
bulldog68hi, i need a little help with content snap - when am trying to connect consumer snap plug to provider snap slot i get this error :- error: snap "core" has no "content" interface slots05:59
jameshbulldog68: what command are you executing when you get that error?06:30
bulldog68jamesh snap connect webengine-app:webengine51306:31
jameshbulldog68: if you only pass one argument to "snap connect", it will assume you are trying to connect to a slot on the "core" snap06:31
jameshwhat is the other snap you want to connect to?06:32
bulldog68webengine513 is name of provider snap06:32
jameshyou want to run something like "snap connect snap1:plug snap2:slot"06:32
bulldog68oh let me try :)06:33
jameshokay.  You need to specify the names of the plugs and slots you want to connect06:33
bulldog68am connected but i don't want  users to do this command line stuff manually06:36
bulldog68jamesh am connected but i don't want  users to do this command line stuff manually07:00
jameshbulldog68: in general, they shouldn't have to07:00
bulldog68okay thanks :]07:01
jameshbulldog68: if you're the publisher for both the plug and slot snaps, snapd should automatically perform the connection if the snaps are installed from the store (i.e. not from local files with "snap install --dangerous")07:01
jameshIf you need autoconnection in cases where they have different publishers, you can ask on the forum for a store assertion to be created07:02
jameshthis is what e.g. allows snapd to automatically connect apps to the gtk-common-themes snap07:02
bulldog68i have many snaps in store but content interface is new for me07:03
bulldog68one more question, i have desktop-gtk3 in my provider snap and i want lauch my app using desktop-launch in consumer snap how we do that ?07:03
jameshit doesn't happen automatically for snaps with different publishers because it can allow the slot snap to have code executed in the context of the plug snap07:03
bulldog68jamesh what am trying to do is package my qt binary in one snap (consumer) and the runtime/libs etc in provider snap07:05
bulldog68both snaps are mine and am testing them locally on my machine07:06
jameshbulldog68: I don't know if there is a simple answer to that: you could probably modify the script to work with the locations you mount things into on the plug side though.07:06
jameshbulldog68: that's basically what happens for snaps using desktop-gnome-platform07:07
bulldog68in the plug side i added target: $SNAP/webengine513 but after connecting the directory wont appear in the plug snap07:08
bulldog68in slot side i have read:  - $SNAP07:09
jameshbulldog68: the mount only happens within the snap's mount namespace: you won't see anything from a host system shell07:10
jameshtry doing "snap run --shell webengine-app" and then look in $SNAP/webengine51307:10
jamesh(this starts a shell within the sandbox of the named snap application07:11
bulldog68okay let me chk07:11
bulldog68yes i can see things there07:15

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