
OvenWerksEickmeyer: it appears that channel count for alsa does not work.02:05
OvenWerksEickmeyer: when I set channels to 4 I get 2, when I set channels to 6, I still get 202:06
EickmeyerI wonder if it's based on the hardware it's targeting?02:07
OvenWerksdummy works fine though I can get 6 i/o02:28
OvenWerksI am going to try putting the exact number 12/10 i/o and see what it does02:29
OvenWerks12/10 works, 10/10 doesn't02:30
EickmeyerOvenWerks: So are we talking increments of 2?02:31
OvenWerksI am pretty sure that 2/2 is not useful enough to worry about and that full or less than full do not make any difference to the cpu used02:32
OvenWerksI don't know let me try 502:32
OvenWerksI tried 5/7 on dummy and that works fine02:33
EickmeyerHuh. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯02:33
OvenWerksso I will have to figure out how to hide that row for anything but dummy02:34
OvenWerks(and net, netone when they get added)02:34
OvenWerksAs you may have noticed, I have fixed the backends problem already.02:34
EickmeyerSeems like it would be similar to graying-out a checkbox, at least in theory.02:35
OvenWerksThere are only two places it matters, startup and switch master to USB. The second only works with alsa anyway... so only one place.02:36
OvenWerksyes it should be. I may need to put that row in a container and hide the container02:36
* Eickmeyer nods02:37
OvenWerksI don't want to do that... because the stuff inside a container may not line up.02:37
OvenWerksthat would mean three containers... one for the label and one each for in and out02:38
EickmeyerYeah, less than idea. There has to be a way though.02:38
OvenWerksAnyway, first I will remove channel count from alsa and firewire so at least it works02:38
OvenWerksHide() and show() do not work. There is no error but it does do anything03:01
OvenWerksI guess set_sensitive(False) will have to do.03:39
OvenWerksEickmeyer: -controls has been built04:00
EickmeyerOvenWerks: I'll take a look.04:00
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Starting with the dummy backend setting channels to 32 resulted in 2 channels in/out.04:05
OvenWerkshmm, I got 32 here04:08
OvenWerksUm oh, logout and in... I should have bumped the Vnumber04:09
EickmeyerOh, k04:09
EickmeyerThere we go. That was the expected result.04:11
OvenWerksnot ready for release04:11
EickmeyerYeah, I can see one issue. I had one i/o pair for Pulse and got two.04:12
OvenWerksI am going to add the inputs only for the USB bridge at least.04:12
OvenWerksI don't have that here... I did in the past (spelling error) but it should be fixed. Does changing the number of pule bridges up and config then back to one and config fix it?04:14
EickmeyerI switched it to 0 and got 0. Changed it to 1 and got 2.04:15
OvenWerksdid that here with no problem.04:15
EickmeyerChanged it to 2 and got 4. :S04:16
OvenWerksrestart jack and try again I think04:16
EickmeyerI might try rebooting.04:16
OvenWerksThat sounds like two autojacks running... shouldn't do that04:17
EickmeyerRebooting did the trick.04:20
OvenWerkswhen it is ready for release it will kill the old autojack.04:22
tewardEickmeyer: I can't even tell what dpf-plugins is supposed to be bundling.  ERR: Insufficient Information15:04
tewardi can ask sil to take a look but...15:04
tewardchances are, same problem15:04
OvenWerksteward: which information is missing? I would think it generates a set of plugins in both lv2 and lxvst formate and probably as a jack client as well15:16
tewardOvenWerks: just a description of what it does :P15:16
tewardTo be fair15:16
tewardseth couldn't understand waht the package was supposed to do either :)15:17
tewardand when that's the case I start headscratching15:17
OvenWerksIn debian/control?15:17
tewardoh btw I asked sil2100 to take a look at ubuntustudio-menu-add in NEW15:17
tewardOvenWerks: just in general, needed more details about what it did before I poked it :p15:17
tewardand sil indicated they'd take a look if they get any spare cycles15:17
OvenWerksEickmeyer: with the distro plugins, do we really want to build the LV1 set? Is there any software that actually requires it? I think lmms can use the lxvst or is that wrong?15:28
EickmeyerOvenWerks: I'm just building everything it includes.15:38
Eickmeyerteward: In order to run what dpf-plugins generates, it requires an audio plugin host, such as Carla, or a DAW such as Ardour.15:38
EickmeyerAnybody that knows what an audio plugin does knows what it requires. Same as calf-plugins and lsp-plugins.15:39
OvenWerksor even jack15:39
EickmeyerThat too.15:39
Eickmeyerteward: Description in bug 1829562 updated.15:51
ubottubug 1829562 in Ubuntu Studio "[Needs Packaging] DPF-Plugins for Eoan" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182956215:51
Eickmeyersarnold: ^15:52
tewardEickmeyer: ack.  but we were wondering what the package was *doing* :P16:02
tewardso :P16:02
tewardi'm currently working with Laney on debugging Chromium issues which're causing Selenium crash failures on kopano-webapp which is blocking NGINX16:03
tewardas in what it was supposed to be packaging ;)16:03
tewardis it creating the plugins or just including them16:03
tewardFYI I'm dead tired today :p16:03
teward10 coffees doesn't help16:03
EickmeyerIt compiles the plugins, and then puts them where they belong (/usr/lib/lv2, /usr/lib/vst, etc...)16:04
Eickmeyerteward needs a vacation.16:04
OvenWerksit packages audio plugins used to modifi or produce sound used digital audio workstaions and effect racks for live audio work16:04
tewardEickmeyer: OvenWerks: there be a good news for ubuntustudio-menu-add16:43
tewardyou can thank sil210016:43
Eickmeyerteward: Saw that. 16:43
EickmeyerI'll be adding it to our seed soon.16:43
tewardEickmeyer: sil2100 also said they'd ack the binaries once they show up so you should be good then once that's bulit and accepted and lands :)16:44
EickmeyerSweet. :)16:44
Eickmeyerteward: Thanks for all your help.16:54
tewardall i did was sponsor it but :p17:01
Eickmeyerteward: That's more than a lot of people can say.17:01
tewardwell I sponsored it and kicked things around but :p17:01
EickmeyerWell, my biggest frustration has been getting motus or core-devs to help us at all, so you have no idea how much value you have. :)17:02
tewardwell MOTUs and Core Devs are all busy xD17:06
tewardbut there's some things I still won't poke :P17:06
tewardlike DKMS related things17:06
tewardor Kernel related things17:06
tewardor anything that's chaos xD17:06
Eickmeyerteward: I don't blame you. I guess the problem then is that we need more MOTUs and Core Devs.17:06
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Opinions? https://github.com/Houston4444/RaySession17:07
tewardI think the problem is most MOTUs/CoreDev are busy with their own project interests and niches17:13
tewardor are busy because Canonical.17:14
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I would almost ask are session managers even a thing any more?17:15
OvenWerksbut that is me being too close to the Ardour team17:15
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Well, they seem to be a thing, and there's a thread on the calf-plugins github talking about needing to support NSM.17:15
OvenWerksI have not heard anything about this on LAU or LAD17:15
OvenWerksWhere people ask what session manager to use17:16
OvenWerksYeah NSM is the only thing people suggest any more and nsm or non-anything is hard to package17:16
OvenWerksso if this does the same job and is easier to package...17:17
EickmeyerWell, tbh, Ardour is such a complete solution that it really eliminates the need for a session manager. Yet some people have them in their workflows.17:17
EickmeyerI might give it a shot.17:17
EickmeyerAfter all, ladish is dead for all intents and purposes.17:18
OvenWerksYeah people still do the hydrogen thing because Ardour does not have a paternbased editer17:18
OvenWerksI haven't heard anyone using Ardour-Qtrackor in a long time. most people seem to have gone with one or the other17:19
EickmeyerLooks like this thing is completely qt5, so no ntk stuff like nsm.17:20
OvenWerksno reason to use ntk17:20
EickmeyerYeah. No idea why the non stuff is so locked into their own toolkit.17:20
OvenWerksthey started with fltk17:21
OvenWerksfltk is not really suited to audio GUIs so NTK is an extension17:21
OvenWerksI actually like fltk17:22
EickmeyerLooks like someone already packaged it in a PPA, so I guess I could rob that and clean it. https://launchpad.net/~houston44/+archive/ubuntu/raysession/+packages17:22
OvenWerkshowever, people have found that both NTK and FLTK do not work well for plugins even though they tend to be static compile17:24
OvenWerksgood, lash is pretty much dead. I think falktx is removing it from his tools17:24
tewardEickmeyer: surprised you never asked Simon to sponsor :P17:28
tewardthey've got access xD17:28
Eickmeyerteward: He's too busy much of the time, even though I've done most of the up-front work.17:28
Eickmeyerteward: Though, now that he's out of school for the summer, that shouldn't be much of a problem.17:29
studiobot<teward001> yep, that sounds like @tsimonq2 :P17:29
studiobot<teward001> @Eickmeyer probably relevant... https://blog.ubuntu.com/2019/06/24/statement-on-32-bit-i386-packages-for-ubuntu-19-10-and-20-04-lts17:32
EickmeyerHoly influence, batman! (RE: first sentence)17:34
EickmeyerWell, looks like my email had some effect.17:37
OvenWerkswine is probably the big one. Most linux stuff comes with source packages that can be compiled either way but some of the older windows binaries that have just worked for years will never get updated. (like hulls.exe)17:43
EickmeyerRE: raysession: OMG this package is dirty. Ew. Cleanup shall ensue.17:55
studiobot<teward001> @Eickmeyer more likely not your email but WINE and Steam had more impact18:39
studiobot<teward001> I did also ask Mark to weigh in behind the scenes too but18:40
studiobot<teward001> that's me just being chaotic :P18:40
studiobot<Eickmeyer> Hehe18:40

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