
OvenWerksteward: wrt subprocess.run, It doesn't do what I want it to do when I would have in the past used a command line with & at the end (works with shell=True of course but we don't want that)03:16
tewardif you're trying to fork something into the background that can cause a problem03:17
tewardOvenWerks: the other option is to just straight string call it but that's... not the best option either.  You could ask sarnold's opinion03:17
tewardright now i'm heading to bed i'm tired03:17
OvenWerksteward: we have some "convenience" buttons that start things like a mixer03:17
tewardgood night.03:17
OvenWerksI'll keep looking03:18
tewardOvenWerks: we can revert that bit, if yuo really want it included in the NEW version, you or Eickmeyer can ask vorlon in #ubuntu-release to reject the upload on those grounds.03:18
tewardbut that's your guys call.03:18
* teward needs sleep. <off>03:18
OvenWerkssubprocess.Popen(["/bin/mycmd", "myarg"]).pid did the trick.03:29
tewardeesh popen's a low level operation but yeah...13:56
tewardthat can be headachey13:56
tewardjust tread lightly :p13:57
tewardOvenWerks: if you need me to reupload let me know13:57
tewardI asked AAs to NACK the package that WAS uploaded because of this bug14:03
tewardEickmeyer: OvenWerks: ***Test the hell out of this as is - no additional changes*** before I consider it ready for sponsoring again.14:03
tewardno additioanl changes except bugfixes*14:44
OvenWerksteward: "the package" so far as I know ubuntustudio-menu-add was ok as of yesterday about noon. After that I started working on ubuntustudio-controls to remove all shell=True14:54
studiobot<teward001> @ovenWerks are you saying that the subprocess.Popen call was not needed?14:55
studiobot<teward001> it sounded from your messages that the subprocess.run was not behaving right14:55
studiobot<teward001> and for some cases it probably won't14:55
studiobot<teward001> but i need to know specifically (because your statements were unclear) as to the state of that package.14:55
OvenWerksteward: so all comments after about 12:30 (probably 1530 your time) are in reguard to -controls14:55
studiobot<teward001> ack14:55
studiobot<teward001> OK14:55
studiobot<teward001> i wasn't sure ;)14:55
studiobot<teward001> but i'll RESPONSOR this and ask seb to review it, then apologize to the AAs for the confusion14:56
OvenWerksThere have been no changes to menu-add14:56
tewardEickmeyer: there was another two packages on the radar, weren't there?14:56
tewardthat you bugged me about14:56
Eickmeyerteward: Yes, dpf-plugins and pulseeffects (though that one isn't mine, just wanted to get the ball rolling for the dev).14:59
tewarddpf-plugins *is* yours though yes?14:59
Eickmeyerteward: Well, I didn't write it, but I did the packaging.15:00
studiobot<teward001> well we can say the same for ubuntustudio-menu-add too ;)15:03
studiobot<teward001> but i mean it had your bootprints in it :P15:04
tewardEickmeyer: link me that dpf-plugins bug again here please?15:04
tewardand sorry for switching between TG and IRC like i'm bouncing between things :p15:04
Eickmeyerteward: Standby...15:08
Eickmeyerteward: bug 182956215:11
ubottubug 1829562 in Ubuntu Studio "[Needs Packaging] DPF-Plugins for Eoan" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182956215:11
tewardsarnold: you around?19:16
teward(I know the answer lol)19:16
sarnoldteward: pong19:16
tewardsarnold: teach Eickmeyer how to have the same version of a package in multiple releases per Security Patch Prep guidelines for version strings19:16
teward3.0 in Eoan19:16
tewardcan't be 3.0 in Disco19:16
tewardiut needs to be 3.0~0ubuntu0.18.10.1 etc.19:17
sarnoldhere's the table the security team uses https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdatePreparation#Packaging19:17
sarnoldprobably not-security-people have different rules but this should be pretty good to give the flavour of how it works :)19:17
tewardsarnold: and for native packages without debrevs?19:17
tewardin this case its' ubuntustudio-installer that is a bare version string19:17
tewardand how that'd affect Eoan too19:18
tewardAIUI you'd have to 'decrement' it in lower releases19:18
tewardbut i usually avoid native packages :)19:18
sarnolddisco: 0.02, Pocket: release, Component: universe19:18
sarnoldeoan: 0.04, Pocket: release, Component: universe19:18
tewardsarnold: yep19:18
tewardSRU request to 0.04 -> disco19:18
tewardbut sec team kinda sets guidelines on the v strings :)19:18
tewardAH DAMN19:19
tewardjust spilled my coffee over me >.<19:19
tewardsarnold: how would the bare versions be handled for 'backports' direct19:20
tewardnot sure how SRU would handle that but from a version string side I see it being a problem19:20
sarnold~18.04.1, ~18.10.1, etc probably19:21
tewardyeah that's what i was going to say19:21
tewardbecause 0.04~19.04.1 < 0.0419:21
Eickmeyersarnold: Should I make it 0.04~19.04.1?19:21
EickmeyerOh, nm.19:21
tewardfor a disco sru you probably would need to yes.19:21
tewardASSUMING 0.04 is already in Eoan19:21
EickmeyerWell, it's a native package, so that's an issue.19:21
Eickmeyer0.04 is already in eoan. Uploaded it myself.19:22
sarnoldand I don't know if the sru team would want an 'ubuntu' in there, or if this package exists only in ubuntu, if it's alright to skip it19:22
tewardyeah this is one of those edge cases that I don't see coming up much19:22
EickmeyerPackage exists only in Ubuntu.19:22
EickmeyerCompletely native, not intended for Debian under any circumstance.19:22
Eickmeyersarnold: If I put 0.04~19.04.1 since it's native, would that work?19:24
tewardit should, native or not it's merely how dpkg pays attention to what version is where and such I think19:24
tewardbut that's probably something SRU might balk at19:24
tewardnot sure19:25
EickmeyerNot the first time we've SRU'd something native. 19:25
sarnoldI don't have a whole lot of experience with sru rules, but that version number would at least keep dpkg happy :)19:26
tewardand wouldn't be rejected by the upload system19:26
Eickmeyersarnold, teward: For example, the version of ubuntustudio-controls initially included in disco was 1.7. The SRU'd version is 1.7.1. So, what would happen if I made the SRU for ubuntustudio-installer 0.03? That hasn't been used yet.19:28
sarnolddid launchpad ever see a version 0.03?19:28
sarnoldlaunchpad won't let you reuse version numbers19:28
Eickmeyersarnold: Oh, yes, you're right, it probably did see 0.03. So, if I used the ~19.04.1 suffix, that would do the trick?19:29
tewardyes, it would19:29
Eickmeyerok. I'll do that.19:29
tewardEickmeyer: 0.04 > 0.04~19.04.1 > 0.04~18.10.1 > ...19:30
EickmeyerI see.19:30
tewardwhich is a dpkg-ism with how ~ behaves in the string :)19:30
* Eickmeyer will work on this when he gets back from some minor grocery shopping19:30
EickmeyerOvenWerks: <seb128> teward, Eickmeyer, looking to ubuntustudio-menu-add there is no COPYING file nor mention of copyright holder or license outside of the debian dir, that seems suboptimal20:58
OvenWerkscopyright ubuntustudio 2019, gpl2+21:32
OvenWerks(According to the about box)21:33
EickmeyerOvenWerks: seb128 is referring to a /COPYING file and a /LICENSE file.21:33
EickmeyerThough, this has never been a requirement for any of our other native packages, so I'm willing to appeal this one.21:34
OvenWerksYeah, I have no idea how to create these.21:34
OvenWerkswhat format they should be etc.21:34
EickmeyerI'm not 100% sure on that one. I think the /LICENSE file just needs to contain the entire text of GPL2.21:35
OvenWerks-controls has a COPYING file21:35
OvenWerksin -controls the COPYING file has that21:36
EickmeyerOk, then just copy the COPYING file and that should do it.21:36
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Want me to do that?21:40
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Nm, put all of that in. I'll let teward know it's done.21:47
EickmeyerDone. teward: new upload ready.21:49

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