
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
dupondjeSmall question. Why does the latest kernel for disco in proposed update to:   * Disco update: 5.0.12 upstream stable release (LP: #1830934)11:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 1830934 in linux (Ubuntu Disco) "Disco update: 5.0.12 upstream stable release" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183093411:06
dupondjeWhile there is 5.0.21 already, why is there such a delay?11:06
apwdupondje, because they take time to prepare i guess, and a lot of time consumed by security CRD type releases like the one we just had13:01
apwdupondje, particularly where those stable updates clash with or contain variants of the CRD patch kits13:02
apwwe normally try and be up to date as close as we can13:02
dupondjeapw: ok thanks! :) 5.0.12 is 7 weeks old.13:48
dupondjeWhat are those CRD patch kits?13:49
apwyeah, its not ideal for sure13:56
apwdupondje, the MDS release last monday for example, getting those ready can delay other work13:59
dupondjeapw: Yea indeed. But you could lower the time by just using the latest 5.0.x (in disco case) kernel (which has the patch included)14:02
dupondjethen you don't need to adjust the patch yourself14:02
dupondjeAnyway, I don't know the whole ubuntu kernel flow :)14:02
apwwe released those kernels before the patch kit was available on stable; necessarily because it was embargoed14:03
dupondjeah :(14:06
dupondjelets further debug my curreny issue with 5.2-rc514:07
dupondjenetwork seems to drop packages every 5 minutes or so :)14:08
dupondje20 drops at ip_rcv_finish_core.isra.22+1ac (0xffffffff96d4828c)14:08
apwdupondje, we are aware of the tardyness of stable there; and it is on the teams radar14:08
=== spossiba_ is now known as spossiba

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