
bittin__Gonna update to Ubuntu 19.10 Beta 1 from Alpha 9 in 1,5 hours15:36
lotuspsychjebittin__: i think they dropped alpha stages15:41
lotuspsychjebittin__: are you on 19.10 desktop?15:57
bittin__lotuspsychje: yep16:15
lotuspsychjebittin__: could you test something for me please16:15
bittin__lotuspsychje: maybe, depends on what?16:15
lotuspsychjebittin__: the blue icon ? (ubuntu docs) / click get more help / does it show community support?16:16
bittin__lotuspsychje: https://i.imgur.com/Dql9F7v.png16:17
lotuspsychjebittin__: 'get more help' at left under16:17
lotuspsychjehmm, ok tnx bittin__ 16:19
bittinUpdated from Ubuntu 19.10 Alpha to Beta now19:12

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