
stgrabersergiusens: around by any chance?01:02
stgraberah, I think I may have figured out my issue01:05
sergiusensstgraber: I sort of am01:18
stgrabersergiusens: looks like I got confused by LP deciding to use the snapcraft deb when manually triggering builds, making me wonder wth was happening to my arm builds01:19
sergiusensstgraber: oh, there's an lp-build-snap snap that makes it easy to trigger if interested and LP has a bug where you MUST set the channel for core and snapcraft for the snap to be used.01:24
stgraberah, interesting. We don't seem to have the issue when the builds are triggered by git commits though, will just have to keep in mind for when doing manual builds.01:25
sergiusensstgraber: vcs triggered builds dtrt01:26
stgrabergot a link to the LP bug by any chance01:27
stgraberif not, I can go dig01:27
zygagood morning!06:56
zygaI'm off today, just need to do the paperwork06:56
zygaok, paperwork done07:21
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
pedronispstolowski: hi, are you working today?07:41
pstolowskipedronis: yes07:52
pstolowskipedronis: thanks for udevmonitor stop PR, will review in a bit07:53
pedronispstolowski: thx, was about to ask about that07:53
pedronispstolowski: also I tried to land #6960, fixed some GetType issues but it seems to be red always for unrelated reasons :/07:53
pstolowskipedronis: uhm, thank you07:55
pstolowskii'm having a slow start today, switching ISP this morning and still having a technican here07:56
zygaHey hey08:10
zygaI will do some reviews today08:10
zyga7 hours more to go today08:11
zygaI will look at the race PR from pedronis now08:14
pedroniszyga: pstolowski will look at it08:15
zygaaha, it already has one review08:15
zygaI'm still interested, things like that are tricky and I could learn a thing or two08:15
pedroniszyga: not stopping you, 6959 is probably something that would be good to unblock08:16
pstolowskipedronis: +1 for 701808:16
zygapedronis: indeed, I'll look at that too08:16
zygapedronis: question about https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7018/commits/3ff9725feb595f78d8bcbee0df3c621af9de641908:24
zygapedronis: is this where a thread will see the channel IO arriving but not yet see the value being set to "opinion"?08:25
zygapedronis: or did I misunderstood it?08:25
zygadid I misunderstand*08:25
pedroniszyga: it fixing go test -race08:26
pedronisto be honest for those tests I mostly looked at making it happy08:26
pedronissometimes tests get extra locking for free that make some things work even if they strictly shouldn't08:27
pedronisbut those weren't that lucky08:27
zygammm, indeed08:28
zygapedronis: reviewed, 7018, looking at the other oen08:40
cjwatsonsergiusens: Could you explain the bug you're describing here?  AFAIK you don't have to explicitly set channels if you're using a base, unless you're using obsolete API methods08:41
pedronis@zyga: Wait exists basically only for tests08:45
sergiusenscjwatson this was the question I asked in Lyon. If channel setting is now longer required that is great and maybe stgraber was using the obsolete API. Does the launchpad webui use the new API?09:04
cjwatsonsergiusens: There's much confusion because there are various different paths (because bases were retrofitted).  The Launchpad web UI uses the new interfaces *unless* you explicitly select architectures09:07
cjwatsonI have a branch in progress to fix that exception that I started in Lyon, so I should probably finish that off09:09
cjwatsonThat branch will mean that if you explicitly select architectures then they get passed through and intersected with any other applicable constraints09:10
pedronisChipaca: hi, did that comment pointer help?10:11
Chipacapedronis: i think so yes10:14
pedronispstolowski: 6960 is green10:15
pstolowskipedronis: great, ty, landing10:16
cjwatsonsergiusens: OK, https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/snap-request-build-explicit-arch-consistency/+merge/369162 should fix this weirdness (just FYI, not asking you to review it)11:38
cjwatsonstgraber: ^-11:38
Chipacapedronis_: are we done wrt simplifying retries?11:58
Chipacapedronis: are we done wrt simplifying retries?11:59
pedronisChipaca: I cannot post anymore as pedronis_ and then it's a dance12:00
pedronisChipaca: you mean https://trello.com/c/9GcOfcEG/32-improvement-to-retries-and-request-patterns-for-store ?12:01
Chipacapedronis: I meanthttps://trello.com/c/e5wx44jZ/151-simplify-our-retries-for-auto-refreshes-so-not-to-have-fleet-stampeding-at-regular-intervals-on-store-errors12:02
Chipacapedronis: but i think i must've been mistaken about it being in Doing12:02
pedronisChipaca: but yes, there is still work in that area, if nothing else because as I mentioned retry.v1 works a bit differently than we though it seems and our current param are a bit silly12:03
Chipacapedronis: right, but that's the WIP, isn't it?12:05
pedronisif you mean that's why the card I referenced is still in WIP12:06
abeatopedronis, hey, I am seeing these errors lately: "udevmon.go:146: udev event error: Unable to parse uevent, err: no buffer space available". Is it worth opening a bug?12:06
pedronisabeato: yes, please12:06
pedronis^ pstolowski12:06
abeatoit looks like the size is one page12:07
abeatook, let me do that12:07
abeato(the buffer size)12:07
abeatopedronis, pstolowski https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/183370712:10
pstolowskiabeato: interesting, thank you12:13
pstolowskiabeato: when you see it happening, can you also run 'udevadm monitor -p' and capture corresponding event(s)?12:14
abeatopstolowski, sure I can do that12:15
abeatopstolowski, also, I actually have run in this sort of issues long time ago. The size for these buffers tend to be huge: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/blob/master/src/udev/udevadm-monitor.c#L7312:15
pstolowskiabeato: oh wow, indeed. fwtw the go module we use for this is from 3rd party12:17
abeatoI remember of an issue in Android init related to udev rx buffer size in the UT times :D12:17
pstolowskiabeato: thanks, we can patch it locally quickly since we have own copy of the module, and i'll also report this upstream12:18
abeatopstolowski, awesome, thanks!12:18
pedronisChipaca: standup?13:01
stgrabercjwatson: thanks!13:25
zygaonline again, will do another review14:07
* cachio lunch14:55
* Chipaca weeps at today's xkcd15:08
albertosottilejdstrand: thanks for granting us the syncplay-server alias. Just a quick question: do I have to update our snapcraft recipe or is the alias automatically installed now that it’s granted?16:15
jdstrandalbertosottile: you're welcome! you don't have to do anything. I'm stepping away for a little bit but feel free to ask other questions if you have them and I'll answer when I get back16:19
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
popey_ogra: ok, I have forked your qemu-virgil, added a vm to the snap and updated to core 18, and even after connecting kvm, it refuses to work, permission denied on KVM kernel module17:56
popey_jdstrand: is there anything weird about the kvm interface that would prevent a 'side-loaded' snap from working?17:56
popey_(ogras qemu-virgil snap works fine when loaded from the store, but my side-loaded fork of it doesn't work)17:56
popey_Could not access KVM kernel module: Permission denied17:56
popey_qemu-system-x86_64: failed to initialize KVM: Permission denied17:56
albertosottilejdstrand: the snap should be released on the store now -> https://snapcraft.io/syncplay17:57
kyrofazyga, I understand that snaps on Debian aren't confined (at least, not with apparmor). However, even in a snap that sets the PATH in apps, the snap ends up running stuff off the host18:43
kyrofazyga, like snapd doesn't reset the PATH like it does elsewhere18:43
kyrofaIs that possible?18:43
kyrofazyga, specifically Nextcloud will run mysql from the host if it's installed on Debian, and I have no idea why18:45
kyrofaShouldn't the hostfs be isolated off in /var/lib/snapd/ or something?18:45
kyrofazyga, anyway, it's been biting us since the beginning, some love on this bug would be great: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/181973419:03
jdstrandalbertosottile: nice!19:20
jdstrandpopey_: does your user have access to the device?19:20
popey_jdstrand: the same user using qemu-virgil works though.19:54
jdstrandpopey_: the interface is incredibly simple. the is one apparmor rule and one udev rule, and some logic for loading the right kernel module. that's it21:02
jdstrandpopey_: make sure the interface is connected; look at ls -l /dev/kvm and see the perms and if your user is in that group (use 'id'); see if there are any policy violations; see if the snap is in the device cgroup with udevadm info /dev/kvm (look at the TAGS)21:05

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