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cpaelzerjamespage: the right way is to turn around the server/client relationship05:28
cpaelzerjamespage: qemu creates the socket OVS connects05:32
cpaelzerno more needs the perm/user juggling05:32
cpaelzerjamespage: see https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/ubuntu/+source/dpdk-testing/tree/test.sh#n1056 and https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/ubuntu/+source/dpdk-testing/tree/test.sh#n1043 for mode server (old) client (new)05:33
cpaelzerthe path is something qemu created after being set up via e.g. libvirt XML05:34
lordievaderGood morning06:14
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jamespagecpaelzer: great - I'd got to that conclusion - I think we can just drop those params for openstack versions where ovs is the client to the libvirt created vhostuser socket08:22
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m-anishHi. I am facing an issue of systemd-resolved and dnsmasq probably looping and consuming 100% cpu, and would really appreciate some help!12:57
m-anish^^ /etc/resolv.conf12:58
m-anishhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NPWzVRR7mp/  is /etc/systemd/resolved.conf12:58
m-anishhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yZZ5FPGp7K/ is service systemd-resolved status12:59
m-anishhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dwf9nJnYbw/ is systemd-resolve --status12:59
m-anishhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/p/X3kdGd4KJ8/ is `ip a`13:00
m-anishhttps://github.com/iiab/iiab/issues/1747 is the bug report where we're tracking this13:00
m-anishthis is 18.04.2 LTS on an Intel NUC13:00
lotuspsychjem-anish: did you firmware upgrade your nuc to latest?13:01
ahasenackthere is a bug about this, but it doesn't have a clear reproducer13:01
ahasenack100% cpu looks like there is a query loop13:02
m-anishI researched a bit on the internet, but couldn't find a proper answer, and I don't deeply understand how DNS resolution is working in ubuntu (given my system's config)13:02
m-anishhmm let me check13:02
m-anishahasenack yeah, any way i can figure out what might be happening13:02
m-anishany switches i should use with tcpdump?13:03
ahasenackit seems to happen sometimes with installations that were release upgraded from previous releases13:03
m-anishthis is a fresh install of 18.0413:03
ahasenackif you don't know them, then tcpdump probably won't be useful to you13:03
ahasenackI'd suggest -i any -n -p port 5313:03
ahasenackand brace for impact13:03
m-anishif you want, i can let you ssh in via ngrok13:03
m-anishits awfully quiet `tcpdump -i any -n -p port 53`13:04
m-anishthe race condition stopped itself :(13:05
m-anishi mean im back to normal cpu usage13:05
m-anishill run that command if/when this happens next13:08
m-anishahasenack lotuspsychje thx13:08
ahasenackgood luck13:08
m-anishhere we go again13:10
m-anishahasenack ^^ is a sample13:11
supamanso, I have a performance issue with NFS mount, it seems that the sync option is slowing down writing a lot (unpacking a 13 GB gzip file takes up to 8 minutes with sync on but only a few seconds with async)14:26
supamanthe async option, is it really that dangerous if the NFS mount is used mostly for reading?14:27
supamanits mostly used for Joomla websites, most writing is done when users upload images and other files and when the website admin updates the software14:32
supamanthe software update is the 13 GB unzip14:32
tomreynyou should have separate exports then14:33
supamanI have a seperate export for each site14:33
supamanplayed around with rsize and wsize, no luck there14:34
tomreynyou should have one (maybe for each site) which mounts writable with async, and another (maybe for each site) which mounts read-only without async14:35
supamanhmmm, don't think sync/async matters for read, only for writing14:35
tomreynand i'd recommend unpacking archives on the nfs server, not on a mounted export14:38
supamanwell, the update is done through the Joomla web interface, don't have an option there I think14:39
supamanwhat I am mostly interested in is if async is active, what happens if a write is taking place and the link gets disrupted somehow14:40
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bipulCan we run GUI applications in Ubuntu server , and access it via ssh graphically.19:43
RoyKworks well - I'm using for instance virt-manager that way19:44
bipulHow? I tried installing xorg  , but failed to do so19:44
bipulvirt-manager is virtualization things.19:44
RoyKjust install something, like x11-apps - log out and in again to make sure x11-forward works and start xeyes or something19:45
RoyKbipul: it's still just a normal x application19:45
bipulYes, an IDE type application like IntelliJ19:46
RoyKshould work19:46
RoyKjust try xeyes first19:46
RoyKit's a neat little thing for testing x19:46
bipulI tried installing xauth , xorg and openbox.19:46
RoyKno need for xorg19:46
RoyKthat's the x server - you only need an x server on your client19:47
RoyKserver/client in x land is a bit opposite of the way others name it19:47
RoyKbipul: what sort of client are you running?19:47
bipulI am using Ubuntu , inside virtualbox.19:47
bipulinside virtualbox Ubuntu server, where i would like to install IntelliJ19:48
RoyKjust install x11-apps and log out and in again and check if $DISPLAY is set19:48
bipulOh let me try19:48
RoyKyou may have to ssh -X <server> to enable x11 forwarding, but it should be enabled by default, both on client and server19:49
bipulRoyK, Thanks for your wonderful suggestion.19:52
bipulI am trying19:54
RoyKcheck the DISPLAY variable if it doesn't work - "echo $DISPLAY"19:54
bipulWhen you say x11 apps? then what specific package should i install ?19:55
bipulapt-cache search x11 list me many packages19:55
tewardTJ-: so your patch is now in Proposed for nginx heere in Eoan.  PROBLEM: chromium being snapped now broke autopkgtests for something and those autopkgtests block nginx.  unrelated blockage but still19:56
tewardLaney and others're looking into that one19:56
RoyKbipul: x11-apps19:56
bipulyes x11-aps19:56
bipulyes x11-apps19:56
RoyKso - now log out and in again and check if DISPLAY is set19:58
bipulsure i will let you know :)20:00
RoyKor just try to run xeyes first20:00
RoyKyou'll see20:00
RoyKor get an error message20:00
TJ-teward: I'm not fixing Chromium!20:02
tewardTJ-: no you aren't :P20:02
tewardlol I wouldn't expect you to xD20:03
bipulOkay, echo $DISPLAY  does not works.20:05
RoyKno output?20:05
bipulYes no output.20:05
RoyKok - try ssh -X <yourserver>20:06
bipulIt says "/usr/bin/xauth: file /home/ubuntu/.Xauthority does not exist."20:08
RoyKlog out and in again20:08
RoyKthis usually happens the first time you login with x11 forward20:08
bipulI think we need to give small "x"20:08
RoyK-x disables x11 forward20:09
RoyK-X enables it20:09
RoyKsee man ssh20:09
bipulWoW ! It works20:09
bipulThank you very much. :)20:09
RoyKthen set ForwardX11 yes in .ssh/config20:10
RoyKso you won't need to use -X next time20:10
bipulokay :)20:11
RoyKor just globally in /etc/ssh/ssh_config20:11
RoyKon the client, that is20:11
lordcirthRemember that "ForwardX11 yes" potentially allows attacks from the server20:12
lordcirthYou might want to set it for the one server20:12
RoyKlordcirth: my guess is his server is behind nat anyway, so it won't be much of a problem20:12
lordcirthThe problem is if he sets it globally, then ssh's to a different server later20:13
RoyKI know20:14
RoyKbipul: check "man ssh_config" - you can add separate blocks for each server20:14
RoyKlordcirth: btw, isn't ForwardX11Trusted needed for the server to gain too much access?20:18
RoyKas in ssh -Y20:19
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