
pavlushkazaki: o/18:22
zakihey pavlushka 18:23
u-la-lazaki: 2019-06-18 - 18:12:35UTC <pavlushka> tell zaki that I'll be off for a week or two.18:23
zakipavlushka, off to where ?18:23
pavlushkau-la-la: tell zaki that I'll be on withing sunday :p18:23
u-la-lapavlushka: I'll pass that on when zaki is around.18:23
zakiit's already 20 jun 18:23
u-la-lazaki: 2019-06-19 - 18:23:48UTC <pavlushka> tell zaki that I'll be on withing sunday :p18:23
zakiu-la-la, tell pavlushka something18:25
u-la-lazaki: I'll pass that on when pavlushka is around.18:25
pavlushkazaki: ty for pointing that18:25
u-la-lapavlushka: 2019-06-19 - 18:25:03UTC <zaki> tell pavlushka something18:25
zakipavlushka, going somewhere?18:26
pavlushkazaki: I'll be back from India by sunday18:26
pavlushkazaki: looks like u-la-la is short by 4.30 hours18:27
pavlushkaor late18:27
zakipavlushka, you are now in INDIA ?18:28
pavlushkazaki: yes, somehow18:29
zakipavlushka, good night 20:14

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