
kc2bez@teward001 I ran a build of Cala in stable and that went fine too.00:39
lubot<HMollerCl> https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2019/06/is-ubuntu-not-dropping-32-bit-app-support-after-all01:00
lubot<HMollerCl> Rumors..01:01
kc2bezThe situation is pretty fluid obviously. 01:03
lubot<teward001> @kc2bez [<kc2bez> @teward001 I ran a build of Cala in stable and that went fine too.], so it didn't error on a phab HTTPS issue?01:51
kc2bezcorrect. It had previously.01:52
lubot<teward001> right, then I took a welder and welded in an internal CA cert local to ONLY the Lubuntu infrastructure into the trusted CA certs.01:53
lubot<teward001> INTERNALLY the HTTPS certs are all from the internal CA that is being used here01:53
lubot<teward001> but ONLY internally.01:53
lubot<teward001> and they're trusted.01:53
lubot<teward001> we'll have to do something similar for Lugito but01:53
lubot<teward001> it should then 'just work' internally01:53
lubot<teward001> yep.01:54
lubot<teward001> it's nice that i know my way around OpenSSL and the x509 command lol01:54
kc2bezIndeed. Thanks for your work on that.01:56
tewardnot that hard02:00
tewardesp. when you start rolling a GUI client (XCA has its uses lol)02:00
=== popey__ is now known as popey
guiverc2screenfetch:  on a 'live' daily screenfetch reports DE as LXDE, but on my installed (primary) system it's reporting as LXQt - why would it be different?  (1798364 bug)  ; unimportant but if anyone knows they can put me out of my misery09:03
guiverc2fyi:  i'm not asking for anyone to look, just if you know off the top of your head09:13
guiverc2qa-test: opening all menu items in ACCESSORIES - when I got to QtPass it reported error, "GnuPG not found \n Install gpg using your favorite package manager or download it from GnuPG.org"   (I'm ignoring, noting only in comments, let me know if lp.bug.report is needed)10:51
lubot<kc2bez> There is a bug for that already. I don't have it handy here on my phone though.10:52
guiverc2not a problem, I'll find it, THANKS kc2bez 10:53
ubot93Ubottu bug 1829693 in qtpass (Ubuntu) "Lubuntu Daily ISO (May 19) QtPass error GnuPG not found" [Undecided, Confirmed]10:54
lubot<kc2bez> There it is^. Thanks guiverc10:55
lubot<tsimonq2> Congratulations to @N0um3n0 for becoming an official member of the Lubuntu project!17:26
teward@tsimonq2 fix invitations on the irc channel for members17:27
lubot<kc2bez> Congratulations @N0um3n017:27
lubot<tsimonq2> @teward [<teward> @tsimonq2 fix invitations on the irc channel for members], You mean that channel that totally doesn't exist πŸ˜‰17:28
lubot<N0um3n0> @kc2bez [Congratulations @N0um3n0], Thanks !!!17:32
lubot<N0um3n0> @tsimonq2 [Congratulations to @N0um3n0 for becoming an official member of the Lubuntu proje …], πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘17:32
wxlaw man! https://blog.ubuntu.com/2019/06/24/statement-on-32-bit-i386-packages-for-ubuntu-19-10-and-20-04-lts17:34
lubot<kc2bez> I was just reading that.17:34
lubot<lynorian> I kind of wish stuff would all be ported to 64 bit so that apt update would run faster not having to hit the server for 32 bit17:47
wxltl;dr we're being held back by the fact that gamers are lazy sods17:50
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> Game developers17:50
wxli'm considering game developers as gamers themselves (fairly safe bet), but also those gamers that are not developers that insist on playing super old games17:51
wxlwith that logic we should bring back VAX!17:52
lubot<lynorian> I am partial to baldur's gate myself17:53
lubot<HMollerCl> @lynorian [I kind of wish stuff would all be ported to 64 bit so that apt update would run …], Silly question, maybe i386 support could be added on the demand? I agree most people won't use it, but some will, even for playing old games (civilization 4 in my case).17:53
wxlif it's offered at all, it requires testing, so blah17:54
wxlit's an all or nothing sort of thing17:54
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> It already is as far as I know. Ubuntu proper usually has multilib turned off by default.17:54
lubot<aptghetto> Are we somehow affected by this? Do we have 32-bit libs in our packages?17:55
lubot<lynorian> so does lubuntu by default17:55
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> Then you're not hitting it and it isn't slowing you down17:55
lubot<lynorian> unless you have to install stuff for it that uses 32 bit17:56
wxloooh kde confirmed my bug that ark can't DND to pcmanfm-qt https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40823318:26
ubot93KDE bug 408233 in ark "ark cannot drag and drop to pcmanfm-qt" [Normal, Confirmed]18:26
lubot<HMollerCl> wxl, an offtopic question, since you hate php, what do you suggest for webpages? run on server side.18:35
wxl@HMollerCl static ones :)20:11
lubot<teward001> Django driven pages.20:11
lubot<teward001> *shot*20:11
lubot<HMollerCl> I will take a look at django, problem is that most web hosting (still) doesn't have python.20:13
lubot<teward001> "web hosting"20:13
lubot<teward001> ugh shared hosting sucks20:14
lubot<teward001> BUT20:14
lubot<teward001> if you're doing that, static pages20:14
lubot<teward001> no dynamic content, etc.20:14
lubot<teward001> static.  pages.20:14
wxl@tsimonq2: `do we have the original for the release cycle image (svg or something?) https://lubuntu.me/downloads/20:14
lubot<HMollerCl> @teward001 [static.  pages.], afaik, but php is kind of static20:15
lubot<teward001> no20:15
lubot<teward001> not PHP20:15
lubot<teward001> PHP is evil20:15
lubot<teward001> burn PHP20:15
lubot<teward001> static HTML.  no dynamic content.  no nothing.20:16
lubot<HMollerCl> why?20:16
lubot<teward001> static.  HTML.  pages.20:16
lubot<teward001> you don't see the security data feeds I do :P20:16
lubot<HMollerCl> aa, but if I need to query database, whoch othe roption I have?20:16
lubot<teward001> why does your site need to query a db lol20:16
lubot<tsimonq2> @teward001 [why does your site need to query a db lol], ur a database20:16
lubot<teward001> @tsimonq2 no, you are.  you know nothing though 'cause I injected a worm into the code that truncated all tables20:17
lubot<teward001> :P20:17
lubot<HMollerCl> I need to query databases to get the info I want to show.20:18
lubot<aptghetto> @HMollerCl  β€¦ 1. You have to configure the db securely … 2. You have to configure the webserver securely … 3. You have to program the web app securely20:47
lubot<aptghetto> Have a look at the owasp top 10 to have  an idea, what can and will happen20:49
lubot<HMollerCl> thanks @aptghetto why php is worse than other in this?20:51
lubot<aptghetto> Basically, PHP makes it very easy to fail20:52
lubot<aptghetto> If you are not used to program with php (professionally), there are easier frameworks/languages. But the problems remain the same.20:54
lubot<HMollerCl> like symfony20:56
lubot<aptghetto> I know php only from school and it is enough for me not to use it. Take the language you know best, follow design patterns and best practices and let review your code20:57
lubot<HMollerCl> and which language is better for web development thenΒ‘20:58
lubot<HMollerCl> ?20:58
lubot<aptghetto> I did once a project from scratch with Django 2.020:59
lubot<aptghetto> It has a lot of features, but it was only in an internal network.21:00
lubot<HMollerCl> ok, thanks for the info21:00

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