
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
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GaneshTheJediHi, anyone awake who can help with an ASUS AiO from like 2014? First install with xubuntu, it seems to have crashed.11:14
=== GaneshTheJedi is now known as GaneshTheNewb
GaneshTheNewbAt least IRC hasn't changed much, though I'm kinda not used to the white screen of the web browser, lol... been 20-odd years11:19
GaneshTheNewbOK, one problem is that CenturyLink STILL doesn't have IPv6 connections allowed. :-/11:24
guiverc2GaneshTheNewb, if you have trouble with installer; I'd suggest check-install-integrity (confirm you didn't have an imperfect download or write-to-media)11:31
GaneshTheNewbguiverc2: I didn't check SHA but MD5 matched before install... though to be fair, I'm not 100% certain after the ISO, because I used Rufus to create a bootable USB directly, and I don't have really a way to check if that went through or not. It's a new USB (256gb) and it didn't give me any errors, but ASUS's AMI BIOS is kinda flaky and doesn't like *nix11:36
GaneshTheNewbI'm on a "Live" USB atm11:37
GaneshTheNewb(at the moment)11:37
guiverc2you can boot & there is a menu item to check your media; if you see keybd-in-rectangle, person-in-circle type logo bottom centre you can hit key menu appears with it as option  (how this appears though will vary on your system i believe [ie. uefi/legacy etc]11:37
GaneshTheNewbIs there a way to check from the terminal after boot?11:41
guiverc2not that i'm aware of.11:43
GaneshTheNewbOK, I'll cancel and reboot and pray, lol. Thanks for the heads-up, guiverc211:44
xubuntu01iJust wanted to stop by and thank those who worked on ubuntu distros and those who help the community, bless your hearts18:30
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