
Wild_ManHi Bashing-om is this the same as the other security issue found by Netflix? https://news.softpedia.com/news/canonical-outs-important-linux-kernel-security-update-for-all-ubuntu-releases-526440.shtml ?00:14
Bashing-omWild_Man: looking.00:15
Wild_ManI have to take my wife to the Doctor tomorrow afternoon so I may be late arriving to publish00:15
Wild_ManJust asking, not wanting you to change anything00:15
Bashing-omWild_Man: Same same :) For tomorrow - I do not know that there is set deadline to do the media publishing :P00:17
Wild_ManBashing-om, just letting you know so you do not panic if no one is here early00:18
Bashing-omWild_Man: Ho-kay :) Will not sweat it :P00:19
Wild_ManOkay, I just like keeping people informed00:19
Bashing-omWild_Man: I take it that you have looked over UWN584 and all looks good ?00:20
Wild_ManYes, it looks good00:20
Wild_ManGreat Job!:)00:20
Bashing-omWild_Man: One down 2 to go for acceptance :)00:20
guiverc2i'm just reading 584 on wiki,  we possibly should have posted https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2019-June/000245.html to fridge?  probably too late now..01:18
Wild_ManBashing-om, have a look please, seems to be contradicting info https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2019/06/is-ubuntu-not-dropping-32-bit-app-support-after-all01:20
Bashing-omWild_Man: looking.01:20
Bashing-omWild_Man: "Updated 9 hours ago" ^^ for consideration to next week's edition. For now I suggest we go with what is.01:22
Wild_ManBashing-om, I understand that it is a time issue but we have people of the forum and other places already jumping ship, I think it would be bad press to report what we know is not the true intentions of Canonical and to cause more users to stop using Ubuntu01:23
Wild_ManMay just had the correction below the one there already?01:24
Bashing-omWild_Man: Well .. Yeah - we can do that .. and agree here that publishing the amendment is a good thing. And too will be good to make it early :)01:28
Wild_ManBashing-om, I know we like to keep the news in the week that it belongs but I think doing that over mitigating the the damage that can be done by not correcting the report is far worse, we have a duty to report the facts as we know them01:32
Wild_ManThis is just a fluke that does not happen often01:33
Wild_ManSteam had already decided to drop support for Ubuntu, so it was snowing balling quickly01:33
guiverc2I finished read-thru #584, looks great.01:39
Bashing-omWild_Man: guiverc2 :: Joey Sneddon on a clarification of intent by Canonical’s Steve Langasek. Steve relates that rather than dropping 32 bit support in the 19.10 release, 32 bit libraries are to be frozen at the 18.04 LTS versions. Meaning that 32 bit libraries will continue to work on Ubuntu 19.10. Further information of how i386 applications "can be run on versions of Ubuntu later than01:45
Bashing-om19.10” is pending.01:45
guiverc2i haven't read that latest; but looking back I'd agree with Wild_Man in that being accurate (to fact) outweighs being week perfect (as to time.. this time now; pre-actual-release allows us to correct/update minor things before final publish..)01:47
Bashing-omWild_Man: guiverc2 :: Doing so ... Any comments on what I propose to add ^^ ?01:49
Wild_ManBashing-om, looks good01:49
guiverc2I'd add (still reading it though)01:50
guiverc2do you want me to write summary (in gdoc or wherever?)01:51
Wild_Manguiverc2, Bashing-om is adding it to the wiki so I see no reason to add it to gdoc unless you just want to01:53
guiverc2no need at all; it was I thought an easier place to write a summary if wanted..01:54
guiverc2(thinking of the wiki timer; and remembering prior summaries I've tried to write in under wiki.timer..)01:54
Bashing-omWild_Man: guiverc2 See UWN584 now. Have added the clarification ( editied); see if yall like it.01:59
Wild_ManBashing-om, looking02:04
guiverc2Excellent !   .. (though not a fan of having Rumour in the heading, but it's in the heading and consistent with uwn practices)02:04
Bashing-omguiverc2: Not to shabby for something done in haste :P - If I do say so myself. Wild_Man ?02:06
Wild_ManBashing-om, it does look good, I am think you may want to include the two links that I have here as well https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2395520&page=302:07
Wild_ManSorry for the extra work this late in the game02:08
Bashing-omWild_Man: Hey - not done until it is done !02:08
Wild_ManVery unusual situation02:09
Bashing-omWild_Man: "https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/i386-architecture-will-be-dropped-starting-with-eoan-ubuntu-19-10/11263/82" is  not the article reference "A link to the Discourse " good enough ?02:13
Wild_ManThat link says page not found02:15
Bashing-omWild_Man: Which link ? All I have tried here do complete.02:17
Wild_ManThis link lets people stay up to date and participate in the discussion https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2019-June/000245.html and this one is the direct conversation form the person that was was misinterpreted https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/i386-architecture-will-be-dropped-starting-with-eoan-ubuntu-19-10/11263/84?u=d0od he goes by vorlon02:20
Wild_ManBashing-om, ^^^02:21
Bashing-omWild_Man: Considering :)02:22
Wild_ManFor whatever reason I am not able to get that link to work correctly, but I will leave it up to you, I think at least the link that lets people participate in the discussion02:22
Wild_Manshould be included, it makes people feel good02:23
Wild_Manto have a voice02:23
Bashing-omWild_Man: "with eoan (Ubuntu 19.10)" is our lead article. Looking next at the announcemnt.02:24
Wild_ManOkay Bashing-om02:25
Bashing-omWild_Man: I do recoomend we leave the Article as is. We wnat to pronmpt the reader to open a article and read it, thus I feel "A link to the Discourse..." will serve better that purpose.02:30
Bashing-omwe want to prompt*02:30
Wild_ManOk Bashing-om it works for me02:31
Bashing-omWild_Man: :D .. not set in concrete until I push that Big Red Button at 20:00 hours GMT tomnorrow.02:32
Bashing-om(and even then it has been known to have to go back and fix an Ooopps )02:35
Bashing-omIf we are all set now - I am logging out of UWN.02:35
Wild_Mangood night Bashing-om02:49
Bashing-omWild_Man: NN :)02:51
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: Valve Says Steam for Linux Won't Support Ubuntu 19.10 and Future Releases @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/valve-says-steam-for-linux-won-t-support-ubuntu-19-10-and-future-releases-526495.shtml (by Marius Nestor)03:43
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: Official Raspberry Pi OS Updated with Raspberry Pi 4 Support, Based on Debian 10 @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/official-raspberry-pi-os-updated-with-raspberry-pi-4-support-based-on-debian-10-526507.shtml (by Marius Nestor)13:56
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: The Raspberry Pi 4 is Here — And It Sounds Like a BEAST! @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=145358 (by Joey Sneddon)14:39
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: Canonical Assures Users 32-bit Apps Will Run on Ubuntu 19.10 and Future Releases @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/canonical-assures-users-32-bit-apps-will-run-on-ubuntu-19-10-and-future-releases-526508.shtml (by Marius Nestor)15:05
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Full Circle Magazine: Full Circle Weekly News #136 @ https://fullcirclemagazine.org/podcast/full-circle-weekly-news-136/16:33
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Canonical Design Team: Statement on 32-bit i386 packages for Ubuntu 19.10 and 20.04 LTS @ https://insights.ubuntu.com/2019/06/24/statement-on-32-bit-i386-packages-for-ubuntu-19-10-and-20-04-lts/17:33
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Ubuntu Reverses Decision, Says It Will Continue To Support 32-bit Apps @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=145443 (by Joey Sneddon)18:07
Bashing-omPulling "WIP" target time to pish 20:00 GMT.19:24
Bashing-omM/L is away - doing the forum post next.20:03
Bashing-omForum post -finally- done .. doing the re-directs next.20:32
Bashing-omHey ! https://ubuntu.com/blog/statement-on-32-bit-i386-packages-for-ubuntu-19-10-and-20-04-lts .. Gonna again do a quick edit!20:42
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: Canonical Releases Linux Kernel Security Patch for 64-Bit PowerPC Ubuntu Systems @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/canonical-releases-linux-kernel-security-patch-for-64-bit-powerpc-ubuntu-systems-526512.shtml (by Marius Nestor)20:48
Bashing-omedited the WIKI and the forum post . See if what I have done is acceptable.20:57
Bashing-omRe-directs done. See the edits I made to the WIKI before we do more .21:05
Bashing-omEditing the WIKI again: http://ubuntustudio.org/2019/06/regarding-ubuntus-statement-on-32-bit-i386-packages/ .21:34
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Riccardo Padovani: Using AWS Textract in an automatic fashion with AWS Lambda @ https://rpadovani.com/aws-textract22:01
Bashing-omAnd edit yet again: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Ubuntu-Partial-32-Bit-19.1022:01
guivercthanks Bashing-om, whilst I'd rather return to bed (only ~5oC outside even with sun)  shall I publish #584 to fridge22:17
Bashing-omguiverc: I know of no reason presently not to go ahead with publishing. Do you agree with how I handled the addtional developments on the 32 bit scene ?22:22
guiverchttp://fridge.ubuntu.com/2019/06/24/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-584/   and I included the word Issue in title :)22:24
guivercno issues at all Bashing-om  - because it's so sensitive in Ubuntu-world (i686/386/x86) I feel perfectly appropriate!22:25
guiverc(note: I haven't read all the latest posts yet)22:26
Bashing-omguiverc: guiverc I did not summerize any of the latest .. All I did was bullet them uner the "Rumour: Ubuntu NOT Dropping 32-bit App Support After All?" heading.22:27
guivercI saw that, but have NO issues with it at all.  Given the time line of them posting (out-of-week) I have no issues with that at all.22:28
Bashing-omguiverc: :) .. and considering there are other things in life beside UWN :P - We did well :)22:29
guivercYou do outstanding Bashing-om , I'm not doing much... (will start social media now though .. posted my mewe stuff)22:30
Bashing-omguiverc: :D22:30
Bashing-omFridge checks - checks good :)22:32
Wild_ManBashing-om, I just go in, still need to fix dinner, is all publishing done already?22:38
guiverc:)    though my getting the word "Issue" in heading pleases me..  it doesn't look as good when it's shorter (I don't like editing later as people like me that click links from liferea will get 404s etc)22:39
guivercyeah Wild_Man, logged into fb now22:39
guiverc(not yet posted.. working my way around the..)22:39
Wild_Manokay guiverc, Thanks22:39
Wild_ManI am going to fix dinner real quick and if any publishing needs done when I am through I will get on it22:40
guivercfb done now also.22:40
Bashing-omWild_Man: See the edits made IRT 32 bit - 2 more links added .22:41
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: The Fridge: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 584 @ http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2019/06/24/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-584/22:43
Wild_ManLooks good Bashing-om great work everyone22:44
Bashing-omClear now to wipe Gdoc ?22:46
guiverccan't see why not... we'll get new stuff soon; I'd possibly not delete the latest i386/686 stuff as we may need/want in 585 (esp. items that occur in 585 maybe; but color/mark so clear they've already been in & thus can be deleted during week..)  my 2c22:48
guivercoccur in #585's week maybe22:48
Bashing-omguiverc: Good thoght :) cleaning out Gdoc :)22:50
pleia2nice work guys, quite the job with all the i386 news bouncing around22:53
Bashing-ompleia2: We arise to the ocassion :)23:17
Bashing-omWe now do UWN585 :D23:17
Wild_ManThe late breaking conflicting information keep everyone on there toes last night23:47

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