
deltabeelstrebor: are you using the double-colon syntax, or running rsync as a daemon?00:15
beldenwhy do I keep getting the "RTNETLINK answers: Operation not permitted" output when trying to enable my Wireless interface? tried running it as root but keeps getting the same error.00:22
Katronixhi all, is it okay if I ask Ubuntu Server question here?00:22
Bashing-omKatronix: Ask away :)00:22
sarnoldKatronix: sure, but there's also an #ubuntu-server that may or may not be more responsive00:22
KatronixIs it possible to have both php 7 and php 5.5 installed on the same server? only reason I ask is there is an app I want to start using written in php 5.5 and want to see how much I like it before I start upgrading it to 700:23
ryuoKatronix: probably, but that's not supported by the default PHP. you'd probably need to use another build.00:27
sarnoldKatronix: if you stick entirely to the canonical-supported stuff, that might be running bionic for the 7.2 and using lxd to run trusty for the 5.5; since that's out of regular support, you'd probably also want to get ubuntu advantage to get support for it00:28
sarnoldKatronix: ondrej sury's got some php builds in his ppa but iirc he replaces system openssl in the process. you'd need to ask for any help in his community of users..00:29
Katronixokay the server is running 16.04 currently I suppose I could just install php 5.5 on it?00:31
ryuoKatronix: or 5.6?00:31
KatronixI suppose I could try it with 5.6, the install app wants 5.5 (its several years old)00:32
Bashing-om!info php7 xenial00:37
ubottuPackage php7 does not exist in xenial00:37
Bashing-om!info php7.0 xenial00:38
ubottuphp7.0 (source: php7.0): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 7.0.33-0ubuntu0.16.04.5 (xenial), package size 1 kB, installed size 9 kB00:38
tomreynthere's no more php5 support other than via ESM00:39
wondowsDamn this Win/Command + P shortcut to change the display mode is just terrible00:42
wondowsI sometimes press it accidentally and it messes up my monitors00:42
OerHeksDon't change it.. or change it00:44
sarnoldKatronix: btw https://ubuntu.com/esm00:45
wondowsSuper+P cant find that in Keyboard Shortcuts -_______-00:45
wondowsJust Why?00:46
leftyfbwondows: https://askubuntu.com/a/1038869  # first result on google for "ubuntu super+p"00:51
dqxhi. does anyone understand why when building a custom kernel `make deb-pkg` always cleans everything before packing? this is _so_ time consuming. am I doing something wrong?00:54
pragmaticenigmadqx: You might want to start with asking in a channel suited to kernel development or ubuntu development00:55
wondowsleftyfb thanks, and wow, that's complicated00:55
pragmaticenigmadqx: Try #ubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-kernel00:56
dqxthanks a lot00:56
SoItBeginsMy HD had to be replaced because it was failing, so the computer shop cloned it.01:13
SoItBeginsThe Windows-based clone tool warned that the cloning process might mess up the bootloader.01:13
SoItBeginsWhat do I do to repair a possibly-broken bootloader once I get the comp back?01:14
OerHeksboot a live iso, and follow instructions from the grub factoid01:14
OerHeks( to reinstall grub01:14
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:14
SoItBegins‘k. Thank you!01:14
anibicI heard of a portal which allows all linux distro to be tested through a web browser . can anyone help me with the link ?01:43
anibicI read the news in my chrome news feed but has forgotten it since01:44
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sarnoldanibic: I think this was it, but it appears to be suffering a bit of load :) https://distrotest.net/01:45
anibicBut it says service unavailable01:53
tewardanibic: it's overloaded, and therefore the service is unavailable at the moment01:57
tewardanibic: that's what "Service Unavailable" and sarnold's "suffering a bit of load" comment were for ;)01:57
sarnoldevening teward :)01:57
anibicIt's up again. plz check.01:58
Gallomimia_if i was a log-file for psensor, where would i hide/02:02
sarnoldapt-cache show psensor ?02:02
Gallomimia_er, it's in ~/.psensor02:03
Gallomimia_but how do i read it :/02:03
Gallomimia_actually it's not that hard02:05
Gallomimia_just a bunch of CSV's starting with a timestamp and the values of each sensor02:05
Gallomimia_bad things. 80C and 530rpm on the cpu. whhhy??02:05
Gallomimia_thats double plus ungood02:06
sarnoldcpus shouldn't spin02:07
Gallomimia_the fan on it should, and a heck of a lot faster than that if it's at 80C02:08
OerHeksis 80' C abnormal for your CPU?02:13
=== FireEgl` is now known as FireEgl
Thr0rHi! Is the built-in Linux firewall supposed to be set to "inactive" as default after a std Linux install? ..any distro?02:46
sarnoldThr0r: yeah, a firewall is something an admin needs to configure; if you want a friendly frontend, I suggest ufw02:47
leftyfbThr0r: For Ubuntu, yes02:47
GerowenSo I seem to have accidentally flipped my screen upside down and there's no "orientation" option in the display settings.  Any idea how to fix it?02:48
GerowenI had exited a fullscreen DOSBox app and it screwed with my resolution and couldn't see to fix it, so I just rebooted.  Now I'm at 1080p again, upside down.02:49
Thr0rsarnold: Oh  - ok. It should maybe be informed after install? I was sure I was running with an active FW up until now... Just started it02:49
OerHeksinstall gufw, and you can enable rules in systemsettings02:49
Thr0rOerHeks: Ok .. I will. I was using ufw in console but if there is a GUI I will use that. Not sure if any rules are active as standard when I start it really02:51
OerHekssudo ufw default deny incoming / sudo ufw default allow outgoing /sudo ufw allow ssh / sudo ufw logging on02:53
Thr0rOerHeks: Thanks - done.02:56
GerowenSo if anybody else manages to rotate their screen and can't find a gui option to correct it, xrandr -o normal will fix it.03:03
Thr0rOerHeks: I can't find the Firewall settings in System settings.. I am on Kubuntu 19,0403:08
Thr0rOerHeks: ok - it starts from console03:13
deltabGerowen: thanks03:18
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toxictype I downloaded the official WIndows ISO. HOw do I make an installer USB? Nothing worked so far.04:50
lotuspsychjetoxictype: there's a woeusb snap if you like04:51
daxubottu: winusb04:51
ubottuUbuntu does not have a recommended tool for preparing bootable Windows installation USBs. If you need one, consider using Microsoft's media creation tool from a Windows computer (see ##windows for support). If this is not an option, there are third-party unsupported tools like WoeUSB ( https://github.com/slacka/WoeUSB , sudo snap install --edge woe-usb ) that might work.04:51
toxictypeI MEAN04:51
toxictypeI COULD04:51
inascimehi, i'm trying to set shortcuts with keys PgDN and PgUp but when i press those keys to set the shortcut nothing happens, anyone knows whats up with that?04:59
lotuspsychjeinascime: maybe try super + pgup/pgdown currently set for workspace switching05:00
inascimei wanted to use it for volume control05:01
lotuspsychjeinascime: dont your laptop already have volume control with Fn+ F keys?05:01
inascimeis there no way to set it without the super?05:01
inascimeim not on a laptop, i have desktop with a 80% keyboard05:01
inascimeit doesn't have media keys05:02
SoItBeginsI am installing a wireless antenna on my computer. The driver is on the manufacturer (TP-Link)’s website...06:12
SoItBeginsbut it’s rated for Linux Kernel versions 2.6.18 to 4.4.3 [The driver has a publishing date of May ’18 so that may have been the most recent kernel version at the time, I’m not sure].06:13
SoItBeginsDisco Dingo has kernel 5. If I install this driver, am I likely to cause any sort of trouble?06:13
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ikanoboriTry it :)06:18
guivercSoItBegins, 18.04 (2018-April release) uses 4.15 kernel so 4.4 (16.04's kernel of 2016-April) couldn't have been the latest - I'd say try it too06:19
SoItBeginsguiverc: Try the driver, you mean?06:19
guivercAntenna implies to me screw out of card, add new one which wouldn't need a driver change I'd think, but yeah I'd try kernel driver/module  (4.4 was a 2016-Jan kernel)06:20
SoItBeginsSounds good.06:29
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chietais this the right channel to ask about the Ubuntu Canonical Windows Subsystem Linux here?07:24
ubottuWindows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide07:32
MrSassyPantsLatest kernel update seemingly removed the ability to access my samsung phone's files, any info on this?07:33
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chietathanks for pointing #ubuntu-on-windows, geirha07:52
airwindHello, I have a PC with 2 HDDs. One is for OS, other is empty and I'd like to use it for backup.08:09
airwindWhat linux program do you recommend for periodic packups of a certain data folder?08:09
airwindI'd like to make incremental backups meaning that only files that have changed are backed up. Bonus, if it also saves history so I can access earlier file versions.08:09
tomreynairwind: if you're copying data from one hdd to another on the same computer that's not considered 'backup'.08:14
tomreynthe proper backup is remote (from where the data is primarily processed / in motion / used), encrypted, incremental. proven restorable, and not remotely deletable.08:17
lotuspsychje!backup | airwind for real backup08:20
ubottuairwind for real backup: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup, !borg, and !cloning08:20
tomreynborgbackup and restic (if it doesn't explode) are fine, duplicity is slow but can be ok if not much data.08:28
vltairwind: I use rdiff-backup (but don't know other tools).08:28
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SoItBeginsDoes Ubuntu Disco use the Unity desktop?09:04
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yvyz_SoItBegins: No, Default desktop is Gnome09:09
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SoItBeginsOK, sweet. I knew there was a privacy setting you had to set if you were using Unity, so that’s good to know.09:10
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airwindanother question. I noticed that some recent ubuntu flavors are using disk encryption with grub2 LUKS module (meaning /boot is also encrypted).09:22
airwindDoes this support different keyboard layouts or is it US only?09:23
yvyzDisc encryption is not automatic. As for Grub2 phase 1 keyboard layouts and LUKS/2, you can change the keyboard layout.09:41
yvyzThe grub configuration would be mostly the same for any other distro when you intend on an encrypted /boot09:41
WoodpeckerBest diff tool available on ubuntu?09:45
lotuspsychjeWoodpecker: we usually dont take polls here, try apt-cache search keyword, or software centre09:46
Woodpeckerlotuspsychje: yeah, but there are a million.09:53
yvyzWelcome to linux09:53
lotuspsychjeWoodpecker: feel free to ask reccomends in #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss09:53
airwindyvyz: Back in the days there was a tutorial (Pavel Kogan) how to manually encrypt the disk including /boot, and you had to use grub's luks module to decrypt and read initramfs09:55
airwindbut the system was limited to US keyboard layout only. In order to change it you supposedly had to use a grub2 module named at_keyboard09:56
airwindI tried it out, and it ended up ignoring all my keyboard input09:56
airwindthis was like 2 years ago, but today seeing that the ubuntu installers adopted this encryption technique as the default I am assuming there has been some development to warrant this change09:57
yvyzI am unaware of an auto installer that provides encrypted /boot10:01
airwindthere are live installers that ask you to encrypt the disk during partitioning, yes? I know for a fact that Lubuntu has one, not sure about others, but they probably have them too.10:04
Cheezyeah the ubuntu installer offers full disk encryption as an option during installation10:06
Cheezand is done using LUKS10:06
yvyzBut you specifically mention encrypted /boot10:07
airwindluks + encrypted /boot + grub2 luks module10:08
yvyzAll four of my machines are running LVM on LUKS210:09
yvyz1 with encrypted boot10:09
airwindif you're using encrypted /boot then your password prompt will look like this: https://i.imgur.com/c2vLutm.png10:11
yvyzGenerally, you encrypt your rootfs separately from your boot.10:11
EriC^^airwind: to add /boot to the encrypted luks isnt hard fwiw10:12
yvyzBut he wanted to know if phase 1 would support a different language than en_US10:12
airwindI wasn't saying it was.10:12
EriC^^yeah just putting that out there in case it's helpful10:13
yvyzI don't know of an auto installer that provides encrypted boot. only encrypted rootfs...10:13
EriC^^hence, the fwiw10:13
yvyzBut I understand that auto installers are not how to solve your problem10:13
airwindhmm, I'll do some test installations and observe what structure is generated by the installer10:13
yvyzBut apparently I am here to learn10:13
yvyzAfter you install, check /etc/default/grub for GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y10:14
yvyzWhich is the flag notifying GRUB to boot from an encrypted volume10:15
airwindwell... auto installers are a problem when certain features aren't available; normally I had to pause during installation, launcha shell and modify some stuff in mid-installation to get the exact layout I wanted.10:15
airwindyvyz: yes, GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK is set in my config10:15
yvyzGrub2 decrypt boot volume, which gets mapper cryptlvm volume information, which thend decrypts the rootfs, which then is then booted in phase210:15
yvyzGreat, and that was from an auto installer?10:16
yvyzSome sources say that Grub2 only supports US in phase1. I have seen that differ. But this isn't an ubuntu issue anyhow. This would be Grub10:17
airwindit would technically be whatever grub2 package is in the linux repo and the config files it contains10:17
airwindif grub2 supports something that the installation script doesn't utilize then it's not grub to blame10:18
yvyzYou are the expert.10:19
yvyzI find it amazing the linux repository contains grub.10:19
yvyzMaybe it changed? I have been on arch for some time now10:21
yvyzbesides my servers at least10:21
supermagHello, I have a CI with a subscribed card in it. The system is Conax. Is there anyway I can spot if the card is updating properly ? I have not used it for a long time.10:38
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EnissayHi, will "rm -R folder1 folder2 ..." work ? to delete multiple folders in one command10:56
UqbarEnissay: yes.10:56
EnissayUqbar: Thx10:58
BluesKajHey folks11:01
RyviusHello, I need to install mesa-vulkan-drivers-18.2.8-0ubuntu0~18.04.2.i386 but apt doesn't find anything with that name, how do I install it?11:05
EriC^^Ryvius: maybe it's this package?11:08
EriC^^!info mesa-vulkan-drivers bionic | Ryvius11:09
ubottuRyvius: mesa-vulkan-drivers (source: mesa): Mesa Vulkan graphics drivers. In component universe, is optional. Version 18.2.8-0ubuntu0~18.04.2 (bionic), package size 1534 kB, installed size 6311 kB11:09
RyviusLooks like I got it, thanks11:09
someone235Hi, I'm installing Xubuntu, and I have the option "Encrypt the new Ubuntu installation for security", but I can choose it only if I choose "Erase disk and install Xubuntu". How can I encrypt the partition if I don't choose "Erase disk and install Xubuntu"?11:22
blackflowsomeone235: manually11:23
someone235blackflow, you mean, after installation?11:24
blackflowsomeone235: no, manual partitioning11:24
someone235blackflow, so how can I encrypt a partition with manual partitioning?11:25
blackflowsomeone235: the installer should have the manual partitioning option, where you choose "Use As", encryption for the partition you want to encrypt, and then when it creates the encrypted device you continue using it for / with fs of your choice11:28
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sappheirosfalkon is freezing, or has frozen. how do i terminate it?12:27
sappheirosfrom within terminal, i mean. this time i was able to right-click close it from task bar12:28
sappheirosbut last night even that right-click did not respond12:28
sappheirosis there an ubuntu alternative to Google Drive/Documents? Google Documents freezes my lubuntu 18.10 32-bit Dell D62012:39
dr4kenfolks, which is the oldest available by default kernel in 18.04?12:42
dr4kenand how can i install it?12:43
EriC^^dr4ken: try 'apt-cache search linux-image' and see what you get12:45
EriC^^sudo apt-get install <package here   to install it12:45
dr4kenEriC^^, thanks12:46
dr4kenEriC^^, also, by any chance have you fixed issues with wireless cards in ubuntu?12:47
dr4keni have a wireless usb device that for some reason works wonders in my xubuntu 16.04 upgraded to 18.04 (kernel 4.15)12:47
EriC^^not much, feel free to explain the problem here and if someone knows they might give some input12:47
dr4kenbut it doesnt work in any chance in another machine with ubuntu 18.04 clean install with 4.18 kernel12:47
EriC^^dr4ken: aha, i think you can use 4.15 in 18.0412:48
EriC^^!info linux-image-generic bionic12:48
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 15 kB12:48
dr4kenEriC^^, yeah hope so it works, im installing it rght now12:49
EriC^^dr4ken: 4.15 is default in bionic, i think 4.18 is the HWE package12:49
EriC^^dr4ken: make sure you boot into it from grub's advanced options menu, cause by default it'll still boot the newest kernel12:50
dr4kenyeah, i will use grub-cuztomizer to modify the grub wait time12:50
EriC^^dr4ken: you could hold shift when the pc starts to get grub too if you want12:50
dr4kenEriC^^, the thing is, i had to use HWE because look like the driver im looking for was removed from mainline in 4.18 and moved to another little package12:51
woenxHi. I installed a package from source (exiv2), which is a requirement for compiling another software. apparently, that other software uses PKGConfig to detect whether exiv2 has been installed, but it doesn't seem to be working correctly. How can I make sure PKGConfig is correctly detecting that package?12:55
Uqbarwoenx: are you sure it doesn't require libexiv2 instead?12:59
dr4kenfolks, if a driver fails to compile in my ubuntu 18.04, which is my other best bet?13:05
pragmaticenigmadr4ken: To ask your question in a development channel. Compiling is not supported here. Try #ubuntu-devel13:10
dr4kenpragmaticenigma, even if im not developing it? its a driver that builds at install time13:10
woenxUqbar: yes, it asks for libexiv2, but I thought it would be compiled with exiv213:12
woenxI can't find libexiv2 in github13:12
pragmaticenigmadr4ken: This channel is for support existing as provided applications, drivers, configurations of Ubuntu. That is to say, the volunteers focus on supporting what is documented in release notes, and on https://help.ubuntu.com/ ...13:12
pragmaticenigmawoenx: It appears that you should find the forum that specializes in the application that you are trying to compile, they are going to be your best resource for getting help on missing dependencies.13:14
woenxI see13:14
Uqbarwoenx: apt search libexiv and then install the one you need13:14
woenxYep, but the version in the repositories is outdated13:14
pragmaticenigmawoenx: What application are you trying to compile? Is it not already provided in the software repos?13:15
woenxMy specific question was about PKGConfig13:15
woenxpragmaticenigma: exiv2 and libexiv2. The version in the repositories is 0.25, but I need 0.26 or higher (ideally 0.27)13:15
pragmaticenigmawoenx: That is not what I asked, I'm asking what your end goal is13:16
woenxto compile digikam from source in ubuntu 18.04.213:16
pragmaticenigmawoenx: What is wrong with digikam as it is already provided in the software repos?13:16
woenxIt's very outdated. Also, I have to test some new features in the code for the beta version, so I'd need to compile it regularly.13:17
pragmaticenigma!latest | woenx13:17
ubottuwoenx: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.13:17
woenxAnyway, I created a virtual machine (in virtualbox), so I can have an Ubuntu 18.04 clean install just for compiling that software13:18
pragmaticenigmawoenx: If you want help in building the application from source, please find their forums and groups. They are better suited for helping you. As I mentioned earlier, this channel is focused on Ubuntu as it it officially support and provided through the official distribution channels.13:18
woenxbut my initial question was if you knew if PKGConfig was also a working feature in ubuntu (I was suggested that this may be the issue)13:19
pragmaticenigmawoenx: The versions of those packages are going to be the versions required by other applications in the repos. That is to say, if you're trying to compile bleeding edge, it is very likely the supporting libraries that are provided in the repo will not match the requirements of application you are attempting to compile from source13:21
woenxYes, I understand, but in this case, I'm trying to compile both the main application and its dependencies (libexiv2 and opencv, basically)13:21
woenxAnd maybe, if I am successfull, I could generate up to date .deb packages of these programs so I can easily install them in other computers13:22
pragmaticenigmaAll of that is considered off topic here, which is why I am encouraging you to seek out the correct forums for this topic. You might have some luck asking in #ubuntu-app-devel13:23
woenxyes, i will13:23
woenxI already asked in the app forum... and they were not very ubuntu-friendly, that's why I thought of asking here13:24
woenxbut thanks anyway :)13:24
traubisodahi everyone13:38
za1b1tsuDoes anyone else experiencing issues with lynx? Not loading pages13:38
pragmaticenigmaza1b1tsu: What site are you trying to access?13:39
traubisodaI'm out of free space on a server, so I looked for large logs, and I stupidly rm-d /var/log/btmp, and it didn't free up any space. I checked with lsof and there is no process holding that file. Is there any way to free up the space without restarting the server?13:39
blackflowtraubisoda: first you need to figure out what's hogging all the space. `ncdu` can help13:43
za1b1tsupragmaticenigma, https://pastebin.com/raw/dtkRf4gD13:45
traubisodablackflow thanks for the tip, but I don't have it installed and I don't think I can get it with 0 free space :')13:54
pragmaticenigmaza1b1tsu: I'm not having any difficulty using lynx on Ubuntu 18.04.2 ... Perhaps purge and reinstall lynx, a config file might have become corrupted14:06
dr4kenfolks, i have an usb wireless nic that does works wonders in the _live_ ubuntu 16.04, but it is rk-kill "hard-block" in the installed instance14:33
lotuspsychjedr4ken: wich chipset is that?14:33
jeremy31dr4ken: try reset BIOS to defaults14:34
dr4kenlotuspsychje, mt760114:34
dr4kenjeremy31, BIOS? what could e th ecause in BIOS?14:34
jeremy31dr4ken: weird things happen14:34
jeremy31dr4ken: a hard block shouldn't be possible without a switch14:36
dr4kenjeremy31, it does havea switch, but i had the same issue in the previously installed 18.0414:36
dr4keneven once the switch was "unblocked"14:36
jeremy31dr4ken:  does it also have internal wifi?14:37
lotuspsychjedr4ken: try that bios reset jeremy31 suggested and come back after reboot14:38
dr4kenjeremy31, yeah, and it was always blocke14:38
dr4kenlotuspsychje, ok, give me a few minutes, while i end up the initial apt update14:38
jeremy31dr4ken: if the internal is removed, the switch position will be ignored14:44
jeremy31Have to go14:44
rodybigIs there a way to log percentage of CPU utilization caused only due to the networking stack?14:44
dr4kenjeremy31, thanks, but i _cannot_ remove the internal one due desires from the owner14:49
dr4kenit is not my machine14:49
dr4kenjeremy31, see you later14:49
blackflowrodybig: doesn't ring a bell, but I guess if it would be possible, then it'd be through a kthread listed in ps/top. However, you can monitor interrupts and see how NIC interrupts relate to others (/proc/interrupts)14:49
TJ-rodybig: could you use the packet counts as an analogue? If so see tools like "sar" and "vnstat"14:55
rodybigTJ- What do you mean? Can you explain?15:01
TJ-rodybig: without inserting kprobes into the various kernel functions that handle network tasks there's no way to do what you want. But, if you measure the package throughput and plot that against CPU usage, you can get an analogue indication how much the network throughput affects the overall CPU usage15:02
TJ-rodybig: if you design a measurement rig so the only load will be network throughput, you can determine that without other factors intefering15:03
iffraffhi, I have a makefile that has a couple of processes that take a while. then it run a process that requires sudo, so the ux is run make command and the wait a long time and then notice that you need to enter password.  Is there a way to propt for password in the beginning?15:15
TJ-iffraff: you could add a sudoers rule with NOPASSWD for the user and binary to be executed15:16
iffraffTJ-:  thanks, um, I'm not entirely sure what you mean though :)  I guess I don't know how to add a sudoers rule or what I would add it to.15:19
TJ-iffraff: here's an example from my systems. In this I have a series of Cmnd_Alias definitions that describe specific commands the alias relates to. Then, for my user "tj" I have a NOPASSWD rule that includes the list of aliases. This means my user can call, e.g, "sudo apt ..." without needing to type a password15:23
TJ-iffraff: see https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8PMT8bnjNj/15:23
iffraffthank you I will read that.  the task that requires sudo is deleting a directory that the user doesn't have rights to.  I think it might actually require password.15:25
iffraffoh wait  think I understand15:26
iffraffyou make a sudo call at the top and then make the other commands NOPASSWORD.  but would that work with rm -rf?15:28
TJ-iffraff: you can limit the command if it is static to avoid misuse, e.g. "Cmnd_Alias RM = /bin/rm -rf /path/to/dir" -- you can be specific as to the arguments to the program, don't just have to list the command name15:29
Groarhow can I increase the resolution of tty_(number) terminals?15:29
iffraffTJ-: ah I was wondering where rm lived :)  ok I'll give this a try thank you15:30
TJ-Groar: you mean the video display width x height of physical consoles?15:30
TJ-iffraff: if you ever wonder do "which <command>" - it'll search PATH and tell you15:30
GossetHi all, what are the best practices for Upgrading from one version to the next one? Thanks15:33
sam155best linux channel?15:34
TJ-Gosset: read the release notes *first* to learn about any gotchyas that may affect the install15:36
GossetI've read keeping /home separate from / is a good practice, but when upgrading to a new version things might get strange15:36
leftyfbGosset: backups, remove all PPA's and the packages installed from them and have good backups. Also have multiple backups.15:36
TJ-Gosset: upgrading doesn't affect /home/ - what you seem to be referring to is *replacing* the installed OS with a nother15:37
Gossetof course I backup everything15:37
Gossetbut it's at /home where are all the config files, isn't it?15:37
leftyfbI don't recommend just dumping /home back onto an install of a newer release. Restore from backups as needed and make sure things work for each setting/application15:37
Gossetif I upgrade to a new version, those configurations might conflict?15:38
other_rickhi, I need automatically execute a script from a squashfs image in order to update 20 or more machines, I tried to do that using the rc.local but nothing happens, someone has another approach?15:38
Sven_vBhi! on xenial, I enabled dpmsQuickOff and set dpmsOff to 0:00:02 (2 seconds?) and xscreensaver actually turns off my screen backlight when it starts. however, sometimes after a short moment it reactivates the screen to show some yellow text, even though I disabled overlayStderr and verbose. also when the password dialog closes due to timeout, the screen will stay active and show yellow text. how to fix?15:39
Gossetthanks TJ-15:39
GossetSo I am to install Ubuntu on a 1TB SSD + 4TB HDD, what partition table scheme do you recommend15:40
TJ-Gosset: configuration stored in user's home is never touched; only the system config files15:40
leftyfbGosset: I recommend keeping things simple, preferably some redundancy and having backups15:42
Gossetso TJ- I assume you've been attached to a separate /home partition for years?15:42
Gossetthanks leftyfb15:42
Gossetyou only upgrade Ubuntu versions?15:42
iffraffTJ-:  hello  I need a bit more help.  so seems like you are cat-ing a file that specifies some command.  In my /etc/sudoers.d  there is only a read me.  secondly, is line 1 and 2 actually one line of bash?  plus more if you are still there :)15:42
TJ-Gosset: it makes no difference for standard do-release-upgrade from one release to another; /home/ isn't affected15:42
Gossetbecause you upgrade the /15:43
TJ-iffraff: you need to *create* the file(s) containing the entries and put the file in /etc/sudoers.d/  -- you don't need separate files, can use one. I just split mine up for ease of use since I have a LOT of them15:43
GossetI've been reading and watching some youtube videos about this and I don't understand quite well15:43
TJ-Gosset: package upgrades never touch anything in /home/ because packages are not stored, nor put their system-wide configuration, in that directory.15:44
leftyfbGosset: running the do-release-upgrade does not modify your partitions at all. It only upgrades packages and some configs15:44
leftyfbTJ-: sort of (snaps) ;)15:45
GossetI said *upgrade the / to simplify15:45
leftyfbGosset: upgrading does not modify your partitions15:45
TJ-leftyfb: snaps change things in $HOME (aside from their own image) ?15:45
leftyfbTJ-: I think so, though I don't know 100%15:46
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TJ-leftyfb: ouch... if so, another reason to avoid snaps15:46
leftyfbTJ-: there's a "current" link to the latest version in the same directory in ~/snap/<application>/. I assume when upgrading to a newer version, that gets modified. Pretty benign, but a change non-the-less15:47
Gossetthen, may I ask what do you do when upgrading from 16:04 to 18:04 i.e.15:48
Gossetjust a single command?15:48
TJ-leftyfb: thanks for telling me15:48
TJ-Gosset: yes, as I said, "do-release-upgrade"15:48
leftyfbGosset: desktop or server?15:48
Gossetbut after 4 o 5 versions, the system is still stable?15:48
leftyfbGosset: there's a GUI to accomplish the same thing15:49
GossetI've been on 12.04 for 6 years..15:49
Gossetit's time to upgrade but..15:49
TJ-Gosset: a few weeks ago I d-r-u-ed from 12.04 to 18.0415:49
leftyfb12.04 was EOL'd 2 years ago15:49
GossetI know15:49
leftyfbTJ-: gross15:49
TJ-Gosset: as in 12.04 > 14.04 > 16.04 >18.0415:49
TJ-Gosset: i just had to take time and care to ensure service configuration file customisations and changes in syntax didn't cause issues15:50
GossetI think I'm going to do a clean install15:50
TJ-leftyfb: it was easy! the hard part is I've got to move that i386 18.04 to amd64 in-situ15:50
leftyfbGosset: that is how I always do it. It's nice and refreshing15:51
TJ-Gosset: for most desktop installs there's little to worry about for system service configuration. But on servers there's often a lot15:51
GossetI know, I use Ubuntu just for non serious things15:52
Gossetnothing professional15:52
Gossetleftyfb I agree15:52
Gossetback when I used only Windows, I reinstalled the OS quite often15:53
Gossetbut it's because Ubuntu is so customazible that I wanted to keep all those tweaks15:53
Gosset[sorry for my spanglish btw]15:53
iffraffTJ-: ok so in the pastebin you sent is the second line what you put in the new file in sudoers.d?  or do you put the command you are trying to execute?15:56
TJ-iffraff: maybe I should remove the cat commands to make it clearer15:57
iffraffactually I stopped being lame and googled it :) so thank you for the lead!  however, this would require all users of the makefile to have the sudoer.d file in there system. this will be used by the whole team, I'm not sure if that's going to work15:59
TJ-iffraff: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rn5mnTCMGy/15:59
TJ-iffraff: whatever you do you'll need to change config on every system16:00
iffraffug.  well thank you, and thanks for the updated pastebin16:00
TJ-iffraff: the only other option is to be able to repeatedly call "sudo --reset-timestamp" whilst the long-running process is running16:00
iffraffah, so it's not the case that the sudo times out for the particular console, it's that there's a good chance that the console has not yet had sudo password entered.  I was hoping just to prompt for that step at the begining so when the first couple processes are done the user wont be prompted again.  they are not really that long running just annoying to have to watch16:03
TJ-iffraff: oh, I thought you meant the sudo timer was timing out16:08
TJ-iffraff: in which case have the user issue a sudo somethingo-or-other harmless command at the start16:08
TJ-iffraff: this doesn't help if you're doing automation of course, which is where NOPASSWD comes in16:08
iffraffah, cool so what would a "harmless" sudo command be? I imagine there must be something pretty simple. like maybe the reset-timestamp you mentioned16:10
TJ-iffraff: "sudo echo hello" :)16:12
iffraffoh, you just make any call with sudo.  duh.  :) thanks.16:15
rfmiffraff, all this sudo stuff sure seems like a rathole to me... wouldn't it be easier just to set the permissions on the shared directory so all the users can write it?16:16
iffraffyes, that would make sense. but it's actually a volume that docker creates via a shared directory.  but the solution is super easy as you point out. I just don't want to have to look up 10 minuets later to see it's still waiting for a password and has tons of work left to do.16:18
iffraffso thank you!@16:18
iffraffI mean thank you!16:18
SuperLagRunning 19.04 - trying to do updates, and it's hanging on snapd stuff. Is this a known issue? I posted a screenshot. https://imgur.com/gallery/XJ6Bk9N16:42
SuperLagIt's been in that same spot for almost an hour.16:43
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iffraffHello, I am extremely vexed by having notifications occurring in all different places of my workspace, some in the browser, some it slack, I get some via ubuntu but not all and the ubuntu notifications suck and have no custimization.  Is there any app or plug in that can aggregate these nicely ?16:46
lotuspsychjeiffraff: there are some settings in dconf-editor about notifications, but not really to group them16:47
za1b1tsuanyone experiencing this with lynx:  https://pastebin.com/raw/dtkRf4gD16:48
ryuoiffraff: za1b1tsu no.16:49
ryuoza1b1tsu: no16:49
iffrafflotuspsychje:  so I mean I'm pretty sure that ubuntu gets all the notifications. it must expose them via some api, what sort of language or app would one need to build to plug that in?16:49
Uqbarza1b1tsu: probably some cloudflare voodoo16:50
Uqbarpotentially having to do with behaviour observed from your IP address16:51
za1b1tsu*scratches head*, guess w3m for me16:53
ryuoza1b1tsu: or you could just disable browser notifications.16:54
za1b1tsuryuo, I don't get it16:56
ryuoza1b1tsu: i've only seen browser notifications show up if you've agreed to allow a website to send them.16:57
za1b1tsuand that crashes lynx?17:00
woenxBtw, the link to the Packaging Guide in this website https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall is broken. Can it be fixed?17:07
woenxit should point to http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/17:07
Sven_vBis there a way to give multiple valid PAM passwords to a user? I'm trying to hack physlock in a way that allows several users to unlock the screen.17:09
lordcirthSven_vB, surely there is a better way?17:10
TJ-Sven_vB: could you use a group password?17:11
lordcirth... I didn't know those existed. That's cool.17:11
Sven_vBTJ-, nope, it only accepts one username. also that's only in the version that xenial's apt accepts. the feature seems to have vanished from master, or Ubuntu uses a fork.17:13
Sven_vBmaybe I can use vlock instead, as I don't need power saving (except dpms)17:16
TJ-Sven_vB: the only way I can think would be to use pam_mysql with a db backend that has multiple user records and checks all of them before returning success/failure to PAM17:24
Sven_vBTJ-, thanks! I might try that if vlock doesn't work.17:24
davidfetter_worki just built some upgrade .deb packages locally. how do I use them to do the upgrade?17:35
davidfetter_work<-- Ubuntu n00b17:35
lordcirthdavidfetter_work, dpkg -i <filenames>17:36
davidfetter_worklordcirth: and that'll just do the upgrade, not install a 2nd version?17:36
davidfetter_worksorry for the dumb questions17:36
lordcirthdavidfetter_work, if the package name is the same17:36
TJ-*and* the package installs to the same paths17:37
davidfetter_workworked beautifully. thanks, lordcirth and TJ :)17:50
deadromI'd like to run scripts/commands when resuming the machine from a suspend, where is the place for that?17:51
TJ-deadrom: /etc/pm/sleep.d/17:52
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pavlosdeadrom: it happens I wrote an article, https://www.azloco.org/2019/04/06/systemd-suspend-resume-script/18:05
Sven_vBhow do I decide whether I want to install grub onto sda or sda1?18:09
Sven_vBsda has GPT and partition 1 is 16 MB of fat16 that I reserved for grub18:10
Sven_vBbut with msdos partition table disks, I usually install it onto the disk itself, nor?18:10
EriC^^Sven_vB: that's correct18:19
EriC^^Sven_vB: it boils down to whether you want to boot via uefi or legacy18:20
Sven_vBI'm gonna try uefi then18:21
akikSven_vB: i've used this on a uefi system: grub-install --efi-directory=/boot/efi --boot-directory=/boot --target=x86_64-efi18:21
Sven_vBshould I create the efi directory first?18:22
EriC^^Sven_vB: you'll need to add the efi partition to fstab and mount it first18:22
EriC^^(under /boot/efi)18:22
Sven_vBdoes /boot have to be on the same disk as /boot/efi?18:23
Sven_vBok so I just mount sda1 into /boot/efi right?18:23
Sven_vBwhy would I need it in fstab?18:23
EriC^^this is my fstab line 'UUID=0A87-44C2  /boot/efi       vfat    umask=0077      0       1'18:24
EriC^^Sven_vB: cause it's a partition of the system and in the future grub will want to update the files there etc with package updates18:24
Sven_vBoh ic18:25
EriC^^are you doing this from a chroot?18:26
Sven_vBnope, from an regular Ubuntu (not livecd) that resides on a USB thumb drive, together with the super GRUB disk.18:27
Sven_vBbasicall I want the disk to boot one of my USB Ubuntus. however, they'd probably interfere with each other, so I changed plans and will try to install the supergrub onto the disk first.18:27
Sven_vBhow do I tell gparted I want to specify the partition size in sectors?18:31
lordcirthSven_vB, why do you need to?18:32
Sven_vBlordcirth, I want to copy the supergrub partitions as verbatim as possible18:33
Sven_vBactually I'd prefer to make hfs+ support work and then copy all the files, but that seems to be advanced.18:34
Sven_vBjust installing hfsutils and stuff didn't seem to be enough18:34
lordcirthSven_vB, you might have to use 'parted' then18:35
lotuspsychjeSuperLag: did you just filed that snapd bug?18:41
Sven_vBI'll try gdisk then18:43
Sven_vBlordcirth, oh sorry, saw that too late. but if gdisk can't do it I'll try parted. :18:45
lordcirthSven_vB, whatever CLI tool you like, yeah18:45
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SuperLaglotuspsychje: I didn't file any bug, but I was wondering if there was one already, or that it was a known issue.19:00
Sven_vBgparted is so strange. it can't check my 1 MB fat16 partition, while fsck.fat can.19:00
SuperLaglotuspsychje: going on 3 hours and the update process is still hung at that same spot19:01
lotuspsychjeSuperLag: i found just this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/183436119:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1834361 in snapd (Ubuntu) "package snapd 2.39.2 failed to install/upgrade: il sottoprocesso installato script di post-installation ha restituito lo stato di errore 1" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:01
SuperLaglotuspsychje: that looks like it might be Italian. Definitely not me. :D19:02
lotuspsychjeSuperLag: on 18.04 i also tested, also had similar error as yours, but mine finished updates with sucess19:02
lotuspsychjeSuperLag: can you try closing other software as much as possible19:05
tewardSuperLag: my computer probably outclasses lotuspsychje as well but it passed without issues, same warnings, but not a critfail it just took some time19:06
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lotuspsychjeSuperLag: can you try the workaround in the bug description: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/177662219:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1776622 in systemd (Ubuntu) "snapd updates on cosmic never finish installing. Can't install any other updates." [Undecided,Expired]19:10
bittinUpdated from Ubuntu 19.10 Alpha to Beta now19:12
lotuspsychjeno crosspost bittin19:13
bittinlotuspsychje: sorry19:13
leftyfb!ubuntu+1 | bittin19:14
ubottubittin: Eoan Ermine is the codename for Ubuntu 19.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+119:14
ianliuI've issued "sudo update-grub", and the output says: "Found Arch Linux on /dev/sda4", but there is no Arch Linux entry in the /boot/grub/grub.cfg file. Am I doing something wrong?19:24
EriC^^ianliu: type grep menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg19:25
EriC^^ianliu: where are you running this command from? a live usb?19:25
ianliuEriC^^ I'm running this command from my Ubuntu installation. The ubuntu is installed on /dev/sdb3, and the Arch Linux is on /dev/sda419:27
EriC^^what's the output of the grep cmd19:28
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:28
ianliuEriC^^ https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CBtPsNnXZ3/19:29
EriC^^ianliu: type "ls -l /etc/grub.d"19:30
ianliuEriC^^ https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ycgmDC795h/19:30
ianliuEriC^^ and this is the output of update-grub: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PPyjVSMXFf/19:31
EriC^^ianliu: this is pretty odd, try "sudo grub-mkconfig | nc termbin.com 9999" and paste the link please19:32
Guest_94Hi, I've tried to encrypt my home directory a few times using ecryptfs, while migrating from an second sudo account, an error that turns up saying home directory cannot be found. What am I doing wrong?19:33
ianliuEriC^^ https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SCZTmpDF9v/19:34
ianliuEriC^^ this termbin.com is not responding to me19:34
EriC^^ianliu: please upload "cat /etc/default/grub"19:35
ianliuEriC^^ https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8Hvftfqvw8/19:36
EriC^^ianliu: hmm, maybe it's cause arch is installed in legacy mode it's not picking it up?19:36
EriC^^i think that's it19:37
EriC^^ianliu: type 'sudo parted -ls' to confirm19:37
ianliuEriC^^ I installed arch linux without installing any bootloader, just the kernel. I was hoping ubuntu would create the EFI entry inside the EFI partition. Is this correct?19:37
EriC^^ianliu: it doesn't really need an efi entry, the efi entry just boots ubuntu's grub19:38
ianliuEriC^^ https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ttVwRGFpty/19:38
EriC^^i think it doesn't technically need arch to be installed in efi mode, i mean it's just going to boot the kernel and whatnot, not like windows which it needs to match the mode for it to work19:38
EriC^^so hold that thought on the uefi/legacy issue19:38
EriC^^i think if it finds a kernel it should just add it, os-prober is even mentioning it, why it's not ending up in the config it's compiling is weird19:40
EriC^^ianliu: does 'sudo os-prober' give any more info?19:40
ianliuEriC^^ https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YXTdVh7ZJ9/19:41
EriC^^ianliu: let's take a quick peak at the contents of /boot there19:42
EriC^^ianliu: sudo mount /dev/sda4 /mnt && sudo -ls /mnt/boot | nc termbin.com 999919:43
EriC^^ianliu: sudo mount /dev/sda4 /mnt && sudo ls -l /mnt/boot | nc termbin.com 999919:43
ianliuEriC^^ https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Z26w6vmTSN/19:44
ianliuEriC^^ maybe I can add an entry manually? Don't know exactly how to do this, though19:48
EriC^^yeah you could19:48
ianliuEriC^^ I know that I shouldn't edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg directly, so how can I permanently add an entry?19:49
EriC^^ianliu: you have to add it to /etc/grub.d/40_custom19:50
ianliuEriC^^ thanks, I will try that19:50
EriC^^ianliu: are you sure you pasted sudo grub-mkconfig 's contents earlier? or grub-mkconfig -o /something ?19:50
EriC^^actually it doesnt matter much nevermind, it would have just shown where it found arch linux but i guess would be just empty after it19:51
ianliuEriC^^ yes, I've pasted the content of "sudo grub-mkconfig | tee /tmp/foo"19:51
ScottbertDoes anyone know how to share folders from ubuntu? It doesn't seem to be working19:51
ianliuEriC^^ the grub-mkconfig seems to show the os-prober output on stderr, thats why /tmp/foo didn't have the " Found Arch Linux" I guess19:52
ScottbertAnd as much as it drives me up the wall that Ubuntu doesn't think this functionality is important (what the heck do Canonical's customers do?), I know complaining is useless, I just want to know, how to make it work19:52
lordcirthScottbert, how are you trying to do it?19:54
ScottbertWell, right click in dolphin and using the share tab doesn't work (changes are never saved). Editing smb.conf doesn't work. gtk-samba config tool seems to sort of work but when I actually open a folder remotely nothing happens19:54
lordcirthScottbert, what OS do you need to share it to?19:55
ScottbertWindows 1019:55
lordcirthScottbert, well, Win10 can mount NFSv319:56
lordcirth(Surprisingly) so that's an option if need be19:56
Scottbertlordcirth: Is that why ubuntu doesn't support samba sharing anymore? Hmm... but the share tab doesn't configure NFSv3...19:57
lordcirthSMB should work. I personally haven't used it much, though.19:58
Scottbertlordcirth:I can access samba shares on other computers just fine. Ubuntu doesn't seem able to create its own shares19:59
akemScottbert, You can try with command line, like: net usershare add -l Music /media/Music/ some_comment Everyone:R guest_ok=y20:00
akemReplacing the path and Music by whatever you wanna share.20:01
tomreyni would think that for ubuntu to be able to create its own shares, you'll need to manually configure the file sharing service. https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba-fileserver.html20:01
lordcirthakem, isn't 'net' a Windows command? He has a Windows client, not server20:07
Scottbertakem: Is that for samba? How do I make it only accessible to a specific user but read and write access?20:08
akemlordcirth, when you have samba installed you also have the command on Ubuntu.20:08
lordcirthAh ok20:08
akemScottbert, Did the command i pasted worked for you? I would suggest first try to see if it works without access control.20:09
Scottbertakem: net usershare info is complaining about invalid parameters. How do I unf*ck my samba config back to normal before trying this method to add shares?20:10
akemFor a single user RW you need first to add the user with: sudo smbpasswd -a username, then you change the "Everyone:R" to "username:F" in the first command i pasted.20:12
akemScottbert, i don't know how to set the config to default if you already changed things...maybe just uninstall/reinstall Samba.20:13
Scottbertalthough, I notice gtk-config had the same complaint... I wonder if the default install on ubuntu is messed up20:14
akemScottbert, just try it out, ignore thoses messages just to see.20:15
akemI have some error messages here too, but everything works.20:15
tomreynpurge + reinstall or, less convoluted, install --reinstall --force-confnew --force-confmiss20:15
akemWell not errors but info messages.20:16
b1ack0phi. i guess 18.04 default desktop is xorg right?20:18
b1ack0pwhen i do echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE , it returns with x1120:19
ScottbertHad a backup config, now testing20:19
tomreynb1ack0p: ubuntu 18.04 comes with gnome / gnome-shell and defaults to Xorg20:20
b1ack0pso x11 means xorg right?20:20
b1ack0pso which one is better?20:21
Scottbertakem: Works on localhost, checking if windows can see it20:21
b1ack0pwayland or xorg20:21
tomreynblackflow: "depends"20:21
tomreyneer b1ack0p20:21
b1ack0pwhich one is preferrable?20:22
Bashing-omb1ack0p: Excercise each and see which you prefer, I find Wayland faster and smoother on my old system.20:22
blackflowtomreyn: I concur :)20:22
b1ack0pi am not so familiar ..20:22
b1ack0pblackflow: u or me should change nick i guess :p20:23
b1ack0p2 blacks causing trouble here lol20:23
b1ack0pbtw i am not black it is just nick :p20:23
blackflowb1ack0p: whoever registered last should change :)20:25
tomreynblackflow: sorry for waking you up there ;)20:25
blackflowtomreyn: np ;)20:25
Scottbertakem: I can browse files, but when I try to actually open one, explorer hangs20:25
b1ack0pwell i will try wayland maybe tomorrow..20:26
tomreynis there a problem you're trying to solve this way?20:27
deadmundHow do I figure out what the job is that is causing "a stop job is runing for Session c3 for user ..."  ???20:28
Scottbertakem: Opening a tiny jpg worked, but trying to open or copy anything multiple megabytes in size just... does nothing.20:28
b1ack0ptomreyn: me?20:28
tomreynb1ack0p: yes20:29
b1ack0ptomreyn: no problem. just trying to understand what s xorg and wayland. learning20:29
tomreyni see20:29
Scottbertakem: Similar behavior on linux, actually, even though it's THIS MACHINE. Accessing files through samba just... doesn'tr20:29
deadromTJ-: uh.. ok, so I use the existing ones as templates, up the number and go for thaw|resume, right..?20:30
akemScottbert, sounds like a networks issue at first, i would try to ping or disconnect/reconnect, but if it does in loopback on the host not sure...never had this sort of issue.20:31
b1ack0pwhile watching 720p videos on youtube it freezes. is it because of ubuntu intel drivers or my pc?20:32
b1ack0pi cant imagine 1080p at all20:33
b1ack0pvideo freezes but not sound on 720p20:33
deadromb1ack0p: what gpu?20:33
akemI have samba shares on my main Ubuntu machine that i use from Ubuntu/Win 7 and 10 and Android and i never had trouble, i just define the share from command line i didn't try to configure it etc.20:33
akemStreaming music/movies etc.20:34
b1ack0pdeadrom: intel gma20:35
deadromb1ack0p: xorg is just the graphical subsystem, wayland is another. on top of that you can have any window manager or full blown desktop environment you like, there's plenty to choose. ubuntu's standard is xorg, which is X.org's implementation of the X11 protocol. X has been around for many years, some while ago it was not xorg but xfree86, long story, and now Wayland tried to become the new thing for quite a while and while you can run X apps20:36
deadromon Wayland, too, it seems people prefer to stick to what they got. first time here I actually hear someone using it.20:37
deadromb1ack0p: what does lspci | grep VGA say?20:37
deadromb1ack0p: anyway, what I'm up to: how old is this? did you pull an old t60 laptop from the attic or is it recent? 10 year old laptop will struggle. a recent intel cpu should not. plenty of power for video.20:42
deadromgotta run20:42
Scottbertakem: process_usershare_file: stat of /var/lib/samba/usershares/j failed. No such file or directory20:43
Scottbertakem: That name matches a share I tried to create earlier with other methods... but I reset smb.conf, so how does it know it ever existed? And why does it care if it does when the remote user is browsing ANOTHER SHARE?20:44
Scottbertmaybe I need to restart the samba service...20:44
akemScottbert, try: net usershare delete j20:45
akemIf the name is "j"20:45
akemLooks like it was not really reseted, or it stayed there anyway.20:46
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Scottbertakem: Restarted smbd, works fine now. So... how do I make a share that requires user+pass auth? And the user, if it won't use linux users. I can google this, but there have been so many conflicting things and yours was the first that worked20:48
akemScottbert, add your user to samba with: sudo smbpasswd -a username20:49
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akemIt should ask for a password.20:49
akemthen later add your share, something like:  net usershare add -l Music /media/Music/ some_comment username:F guest_ok=y20:51
akemF is for Full access, so read/write.20:51
ScottbertJust did that. Testing now20:51
Scottbertakem: That worked! Now I just need to get VPN access, and I'll fin ally hjave all the functionality windows 10 had before microsoft broke VPNs20:53
akemScottbert, Great ;)20:53
Scottbertakem: and it LOOKS like it's creating the files in /var/lib/samba/usershares so these will persist through reboot20:57
Scottbertakem: Any tips re: making this computer also a VPN server? I tried poptop but it just said it couldn't connect.20:58
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akemScottbert, I don't know i just use VPN as a client with openvpn.20:59
* ChristopherJames Rolls a 6 sided dice and gets 621:02
Scottbertpptpd is not listening on any ports, anyone know how to fix this?21:12
sarnoldScottbert: the usual steps are to look if the program is a daemon that starts on boot or something that's started out of inetd or xinetd or similar21:14
sarnoldScottbert: if it's a daemon, then it's probably got a configuration file in /etc21:14
ScottbertNM I read ltups wrong. Still no idea why it's not accepting connections. Wonder if I can find logs...21:15
sarnoldScottbert: if it's started on demand when needed, then it may or may not have a configuration file, but the listening would be configured in systemd socket files, or inetd, or xinetd, or whatever21:15
Scottbertpptpd has logwtmp enabled but it's not logging to var/log/messages21:19
sarnoldlogwtmp feels like /var/log/wtmp -- so w and last work21:21
Scottbertubuntu doesn't have a built-in firewall that could be blocking the PPTP port, does it?21:32
mlozahello, how can I make drive drive letter persistent across reboot ?21:39
tomreynmloza: a "drive letter", are you sure #ubuntu os where you wanted to go?21:40
guntbertmloza: drive letter? there is no such thing in Ubuntu21:40
mlozayeah I mean /dev/sda, /dev/sdb so on21:40
tomreynuse file system UUIDs instead.21:40
mlozaI have multiple disk in a single server consisting of SSDs and NVMe21:40
mlozaI have UUID set in /etc/fstab21:41
mlozabut it breaks my configuration management21:41
mlozaI wanted to keep the drives persistent21:41
guntbertmloza: in that case replace them with UUIDS in /etc/fstab21:41
mlozaguntbert: I have it UUID but sometimes but it breaks the SCM that I use21:42
mlozaguntbert: I have it UUID but it breaks the SCM that I use *21:42
guntbertmloza: sorry, I am about to quit - bedtime :-)21:43
tomreynthis osunds like you should reconfigure your configuration management, or SCM, to use UUIDs / UUID based device paths.21:45
b1ack0poh i missed deadrom /21:47
tomreynthis may also help: /dev/disk/by-id/21:47
tomreynmloza: ^21:48
tomreynsee also the other /dev/disk/by-*21:48
courrierOn 18.04 I wrote a Python daemon started by SystemD by multi-user.target. That script plays sound, which works very well as soon as a session is opened. When no user is logged in on Ubuntu though, no sound can be heared although the sound control in the login screen is maximum. Any idea to fix this?22:00
leonardusfirefox 0day patch in ubuntu repos yet?22:21
sarnoldleonardus: https://usn.ubuntu.com/4032-1/22:22
leonardussarnold: fantastic thank you22:30
sarnoldleonardus: you're welcome :) have fun22:30
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akem_I have an issue with thumbnails of ebooks in Nemo, pdf files and so on, Nautilus correctly creates the thumbnail preview of the files but Nemo put always the same icon instead and not the tumbnails, any idea with this?22:56
akem_https://pastebin.com/gzTnFyhf i got this sort of errors about apparmor?? i tried purging reinstalling evince but no go, nautilus can create the thumbs without problems so i don't understand.23:11
sarnoldakem_: could you file a bug for that? ubuntu-bug evince should do the job23:12
OerHekscbr: Unrecognized image file format23:13
akem_I found that it's only over smb, on local storage it works but over smb(even in loopback smb) i got theses strange apparmor errors.23:16
akem_OerHeks, it writes the same for pdf, but in local mode it does create the thumbnails and don't complain.23:17
akem_sarnold, i'm not sure i should, because it works in nautilus even over smb.23:18
OerHeksoh oke, so nautilius + local storage works, just no ton smb..23:18
OerHeksc/not on23:18
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OerHeksthat is network wise explainable23:18
akem_Nautilus works in local and smb but Nemo works only in local.23:18
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akem_But i prefer to use Nemo :/23:19
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akem_I will try to remove apparmor to see.23:24
akemThere is evince thumbnailer listed in apparmor enforce mode.23:28
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akemRemoving apparmor fixed the issue, but in fact i think it's the /usr/bin/evince-thumbnailer apparmor profile (it's listed as enforced in the apparmor status) which should be adjusted somehow. Don't know much about apparmor tho...23:41
akemWhat is strange is that Nautilus can do it even with that.23:43
akemI don't know where to report bug for Nemo...23:46
akemI guess on github.23:52
sarnoldakem: 'ubuntu-bug evince'23:54

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