
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
bluesabreTJ-: lots of people have requested including https://github.com/hanschen/ksuperkey for better keyboard integration, that might do the trick09:18
TJ-bluesabre: thanks; it turned out the keyboard model selected was turning the "win" key into "multi_key"09:19
bluesabreTJ-: If I enter Super+Space and then type a letter, it appears... so there might be a running app that has claimed it09:19
TJ-bluesabre: the problem being, in "dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration" there is no bloody way to know what a keyboard model name either looks like, or the keycodes it generates! This is on an Asus T300CHI so originally I selected, quite obvisouly, "Asus Laptop" - der, WRONG! switched it to Generic PC101 and it now generate L_Super 09:21
bluesabreoh wow09:21
bluesabreI also have an Asus laptop, glad I didn't look around in there :)09:21
TJ-so now I can Super_Space and get unicode emojis by typing their common-names :)09:21
TJ-Using https://github.com/salty-horse/ibus-uniemoji09:22
TJ-it's very useful... Super+Space "soccer" => ⚽ 09:23
bluesabreThat's pretty awesome actually09:23
TJ-indeed, saves faffing about trying to look-up unicodes in hex09:23
bluesabremaybe we can get some more folks in the team *cough* knome *cough* to go for color emojis09:23
TJ-👨❤💻 <== was "man" "heart" "computer"09:24
TJ-bluesabre: ha! when you said "color" I thought I was generating colour and just couldn't see it due to the terminal :)09:25
Unit193bluesabre: He's the one you've got a chance to win over at least.09:26
bluesabreUnit193: :D09:26
bluesabreTJ-: `sudo apt install fonts-noto-color-emoji` and you should have color emojis in your terminal too, if you want them09:26
TJ-bluesabre: I have powerline fonts not sure if they extend that one; I'll check09:27
TJ-doesn't look like it09:29
TJ-🏓 thanks bluesabre - it works though not sure I need it :)09:44
TJ-bluesabre: now if they'd only fix this DPMS off issue...!!!09:45
TJ-I may be able to see them :D09:45
jphilipshi all, how to report problems with the xubuntu website09:49
=== jphilips is now known as jphilipz
bluesabrejphilipz: https://bugs.launchpad.net/xubuntu-website/+filebug09:53
jphilipzbluesabre: thanks09:59
jphilipzare all xfce components in 18.04 gtk2?10:13
jphilipzwant to test xfce gtk2 vs gtk3 and wonder which xubuntu release would have it10:13
brainwashjphilipz: what is there to test?10:22
jphilipzbrainwash: functionality/behaviour of the old vs new10:22
guivercjphilipz, Xfce 4.12 (early 2015) started the move from gtk2 to gtk3 so for an all gtk2 xfce it'd have to be before 2015 (thus EOL).10:26
jphilipzguiverc: i checked and 4.12 first got release with xubuntu 15.04, so from what you are saying the 4.12 with xubuntu 18.04 isnt all gtk210:27
guivercNope; 17.10 introduced some new gtk+3 features that prior releases had, 18.04 refined & added more  (note: I'm not a dev, only a user) .  16.04 should have more but 18.04 is too late in my opinion if you wanted mostly gtk210:30
=== TJ_Remix is now known as TJ-
guivercjphilipz, fyi: Xubuntu 16.04 is EOL (3 years as a flavor); sorry I forgot..10:38
jphilipzguiverc: even if EOL its just for testing purposes :D10:40
jphilipzseems 16.10 also had some gtk3 bits - https://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-16-10-release10:41
M_aDi'd take it to the support channel instead of chatting about it in the dev channel.11:00
guivercsorry M_aD, I wrongly thought this was #xubuntu 11:04
jphilipzan older bug i reported was set from incomplete to expired and i've just added additional info to it, so how to get its status changed from expired?18:38

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