
delacOerHeks I just prefer Synaptic. And this os has both unity and kde installed.00:05
valoriedelac: if you need to, because you love some gnome apps, go for it00:05
valorieyou mean unity and plasma/kwin, or ?00:05
delacso you are saying there is no side effects?00:05
valoriejust a bunch of gtk libraries etc00:06
valoriethere may be side-effects00:06
delacwell, they area already installed00:06
valoriedepending on the system00:06
delacit's ubuntu with unity and kde desktops00:06
valorieit's been years since I used synaptic00:07
valorieever since muon got good, I used that00:07
valorienow that Discover is good, I use that00:07
delacI still find it the best00:07
valorieor just apt00:07
valorieit's all just tools00:07
valorieuse what you like00:07
delacI will ;)00:08
valoriedelac: if you are still running unity, this must be an older system?00:08
delacubuntu 19.0400:08
* valorie is running 19.04, the current00:08
valorieinteresting, so unity is still working for ya?00:08
delacunity is still installed default on ubuntu00:08
delacsure, gnome is the default desktop00:09
valorienot for a ~couple of years00:09
delacbut unity still hangs in there00:09
delacbut about the side-effects if I run unity-settings-daemon on kde... anyone know of any?00:12
valorieI don't -- but the plasma devels work pretty hard to make everything work (especially settings and themes, etc.) while running everywhere00:13
delacwell, you still need to close any gtk3 apps if you want the theme to be applied00:15
delacand for root programs even that wont help00:15
luchobuenas noches alguien de bariloche?00:15
valoriedelac: lots of work behind the scenes on the gnome and kde side to make things work00:16
valoriesince people have favorite tools they want to work everywhere00:16
valorieour devels go to their sprints sometimes and vice-versa00:17
delacI did find xsettings-kde daemon on github, but there hasn't been any real development on it since 201600:19
valorieyeah, not much point working on X exclusively any more00:20
valorieit's all wayland, and if it works on xwayland, great00:20
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ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw01:38
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lordievaderGood morning06:16
TomyWorkcan i somehow tell kubuntu 18.04 not to have both LAN and WLAN connected at the same time?07:36
TomyWorki feel like that should be the default anyway, but it keeps happening07:37
lordievaderThat is typically a bios setting.07:46
TomyWorkthat statement makes no sense07:47
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lordievaderHave you checked your bios? There is typically a setting that turns the wifi off when an ethernet cable is connected.08:17
TomyWorkthat sounds like a workaround08:20
TomyWorkiff it exists08:20
TomyWorkand it would bar me from using things like wifi direct without first booting into the bios08:21
TomyWork(while an ethernet cable is connected, anyway)08:21
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BluesKajHi folks12:23
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IrcsomeBot<bauchhaus> I've got a dual boot computer with a destroyed windows partition, which I want to reinstall without destroying the linux. How do I need to proceed? (I already did a full backup)14:13
BluesKaj!dual boot14:24
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot14:24
BluesKajbauchhaus ^14:24
Thr0rHi! I have Kubuntu 19,04 with Plasma 5.16.1 and 4 Virtual desktops. Works fine. But I cannot edit the name of the desktops - they are just named "New Desktop" all, not able to edit that. Is it supposed to be like that now? On the older version I can edit it..14:29
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> They are editable. Just hover and click the rename button14:37
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> (Photo, 592x514) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/qIwfGxu5/file_16123.jpg14:37
Thr0rHah! wow  - I found the hidden rename button now yes - thanks, Maybe it's my theme/color that hides it - I will check that. Thanks14:39
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q8DI am having issues with managing my monitors and the way the window manager forces a default size for discord. If I fullscreen it on my 2nd monitor that I have rotated, discord will either have overhang onto my 2nd monitor or it will stretch beyond my monitor on the other side. I've tried20:08
q8Dwindows actions but that doesnt fix the problem20:09
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valorieq8D: there are kwin rules "per application" -- don't know much about discord, and it's not KDE software21:35
valoriebut those special rules might still help21:36
q8Dvalorie: thanks, I will check it out :D21:48
sloshyon kde 5.12 theres a problem with blurry text on the icon labels on the desktop folder view23:55
sloshyis there a workaround for this23:55
sloshyits weird that kubuntu lts happens to use the buggiest version of kde23:58
sloshymight as well just install neon23:58
OerHeksseems like you selected that folder in your live session, other 2 are more clear23:58
sloshyit only affects icons that are in certain positions on the desktop23:59
sloshyif it was selected then it would have a blue rectangle around it23:59

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