
=== _explodes is now known as explodes
MinedHmmm.. Am I the only one that gets response from localhost when i ping google.se/.com after I blocked google.se and google.com in my DNS... am i thinking wrong here?00:45
sarnoldwhat did you do to "block" those?00:45
Minedpihole at the moment00:46
Minedwith pihole, pardon...00:46
Minedbefore block = their IP shows, after block = localhost shows... kind of scary tbh...00:48
sarnoldprobably "block" means "answer"00:49
Minedsurely, but other blocks shows refuse to connect, while after my block, only .se works in browser, .com fails to responds.00:50
Minedlike, i do not have google.se on my localhost... hahahah00:51
sarnoldthe usual way dns-based blockers work is by returning when something requests their address00:54
sarnoldif you've got software listening on the port in question on localhost, it'll be contacted00:54
sarnoldthis is usually a good thing: you run a web server locally that just replies with blank contents or blank gifs or whatever when needed, and your webpages won't be littered with "connection refused" messages in little boxes all over the place00:55
Minedstill a bit confused why google.se still responds in browser.00:57
sarnoldtry running ping google.se in a terminal, see what address it reports00:58
Mined127.0.0.1 localhost..........00:59
Minedas i said :D00:59
sarnoldand yet you get the 'real' google when browsing there?00:59
Minedalso, my android phone wont see the .se or the .com block, goes right through... but its android, so backdoor-ish i guess.01:01
sarnoldMined: aha. so, browsers have their own resolver infrastructure. they can get addresses directly over http/2 while talking to servers, and they'll cache that answer. I'm not sure how long they'll cache it, but they cache everything01:01
Minedyeah, that sounds possible... think ive heard that before...01:01
sarnoldyour android may be doing something similar, there's a config option for "dns privacy" or something, that sends all your dns queries to google over TLS or DOH01:01
sarnoldMined: this may help explain it, I recall this being good https://blog.powerdns.com/2019/02/07/the-big-dns-privacy-debate-at-fosdem/01:03
Minedsarnold, thanks for giving me another reason not to go to bed :D01:06
TJ-anyone have an idea on how to use keymapper/gen_keymap to run the decision tree process to identify the correct keymap?01:09
Sven_vBI caught myself probably reinventing some kind of dynamic cluster control software: it keeps track of which participants (computing servers) are currently available for what purpose, (purposes are just named groups) and can set up reverse-connect as in: a computing client connects to my proxy, requests HTTP CONNECT to one of the available computing servers, the proxy sends a token to the computing server, the computing servers also HTTP01:15
Sven_vBCONNECTS to that token (it looks like a hostname) and then the proxy just forwards. what existing software could I use instead?01:15
Sven_vBoh it should run on Ubuntu of course. :)01:16
Sven_vBdo we have something like that?01:17
sarnoldSven_vB: that sounds a lot like kubernetes with an ingress controller thingy01:17
OerHeksTJ-, i thought it was sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-data , but ubiquity https://askubuntu.com/questions/384758/name-of-detect-keyboard-layout-tool01:18
sarnoldSven_vB: depending upon what you're after, it might also be https://istio.io/01:18
Sven_vBI'll have a look, thanks!01:19
Sven_vBoh and it would be nice if the mechanism required on the computing servers is quite light-weight so lots of weak servers can participate.01:20
TJ-OerHeks: the problem I've got is that "dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration" only offers named choices of keyboard models ... which of course I have NO idea of what they look like or what keycodes they generate! And of course that list cannot be exhaustive either. The installer has a way to ask the user to press keys to determine the keymap. As I understand it keymapper/gen_keymap is the tool used but I01:21
TJ-cannot figure out how to invoke it correctly01:21
sarnoldI've not yet run any of these things myself but I'd have trouble believing you'd call the end result really lightweight. they're probably lighter than doing openstack with VMs, for example, but it'll still be a larsge number of identical libraries referenced multiple times in memory even if the workload is quite similar..01:21
TJ-I need this because I've just discovered the keyboard here is generating unexpected key-codes for some modifier keys01:22
Sven_vBhm. maybe I should rather try something VPN-y then? it will probably have just a few hundred computing servers at peak, so the discovery part might even be doable with mDNS01:25
Sven_vBI'll try and see whether backtrack ships some botnet C&C that I could repurpose01:26
TJ-definitely sounds like a kubernetes job01:29
Sven_vBcan kubernetes share a service that runs on the host? so far I only found it used to share services that run in guest containers (I think it calls them "pods")01:34
Sven_vBI'll just start with the kubernetes basic tutorial, won't hurt. :)01:39
sarnoldSven_vB: I've heard this is a decent way to spin up somnething useful with very little effort; just don't do it on a production host without understanding who can connect, who can run commands, etc https://microk8s.io/docs/01:40
=== zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin
df00zHm, when is it appropriate to package something with snap vs building a .deb?  I want to upgrade a few things that do have built packages - like qemu to 4.0, Ubuntu has 3.1.  I don't really want to dirty up /usr/local01:48
=== StupidLikeAFox is now known as gooseduck
=== gooseduck is now known as StupidLikeAFox
oncall-pokemonHi, I run 19.04 and after a recent update to ubuntu-base it seems middle mouse button to paste has dissapeared. Anyway to enable that again?02:02
=== golden_ticket is now known as amazoniantoad
jeffguorgdf00z, concept package for linux is just for convenience. just put it somewhere you can remember and set environment variables like PATH or XXX_PATH. if you need to distribute it to others, snap should be ok.02:07
jeffguorgfor me, i put everything in $HOME/.local/share and create synlink for binaries in $HOME/.local/bin. hardly need to set extra variables and if that's needed i'd rather set it with direnv in my workspace.02:10
sarnoldoncall-pokemon: did you happen to switch to wayland in the process? I wouldn't be surprised if middle-click doesn't work there02:13
oncall-pokemonHow could I tell sarnold ?02:13
sarnoldoncall-pokemon: does ps auxw | grep X show Xorg?02:14
oncall-pokemonit does but apt list --installed does show some wayland stuff too02:15
oncall-pokemongoing to try this https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-disable-wayland-and-enable-xorg-display-server-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux02:19
df00zjeffguorg: thanks02:20
=== sambagirl is now known as leftist
leftistjust heard the news of the elimination of 32bit02:37
leftistis that a fact?02:37
hggdhleftist: no. Please see https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/intel-32bit-packages-on-ubuntu-from-19-10-onwards/1126302:38
leftistthanks hggdh02:39
leftisthggdh haha great! great! i've been using ubuntu since hoary i got on a cd02:40
hggdhleftist: I started on Elfy02:59
=== [b0b] is now known as b0b
chietain case  here i have to still use the usb live which have disk space limitation... what should i do, will remount the partition to the big disk will solve the issue ?03:49
=== veegee_ is now known as veegee
nanonymeHey, what's the easiest place to review kernel configs for Ubuntu 19.10?04:31
=== tbg is now known as tbg0
lotuspsychjenanonyme: not sure whats your end goal, but we dont really support own kernel compile here, use !mainline instead04:50
Gallomimiai wonder if anyone will take a look at these pics of my cpu cooler and cpu. does the thermal paste seem like it was the 'right' amount? its been on there for a few years. seems to work well, since when it did a thermal shutdown, touching the heatpipe REALLY got my attention04:51
lotuspsychjeGallomimia: this isnt the ##hardware channel, please focus to ubuntu support issues only04:52
Gallomimiaoops thats dust not paste04:52
Gallomimiaalas, hardware ignored me. and it was people in this channel who helped me find my issue04:52
lotuspsychjeGallomimia: freenode has several support channels for all different topics, i hope you understand we cant support every topic in #ubuntu04:53
Rembohello, does intel-microcode patch on Unbuntu 16.04 Server require reboot after patching?05:17
OerHeksRembo, yes05:18
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
nanonymelotuspsychje, I wanted to know which options the kernel that 19.10 ships is compiled with. I don't have Ubuntu installed05:37
nanonymelotuspsychje, as said, this is just about reviewal, not really planning to use it for anything05:37
nanonymelotuspsychje, I was trying to find the information from packages.ubuntu.com but was probaby looking from wrong place05:38
OerHekshttps://packages.ubuntu.com/source/disco/linux for the source05:50
=== imsurit_ofc is now known as imsurit
sazawalThe nautilus on my Ubuntu 19.04 keeps crashing until about 30 minutes of start up saying "Failed to launch Downloads. Timeout was reached". Although it works well once it launches.06:10
tomreynsazawal: how long ago did you reboot the system?06:12
tomreynif it's less than a day, run this and post the URL here:  journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999906:13
sazawaltomreyn, It happens everytime I start my start my system. By the way I rebooted just now. So it isn't working yet.06:13
sazawalJust for the information, I have installed Thunar and it works fine. So the problem is only in nautilus.06:15
tomreyndo you have third party APT repositories configured which could affect gnome and nautilus?06:16
tomreynif unsure, run and post:   sudo /bin/true && cat &>/tmp/aptlog < <(sudo apt-get -qqy update 2>&1; apt-cache policy 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade 2>&1;); nc termbin.com 9999 </tmp/aptlog; rm /tmp/aptlog06:16
sazawalyes I have a few third party repositories added. Let me also check with the command.06:17
sazawaltomreyn, https://termbin.com/58x806:19
=== morphis93417 is now known as morphis
sazawalCould it be because of megasync? It is like Dropbox with some integration with nautilus I think.06:20
tomreynmaaaaybe. i don't know it.06:23
tomreyncan you show   ls -a ~/.config/nautilus ~/.local/share/nautilus 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999906:23
sazawaltomreyn, https://termbin.com/3rsw06:25
tomreynit could also be gnome-shell extensions06:25
tomreynis there anything in /home/sazawal/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/   ?06:25
sazawaltomreyn, I see. Is there a way to detect which gnome-shell extension is causing the trouble?06:26
sazawaltomreyn, this directory is empty06:26
tomreynsazawal: the best approach i know of is to disable all that are not packaged in ubuntu (as deb packages), and to retest then, and then to re-enable those extra extensions one by one, retesting as you go.06:28
sazawaltomreyn, Yes, I get it. The first I would do is to uninstall megasync and check on the next reboot.06:28
tomreynobviously that's a complex approach in your case if you'll always have to reboot. maybe you can simplify the test case by just pressing alt-f2, type r, press enter, to restart gnome-shell06:29
sazawaltomreyn, oh right. Thanks.06:29
tomreynthis is from your system log:  JS ERROR: Could not load extension ubuntu-dock@ubuntu.com: Error: Missing metadata.json06:30
tomreynalso this: JS ERROR: Gio.ResolverError: Error resolving “openweathermap.org”: Name or service not known06:30
tomreynboth were reported by gnome-shell06:31
sazawaltomreyn, I see. I know that I have removed ubuntu-dock because I didn't want it. I will check the others in the next boot.06:31
tomreynit's still trying to load the 'ubuntu-dock' gnome-shell system extension, though, so it'd be better to disable it properly.06:33
tomreynthere's another gnome-shell exception about "workspacesView"06:34
sazawaltomreyn, I see. I think I have removed ubuntu-dock from software-center. I will look if I can install it and disable it.06:35
tomreyndpkg -l gnome-shell-extension*06:36
tomreyndpkg -L gnome-shell-extensions06:36
sazawaltomreyn, Oh I do it from tweak-tool. But yea, this can be done in command line.06:37
tomreynso system extensions are located in /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/06:37
tomreyni'm not sure whether those can be disabled by the GUI06:37
sazawalhmm Okay.06:39
sazawalI will check when I will do the next boot, because nautilus is working now.06:39
tomreyngood luck.06:40
sazawaltomreyn, Thanks.\06:41
chietaast time i use live usb 18.04 there is menu boot windows menu but now on live usb 19.04 the same option doesn't appear...06:52
tomreynchieta: maybe you are comparing bios and uefi booting?07:16
chietaafter i install the live usb will the windows boot menu to be appeared on the grub listing?07:17
tomreynif you installed ubuntu in the same boot mode (uefi/bios) as windows was installed in, then it should.07:17
tomreynby "install the live usb", i assume you mean you create a persistent on disk ubuntu installation (by installing from the live usb)07:18
chietaeven on the liveusb there is no windows boot menu, tomreyn?07:20
Mava42any advices:fresh installed the Disco to my machine which has geforce gt210 and core2duo. using the standard firefox as the browser: youtube videos lags. and yes, verified the nvidia drivers to be there. is there anything else I can do except buying new hardware ?07:21
tomreynchieta: probably, but i'm guessing07:21
lotuspsychjeMava42: how old is your graphics card?07:21
usr2033Hi, how can i install older(like minor, or hotfix older) version of package with apt? Can i list all packages in repo by shell?07:22
Mava42lotuspsychje: its few years old in time, but the geforce gt210 chip itself is quite old07:22
lotuspsychjeMava42: what about your ram and harddisk(ssd -hd)?07:23
Mava42lotuspsychje: 4gigs ram and SSD07:23
tomreynusr2033: which package specifically? most of the time, every ubuntu release provides exactly one main version for every software package (and then slightly modifies the package version number as security and bug fixes are made available)07:24
lotuspsychjeMava42: maybe if you tweaked your whoel system it would go smoother on gnome3, but another idea would be something more lightweight07:24
Mava42lotuspsychje: tested it using xfce4 as well already and no luck07:24
lotuspsychjeMava42: wich nvidia driver in use?07:24
Mava42interesting is that with 1604 this scenario was still fluent and nicely working07:25
lotuspsychjeMava42: xfce should be lighter then unity, so maybe its a kernel thing07:25
Mava42lotuspsychje: nvidia proper07:25
Mava42lotuspsychje: might be kernel thingie07:26
lotuspsychjeMava42: wich version exactly please?07:26
Mava42lotuspsychje: of course dont have the machine here next to me =) IIRC nvidia-340 package was the one07:26
lotuspsychjeMava42: you could try a 390 maybe as a test07:27
lotuspsychjeMava42: but that card might indeed be stuck to 340 and xenial07:28
Mava42lotuspsychje: as far as i've understood the card is stuck with 340.07:28
lotuspsychjeMava42: there's no harm in trying, maybe also try the ubuntu graphics ppa versions07:29
lotuspsychje!nvidia | Mava4207:29
ubottuMava42: For nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing » For the latest Nvidia drivers see https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa07:29
lotuspsychjeMava42: does your system go smoother on nouveau?07:29
Mava42lotuspsychje: not really, its the same regardless which is used07:31
lotuspsychjeMava42: feel free to also pastebin us your dmesg, volunteers can take a look for you07:31
Mava42lotuspsychje: oops. brb07:31
lotuspsychje!rootirc | Cyfraka07:34
ubottuCyfraka: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.07:34
lotuspsychjeMava42: there's a  340.107-0ubuntu0.18.04.2 version on the graphics ppa, maybe try that?07:35
Mava42lotuspsychje: back07:35
Mava42lotuspsychje: gotto try that out. it could solve it all07:35
tomreynMava42: just to put things into perspective: the first one is yours, the second one is a mid-range integrated (part of the processor) Intel GPU from 2017, the last is a mid-range dedicated graphics card from 2017 https://www.videocardbenchmark.net/compare/GeForce-9600M-GT-GeForce-GT-220M-vs-Intel-HD-630-vs-Radeon-RX-580/1315vs3540vs373607:35
tomreynwell the first one is not yours, but similar07:36
Mava42lotuspsychje: but probably heading back to xenial and stick with it as long as possible07:36
lotuspsychjeMava42: do a few tests first, wich kernel are you on?07:36
Mava42tomreyn: thanks, that really gives perspective07:36
Mava42lotuspsychje: cant do it now, at work and machine at home =)07:36
lotuspsychjeMava42: allright, you have some test you can do now :p07:37
Mava42but during this time of day its best time for me to find some answers ;)07:37
Mava42lotuspsychje: none, only to gather info and direction.07:37
Mava42lotuspsychje: i'll definitely try the ppa driver07:37
tomreynmaybe you can make your system remotely accessible from the company so you'll be able to test things live in the future.07:37
Mava42tomreyn: maybe07:38
lotuspsychjeMava42: ^ good idea, as volunteers can debug more easy for you live07:38
Mava42but the benchmark you tomreyn pasted really tells it all07:38
Mava42its an old chip, nobody can deny that07:39
coconutWhat is the difference in the blueman-applet between "audio sink" and "handsfree"?07:39
tomreynMava42: this site also does the same for CPUs, if you will.07:39
Mava42nonetheless, now i've got a direction what to do and test07:39
Mava42so, thanks lotuspsychje and tomreyn. you're super07:40
J_Cubuntu irc support is usually pretty good, yeah07:41
OerHekscoconut, i guess stereo and mono?07:43
=== imsurit_ofc is now known as imsurit
_raven_how to use touch screen/stylus input of a tablet (running ubuntu 18.04 with gnome 3) as graphics tablet input to a xubuntu 19.04 laptop?07:52
tomreynMava42: comparison of the fastest laptop (mobile) Core2 Duo CPU there ever was with a mid-range laptop CPU and a mid-range desktop CPU (both from last) year https://www.cpubenchmark.net/compare/Intel-Core2-Duo-T9900-vs-Intel-i5-8265U-vs-AMD-Ryzen-5-2600X/1014vs3323vs323507:52
coconutno, no, more like a mode or type of device, but don't know sure -> https://imgur.com/Rjga8XM07:53
lotuspsychje_raven_: can you elaborate on your question please, what do you want to do exactly?07:53
_raven_lotuspsychje: there are apps for using an android tablet as kind of wacom/graphics tablet input for linux desktop. instead of android device i want to use a linux tablets input running gnome07:54
lotuspsychje_raven_: ok, and what doesnt work on 18.04 or 19.04?07:56
lotuspsychjecoconut: https://www.embeddedrelated.com/showthread/comp.arch.embedded/53045-1.php07:56
_raven_lotuspsychje: how to do it at all? using vnc seems kind of tricky due to lags, resolution, crop settings and such. so basically how to "forward xinput"?07:58
lotuspsychje_raven_: touch support and gnome lags are different questions07:59
lotuspsychje_raven_: i think for tablet use, i would try unity, known to have a nice touch support07:59
_raven_how to forward touch input events of tablet (device 1) to notebook (device 2)08:00
Mava42tomreyn: indeed, core2duo is as well pretty old and crappy cpu =)08:00
Mava42still cant find reason to waste my money on new HW if it can be doable with the current one08:00
Mava42.. on the other hand something like raspberry pi 4 would be cool08:01
Mava42but thats no reason for me to buy one08:01
tomreynMava42: sure, if you cn get the old system to work well enough for your needs, the longer you can keep it usable, the better. do take into account that there are no security updates from intel for those old CPUs, though.08:03
Mava42tomreyn: granted08:03
Mava42but got to admint, "keep it usable" starts to be quite complicated already =(08:04
coconutlotuspsychje: oh.. i did clicked that site too fast away myself. Thnx again lotuspsychje ;)v08:04
akikit's quite weird hearing about performance problems with youtube with a nvidia card since youtube doesn't even need hw acceleration08:09
akikwell, not with lower resolutions at least08:09
blackflowis it youtube's choice? I'd say the browser would accelerate html5 video where possible08:10
akikwhat is known though, is that gnome 3 is the heavy weight de08:11
draconicicehey everyone08:11
Mava42akik: that's what I thought as well. still at least I prefer 1080p videos and they're happy to be HW accelerated08:11
draconiciceusing xfce (not sure if that is a factor) i have tried to use xset dpms force off (binded to a hotkey) to turn my display off08:12
draconiciceproblem i have is that i have two monitors, and when i run this cmd, one turns off, but the other gets stuck showing me "Check video cable"08:12
draconicicewhereas when i allow the xfce power settings to work to shut display off, they do both turn off normally08:12
draconicicei would appreciate any assistance08:13
cfhowlettdraconicice, might want to query #xfc3 #xubuntu and/or the xubuntu forums08:17
munskingHello, somewhere on my ubuntu server there's a script or something that tries to log on to our windows domain with the wrong credentials, what's the easiest/fastest way to find our what does that? i could try grepping for the username but that's going to take hours08:21
cfhowlett!server | munsking might ask the dedicated channel08:21
ubottumunsking might ask the dedicated channel: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Bionic (Bionic Beaver 18.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server08:21
munskingcfhowlett, thanks, i asked there as well, just thought there might be someone in here who could help since it isn't server specific :)08:22
cfhowlettno worries08:22
cfhowlettI'm no expert but I think samba is the ubuntu app that interfaces with windows.08:23
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba.html08:23
munskingcfhowlett, usually yes, but 'mount -t cifs' is also used, and there are no samba logs so i assume that isn't used (multiple people use the machine, i don't know who created the script)08:24
cfhowlettI don't know enough to advise further.   ask again at reasonable intervals - surely someone will know08:26
munskingcfhowlett, thanks anyway :)08:26
akikmunsking: could it be a cron job that is not updated with correct credentials?08:27
b1ack0phi there08:29
b1ack0pmay i again ask how to change ownership of softlink (ln -s) ?08:30
b1ack0pit appears root that doesnt let me edit any files inside the folder shortcut created by ln -s08:31
blackflowb1ack0p: chown has -h, look up the manpage08:31
munskingakik, could be, can i list all cronjobs for all users (as root)?08:31
b1ack0pblackflow: how can i look up?08:32
J_Cb1ack0p: type into terminal: man chown08:32
akikmunsking: they are in /var/spool/cron/crontabs08:32
munskingakik, thanks!08:33
akikmunsking: also look into /etc/cron* if somebody has added tasks there08:33
akikmunsking: there's also process accounting with psacct package08:34
b1ack0pchown user path?08:35
akikmunsking: sorry, the package name is acct08:35
b1ack0plrwxrwxrwx 1 m m  29 Jun 24 13:06 windocs -> /mnt/6826BF3126BEFEDE/Users/M08:36
b1ack0pthis is what i am gonna change08:36
b1ack0pit shows user name but shortcut folder has lock symbol on it and when i check properties it shows Owner root08:36
munskingakik, thanks, found it :)08:38
akikmunsking: what was it?08:40
blackflowb1ack0p: uhm... wait. are you talking about symlink ownership itself, or the file symlink .... links to?08:41
munskingakik, no i meant the acct package :P08:42
b1ack0pblackflow: i am trying to create shortcut of my user documents folder in windows partition08:42
b1ack0pdocuments shortcut in windows part to ubuntu desktop08:43
blackflowb1ack0p: ah and you're having a problem because the files and folders on the windows partition are root owned?08:43
b1ack0pblackflow: yes it seems it is read only08:43
blackflowb1ack0p: how are you mounting it, is that ntfs?08:44
b1ack0pthe thing is that, earlier when i tried ln -s /media/xxxxx  Desktop it created what i want08:44
b1ack0pbut later i changed mount options of windows partition that i set always mount08:44
b1ack0pto appear on desktop08:44
b1ack0pand i renamed it08:45
b1ack0pthen link of the location changed /mnt/xxxx  from /media/xxxxx08:45
b1ack0pis that why softlink i created read only and root owned?08:45
b1ack0pblackflow: windows partition is ntfs yes, i can access from ubuntu08:46
blackflowb1ack0p: the symlink is irrelevant here, the problem is files on the ntfs partition and their permissions. how did you mount it?08:47
b1ack0pblackflow: on ubuntu i can mount it08:47
andenso i'm on Lubuntu 16.04 and I heard that VLC has a pretty severe security hole, fixed in 3.0.7 - my latest version from repo is 2.2.2, do i need to worry?08:47
b1ack0pin dash > Diskc08:48
lotuspsychje!uptodate | anden08:48
ubottuanden: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.08:48
b1ack0pand right click > change mount options08:48
OerHeksanden, install the snap version?08:48
andenshouldn't critical security patches like that be pushed automatically though? also i don't have snap but i guess i can get it?08:49
b1ack0pblackflow: sorry in dash > Disks app > settings > Edit mount options08:49
OerHeksanden, vlc pushes the snap version, if you need the latest08:49
OerHeksi would go for mpv, much lightweight08:49
b1ack0pblackflow: i cose show on user interface and nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show,ro,x-gvfs-name=winpart08:49
b1ack0padded ro08:50
b1ack0prenamed it to winpart08:50
blackflowb1ack0p: yeah, sorry I don't know what Disks does. if I were you I'd mount it manually with full control over mount options, or even add it to fstab if it's permanent08:50
andenOerHeks: so if i would get the snap version, would it automatically replace the one i have installed through the apt repository? or would i have to manually uninstall that first?08:51
b1ack0pblackflow: https://i.postimg.cc/hvXHS4Rj/Screenshot-from-2019-06-25-11-51-42.png08:52
OerHeksanden, no, they can be installed next to eachother, but i would remove the old one08:52
andenokay thanks08:52
blackflowb1ack0p: oh, nice. so you'd have to remove that ro if you don't want it read-only. and I'm not 100% sure but I think you need "users,permissions" in there too08:54
blackflowpermissions to set up standard access control and users to allow regular user mounts so it's not root owned files.08:54
andenuhm so i did apt remove vlc, but when i run "vlc" from the command line, the cli version of VLC still runs and it's the old version i just uninstalled? :S08:54
andennevermind, turns out it had a bunch of extra packages that didn't uninstall until i ran autoremove08:55
andenso how are new packages handled through snap? do they also update through the update-manager?08:56
ducasseanden: snaps auto-update08:58
andenyeah okay, but how?08:59
OerHekssnaps have their own cronjob, to update once/day09:00
andeni see. so anyway, i was able to install the latest version using "snap install vlc", but it seems i have to run "snap run vlc" to run it now, it doesn't answer to just "vlc" or being assigned to my media files09:00
OerHeksvlc should be in your menu too09:01
blackflowanden: see if /snap/bin/vlc exists, and then if /snap/bin is in your PATH, aside from it being in the menu, yes09:01
andenah probably just need to restart my desktop environment to get it to appear in my PATH i guess?09:01
blackflowanden: no, not after installation of a snap. You might need to add to your PATH yes, then logout-login09:02
blackflow(just this once)09:02
andenno, after installation of snap itself09:02
blackflowah you mean snapd?09:03
blackflowah maybe, dunno if that alters your PATH09:03
andenyeah i think it did because it generated an invalid desktop entry and then after i restarted my desktop environment it started working09:03
andenokay so this seems to work, thanks09:04
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b1ack0pblackflow: it still has lock symbol on the folder09:16
andenokay something strange came up, this snap version of VLC cannot read from /dev/shm??09:20
anden/run/shm doesn't work either, it just gets permission denied09:21
blackflowb1ack0p: can you pastebin the output of `ls` in the folder you're symlinking into?09:22
blackflowb1ack0p: that's a command in the terminal09:22
blackflowanden: oh that's terribad. the whole reason for snaps is that they JustWork(tm) across all the distros and flavors and versions.  </sarcasm>09:23
blackflowsorry, that wasn't aimed at you :)09:23
andenso is there any security thing i can configure to allow it to read data there?09:24
b1ack0pin /mnt/xxxx ?09:24
andenin /dev/shm or /run/shm (which i think are the same)09:24
andenbasically, the RAMDisk09:24
blackflowb1ack0p: yes, where the symlink is pointing at09:25
b1ack0pblackflow: it is windows directory09:25
blackflowb1ack0p: eh sorry, I mean `ls -l`, I need to see the permissions and ownerships09:26
blackflowanden: I think that boils down to snaps apparmor policy. is there a corresponding denial logged by journal for /dev/shm?09:27
andenwhere can i see that?09:27
b1ack0pblackflow: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VRfTPhp49F/09:27
andenseems to be some stuff in dmesg09:27
blackflowanden: journalctl -k | grep audit | grep "/dev/shm"09:28
andenthat returns nothing but the name= field seems to have a lot of errors with a super long UUID or something, if i don't grep for /dev/shm09:28
blackflowb1ack0p: yeah that's still owned by root. you'd need to mount that as your user, and I don't know how to do that with Disks.09:28
b1ack0pmaybe i better set back all the settings09:32
blackflowb1ack0p: is "users" among the options?09:33
b1ack0pthere s no users setting09:33
b1ack0pi mean it doesnt mention about root or user in settings09:33
blackflowb1ack0p: there was that input box with options in which there was "ro"09:33
blackflowyou should remove "ro" and add "users,permissions"09:34
andeni'll paste all those apparmor errors: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2js4F94FxG/09:34
blackflowb1ack0p: without quotes. it's a comma separated string for free input09:34
blackflowanden: dear mother of penguin that's alotta noise09:35
b1ack0pblackflow: nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show,users,permissions09:35
blackflowb1ack0p: yes, try with that09:35
blackflowb1ack0p: you'll have to unmount and then re-mount again09:36
andenso could i configure or disable apparmor for snap vlc?09:37
blackflowanden: nope, that's my pet peeve, I reported a bug but it downgraded as a whishlist. Anyway, there aren't any denials relatable to devshm, so that was probably a red herring.09:38
b1ack0pit doesnt let me unmount09:38
andenwell, i'm unable to play any audio/video files i have there09:38
andenas soon as i move them to a different file system, they play09:38
blackflowanden: is your /dev/shm  all  drwxrwxrwt 2 root root  ?09:38
b1ack0pbrb restart09:38
blackflowb1ack0p: you don't have to09:39
andendrwxrwxrwt 4 root root 240 jun 25 11:38 /dev/shm09:39
blackflowb1ack0p: sudo umount /mnt/...    where was it09:39
b1ack0pbut it doesnt unmount and still same locked09:39
blackflowanden: can you touch /dev/shm/test   ?09:40
blackflowas your user, no root09:40
blackflowk, delete it. dunno what else to try. oh, perhaps try installing the snap as --classic ?  dunno if it's supported, but that would mean unconfined.09:41
andenother media players can play those same files under /dev/shm, not just vlc snap09:41
b1ack0pblackflow: sudo: unmount: command not found09:41
andenvlc itself produces this error:09:41
anden[00007fa07c001430] filesystem stream error: cannot open file /dev/shm/mysong.ogg (Permission denied)09:41
andeni'm guessing snap runs in a chroot or something?09:43
blackflowb1ack0p: umount not unmount :)09:43
blackflowanden: yes, they're confined with several namespaces. filesystem, process, uid, network09:44
b1ack0plol ok09:44
b1ack0pblackflow: done i guess09:45
blackflowb1ack0p: right, now try to mount it as you did before via Disks09:45
blackflowmake sure those options are there ("users,permissions")09:45
b1ack0pshould i try to do softlink again?09:45
Gossethi, is it necessary still to create a Swap partition for new Ubuntu releases?09:46
tomreynGosset: there's an alternative: creating a swap file. other than that not much has changed.09:46
blackflowb1ack0p: yeah but first run that `ls -l` command again and see if it's no longer "root root"   but your username and group09:47
Gossetehm, ok thanks tomreyn09:47
Koopzso i got a qr code printer here and i'm supposed to print from a server over network... the geniuses over at the manufacturer's site offered downloads for Linux, Windows and Mac, the linux drivers was obviously just a pack of PPD files but the one for my printer wasn't in the pack09:47
andenguess i'll just run another media player when needed until this bug is fixed then09:47
blackflowanden: tried reinstalling the snap with --classic?09:48
blackflow(and don't hold your breath about this bug being fixed09:48
andenno, i'm new to snap09:48
blackflowanden: try it.   snap remove vlc    and then   snap install vlc --classic09:48
b1ack0pblackflow: done but i had to remove "permissions" there09:49
b1ack0pjust "users"09:49
andenokay tried it, didn't help unfortunately09:49
b1ack0pnow lock symbol on the softlink disappeared09:49
Koopzi just checked the Mac driver pack and it turns out there's a bunch of PPDs in there too, with the exception that this pack actually has a PPD for my printer model. With CUPS being from Apple, how high are the chances that those PPDs won't work on Linux?09:50
andenWarning: flag --classic ignored for strictly confined snap vlc09:50
b1ack0pbrb to reboot09:50
andenhaha me too09:50
blackflowanden: welp, you could try report the bug then. directly to vlc09:50
b1ack0pi wanna test if softlink mounts after reboot09:50
b1ack0pblackflow: thank you for your helps and patience :)09:51
blackflowb1ack0p: np09:51
lotuspsychjeKoopz: ubuntu supports a lot of printers by default these days09:51
TJ-Koopz: the way to check is do a diff on a PPD file that is in both the Mac and Linux - if they are basically identical, your chances are good09:53
lotuspsychjeKoopz: do you have ubuntu currently installed?09:53
Koopzyes i've got an ubuntu server. TJ- i can't exactly diff a file agains something that doesn't exist :)09:54
b1ack0pblackflow: everything is alright now thx again :)09:54
Koopzthe Mac driver pack has the PPD, the Linux (32 and 64 bit both) doesn't09:54
blackflowb1ack0p: yw09:54
blackflowKoopz: which printer is that?09:55
Koopza TSC TC30009:55
blackflowKoopz: https://www.tscprinters.com/EN/support/Support_Download/TC%20Series   tried this?09:56
blackflowKoopz: you should be able to upload it via cups admin panel09:56
Koopzi tried that09:56
Koopzand downloaded both linux downloads09:57
Koopzchecked the contents09:57
Koopzand there was no TC300.ppd09:57
blackflowany other ppd in it?09:57
Koopzyes, for basically every other model09:57
Koopzthere is no *generic* driver in there09:58
Koopzthe MAC driver pack however has the TC300.ppd in it09:58
blackflowwelp, short of calling the manufacturer and asking for help, dunno what to do.09:58
lotuspsychjeKoopz: wich ubuntu version are you on?09:59
Koopz16.04 LTS09:59
coconutlotuspsychje: is there any list of printers which work out of the box with ubuntu?(i am trying to check whether my brother mfc-l2700DW will work)09:59
lotuspsychjeKoopz: if i can recall driverless printing was introduced 17.04 and above09:59
Koopzi'll throw the TC300.ppd at CUPS and see what happens10:00
KoopzPPD is PPD, right?10:00
blackflowcoconut: https://www.openprinting.org/printers10:00
b1ack0pwhen i check cpu temp. in ubuntu it shows N/A values. why is that? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KwhmPYfTxz/10:01
blackflowKoopz: doesnt' hurt to try10:01
blackflowb1ack0p: it means the driver is supporting that many sensors but they aren't installed or something10:02
lotuspsychjeKoopz: just curious, can you check apt-cache search driverless , see if you have those packages installed or not?10:02
TJ-Koopz: yes you can, I said diff one of the files that exists in BOTH Mac and Linux to see if they are significantly different or not. If not, then you can assume the PPD for your printer in the Mac package is suitable for Linux10:03
coconutblackflow: great site! thank you.10:04
Uqbarhi all. my 18.04 i386 machine has started using fbdev instead of modesetting for Xorg. modesetting used to work fine but now it won't use it, switching to fbdev. Integrated Intel graphics card. Is this a known issue?10:05
CoolerZsomething is really screwed up10:05
CoolerZleft click isn't working10:05
CoolerZtouchpad isn't working10:05
lotuspsychjeCoolerZ: did you try a reboot yet?10:05
TJ-Uqbar: check the Xorg log ( /var/log/Xorg.0.log usually)10:06
UqbarTJ-: there's this: (EE) open /dev/dri/card0: No such file or directory10:06
TJ-Uqbar: what does "cat /proc/cmdline" report ?10:06
UqbarBOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-4.15.0-52-generic root=/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root ro quiet splash vt.handoff=110:06
jeremy31CoolerZ:  Lenovo?10:07
UqbarTJ-: which is the same as older boots which worked fine10:07
TJ-Uqbar: and show us "pastebinit <( journalctl -b )"10:07
TJ-Uqbar: that's OK I just wanted to be sure "nomodeset" hadn't snuck in there :)10:07
Koopzthat just leaves me with the question on how to address this printer... since it isn't being listed by CUPS i don't know what to choose: LPD/LPR, ipp, http?10:09
acebrianjuanHello folks10:09
lotuspsychjewelcome to ubuntu support acebrianjuan10:09
acebrianjuanHow can I reset a serial port using the terminal?10:09
TJ-Koopz: can I suggesst stepping out of CUPS admin and going to a terminal and doing "avahi-browse -art | less" and then looking to see if that printer is advertising itself and its services10:09
TJ-Koopz: that command will use the multicast-DNS service that most all printers and devices use to advertise themselves on the network10:10
TJ-Koopz: that is also how CUPS detects printers automagically10:10
lotuspsychjeacebrianjuan: please also mention your end goal, volunteers might have other ideas10:10
TJ-Koopz: it'll help if you already know the IP address of the printer so you can recognise it :)10:11
UqbarTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yKQCR358wk/10:12
acebrianjuanI have a program which uses a serial port /dev/ttyACM0, but the communication hangs from time to time, so I would like to reset the serial port from the terminal10:12
acebrianjuanI've been searching in google for ways to accomplish this10:13
acebrianjuanI've seen the comand: tput reset > /dev/ttyACM010:13
acebrianjuanI'm about to try now10:14
Zireael07hi, I have a problem - I need to cut down the wait time for the stop job for MySQL Community Server. It's different from the systemd default and it's waay too long10:14
Zireael07alternately, a way to force shutdown without waiting on the stop job10:14
TJ-Uqbar: kernel panic, line 62710:15
Zireael07from time to time, my filesystem goes read-only (most likely the SATA cable is slightly loose) and it causes mysql to get stuck when rebooting10:15
blackflowZireael07: sounds like your house is on fire but instead of putting it out, you wanna buy furniture that's fire resistant10:15
UqbarTJ-: right. might reboot using an older kernel10:15
TJ-Uqbar: this may be related: "You are using 32-bit PTI on a 64-bit PCID-capable CPU"10:16
KoopzTJ- is avahi-browse able to pickup printers from different subnets? i can reach the webinterface of the printer but grepping through avahi-browse's result yielded no results10:16
UqbarTJ-: yeah that looks bad as well10:16
TJ-Koopz: not without a multicast proxy10:16
blackflowZireael07: ie. fix the cable. as for the service you can override TimeoutStopSec=  only, via /etc/10:16
TJ-Koopz: the router would need to be doing the proxying10:16
acebrianjuantput reset > /dev/ttyACM0 didn't work10:17
TJ-Uqbar: are you using a 32-bit i386 installation?10:17
Uqbarand that message didn't show up until this problem appeared10:17
Uqbarso correlation is probably there10:17
TJ-Uqbar: ahh; any reason you're not using the amd64/64-bit kernel packages?10:18
UqbarTJ-: hmm, I installed the machine as i386 ages ago and then upgraded over time10:18
coconutblackflow: which packages are involved for printer support?10:19
TJ-Uqbar: so you've got a 32-bit kernel and userspace. Well, without upsetting userspace you CAN install the amd64 64-bit kernels and use that with the 32-bit userspace. That is one option10:19
blackflowcoconut: I don't know otoh10:19
Uqbarah, I didn't know that10:20
coconutthnx anyway10:20
TJ-Uqbar: you maybe read that Canonical plans to drop most i386 32-bit support (inc. kernel) from 19.10 onwards? this is an example of why - 32-bit kernels aren't so well maintained upstream now :)10:20
TJ-Uqbar: please file a bug against "linux" package for this and we'll get the kernel team to work on it10:21
TJ-!bug | Uqbar10:21
ubottuUqbar: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.10:21
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UqbarTJ-: gaah, do I need to have a Ubuntu One account for reporting the bug?10:24
TJ-Uqbar: I'm not sure, but I don't think so, "ubuntu-bug linux" should send a report to errors.ubuntu.com10:26
TJ-Uqbar: if on the other hand you plan on manually adding a bug to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+filebug then yes10:26
UqbarTJ-: it opened a page under https://login.launchpad.net/ asking me to log in10:26
Uqbar(running ubuntu-bug linux did, I mean)10:27
TJ-Uqbar: oh, maybe it changed (again) or I have credentials cached10:27
Uqbardoes ubuntu-bug send any personal information? like username, real name listed in /etc/passwd, machine name etc?10:27
TJ-Uqbar: I'd add it manually for you... but if the kernel devs ask for more information, if you can't log-in you won't be able to reply10:28
Uqbarnah, I'll just register10:28
TJ-Uqbar: not that I'm aware of, although it may send the 'env' which contains USER= and of course the logs contain the machine hostname10:29
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Zireael07this is a laptop, opening up the case is very difficult10:34
Zireael07I know of the TimeoutSpecStop, but it's definitely set per-service, not by default10:35
Zireael07I am not seeing mysql in /etc/systemd/system10:35
Zireael07and I don't know where to look for this service's settings10:35
Zireael07mysql service status and the like tell me the service name is definitely mysql10:35
TJ-Zireael07: "systemctl status mysql" maybe ?10:36
tomreyni think most laptops dont have sata cables, though10:36
Zireael07this one has :P  and I specifically bought it for the ability to put in a SATA SSD drive because the built-in nvme is too small for my needs10:38
tomreynZireael07: you should check your system logs about what actually happened when the file system went read-only10:38
Zireael07that would be a good idea but I don't know where to10:38
tomreyndo you know when it happened?10:39
Zireael07besides, my reaction to read-only fs is to reboot - do they persist across reboots10:39
Zireael07somewhere around 2h ago?10:39
tomreynwhich ubuntu version are you running?10:39
Zireael0718.04 LTS10:40
UqbarTJ-: done, now I'll reboot with an older kernel10:41
Zireael07I was sorta thinking of upgrading to 19.04 LTS, but this is a dual-boot and I'm scared of f-cking something up :P10:41
TJ-Uqbar: what's the bug number?10:42
UqbarTJ-: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/183417710:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1834177 in linux (Ubuntu) "kernel bug causes i915 modesetting to not work" [Undecided,New]10:42
TJ-Uqbar: thanks, I'll get a kernel developer to review it10:43
Uqbarthanks a lot!10:43
tomreynZireael07: journalctl --since -2h05m --until -1h55m10:43
TJ-Uqbar: if you can add a comment to the bug reporting the older kernel version that works that'll help to solve it quickly10:44
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tomreynZireael07: alternatively,   journalctl --list-boots   then   journalctl -e -b BOOTID   where you replace BOOTID with the matching value of the boot which was *before* the system failed, according to --lists-boot10:47
blackflowZireael07: yeah by default the "vendor" service units are not in /etc. You put _overrides_ there though.  systemctl --edit mysqld.service  (or whatever the unit name is), then you add only the sections you want to override: https://askubuntu.com/questions/659267/how-do-i-override-or-configure-systemd-services10:52
blackflowZireael07: eh, systemctl edit  (no -- )10:52
UqbarTJ-: yes I've just found that the previous version has the bug as well, I've had to go back two versions10:53
Uqbarnow I'll add the ingo10:53
TJ-Uqbar: that's great; it makes bisecting it much easier10:54
TJ-Uqbar: mention the working version and the first that breaks - then reviewing the changes may be all it needs to spot the cause10:54
tomreynZireael07: if you instead want to override the full existing .service file, you want    systemctl edit --full mysqld.service  (or whatever the unit name is)10:56
UqbarTJ-: done10:58
UqbarTJ-: maybe I don't have all the intervening versions, though. My machine only has linux-image-4.15.0-45-generic linux-image-4.15.0-50-generic and linux-image-4.15.0-52-generic11:00
TJ-Uqbar: that's fine; I've updated the title to be specific11:01
Uqbar-45 is the one that works, the others don't11:01
UqbarTJ-: ah thanks11:01
TJ-Uqbar: I'm looking at the source code now11:01
CoolerZhow do i enable wifi direct on ubuntu 18.04?11:06
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CoolerZhow do i enable wifi direct on ubuntu 18.04?11:20
borw3So, whats the final decision on 32bit libs?11:34
lotus|H3X!discuss | borw311:35
ubottuborw3: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!11:35
Zireael07tomreyn blackflow thanks guys, shortened the wait to 3 min11:36
Zireael07about the read-only, nothing in journalctl stands out11:37
Zireael07the read-only filesystem happens after I use the computer a bit, so I don't think it's a matter of boot, rather the system encountering a write error and going into r-o because of that11:38
Zireael07the disk is fairly new (like a couple months, just like the whole computer) so I don't think it's a matter of omg your disk is failing11:38
blackflowZireael07: actually the likelihood of a disk failing is greatest in the first 6 months. then falls off abruptly then starts pickign up again as time passes11:39
Zireael07I also heard that Windows can generate problems with Linux partitions, and as I said, this is a dual-boot11:40
BluesKajHey folks11:51
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dmilesis there a tool like netconfig for ubuntu?12:47
dmiles(its a ncurses network setup program)12:47
dmilesor do i ahve to isntall x windows to use a gui setup?12:48
dmiles system-config-network was removed .. right?12:50
dmilesi'd just edit the text files in vim.. but every year unbuntu changes the how the network is setup.. for exmaple ubundu 19.04 has no /etc/network/interfaces12:53
tomreyndmiles: nmtui12:53
dmilesperfect thnk you!12:53
tomreyndmiles: there was exactly one (big) change about how networking is configured by default during the past 15 or so years.12:54
dmilesah.. .. should the isntall have a  /etc/network/interfaces ?12:54
ubottuFor release notes of a given Ubuntu release, please refer to the 'Docs' column on the 'List of releases' table at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases12:55
dmilesi am probably lumpting too much mentally into networking :)12:55
TJ-dmiles: no, /etc/network/interfaces belongs to the legacy ifupdown package12:57
TJ-dmiles: nmtui is for Network Manager connections, along with nmcli (and nm-applet on GUI)12:58
TJ-dmiles: and, on -server it uses systemd-networkd via systemd.network files, usually configured using 'netplan' via boot-time reading of YAML in /etc/netplan/ which generates either NetworkManager or systemd-networkd runtime configuration in /run/12:59
dmilesnmtui showed no adapters.. is that right?12:59
* dmiles added them though12:59
TJ-dmiles: the hardware/drivers have to be working first... or enabled. Is this a wired interface?13:00
dmilesyeah its wired .. two adapters13:00
dmilesone adapter to my lan and one to the extgernal router they work wehn i ifconfig them13:01
dmilesbut when i reboot i have to ifconfig rthem again13:01
TJ-dmiles: OK, NM by default, on desktop, ignores (unmanaged) wired Ethernet! I *think* the solution will be "sudo touch /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-globally-managed-devices.conf" followed by "sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager"13:01
TJ-dmiles: this is over-riding /usr/lib/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-globally-managed-devices.conf13:02
dmilesoh yeah this is server and not desktop13:02
TJ-dmiles: but has NetworkManager which has this ^^^ setting which has to be removed as I showed13:02
dmilesok good13:03
TJ-dmiles: I'm assuming you've checked the interfaces actually exist and you can configure them manually, so it is only a case of getting NM to manage them13:03
dmilesyes .. the issue is "netplan genrate" doesnt seem to save my interface configs..13:04
dmilesso i assuming maybe NetworkManger is what boottime uses13:05
dmilesoh sorry i just reread.. i just have to edit the  /etc/netplan/*.yaml files i bet13:06
dmilesthe yaml file has ens32 missing13:07
dmilesnetplan is proably goign to be overrwitting the NetworkManager stuff anyways at boot?13:08
TJ-dmiles: it doesn't over-write anything, netplan is runtime only; it creates the config in the /run/ tmpfs13:09
TJ-dmiles: both NetworkManager and systemd-networkd read run-time configs from there13:09
TJ-dmiles: I presume you have the netplan renderer set to NetworkManager13:10
dmilesrenderer: networkd13:11
dmilesi didnt chenage it.. that was the default13:11
TJ-dmiles: this is a -server installation, and you've added network-manager?13:12
dmiles(last version of unbuntu use NetworkMananger.. proably why i thought things changed:P)13:12
TJ-dmiles: because -server by default has systemd-networkd enabled13:12
dmiles(i switched the machne away from Desktop this year)13:12
TJ-dmiles: and -server doesn't install with network-manager either, that must have been added by an admin13:12
TJ-dmiles: ahhh! so it started as -desktop so would have network-manager; makes sense now, so yes, you need to set the renderer as I explained13:13
dmilesok .. that makes sense13:13
TJ-dmiles: "how to make the simple things in life, complicated :P"13:13
dmilesok i think am am goign to be all good with this13:15
dmilesyup fixed13:16
dmilesso one small next issue and its not ubuntu fault but jdk  ant is broken with the PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:...       if i swtich to PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:...     will that upset much ?13:18
dmileslike in /etc/profile.d/13:18
tomreynthis seems like the wrong fix for a yet undisclosed issue13:19
* BluesKaj still uses ifupdown and /etc/network/interfaces13:19
dmilesthe networking or the jakarta-ant issue?>13:20
tomreyndmiles: what is failing or misbehaving with PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:.. but not with PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:.. ?13:21
tomreynhint: "jdk ant" is not a sufficient response ;-)13:21
tomreynshow output with error message or the like13:22
dmilesthe 3rd try works13:23
tomreynyou build software as the root user?13:23
* dmiles is loggerd into pastebin and added spaces so you can see which try was which13:24
TJ-dmiles: you have a /usr/local/bin/ant presumably built/installed locally by you, and it gets pciked first13:24
dmilesfor this project i do .. but then run as a less previoleged user13:24
dmilesnaw i jsut installed by  apt13:24
ceed^I just set up 19.04 on a laptop with btrfs. I let the installed do it's thing and everything works except for the /swapfile. Looks like the installer doesn't set up the swapfile correctly for btrfs. Is this know or did my install just not complete correctly?13:25
* dmiles gets a link to the bug on my issue13:25
TJ-dmiles: /usr/local/bin/ant won't have come from an ubuntu package, system packages use the /usr/ prefix, /usr/local/ is reserved for 3rd party/local build/installs13:25
tomreyndmiles: "dpkg -S /usr/local/bin/ant" would return the package this file belongs to, but it'll not belong to any, at least not any official ubuntu package.13:25
TJ-tomreyn: dmiles ^^ correct. "apt-file search /usr/local/bin/ant" => "" (nothing - and that searched the entire archive)13:26
dmilesyeah it was proably a PPA13:27
tomreynceed^: are there any error messages?13:27
ceed^tomreyn, No, the /swapfile is mounted but swap can not be enabled since the swapfile isn't set up for btrfs. Swapfile on btrfs is supported with the 5.0 kernel but it has to be set up differently than for ext4.13:28
tomreynceed^: there is bug 176537813:29
ubottubug 1765378 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "18.04 installer create a swapfile on a btrfs filesystem" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176537813:29
dmilesTJ-: i'll run that once apt-file update finihes13:29
tomreynceed^: also, and probably more suitable in your case, bug 181881113:29
ubottubug 1818811 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "The swapfile on the Btrfs file system is not activated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181881113:29
dmilesoh is /usr/local/bin not supposed to be a symlink to /usr/bin/bin ?13:30
ceed^tomreyn, I deleted the swapfile created by the install and did a new one for btrfs and swap works perfectly.13:30
dmilesoh is /usr/local/bin not supposed to be a symlink to /usr/bin ?13:31
TJ-dmiles: no!13:31
ceed^tomreyn, just wonder if I should report it as a bug.13:31
* dmiles added that symlink since /usr/local/lib was13:31
dmilesTJ-: ok good :P13:31
tomreynceed^: if these existing bug reports do not cover the issue you're seeing (how so?), you could report another.13:32
* dmiles got used to adding that as a symkink for about 10 years! i barely remember doing that on this machine13:32
ceed^tomreyn, I am reading up on it now. I will take action accordingly, thanks13:32
tomreynceed^: you're welcome!13:33
dmilesthank you TJ- and tomreyn!13:33
dr4kenfolks, i have a laptop with ubuntu 18.04 and im trying to use a device with chipset mt7601u14:25
dr4kenits a wireless dongle, it is a mediatek chipset lthough the device is ralink14:26
dr4kenthe devices available for it are for linux 2.4 and 2.6 and it seems they are mainlined by now14:26
dr4kenin fact, it should work by default ubuntu 16.04, but im on 18.04 and it doesnt work14:26
lordcirthdr4ken, I see this, which says the latest driver is mainlined in kernel 4.2: https://github.com/kuba-moo/mt7601u14:27
lordcirthThough it also refers to a GPL vendor driver14:27
dr4kenlordcirth, well, my linux 4.18.0-22-generic definitelly recognizes it, but i cannot wke it up14:27
dr4kenit does always appears as DOWN when listed with "ip a"14:28
lordcirthdr4ken, do you have a hardware switch?14:28
dr4kenlordcirth, in the dongle or in the laptop?14:28
lordcirthHmm, I guess dongles don't normally have them14:29
dr4kenbecause rfkill does show it is not blacked either soft or hard block14:29
lordcirthdr4ken, 'lsmod | grep mt7'?14:29
dr4kenlordcirth, it apeasr lsited thrice14:32
lordcirthdr4ken, can you pastebin that?14:33
dr4kenyeah, im doign it14:33
dr4kengive me as ec, my internet is slow14:33
dr4kenlordcirth, http://dpaste.com/3DT2XYY14:33
leonardusWhere can I find the package that has openssl/crypto.h?14:35
lordcirthleonardus, apt-file search 'openssl/crypto.h'14:35
leonardusthank you14:35
dr4kenlordcirth, so, what do you think? it does have the drivers right?14:36
lordcirthdr4ken, I'm seeing a number of comments online saying that the firmware may be separate14:36
lordcirthdr4ken, 'apt show linux-firmware' is it installed?14:37
dr4kenlordcirth, right now it is not installed because i jsut removed it (after installign the newest version from website and installed the .deb from there)14:37
dr4kenlordcirth, give me a few minutes while i reinstall it14:38
lordcirthdr4ken, what website?14:38
dr4kenlordcirth, our lord and saviour: kernel.org14:38
dr4kenbut im going to reinstall from repositories with APT14:38
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dr4kenthat way i avoid possible future breakages in this system14:39
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dr4kenlordcirth, sorry i im taking too long, but im downloading it at 30 KB/s :(14:48
lordcirthdr4ken, no hurry, I'm not waiting around, I'm multitasking14:48
ash_worksiwhere /srv/ might be the optimal FHS place of a web-server application, where would be a good place to keep a PHP library?14:59
pragmaticenigmaash_worksi: This isn't the right channel for those questions. When soliciting for opinion or recommendations, please use the #ubuntu-offtopic or use !alis to find a more appropriate channel for program developement15:01
ash_worksipragmaticenigma: I'm directly more specifically at FHS but I'll try that15:02
pragmaticenigmaash_worksi: It's the same response, this isn't the channel for asking on recommendations or opinions. That is something to do in the #ubuntu-offtopic channel15:03
dr4kenlordcirth, ok, alreay installed linux-firmware, anything to look up?15:08
dr4kenlordcirth, any other indication??15:13
tomreyn!who | dr4ken15:21
ubottudr4ken: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:21
lordcirthtomreyn, but he did ping me?15:25
lordcirthdr4ken, Did you reboot? Other than that, I'm out of ideas, sorry15:25
tomreynsorry, it's too hot here, i mean to use the non-existing !dontxpost15:25
lordcirthdr4ken, one other thing you could try is booting a 19.10 livecd.15:26
dr4kenlordcirth, yeah i rebooted15:27
dr4kenlordcirth, nah, it have to e 18.0415:27
dr4kenwe dont have the conectivity right now install anything else,15:27
dr4kenif we had, we would be downgrading to 16.0415:27
lordcirthdr4ken, right, ok15:27
tomreynthere's !hwe and -hwe-edge15:28
tomreynbut then you'Re also getting help in ##linux15:28
lordcirthHe's got 4.18, so already HWE15:28
lordcirthedge might be worth a shot15:28
mkfok, now i am registered :)15:29
dr4kentomreyn, lordcirth im confused about what you guys are taling about15:29
dr4kentomreyn, yeah i asked in ##linux initially, but it seems to be more of a distro related issue15:29
tomreyn!hwe | dr4ken15:29
ubottudr4ken: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack15:29
tomreynthere is linux-*hwe-18.04-edge*15:31
dr4kenis it heavy tomreyn ?15:31
noregretI have an ssh command that I would like to run on startup, what's the best way to achieve that? ubuntu server 18.0415:32
tomreyndr4ken: what do you mean by "heavy"?15:32
dr4kenheavy as big in download size15:32
lordcirthdr4ken, 55.0MiB download15:32
cfhowlett!server | noregret15:32
ubottunoregret: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Bionic (Bionic Beaver 18.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server15:32
lordcirthThat's what apt says if I try to install it15:32
dr4kenwell i guess i can try isntalling it, how is exactly the name of the package15:32
lordcirthdr4ken, I believe linux-generic-hwe-18.04-edge15:34
dr4kenlordcirth, 66 MBs... incoming15:35
zettehi my pc is 32-bit, cn i upgrade my ubuntu from 16.04 to 18.04?15:47
yvyzzette: no15:48
yvyzzette: You will not be able to directly update Ubuntu to 18.04. The best bet is to try moving to Xubuntu/Lubuntu/MATE, etc. They still support 32-bit archs.15:49
zetteok, thx15:49
tomreynzette: are you certain that the CPU only supports i386 - do you want to couble check?15:49
tomreynecho -n 'This system is '; grep -q ' lm ' /proc/cpuinfo || echo -n 'NOT '; echo 'amd64 capable.'15:50
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dr4kentomreyn, nice oneliner15:53
yvyzI'd give you my number, definitely.16:10
eelstrebori'm having a problem with the startup disk creator utility - it shows an old iso image as the source and i can't remove it - uninstall and reinstall of the app does not fix the problem16:12
tomreyneelstrebor: on which version of ubuntu?16:13
tomreyneelstrebor: close it, then run     usb-creator-gtk   from a temrinal, see if it prints any warnings while starting up or while you try to replace theiso image16:14
tomreynyou can also pass the path to the ISO file as an argument:   -i IMG, --iso=IMG     provide a source image to pre-populate the UI.16:15
eelstreborno error messages when launched from the cli16:17
tomreyn"or while you try to replace theiso image"16:18
eelstrebordidn't write the image with -i either16:21
tomreyndid it load it, though?16:22
eelstreboryes and it prompted me for the target16:24
eelstreborsaid it was writing but nothing is on the stick after it "completed"16:25
eelstrebori guess i can try rebooting16:26
eelstrebortoo bad i can't use k3b16:27
eelstreborgot the usb drive done using disk image writer - don't know what the problem is with the startup disk creator -  good thing there are alternatives even though this isn't an emergency16:45
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Sven_vBcan I teach bionic to whenever I /dev/disk/by-id/usb-sesame-part4 appears, mount it read-only into /mnt/sesame, and umount it when it disappears?18:08
Sven_vBactually I meant, is there an easy way to do it, maybe with systemd. :)18:10
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB: You can do it easier than systemd18:10
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB: Currently searching the web to find an answer18:12
Sven_vBthanks :)18:12
apb1963I created a usb stick using multiboot.  Attempting to boot it results in the informative message "Boot error".18:12
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB: Or, you know... you can search... query: " udev automount USB"18:12
Sven_vBwill do, thanks!18:13
Sven_vBapb1963, in such a case, the "Super GRUB Disk" can help a lot.18:13
OerHeksmultiboot.. with UEFI?18:14
apb1963I used python3-multibootusb_9.2.0-1_all.deb, the files look just fine on the usb stick (not that I actually know what to look for)18:14
pragmaticenigmaSven_vB: https://www.axllent.org/docs/view/auto-mounting-usb-storage/18:14
Sven_vBpragmaticenigma, thanks!18:14
OerHekspython3-multibootusb is not in our repos18:15
OerHeksbefore UEFI, yumi worked fine https://www.linuxbabe.com/apps/create-multiboot-usb-linux-windows-iso18:17
apb1963$ ls /sys/firmware/18:22
apb1963acpi  dmi  memmap18:22
apb1963no uefi18:22
apb1963yumi doesn't seem to be in the repos18:24
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OerHeksapb1963,  that page will give a clue18:27
apb1963Ugh.  "There’s no Linux version, although you can try running YUMI on Linux through WINE."18:28
apb1963OerHeks, multibootusb is also on that page.18:28
apb1963the usb disk looks fine to the naked eye... I'm guessing it's missing something, I just don't know what. MBR?18:30
b1ack0pis ubuntu bash ubuntu topic or windows?18:31
apb1963b1ack0p, not windows18:32
b1ack0pso it is ubuntu topic18:32
apb1963technically yes... though it has its own channel18:32
b1ack0pso.. is "screen" ubuntu topic?18:32
b1ack0pon ubuntu bash "screen" doesnt work without "sudo" so it makes me connect here as root when i do "sudo screen irssi"18:33
apb1963technically, yes.  But it has its own channel.18:33
apb1963b1ack0p, show it18:33
b1ack0pshow what?18:34
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apb1963b1ack0p, the details.  Screenshot if necessary.18:34
b1ack0pthere s no screenshot.18:34
apb1963b1ack0p, Do you know how to make a screenshot?18:35
b1ack0pyes but there s nothing to take a screenshot18:35
b1ack0pit is just how i connect to freenode18:35
leftyfbb1ack0p: what happens when you login, open a terminal and just type "screen" ?18:36
apb1963then how do you know 'on ubuntu bash "screen" doesnt work without "sudo" so it makes me connect here as root when i do "sudo screen irssi"'18:36
pragmaticenigmab1ack0p: "Ubuntu Bash" is not supported here. For help with windows subsystem for linux products please find an appropriate channel18:36
ubottuWindows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide18:36
leftyfboh! "Ubuntu bash"18:36
apb1963oh.... never heard of it.  nvm18:36
OerHeksmaybe there is a !wsl2 factoid too18:36
apb1963I think that's more of a Windows discussion if things aren't running under windows...18:38
apb1963Anyway.... back to me :)  Why would my usb stick get "Boot error" ?  Something must be missing.18:42
pragmaticenigmaapb1963: The application that built your multiboot drive is not supported here. You will need to find the developer, the application's support community, or another forum for assistance.18:43
apb1963pragmaticenigma, And what application does ubuntu provide to do the same?18:44
pragmaticenigmaapb1963: presently there isn't one18:45
apb1963uh hunh18:45
rapidwaveHow do I verify that I have all security updates?18:56
rapidwaveNevermind. That'll be under updates18:56
sarnoldsudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -- if you've got security.ubuntu.com lines in the output that scrolls past, you're probably good18:57
OerHeksfull-upgrade to be sure18:57
sarnoldOerHeks: hmm, won't that do the same silly things that apt-get dist-upgrade may do?19:00
OerHeksyes, they are equal, AFAIK19:02
ash_worksihow do I log notifications that appear under the clock but never in the notifications panel? (they just go away)19:09
ioriaash_worksi, what you mean exactly ?19:14
ash_worksifor thunderbird, if a connection timesout it'll say so and disappear if I don't hover over it fast enough19:16
Sven_vBwas there a time when npm start defaulted to run index.js instead of server.js?19:35
tomreynash_worksi: those would be transient (auto dismiss) notifications. there are those and permanent ones which you need to manually acknowledge. i'm not sure how to change this, but maybe those terms help you find something.19:40
FreeBDSMhello, I've failed to google a solution for my problem: I have some file with .mp4 extension yet `file -i` on it says it's `application/octet-stream` rather than `video/mp4` on that file, how to change mime-type for that particular file?19:43
Sven_vBoh sorry wrong channel :D19:44
FreeBDSMmy mime-type db was not tweaked, it has `video/mp4 mp4`19:44
Sven_vBno wonder no-one answered.19:44
gabeioAre the python package and the python2.7 package intentionally 2 different versions even when updated fully?19:48
gabeioubuntu version 18.04 LTS is where I'm seeing this.19:49
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gabeiois there a reason?19:49
FreeBDSMthere always is19:50
gabeioWhat would that reason be?19:50
FreeBDSMgabeio: have you tried reading package's description?19:52
FreeBDSMpython: This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default Python version (currently v2.7).19:53
FreeBDSMthat's a meta-package19:53
FreeBDSMit has no python, but it depends on another package that actually contains python19:53
gabeiothat doesn't really answer why `python` and `python2.7` when run report 2 different versions (within python itself)19:55
daxthat's probably because you mentioned "package" and "version" in close proximity19:56
daxwhat versions are you seeing?19:56
TJ-gabeio: want to be even more confused? try "ls -l /usr/bin/python*"19:57
FreeBDSMgabeio: what does `apt-cache show python | grep 'Depends:'` report? and what does `python --version` report?20:00
gabeioone reports apt-cache reports 2.7.15~rc1-1~ and python --version reports `2.7.15+`20:01
gabeioI guess maybe I was confusing myself with the package names. But I could have sworn that when I ran `python --version` I was getting a different version from `python2.7 --version`20:02
gabeiothanks everyone!20:13
zutatgood evening. what does "ubuntu certified hardware" actually mean? full or partial support?20:21
OerHekszutat, really, partial?20:22
zutatOerHeks: yes. it's not that easy to support things20:22
OerHeksUbuntu Certified hardware has passed our extensive testing and review process to make sure Ubuntu runs well out of the box and it is ready for your business.20:23
OerHekspretty clear, full20:23
zutatOerHeks: thanks20:24
zutatso there are no certified 15" dell xps laptops, only 13"?20:29
OerHeksyes, it seems so ? https://certification.ubuntu.com/desktop/models/?query=xps&category=Laptop&level=Enabled&vendors=Dell20:30
ryuozutat: yes? though it may not document older XPS models.20:31
tewardzutat: I can say with relative first hand experience the latest 15 inch XPSes (9570) work well but need some after-market tweaks for cooling.  I would not recommend unless you know what you're doing though, because if you ain't careful you break things20:34
teward(but this said, hardware certification or not, most things can 'work well' with Ubuntu, at least with recent Dells)20:35
zutatteward: yes, but there are so many slightly different models, and sometimes things just don't work, even if they initially seemed to work (worked until you plugged in an external display, for example)20:37
tewardzutat: I have a 9570 and it works pretty well, I just had to do some after-market tweaks for thermal things, and undervolting, but as I said it's a little complicated if you don't know what you're doing, so...20:38
zutatteward: yeah. that's a major issue. might take a year or two until someone fixes it20:39
zutatteward: but do you have full hd model or some higher resolution screen?20:41
tewardzutat: TO MY KNOWLEDGE this system is 4k compatible, but it's just got a standard 1920x1080 screen in it, non-touch.  the HDMI port I believe can do 4k, but I have a docking station plugged into the system with the DisplayLink driver that has 2x4K outputs20:42
dmnurFreeBDSM: for video/mp4 `file` simply looks at characters after the 8th byte of the file. You can see what your file has there like this: tail -c +9 file.mp4 | perl -e 'while (($c = getc) ne "\0") {print $c}' | od -c20:43
zutatteward: thanks for information20:44
FreeBDSMdmnur: 000000020:46
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cgihow do i remove all authorized_keys entries from a given machine for a given user="username"?20:50
dmnurFreeBDSM: to trick `file` you can try to change bytes at offset 8 to e.g. "mp42": perl -e 'my $s = "mp42"; read STDIN, $buf, 8; print $buf; read STDIN, $buf, length($s); print $s; while (<>) {print}' < old.mp4 > new.mp420:51
leftyfbcgi: rm ~/<user>/.ssh/authorized_keys21:03
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goldstari am using ubuntu 19.04 and the night mode color is green instead of the yellow hue ? anyone know why and how I can fix it ?21:14
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jayjoon ubuntu desktop, can I disable the warning that my mouse battery is at 10%. Popup comes up every time the mouse re-connects with bluteooth (every 20s or so)21:27
hiigQuestion: In an xorg.conf, is a Screen section required? I've noticed that X likes to make one giant logical screen for multi-monitor setups. Is it possible to keep the monitors separate, but still be able to interact with each monitor seamlessly, like dragging a browser window across different monitors?21:30
EriC^^jayjo: try 'gsettings list recursively | grep bluetooth' and look for any settings21:31
EriC^^jayjo: try 'gsettings list-recursively | grep bluetooth' and look for any settings21:31
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TabMasherflooding is back?21:45
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daxTabMasher: hrm?21:50
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iffraffI'm pretty close, I can do it in memory but I'm having trouble writing it back to the same file22:20
iffraffcrap, not sure if first line was entered.  sorry for the repeat22:20
iffraffhello, I'm trying to do a file string replace in bash with out using sed as sed is not cross platform and some of us are on mac and some on linux22:20
iffraffI'm pretty close, I can do it in memory but I'm having trouble writing it back to the same file22:20
iffraffeven better would be to do it all in one command. Does anyone have any ideas?22:21
sarnoldiffraff: perl? that should be standard enough because mac and linux22:22
iffraffdoes it come installed on both?22:23
sarnoldmaybe macports sed?22:23
iffraffI'm really tring to get away from having everyone install something.22:23
sarnoldgood question, it's been ages since I've seen a system moments after install..22:23
iffraffI've got the find replace down, I just need to write it back to the same file22:24
tomreynso you don't want windows users to install bash, supposedly?22:24
sarnoldtomreyn: those lucky folks are just a few clicks away from an almost real linux of their choice :)22:24
iffraffna screw windows users :) sorry, I mean there are no windows users22:24
iffraffbasically I have this x=${x//mysql/eatme}22:25
sarnoldiffraff: does mac os have the sponge command? I'd be surprised but you never know...22:25
iffraffwhere I have read my file into x22:25
iffraffsee I'm on linux. sed was working great for me but when I made a pr people were like "it odn't work"22:25
iffraffI don't have access to a mac.22:26
iffraffI work remote otherwise I'd just walk over and bother somebocy22:26
iffraffsomebody rather22:26
iffraffso any ideas how I could write $x back to the file?22:26
sarnoldmaaaaaaybe printf "%s" "$x" > file22:27
sarnoldbtw that scares me a bit22:27
sarnoldso test it well, eg with `id` and $(id) and so on in $x to make sure the stupid thing doesn't get executed22:28
iffraffah, yea some of my attempts have been executed. it's not aproblem but it doesn't work of course22:28
iffraffha! that worked!  would it be possible to inline the $x? or is there a way to get it from three lines to one?22:30
sarnoldiffraff: I can't think of a great way to do that in one go; it wouldn't be too bad to make a function for it, so when it's used it's one line.. function replace { ... }22:33
iffraffyea, I'm just difficult. I have this in a makefile and I'm trying to keep it... well simple?22:34
EriC^^iffraff: what are you trying to do?22:38
iffraffchange a plethora of config files.  they have a bunch of fu.exampl.yml files and you have to copy them to fu.yml and then update the values.22:38
iffraffso this works22:40
iffraffx=$(<config/database.yml); printf "%s" "${x//mysql/eatme}" > ./config/database.yml22:40
iffraffbut when I remove the leading x= it tries to execute it22:40
iffraffI wish a) I could substitue the first expression for the x in the second expression and b) that I could get it to not execute22:41
iffraff@EriC^^ sorry I thought you were sarnold.  did you want me to explain the ask?22:42
EriC^^yeah go ahead22:42
EriC^^you have config files and they all contain the url "fu.example.yml"?22:43
iffraffso I want to open a file do a string replace and save the file in bash.  I now have most of it.22:44
iffraffif you see above a few line.22:44
EriC^^iffraff: sed can do that22:44
iffraffah yes it certainly can, but not in the same on different os' which totally sucks22:44
EriC^^sed 's@fu.example.yml@new.example.bla@g' /file22:45
iffraffthat's how I origialy wrote it but then all the mac people said it didn't work22:45
EriC^^hmm which os are you using? some sed need the -i argument22:45
iffraffI was using -i which works on linux.  but on mac you have to do -i ''  now -i'' (no space) works on linux, but you need the space in mac22:46
EriC^^sed -i '' 's@......' it will replace the file you pass it22:46
EriC^^ -i '' works on linux too i think22:46
iffraffyes but on linux it only works with out the space between -i and ''22:47
EriC^^i dont think so, let me test22:47
daxit works with a space in linux, i do it regularly22:48
EriC^^ok simple solution, use instead of -i --in-place=''22:48
EriC^^nope dax it didnt work for me right now, which is odd, i recall it working as well22:48
dmnuriffraff: you said you need to copy fu.example.yml to fu.yml first, so you don't need the -i option anyway, and without it `sed` works the same everywhere. Just use this: sed s/mysql/eatme/g fu.example.yml > fu.yml22:48
daxhttps://paste.debian.net/hidden/23f8e382/ *shrug*22:50
iffraffwait a minute! that's a good point! I mean I don't ALWAYS need to copy the .example, only the first time, BUT that' doesn't matter the .example is always there so i can just always copy rather tha modify in place.22:50
sarnoldheh :)22:51
iffraffdmnur: great idea.  thnk you.  much nicer that the bash I was writing.22:51
dmnuriffraff: you're welcome. :)22:51
iffraffdmnur: what is the trailing g for?22:51
dmnuriffraff: "g" is for "global", that's to replace all occurences of "mysql" on a line, not only the first one.22:53
EriC^^dax: he meant using sed -i '' 's/.....'    (like mac requires)22:53
dmnuriffraff: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ytRCjpq49Y/22:55
daxEriC^^: oh, -i '' as in an empty string suffix. sorry, completely missed that22:55
iffraffinteresting, now I have multiple occurances of mysql and they are all changed, but they are not on the same line.  is that the issue?22:56
iffraffwell, in anycase, thank you all.22:58
dmnuriffraff: do you need to replace all "mysql" occurrences in a file or just on some specific lines? The s/// command operates on all lines by default.23:01
iffraffso actually, it just so happens that I only need one occurance, but that's just coincidence.  if it evolves into more, I will definitely look up that syntax.  thanks!23:02
dmnuriffraff: also, you can give `sed` multiple commands by separating them with semicolons, e.g.: sed 's/aaa/bbb/g; s/ccc/ddd/g' file1 > file223:03
iffraffcool. yea, sed is pretty great. it's just htat cross platform thing that killed it form e23:03
beldenI'm using Ubuntu 18.04 with an OEM image shipped with my ThinkPad A485. It installs perfectly, it boots and everything works. But after the batch of initial updates the WiFi stop scanning for networks.23:55
beldeniwconfig shows the interface wlp2s0, but it looks like something borked it during the updates...23:56
eelstreborwhy doesn't --port=#### work with rsync?23:59

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