
heysoundudeis anyone running 19.10 on a RasPi 3B+??04:22
heysoundudeeither everyone is on Telegram, or asleep...04:24
lubot<lynorian> I don't have a pi05:02
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doc499hi, i know it's still a bit premature, but will there be any "gotchas" when upgrading from 18.04 lts to the next lts release in apr 2021? like in terms of upgrading from lxde to lxqt or how autostart programs are handled, etc.?16:11
tewarddoc499: NORMALLY that kind of issue is detailed in the release notes but it's FAR too early for that.  and next 'lts' is 20.04 in April 2020 ;P16:48
tewardnot 202116:48
doc499teward, wiki says it's support until apr 2021 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lubuntu#Releases so i guess i got confused between release schedule and support schedule17:04
teward'support' is when there's no more support for that version provider17:04
teward*release* schedule is different :)17:04
doc499right, now i know, so i'll worry about release issues next spring i guess...thanks for your help17:05
HunhowHow do I change the resolution on the newest version?19:00
HunhowI’m on a live right now and may replace Mint with this19:01
wxlwhat do you call the latest version?19:02
wxlsorry but people literally interpret this different ways19:02
HunhowReally? Well the live iso that’s marked as latest. 19.04 I believe19:03
HunhowJUST grabbed the iso19:03
wxlok good. that's the *right* answer XD19:03
wxlPreferences >> LXQt Settings >> Monitor settings19:04
HunhowAlso 17 was the best one. Used it in a VM for quite a while. Then my damn hard drive failed and I’m not getting that back lol19:04
wxlLXDE is dead; long live LXQt19:05
HunhowOh man it’s so much easier to see in 1080p. It defaults to 4K because I’m using my tv atm since the motherboard I bought doesn’t have onboard wifi19:06
HunhowI’m confused on dual booting. How do I make it use my Lubuntu partition I just made?19:24
HunhowDefaults to Mint rn19:24
wxlhold down shift when it's booting to get the grub menu and select lubuntu19:24
HunhowDoesn’t show19:25
wxlwhat doesn't show?19:25
HunhowIm in Grub rn19:25
tewardboot into mint and do `update-grub`19:25
tewardwith sudo if necessary19:25
tewardthen reboot see if Lubuntu shows19:25
wxlshouldn't need to but............19:25
tewardwxl: unless Grub did a stupid :)19:26
* wxl shrugs19:26
HunhowOh that’s nice19:30
HunhowThat just WORKED19:30
tewardHunhow: you mean the grub update command I indicated?19:31
tewardand then it "Just Worked" ?19:31
HunhowI’m more surprised at how Lubuntu just worked straightaway. Mint has issues with my Athlon 220GE and Vega 319:33
HunhowI’ve installed sysbench and it doesn’t show up in my dock19:38
HunhowOh never mind. Hardinfo was what I needed19:41
HunhowLubuntu usb killed my install of Mint, but now doesn’t boot20:55
lubot<HMollerCl> wow, wxl, it fixed broken XD!!21:04
lubot<HMollerCl> Hunhow: don't panic, might be some issues with grub, unforunatelly I'm not expert on it.21:05
HunhowLet’s not DIE this time. I tried that /boot/efi thing but I can’t click next after I do so.21:09
HunhowWait nvm. I’m just retarded. How big does the partition need to be?21:12
Hunhow1Gb work?21:13
HunhowYeah sorry for flooding chat a little. Got it fixed21:20

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