilver: Negative: https://packages.ubuntu.com/disco/amd64/apparmor/filelist [14:31] jollydutchman: `dpkg -S ` === bomb is now known as bombBADCONNECTIO [14:32] I have also looked in firefox, apparmor-profiles, and apparmor-profiles-extra. None of them appear to contain that file [14:33] However, it is referenced at /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.fireofx on line 285: #include [14:33] maybe is created on hot way [14:33] Does the # not indicate a comment? I don't know what the syntax is for AppArmor profiles. [14:35] im on ubuntu 18.04 and Xorg is crashing like this: https://bpaste.net/show/3628090e0d14 [14:35] anyone has any idea how to fix this? [14:36] Use Wayland lol [14:37] is wayland stable enough to use already? [14:37] It's the default session for Gnome [14:37] like for gamming, nvidia proprietary drivers? [14:38] how could I save arandr config? [14:38] to do permament changes [14:38] Canonical actually made it the default for 17.10. They only reverted for 18.04 because enterprise, and that's a LTS release [14:38] arandr won't work, but you can configure persistent monitor setup in system settings [14:38] well i will give it a try... [14:38] Nvidia drivers are good to go as far as I'm aware [14:39] jollydutchman do u hace doc about it? [14:39] It's included in the default installation. Just give it a try and see how you like it === rory is now known as guest [14:49] wayland doesnt load the nvidia drivers at all [14:53] is libc-2.27 the right version i should have on ubuntu 18.04.2 ? [14:54] i keep getting those crashes and logged out after some time [14:54] mattfly: version is -> 2.27-3ubuntu1 [14:55] what is the package name [14:58] libc6:amd64 [14:58] or libc6:i386 (32bit) [14:59] do a 'dpkg -l |grep libc6:amd64' [15:06] Hi All, I've a system with Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS kernel and now i want to downgrade to Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS, is there any command to achieve this? [15:10] the recommendation is not to do it [15:11] sub526: you're moving out of "this is supported" area, and in the wrong direction, too [15:11] sub526, downgrading is a bad idea, and 14.04 is EOL. Why would you want to do that? [15:15] yossarianuk: https://bpaste.net/show/6569e1ac9a89 [15:16] i think i have the right thing? [15:18] what does "env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./" do? [15:19] avrdude: what version of ubuntu and what exactly are you trying to accomplish? [15:19] mattfly: looks right [15:20] nobody else is having those issues, that include Xorg crashing? [15:21] leftyfb: I'm just seeing this in a script and wondering what it means/does === Colti is now known as Vincenco [15:23] If I want to encrypt my home directory (or even full disk) after installing Ubuntu (i am on 18.04.2 desktop), is there a sane way to do this? I found some instructions, but they're from 2017 and I also found a stackoverflow response saying that it can be buggy (but even that's from about a year ago). Is the process still fraught with danger? === SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk [15:46] how do I find out what user a service runs as? [15:46] Forty-3, read it's .service file [15:46] and if it doesn't set User= ? [15:47] Then presumably root. You can also just look in ps/top/htop [15:47] hm, I am trying to set up bind, and the service can't open the rndc key [15:47] I have it chowned to bind:bind and cmod'd to 640 [15:47] like the one in /etc/bind [15:48] Forty-3: the error in th esyslog shows the user [15:48] for bind [15:48] and it depends if you're running it in a chroot [15:48] not running in chroot [15:49] how do you know ? [15:49] ok, from the logs it says "running as: named -f -u bind [15:49] because I didn't set one up [15:49] and from the ubuntu wiki you need to do that manually [15:49] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIND9ServerHowto [15:49] Forty-3: there is a default config for different packages [15:49] ok - so the user is "bind" [15:49] see the section under "chrooting bind9" [15:50] right, so why can't it access the file..? [15:50] where is the location of the file [15:50] it's in /etc/designate/rndc.key [15:50] is that the standard ocation ? [15:50] location [15:50] that doesn't look normal [15:50] it's for openstack [15:51] where is the bind config file looking at [15:51] anyway, the perms on that directory are 755 [15:51] Forty-3: does the bind user have access to /etc/designate ? [15:51] yes [15:51] show me the line in the bind config [15:51] (that includes the rndc.key [15:52] (it's normally an include) [15:52] include "/etc/designate/rndc.key"; [15:53] show me the output of ls -la /etc/designate [15:53] (use a pastebin) [15:53] will be a bit of a pain; the affected server is not connected to the internet [15:54] ok - change /etc/passwd for bind to have a valid shell, switch user to bind and try to read that file [15:54] (dirty hack but if you can't share output - lets cut to the chase) [15:54] easier than that [15:54] sudo -u bind will get you there [15:54] and it can access the file fine [15:54] therefore it's not looking in the place you think it is looking [15:54] that is the only answer [15:54] hmm [15:55] 0or you have an apparmor policy) [15:55] and as you're running in a non-standard location it's blogging it [15:55] blocking [15:55] I hope not [15:55] check your apparmor policies [15:55] does ubuntu server come with apparmor enabled by default? [15:55] yes [15:55] hm [15:57] Script: chrome://global/content/customElements.js:307 what "chrome" is for in that line? [15:57] the browser [15:57] but i'm using firefox [15:58] right - so someone has hardcoded that in a script [15:58] thanks ikonia Zuckerberg [15:58] don't be a jerk about it [15:58] you asked [15:59] and their NSA fellows [15:59] gofio: enough [15:59] more than enough ... [15:59] you asked for help, got help, don't be a jerk to the people that help you [15:59] ikonia: thanks [15:59] I said [16:01] I'm guessing that's a firefox issue and not ubuntu [16:02] talk to the people who wrote the script [16:02] it's not an ubuntu issue [16:02] and you've burnt your good will [16:02] it freezes my ubuntu 18.04. Crash [16:02] talk to the people who wrote the script [16:03] they'll tell me to run away from gnome asap [16:03] then do that [16:04] ikonia: ok, that seems to have been it [16:04] there's a misconception on chrome:// URIs here https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Tech/XUL/Tutorial/The_Chrome_URL [16:04] Forty-3: excellen t! [16:04] added a custom rule in /etc/apparmor/local [16:05] Forty-3: kudos [16:05] hi [16:05] quite impressive a single site can crash a system [16:06] right got a device ( mini lap top GPD Pocket ), on a slightly changed for device Ubuntu 17.10, that I want to try and upgrade to 18.04, but bumped into some issues. can't find repos properly etc. I think since 17.10 is not supported anymore, so apparnatly repos get archeived too, looks like that may be to do with it ? not sure quite [16:06] oh BluesKaj [16:06] !eol | sebsebseb [16:06] sebsebseb: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [16:06] cfhowlett: well duh [16:06] cfhowlett: I did go on something [16:07] but it 's confussing [16:07] sebsebseb: what are you confused about ? [16:07] I think i was on eol upgrades [16:07] explain [16:07] I want to try and upgrade this 17.10 to 18.04 [16:07] hi sebsebseb [16:07] ok - what part is not clear in that link [16:07] tomreyn: thanks for the link [16:07] which bit is confusion [16:07] confusing even [16:07] sebsebseb, "duh?" < attitude = more help. you have 2 choices. clean install or eol upgrade. your choice. [16:08] its been a wh8ile doing stuff like that? I am meant to check the sources list looks ok first ? [16:08] sebsebseb: have you read the link cfhowlett posted ? [16:08] yep on it again now [16:08] sebsebseb: ok - so what part is not clear ? [16:11] tomreyn: so, nothing to do with chrome the browser, isn't it [16:11] step 1 bring up sources list I guess, not been in a sources list for ages. apt/sources or something isn't it [16:12] sebsebseb: ok - so your question is "where is sources.list" [16:12] ? [16:12] yes [16:12] even css [16:12] sebsebseb: ok - so that's a simple question without the "duh" comment [16:13] sebsebseb: so /etc/apt is normal, however there is also /etc/apt/sources.list.d [16:13] (for ppa type addons) [16:13] sebsebseb: as yours is a non-standard release a.) we can't support it b.) it could change the location [16:13] it is 17.10 with a few minor changes for the specific device [16:14] sebsebseb: we can't support it [16:14] sebsebseb: you don't know what it's changed [16:14] (neither do we) [16:14] sebsebseb: you mentioned you bumped into some issues, what have you tried? What issues did you experience? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [16:14] yeah I think I can try the standard eol route [16:15] so you'd not read it then [16:15] sebsebseb: The sources.list mentioned on that page should be /etc/apt/sources.list but you should probably move any additional ones you added in /etc/apt/sources.list.d [16:15] basically follow that guide, it explains your exact situation [16:15] I have read that page [16:15] sebsebseb: it lists the location for the sources.list files [16:15] I just not done stuff with filets etc for ages [16:15] I do more other things in life now ! [16:15] sebsebseb: so if you'd read it - you'd not be asking "where are the files" [16:15] OK fair enough, you need to run: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list [16:15] it actually gives you the locations in the doc [16:16] ctrl-O Return to save, Ctrl-X to quit [16:16] either way - we cannot support your release [16:16] its just a remaster basically for the device, slight changes. 99% standard ubuntu [16:17] ideally back up configs in your /home directory, list packages etc, and reinstall [16:17] sebsebseb: unsupported [16:17] it's the 1% that gets u [16:17] you share 99 of your DNA with a chimp (no offense) [16:17] except it's NOT ubuntu. for support of a customized non-ubuntu OS contact the manufacturer. OR install actual ubuntu. [16:30] anybody knows software to record/edit DSD for linux? [16:31] dsd? [16:43] DSD audio format [16:43] better than PCM [16:44] Need a bit of help, trying to execute a file but it keeps returning "Exec format error", I've checked both "file filename" and "uanme -a" and they both indicate that the file and the os are 64bits, so there really shouldn't be any issue executing the file, should there? [16:46] Kavzor: is the host architecture 64-bits? "dpkg --print-architecture" [16:46] "amd64" [16:46] so I'd assume so [16:46] Kavzor: it is possible to run a 32-bit userspace on 64-bit kernel is why I ask [16:47] Kavzor: show is the output of 'file' [16:47] "ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), too ny program (2573) [16:47] " [16:49] Kavzor: does it mention being statically or dynamially linked ? [16:50] no, not that I can see [16:50] Kavzor: suspicious :) try "readelf -h path/to/file" [16:51] there's quite a lot of errors in there [16:52] Kavzor: there you go then :) [16:52] not sure how to approach this tho.. can I pastebin it for you? [16:52] Kavzor: sure [16:53] https://pastebin.com/cg9TtaBn [16:54] Kavzor: looks to have been corrupted [16:55] any idea what might have caused it? at one point it's been executable [16:57] gnome-shell jumping to 40% of cpu usage in ubuntu 18.04. Pse [17:00] GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net/openjdk-r/ppa/ubuntu eoan InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY EB9B1D8886F44E2A W: The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/openjdk-r/ppa/ubuntu eoan InRelease' is not signed. [17:00] i get the above error [17:00] Package 'openjdk-7-jdk' has no installation candidate [17:02] can't open recycle bin....(papelera)... [17:06] TJ- that was a huge help, managed to solve the issue [17:13] another issue, I'm attempting to open ports for a remote server and the only help I could find online was through ufw, however, when I attempt running ufw it says that existing ssh connections may be disrupted [17:13] would enablding ufw disable other firewall services? [17:15] firefox comes by default with ubuntu but yet is not an ubuntu issue. One works fine with 7 tabs, the next day not even one. Don't ask [17:15] One day [17:15] Kavzor: no, the warning is to let you know that while the rules are applied, the firewall goes into a blocking state by default until the rules are applied [17:16] gofio: this is not the story channel, please focus on support questions [17:16] thanks [17:17] Kavzor: It's also a fair warning that network admin on any computer, should not be done remotely [17:17] how to install openjdk on ubuntu [17:18] Kavzor , live dangerously. do it [17:18] dsag, isnt that installed by defaukt/ [17:18] dsag: There are several options, can you be more specific [17:18] coz_: OpenJDK is not installed by default, it is installed if there is a dependency for it [17:18] coz_: unfortunately its not. i want to install openjdk [17:19] !info openjdk-7-jdk eaon [17:19] 'eaon' is not a valid distribution: bionic, bionic-backports, bionic-proposed, cosmic, cosmic-backports, cosmic-proposed, disco, disco-backports, disco-proposed, eoan, eoan-backports, eoan-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed [17:19] pragmaticenigma, ah news [17:19] !info openjdk-7-jdk eoan [17:19] Package openjdk-7-jdk does not exist in eoan [17:19] pragmaticenigma: i want to install openjdk in ubuntu [17:19] TJ-: Why are you referring to version of ubuntu, not yet released? [17:19] dsag: v7 is going to be too old for 19.10 - I think even v8 is not going to be there [17:19] dsag: What version of Ubuntu and what version of OpenJDK [17:21] !eoan | dsag: First [17:21] dsag: First: Ubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) will be the 31st release of Ubuntu, scheduled for October 2019 ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EoanErmine/ReleaseSchedule ). It will be supported for nine months. [17:21] dsag: Since it hasn't been released, support is not available in this channel [17:22] 31st already, i started with first release [17:22] the service doesn't appear to be enabled, despite using "ufw enable" [17:23] Kavzor: what service are you trying to enable? [17:23] ufw [17:23] ubuntu is frozen [17:23] pragmaticenigma: Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) [17:24] may be openjdk 8 version [17:24] * TJ- facepalms [17:24] Kavzor: what does "systemctl status ufw" report? [17:24] dsag: Debian support is not provided here, please see ##debian for support [17:24] that it's active [17:24] but if I use "ufw status verbose" it says inactive [17:25] it's #debian, not ##debian [17:26] pragmaticenigma: but how to install on ubuntu [17:26] I really only need to open two ports, is there any other convenient way of opening ports? [17:27] dsag: "sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre" [17:27] should i add any repository or something? [17:28] dsag: PPAs are not supported here either, you should only need the default repos provided with Ubuntu [17:28] Kavzor: When looking at the status, did it display any rules with the firewall status? [17:29] Kavzor: which ports are you trying to open? [17:29] 22003/tcp and 22005/udp [17:29] Kavzor: by default, there's no (host) firewall on ubuntu, so to "open ports" all you need to do is to make software listen on ports. [17:30] (there can be network firewalls getting in the way, too.) [17:31] Kavzor: tomreyn is correct, ufw is inactive if there are no rules to apply, which means the computer is in a permissive state (all ports open). based on the ports you're displaying, if remote connections are not able to reach your computer, it is likely that your Internet Modem and/or Router need to forward those ports to your machine. [17:31] perhaps I shoulda mentioned that iptables are active [17:33] Kavzor: what does "sudo iptables --list-rules [17:33] " report? [17:34] quite a lot.. is there any specific part that you'd want me to look for? [17:34] Kavzor: Just verifying what's going on... and you're correct, if you're using iptables, the ufw is not going to work [17:35] Kavzor: My knowledge of iptables is very limited, hopefully another volunteer can help. Else, you might want to check ##networking [17:36] ait, thanks [17:37] Kavzor: so you're using either iptables directly or some other mechanism to manage your host based firewall in addition to UFW? [17:37] no, ufw isn't used [17:37] it was just an attempt [17:39] Kavzor: but are you using iptables directly or some other mechanism to manage your host based firewall? are you the only person managing the firewall on this system? [17:40] currently, yes [17:41] it's a remote server [17:41] do you have out of band access to this system, in case you'll lock yourself out of network access? [17:43] also, it's unclear whether you answered my first or second question by "currently yes", and whatthe other answer would have been. [17:44] My OS key is not working at all. Can somebody help me figure out why? My keyboard layout is US 104 (I believe) [17:47] deadmund, you mean the Windows/Super key? [17:48] Yeah! [17:48] deadmund: provide some context: nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version,cmdline};echo "$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE)";) [17:48] tomreyn: I'll just tell you if that's ok. It's a fully updated ubuntu 18.04 with KDE installed. [17:49] okay, then i'm out, lack understanding of kde [17:50] tomreyn: Does it matter? [17:50] deadmund: Yes, KDE and Gnome interpret the key differently [17:50] deadmund: as for KDE, I have found the Super key works some of the time. Are you trying to set a key shortcut or just launch the applications menu? [17:51] pragmaticenigma: I would like to invoke the shortcut to take a screenshot with a rectangler selection. It should be meta + shift + printscr [17:51] pragmaticenigma: but, the applicaiton launcher is also not responding to the windows (super / meta) key [17:52] deadmund: when was the last time the computer was rebooted? [17:52] pragmaticenigma: minutes ago trying to fix this issue [17:53] maybe ask in #kubuntu [17:53] you can reconfigure (and inspect the current configuration of) the terminal keyboard layout using sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration [17:54] i mean console / tty [17:54] tomreyn: I did that and tried several different ones. They don't seem to make any difference even after I reboot. [17:55] tomreyn: Anyway, I'm pretty confident I have a 104 key and so changing the layout to some arbitrary other one doesn't seem like a logical thing to do. [17:55] deadmund: There are a number of applications that steal the ability for plasma to intercept the key presses. I haven't been able to isolate what cuases the meta key to stop working. An old bug referenced an issue with KWin, but that was patched in 2016 [17:55] deadmund: they should make a difference to the tty, not (neccessarily) to the graphical desktop environment [17:55] pragmaticenigma: Interesting, I am using several programs that might do that. Slack, Amarok, Firefox, I'll do a little experiment. [17:56] deadmund: Slack I know is installed via Snap, and that might explain it as I have that application too [17:56] Firefox doesn't seem to affect it for me [17:56] pragmaticenigma: I killed slack and it didn't seem to make any difference [17:57] as a reminder, ubuntu flavour specific disucssion is best had in the flavour specific channel. [17:57] it's persistant, I usually don't recover the key until either a log out or (usually in my case) a reboot [17:59] pragmaticenigma: I'll investigate. Thanks for the hint! === vuks_ is now known as vuks [18:07] Guys my xorg is using a lot of memory. I am not sure what is the issue, but I have come to the conclusion that this happens after my computer starts from a suspend. Any ideas what the issue could be ? [18:09] can i run a chrooted 18.04 enviornment on a 16.04? [18:12] hans_: I believe lxd does that, so it probably should work with chroot too [18:13] any suggestions on how to set it up? [18:14] i remember doing something similar with debian a couple of years ago and it worked great, but i don't recall how i set it up, iirc there was just a tar.gz file i downloaded from somewhere and chrooted inside there and it was ready to go but [18:14] i really don't remember the details === SiinaCutie is now known as SinaCutie [18:16] um. wow. i can't seem to unlock my crypto. done it every day for the last 2 weeks no problem [18:16] after i updated kernel today, nothing happens [18:17] "nothing" ? [18:20] sarnold, nvm i think i got it, somethingsomething download "ubuntu-base-18.04-base-amd64.tar.gz", extract & mount & chroot mountpoint; [18:20] hans_: installing lxd is probalby the easiest way to get a good working end product, but "debootstrap xenial" ought to be a good start. check out schroot if you're doing a lot of chroot things [18:21] hans_: ah if that exists, then that'd probably also work :) [18:22] wow. [18:22] everything is freaking out [18:22] discord restarted in the middle of launching... [18:22] system froze outright [18:22] and by nothing, i mean, "Disks" reports that the block device is empty [18:22] as if it suddenly doesn't understand what a luks container is [18:23] what's the difference between fallocate and truncate? [18:23] the programs [18:24] they seem to do pretty much the same thing, or so it seems? === vuks_ is now known as vuks [18:26] hans_, well, for one thing 'fallocate' supports things like --dig-holes [18:26] hans_: fallocate can do a lot more htan just change the length of a file [18:27] oh dig-holes looks useful, thanks for pointing it out [18:27] nvm [18:27] if you're in a hole, stop digging? [18:27] hans_: but even when just changing the length, I think they do different things; I believe the truncate(2) syscall is allowed to make a sparse file, but fallocate(2) will allocate blocks for the file, and just not use them, if the filesystem supports that operation, to 'reserve' space for the file [18:34] I've got an Asus tuf 505gm laptop with i7 8th gen and a 1060gtx [18:34] Laptop seems warmer than with Windows any advice? [18:34] What's latest gpu driver I can install? [18:34] !nvidia | jonopoly [18:34] jonopoly: For nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing » For the latest Nvidia drivers see https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa [18:35] jonopoly: check the ubuntu graphics ppa, wich driver are you currently on? [18:35] -bash: ./bash: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error [18:36] ohh nvm wrong arch bash [18:36] I've got two gpus... [18:36] Intel corporation device and nvidia 106m [18:37] jonopoly: less warm= powersaving mode [18:37] hah, it worked :) running 18.04 env inside 16.04 [18:45] am i missing something when trying to set this association? xdg-mime default firefox.desktop x-scheme-handler/ff [18:45] ff is a custom handler. [18:46] if i query that it returns nothing, but if i query the magnet handler it returns what it should be [18:46] same with mailtoM [18:46] mailto* [18:47] how can I stop my laptop warming up [18:47] seems to be on 64c idle... [18:47] jonopoly: ouch. check top to see what's burning cpu. check powertop to see if it has suggestions. [18:47] thanks [18:48] jonopoly: maybe the thermald package can help [18:48] also.... clean it [18:48] just bought it a week ago [18:48] make sure the vents are clear, not blocked by desk, bed [18:48] window's runs fine, quiet and smooth [18:48] Linux, warm and not entirely sure about gpu.. [18:49] add gpu drivers. maybe it's taxing the cpu since it doesn't know how to use gpu to display [18:50] i am trying to do a sudo apt-get update and getting this error E: The repository 'https://packagecloud.io/rabbitmq/erlang/ubuntu bionic Release' does not have a Release file. [18:50] any idea how i can fix this [18:50] i was trying to install this https://packagecloud.io/rabbitmq/erlang/install [18:51] Gallomimia: I've got two it seems and I don't know why Intel and gtx [18:51] one is built into the cpu [18:51] ah okay [18:52] the dedicated chip is obviously more powerful. you'll want to get the nvidia drivers installed and things should settle down [18:53] !nvidia | jonopoly [18:53] jonopoly: For nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing » For the latest Nvidia drivers see https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa [18:53] ChadTaljaardt: even the top level of the page doesn't exist: https://packagecloud.io/rabbitmq/erlang/ubuntu --> 404 [18:53] ChadTaljaardt: email them and ask? [18:58] can't seem to read anything on my raid array. can anyone give me some steps for sorting this out, testing to see what's wrong? [18:59] i do know how to assemble it manually, but, how do i un-assemble it? [19:04] AHA i got it [19:04] if in doubt, rtfm [19:06] hi. I've noticed a ridiculous problem with one key not working sometimes [19:06] all of a sudden [19:07] like right now, I can't type it, it's a persian letter [19:07] I have to reboot to make it work again!! [19:10] Is it a "dead" key, i.e. one you have to press twice or combine with other keys to make a character? [19:13] no it's not a dead key in that sense [19:13] can I fix it now or do I have to reboot?! [19:13] isn't it just a ridiculous problem in this day and age?! [19:14] we're not living in the 90s are we [19:14] No idea, I never ran into the issue. Agreed, it seems ridiculous. I would go to keyboard layouts and try toggling those, maybe see if that resets the issue without rebooting. Have you done a websearch on the issue? [19:14] granted, I had tweaked the keys mapping file once. But how come it works one time and fails another time? [19:15] no I haven't googled yet [19:16] my GUI keeps hanging on me. doing weird things.... [19:17] sentiment: Maybe see if a virtual keyboard like OnBoard supports persian and see how that behavior with regard to the key. [19:17] ok thx [19:20] <_dbugger> Can anyone help me? In the middle of my screen there is the image of the mouse cursor... even thought there is another one that is the one I am actually moving [19:20] <_dbugger> Its like it got painted there, and nobody cleaned it [19:28] Guys my xorg is using a lot of memory. I am not sure what is the issue, but I have come to the conclusion that this happens after my computer starts from a suspend. Any ideas what the issue could be ? [19:29] Xorg uses a lot of memory normally, is there something leading you to believe it's an issue? [19:30] I am not sure. But it seems like after a suspend its more. I am not sure how to solve the issue. Also seems this issue has been running for a long time. [19:31] This is a problem since I am talking about memory usage of close to 3G. [19:31] shinoda: wich brand? ubuntu version? graphics driver version? [19:31] Will shifting to wayland solve the problem ? I am on Kubuntu 18.04 (bionic) [19:32] Dell Inspiron 7559, Bionic, Nvidia GTX 960m, Core i5. [19:32] memory accounting can be tricky, are you sure it's real memory usage? are you running out of memory? [19:33] I am not running out per se. But I usually have 2 virtual machines running. Which makes the system inoperatable. [19:33] When Xorg does what it does. Also I am experiencing this problem only since the last 15 days. Din't exist before that. [19:34] shinoda: kubuntu is known for high recources [19:34] shinoda: but you say this only occurs after suspend? [19:36] lotuspsychje Yes,but my experience has been very smooth with Kubuntu. Also I have noticed this problem since the past 15 days or so. And yes after suspend usually. [19:37] lotuspsychje https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tyzJFN4DkJ/ (Graphics driver) [19:38] shinoda: maybe as a test, you can try switching performance mode to powersaving mode, see if you can reproduce [19:38] Sure. [19:40] lotuspsychje Its actually on power saving mode LOL. [19:40] shinoda: aha, try enable your nvidia [19:43] lotuspsychje Have done it. Lets hope for the best. Also if the issue does arise do you want me to log something ? [19:43] shinoda: its always great to leave a tail syslog or journal open when testing [19:44] Noted. Will preserve logs for the time being. [19:45] lotuspsychje I am curious is wayland better than Xorg ? [19:46] So, running ubuntu 18.04.02. Trying to get postfix running. [19:46] shinoda: well we dont judge about that in this channel, as we have users for both [19:46] Howver I keep getting "error: unsupported dictionary type: mysql" errors. [19:47] I was getting them yesterday, so I checked to see if postfix-mysql was installed, it was. [19:47] lotuspsychje What would you recommend me ? Is it something I should research ? [19:47] I then uninstalled it, then re-installed it and the errors went away. [19:47] Until today, when I returned to setting up some virtual hosts. [19:47] shinoda: try to debug systematic, 1 test at time [19:48] lotuspsychje you are right. === xerox123_3 is now known as xerox123_ [20:04] Hi, could anyone help me get dns working on 18.04 i have been googling for few days now, the only thing that works (for a while) is echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf [20:04] pellski, 'systemd-resolve --status'? [20:04] !paste [20:04] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [20:05] lordcirth: Failed to get global data: Unit systemd-resolved.service is masked. [20:05] I am running command as root. [20:10] lordcirth: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JvmbxPSVXr/ [20:12] pellski: server or desktop? [20:12] leftyfb: Server [20:13] pellski: https://www.tecmint.com/configure-network-static-ip-address-in-ubuntu/ [20:14] leftyfb: i have tried that [20:15] leftyfb: however i do not have /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml i just have 50-cloud-init.yaml [20:19] say, where should i go looking for the old library files from rhythm box? they're on a previous install of ubuntu, different volume [20:19] in home? [20:22] uhm ok... now all of a sudden it starts to work [20:24] All i have done is unmasked resolved.. [20:29] serial question, do i have to power down my puter to attach a new sata HDD? [20:30] if your motherboard supports SATA hotplugging and that option is enabled, no [20:30] but, it's strongly recommended [20:30] can i just open the side panel and attach the sata cable then power cable? [20:31] ya im not sure if it does. [20:32] and you'll probably need to reboot and enter the bios to check and turn it on anyway [20:32] right lol [20:32] i just have a few drives i need to check/wipe before i recycle them. [20:32] is there some super important reason you don't want to pwer it off? [20:33] oh, repeated process? [20:33] yeah. i suggest you look up if it supports hotplugging [20:33] better yet, get yourself a drive-dock that turns them into external drives [20:34] im trying to get rid of them lol [20:34] why?? [20:34] 10k wd raptors from like 2003 [20:34] 36gb [20:34] eh.. [20:34] they could be useful one day [20:34] no real use for them. just eats power. [20:35] for example the system i'm on right now, has some problems with its main drives which are in a raid [20:35] my 128gb SSDs are in the system for "useful one day" [20:35] i took out an old drive and installed clean, now i am free to repair stuff and then copy the clean install [20:35] it doesn't eat power if its in a static proof bag on your shelf [20:36] for my own information on this, how many drives do you have versus how many open sata ports? [20:37] pretty nice back then... amazing how quick this stuff gets so out of date [20:38] only SSDs for me on out unless i need lots of storage [20:38] only thing these drives are good for is the magnets inside. [20:38] i'm actually trying to get to the point i can use linux technology to hybridize my ssd's and platters [20:38] someone in this channel suggested it to me years ago. still haven't managed to do it [20:49] any idea cooling down laptop? gtx 1060 and Intel graphics i7 [20:49] laptop is about week old idle at 61c [21:01] Hi, I just saw the news that Ubuntu won't be compiling 32-bit packages after 19.10. 18.04 also didn't ship with a 32-bit install image, although it was still possible to do a 32 bit install. Given these decisions, it seems there is very little demand for 32-bit installs (64-bit hardware has been available for more than 10 years, after all). However, Ubuntu's popularity contest shows 3x more 32 bit than 64-bit users (2.08 [21:01] million vs. 710,000). Is the popularity contest wrong or is Ubuntu really dropping its most popular arch (although it shouldn't be)? [21:02] Relying on the info here - https://popcon.ubuntu.com/ [21:03] So I'm using Ubuntu mate [21:03] With an i7 [21:03] Intel gpu and gtx 1060 [21:03] Idle is 61c any advice on cooling it down? Laptop is about a week old [21:05] jasonwc: See: https://news.softpedia.com/news/canonical-will-drop-support-for-32-bit-architectures-in-future-ubuntu-releases-526439.shtml , There was a long period asking user's inputs before this decision was taken. [21:06] Does anyone have any information on the SACK Panic CVE on the Ubuntu Cloud images? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/KnowledgeBase/SACKPanic [21:06] better heatsink, jonopoly [21:07] I see that they are being addressed in the linux-hwe packages, but I don;t know how that translates to the cloud images [21:07] Yeah, I see that. I'm just surprised that so many users are still using 32-bit installs when 64-bit capable hardware has been available for at least 11-12 years. It's particularly surprising given that Ubuntu dropped 32-bit desktop images with 17.10. === geard_ is now known as geard === qwebirc9469 is now known as alex_d [21:09] Assuming popularity contest is accurate (a big if, surely), 12% of Debian users are on i386, but about 74% of Ubuntu users are. [21:10] im shocked people still are using i386s [21:12] I would imagine the vast majority are using the wrong arch, and that they have 64-bit capable CPUs. However, netbooks with 32 bit Atoms were popular for a time. [21:15] But even those are fairly old - the most recent one appears to have been released in Q1 2009 - https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/products/41411/intel-atom-processor-n280-512k-cache-1-66-ghz-667-mhz-fsb.html [21:16] Actually, there were some later ones - The last Intel processors for computers that lacked 64-bit support were the Lincroft series (Z6xx) of Atom processors. Those were introduced in 2010 and 2011. [21:17] alex_d: see https://usn.ubuntu.com/4017-1 [21:17] interesting, if you want 32 bit iso's, find community volunteers to make it happen? [21:17] and not only iso, also deb packages [21:19] OerHeks, I'm not really interested in using 32-bit. My x86 systems have 16-128GiB of RAM. I'm just curious why the updated popularity contest numbers show ~75% of Ubunut's users are on i386 when 64-bit hardware has been available for more than a decade and 17.10, 18.04, and 19.04 only released with 64-bit desktop images. Seems like the stats are wrong. [21:20] oh, those numbers are not solid, it is hard to get real stats [21:21] nor downloads iso, nor torrents iso, nor updates figures are available, so any stats are just a thought [21:22] Presumably Ubuntu has its own statistics. Hard to believe they would drop i386 without having some sense of the # of users. [21:22] it is not just ubuntu, it is linux wide.. [21:23] and 'some sense of the users' against the time volunteers need to work, it is not worth it anymore [21:23] still, you can install i386, mini iso, or lubuntu [21:24] I realize that it's hard to get reliable stats for Linux in general, but the Debian numbers seem much more reasonable (12%). Debian also has a reputation for supporting old hardware and has given no indication it will drop i386 in the near future. In fact, we know Buster will support it. [21:24] True, still available using the 18.04 LTS mini ISO [21:25] jasonwc: your best source would be the discourse forum Steve pointed out. We cannot really help you here [21:27] is there any way to make ubuntu upgrades not produce ANY prompt? [21:27] i just want to run "apt update; apt dist-upgrade -y; reboot" on some hosts every week and every time there is something that gets stuck [21:28] i end up manually running 'dpkg --configure -a' on all by hand. [21:28] Easiest thing to do would be to fix the stuck problems [21:29] xamithan: if that is the best ubuntu can do, i will just switch all those nodes to other distros that don't cause such problems [21:30] Well there is options you can place in your apt config or dpkg configs that will fix stuff like that [21:30] But without knowing why the packages are "stuck" no one can say [21:31] I don't have any issues as you describe them [21:31] xamithan: that sounds brilliant. [21:31] it is always seomthing else [21:31] for example PHP always asks if he should keep old config [21:31] now i got this on 7 nodes: https://imgur.com/5KvMlXW.png [21:32] so that would be force-confold [21:32] https://serverfault.com/questions/259226/automatically-keep-current-version-of-config-files-when-apt-get-install/593640 [21:33] i also see export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive [21:34] i will add these two to the script and see if i still get the same issues next week when i have to upgrade everything again [21:34] There is also this one I see: https://serverfault.com/questions/48724/100-non-interactive-debian-dist-upgrade [21:37] hggdh, Thanks, I got my answer from https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/i386-architecture-will-be-dropped-starting-with-eoan-ubuntu-19-10/11263 ("This will free up some time to focus on amd64. i386 makes up around 1% of the Ubuntu install base." [21:38] xamithan: thank you! [21:38] what's with firefox giving me blank pages when i go to various URL's? i know it's not blank. i even got a blank page of youtube, tho the sound still played [21:40] context menus won't open, options menu won't open. nothing works properly. how do i fix this?? [21:53] Hello. I'm having constant trouble with my wifi, could anyone help me with that, please? It regularly just stops working and I have to keep turning it off and on to get it to work again [21:55] CoffeeCattle: in terminal do> sudo sed -i 's/3/2/' /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/* [21:56] I did that last time I came to this channel for support, no luck [21:56] oh wait [21:56] I think last time they got me to change the 2 to a 2 [21:56] CoffeeCattle: Check encryption settings on the router, TKIP causes problems, disable IPv6 in Network Manager [21:56] sorry, 3 to a 2 [21:57] disable ipv6 on the router? [21:58] CoffeeCattle: Just in Network Manager [21:59] CoffeeCattle: Some of the best advice for fixing some basic wifi problems in Ubuntu are at https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2354328&p=13614520&#post13614520 [22:00] okay thank you, I've done all that and I'll see if it helps [22:01] CoffeeCattle: You can always post on Ubuntuforums.org, see the sticky post in Networking https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=370108 so someone might have some other fixes [22:07] thank you === im0nde_ is now known as im0nde [22:25] is there a terminal command that lets you update the kernel? [22:26] Sure, apt dist-upgrade [22:26] the kernel gets updates with the rest of the system? [22:26] xamithan, thanks [22:27] kernel updates comes with the rest, there is a HWE option for 18.04 LTS [22:27] !hwe [22:27] The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [22:28] and even a hwe-edge, that gives kernel 5.x, or use hwe and wait until 18.04.3 comes out in august [22:34] how long is it supposed to take to take a fresh 36gb HDD and encrypt it with luks? [22:34] its 10k rpm [22:35] been like 10 min [22:35] what's your sustained throughput to the thing? at 100 MB/s that's about six minutes [22:35] ya not sure [22:35] 36 gb .. 10k .. sounds like an ancient scsi one, 2 hrs? [22:36] wd raptor [22:36] 10k sata [22:37] those multiple-of-nine-gig 10k scsi drives had a significantly longer life than I ever would have expected [22:37] iirc those sounded really cool 20, 22 years ago [22:40] its odd because i cant even really hear them spinning. [22:40] ooo they just finished [22:52] what is the command to list what my cpu's herts are? [22:56] usney: grep "^cpu MHz" /proc/cpuinfo [22:57] thank you sarnold [23:06] Can anyone help me with the 'alias' command. I want to add 'website.com/' to an alias but I want to add parameters after the / within the alias. example wb='website.com/'then wb parameter [23:07] exell: what are you trying to do? [23:08] @sarnold cheat a shortcut to cht.sh using the cht alias [23:09] exell: try this: alias cht=cht.sh [23:09] then when you type cht website.com it'll run cht.sh website.com [23:11] @sarnold it needs to be curl cht.sh/(parameter) but when I try alias cht='curl cht.sh/' it pops an error when i run cht (parameter) [23:12] exell: oh. *that* can't be done with aliases, a shell function or shell script are your best bets. [23:12] exell: do you want this only for interactive shells or as something that can be run by other programs or scripts? [23:14] @sarnold only interacive.. it was to save a bit of time but I thought I could use alias [23:14] exell: aliases can only work on the leading word of a command, and they don't take parameters [23:16] @sarnold got ya.. what would you recommend as an alternative for the result I'm looking for? [23:17] exell: try this: function crt () { curl https://crt.sh/$1 ; } [23:17] exell: you'll get 404s with that exact url, but it's probably close :) [23:19] @sarnold cool, i'll probably create a bash script and put it in bin. Many Thanks :D [23:20] exell: alright, have fun :) [23:41] Hey, in Ubuntu 18.04 is there a way to make the file manager nautilus displays total file number in current folder, like a status bar or something, i found some informations but it's only for older version i think. [23:43] There used to be but it was removed long ago in the old code [23:43] You should still be able to ctrl+a and get the number [23:45] Ok, it works, thanks for the tip xamithan.