
TJ-Thr0r: Hi. I accidentally left the IRC client connected whilst I was sleeping. Eickmeyer explained it - you're unlucky to have a PC that happens to have wifi hardware for which the manufacturer of the wifi chipset doesn't support Linux in any way. Sometimes we manage to find workarounds (as we did last time) but there's no guarantee they'll stick.01:41
Thr0rTJ-:  Ok - understand. And you have to sleep too! I was just wondering if I could maybe push the producer for some help here.. I have a log of all my tests that show how up-/downloads are.. So I was thinking they might want to help. Maybe it will help Linux in the long run?. I will just wait for any answer from you - no hurry..01:48
TJ-Thr0r: generally getting help from a manufacturer to support the Linux kernel devs, let alone owners of devices, is rarer than winning the lottery01:50
Thr0rTJ-: Hmmm.. Ok. I am quite persistent and can be on them for a long time. I did buy this product from them and want help. Maybe I can get back to you if I need technical details to give to them?01:55
TJ-Thr0r: You'll get no useful help from Asus, and absolutely nothing from the Wifi chipset maker02:45
Thr0rTJ-:  Oh - ok - I'll have that in mind.02:46
OvenWerksThr0r: Another path might be to replace the wifi chip/card in your laptop. Most laptops have a user accessable mini-PCIe wifi cards in them. https://www.newegg.ca/p/14U-0046-000H8?Description=mini%20PCIe%20wifi&cm_re=mini_PCIe_wifi-_-14U-0046-000H8-_-Product14:07
OvenWerksas an example.14:08
OvenWerks(Note, I do not know if the example I pointed to is better than what you have)14:09
Thr0rOvenWerks Ok - I have taken a note of that and will check it out. Every suggestion is much valued. I don't want this to be my "showstopper"..14:11
Thr0rOvenWerks:  Hello! I think I got this link from you some time ago (..maybe I'm wrong but was going thru my notes..) : https://lichtmetzger.de/en/2014/04/22/better-stereo-to-5-1-upmix-on-linux-alsa-asoundrc/  . I have a laptop connected to a Smart-TV (Philips) using HDMI cable. Do you think I should try all those tips on that link? Will it make my sound better you think? (Running Ubuntu Studio 19,04).15:41
OvenWerksbetter is in the ear of the listener :)  I use straight stereo and expect quality of speakers makes more difference than _anything_ else.15:44
Thr0rOvenWerks:  Sure yes but I'm the listener and just looking to improve sound somehow.. Maybe looking for a miracle here but..15:47
OvenWerksI think that if you are starting with stereo all up mix can do is to give stereo both front and back, that is left front would be mirrored in left reaer and right front to right rear. L+R would go to sub... and maybe centre (though in my opinion that part would not be worth much)15:48
OvenWerksSo you would not have surround really, but you would be using all of your speakers.15:49
OvenWerksI think this is a place where experimenting is the only way to find out.15:51
Thr0rOvenWerks:  Ok - I did not quite understand everything in that link so maybe I should just accept things as they are until I buy myself some new speakers etc. then?15:51
Thr0rOvenWerks:  ..And I see all those tips are from back in 2014 - so..15:54
OvenWerksmy knowlage of alsa is not good enough to really comment of the link. It looks like it does what I said above though15:54
OvenWerksALSA has not changed, so the stuff in the link _should_ still work.15:56
Thr0rOvenWerks:  Ok.15:57
Thr0rOvenWerks:  Maybe I buy a Sonos One wireless speaker or something. Thanks anyway :)16:13
* OvenWerks wonders why wireless?16:38
* OvenWerks links the label "wireless" with "cheap" and "poor quality"16:38
studiobot<Go_Diego_Go> Hello guys, it's me again. So I have problems with my wireless cards because of drivers and stuff, anyways I found a solution, but every now and then it stops working, so this time I followed some other instructions and deleted some usr/lib/ files. I know horrible idea. Anyways, I want to do a clean Ubuntu Studio install without havin16:40
studiobotg to move my files, that's possible, right?16:40
studiobot<Go_Diego_Go> I mean I just want to install "/" directory without moving my "Home" files. It is partioned.16:41
OvenWerksGo_Diego_Go:if you wish to reinstall, you can. when choosing a partition choose "something else" choose your partition and make sure "formate partition is _not_ checked.16:42
OvenWerksA better way to go, is to have your /home directory as a separate partition16:42
studiobot<Go_Diego_Go> @OvenWerks [<OvenWerks> A better way to go, is to have your /home directory as a separate pa …], That's how it is right now. Last time I tried to reinstall only / it installed everything in that partition, even a home folder.16:43
OvenWerksYou can (in something else) tell it which partition is /home and it will mount home there. (again make sure it does not reformat)16:44
studiobot<Go_Diego_Go> I have a partition for / and one for /home. I just want to reinstall / but not the /home partition.16:45
studiobot<Go_Diego_Go> I think I'm not explaining myself very clearly.16:45
OvenWerksyes but you still need to tell the system that home already exists and where it should be mounted.16:46
OvenWerksor you can just delete the new home directory and set up /etc/fstab to mount your old home instead16:46
studiobot<Go_Diego_Go> @OvenWerks [<OvenWerks> yes but you still need to tell the system that home already exists a …], Okay, but if I do that... Will I love my files or will it just take that as home without installing anything over it?16:46
studiobot<Go_Diego_Go> @Go_Diego_Go [Okay, but if I do that... Will I love my files or will it just take that as home …], *lose16:47
studiobot<Go_Diego_Go> @OvenWerks [<OvenWerks> or you can just delete the new home directory and set up /etc/fstab …], Yes, I want the old home to be the "new" home.16:47
OvenWerksif you are worried about that, rename your old home directory first, let the install create a new home directory for your user, but after install remove it and rename your old home back to the username16:48
OvenWerksso for example: if my home is /home/ovenwerks I could rename it to /home/myoldhome and then let the new install create /home/ovenwerks/ I go back after and rm -r /home/ovenwerks then mv /home/myoldhome /home/ovenwerks16:58
OvenWerksyou may also have to do a sudo chown ovenwerks.ovenwerks /home/ovenwerks16:59
OvenWerks(in all these examples replace the ovenwerks with your own userid)16:59
studiobot<Go_Diego_Go> Okay okay, I'll give it a try then, thanks17:24

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