[00:41] Just bought a motorola moto e4. This is the first cell phone I have ever used, so I don't know much about them. Is it possible to access the internet on my cellphone via my xubuntu 18.04 desktop comp with a direct usb connection? I have a plugables adapter which works when I plug it into the cellphone and then into my cable modem/router via lan. But this drains the battery fast. I would like to access the internet on my phone while at [00:41] the same time charging the battery. (I can charge the battery and access the net on my phone via wifi from my modem/router, but prefer not to use wifi if possible). [00:41] I have installed mtp-tools and jmtpfs. When I plug the phone into my xubuntu 18.04 desktop, an icon for moto e4 appears on the desktop. I swipe down from the top on my phone and there is written "USB for file transfer" (Other options are "charge this device" , "transfer photos" and "use device as midi" . I have selected "use for file transfer" but still have no internet on the phone. Can anyone help? Please note I am not very expert [00:41] with linux, so don't assume too much knowledge on my part. [00:41] Update: I enabled usb tethering on my phone and it now says the phone is tethered, but I still have no internet access on phone. Is there a setting in xubuntu 18.04 that must be changed? [00:41] Update 2: There is a connection for the moto e4 listed in the notification area network icon on my 18.04 desktop. It appears to be working, but have no internet access on the phone. Perhaps it is going the other way, ie the phone is trying to provide internet access to the computer? (which I don't want). Downloaded root checker on my phone and it says phone is not rooted. Is it necessary to root phone to enable reverse tethering? [01:03] help [01:03] i cant install linux in my pc with a mother board msi === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [03:11] hello [03:11] oke [03:12] hello everyone [11:12] Hello, right now i'm installing xubuntu along side win8 [11:12] However .. xD it didn't ask me about the partition i'm gonna use? [11:13] Also i left some unlocated space [11:13] Would it detect that automatically or did i do a mistake somewhere? [11:15] Hello~ [11:15] hi [11:16] Well i had a question about installing xubuntu along side windows 8 [11:17] Can you help me? [11:17] !ask [11:17] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience === GridCube_ is now known as GridCube