
max3how do i source .bashrc or .profile or whatever on unlock00:53
sarnoldwhat's "on unlock" mean?00:55
max3screen unlock00:55
sarnoldand where would you source those? all running bashes? ones running in terminals in that X session? one brand new terminal opened just for the occasion? :)00:57
max3sarnold, guake00:58
sarnoldthat's a gnome thing, *maybe* you can convince it to do something on unlock. sourcing a file into bash feels pretty unlikely though.00:59
max3something must be wrong. i'm not quite sure why it is that guake resets the shell when i lock01:00
ryu0probably spawns a new terminal.01:01
ryu0only thing that makes sense.01:01
max3ryu0, i mean it doesn't because the buffer doesn't get cleared01:01
max3ok here's the real issue. i have capslock and escape swapped01:01
max3and everytime i lock/unlock that's reset01:02
max3right now the setxkbmap is in my .profile01:02
sarnoldoh! that shouldn't be done there :) stuff it in your Xsession or similar01:04
max3sarnold, umm i don't have an .xsession file it seems01:07
sarnoldmax3: if you're using other gnome bits, they probably have their own autorun mechanism01:08
max3not sure what "other gnome bits" would be. i'm on 18.0401:08
sarnoldthe description for guake says it's for gnome; you might be able to use it without gnome, I don't know. but if you're using gnome, there's probably an autorun facility of some sort already there01:09
sarnoldif you're using a different environment, there may or may not be one.. i3 for example doesn't have something special, it just uses xsession01:10
max3i can't find anything simple. i'm so confused. before i wiped and reinstalled and now i can't figure out how it would work01:12
sarnoldmax3: does this work on your version? https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/startup-applications.html.en01:13
max3but not all startup apps run on unlock?01:14
sarnoldwhy do you want to unswap them when you lock and reswap them when you unlock?01:16
max3i don't01:16
max3i want them to stay swapped01:16
sarnoldthen you run that once, when X starts, and then they stay swapped :)01:18
max3like i said: it's in my bashrc01:18
max3it doesn't stick01:18
max3every time i go through a lock->unlock cycle it's reset01:18
sarnoldit shouldn't be in your bashrc. if it's literally *swapping* them, then every time you start a shell, it'll swap them01:20
max3i feel like we're going in circles01:20
sarnoldme too :)01:20
max3i t doesn't matter ot me where it is01:20
max3i believe you that it shuoldn't be in my bashrc01:20
max3where do i put it/what should i do in order that it sticks through a lock-unlock cycle01:21
sarnoldyeah; as far as I know you're the first person to put it there. :) everyone else puts control/caps lock switch into their ~/.xsession or ~/.xinitrc or desktop environment autostart tools01:21
max3that worked01:23
sarnoldI'm glad we got there! have fun :)01:23
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ubottuLaunchpad bug 1396379 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "installer uses first EFI system partition found even when directed otherwise" [Medium,Confirmed]02:11
sloshyi just want to point out that this is a serious bug that has been ignored since 14.0402:12
sloshythe installer lying to the user and messing with sda when the user explicitly tells the installer to install the bootloader and efi files to sdb02:12
sloshyone user even claimed it bricked his company laptop02:13
sloshythe bug has been completely ignored, not even assigned to anyone02:13
sloshyover 4 years ago02:13
sloshyi literally have to disconnect my first hard drive to prevent the ubuntu installer from accessing it02:14
sloshyive brought up this bug before and the only responses ive gotten were either "unplug the hard drive before installing" or "don't use UEFI anymore"02:17
sloshyand now here we are in an irc channel with 1,221 users who are dumbfounded and have nothing to say about this at all02:18
sloshyi shouldnt even have to bring this up on irc but the bug report (and its many duplicates) have all been ignored by the developers for 4 straight years and i don't know what else to do other than complain about it here02:19
sloshyand pray that someone in this channel happens to be involved in ubiquity development and also has a brain in their head02:20
lotuspsychjesloshy: this isnt the complaints channel, focus on actual support issues02:21
sloshythis is an actual support issuu02:21
sarnoldanother option is to supply a patch02:22
sloshyits not some difficult impossible fix either, fedora has never had this problem02:22
sloshyin fact ive never had any distro do this besides ubuntu02:22
Joahhey guys, having a bit of an issue with a sound card i just installed. i'm running ubuntu 18.04 and just installed a soundblaster sb0770. ubuntu detected the card and i have it set as my audio device, but i'm not getting any sound out of it at all02:24
Joahshowing as "EMU20k1 [Sound Blaster X-Fi Series]"02:24
Joahwhich should be good02:24
Joahany ideas?02:24
sloshyhave you tried setting it in pavucontrol?02:25
sarnolddoes it show as muted in amixer? iirc alsa brings up soundcards as muted02:25
Joahwhat would i set in pavucontrol?02:26
Joahsarnold, how would i see if something's muted in amixer? not familiar with the output of this02:27
Joahdefinitely not muted02:28
sarnoldsorry, alsamixer is indeed the one I meant. :/ amixer is baffling :)02:29
Joahi'm totally at a loss02:30
lotuspsychjeJoah: is your driver loaded? sudo lshw -C sound02:47
Joah       description: Audio device02:48
Joah       product: EMU20k1 [Sound Blaster X-Fi Series]02:48
Joah       vendor: Creative Labs02:48
Joahi select it as the output but get no audio whatsoever02:49
Joahnot even MIDI02:49
sarnoldplease don't hate me..02:50
sarnoldbut are you sure you've got the wires in the right holes? :)02:50
Joahyeah, lmao02:50
Joahi even tried every port02:50
Joahjust in case02:50
lotuspsychjeJoah: where is driver=...02:51
Joahthat didn't output a driver field for any of my sound devices02:52
Joah waity02:52
Joahit did, lol02:52
Joah       configuration: driver=snd_ctxfi latency=32 maxlatency=5 mingnt=402:52
sloshywhy cant i enable full hinting in 18.0402:53
sloshyits set to full hinting in both the gnome-tweak-tool and in /etc/fonts/local.conf02:53
lotuspsychje!details | sloshy02:54
ubottusloshy: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.02:54
sloshyand theres still no full hinting, fonts look exactly the same as they do set to slight hinting02:54
lotuspsychjeJoah: ok, driver loaded, lets pastebin your dmesg please?02:55
Joahweirdly enough, if i change the output device in sound settings, it stays on my my HDMI video card's sound output02:55
sloshyis it just that certain fonts dont support full hinting02:55
lotuspsychje!paste | Joah02:55
ubottuJoah: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:55
Joahyeah, got it. sorry. lol02:56
lotuspsychjesloshy: can we have a screenshot of that?02:56
Joahwhat command should i run to get a more specific output from dmesg? just running dmesg gives me a ton02:56
sloshyfuck this02:57
lotuspsychjeJoah: yes, the whole ton please02:57
Joahlotuspsychje, i found these relevant lines03:01
Joahif you do need the whole thing for sure, let me know03:01
lotuspsychjeJoah: yeah the whole thing please03:02
Joahi pm'd you with it03:03
lotuspsychjeJoah: there's no sensitive data in dmesg, you can share it here, volunteers can help and might have other ideas03:04
Joahah, okay03:04
Joahgot it03:04
sarnoldwoo unicomp! :D03:06
Joahweird that it says spacesaver, this is a full model m03:07
sarnoldI *think* they mean that it saves space compared to the monsters from the 80s03:07
Joahsame size, lolol. this is their version of the model m. they have a smaller "spacesaver" model03:08
sarnoldit's not like a modern 80% or 60% or whatever "spacesaver", but compared to the old ones, they're still a bit smaller :)03:08
Joahprobably just the same usb controller03:08
lotuspsychjeJoah: did you disable internal audio in bios?03:08
Joahhmm, i may have03:08
Joahwould that cause the PCI card to not work?03:08
lotuspsychjeJoah: usually when installing a new card, you can disable internal mobo audio03:09
Joahshould i go into the BIOS and make sure it's disabled?03:09
lotuspsychjeJoah: cause thats the card you wanna be using right?03:09
Joahyeah, i don't wanna use the built-in sound card03:09
Joahjust the one i installed today03:10
lotuspsychjeJoah: ok, please doublecheck03:10
Joahkk, brb03:10
is_nullhi all, any idea why upgrading from linux kernel 4.13 to 4.15 fails at update-initramfs libkmod: ERROR ../libkmod/libkmod-config.c:656 kmod_config_parse: /etc/modprobe.d/btrfs.conf line 1: ignoring bad line starting with 'options'03:11
lotuspsychjeis_null: can we get the full output of apt in a pastebin please?03:12
is_nullfor information, i made /et/modprobe.d/btrfs.conf and it contains only `options btrfs`03:12
sarnolddon't you need to actually give an option on that line?03:13
lotuspsychjeis_null: you are not using custom kernel or something?03:13
is_nullno custom kernel, full outputs: https://dpaste.de/1L4v03:14
Joahokay, all disabled but still having the same issue03:14
is_nullnot sure if it ever complained in the past but at least this got this system to load the btrfs module on boot, maybe there's a better way ?03:14
lotuspsychjeJoah: you dualboot with windows?03:15
is_nullbecause currently this interrupts apt upgrade, i hope it's recoverable03:15
Joahnope, just ubuntu03:15
lotuspsychjeJoah: what are your uefi settings like? fastboot & secureboot?03:16
Joahboth are turned off03:16
is_nullshould have used /etc/modules apparently03:16
lotuspsychjeJoah: ok tnx, can you simulate a new dmesg please?03:16
sarnoldis_null: https://sources.debian.org/src/kmod/26-1/libkmod/libkmod-config.c/#L615 -- this sure looks like it expects some options on that line03:17
is_nullremoved my /et/modprobe.d/btrfs.conf in favor of /etc/modules, but still it seems like apt was interrupted before finishing, while Processing triggers, such as generating the initramfs which i might have to force running again somehow ?03:18
lotuspsychjeJoah: Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint, sure fastboot & secureboot are off?03:19
is_nullright, optios == NULL goto syntax_error, well maybe i haven't installed a kernel at all since i added this, but that surely made the server nicely reboot proof xD03:19
is_nullwhich is weird because i thought it would auto load btrfs module because it's a listed driver in fstab03:20
Joahi know fastboot and secureboot are off03:20
Joahhow do i disable lock debugging?03:20
lotuspsychjeJoah: can i see a paste of: sudo lshw -C video too please?03:20
lotuspsychjeJoah: do you have sound at all? or stuttering audio?03:22
Joahperfect sound through that graphics card03:23
Joahvia HDMI03:23
* is_null reinstalling everything with apt-get --reinstall03:25
lotuspsychjeJoah: how old is that sound card?03:25
Joahbut it's new03:26
sarnoldis_null: if that doesn't do it, try update-initramfs -k all -u    or update-initramfs -k all -c03:27
sarnoldis_null: time for me to bail, have fun :)03:27
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lotuspsychjeJoah: all i find are old threads for that audio card, you could try a !bug but i suspect that might not gain much, as the card is 10y old03:31
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.03:32
Joahlotuspsychje, while going through ubuntu-bug, it reported that PCM is muted on that card03:34
lotuspsychjeJoah: sudo lshw -C sound, did not show your other card?03:34
Joahbut i can't find anything that says it's muted. it says to unmute it in alsamixer03:34
Joahhow do i do that?03:35
lotuspsychjeJoah: you mean you found another bug where it says pcm muted?03:35
Joahthat does show the card03:35
Joahwhen filling out the bug report, apport says that PCM is muted03:35
Joahi loaded up alsamixer and typed typing M but that didn't do anything03:36
lotuspsychjeJoah: check alsamixer, and see if there are any mutes enabled?03:38
Joahwhat indicates a mute in alsamixer?03:38
lotuspsychjeJoah: that the levels are not set to 003:39
Joaheverything is 10003:39
lotuspsychjeJoah: you tested pavucontrol too right?03:40
Joahit's at 100%03:40
lotuspsychjeJoah: also your audio is set to your card, and not to the hdmi one?03:41
lotuspsychjeJoah: well maybe proceed with your bug then, maybe something might happen, or other volunteers might have ideas to test03:41
tomreynJoah: in alsamixer, don't miss F6 (to switch between sound cards), and tab to switch between views. and that you may be able to scroll right and left03:42
Joahswitched to the right card03:42
Joahand did tab, everything is 100%03:42
Joahthe weird thing is, it's acting like it's muted and apport says PCM is muted, but everything is showing at 100%03:42
lotuspsychjeJoah: tnx for bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/183365203:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1833652 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "[SB-XFi - Creative X-Fi, playback] No sound at all" [Undecided,New]03:43
Joahlotuspsychje, thank you for all your help :)03:43
lotuspsychjeJoah: maybe also mention in your description, you disabled internal audio in bios03:43
tomreynit ca be at 100% and still muted, swince muted can be a true/false (checkbox-like) option, which overrides the volume set.03:43
Joahpressing "m" doesn't do anything03:44
Joahlotuspsychje, done, thanks03:44
lotuspsychjeJoah: maybe another idea to test, is the ubuntu-desktop with gnome03:45
lotuspsychjei see you on mate now03:45
lotuspsychjeJoah: or even older ubuntu release, like 16.04 perhaps, to compare03:49
Joahyou know, that's a great idea. i should try 16.04 on a USB stick03:49
lotuspsychjeJoah: great, try to follow-up your bug too, and describe the tests you did too03:50
tomreynJoah: i'm not really good at debugging sound, but by what i can tell from your bug reports' attached alsa-info, it should just work. what do you have plugged into the soundcard?03:50
Joahi tried two different speakers i have03:50
tomreynand you're sure you connected that to the soundblaster and not the onboard audio, right?03:51
Joahyeah, lolol03:51
tomreynjust making sure, sorry ;)03:52
Joahi even tried every port on it, just in case03:52
Joahno, it's okay. i appreciate the help03:52
tomreynthere are also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure03:53
TJ-Joah: "amixer -c X" where X is the card number shown by "aplay -l" can help because it shows all the internal volume and mute settings03:53
Joahthat output a lot, lol03:54
Joahlet's see03:55
JoahSimple mixer control 'Line',003:55
Joahit's showing that as "off"03:55
TJ-Joah: "pastebinit <( amixer -c X )" (replace X)03:55
JoahSimple mixer control 'Front',003:55
Joah is on, though03:55
tomreynTJ-: search "Amixer output" at https://launchpadlibrarian.net/429832352/AlsaInfo.txt03:56
TJ-lines 13/14 show "off"03:57
Joahhow do i turn them on? lol03:57
Joahi might be a bit of a noob when it comes to this03:57
Joahugh, lost connection04:01
JoahTJ-, how would i turn those on? i'm a bit of a noob with this04:01
TJ-Joah: I'm not sure about the syntax, but try "amixer -c 1 set PCM unmute" (replace 1 with the card index you have there)04:02
Joahamixer: Invalid command!04:02
tomreynamixer -c0 set PCM 100 unmute04:02
tomreyncard 0 , isnt it?04:02
Joahit output the same thing where it says "off"04:02
Joahafter i did that, tomreyn04:02
tomreynhmm maybe   amixer -c0 set PCM toggle04:03
TJ-Joah: OK, maybe that is because its got a problem. I like 'amixer' because we can get an idea of what you see with the alsamixer TUI04:04
Joahnow it says "on"04:04
Joahbut still no audio04:04
tomreynline is also off04:04
TJ-ooo, that's progress! At least it responds. Are there any other outputs "off" that we should try togggling?04:05
tomreynin case you have the speaker connected there04:05
TJ-I'll let tomreyn figure it out :)04:05
tomreynamixer -c0 set Line toggle04:05
Joahon now04:05
Joahbut showing at 0%, sec04:06
tomreyncapture is 0, playback is 100%04:06
Joahstill nothing04:07
tomreynCenter/LFE is also off04:07
Joahstill nothing04:07
tomreyncan you post another    pastebinit <( amixer -c 0 )04:08
Joahtomreyn, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DKVqtv8Sj8/04:09
tomreynhmm, i can't see what's missing now04:10
Joahyeah, it's really odd04:12
tomreynspdif is still muted, but i assume you have your speakers connected on line or front?04:13
Joahconnected as front, yeah04:13
tomreynthen i don't know :-/04:13
TJ-Joah: have you tried *recording* using a microphone or line-in to prove it works at least in one direction?04:13
Joahhmm, good idea04:13
tomreynalso pavucontrol would show whether there's actually 'sound flowing' through these devices04:14
tomreyni.e. the meters should show.04:14
Joahrecording through line in works04:18
Joahpavucontrol's meters move when sound is playing04:20
Joahbut still no audio04:20
tomreyn:-/ please update your bug report with the progress we made since.04:20
TJ-Joah: do you have an external line 'vu' meter you could put on the outputs; check what voltages peak-to-peak if any are there. I'm wondering if you've got unamplified line 0.5V p-to-p04:20
TJ-Joah: something else you could try, a loop-back 3.5mm to 3.5mm stereo from output to line-in now you know line-in works04:21
Joahwill try a loopback04:21
Joahno VU meter but both speakers are amplified04:22
Joahwell, this is strange04:26
Joahloopback recorded audio04:26
Joahbut i don't actually get anything with the speaker connected04:26
Joahso the levels coming out have to be really low04:26
Joahokay, even weirder, recording i still get audio even when the cable isn't connected04:27
Joahsomething is definitely not right04:27
Gallomimiai guess you have a second mic hidden somewhere in your system04:28
Gallomimiawhat audio do you actually get?04:28
Joahrecording input is set as line in on the card04:28
Joahi get the music i was playing04:28
Gallomimiais there perhaps two audio routing systems running? jackd and also pulse audio?04:29
Joahthere shouldn't be, no04:29
Gallomimiawell, there shouldn't be. but is there?04:29
Joahhow would i check?04:29
Gallomimiathat i'm not certain04:30
Gallomimiayou do have pa running... maybe search for jackd with ps -ax04:30
Gallomimia and pipe it to | grep jack*04:31
Joahno jackd04:32
TJ-Joah: it is starting to look like an internal routing/mixing issue04:32
Gallomimiaalas, i'm no expert; i just sound like one04:32
TJ-Joah: is this a new Ubunt install or been in use for a while?04:33
Joahinstalled a couple days ago04:33
TJ-Joah: regular Ubuntu not Ubuntu Studio?04:34
Joahjust ubuntu mate04:34
TJ-Joah: I'm wondering if this is all due to a bad audio device04:34
Joahi'm starting to wonder that, too04:34
TJ-Joah: any possibility of testing it in a different motherboard?04:35
Gallomimiacan we check on the drivers for such a device?04:35
Gallomimiagot any other audio devices? USB breakout box?04:36
TJ-I have to leave now, hope you get it sorted04:36
JoahTJ-, thanks for your help, much appreciated04:37
Joahi don't have another motherboard, unfortunately04:37
Joahwhen playing audio through it and recording line in, i get a perfect recording of what's playing even when there's no cable connected04:38
Joahadjusting the playback volume while recording works, too04:38
Joahreally strange04:38
Gallomimiathat is pretty weird. i wonder if there's something built into your monitor04:39
Gallomimiaspooky too. like, your computer can hear what you're saying all the time04:39
Gallomimiaor do you mean it's recording what your computer is playing?04:42
Gallomimiathat's called play-thru. there has to be a setting you can turn off somewhere04:42
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Gallomimiathat's the second time i overheated the cpu. no overclock with a stock cooler05:55
Gallomimiai think i'm missing some motherboard drivers.05:55
Gallomimia!sensors | gallomimia06:02
ubottuGallomimia, please see my private message06:02
blackflowGallomimia: you can also /msg the bot for even less noise in the chan ;)06:08
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jwhitmoreHello all, I'm trying to find details on the Ubuntu 16.04 Linux Kernel 4.8.0-53 Wondering is it still maintained by anybody or when it was last maintained06:59
Ben64jwhitmore: no longer supported07:05
Flanneljwhitmore: I don't see a -53.  I see -52 and -54 (here: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=linux-image-4.8&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all)  Clicking into one of those packages and looking at the changelog puts the last date (for -52 and -54) at 6 June 2019.07:05
jwhitmoreThank you, I know that it's probably no longer supported, but wanted to see when the last patch was applied.07:06
Ben64august 2017, probably07:06
Flanneljwhitmore: Oh right.  Sorry, that changelog file isn't for that particular package, but the source package.  So that june 6 rev was for 4.15.007:08
jwhitmoreFlannel, thank for that link, I don't see a 53 but there are versions up to a -58 unfortunately no date listed though07:09
Ben64https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Support?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=16.04.x+Ubuntu+Kernel+Support+Schedule.svg shows 4.8 branch support ending aug 201707:09
jwhitmoreBen64, deadly thanks for that link. I was trying to see had somebody else, apart from Cannonical taken up the baton and continued publishing security patches but obviously not07:13
Ben64jwhitmore: you can go down to 4.4 or up to 4.15, no reason to stay on 4.807:14
jwhitmoreBen I was just looking at on that diagram you sent. It looks like there's support for 4.15 until Apr 202107:15
Ben64correct, that's the end of life for 16.0407:16
jwhitmoreThanks a million for your help!07:17
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gofiowhen on ubuntu 18.04 with gnome3 and firefox 67.03, let say on about:performance from firefox I have 4 tabs running consuming 200mb. But when completely closing firefox from htop tells me let say 1G ram has been freed. Whose those 800mb difference is, ubuntu's pilling up stuff, or firefox's? thanks07:43
lupulogofio, https://github.com/profiler-tools/memprof-addon07:46
gofiolupulo: thanks. And nice nick btw, we could make beer together07:49
lupulogofio, https://profiler.firefox.com/ it is more friednly but the pattern of searching is that07:50
gofiolupulo: so you think is more firefox issue07:52
gofioit looks they're throwing new versions pretty quick as of late. From 67.00 to 67.03 in less than two weeks ¿?07:53
lupulogofio, no idea about developer teams and QA teams07:56
lupulogofio, sure, firefox neither ubuntu are debian07:56
gofiolupulo: it's funny to me your nick cuz I'm trying (actually) to find seeds of what your nick means in spanish which it's hops, and no way I can find it, nor many people actually know wtf it is. Wonder how that ended up as nick, but never mind07:57
gofiolupulo: debian?07:57
gofiooh you mean they update07:57
lupuloDeveloper -> Test -> QA -> update07:58
gofio:/ :whatever:07:58
lupulogofio, https://quality.mozilla.org/07:59
lupuloit could be blablabla or really satisfaction (Rolling stone sense ;-) like chrome )08:00
gofiolupulo: I'm not floating in ram excess, not even 4g, but it seems firefox is makin its own calculations about what the limit of memory to use, which it seems around 200mb or 250, so while on something is not above that, everything goes fine, but as soon it goes above it, say to 350mb, cpu usage from firefox goes to the roof, while there're still plenty of free ram. So trying to figure out the balance there08:03
lupulogofio, you could reclaim to the QA Team more not functional requirements08:03
gofionot many resources so if in order to "profile" those resources I need more resources....as add ons or whatever, like htop sometimes using 15% of cpu, not very fan of that08:04
gofiolupulo: are you spanish native by any chance?08:05
lupulowhy are you italian?08:06
gofiolupulo: not but close. Closer than chinese for example. Ciao, and auguri, that's pretty much all my italian08:08
gofioso maybe that lupulo comes more from wolf than from the plant. I see08:09
gofiocool. So glad I don't have to deal with greek keyboards :)08:09
lupulothere is aggresive plants too, do you play plants vs zoombies :-)08:10
gofioenough with spanish ones in an english world08:10
gofiolupulo in spanish means hobs, the plant is used to make beer08:10
gofiobut lupus is wolf in latin as well, so. Actually Lopez is a spanish last name, it seems one of the oldest ones, as it comes from the romans, from the twins legend of the Rome foundation and all that.08:11
gofiolupulo: thanks08:11
gofiois there a ubuntu-firefox channel?08:29
andre144khi all08:32
andre144kim using "rsync -avP /src /dest" - /dest is mounted nfs3 share. while trasfering very small files this rsync have only transfer-rates less then 1mb/s - anyone have an idea how to optimzie this?08:34
andre144kwhen i sync a 1gb file its transfered in 10-20seks...08:34
gofiowhat's the keyboard shortcut in ubuntu 18.04 gnome3 to copy a line from htop?08:43
coconutgofio: probably ctrl+shift+c08:44
gofiotried shift+left mouse button but did notwork, ctrl+shift+c seems it does not either :/08:45
coconutgofio: does work in top, but not in htop here too08:48
gofiococonut: :/08:51
coconutgofio: this one works for me -> https://superuser.com/questions/809989/is-there-a-way-to-copy-text-in-htop#80999908:52
gofiococonut: wow did you changed font size?08:53
gofiothere are two answers which one worked for you08:54
coconutlast one08:54
coconutand just step 308:54
gofio"Is there a way to copy text in htop?" "So at the moment I conclude that the answer to your question is "no"."08:55
gofiococonut: cool, ty08:55
coconutno works here08:56
gofiolooks like a trick for a tv show xD08:56
tomreynandre144k: http://nfs.sourceforge.net/#section_b discusses some configurations relevant to performance.08:56
gofioI'm half way. Hope will get it done before sun sets08:57
gofiococonut: thanks. Promising :)08:57
gofioat least i could select text08:58
coconutgofio: it works, you just have to be fast enough08:58
coconutaka copy before text gets unselected08:59
andre144ktomreyn, thank you, ill analyze this09:00
gofiococonut: yeap, still didn't do it but not only that you're telling me you've done it, but it also looks like it works, is just too many issues here at the same time. My rant is for all that it needs just to copy a single line :)09:02
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wooosaiiiiI just recently switched from ubuntu 14 to 18. I really liked the 14 LTS :) well time to upgrade... anyway I had a shortcut in unity to move current window to another monitor (Super + '<'). If I kept pressing this shortcut the window would bound back and forth between both monitors... i cannot find anything similar for gnome desktop... all I can do is Super + Shift + "left arrow" to move window to left monitor or Super + Shift + "right arro09:27
wooosaiiiiw" to move window to right monitor...09:27
wooosaiiiithis is inefficient since I have to use my both hands... moving my right hand away from the mouse...09:27
wooosaiiiiany one with the same issue? :D09:28
CryptoSiDHi, "who" and "w" will show the hostname if the ssh connection is made using ipv4 but not when the ssh connection is made by ipv6. How can I change this?09:32
CryptoSiDSo it also show the hostname when usign ipv609:32
blackflowgive your ipv6 a rDNS?09:32
tomreynwooosaiiii: you can change keyboard shortcuts in settings -> devices -> keyboard.09:32
CryptoSiDit already does09:32
CryptoSiDCentOS show the hostname but not ubuntu / debian09:33
CryptoSiDWhen connecting with ipv6.09:33
CryptoSiDFreebsd also show the hostname09:33
blackflow!enter | CryptoSiD09:33
ubottuCryptoSiD: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.09:33
CryptoSiDsorry, bad irc habits :)09:33
wooosaiiiitomreyn, true... but I cannot find the "Move windows to another monitor" just "Move window one monitor to the left/right" which is not what I want... :(09:38
tomreynwooosaiiii: you could try and continue to run unity, or adapt.09:41
wooosaiiiitomreyn, looks like I will have to adapt... since ubuntu dropped support for unity I guess it won't stick around for long anymore...09:42
tomreynwooosaiiii: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ubuntu-unity-desktop09:53
jwtiyariam working with transaltion of ubuntu to my language10:13
jwtiyarnow i set my system language to native language10:14
jwtiyarhow i can get live translation to my system when any translation added to laucnhpad translation10:14
geirhawooosaiiii: while holding down super, you can click and drag, anywhere in the window, to move it around. Not exactly what you want, but perhaps a slightly better workaround10:17
tomreynjwtiyar: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Contact for contacts to the translation coordination, they'll probably know10:21
tomreynoh i see you asked on the mailing list already and got no response. :-/10:22
jwtiyartomreyn, yes i did , and been a week no response10:23
jwtiyari dont know where to ask10:24
tomreynjwtiyar: did you try asking on the irc channel?10:25
jwtiyarnow i went there10:25
jwtiyarlooks like no one active10:25
tomreynyes, #ubuntu-translators10:25
jwtiyartomreyn, i hope they answer two person there nad they are not active now10:26
tomreynjwtiyar: another option is to write directly to the translation coordinators: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-translations-coordinators10:28
jwtiyartomreyn, i thought not allowed to direct message them10:28
jwtiyartomreyn, there is just bug tab , my question is not a bug10:30
tomreynjwtiyar: well you tried the mailing list, got no response, so this seems like the next fallback option (to me): https://launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-translations-coordinators/+contactuser10:30
jwtiyartomreyn, thank you bro now will email them.10:31
tomreyngood luck10:33
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sorin-mihaii'm facing some problems on a system with multiple nvidia GPU cards which i want to use with cuda, but keep xorg only on the intel GPU. anyone able to help me (re)configure xorg properly?10:39
TheWildwhy do you pack in distro that worse version of netcat (without -c and -e)?11:32
lotuspsychjeTheWild: whats the relation to ubuntu please?11:32
ikanoborilotuspsychje: They're complaining about the version of nc that is present in Ubuntu.11:36
blackflowTheWild: apt remove netcat-openbsd && apt install netcat11:36
blackflowindeed, the default netcat is stupid11:36
GargoyleI guess the more diplomatic question would be, what's the difference between the two?11:39
blackflowGargoyle: available options11:39
TheWildone lacks -c and -e11:40
GargoyleYeah, but why are they both being maintained in the distro?11:40
TheWildokay, thanks blackflow. Wiped that scaundrel and installed netcat (alias of netcat-traditional)11:40
lotuspsychjeTheWild: make a wishlist bug, the user does have influence too11:40
ioriathe  reverse backdoor shell11:40
blackflowGargoyle: and the $1M question is, why is -openbsd one the default, and a dependency of ubuntu-minimal even.11:42
GargoyleThat one would probably be answered with the same answer. Once you have a rationale for having both, then I guess that would reveal why -openbsd version is the default.11:45
blackflowtechnically it's the "original" netcat11:47
blackflowactually, no, wait, it isn't.11:48
thsnr[netcat-openbsd] contains the OpenBSD rewrite of netcat, including support for IPv6, proxies, and Unix sockets.11:48
thsnr[netcat-traditional] is the "classic" netcat, written by *Hobbit*. It lacks many features found in netcat-openbsd.11:48
thsnr(from package descriptions)11:48
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Sven_vBhow can I configure apt on xenial to never install untrusted packages, just warn about them, never pause to ask whether it should?12:35
Sven_vBmy current hack is to have three extra apt runs, one to simulare, one to put offending packages on hold, then after, a 3rd to unhold them. takes forever though because now my upgrade process has four times rebuilding the apt database.12:37
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB: what are you defining as untrusted, and where are you finding these packages?12:38
vuksif the untrusted packages are coming from a single source, just comment that source out in apt sources file12:38
furycd001HI.. Is there any way to show my ubuntu version in the terminal without any extra text ??12:55
leftyfblsb_release -ds12:55
leftyfbor lsb_release -rs  # if you just want the number12:56
furycd001Thank you :) I was using  >> lsb_release -a 2>/dev/null | grep -i 'Description' <<  but I didn't want the description text. Thank you again :)12:56
leftyfbman lsb_release12:56
furycd001Thanks :)12:56
leftyfbin that case: lsb_release -a 2>/dev/null | awk '/Description/ {print $3}'12:57
leftyfbor: lsb_release -ds|awk '{print $2}'12:58
gofiochromium or chrome?12:59
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB: The only place I could think that you would get untrusted packages would be from a PPA you have added, removing those will remove the untrusted packages12:59
BluesKajHi folks13:13
Sven_vBsorry for the delay. I meant packages whose signatures could not be verified or failed verification,13:24
Sven_vBthis mostly happens when I have no network uplink and my local mirror is partially out of date.13:25
Sven_vBin that case I still want to upgrade all the packages that my mirror has.13:26
Sven_vBwell, all the recent ones at least.13:26
Sven_vBpragmaticenigma, ^13:26
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB: So the question is, is there a way to allow apt to install packages with verified signatures, and skip any that do not?13:29
LinuxLeprechaunwhat is the syntax inside of /etc/pam.d/sudo to modify so that using either a password or another authentication method (rather than requiring both) for sudo?13:33
LinuxLeprechaunasking in the context of https://support.yubico.com/support/solutions/articles/15000011356-ubuntu-linux-login-guide-u2f which targets requiring both password and an external hardware key13:33
Sven_vBpragmaticenigma, oh you're right, just answering "no" would abort the entire upgrade. indeed, I want it to just skip as few as possible.13:33
LinuxLeprechauni tried using the line "auth    sufficient      pam_u2f.so" (replacing "required" with "sufficient") but that is not enough. not clear on syntax for daisy chaining possible options13:34
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB: Using apt-get, it looks like the argument "-m" is what you are looking for. It will ignore and hold back missing or failed integrity check packages13:38
on3pkGood morning, everyone.  I'm trying to follow this answer from stack overflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6905697/how-to-run-script-as-another-user-without-password   I try to run my script but it keeps asking for a password :\13:40
on3pkThe line in visudo is "pi ALL=(convert) NOPASSWD: /home/convert/bin/test.sh" (no quotes)13:41
rypervencheon3pk: And what command are you running afterward from the command line?13:42
on3pksudo -u convert /home/convert/bin/test.sh13:42
on3pkIs this something where a service needs to get restarted or something?13:42
david_zHi all, I've been wresiling with Juniper Network/Pulse Secure. I've managed to install Pulse Secure but as it's a private certificate I need to use it fails when I connect with "Unacceptable TLS certificate". Does anyone have any knowlage in this area?13:44
Sven_vBpragmaticenigma, looks good, thanks!13:45
b1ack0phi. i created another user in ubuntu but i cannot create a folder in there13:46
b1ack0pfrom my current user13:46
b1ack0phow can i do that?13:46
david_zblack0p have you tried using sudo mkdir?13:47
b1ack0phow to create folders and copy paste ?13:47
b1ack0pbut without command line can not do that?13:48
on3pkso I'm not gonna sit here and ask questions, but that .sh file was supposed to call a binary.  I changed the visudo to let me call the binary directly and doing that doesn't give me any problems.13:48
david_zas you are trying to create a folder for another user you need administration privileges. Therefor write "sudo mkdir <folder name>"13:48
blackflowb1ack0p: essentially you can't with the file manager, unless you run it as root. better go to command line and use sudo to mkdir, dont' forget to chown the resulting dir to the appropriate user13:48
b1ack0pok but now how can i copy paste to that location?13:49
b1ack0pfrom my user to another user?13:50
rypervencheon3pk: Yeah, there's nothing wrong with your sudoers file line. However, if that user needs escalated privileges to access something that your script needs, then you'll also need to think about that.13:50
blackflowb1ack0p: sudo cp /path/to/source/file /path/to/destination/file13:50
coz_^^^ I just didnt type fast enough13:50
b1ack0pthx let me try13:51
gofiowhat's the command in ubuntu 18.04 to know my cpu details?13:51
blackflowb1ack0p: you'll need -r for cp if what you're copying is a directory13:51
b1ack0phow can i delete created folder?13:52
b1ack0p-r removes?13:52
blackflowgofio: cat /proc/cpuinfo13:52
blackflowb1ack0p: `man cp` will tell you more about the options13:52
david_zblack0p deletion: rm -d <folder nam>13:52
gofioblackflow: thanks model name: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T5470  @ 1.60GHz nice nick btw13:52
david_zblack0p you probebly even want: rm -rd <folder nam>13:53
blackflowb1ack0p: if you're using sudo with that, be extra careful. the command line has no undo nor trash bin.13:54
blackflow(extra = more than usual when using rm which is when you should be very careful anyway)13:54
gofioand by the way, chromium does not make any difference over firefox on the same website issue, on ubuntu 18.04 both13:54
blackflowwhat issue?13:55
on3pkrypervenche, I needed to run a command as a specific user and my thought is making that command accessible without a password is better than giving other users sudo access13:55
Apachezhappy midsummer everyone! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvby-c_KbNg13:58
david_zon3pk why do you need to impersonate the user? Is it not better to just inact the change as a superuser?13:59
pragmaticenigmaon3pk: Have you tried logging out and back in again?14:00
on3pkpragmaticenigma, oh, I guess I didn't...14:01
on3pkdavid_z, well it's a command that is going to be run on many occassions, I think14:01
blackflowthat wouldn't be needed for sudoer changes. I'm guessing it's the same problem as the other day with -i ... the shell needs to be added as a sudoers rule14:01
rypervencheon3pk: Also be aware that that user can change that script to do anything and have root privileges to essentially do anything.14:03
blackflowyup, sudo "executables" should be owned by root14:04
on3pkwell...  I'll keep that in mind if I ever use something other than a raspberry pi...14:05
on3pkBut I did change it so the binary in the /usr/bin directory is called directly, instead of through the .sh file14:05
supermasterblastthe 4.15.0-52-generic kernel crashes on boot when it gets to "Reached target local Encrypted Volumes". I was wondering if there is a newer kernel I can install. if so what is the best way to do that14:14
supermasterblastor should I just stick with 4.4.0-12714:15
b1ack0pwhen i run command " sudo gedit file" it returns with "Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused14:22
b1ack0p(gedit:5721): Gtk-WARNING **: 17:21:28.195: cannot open display:14:22
b1ack0pwhat can i do?14:23
OerHeksjust gtk warnings..14:24
b1ack0pbut it doesnt open actual file14:24
an3223try sudo -H instead of sudo?14:25
b1ack0pdoesnt work14:25
OerHeksinstall nautilus-admin, so you can open them as administrator from nautilus filemanager14:26
OerHeksbut sudo gedit should normally work, with wornings though14:26
b1ack0pi dont know why it doesnt work14:26
OerHeksmaybe because of wayland, not sure14:27
an3223sudo -E gedit14:28
b1ack0pan3223: nope14:29
b1ack0pUnable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused14:29
b1ack0p(gedit:10839): Gtk-WARNING **: 17:29:02.152: cannot open display:14:29
an3223weird, i just tested it and that works for me14:29
b1ack0pi created new user maybe something missing on the user14:29
OerHeksinstall nautilus-admin14:30
b1ack0phow can i run it?14:31
OerHeksrestart nautilus after install, and the right mouse menu gives  'Edit as Administrator'14:32
b1ack0pi wish i knew to restart nautilus14:33
lotuspsychjectrl+l in nautilus and you can admin:/// too14:35
b1ack0pctrl+l shows  location in address bar14:35
b1ack0pi mean location address at top bar of the file manager14:36
b1ack0plet me reboot14:36
b1ack0pmaybe it works after that14:36
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coconutAny package available to get better fonts under firefox?15:03
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david_zSo is anyone familiar with Juniper Network Connect/Pulse Secure?15:10
blackflowdavid_z: very much offtopic here, don't you think? :)15:11
david_zblackflow well I'm not really sure where to turn with the issue, I've installed Pulse Connect on Ubuntu 18.04 but I get an issue as soon as I try to connect with "Unacceptable TLS certificate". And I'm thinking this has something to do with the certificate I try to use.15:15
blackflowdavid_z: perhaps ask the PulseSecure themselves? From what I see, it's a paid, proprietary piece of software?15:16
david_zYes, it's just that I'm the Linux maveric in a Windows shop and have finally got the go ahead to use Linux. However my company uses this VPN that cause me major headaces :/15:19
blackflowdavid_z: so they're bound to offer some support for the software you paid for.15:20
OerHeksso, you did not search yourself for "ubuntu pulse connect TLS certificate" >>>  https://kb.pulsesecure.net/articles/Pulse_Secure_Article/KB4392715:23
ertyuihi there15:25
JoeLlamaoh my is that the ertyui I used to know?15:26
JoeLlamaback then was ertyu15:26
JoeLlamaI 'member it was five letters in a row on the kb15:27
ertyuihi JoeLlama15:28
JoeLlamahee hee15:28
ertyuiwell the question is :15:28
JoeLlamait was a long time ago15:28
JoeLlamaprobably on an electronics channel15:28
JoeLlamahow long have you been on IRC ertyu?15:28
JoeLlamaI'm thinking EFNet15:28
pragmaticenigmaertyui, JoeLlama ... welcome to the #ubuntu support channel. We're glad you're here, however, if you'd like to chat, please head on over to #ubuntu-offtopic. Thanks15:29
blackflowguys please keep it about Ubuntu support here. there's #ubuntu-offtopic for reminiscing long lost times.15:29
JoeLlamaya I was gunna say15:29
ertyuii try to put on my crontab @reboot /script/start.sh15:29
ertyuibut once you restart the system the change not take effective15:29
ertyuiis there any other thing to activate ?15:30
blackflowertyui: I'd create a regular (Type=oneshot) systemd service. using crontab for that is rather hacky these days. but if you really insist on crontab, where/how did you create it?15:33
ertyuithere is nothing to create15:35
blackflowwhat do you mean?15:35
ertyuijust add "@reboot /script/start.sh" on crontab -e15:35
ertyuijust only15:35
blackflowis the script executable?15:36
ertyuiyes of course15:36
blackflowertyui: make a systemd service. there's apparently issues with crontab for taht:  https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/109804/crontabs-reboot-only-works-for-root15:37
ioriaertyui, what does that script do ? and where is located exactly ? is your home folder encrypted ?15:37
ertyuijust loading iptables as user root15:39
ertyuiit in root home15:39
ertyuinot encrypted15:39
blackflowertyui: write a systemd service unit. here's an example how: https://gist.github.com/drmalex07/d006f12914b21198ee43#define-the-service-unit15:41
ioriaertyui, i'd say a path15:42
ioriaertyui,  with /sbin, i mean (not sure)15:43
ioriaertyui,  try to add a path :   PATH=/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin15:45
ertyuiok let me check15:45
ertyuithat's perfect15:53
ertyuiworks fine with systemed system15:53
pragmaticenigmaertyui: One other question, were you editing with "crontab -e" or "sudo crontab -e" ??15:59
ertyuijust crontab -e as root16:00
ertyuiwell also find the issue related with crontab16:01
ertyuias said ioria16:02
ertyuiit's related with path issue16:02
ertyuiwhere the script is located16:02
ertyuithanks all16:02
ioriaiptables is in /sbin, but cron  forcibly sets path to /usr/bin:/bin, so you need to integrate16:03
ertyuiok will done16:04
subcoolHey, looking for help. i asked this in another channel, but appearently >> I << was too CONFUSED to get a reply.16:27
leftyfb!ask | subcool16:27
ubottusubcool: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:27
subcoolI have two Nic cards, Wifi and Eth. - Wifi reaches router, Eth goes to Adhoc computer. I manually setup the adhoc on a different network, but put the Router as the gateway, The wifi network is DHCP.16:28
subcoolBeing that im CONFUSED - how do i set this up? When ever i connect the Eth cable, i lose internet.16:29
leftyfbsubcool: don't put a gateway for the wired if you're only communicating with devices on that network through that interface16:29
subcoolleftyfb, Thank you- that did it.16:30
jhutchins_wkIs ubuntu dropping 32b multiarch support, or just native 32b installs?17:00
ryuojhutchins_wk: everything.17:01
Ultroninstalled ubuntu for gaming then 32 bit libs being dropped?17:03
Ultronwhat kind of dumb move is that17:03
jhutchins_wkNo more Brother printers.17:03
lotuspsychjeUltron: this is not the complaints channel, move to #ubuntu-discuss for discussions17:03
b1ack0phow can i remove the user i created and remove the user directory?17:07
b1ack0pi did deluser username and then deluser --remove-home username17:07
b1ack0pbut directory still exists17:08
tewarddid you consider just doing `sudo rm /home/USERNAME` ?17:08
tewardand deleting the directory yourself?17:08
b1ack0pas root or as user?17:08
teward`sudo rm -r /home/USERNAME`17:08
tewardsudo will run it as root if the user is in sudoers17:08
tewardyou would need to be root to delete their user dir OR to do deluser anyways17:08
tewardor use sudo :p17:08
b1ack0pthx :)17:09
b1ack0premoved now17:09
JPSBI am trying to zero out a hard drive that I'm sending for RMA... it has a couple bad sectors, using dd but getting input/output errors. Command I'm running is sudo dd if=/dev/zero | pv | sudo dd of=/dev/sda17:16
JPSBGetting an error message of dd: writing to 'dev'sda': Input/output error  and 0 bytes copied17:17
JPSBI tried doing ATA secure erase before this however it said it was going to take 1.5 months (it's an 8 TB drive) and I couldn't do that so I had to abort it, so that may be part of the problem17:18
JPSBAny ideas?17:18
leftyfbJPSB: try shred17:18
leftyfbJPSB: https://askubuntu.com/a/1765017:18
b1ack0pin this ppa : deb https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian <mydist> contrib17:19
b1ack0pwhat should i write for <mydist>  for 18.04.2 ?17:19
JPSBWill shred take a super long time on an 8 TB disk though? I'm wondering because I read that dd and writing zeroes was faster17:19
JPSBsuper long time = months, not days17:20
leftyfbblackflow: You'll have to seek support from virtualbox.org for that17:20
b1ack0pshould i just do sudo apt install virtualbox for supported version?17:21
leftyfbb1ack0p: yes17:21
b1ack0pwill ubuntu later update it automatic?17:21
leftyfb!latest | b1ack0p17:21
ubottub1ack0p: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.17:21
b1ack0platest is 6.017:22
b1ack0pinstalling 5.2.1817:22
rfmb1ack0p, you'll get more up to date from the virtualbox.org.  the tist name is "bionic".17:23
b1ack0plet me try17:23
leftyfbrfm: I'm not sure that is a good assumption since the URL is assuming /debian17:23
JPSBleftyfb: I'm getting input/output errors using shred as well.17:24
b1ack0pwhen i write bionic there it gives error17:24
leftyfbJPSB: you will get I/O errors with any tool you use since the drive is bad17:24
b1ack0pwhat if i write ubuntu instead of debian?17:24
leftyfbb1ack0p: https://tecadmin.net/install-virtualbox-on-ubuntu-18-04/17:25
dreamcat4hey there i seem to be having a packaging dilemma. is there a channel where i can ask about apt ?17:25
leftyfbb1ack0p: or just use the version that is available in the ubuntu repos and supported here. We cannot provide support for this here.17:25
leftyfbdreamcat4: maybe try #ubuntu-devel17:25
JPSBleftyfb how can I overwrite it then? or get the tools to skip the errors?  keep in mind I was just using this in a NAS. It's not physically clicking or anything. I'm RMAing it as prevention not out of pure necessity.17:25
rfmb1ack0p, no, debian is right (it's the packaging system).  what error did you get? you need to purge the virtualbox package from the ubuntu rep before installing virtualbox-6.0 from the virtualbox.org one17:26
JPSBdisk util (gui) in lubuntu says "Disk is OK, 2 bad sectors"17:27
leftyfbJPSB: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/229354/how-to-ignore-write-errors-while-zeroing-a-disk17:27
b1ack0pjust sudo apt install virtualbox-6.017:28
b1ack0pno need ppa17:28
leftyfbb1ack0p: please follow the link I gave you17:28
b1ack0pleftyfb: N: Skipping acquire of configured file 'contrib/binary-i386/Packages' as repository 'http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian bionic InRelease' doesn't support architecture 'i386'17:31
leftyfbb1ack0p: you not going to get it working on a 32bit system. Time to get a new computer17:32
tewardb1ack0p: virtualbox only has amd64 packages, virtualization on 32bit is *dead* and has been for ages17:32
tewardtime for an upgrade if you only have a 32bit OS/computer17:32
JPSBleftyfb : Ok running badblocks on it as in article. It's on "testing with random pattern" - Thanks17:33
b1ack0pleftyfb: my computer is 64bit17:55
b1ack0pa ThinkPad17:55
leftyfbb1ack0p: type: arch17:55
b1ack0prunnin 64bit ubuntu and win10 dual boot17:55
b1ack0pleftyfb: :~$ arch17:55
b1ack0pit is a legendary ThinkPad .p17:56
b1ack0pi m a proud owner .p17:56
b1ack0pT400 11 yrs old laptop17:56
leftyfbb1ack0p: cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/virtualbox*   # paste to pastebin17:56
b1ack0pleftyfb: are we going to add to sources.list ?17:57
b1ack0pi dont wanna ruin source list :/17:57
b1ack0plast time it gave me a lot of problems17:57
leftyfbb1ack0p: didn't you already add the repo?17:57
b1ack0pcan i at least save original source list?17:57
leftyfbb1ack0p: it's a separate file from your main sources.list17:58
leftyfbb1ack0p: I'm asking you to just post the contents of the repo you added17:58
b1ack0pcat: '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/virtualbox*': No such file or directory17:58
leftyfbb1ack0p: grep -R virtualbox /etc/apt/sources*17:59
b1ack0pleftyfb: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jM2bVbCbxm/18:00
leftyfbb1ack0p: edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian bionic contrib  to deb [ arch=amd64 ] http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian bionic contrib18:03
leftyfbyou're adding [ arch=amd64 ] after "deb"18:03
b1ack0pleftyfb: done18:05
b1ack0pnow can i apply other commands ?18:05
leftyfbb1ack0p: sudo apt update ; sudo apt install virtualbox-6.018:05
b1ack0pdouble size of 518:06
b1ack0pthx leftyfb18:06
bartjeanyone familiar with supercollider here? I think I have quite a bug...18:27
lotuspsychjecan you provide a bit more details bartje ?18:28
pragmaticenigmabartje: It's better to ask your queston than to ask if anyone knows anything. volunteers are more likely to help when they have more information upfront18:28
bartjesure, the documentation in the IDE does not work.18:29
lotuspsychjebartje: wich ubuntu version, and can you elaborate on 'does not work' please?18:30
bartjepragmaticenigma: I think it's more likely a supercollider user will have experienced the same issue, and a bit of an introduction is just being friendly18:31
bartjewell, some shows up, moest doesn't, the example code does not render in the help browser18:31
bartjeI've uninstalled, re-installed, to no avail18:31
lotuspsychjebartje: so you click the example and it redirects to an empty page?18:32
bartjeno, the code should be between the blocks of text.18:32
bartjewhen selecting it and pressing shift enter, it should even play...18:33
bartjebut, no example code, and only the beginner documentation shows up18:33
lotuspsychjebartje: ubuntu 18.04?18:33
bartjeno browsing, the search entry doesn't work, no lists of classes18:33
bartjeno, it's 19.0418:33
bartjesupercollider 3.10.018:34
lotuspsychjebartje: did you compare with suppercollider from 18.04 as a test?18:34
bartjeyes, well, 18.10, where everything just worked18:34
lotuspsychjebartje: ok tnx then that sounds like a bug indeed18:34
bartjei thought maybe I can find another usere here, who might have the same issue... then it certainly is18:35
lotuspsychjebartje: i would advice to create the bug and start from there, describe your steps taken, share the bug ID here, maybe volunteers & devs might have more ideas for you18:36
bartjeok, thanks, will do :-)18:36
lotuspsychjebartje: ubuntu-bug suppercollider18:36
bartjesupper would be nice too :-)18:37
b1ack0pis installing Nero Burning Rom good idea for ubuntu?18:39
b1ack0pi still have cd/dvd burner18:39
b1ack0pand it might be nostalgia18:40
alienzis it even running on modern linux? )18:40
b1ack0pseems so but not free18:41
b1ack0pi like old laptops.. feeling nice18:41
coconutb1ack0p: i don't think a lot of people use nero here b1ack0p. They propably stick with the DE defaults.18:41
alienzor growisofs package and such18:42
b1ack0pi installed Brasero18:42
b1ack0pi have Roxio in windows18:42
b1ack0pi consider to buy a usb floppy disk later :p18:43
b1ack0pi miss the sound floppy drive makes lol18:43
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!18:43
b1ack0pok sorry lotuspsychje18:43
lotuspsychjebartje: thank you for taking your time to create bug #183375218:55
ubottubug 1833752 in supercollider (Ubuntu) "Help Browser in the SuperCollider IDE seems broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183375218:56
bartjeah, was just about to share it here.. wow, that's fast18:56
lotuspsychjebartje: your description looks pretty organized, great work18:57
bartjethanks, it's not my first ;-)18:57
lotuspsychjebartje: its a small channel, but you can try #supercollider or other 19.04 users to also affect your bug, to speed things up18:58
bartjeah, I didn't find a supercollider channel earlier.. how I see it19:00
lotuspsychjebartje: another way, is testing other ubuntu releases/ versions of supercollider yourself and also add your experiences to the bug19:03
lotuspsychjebartje: maybe 19.10's version might work better?19:03
ioriabartje, https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/issues/4392   https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/issues/436719:06
bartjeah, great, so I'm not the only one :-), I'll add there I'm affected too19:08
lotuspsychjenice find ioria19:08
ioriabartje, no solution so far19:08
iorialotuspsychje, hey19:09
bartjeI see it too, bummer...19:09
ioriabartje, if reaaly important for you, fire up a vm with bionic19:09
bartjeioria, I know, but no, I'll wait a while.. My plan was to start learning it for a new project, but I can  switch my planning :-)19:11
Forty-3is it possible to see why/who retsarted a service?19:13
lotuspsychjebartje: are you on studio?19:13
ioriaprobably, using low-latency19:14
lotuspsychjeah tnx ioria was comparing disco kernel19:14
sarnoldForty-3: maybe grep sudo /var/log/auth.log ?19:14
Forty-3nothing there19:15
Forty-3journalctl just says "Stopping Network Service"19:15
bartjelotuspsychje: yes, I came from there to here, on their advice :-)19:17
lotuspsychjebartje: ok tnx, did you check if system up to date too?19:18
bartjesystem up to date? You mean running updates, yes, daily19:19
bartjeI update/upgrade too often sometimes :-p19:20
lotuspsychjebartje: these are my dependencys on 18.04 when installing supercollider: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WYCQCTB4vs/19:31
lotuspsychjebartje: did you try a purge and reinstall yet?19:34
bartjelotuspsychje: yes, even deleted the .local/share/supercollider dir..19:35
lotuspsychjebartje: ok tnx, update your bug with that too please19:35
lotuspsychjebartje: just tested on 18.04 and cant reproduce, tutorial/getting started works here19:44
bartjeyes, that one does work, but without code examples19:44
bartjedocumentation indexes are empty though19:45
bartjeupdated the report :-)19:45
bartjeyour dependencies are installed here, though with newer versions of course19:46
bartjeI noticed, dutch speaking too :-)19:46
lotuspsychjebartje: https://imgur.com/a/2eAPerT19:46
lotuspsychjebartje: am i in the right section?19:47
bartjeyep, when I click on one of the items, documents, classes, whatever, that shows an empty doclet, only the title shows19:48
bartjeI thought I addes a png in attachment in the bug report.. don't see it now19:48
lotuspsychjebartje: left under, add patch or attachment19:48
bartjeyes, but when creating it, I did upload it.. let's try again :-p19:49
bartjethis is what I see after clicking documents from your image19:50
lotuspsychjebartje: https://imgur.com/a/vLYduwa19:51
bartjeyep, that's what it should be19:52
lotuspsychjebartje: ok, updated bug and thats about all we can do right now i think, finding more 19.04 affected users is your best bet19:55
bartjeI think the bug report on github will result in something, it is known by the supercollider dev's.. fingers crossed19:56
lotuspsychjeok good luck bartje ; )19:56
bartjethanks for the help :-)19:56
=== SirNate2 is now known as SirNate
apb196316.04: 100% CPU; libreoffice; perf report: https://snag.gy/3RKyF8.jpg20:35
sarnoldapb1963: which kernel is that?20:38
apb1963sarnold, Linux yellow 4.15.0-52-generic #56~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 6 12:03:31 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux20:39
sarnoldapb1963: hmm. can you try an earlier kernel?20:41
apb1963sarnold, Earlier is worse; swapper gets involved.20:41
sarnoldapb1963: 4.15.0-51.55 should be identical except for the SACK updates that were in 4.15.0-52.5620:47
sarnoldI'm trying to guess if these are related or not20:47
tomreynhow is it reproduced in libreoffice - just run it, or more? and is this kubuntu or a different flavour? can you reproduce it with a new user profile?20:48
apb1963sarnold, https://pasteboard.co/Ikuwputg.png from yesterday20:48
apb1963tomreyn, just run it. ubuntu 16.04  I don't know how to new user profile.20:49
sarnoldapb1963: dang. thanks.20:49
tomreynapb1963: i mean create a new system user and login as that instead, try to reproduce it there.20:49
tomreyn'profile' was just wrong20:50
apb1963tomreyn, I have not tried that20:50
apb1963tomreyn, some possibilities I also haven't tried... I have a spreadsheet that needs macros enabled.20:50
apb1963tomreyn, so I have not tried disabling it20:50
apb1963tomreyn, I also have quite a few docs open... maybe 20?20:51
apb1963tomreyn, I have not tried closing them20:51
tomreynso you do open a lot of documents in libreoffe, including one running macros, not just run libreoffice?20:51
apb1963tomreyn, Yes, they open automagically after having crashed or been killed from the last time.20:52
tomreyni see what you mean.20:52
apb1963tomreyn, which I like.... because otherwise I'd lose certain docs I haven't saved.  Got about half a dozen of those.20:53
tomreynyes, try without the macros. if those are buggy or scripting is not working properly this could effectively cause a SoS20:53
apb1963tomreyn, I wish it acted more like firefox, which restores all tabs/windows after exit/restart.20:53
apb1963ok...  I'll kill it and restart without enabling macros.  brb20:54
tomreynfeature requests are best posted to the libreoffice bug tracker, i guess. ;)20:54
supermagHello, anyone familiar with CA modules here ?20:55
tomreynis this ubuntu related?20:55
supermagI have installed Kodi + tvheadend, but cannot get any of my tv channels to descramble20:56
tomreynoh this is about digital video broadcasting (DVB)?20:56
apb1963tomreyn, ok, it's not the macros.  454500 resident memory, so that implies the number of docs open isn't the issue either.20:57
apb1963tomreyn, would a gdb backtrace be of help?20:58
tomreynapb1963: maybe. have you looked at dmesg or libreoffice logs (not sure there are any)?20:59
apb1963tomreyn, .... not lately.20:59
apb1963hang on, let me go look20:59
apb1963tomreyn, I'm not seeing anything in dmesg.  Where are LO logs?21:00
apb1963s/anything/anything that stands out/21:01
apb1963tomreyn, I'm going to install  libreoffice-dbg21:03
tomreynapb1963: just a word of warning: this can alter the behaviour.21:04
apb1963tomreyn, well then... what would you suggest otherwise?21:04
tomreynapb1963: give it a try, i'm just pointing it out in case you won't be able to reproduce then, or your system freezes due to your swap running full.21:06
apb1963"system freezes" shouldn't be an option, regardless of swap.21:08
tomreynso basically: do it, but save your work before you do it.21:08
tomreynnot really freezing, just becoming i/o loaded to a point where the system has a hard time responding to user input.21:08
apb1963well I get that anyway when flash gets involved.21:09
apb1963which isn't LO of course, but... I think there's some interaction going on.21:09
tomreynthe first thing you should do before you go into debugging / gdb should be to just check your system and application logs.21:09
apb1963flush plugin hits 100% or more almost immediately21:10
sarnoldtomreyn: hmm, installing a debug package shouldn't change runtime behaviour, just give more symbols to gdb and similar21:10
apb1963syslog is full of systemd messages... tons.  Not sure, but I don't think they're relevant.21:11
apb1963sarnold, "shouldn't" is a key word.  Heh.  I've seen it happen though.21:12
tomreynsarnold: running in debug rather than release mode could, though, no?21:12
apb1963maybe I'll start LO from the command line21:14
apb1963see if that produces any obvious error messages21:14
tomreynah i was thinking of cmake + RelWithDebInfo, which is actually something very different, and probably doesn't apply to libreoffice.21:15
tomreynapb1963: starting soffice from a terminal is a good plan, also feel free to share your system logs if you don't mind it.21:16
apb1963tomreyn, working on it21:24
=== gdb_ is now known as gdb
tomreynhere's how you can get a one-shot trace on the main process (but only for the first 'soffice.bin' process, make sure you don't have multiple: pidof soffice.bin):   sudo gdb -q -n -ex bt -batch /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin `pidof soffice.bin | head -n1` | tee /tmp/libreoffice.log21:32
TJ-Sounds intriguing; what is the original issue ?21:33
apb1963tomreyn, thanks for that!  I've actually been working on trying to upload the syslog file.  It's 2MB and none of dropbox, google drive or mega.nz seem to be working.21:33
tomreynreplace 'bt' by 'thread apply all bt full' to get the same for all threads21:33
apb1963TJ-, 16.04: 100% CPU; libreoffice; perf report: https://snag.gy/3RKyF8.jpg21:34
apb1963tomreyn, there seems to be a node at 100% packet loss, between myself and google drive... haven't checked the others.  File won't upload to any of them... yet.21:34
TJ-I don't know what it is with all thes trendy paste sites but they don't host their own vital code and therefore I see nothing.21:35
apb1963trendy... heh.  TJ- where do you want the file?21:36
tomreynapb1963: 2 MB is probably too much for a paste site, you'll need a file upload site or your own (or ISP provided, maybe as part of your existing contract?) web server.21:36
apb1963tomreyn, thanks for that!  I've actually been working on trying to upload the syslog file.  It's 2MB and none of dropbox, google drive or mega.nz seem to be working.21:36
tomreynthat's most unusual, points to an issue with your network access.21:37
TJ-apb1963: "pastebinit <( journalctl -b --since="1 hour ago" )"21:37
tomreyncan 16.04's journalctl do this, yet?21:37
tomreynwell, we'll know soon21:37
TJ-tomreyn: :)21:38
apb1963traceroute to drive.google.com  https://pastebin.com/d1aLd7nN21:38
tomreynthis traceroute shows no issues.21:39
apb1963TJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yYj5ZMM73f/21:39
apb1963tomreyn, check the ping21:40
TJ-tomreyn: in answer to your question; Yes21:40
apb1963tomreyn, sorry... left the ping out  https://pastebin.com/CdVbyt0821:41
apb1963s/ping/ping results/21:41
tomreynTJ-: :)21:41
TJ-apb1963: do you have systemd verbose logging enabled? that looks like more than the usual expected reporting21:42
apb1963but I guess the network issue isn't relevant to current problem21:42
apb1963TJ-, I do not recall doing anything special, but yes.. I thought it was rather verbose myself.21:42
tomreynapb1963: not every system on the internet is configured to respond to ICMP echo requests.21:43
tomreynindeed, ignore the upload issues for now21:44
TJ-hmmm, "var.mount: Failed to load configuration: No such file or directory"  and "var-tmp.mount: Failed to load configuration: No such file or directory"21:44
TJ-apb1963: can you show us "cat /proc/cmdline"21:44
apb1963TJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Kz5CgXYdGk/21:44
apb1963TJ-, that's the config file for systemd21:44
apb1963TJ-, BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-52-generic root=UUID=d0197578-558f-43c8-97f8-f78165a5af5f ro console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8 debug21:45
apb1963tomreyn, true enough21:46
apb1963tomreyn, but when the file won't upload...21:46
apb1963tomreyn, and that's the sole point of loss.... it makes you wonder.21:46
tomreynis there a reason you need to boot with "debug" then?21:47
TJ-apb1963: ha! that'll do it, systemd *steals* that from kernel and uses it itself; if you want kernel debug logging and not systemd you have to do "debug systemd.log_level=info"21:47
TJ-apb1963: the missing mount jobs for /var and /mnt/var are weird/worrying too21:47
TJ-I reported a bug on this systemd stealing because the amount of output can cause boots to fail entirely21:48
tomreyni withdraw my question21:49
blackflowthat issue has been reported long ago, and is the reason Kai Sievers has been banned from contributing to the kernel.... don't tell me it's still an issue?21:49
apb1963well, /var/exists and /mnt/* is irrelevant to me at least.21:49
TJ-Bug #158939421:49
ubottubug 1589394 in systemd (Ubuntu) ""debug" kernel parameter causes "No buffer space available" Denial of Service" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158939421:49
apb1963tomreyn, :)21:49
tomreynapb1963: so can you still reproduce it with "debug systemd.log_level=info" or without "debug"?21:50
TJ-the issue may be due to system debiug logging overwhelming things21:51
apb1963tomreyn, I don't know... that would require rebooting... and... I'd have to leave all of you here... alone in the dark with each other.21:51
TJ-apb1963: we may have to reset the 'smart' GE lightbulbs21:51
tomreyni guess we could stand that for a bit21:51
apb1963well... first thing is... which file?  I can guess at it.21:51
apb1963I think I found it :)21:52
tomreyn /etc/default/grub21:53
tomreynthe same file you edited last time to add it.21:53
tomreynand run    sudo update-grub   afterwards21:53
apb1963# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update21:55
apb1963# /boot/grub/grub.cfg.  ha!  I was editing that file directly.  I guessed wrong.21:55
apb1963GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="debug systemd.log_level=info"21:56
apb1963  Yes?21:56
TJ-apb1963: if you want kernel debug logging, yes21:57
apb1963TJ-, do I?21:57
apb1963And is it update-grub or update-grub2?21:58
tomreynapb1963: update-grub, as both the configuration file and tomreyn said ;-)21:59
tomreynapb1963: you added "debug" there originally, we do not know what your motives were then.22:00
TJ-I struggle to remember a time before grub2 being just "grub"22:00
TJ-tomreyn: trying to break the system and give us a challenge!22:00
apb1963tomreyn, with this type of issue, I prefer to be cautious22:00
apb1963tomreyn, yeah... typically I add a comment when I make a change as well as make a backup beforehand... I see neither.22:01
apb1963tomreyn, just too many "little things" to remember, especially when I rarely ever do them.22:01
apb1963ok, all grubbed up.... rebooting shortly22:02
apb1963TJ-, tomreyn No tiki no savvi22:14
tomreynapb1963: i don't understand "No tiki no savvi". The pasteboard.co page says "image not found" for me.22:16
tomreynprobably some anti anti anti anti ad-blocker mechanism.22:17
apb1963tomreyn, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rikki-Tikki-Tavi22:18
apb1963TJ-, what site should I use?22:18
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:18
=== SirNate is now known as signalsout
apb1963TJ-, https://imgur.com/a/JA5KTfJ22:20
TJ-apb1963: have you tried tomreyn's eariler suggestion? create a clean new user profile, log-in to it, and start libreoffice and test. That'll show if it is a per-user option or something system-wide causing it22:24
apb1963TJ-, Here's swapper, doing a whole lot of nothing.  https://imgur.com/a/SIgoLGF22:24
apb1963TJ-, I'll go re-login as a guest.22:25
tomreynapb1963: guest will probably not work, you'll need a real user account and copy the data you need to reproduce (probably ~/.config/libreoffice) to it.22:27
trash_pandabig fan of Ubuntu and Mint.  I just found this channel22:28
trash_pandaCurrently on Ubuntu LTS bc its awesome and has great support, happy to see a community on IRC too22:28
apb1963tomreyn, hmm... ok.  This will be a minute.22:29
TJ-tomreyn: why copy ? is this because the cause is thought to be a specific LO extension? I wanted to check that standard LO isn't affected22:29
TJ-apb1963: it's easy "adduser test"  -> log-out -> log-in as test -> start LibreOffice22:30
TJ-well, "sudo adduser test"22:30
Bashing-omtrash_panda: Wonderful :) .. support here, general chat is #ubuntu-offtopic.22:30
tomreynTJ-: oh i see. i doubt standard LO is affected. reproduction scenario discussed so far was: "I have a spreadsheet that needs macros enabled. I also have quite a few docs open... maybe 20. [..] They open automagically after having crashed or been killed from the last time."22:32
TJ-tomreyn: so that would suggest 1 of 2 strategies; either 1) close 1 document at a time, close LO, restart with 1 less document, or 2) start with no documents loaded, add 1, test, close LO, restart and add another doc22:34
TJ-tomreyn: or, isn't it possible to just disable macros in LO?22:34
tomreynTJ-: IIRC apb1963 already disabled macros and could still reproduce it.22:35
tomreynabout the test approach, i agree22:35
apb1963TJ-, He recalls correctly22:36
apb1963ok, here goes nothing.22:36
TJ-hmmm, how were macros disabled? LO > Tools > Options > Security > Security Level ?22:37
TJ-oops, missed a stage there22:38
TJ-LO > Tools > Options > Security > Macro Security > Security Level ?22:38
ikantspelwrdzHey guys. Does anyone have Resynthesizer working on Gip 2.10.8. I've looked around an in theory, it should work but it is not showing up in the GUI menus under enhance?22:41
apb1963well, I tried opening LO without any files...  load was about normal... less than 122:42
apb1963as a new login id22:42
apb1963so I guess I'm down to opening one file at a time22:43
apb1963TJ-, tomreyn thanks for your help guys but I need a food break.  Pick this up again later?22:45
=== saint__ is now known as saint_

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