
didrocksgood morning05:15
dufluHi didrocks05:15
didrockshey duflu05:16
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:23
didrockssesalut oSoMoN06:30
oSoMoNsesalut didrocks :)06:34
dufluMorning oSoMoN06:35
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dufluMorning Wimpress and marcustomlinson07:09
didrockshey Wimpress, marcustomlinson07:16
seb128lut didrocks07:18
seb128good morning desktopers07:18
didrockssalut seb12807:18
seb128en forme ?07:19
dufluHi seb12807:19
seb128hey duflu07:19
didrocksça va, et toi ?07:21
seb128ça va bien !07:25
seb128duflu, oh, I forgot to mention it again, but that keeps coming as an issue in team meetings, please don't directly nominated bugs to stable serie without assignee. Either you/Marco plan to work on the fix and assign it as appropriate or rls-bb-incoming tag them so they go through the proper team review process07:26
dufluseb128, ok07:27
* duflu assigns self07:28
seb128it's a bit annoying that we don't have a proper way to flag "affects that serie" that doesn't conflict with the rls tracking process but that's the way it is atm :/07:28
dufludidrocks, I would like to drop the patch for bug 1797355, because it's preventing us from getting a bigger bug 1705369 fixed. I can't seem to reproduce 1797355 - can you?07:34
ubot5bug 1797355 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "Once logged in, GDM Shell process CPU usage spiking at 100%" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179735507:34
ubot5bug 1705369 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu boots to blank screen when using Nvidia (on a desktop with an unused Intel GPU)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170536907:34
didrocksduflu: I need to retry with a newer GNOME SHell, but the fix isn't applied upstream IIRC, so let's see07:35
didrocksduflu: mind if I test it either tomorrow/next Monday? Don't want to reboot/context switch with the potential of not booting right now :p07:36
dufluI know. It looks to me like upstream had it right07:36
dufludidrocks, no problem -- I'll just block any code review waiting for you some timwe07:36
didrocksduflu: I'll retry and keep you posted07:37
seb128bah, it's ranting week or what on discourse/forums07:43
seb128snaps, i386, ...07:43
dufluPeople care about things. Which means people have opinions07:44
dufluThe good news is that it means they care about Ubuntu07:44
seb128the french forum seems to have turned into a group of old school people who think a community is about complaining about anything done in the project you are supposed to care about...07:44
duflusup Laney08:08
didrockshey Laney08:08
Laneyhey duflu didrocks08:13
oSoMoNseb128, complaining is very French, nothing new under the sun :)08:20
seb128hey Laney08:23
seb128oSoMoN, yeah, just wrote a long reply on discourse08:23
dufluRemember you can always mute a topic at the bottom of each page08:24
seb128I'm refraining to register on the french forum to tell them "weird view of being part of a community/project to see that as $must_bitch_about_the_thing_Im_supposed_to_care_about)08:24
seb128they look like a bunch of biter old linux men :/08:25
seb128duflu, :-)08:25
marcustomlinsonall absolute statements are wrong08:26
seb128well, they are right that our gnome-calculator startup time is embarassing and we should fix that08:31
dufluYeah, though I was refraining from discussing that till someone else opened the bug. I just find the slowness annoying and not practical right now08:32
didrocksI guess this is the most visible point which starts this fud08:33
didrocksand TBH, it's a little bit embarrassing after having snaps by default for multiple releases. So, I can understand, this is why I asked them to come with facts on the french forum08:33
didrocksrather the "I think/I don't like/blablabla"08:33
seb128we transitioned those in 17.10 IIRC08:33
seb128they wake up 2 years later and act like it was the end of the world today08:34
didrocksthey don't wake up 2 years later :)08:34
didrocksI've been containing those topics (and raised them here already) multiple times on the french forum08:34
didrockstelling them we are working on the speed improvements (and we did for some)08:34
seb128right, that's what I'm telling08:35
didrocksI guess after 2 years, as everything isn't fixed, they are coming to the conclusion it won't get fixed (but that's just my perception)08:35
seb128they prefer to bitch in their closed group08:35
seb128rather than try to work with us on solution...08:35
didrocksoh… "opening bugs/talking about it in the community forum" is a mantra I have for years with them :)08:35
didrocksbut it doesn't always succeed08:35
seb128thx for keeping reminding them :)08:35
didrocksalso, I think speaking in english is a high barreer08:35
seb128well I read a bit their post08:36
didrocksyeah, you can find something 3-4 pages for each release since 17.1008:36
seb128I don't like their mentality, unsure if we can make them reconsider their approach08:36
didrocks(the topic is archived on the "instable" forum)08:36
seb128their reply to any "$software has $issue" is "remove the snap, install the deb"08:37
didrocksI think if we come with "there is now more speed difference between snaps & debs", it will get harder for them to argue08:37
seb128which then goes "I've a years old version"08:37
seb128where they reply" try that ppa"08:37
didrocksyeah, the ppa approach is :/08:37
seb128would be more constructive to figure out the issue in the snap and get it reported/fixed08:37
didrocksI don't think they are technical enough for this08:37
didrocksespecially when helping people on the LTS (which is where we pushed the snap)08:37
didrocksbut TBH, I think we have enough "issues" we know about (like the startup time), already, getting those fixed, will help a lot in the perception of the tech08:38
seb128it's just sad the way they go about it08:38
seb128like one user had an issue with "retroarch"08:38
seb128it went through the "ah, it's because you use the snap"08:39
seb128they recommended installing the deb08:39
seb128and the user said "I've an year old version now and it still doesn't work"08:39
seb128so they are making thing more complicated08:39
seb128and not helping the users08:39
seb128he's off in a worth situation after they "helped"08:39
seb128they would better just not reply08:39
didrocksyeah, I guess this is the issue with not technical enough people08:39
didrocksthe "use the deb" could be understandable: they are just trying to get things fixed for the use case (like sys admins)08:40
didrockswithout seeing the greeter good, but at the same time, they are not beta tester08:40
didrockswhich doesn't help us fixing issues, I agree08:40
didrocksBUT, in cases like this08:40
didrocksyou end up in a worse situation, I agree08:40
didrocks"tinkering", was the term I was looking for08:41
* seb128 must refrains from subscribing and trying to reply to every user problem :p08:41
didrocksgood luck then :p08:41
didrocksI only monitor the "unstable version" topic08:42
didrocksand sometimes, on Monday, it's already a lot :p08:42
seb128I did a long reply on discourse, hopefully it's a bit usefulk08:42
didrocksyeah, read it, sounds good to me08:42
seb128thx :)08:42
seb128k, I just close that french forum08:42
seb128already too much to do, I don't need more distraction08:42
didrocksI think we should admit that the startup time issue is taking longer to fix than we thought, and this will help08:42
seb128I also think that for some reason gnome-calculator is praticularly slow08:43
seb128evince or gnome-calendar are faster to start than the calculator for me08:43
seb128also the snap exec metric shows that the desktop-launcher is not the main offender, which I though it would have been08:44
didrocksyeah, I guess we fixed most of the issues there08:44
seb128but there is no obvious time consumer in the top 10 either08:44
didrocksso, could be in snapd itself08:44
seb128right, maybe the compression08:44
seb128we need mvo&co to get to the bottom of that08:44
oSoMoNseb128, good answer on discourse, also thanks popey for your patience and repeated requests for actionable data08:51
seb128oSoMoN, thx!08:51
popeyoSoMoN: np08:51
mvoseb128: you can test if its the compression by using "snap try" on the gnome-calculator prime dir and measure this08:52
oSoMoNI also like Ian Weisser's articulate replies, they contrast nicely with all those very emotional and unhelpful rants08:53
mvoseb128: we did some measurements just last week and it looks like squashfs/compression overhead is very small (chipaca wrote a script and measured a bunch of snaps)08:53
seb128mvo, the dir is /snap/<name>/current counts as "prime"?08:53
oSoMoNyou'll probably need to unsquashfs the snap file to measure that reliably08:54
mvoseb128: sry was a bit terse, what oSoMoN said is easiest, just unsquash and snap try it08:56
seb128mvo, k, needs more debugging then :/ Like that recent discussion/report, the user has a 7 seconds start time, the desktop-launcher is the biggest offender in the snap exec metrics with 1 s and the other items are 0.3 seconds or such08:56
mvoseb128: snap try /path/to/unpack/dir08:56
mvoseb128: do you have a link?08:56
mvoseb128: is that hdd or ssd?08:57
seb128mvo, https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/183300408:57
ubot5Launchpad bug 1833004 in Snappy "Application SNAP is slower than DEB at first launch" [Undecided,New]08:57
mvoseb128: I wonder if library loading/symbole resolving is slow, we never got around to measure this but I would love to get data for that too08:57
popeyi get 7 second launch if i haven't used chromium for a day - so the cache is cold08:57
seb128on warm cache with calculator I get 0.7s vs 2s08:58
seb128like I already position my mouse on the X to close the dialog as it opens and click click click08:58
popeyfaster to use alt-f408:58
popeyas soon as the window appears08:58
seb128bah, laptop flat08:58
seb128I need to go back to my desk08:58
popey^ totally not seb pressing alt-f4 accidentally on irc08:59
seb128and back09:10
seb128popey, mvo, that chromium pastebin is a bit weird btw09:16
seb128  8.304s /snap/chromium/750/usr/lib/chromium-browser/chrome09:16
seb128  4.624s /proc/self/exe09:16
seb128Total time: 9.529s09:16
seb128until now I though that the list if items were chunck of the total09:17
dufluIs that second line a fork() ?09:17
dufluOr just a bad lookup and should be grouped into the first?09:17
mvothe measure code may encounter something unexpected09:18
dufluI guess chrome does fork lots. That might be it09:20
oSoMoNit does fork a lot09:22
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tkamppeterAnyone familiar with the autopkg tests of network-manager, this Python stuff using the unittest Python module?14:22
Laneya bit14:22
Laneytkamppeter: what's the problem?14:23
tkamppeterLaney, I have added some extra print() statements and I do not get the output of them in the log, even not the output of the already existing statements, like print('******* NM initialized *********\n\n'). I have set the NM_LOG_STDOUT env variable and actually get live view of the log output.14:24
Laneytkamppeter: hmm I dunno, sorry, I certainly saw a lot of output when I ran it before14:35
tkamppeterLaney, seems that only pitti knows it who has initially created it and then there was never a failure and I am the very first one having it fail.14:41
LaneyNo, we've certainly fixed things with it in the past14:42
LaneyIt's not something that's been touched a lot - Martin did a good job in making a robust test script - but it has been maintained a bit.14:43
pittiLaney, tkamppeter: where is this now? (not sure if I missed some distro git packaging changes)15:06
pittiat first sight it smells like a subprocess issue that gets redirected15:07
Laneyhey pitti15:07
pittihey Laney and tkamppeter, wie  geht's?15:07
LaneyI think Till's working from https://code.launchpad.net/~network-manager/network-manager/+git/ubuntu/+ref/gir-nm15:07
pittitkamppeter: so where exactly in https://git.launchpad.net/network-manager/tree/debian/tests/nm.py?h=gir-nm did you try and add a print?15:10
pittiprint() in these tests should work fine15:11
* Laney would think so too: buffering's off, stderr redirected to stdout15:17
Laneypitti: I'm juju 2-ifying/Mojoing autopkgtest atm :-)15:18
LaneyRIP deploy.sh15:18
Laneyhope you're well too15:18
pittiLaney: oh, poor man's juju! :)15:18
pittiLaney: I am, thanks! enjoying the summer15:18
Laneywe've not had one of those yet15:19
Laneyhttp://[2001:ba8:1f1:d03:216:3eff:fef0:f2f0]/running <- first lxd/armhf test is a-go15:20
* Trevinho undecided weather to go wild and try to fix a g++ thing or just leave the bug and testcase for the future generations :)15:21
Laneyhey Trevinho15:21
Trevinhohi Laney15:21
Laney¿cómo estás?15:21
seb128Trevinho, stop getting too much distracted by fixing all the world issues :)15:21
Trevinhoseb128: you know, making better world is my mission :P, but I won't try this one indeed15:22
TrevinhoLaney: all good15:22
Trevinhojust was helping with one big improvement to gjs, which is blocked by mozjs, which I've workarounded also upstream, but still is eventually a g++ issue15:23
TrevinhoLaney: as I expect you to be curious, try https://www.pastery.net/dvmjsj/ with both g++ and clang++ and see the nm inconsistency15:24
LaneyI am, but it's 16:25 and I didn't eat my lunch yet, so I'll be curious later :P15:26
* Laney was sweating trying to get lxd stuff to work15:26
Laneynot many things left to do now ^_^15:27
seb128Laney, woot, well done! enjoy the lunch :-)15:27
Laney1) poking the proxies in, 2) testing if ExecReload= works properly, 3) hooking up github stuff15:28
Laney4) ssl, but can't really test that without a domain name, which requires the staging environment15:29
kenvandineoSoMoN: i repacked the chromium snap adding the gnome-3-28-1804 content interface15:53
kenvandineand it seems to shave roughly 20% off startup time15:53
kenvandinevery unscientific measurement15:53
kenvandinerm -rf ~/snap/chromium15:53
kenvandinetime snap run chromium15:54
kenvandinethen alt-f4 when i see the window15:54
oSoMoNkenvandine, so that's a 20% gain on first run, right? what about subsequent runs?15:55
kenvandinefirst run15:55
kenvandine2nd run is hard to measure because it starts very fast15:55
oSoMoNkenvandine, also, the chromium snap launcher will copy an existing profile in ~/.config/chromium, so for measurements you should ensure there's nothing there15:55
kenvandineoSoMoN: do you know if there is an arg i can pass to exit after startup?15:56
kenvandineoSoMoN: yeah, i created a new user account15:56
kenvandineso completely empty home dir15:56
kenvandinei seem to recall firefox having an arg you can pass to exit after it loads, which seems silly but it very useful for this kind of profiling :)15:58
kenvandinemy reaction time to hit alt-f4 after seeing the window is included here15:58
oSoMoNkenvandine, not that I know of15:59
kenvandinethe subsequent runs are under 2 seconds including my reaction time15:59
kenvandineso i'm guessing ~1 second startup15:59
oSoMoNthere's the --product-version switch, but it doesn't actually perform a full initialization of the browser, so it doens16:00
oSoMoNdoesn't count16:00
Laneycould you use Selenium to close the window?16:01
marcustomlinsonor remove some runtime that causes it crash late :)16:03
Laneyyou hackers16:03
ahayzen[m]instead of using $ time command  you could start a script which scans open X11 windows until Chrome appears?  like hitting xwininfo -root -tree  or something16:05
kenvandineahayzen[m]: that's a good idea16:05
Laneyin case you don't know, Selenium is a browser testing framework.16:06
marcustomlinsonIt's be nice though to have a solution that works on non-browser desktop snaps too16:09
kenvandineyeah, not sure i want the overhead of running that :)16:09
Laneydepends if you only ever want the most trivial tests or if actually making sure the thing works is interesting ...16:09
Laneychromium's deb had some autopkgtests that used selenium16:15
Laneyone of them basically opened the browser, checked the version, and quit it16:16
Laneynot sure, but I would guess that the snap doesn't have anything like that/16:16
Laney(the other one ran a copy of html5test.com)16:16
oSoMoNLaney, the snap has the same tests, they're installed in /snap/chromium/current/tests/16:28
oSoMoNbut they're run headless, so no window is shown16:28
oSoMoNalthough it's trivial to remove the headless parameter, and they should work equally fine16:28
oSoMoNthat'll do for today, have a good evening everyone!16:49
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