
didrocksgood morning05:46
jibelsalut didrocks05:55
didrockssalut jibel05:57
* didrocks reboots to test the nvidia patch revert05:58
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dufluSalut didrocks, jibel and popey06:20
didrockshey duflu, I merged your mutter patch removal. It all seems ok to me06:30
didrocksat least, I don't have that 100% CPU issue anymore I had before the patch06:30
dufludidrocks, yes, thanks. If you do get any 100% CPU bugs we can debug them and I'll fix them separately06:34
dufluThough last time that didn't work out :(06:34
didrocksyeah, remember I wanted for a month before this patch. Let's see this time…06:38
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marcustomlinsongreetings 🖖🏻07:23
seb128good morning desktopers07:28
didrockshey marcustomlinson, seb12807:28
seb128lut didrocks, en forme ?07:28
seb128ready for some warm days at the computer? ;)07:28
seb128hey marcustomlinson07:28
didrocksça va, et toi seb12807:30
didrocksyeah, will be challenging…07:30
seb128ça va :)07:33
dufluMorning marcustomlinson and seb12807:37
seb128hey duflu, how are you?07:37
dufluseb128, average I think. Not good or bad. How are you?07:38
seb128not fully awake yet, reading discourse over some coffee07:38
seb128seems Valve put fire on the internet with a tweet :-/07:38
seb128popey, thx for responding on those topic during the W.E, I know it's frustrating. Can't we simply delete posts like https://community.ubuntu.com/t/canonical-does-anything-please-stop-the-bullshit/11409 ?07:40
dufluI'm not sure deleting is ever a good move. It gives the appearance of censorship or being too defensive07:44
seb128duflu, fair enough, but we already have posts on those topics, no need of new one07:54
seb128so maybe yeah, close and point out to the existing ones07:54
dufluYeah, slightly too many topics07:54
dufluMorning Laney08:04
didrockshey Laney08:06
Laneyhi duflu didrocks08:09
Laneyhope you had nice weekends08:09
seb128hey Laney08:09
seb128w.e was nice indeed, summer is here!08:10
seb128which is going to be "fun" this week08:10
seb128bah, stupid laptop...battery low again, need to go back, brb08:10
willcookeoops.  morning all08:26
dufluMorning willcooke08:27
didrockshey willcooke08:27
popeymorning desktoppers08:27
seb128k, and back08:28
seb128Laney, sorry, stupid laptop batteries...08:29
seb128hey willcooke, how are you today?08:29
popeyseb128: thanks, i have made that topic unlisted. It's a difficult time and I'm being careful not to be accused of "censorship"08:29
seb128well I think it's fine to a least lock those down saying "please use the existing topic"08:29
willcookeseb128, well the internet seems to think the world is ending :)08:30
popeyEmoji for all occasions08:31
pieqwillcooke, the *gaming* Internet :)08:33
WimpressMorning desktopers o/08:37
dufluHi Wimpress08:37
seb128hey Wimpress!09:00
Trevinhohey guyz...10:21
* Trevinho celebrates monday with a big-merge approval :)10:22
* Trevinho and... during the weekend fixed gcc attributes handling for mozjs linking issues :P, other than producing brick hoven cooked pizza :P10:25
willcookemorning Trevinho, how goes?10:26
Trevinhohi willcooke all good, you? :)10:26
willcookefire fighting still :(10:27
Trevinhoeh, I see...10:27
dufluHi Trevinho10:33
dufluAnd bye...10:33
Trevinhohi duflu and good night/evening! :)10:33
Laneywell done Trevinho10:36
LaneyTrevinho: "Piadina - the Italian burrito", what do you think about this phrase?10:38
* Laney just saw it on a sign here and thought of you10:38
Laneynon262/Date/time-zones.js:41:5 Error: Assertion failed: got "Fri Jul 19 2002 16:10:55 GMT+0000", expected "Fri Jul 19 2002 16:10:55 GMT+0100"13:58
LaneyFML mozjs6013:58
didrockssomeone failed to set LC_TIME ;)13:59
Laneymy environment sets $TZ13:59
Laneybet it's that13:59
Laney': "${DEB_HOST_ARCH:=$(dpkg --print-architecture)}"'14:00
Laneywhat is this construct with the ':'?14:00
LaneyI mean I know that : is 'true' - the whole line though, why would you do it like that?14:01
Laneymaybe it just looks better than DEB_HOST_ARCH=${DEB_HOST_ARCH:-$(dpkg --print-architecture)}14:08
didrocksoh, good one14:08
didrocksyeah, that's maybe the reason14:08
GunnarHjWhere do applications to join the ubuntu-desktop team go? The wiki says the mailing list, but is possibly https://community.ubuntu.com/c/desktop a more suitable place these days?14:16
seb128GunnarHj, the mailing list is still there and I think that most people who have voting power for that topic should still be subscribed14:17
seb128we can discuss changing the process but that's orthogonal/no need for you to apply14:17
GunnarHjseb128: Ok, then I'll use the list.14:18
seb128Unsure of c.u.c would be better/if those are a topic interesting to the community/users, need to think a bit about it14:19
seb128it's rather a "technical" decision from the current group14:19
GunnarHjseb128: Reason I asked is that there is not much discussion on the list any longer. Mostly copies of bug comments and MPs.14:20
Laneyit'd be OK to move those to the team updates section probably14:20
LaneyBUT the big problem with that is that prospective members won't be able to post there14:20
seb128GunnarHj, yeah, well that's not a topic where we need input from the community14:21
seb128so less visibility is not especially a negative14:22
Laneydunno about that, it's nice to show off new contributors14:22
seb128also some applicants might be shy/not want to risk being -1ed on a visible website14:22
seb128but yeah, it has pros &nd cons...14:23
* seb128 has no strong opinion either way atm14:23
GunnarHjseb128: Probably true. ( Or not. Somebody in the community may think that I suck. Might or might not be relevant input. ;) )14:23
Trevinhohi seb128 and Laney :)14:28
seb128hey Trevinho, how are you?14:30
Trevinhohi seb128 all good :)14:30
seb128Trevinho, ready to melt?14:30
seb128it's going to be hot this week, I see even more for you14:31
seb128or are you escaping to the see coast? ;)14:31
Trevinholost into debuggint the SRU crash increase as it looks like I can recreate it, just that is quite complicated to see what's going the dock.. :(14:31
Trevinhoseb128: well, so far isn't too bad14:31
Trevinhothe fact of advancing the summer in central america first, worked in getting used to this :)14:32
TrevinhoLaney: you saw my last week's ping on debian-gnome, right? (however I'm pretty sure you're busy enough)14:35
Laneyyes I'm going to review stuff14:35
Laneylooking at mozjs at the minute actually14:36
TrevinhoLaney: thanks :)14:37
TrevinhoLaney: also about the Piadina... :_(... One word to destroy them both :(.14:39
Trevinhonot sure why my weechat didn't get that message though, I got it only as phone one :o14:39
Trevinhothus the delay :14:39
Laneycontent filter14:39
Laneyit knew that this was harmful content14:39
Trevinhomight be14:40
Laneymaybe I'll get one and see if it's good14:40
Laneyahhhhh FML²14:56
Laney(the timezone thing is because tzdata isn't installed in sbuild chroots any more)15:03
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