
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
jaafarHello friends02:03
jaafarI remember there being some kind of mixer that normally appeared when you accessed the volume controls but that doesn't seem to be a thing anymore02:03
jaafarI've just got some kind of simplified thing that allows me to select "profiles"02:04
jaafarIs there a mixer anymore or is that not a thing02:04
valoriejaafar: there used to be mixx03:57
valorie!info mixx03:58
ubottuPackage mixx does not exist in bionic03:58
valorieso I can still run amarok and it sort of has a mixer, but unless you have an older version of kubuntu you can't get it except by building from git03:58
jaafarEvery now and again I have some sort of weird sound problem, like during a conference call, and I'm like "where did that mixer go so I can diagnose this?"03:59
valoriejaafar: maybe you're just looking for the pulseaudio widget?05:27
valoriecan't recall what it's called05:28
valorieor heck, alsamixer, which works in your commandline05:28
Unit193TUIs are awesome.05:29
Unit193Not sure what the KDE one is, but pavucontrol is one such pulse controller.05:29
pragomerhow to install nextcloud snap in kubuntu 18.04? under ubuntu 18.04 I could just simply05:30
pragomersudo snap install nextcloud-client05:30
pragomerin kubuntu theres not such package05:30
valoriepavucontrol, right05:37
valoriesnaps are for everyone05:38
valoriethey aren't "in" kubuntu05:38
valorieyou can install via discover or using snap05:38
valorieyou do have to have the basic snap stuff installed05:39
pragomersnap search for "nextcloud" does not show the package "nextcloud-client"05:39
valoriehmmm, wonder what's happened to it?05:40
valoriesearching in discover I see lots of nextcloud apps, but not -client05:41
pragomerits fresh install of kubuntu 18.04.205:41
pragomeryes, correct. not client05:41
valoriediscover searches ALL packages05:41
valorienot just "kubuntu" packages which are a tiny part of the archive05:41
valoriethings we package anyone can use05:42
valoriejust as we can use anything that others package05:42
pragomerthats all I got: http://i.imgur.com/3Ta9eSt.png05:42
valoriesame stuff I see in discover, yes05:43
valorieperhaps it was withdrawn for some reason05:43
valoriesearching the snap store it isn't there either05:44
valorieaha, now you get server and cloud together05:45
valoriesoftware moves on....05:46
Guest_91Hi I need some help.I flipped my screen 180 degrees and it turned black,all I can is the cursor05:49
pragomervalorie: thanks. I did snap install nextcloud, but got no desktop starter for the client :-(05:52
valoriepragomer: that sucks05:52
pragomerit does ;-)05:52
Guest_91Can someone please help06:00
lordievaderGood morning06:09
lordievaderGuest_91: Go to a tty and use `xrandr` to turn the screen back?06:10
Guest_91lordievader: I tried xrandr -o normal but it can't display06:27
lordievaderYes, you need to export the display variable, like `export DISPLAY=:0`.06:27
Guest_91Can u give the full command06:28
lordievaderThat is the full command, afterwards you run `xrandr --output <output name> --rotation normal`.06:29
Guest_91How to get output name?06:30
lordievader`xrandr` without any options lists them.06:30
Guest_91Still getting can't open display06:32
lordievaderHrmm, another way you could try is moving the kscreen config and restarting sddm.06:34
lordievader!cn | wujie06:35
ubottuwujie: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw06:35
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Guest_91lordievader:can you give me the command for that too06:37
Guest_91Sorry for being a noob06:37
lordievaderErr, not really. The config file is somewhere in `~/.local/share` I believe. Hunt it out, rename it with `mv`.06:38
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pragomerquestion about dolphin: when I click "hide" to devices on the left side in dolphin, the devices re-appear after I open dolphin again. is this a bug?07:42
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IrcsomeBotreedhhw was added by: reedhhw08:56
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> Hey guys! I am trying out KMail for the first time.10:14
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> How can I in KMail have my answer above the answered mail text?10:14
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> in a reply to an eMail.10:43
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> Fwd from acheronuk: Does moving the %CURSOR line in standard reply template work?10:55
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> (Photo, 953x662) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/k98pOkpP/file_16199.jpg10:55
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> Linuxophil ^^10:55
BluesKajHowdy folks11:14
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> @BluesKaj, Hi BluesKaj!11:17
BluesKajhi Linuxophil11:17
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> @BluesKaj, Exploring the PIM suite in Kubuntu 18.04 and love it so far!11:20
IrcsomeBotjrsantana was added by: jrsantana11:31
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Thr0rHi! I have dualboot Win7/Kubuntu laptop with partitions /dev/sda1 – 5 + an unallocated/unknown partition. /dev/sda4 it the extended partition that holds /dev/sda5 and /dev/sda6 + the unallocated one.  (/dev/sda1-3 are windows 7). Now I need to delete the /dev/sda5 (old ubuntu studio install) and use the space from it + the unallocated one in /dev/sda6, the active Kubunu. It’s not possible for med to delete /dev/sda5. Can someone13:32
Thr0rhelp me with that? ..Grub must also be cleaned up..13:32
lordievaderWhat do you mean with 'it is not possible to delete sda5'?13:34
Thr0rI get the msg: «There is a partition with higher logical number still mounted»   - The Kubuntu insall placed it self on 613:35
Thr0rI cannot unmount 6 since that is where I'm running Kubuntu from..13:36
lordievaderYou want to do these types of operations from a live-cd/usb.13:36
lordievaderAdditionally, you want to make a backup before you start messing with your partition table, unless you know what you are doing.13:39
Thr0rMaybe I should ask in #ubuntu...?13:39
Thr0rWell - if youo know what your doing I'm fine wit you helping me - but I do not have full control over this and especially not the Grub thing...13:43
Thr0rI have Kubuntu 19,04 boot USB13:43
lordievaderThat will work fine. Boot that up and start the partition tool.13:44
lordievaderMake the changes you need to.13:44
lordievaderThen you want to update the grub config by chroot-ing into your install and performing an `update-grub`.13:45
Thr0rOk - I'm new to linux so I don't even know what "chroot-ing into your install and performing an `update-grub`." means..13:49
Thr0rBut anyways - thanks for trying - I''ll try later or someting13:49
IrcsomeBot<serenase> Is there anyway automate updates in Discover?14:10
BluesKajserenase, there's default setting in dkpg that updates/upgrades your security .packages in the background, aka unattended upgrades, but it's best to monitor your updates/upgrades weekly or so to make sure your packages are current14:42
BluesKajafaik there's no autoupgrade setting in discover14:42
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mparilloThanks BluesKaj. I find that hidden background update to be still running while the discover notifier pops up and tells me to upgrade. If I am too fast, discover cannot grab the lock.16:14
BluesKajmparillo, I've got the unattended upgrades removed so i haven't seen that16:16
=== alessandro is now known as Guest78707
alelephantI have a problem with booting. I always get only black screen and mouse pointer on startup, easily fixable by doing a recovery boot and using the "clean" option. After that, the PC boots without problems. Weird thing is my HD is not at all full. Does anyone know how can I fix that? I'm on Kubuntu 19.04.19:27
uncletoddhow do i upgrade kubuntu to a new version21:14
IrcsomeBot<serenase> I use backport so it´s kind of annoying four-five to day.21:19
valorieuncletodd: do you mean new release?21:19
valorieor just regular upgrade21:19
IrcsomeBot<serenase> New release21:20
valorieI use discover about half the time, and the apt in the commandline the other half21:20
valoriewhat versions do you have, uncletodd?21:20
valorieand are you using LTS?21:20
valorieif LTS, the last new one was a bit over a year ago, and the next one about one year from now21:21
valorieotherwise, 19.04 is the latest release and what I'm running21:21
uncletoddim running 17.04 and want to move to 19.04. i know how to boot to iso image but thought there must be a way to run like upgrade21:50
uncletoddwell is kubuntu 19.04 running smoothly?22:23
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valorieoops, I left too soon23:10
valoriebut warm clothes out of the dryer .... they won23:10

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