
RAOFHey all! (take 2)02:34
RAOFWho particularly wanted https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NVidiaUpdates to be considered? I'm SRU-team-looking at it at the moment.02:34
RAOFAnd I Have Questions.02:34
RAOFjibel: Aha! Now that matrix has caught up I see you!02:37
dufluThat's a large glitch in the matrix04:05
RAOFThat's LXD updating, and for some reason losing network connectivity out of the containers I have my homeserver inโ€ฆ04:08
jibelRAOF, hi, thanks for reviewing. What questions?05:51
* jibel waits for the matrix to update and an answer on Monday05:51
jibelhi all05:52
RAOFjibel: ๐Ÿ˜›05:52
RAOFSo, my main question is: why backport the short-lived branches?05:52
RAOFBecause, as I understand it, you get all the hardware-enablement goodness out of SRUing the long-lived branch?05:53
jibelRAOF, because short lived adds new features and latest gpu support05:54
jibelin long lived there are also new gpu but only bug fixes05:54
RAOFI thought the long-lived branches also added GPU support?05:54
jibelyes, but only bug fixes05:55
RAOFOk. So SRUing the short-lived branch is not really about hardware enablement, then?05:56
jibelsomeone who's on long lived won't be switch to short lived unless he does it intentionally05:56
jibelno, it's more to bring the latest stuff from upstream to the users of this hardware.05:57
jibelthey also have support for newer gpu earlier with short lived05:57
RAOFSo, the rest is entirely uncontrovertial, as far as I can see; long-lived and legacy are clearly HWE, and we made our peace with that long ago ๐Ÿ˜ธ05:59
jibelGreat :)06:03
jibelRAOF, so what's next, we'll get a formal approval or have to amend the exception?06:07
RAOFAnd since you need to opt-in to using the short-lived branches, they're probably fine to SRU, too.06:07
RAOFThat's a good question!06:07
RAOFMy memory of the feeling of the SRU team in the meeting was that this was basically a special case of the HWE exception we already have.06:08
RAOFI'll check the notes for that, but I believe the next step is me signing off on that.06:08
dufluMorning jibel06:09
jibelEvening duflu06:09
dufluNot quite. But it is for RAOF06:10
dufluEvening/afternoon RAOF06:10
RAOFAnd a fine afternoon to you, too, duflu06:10
dufluIs there an Nvidia definition of long/short lived?06:11
dufluOr is that of our making?06:12
jibelduflu, there is no official definition, but it's what I gathered from their website and replies from their support team on the forums06:13
jibelit's a recurring question06:13
dufluYeah I was trying to tell from the version numbers but could not06:13
dufluYou can only tell a series is long lived when it's long lived06:13
jibelthere is no logic between the version number and the branch06:13
RAOFThey explicitly call out long lived/short lived on the driver page: https://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html06:14
dufluOh. How did I miss that? Thanks!06:14
dufluI guess I always go in via the drivers menu which is on the black geforce web site and it doesn't tell you there06:15
RAOFAlthough, amusingly, there isn't currently a short-lived branch that's useful.06:15
RAOF(The current short-lived branch is 415; the long-lived branch is 430)06:16
jibelfrom my discussion with tseliot odd numbers are short lived and even are long lived06:16
jibelto be confirmed06:16
dufluThat makes sense. So how long is "long" according to Nvidia?06:17
jibel"A short-lived branch typically has only one or two (non-beta) releases, while long-lived branches will have several."06:19
jibelso "long" = "several releases"  that's helpful06:20
jibelfrom the archive there's been 6 releases of 415 (short lived)  between Nov 2018 and Jan 201906:27
jibeland 6 of 410 from Sept. 2018 and Feb 201906:28
jibellong is a bit longer that short but not much06:28
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
marcustomlinsongood morning!07:46
willcookemorning all07:51
seb128good morning desktopers07:52
willcookehi seb12807:52
seb128hey marcustomlinson willcooke, happy friday!07:52
Laneyguten fridayen08:03
seb128hoi Laney, bon vendredi !08:03
dufluGood morning marcustomlinson, willcooke, seb128, Laney08:07
seb128hey duflu, how are you? having a nice friday? ready for the weekend? ;)08:07
dufluseb128, mostly nice yeah. I don't know about "ready" for the weekend but I will appreciate it. You?08:08
seb128one full day to go, I hope to get some work done, we are approaching end of june and I have half my trello card not started yet for this iteration :/08:09
seb128otherwise I'm looking forward the w.e, we are in the North of France for 3 days, weather should be nice and there are music festival for the summer start08:09
Laneyhey seb128 duflu08:09
Laneyhappy summer/winter solstice!08:11
* Laney should get to start a new Trello card on Monday hopefully ...08:12
duflu    \o08:21
seb128tkamppeter, hey, what's the status of fixing the network manager autopkgtests?08:37
kenvandineseb128: last i heard he had found the cause of the callback hanging but there were other failures he was working on too12:59
seb128kenvandine, hey, k, thx for the update! (is Till off today? also do you know if he works in a vcs or such?)13:00
kenvandinenot off and not sure if he's pushing his work anywhere13:00
seb128k, enough work for this week16:35
seb128today was Debian merges day and bug triage, I feel tired now, going to enjoy the nice weather and a beer :)16:35
seb128see you on monday!16:36
Laneybye seb12816:36
tewardseb128: have one on me :)16:39
willcookehappy weekend all, see you next week17:10
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
kenvandinejdstrand: i have a snap awaiting review because of a minor change to the dbus name18:21
kenvandine-    name: org.gnome.sudoku18:22
kenvandine+    name: org.gnome.Sudoku18:22
tkamppeterHi, Is there a function to turn the string "" into an integer?18:51
sarnoldtkamppeter: yes. *however*, using it will mean you're not going to work with ipv6 addresses.18:56
sarnoldtkamppeter: if you're okay with ipv4 only for whatever reasons, inet_aton(3). that'll emit the address in network byte order, not host endianness.18:56
tkamppetersarnold, first, the code part where I will use it, is IPv4-only, and second, I got the suggestion to use the netaddr Python module which has a function which convers both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.20:01
sarnoldtkamppeter: oh cool20:01

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