
lifelessquestion - is the seed directory needed post install? there's 250MB in there that appears to be one-off detritus02:15
mborzeckiwow /r/linux is melting down05:48
zygagood morning06:08
zygamborzecki: i386?06:08
mborzeckizyga: hey, yes06:08
zygahttps://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/i386-architecture-will-be-dropped-starting-with-eoan-ubuntu-19-10/11263/77 is pretty long too06:09
zygafun times06:09
zygahow are you?06:09
zygawe're driving south from Lux06:10
zygawe're aiming for the coast of France06:10
zygawe stayed longer with our family in Lux because Gosia was not feeling very well06:10
zygaso we are one day behind06:11
zygabut now things are looking positive06:11
zygamvo and pedronis are on a sprint this week?06:11
mborzeckizyga: kids are on vacations with their grandparents and i caught cold :/ before the weekend i hoped to be able to to 100km+ on bike, but did none of that06:11
zygacold!? how did you do that06:11
zygawe're running south, trying to outrun the heat wave06:12
mborzeckizyga: heh, to much ice cream and cold drinks :)06:12
zygaaha, well, the heat can be very hard06:12
mborzeckihope i'll be able to land some of the prs06:13
zygamee too06:13
mborzeckiwanted to do that on tuesday, but builds kept on being red06:13
zygaI'm going to review what happened in the last few days06:13
zygaand then look at most effective use of the time06:13
mborzeckizyga: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6922 your comments suggest you did not finish your last pass on this one ?06:14
zygaraspi 406:14
mborzeckisurprise surprise :)06:14
zygacha ching06:14
zygathough I wished for risc v06:14
jameshis there anything more that needs to be done to land https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6954? (skeleton of desktop session agent)06:15
zygajamesh: hey, I'll review that after 692206:15
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jameshzyga: thanks. https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6959 is also waiting on a review from you (a helper split out from the icon theme support PR)06:16
jameshthe session agent one is probably higher priority06:16
zygaI'll focus on helping others in the morning then06:16
zygaI've queued all three now06:16
zygasmall gap in coverage while crossing  countries06:21
zygaback now06:21
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
zygahello pawel07:13
mborzeckipstolowski: hey07:20
zyganeed to stretch my legs07:33
zygajamesh: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6959#pullrequestreview-25271113907:35
zygaI'll do rest shortly07:35
zygaomg it is so hot07:40
zygalooking at 6954 now07:49
Chipacaondra: you around?09:18
ondraChipaca sort of uc20 sprint09:18
ondraChipaca what's up?09:19
Chipacaondra: spidev devices are always spidev< a bunch of numbers> < an actual period > < a bunch of more numbers >?09:19
Chipacalike spidev12345.12345 ?09:19
Chipacadevice nodes*09:19
ondraChipaca so only saw  spidev< a bunch of numbers> < an actual period > < single digit number>09:23
ondraChipaca not sure of num after period can be also multi digit09:24
Chipacaondra: ok09:24
Chipacaondra: i'll comment on your PR09:24
ondraChipaca probably best to ask some real kernel expert :)09:24
ondraChipaca thanks :)09:24
ondraChipaca PR is based on actual hw experience09:24
Chipacaondra: it's about that pesky period09:24
Chipacaondra: which lets any character through right now09:25
ondraChipaca ah, can we lock that? I will double check PR09:26
zygamborzecki: hey09:27
zygamborzecki: I will need to fix 1819875 today09:27
zygamborzecki: wanna talk about it briefly09:27
zygamborzecki: I had some ideas before and those got stuck somehow09:27
Chipacaondra: package main09:28
Chipacaimport (09:28
Chipacavar rx = regexp.MustCompile("^/dev/spidev[0-9]+.[0-9]+$")09:28
Chipacafunc main() {09:28
Chipacafor _, s := range []string{09:28
zygaChipaca: get a pastebin ;)09:28
Chipaca} {09:28
Chipacafmt.Println(s, rx.FindString(s))09:28
zygahey Chipaca :)09:28
Chipacathat was meant to be a url09:28
Chipaca^ that one09:28
Chipacazyga: hiya!09:28
zygalong time no see, how are you?09:28
Chipacazyga: apparently, bad at copy-and-paste09:28
* Chipaca unsubscribes from stack overflow09:29
Chipacaondra: in case I bamboozled you too much, here's the url again: https://play.golang.org/p/ZzpJfEhHC6609:29
zygaChipaca: 386 is the number of diffefent of opinions on 32bit libraries today09:29
Chipacaondra: i.e. the current code has a bug, plz fix :-D (note the bug is there already, but, while you're there...)09:29
Chipacazyga: I have Opinions.09:30
mborzeckiChipaca: apparently the whole of internet has opinions09:30
Chipacamborzecki: https://picon.ngfiles.com/599000/flash_599131_largest_crop.jpg09:32
ondraChipaca yeah agree, I will update PR09:34
Chipacaimportant to remember that go's regexpses are always unicode-y09:39
ondraChipaca when I use your example I get actually error09:57
Chipacaondra: what error?09:57
ondraChipaca ./prog.go:8:49: unknown escape sequence09:57
Chipacaondra: can you show me the regexp?09:58
ondraChipaca ah wait,  I might need to changes brackets09:58
ondraChipaca OK this one works var rx = regexp.MustCompile(`^/dev/spidev[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$`)10:00
Chipacaondra: by brackets you mean changing "s to `s?10:00
* pstolowski early lunch10:01
ondraChipaca yeap10:02
Chipacaondra: k10:02
ondraChipaca that fixed it I will update PR10:02
zygalooking at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/692210:03
mborzeckiondra: left some questions under https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/702210:22
mborzeckithat mediatek driver looks fishy :/10:22
mborzeckiondra: typo in the regex https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/compare/4a8f6caec4705fd950cdd15ded97b7e972f13076..703e8fc307c499659bbd21e36882bee18a39be7d#discussion_r296654422 ?10:26
Chipaca#7024 is a nice simple mostly-mechanical PR if you're feeling like it10:27
ondramborzecki what is that diff for? I think you are diffing too many commits, PR is just one small commit10:49
mborzeckiondra: wrong link last time, try this one: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7023#discussion_r29665442210:51
pstolowskimborzecki: 6997 can land11:40
mborzeckipstolowski: great, landing now ;)11:41
* zyga is feeling so so due to driving and working12:34
Chipacazyga: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52ogQS6QKxc12:48
zygaChipaca: if that scales to 13" panels I'm happy12:51
Chipacanow trying to find dobey's twitter handle to point him at it :)12:51
zygaI will be joining shortly13:00
mborzeckicachio: standup?13:02
ograzyga, https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/IwQAAOSwvUlWsxE6/s-l640.jpg scales it to 13"13:02
ogralike in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXW32WB3Xm413:04
ograppisati, sniff ... found a kernel bug with "sudo modprobe bcm2835-v4l2" ... https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xB8JcJXGx9/ ... the pi camera works fine when using it via the python lib13:07
ogra(just not when trying to get a v4l device for it)13:07
ppisatiogra: open an LP bug, how to reproduce it, etc13:08
ograyeah, will do13:10
ograhavent tried core18 yet, perhaps 4.15 behaves better (but UC18 is a pain to use for development, missing all ools i like to use)13:11
ograppisati, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-raspi2/+bug/1834039 is yours13:37
ppisatiogra: so, just loading the kmod oops the kernel?13:50
ackkjdstrand, hi, around?13:58
pstolowskiyay, travis finally believed me when i say i signed CLA14:03
jdstrandackk: I am, though I am preparing for/about to attend a meeting, so feel free to ask and I can either answer quickly or circle back14:07
ackkjdstrand, just to confirm, with the patched snapd for the system users it should be possible to call setgroups(0, NULL), correct?14:10
jdstrandackk: yes, but your application needs to be modified to do it if it is calling setgroups some other way.14:12
jdstrand(eg, patch or LD_PRELOAD)14:13
jdstrandsnap run --strace ... will show you how it is being called14:13
jdstrandackk: also, fyi, I will be picked up that PR this week. there will be some minor snap.yaml changes but otherwise it will work as you've been testing it14:14
ackkjdstrand, yes, that's what I have, the preload ends up calling it with 0, NULL14:14
ackkjdstrand, awesome, any ETA on when it will be available in a release?14:15
jdstrandackk: considering the focus on uc20 this week and the people who would review it are sprinting this week, there probably isn't going to be much movement for a week or two (I have a lot to do and will do it, but then need reviews, etc)14:16
ackkjdstrand, ok, cool14:17
jdstrandackk: I say that cause I don't know the timing of 2.40. I guess it is possible to be in that, but more likely 2.4114:17
jdstrandackk: they want it, so it is possible if I get to everything this week while they are sprinting (my plan), then they'll make it required for 2.4014:18
jdstrandwe'll see14:19
ackkjdstrand, ok, thanks for the info14:19
marcustomlinsonhey snappy brains. Have you ever thought about the possibility of allowing snaps to perform additional install time operations?14:20
ograppisati, yep, exactly14:21
marcustomlinsonI was thinking of the slow first launch situation we face with some snaps. Would be cool (maybe? I think so at least) if we could offload some of that required initial config to the install14:23
seb128marcustomlinson, https://docs.snapcraft.io/supported-snap-hooks ?14:24
ogramarcustomlinson, the prob here is that many bits that cause slowness are related to putting bits and pieces into SNAP_USER_DATA ... at install time you dont really have that around (apart from the ability to forcefully put pre-cached files into every users home)14:25
marcustomlinsonogra: ah14:25
marcustomlinsonseb128: thanks, that is also useful info14:26
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ograjdstrand, hmm ... so i'm playing with a Pi camera attached via the CSI interface of the Pi, not usb ... using the picamera python lib i can access the camera via /dev/vchiq ... for access to that device node i need to use the opengl interface instead of the camera interface which feels a bit unlogic (but such is the Pi in itself :P ) ...15:21
niemeyermup: Hello.. are you alive and kicking?15:21
pstolowskisergiusens: hey, can take a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2609 ?15:21
mupniemeyer: I apologize, but I'm pretty strict about only responding to known commands.15:21
mupPR snapcraft#2609: schema: allow 'snapd' snap type <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2609>15:21
niemeyermup: o/15:21
mupniemeyer: In-com-pre-hen-si-ble-ness.15:21
ograjdstrand, i wonder if we could have vchiq added to the camera interface too so i could use the camera interface here15:21
sergiusenspstolowski: sure. Right after I finish picking up my son from school15:23
pstolowskisergiusens: ty!15:23
mupPR snapd#6995 closed: gadget: fallback device lookup <Gadget update> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6995>15:38
mborzeckiyay, mup is back15:38
niemeyerYeah, sorry about that15:41
niemeyerI'll patch it so this manual action isn't necessary as soon as I can stop traveling for a few days15:41
zygamborzecki: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/702615:55
mupPR #7026:  cmd,tests: forcibly discard mount namespace when bases change <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7026>15:55
zygamborzecki: draft, I will likely split the patch into several but I _think_ this is mostly it15:55
mborzeckiniemeyer: thank you!15:56
mupPR snapd#7026 opened:  cmd,tests: forcibly discard mount namespace when bases change <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7026>15:56
mborzeckizyga: ok, looking15:56
zygathank you15:58
zygaI'm in a tunnel, spread running15:58
zygawill see15:58
zygamborzecki: it passed locally16:03
zygatrying on core16 next16:04
zygaas there are usually dragons there16:04
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
mupBug #1834061 opened: qt apps in hidpi looks tiny <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1834061>16:07
ograbah ... kyrofa, sergiusens, did https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2322 not land in a stable snapcraft yet ? or can you not use it with the python plugin ?16:30
mupPR snapcraft#2322: project_loader: add build-environment part property <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2322>16:30
ograi'm getting: "Failed to load plugin: properties failed to load for picamera: Additional properties are not allowed ('build-environment' was unexpected)"16:30
kyrofaogra, it landed ages ago, but are you specifying a base?16:32
ogranope, building for core16 so no base16:32
kyrofaogra, try `base: core`16:32
kyrofaThat will opt into the "new" snapcraft16:32
kyrofaBut still build for core1616:33
kyrofaIf you're not specifying a base, you're essentially still using snapcraft v216:33
ograwell, lets see what build.s.io thinks now16:34
ograthe big sillyness of the week ... all raspberry pi pip modules force-run a test if they are getting built on a pi ... if not they fail ... to override it you need to export "READTHEDOCS=True" ... so intuitive !!!16:36
jdstrandogra: I've taken a note to look at that16:37
ograjdstrand, thanks ... it isnt a blocker or anything ... just feels more natural to use camera for cameras :)16:38
* jdstrand nods16:38
ograIssues while validating snapcraft.yaml: The 'parts/picamera/build-environment[0]/READTHEDOCS' property does not match the required schema: True is not of type 'string'16:51
ograGRRR !!!16:51
mborzecki_zyga: left some comments17:06
mborzecki_zyga: best if jdstrand takes a look as well17:06
zygamborzecki_: thank you, looking17:07
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mborzeckizyga: i noticed that selinux raised something in your PR17:19
* Chipaca EODs18:04
cjwatsonogra: READTHEDOCS: 'True'   if you haven't figured it out already19:13
sergiusenskyrofa: do you have time this week to work with cachio on why the catkin-pull tests fail on the gce images?19:29
cachiosergiusens, kyrofa do you have logs?19:34
sergiusenscachio: here's one failure https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapcraft/jobs/54880144019:35
cachiosergiusens, the error is related to the repo (Failed to update the package cache)19:37
sergiusenskyrofa: I guess a quick trick we can do is just add a PR that prints out apt's configuration19:37
cachiosergiusens, kyrofa it would be nice if you add debug: to the test19:38
cachiothen it will print all the debug info you want to see in case the test fails19:38
sergiusenscachio: yes, because `  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY F42ED6FBAB17C654`, but xenial doesn't enforce that by default19:38
sergiusensso the theory is that the images were modified to enforce it19:38
sergiusenscachio: do you have an example of that? I suppose it does not require calling `spread` with `-debug`19:39
cachiojust add debug:19:40
cachioto the test19:40
cachioand then the scirpt you want to run to get debug info in case of failure19:40
cachiosergiusens, this is anexample19:41
cachiothe first I found19:41
sergiusenscachio: `debug` is only triggered on errors and before `restore` is run, correct?19:45
cachiosergiusens, yes19:45
sergiusenscachio: kyrofa if so, then https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/261019:52
cachiosergiusens, debug: |19:57
sergiusenscachio: even if it is a one liner? I'll fix it regardless in case it becomes a N liner20:04
cachiosergiusens, Failed to fetch http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/apt/libapt-pkg5.0_1.2.32_amd64.deb20:23
cachiosergiusens, which images are you using?20:23
sergiusenscachio: https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/blob/master/spread.yaml#L3520:25
sergiusenscachio: fortunately, those network errors are transient ones from Travis, we have not reached the spread stage yet20:25
cachiosergiusens, yes, reading the https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/blob/master/.travis.yml20:28
cachiothe alternative to skip this errors could be to create a spread tests which runs the unit tests20:29
cachioso you just need to install spread and then you run everything in gce20:29
cachioand you acn run units tests together with the rest of the spread tests20:29
sergiusensoh, it is transient and moving that to spread has been in our thoughts20:29
cachioor you can keep it in deferent stages if you want20:30
* cachio afk21:42

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