
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest50393
=== Guest50393 is now known as xpkill24
HunhowI’ve installed an 8Gb RAM stick which BIOS registers but Lubuntu only registers around 502:05
HunhowHardInfo states 6094884KiB02:06
dzhois some shared with an onboard graphics card?02:07
HunhowIt’s an APU. Not sure how it would be sharing though.02:08
HunhowJust made this install.02:09
HunhowInstalled generic graphics drivers but this was an issue before that.02:09
HunhowI can’t get to GRUB03:47
lubot<tsimonq2> @Hunhow [<Hunhow> I can’t get to GRUB], Boot-Repair by Yannubuntu04:21
lubot<tsimonq2> There's some spooky weird magical encantation in there but it works EVERY. TIME.04:22
hajthemis there anyone here?04:59
guiverchajthem, do you have a question?05:18
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest83660
HunhowHow do I check if I installed 32 bit because I think that’s my RAM issue since Virtualbox only shows 32 bit systems.14:16
diogenes_run: arch14:17
Hunhowx86_64 is 32 bit isn’t it14:17
diogenes_and virtualbox shows 32 bit only if virtualization is disabled in bios.14:17
diogenes_x86_64 is 64 bit14:18
diogenes_X86 is 3214:18
HunhowHm.. yeah Lubuntu doesn’t register 2Gb of my ram. I have 8 installed but Hardinfo shows 6Gb and Htop shows 5.8114:19
HunhowBIOS registers all 814:20
diogenes_inxi -m in terminal14:22
Hunhow5.81Gb total14:23
diogenes_then it's ok.14:24
HunhowShows that in Dimm2 there is 8Gb14:24
=== dan_ is now known as Guest50994

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