
TJ-cjwatson: question about "dch -r" - I just noticed it doesn't do what the man-page says, which is to use the previous changelog distribution entry, instead it inserted the host OS's distribution. Specifically, I was working on  host bionic with a package that had "unstable" as the last changelog entry01:05
TJ-cjwatson: is the man-page out of sync or do I misunderstand ?01:05
kyrofaIt seems pygraphviz is busted in bionic for armhf, see bug #1834379. Anyone know why just rebuilding the deb seems to work, and how we might fix it?01:40
ubottubug 1834379 in python-pygraphviz (Ubuntu) "armhf Bionic python3-pygraphviz package errors for simple use case" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183437901:40
sarnoldkyrofa: if it were mine to debug I'd probably start with a no-change rebuild of the package in a ppa01:43
kyrofaThanks sarnold, we'll give that a shot. If that ends up working, is there a way to just request a rebuild of that package?02:26
cpaelzerddstreet: thanks for having some awake eyes, great hint!04:14
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alkisgHi, I read in https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/call-for-testing-chromium-browser-deb-to-snap-transition/11179/55 that there's a plan that some .debs will only be available as snaps from 19.10 and on06:13
alkisgWould it make a difference if a few thousands users opposed that? If yes, where would be a good place to start a petition against it?06:13
valoriealkisg: a petition?06:19
alkisgvalorie: not a native English speaker, I'm not sure if it's the correct word, I mean a place where concerned users would voice their arguments and vote against it06:20
valoriewhat helps is getting involved in development and be one of the peoples steering the decisions06:20
alkisgI spend 10 hours per day in development, sure06:20
valoriethe people who do the work make the decisions about what they want to do06:20
alkisgWell, if everyone would do whatever they wanted in their packages, there wouldn't be a debian/ubuntu community06:21
valorieI personally don't like snaps and don't like to think of debs going away06:21
alkisgAll developers want to hear valid concerns06:21
valorieor just regular packages06:21
valorieof course06:21
valoriepeople work in teams06:21
alkisgRight, and I'm doing my part in the packages I maintain06:21
valorieI can't see Debian moving to snaps, personally06:21
valoriewell, cool06:22
alkisgSure; I'd like to try to convince canonical otherwise, before switching the Greek schools to Debian06:22
alkisgThat's exactly why I'm asking here06:22
alkisgTo see if there's a chance for it06:22
valorieaha, well then I'll hush06:22
Unit193'Petition' would mainly indicate a list of people that agree such a move would be bad, discussion with arguments and counter-arguments is different.  It does sound like you did mean petition, to some extent.06:23
alkisgMaybe it's just me; and all my concerns are invalid; but maybe there are thousands of users that feel like me, and it would be best not to FORCE snaps on people that want to keep using debs06:23
Unit193alkisg: FWIW, valorie also indicated a distate of snaps, as do I and some other devs.06:23
Unit193Distaste, rather.06:24
alkisgFor example, technical arguments would be "they waste RAM; they have a lot of mounts for apps I don't use"; but all those could be easily ignored by persons wanting to push snaps; while, e.g. 10.000 "votes" would be harder to ignore, they would indicate a user  base that would leave Ubuntu if that indeed happens06:25
alkisgSo I'm not sure which of those methods would work better in this case06:25
tjaaltonalkisg: if you have technical issues, the fourth reply to the post explains how to file them06:26
tjaaltonand as for voting, well this isn't a democracy ;)06:27
alkisgtjaalton: the snapcraft forum? ...ok, I can invite users that do not want snaps to sign up and participate there, but it doesn't sound like the appropriate place...06:27
alkisgOf course it's not; still, I'm pretty sure Ubuntu does want to hear the voice of its users06:27
alkisgThe day that someone claims otherwise, is the day I'll abandon this boat :)06:28
seb128alkisg, I missed the start but https://community.ubuntu.com/t/please-do-not-use-snap-into-ubuntu-its-too-early/11206 has already quite some discussion from people who don't like snaps06:29
alkisgThank you seb128, reading...06:29
tjaaltoni don't think two separate builds of a security sensitive browser would be maintained forever06:30
alkisgIt *is* possible, even if you think 1%, that snaps may be abandoned in the future. It would be bad if users left because of a failed attempt, but never came back just because of it06:30
tjaaltonpossible yes, but not free06:31
tjaaltonof cost06:31
seb128whatever you do you will have hates and people who resist to change and world moving and are going to rage quite over something06:31
seb128I don't think we are going to stop doing work because some users are resistant to change06:32
alkisgSure. I enjoyed the "wayland by default" bug on debian; very civilized discussion even on a heated topic. I'd love to see a similar civilized discussion on snaps.06:32
seb128we do listen to feedback and work on fixing issues like the mount noise you mentioned06:32
seb128that discourse topic is civilized06:32
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seb128Laney, sil2100, hey there, re. the SRU/autopkgtest regresssion&comment on bugs, could the system detect infra issues and avoid commenting on the bug in those cases?08:32
seb128like the g-s-d regressions are the arm64 chroot failing to install the kernel08:33
Laneyprobably not08:33
LaneyI mean if we could analyse and determine what those were we could auto-retry them08:33
Laneyat least it's a hint so that someone can go and retry or nag to get it fixed08:33
seb128if version is "unknown" that's usually sign of an infra issue no?08:33
Laneysometimes, but it can also be that the pkg is broken and couldn't unpack or something like that08:35
seb128so I guess next question is for Lukasz then08:35
seb128what's the way to clear the situation for SRU team?08:35
seb128commenting back on the bug saying "please don't block on those, they are not a problem in the package"?08:36
* Laney thinks that's what they want from those mails08:36
Laneythe first comment is like what the SRU team would have done manually08:36
seb128ideally they would have checked it's a really issue before nagging, but alright08:41
seb128I commented on the bug08:41
seb128it's getting very tedious to get a SRU going08:42
seb128(that adds up to the regular "e.u.c has a bug report, we stopped the line" false positives)08:44
sil2100seb128: it's just an automated message, nothing really changed in the SRU process here - I mean, even if such a 'notice' comment is sent to a bug, if I do my SRU shift and see one failure that's basically something obvious, I won't block on it and act by myself as I always did09:02
seb128sil2100, I'm concerned that it makes the process even more tedious for the uploaders who don't understand what they could/should do in such cases09:03
seb128like if it's a problem in the package fair09:03
seb128but now I'm being nagged about some arm64 machine failing to install a kernel package09:03
sil2100seb128: it was always the uploaders responsibility to acknowledge and check any autopkgtest failures triggered by one's upload09:04
sil2100So nothing changed here, only a notification comment is now happening09:04
seb128nobody ever nagged me on a SRU because of those autopkgtest infra issue before, I think reviewer usually did the reasonable thing to do about those and just ignored them09:05
sil2100seb128: infra issues like that usually require some action, usually a re-run - and if it's reproducible, only then ignore, so it's still sometihng that needs *some* action from one person or the other09:06
seb128I tried a retry didn't work09:07
sil2100If I get to the bug first before the uploader, see this, re-run it (or check that it's really nothing to worry about), I will release without the need of action from the uploader09:07
seb128I can't be bothered chassing arm64 insallability issues for a disco SRU though09:07
sil2100But if you do it before me, that's even better09:07
seb128well I understand the intend and I made my comment09:08
seb128thx for listening :)09:08
seb128it does feel tedious nowadays to drive a SRU as an uploader, you keep being nagged by buggy systems/bots and have to defend against false positive to unblock your work09:09
seb128which I know some people just give up on and let the SRU stalle09:09
sil2100No worries, I can understand your point, but I think the number of cases where this might cause confusion is smaller than the number of cases where we had to manually write comments 'hey, autopkgtests are failing, please take a look' because of people completely not looking at that09:09
seb128right, for sure it's good to comment on the bug when a regression in the test happens09:09
seb128it's the false positive that are annoying09:10
seb128to be fair I'm mostly annoyed about the e.u.c ones09:10
seb128those keep triggering and blocking SRUs09:10
seb128those autopkgtest is just yet another case pilling up09:10
sil2100Indeed, for the SRU case this is just an annoying notification - so please treat it more like a 'helper tool' to not make you have to look at excuses, waiting for tests to finish09:12
sahidsil2100: o/ anychance you look at #1831754, if you can accept nova we could start the testing10:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1831754 in nova (Ubuntu Disco) "[SRU] stein stable releases" [Undecided,New]10:44
sil2100sahid: hey! So the problem with that one is that there's already a nova upload in disco-proposed that's pending verification10:46
sil2100sahid: one of the 4 bugs is still not verified, accepting the new nova would mean clobbering the current SRU info and verification10:46
sil2100sahid: I think I poked coreycb about that already, I think they have some problems in getting the verification done...10:47
sahidoh... that is unfortunate, do you have the link in hand?10:48
sil2100sahid: looks like it's this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/180895110:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1808951 in tripleo "python3 + Fedora + SSL + wsgi nova deployment, nova api returns RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object" [High,Triaged]10:49
sahidsil2100: thanks a lot I will try to se wheher I can make the tests moving forward10:51
sil2100sahid: thanks! Once we have this verified and released, I'll quickly pick up the pending SRU in unapproved10:52
sahidsil2100: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1808951 is that OK for you?12:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1808951 in tripleo "python3 + Fedora + SSL + wsgi nova deployment, nova api returns RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object" [High,Triaged]12:51
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TJ-when building a package imported from Debian without ubuntu changes, should I ignore the Lintian error "changes: bad-distribution-in-changes-file unstable"14:00
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SkuggenTJ-: The changelog entry generally specifies the distribution you're building it for (disco, eoan, etc), and it sounds like right now it says "unstable", which is debian-specific14:23
cjwatsonIn general the changelog header is an instruction to the source upload machinery.14:26
cjwatsonIf you're building a source package you've got from somewhere else then it's immaterial.14:26
cjwatsonIt's normal for packages synced without modifications from Debian to say "unstable" there.14:27
cjwatsonSo yes, you should ignore that Lintian tag./14:27
sil2100sahid: hmmm, so the test-case mentioned deploying with TLS endpoints - has that been done during testing? Since the output of catalog list seems to include http:// only14:33
rbalintseb128 i'm thankful for sil2100's comment on my sru bug about autopkgtest failures which i would have noticed much later14:58
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sahidsil2100: good catch, you are right i need to fix that15:44
sil2100sahid: thanks! ;)15:44
TJ-cjwatson: thanks; that is what I thought but I always like to clear all warnings let alone errors - sbuild was happy anyhow15:50
seb128rbalint, +1 for comments about actual issues, I was -1ing on nagging bug reporter and package uploaders when it's the infra that is at fault16:47
kyrofasarnold, regarding https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-pygraphviz/+bug/1834379 , it seems that a no-change rebuild in a PPA does indeed work, what would be the next step?23:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1834379 in python-pygraphviz (Ubuntu) "armhf Bionic python3-pygraphviz package errors for simple use case" [Undecided,New]23:44
sarnoldkyrofa: very good question :) I *think* an SRU with debdiff, where the changelog includes "No change rebuild (LP: 1834379)" would be a reasonable next step23:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1834379 in python-pygraphviz (Ubuntu) "armhf Bionic python3-pygraphviz package errors for simple use case" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183437923:46
sarnoldthere's likely more, there's always more..23:46
kyrofasarnold, ah darn, guess I'll need to relearn that! Thanks for the pointers :)23:48

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