
=== Mr_Reader is now known as Fiery
=== fabiomirmar_ is now known as fabiomirmar
=== popey__ is now known as popey
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
Glorious729Is there a bug for how 4.18.0-22.23's CVE-2019-11478 fix breaks Steam from ever connecting to Valve's network because of its use of a very low SO_SNDBUF value?13:09
Glorious729oh nevermind, it's not actually in -stable yet 13:11
Glorious729is it policy to apply that as a remediation to a security patch though?13:11
Glorious729oh no it is in13:13
sbeattieGlorious729: regression updates are in progress. Not sure if there's a bug report about it.14:44
=== acheronuk is now known as rikmills
salty-horsehi. I'm running disco. The kernel patch introduced with 5.0.0-17.18 breaks Steam, and a fix was introduced in 5.1.14 - "tcp: refine memory limit test in tcp_fragment()". Is there a timeline to when the disco kernel will include this patch? If it's not planned, how should I file a request about it? (I'm unfamiliar with the process)18:16
TJ-salty-horse: would you be related to the ibus-uniemoji github repo?18:18
tyhickssalty-horse: hi - we're aware of the bug and we are fast tracking kernel updates to address it18:18
salty-horseTJ-, yes, but I'm not the original author. just the current maintainer18:18
TJ-salty-horse: I realise that, but wondered if I could ask you a couple questions about it. Installed on 18.04 today and not had it work but not sure what to expect 18:19
tyhickssalty-horse: I think it is reasonable to expect 5.0.0-20.21 to enter -proposed later today18:20
tyhickssalty-horse: I can't quite give you an accurate timeline on when it will be officially released but mid-week is probably a safe assumption18:21
tyhickssalty-horse: you'll be able to install it from disco-proposed in the meantime to get steam working again18:21
Glorious729does this apply to the 18.04.2 LTS 4.18 kernel?18:21
Glorious729 as in, it'll also be in proposed and then officially released midweek or so?18:22
tyhicksGlorious729: yes, it will be on the same timeline as the 5.0 based kernels18:22
Glorious729nice, thanks!18:22
Glorious729someone just said "regressions updates were in progress earlier"18:23
tyhicksGlorious729: Xenial 4.4 based kernels might lag a little behind but it is too early to say for sure18:23
Glorious729that's fine18:23
Glorious729I mean, for me ;)18:23
tyhicksGlorious729: yeah, we're all heads-down trying to prepare updates so status is changing on the fly18:24
Glorious729well I mean this is just steam so lol it's not like my billion dollar datacenter is affected18:24
Glorious729but thanks18:24
tyhickssome non-Steam applications are also affected, unfortunately18:25
Glorious729yeah :(18:25
Glorious729I knew it was serious when linus is coming into a steam support thread18:25
Glorious729saying "try this patch"18:25
Glorious729All I meant was I'm fine with your current prognosis when it comes to me personally, as I don't need anything more exact than that and I was just happy to hear any sort of timeline18:27
tyhicksno problem18:32

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