
=== WinterNight1 is now known as WinterNight
SoItBeginsMy computer’s HD was replaced, cloning the old drive to a new one. (It had a dual-boot setup - Ubuntu 19.04 and Windows 10.) I’m pretty sure GRUB was messed up, so I booted from the LiveCD to try and repair it but...00:23
SoItBegins“sudo grub-install /dev/sda” < that’s the drive00:24
SoItBeginsgives me:00:24
SoItBegins“grub-install: error: failed to get canonical path of ‘/cow’.”00:24
SoItBeginsWhat does that mean?00:24
wholesumhow do create a non lvm partition in the free space on /dev/md1?00:25
wholesumparted/gdisk/fdisk don't see any partitions on /dev/md100:25
akemGot an error on removing apparmor here https://pastebin.com/XUay4v90 fail on snapd.00:27
sarnoldakem: please file a bug for that, ubuntu-bug snapd00:28
akemOk, i did the other one for evince.00:29
OerHeksremoving apparmor .. not really a supported trick to do00:29
sarnoldbut purging snapd ought not die like that00:30
Bashing-omakem: "234 not upgraded." . What about ; sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt -f insatll ' ?00:30
OerHeksthis might be related https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evince/+bug/179809100:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1798091 in evince (Ubuntu Disco) "thumbnailer cannot create tempfiles (with apparmor denials)" [High,Fix released]00:32
OerHekssee comment #17 #18 and how to add yourself to the bugreport00:33
akemBashing-om, i fear something would break, i have a script to backup / in a tarball, i want to do that first.00:33
akemI had some annoying issue with wifi drivers etc.00:34
akemOerHeks, ok.00:34
sarnoldprobably best to file a new bug and give that bug number in the description as a possibly related bug00:35
OerHekswell, not about that action to remove apparmor..00:35
OerHeksnot sure how one could fix that, besides a full backup00:35
sarnoldright, removing apparmor you're just kind of on your own. removing snapd ought to work, and that rm just looks busted, so a bug report there would be nice00:36
akemOerHeks, but the bug report is for Nautilus, and the problem only occurs with Nemo. Anyway it's also related to some apparmor profile.00:43
akemWhat are the risks removing apparmor?00:43
OerHeksno, it is against evince-thumbnailer00:45
OerHeksnautilius uses the same routine00:45
akemAh ok, yes.00:45
deltabSoItBegins: I can tell you that cow means copy-on-write: it's how a liveCD can be 'writable' without actually writing. So, /cow is something to do with the live CD. Run mount to check whether sda is the right drive; it may be that the names have swapped around00:46
OerHeksoke, this is disco, but comments say it is fixed, others say it did not..00:46
sarnoldakem: apparmor confines services; we've got profiles on thumbnailers because they are easy to exploit00:49
sarnoldakem: we've confined a handful of services and applications with apprmor to try to mitigate the risks of those programs being exploited00:50
sarnoldakem: removing apparmor means those things are no longer confined. that might be fine if you never browse directories of pdfs or images downloaded off the internet, etc00:50
sarnoldakem: apparmor is also what confines programs in the snap packaging world; since that's an app-store style security model, it's what keeps the apps confined to just the plugs and interfaces that they need00:51
akemsarnold, i see, thanks for the clarification. Yes of course i browse files downloaded from the internet and everything. Well i could still reinstall apparmor later and it should get back as before.00:53
TJ-that rm -rf /var/cache/snapd/* in snapd.postrm shouldn't fail that way; what else has been done to that system? immutable?00:57
akemTJ-, On my system? i didn't change much, no immutable anything afaik.01:03
SoItBeginsdeltab: I figured it out. First, the EFI partition had only the windows boot information, so I added it back. That got GRUB working. Then, well… turns out the cloner didn’t respect partition order! So I booted into emergency mode and had to modify /etc/fstab with the new location of the EFI partition.01:03
SoItBeginsBTW, there is one little issue left...01:05
SoItBeginsGRUB thinks my Windows partition is still at /dev/sda2, when the cloner moved it to /dev/sda4. How do I fix this?01:05
deltabedit the groub config?01:05
SoItBeginsYeah, that. How do I do that?01:06
SoItBeginsI tried opening grub.cfg in the text editor, but there was a big warning at the top that said not to edit it manually.01:06
TJ-SoItBegins: /boot/grub/grub.cfg is created by running "sudo update-grub"01:06
SoItBeginsGot it.01:06
SoItBeginsDid that. Seems to have worked, I think… I’ll reboot to double check.01:07
TJ-SoItBegins: update-grub runs script from /etc/grub.d/* and reads /etc/default/grub for variable settings01:07
TJ-SoItBegins: one of those scripts will call the tool "os-prober" that will discover the Windows OS and create the entry01:07
SoItBeginsIt says the windows boot manager is on /dev/sda3 (the EFI partition) now. Testing it.01:08
SoItBeginsWindows 10 boots successfully as well.01:08
TJ-SoItBegins: that is correct, on UEFI :)01:08
SoItBeginsThanks for all your help! Now I can get to doing the stuff I wanted to do.01:09
gbit86For those running on BTRFS, do you need to leave unallocated space for the snapshots to work or is that not needed?01:29
SoItBeginsWell, this is awkward. I’m trying to install the driver for a Wi-Fi dongle.01:29
SoItBeginsThe thing is, the driver code is good through Kernel version 4.4.01:29
SoItBeginsI’m on Kernel version 5 and I’m getting a compile error.01:29
deltabgbit86: do you mean making snapshots, or reading from them? either way I'd make sure there's free space, because btrfs can't do much when it runs out of space01:42
deltabSoItBegins: what's the error message?01:43
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SoItBeginsdeltab: It was that they changed the timer interface in kernel 4.15, so function “init_timer” was gone and an “__init_timer” was present.01:44
SoItBeginsI found a better driver for the dongle elsewhere.01:44
gbit86Well I haven't ever really dealt with snapshots of any linux based fs before, so my only experience with such things is System Restore and VSS on Windows, which manages to create some sort of snapshot without requiring unallocated space.01:44
gbit86I am guessing things are simply different in Linux, where knowing the actual details of what you have available up front is important.01:45
SoItBegins( old driver = https://www.tp-link.com/ca/support/download/tl-wn725n/ - new driver = https://github.com/lwfinger/rtl8188eu )01:45
SoItBeginsAnd now maybe my connection won’t drop after the first 15 seconds.01:46
gbit86From the research I have been doing I am partial towards just using lvm thin with ext4, after learning that I can't snapshot my regular LVM2 volume because I consumed the entire disk during setup -.-.01:46
gbit86And sorry I didn't @deltab01:47
deltabthere'd need to be some space to store the snapshot metadata, surely?01:47
deltabthough it might not be very much01:48
gbit86Right, so as long as I leave unallocated space it'll handle the creation of all the sub volumes I presume when I initiate a snapshot.01:48
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gbit86I use VMs and docker a lot, so if I go the btrfs route I imagine I will need to disable the COW feature everyone keeps referencing as causing huge performance issues @deltab01:49
deltaba pity, because that's the kind of thing it's useful for01:50
deltabI guess it depends on how much RAM you have01:50
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gbit86This guy says BTRFS does not require that I reserve space that the system is unaware of... https://superuser.com/questions/705304/reasoning-behind-hosting-virtual-disk-images-on-btrfs-filesystem01:53
gbit863rd comment down Thorsten Schöning01:53
gbit86If that's the case.. and I can disable CoW on docker , VB and VMware directories then I will go ahead and try it, even with a performance penalty compared to other options.01:55
deltabgbit86: oh, you mean space outside of that allocated to btrfs?02:13
leonardusIf I install libasio-dev will that also pull in the rest of Boost?02:15
sarnoldleonardus: heh, it might; on my system, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5N2c7b3Fhd/02:17
AHemlocksLieI updated the amdgpu-pro drivers on Ubuntu Budgie, and now I can't get past the login screen. The login screen is in a much lower resolution than normal, and when I log in, the screen goes black for a second before returning to login02:20
AHemlocksLieI've had a similar issue before, and it seemed to be some sort of issue from the upgrade process, but I don't remember how I fixed it last time. I thought I just completely uninstalled the driver and reinstalled it, but that didn't fix it. And it uninstalled xorg in the process, so I had to reinstall that, though I think that's happened before, too02:22
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webdollWhy is it that umask command has no effect inside a directory with chmod g+s set (setgid)?03:55
webdollumask 027 gives me file permissions of 640 on new files, but when I change into a directory with setgid, then new files I create/touch have permissions of 664. Why is that?03:56
webdollCan anyone hear me?03:58
webdollimsurit: Can you see my messages to the channel?03:58
SwedeMikewebdoll: yes, we can see your messages.03:58
webdollSwedeMike: Thanks! Just wanted to make sure. This is my first time using this web client.03:59
mallu0987Ubuntu 18.04 I believe apparmor is blocking rsyslog. In journalctl | grep denied I am getting "file '/var/log/syslog': open error: Permission denied [v8.32.0 try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2433 ]"03:59
mallu0987in /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.rsyslogd I added /var/log/**                   rw04:00
mallu0987-rwxrwxrwx 1 syslog adm 0 Jun 17 06:27 /var/log/syslog04:00
mallu0987can someone please tell me how I can enable apparmor to allow rsyslog writing to files in /var/log?04:01
imsuritwebdoll: i hear you04:01
afidegnumhello, in ubuntu 18, what's the use of the second tray icon next after settings? https://pasteboard.co/IliziNZ.png04:12
pavlosafidegnum: I think it is screen rotation04:18
potushere i am.. on ubuntu reluctantly..04:22
ryuopotus: do you have an actual question?04:25
jayjoI find myself running a docker script very often (https://stackoverflow.com/a/42419060) - but I'm always copy/pasting from this answer. Where should I install this little script so I can call something like docker-ls to call it? just install it in /usr/sbin ?04:30
sam155whois sam15504:30
xietaI'm looking for the pypy twisted package for 18.04 LTS.04:39
xieta - haven't used Ubuntu w/ pypy yet, was kinda surprised not to find a pypy-twisted.04:40
psprintHello. How to install exa?04:40
psprintI.e. https://github.com/ogham/exa ?04:41
psprintAlso, how to install rust? Which package?04:45
potusryuo: do you?04:53
lotuspsychjepotus: this is the ubuntu support channel, please focus on actual problems only04:54
lotuspsychjepsprint: for git help, best to contact the git maintainer for help/support/install04:54
potusubuntu should switch to xfce for default windowmaker04:56
lotuspsychjepotus: stop that please04:56
potusalso the ulgy off black color, why was that choosen?  is there some significance?04:57
lotuspsychjexieta: apt-cache search twisted04:57
potuslotussychje: sounds like your an efnet troll buddy.. rejoin #l*** with the rest of your mason friends.. stop trolling because once i make a move you'll get madd04:57
potusnow, i installed the os and im giving my comments to this channel which is suppose to have the developers04:58
xietalotuspsychje, and then what? There are python-twisted-* packages but not pypy-twisted-* packages.04:58
potussoo jump on another profile and say something dim witted. geez04:58
lotuspsychjexieta: we advice to install packages from the official repos as much as possible, if your needed package isnt there, we cant do much?05:01
xietaThat's what I'm trying to understand - just curious why the official repos have pypy but not pypy-twisted. I'm also lurking in #pypy so when I learn what the recommended method for installation is - I'll share it here too.05:08
xietaThanks for your support :)05:08
SoItBeginsI’m trying to install Vulkan on my computer. Does anyone have any recommendations on the most up-to-date way to do it?05:21
xietaSoItBegins, Have you tried Lutris first to see about it all working?05:30
SoItBeginsxieta: No. I don’t know what Lutris is.05:33
akemI reinstalled apparmor, i'll try to just disable the evince profile for my thumbnails to shows up, it should be a bit better, less radical.06:16
mousesstuck here - I installed nvidia drivers for the 750m on this lenovo y510p via: ubuntu-drivers autoinstall - now I can't auto hide the dock for reasons I can't even explain, and even worse - apt is scaring me - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CKtgQKfF5M/06:18
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brian1343anyone know how to remove bar border in conky ? been looking for that and did not find anything07:29
Mava42brian1343: dont know about that one, but I use conky with lua rings like explained in https://www.unixmen.com/install-conky-lua-ubuntu-14-0413-1013-04-debian-fedora-linux-mint-opensuse/07:38
Mava42brian1343: you get quite nice stuff out from the conky with it.07:39
afidegnumpavlos: that's what i thought but my screen is not rotating. it's an hp Envy touch screen with screen rotation feature07:40
sandwitchping goudberk.open.net07:41
Mava42afidegnum: you have ubuntu on an Envy? How's it working ? Sorry missed the earlier conversation07:41
sandwitchsorry for that :)07:41
=== imsurit_ofc is now known as imsurit
SoItBeginsI’m trying to upgrade my Ubuntu graphics drivers to enable OpenGL 4.0 features. I have an AMD Radeon HD 6450 (Caicos).08:38
afidegnumMava42: i asked a question earlier,  " in ubuntu 18, what's the use of the second tray icon next after settings? https://pasteboard.co/IliziNZ.png"08:49
lotuspsychjeafidegnum: press on it? see what it does?08:50
j0hhey, I'm looking at getting dropbear-intramfs setup to unlock full disk luks encryption remotely during boot, currently following this article: https://hamy.io/post/0009/how-to-install-luks-encrypted-ubuntu-18.04.x-server-and-enable-remote-unlocking/.  I want to bond my ethernet and wifi so that there is a fallback if either fails, does anyone know if dropbear is able to work with this bonded interface?08:58
gofioafidegnum: how much ram memory you have? total. Just curious09:00
tomreynj0h: it's not so much a matter of whether dropbox can do it, it's more a matter of whether the initramfs can. And I don't think it can (I could be wrong).09:37
j0hahh gotcha tomreyn09:37
j0hI've searching for dropbear solutions but I should be looking for intramfs in my search I guess09:37
tomreynyou want to bond ethernet and wifi - how do you plan to do this?09:37
j0hwell, I was hoping that it would be possible because it is possible on the full ubuntu os: https://lemmster.de/network-bonding-wlan-eth-on-linux-ubuntu.html09:38
j0hthe idea is that, if the machine is plugged in remotely, it'll try and connect to either interface09:39
j0hjust in case one isn't available09:39
j0hthat was I can remote in and unlock luks09:39
afidegnumgofio: 16Gb09:39
afidegnumlotuspsychje: i did, i even rotated the screen, no success09:40
afidegnumgofio: no 12Gb09:41
tomreynj0h: i see, i assume such a bond will require support on the other end of the connections. i just don't see this diuscussed.09:42
j0hhum, what do you mean by the other end? It would just be a simple active-backup which would switch if ethernet is not active?09:43
tomreynj0h: you're right, it's not actual link aggregation, just a failover scenario, so i guess it doesn't need support on both ends09:45
tomreynj0h: i'm still not convinced that initrd will support it, though.09:45
j0hahh ok09:52
teasdCan one also ask server/admin topics here or is this more for desktop users?10:01
blackflowteasd: there's #ubuntu-server if you wanna be 100% sure10:03
EriC^^teasd: you could yeah, there's an #ubuntu-server channel as well if nobody here knows10:03
teasdThat's probably a better fit, thank you!10:03
teasdMaybe gonna put it here as well, couldn't hurt: I have a server connected to our active directory via realmd/sssd. Problem is that everytime an AD-User connects, or when an AD-User runs the `groups` command, it says `groups: cannot find name for group ID 1234567`. This takes a long time everytime someone logs in via ssh. Does somebody know what the10:10
teasd problem could be?10:10
blackflowyeah don't crosspost, though.10:10
teasdDidn't know, sorry :/10:10
jarnosIs the download server chooser a joke. It recommends for me to choose a server from USA even though I am in Finland.10:20
jarnosOn the other hand, http://mirrors.nic.funet.fi/ubuntu does not have e.g. usb-creator-gtk. What is wrong with it?10:28
gofioafidegnum: thanks. Not bad!10:29
jarnosenial-security/main amd64 to be more specific10:30
thsnrjarnos: it is recommended to get security updates directly from security.ubuntu.com for exactly this reason - so that you get security updates immediately10:43
jarnosthsnr, then software-properties-gtk should setup security updates to download from there and not change them to be downloaded from other mirrors.10:52
BluesKajHowdy folks11:14
Coolerhi, how can you know all the servers running on the system ?12:31
JimBuntuCooler, "know all the servers" ? Do you mean services or something else?12:34
cupcake90Cooler: virtual machines?12:36
JimBuntuCooler, if you do mean services, you might be able to use          service --status-all12:36
Coolerservices like apache dns12:36
Cooleri mean :)12:36
cupcake90Cooler: ha :)12:36
JimBuntuCooler, if using systemd....    systemctl list-unit-files | grep enabled             and a little netstat -tunelp wouldn't hurt either12:37
Coolerok lets try that !12:38
cupcake90Cooler: you need net-tools on latest systems or use ss12:39
inascimei have 2 monitors connected via DP that are capable of 1440p and 144hz... however it i'm unable to set them to 1080p. 1920x1080 is not recognized by the system. i'm trying to add the resolution in xrandr with no success, any help?12:41
jinkinascime: https://superuser.com/questions/119755/hdmi-with-resolution-2560-x-1440-possible perhaps?12:52
inascimei'm able to use 1440p . the problem is i want to use 1080p resolution but it isn't recognized by the system12:54
=== waveform_ is now known as waveform
mTeKI've got a problem with a Mellanox Bonded port dropping out, I've changed the DAC cables, upgraded the firmware on the cards. I'm about to install a 5.1 kernal on 18.04 to see if the kernal driver is better. I'm really at a loss. I have the same card versions on other servers with the network set the same way and I've not had any issues. But I have 4 servers that randomly start dropping their ethernet links. Ideas Ping me please.13:00
mTeKIf I reboot the server it takes a few days before it will start flapping again. It's causing problems in my ceph cluster13:02
willksmmTeK, what firmware do you have installed?13:05
mTeKfirmware-version: 2.42.500013:06
mTeKIt was on 2.40.XX and I flashed the new firmware to try to stop this.13:06
mTeKThe cards are connectx 313:08
willksmDoes dmesg give any useful info? I can't imagine it'll be a hardware issue if it's happening across various hosts13:08
mTeKNot that I can see. https://pastebin.com/mfMqMVcJ13:10
mTeKI thought it was the DAC's so I changed those out. I originally had quanta switches and then moved to arisia, I know the DAC's are different so I changed them13:11
mTeKThese servers are mlaged btw13:11
mTeKI have 7 other servers, 3 with 18.04 with the same network config and 4 with debian and ovs not having the issue.13:12
mTeKSame Nics connectx3 might have a pro in there someware. The only difference is the 4 that are having trouble are supermicro servers and the others are dells.13:14
mTeKI'm wrong these 4 have the 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27520 Family [ConnectX-3 Pro]13:19
Coolercupcake ?13:27
Coolerare you there ?13:27
RTD1123I have a script that when executed as "php myscript.php", will run much faster than if I run it in the background with "nohup php myscript.php >/dev/null 2>&1 &". All this script does is execute a task, sleep for 10 seconds, then run again and it should be running all day long. However, the difference between the 2 methods is probably about 35 seco13:27
RTD1123nds between executions. For some reason the background process sleeps far longer than is defined in the script.13:27
Cooler"net-tools on latest systems " i installed that net-tools but i dont know how to use it13:27
Coolerim googlingit :)13:28
thsnrCooler: like cupcake90 said, netstat -tunelp. this will show you all programs that are listening on TCP or UDP sockets13:30
thsnrsudo netstat -tunelp, to see the names of all programs13:31
cjgjust upgraded to 19.04 and I'm having an issue in intel gfx  where my display hangs or blacks out briefly when fullscreening a video from a browser or a video player13:36
j0hhey, is this an appropriate channel for ubuntu core distrib help?13:41
Coolerooohhh ok13:44
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hans_amdgpu-pro-18.20-606296 doesn't work with 4.15.0-52-generic, so i tried updating to amdgpu-pro-19.20-812932 , but with that the system doesn't recognize my RX580 at all13:50
hans_sesors can't see it13:51
hans_but if i uninstall the driver then sensors can see it13:51
hans_.. i will try to install 18.20 again just to double-check that it's not possible13:53
SnaveZI had this issue with my Radeon Vega Frontier Edition.  Ended up just using the built in default.13:56
SnaveZIt wouldn't sense anything plus it made the video even more choppy.13:56
hans_Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 4.15.0-52-generic (x86_64)13:57
Coolerport 53 and port 631 are on listening mode. is it normal ?14:07
pragmaticenigmaCooler: port 631 is for CUPS, which is what allows other devices to send print jobs to the printer. Normally both of these ports are bound to the loopback interface so the local machine can use them14:09
Cooleroh ok thanks pragmaticenigma14:09
pragmaticenigmaCooler: As long as those ports aren't exposed or accessible to the Internet you will be fine. If you have configured your modem/router to forward those ports or set that computer to the DMZ, you are at risk and should disable those options.14:11
Cooleri understand that now :) pragmaticenigma14:12
Coolerthe DMZ is for testing isnt ?14:14
Cooleror redirecting all the packets to one machine14:16
JimBuntuDMZ is for avoiding the firewall, Cooler14:17
Coolerok i understand now14:19
JimBuntubad name, demilitarized zone... when it's basically the opposite, it's the war zone14:19
Coolerif an intruder get his hand on your router and set it to DMZ some local ip he can attack any machine ?14:20
Cooler" the war zone "14:20
JimBuntuCooler, if intruder gets their hand(s) on your router, you have already lost the attack14:20
pragmaticenigmaCooler: No, DMZ means that any traffic sent to your router is passed directly to the computer defined in the DMZ. Meaning that if that computer does not have a firewall of its own, it is completely vulnerable to attack from the Internet14:21
JimBuntuBut, yes, basically... if they have control over your router, they can attack any system the router talks to... but, that system still has to have vulnerable services /etc14:21
CoolerI see...14:23
Coolerwould you use a machine with iptable and then configure other systems to connect trought that machine with DMZ ?14:23
Coolerthat s why you have to patch your router with the latest firmware ?14:26
Coolerim noob :)14:27
CoolerJimBuntu, if you loose the attack. What can you do shutdown the router ?14:28
ryuoCooler: pull the plug?14:28
ryuoonly real option if you've lost control.14:29
Sven_vBI'm using openbox and lightdm on xenial. openbox says it has no power management by default. xscreensaver is set to mode: off. what else could have just switched off my screen?14:29
ryuoSven_vB: X has a timeout where it'll blank the screen after a period of inactivity. see xset.14:30
Sven_vBryuo, thanks!14:30
Coolerthat s right ryuo14:31
Sven_vBxset q says Screen Saver:  prefer blanking:  yes    allow exposures:  yes  timeout:  600    cycle:  014:31
Sven_vBDPMS (Energy Star):  Standby: 600    Suspend: 0    Off: 900  DPMS is Disabled14:31
Sven_vBso it's probably the screen saver timeout?14:31
ryuoSven_vB: both i guess. i never looked at it that closely.14:32
ryuoSven_vB: just know it has ways to configure it when not using a full DE.14:32
ryuoafaik this is primary a feature of X and not the DE.14:33
ryuoDE just configures and hooks into it.14:33
Sven_vBI've just added sh -c 'xset -dpms; xset s off' to my autostart and will see if that helps.14:36
Sven_vBalso ran it right away and now my screensaver timeout shows 0 so probably that was it.14:37
Thr0rHi! I have dualboot Win7/Kubuntu laptop with partitions /dev/sda1 – 5 + an unallocated/unknown partition. /dev/sda4 it the extended partition that holds /dev/sda5 and /dev/sda6 + the unallocated one.  (/dev/sda1-3 are windows 7). Now I need to delete the /dev/sda5 (old ubuntu studio install) and use the space from it + the unallocated one in /dev/sda6, the active Kubunu. It’s not possible for med to delete /dev/sda5. Can someone help14:48
Thr0rme with that? ..Grub must also be cleaned up..14:48
Thr0rI Asked in #Kubuntu and was told to boot live USB - do what I want to do - and then chroot and update grub. Was not quite comfortable with that reply since I am new to linux...14:49
pragmaticenigmaThr0r: Please don't cross post, and if you're not comfortable with the procedure, then ask the helper in the previous channel to step you through the process.14:51
Thr0rOK - Thank you so much14:53
j0hshould I use this netplan to setup my networking continue to use interfaces?14:55
j0hubuntu server 18.0414:55
lotuspsychjej0h: come join to #ubuntu-server please14:58
j0hthanks lotuspsychje14:58
royal_screwup21if I install zsh, will it automatically move my all of the stuff in my bashrc to zshrc? If not, how do I sync my settings then?15:02
Thr0rpragmaticenigma: Could you at least confirm somehow that the advice I got was somewhere near what I should do?15:05
jayjoI find myself running a docker script very often (https://stackoverflow.com/a/42419060) - but I'm always copy/pasting from this answer. Where should I install this little script so I can call something like docker-ls to call it? just install it in /usr/sbin ?15:05
tomreynjayjo: ~/.local/bin (and make sure that's in PATH) or /usr/local/bin (if you need it system-wide). you could also set shell aliases for it.15:08
jayjoshould I use `install` or just move it manual?15:09
pragmaticenigmaThr0r: If you're not comfortable with the advice given, then don't do it. Simple as that. If you're that concerned then you should have Disk image backups to make sure you can recover from any mistakes.15:10
pragmaticenigmaThr0r: The volunteers here are very knowledgeable, but can make mistakes. It is ultimately up to you to decide who and what you trust, and for you to do the research necessary to verify what you are being told.15:11
tomreynhaving backups helps when things go wrong15:13
Thr0rpragmaticenigma: OK - I was sure this was the support channel where one could trust advice and not get into problems, I am new and is not in a position where I can trust everyone just like that. Backups I have but time I don't..15:14
pragmaticenigmaThr0r: If you don't have the time to devote to these projects, then you should reconsider what you are doing.15:16
Thr0rpragmaticenigma: I just wanted to give Linux a chance.. but seems I will go back to Windows pretty soon..15:19
lotuspsychje!dualboot | Thr0r start here15:19
ubottuThr0r start here: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot15:19
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pragmaticenigmaThr0r: We're all here to help, but it is up to you to decide what you're comfortable with. I know I have talked to you before and suggested that to try out linux, consider using a virtual machine instead to test your ideas out in. We are all volunteers here, and we all have limited time to be able to help. To request that someone do all the validation and verification that you are capable of doing on your own isn't fair to the15:22
pragmaticenigmarest of members of any channel seeking help. It monopolizes the time and attention that others also need.15:22
Thr0rpragmaticenigma: I just wanted help to remove a partition - thats all. But thanks for all help.15:24
mmazingi'm trying to share my wifi connnection to a device via ethernet, i went to the connection editor and set the ethernet connection's ipv4 settings to "shared to other computers" and it seems to be working, but i can't figure out what ip address the device has via connection sharing, anyone have an idea how to do that (or test if it's working)?15:40
lordcirthmmazing, you could run "ip addr" and look for an IP on the ethernet15:41
mmazingi see one, but when i go to it it's just my computer and not the device15:42
mmazinginet brd scope global enp4s015:42
mmazingi nmapped and can't find it that way either15:42
mmazingalthough when i nmap that range the ethernet activity lights up on the device15:43
BluesKajmmazing, try netstat -tap15:47
mmazingBluesKaj, only thing i see there related to that network is - dnsmasq15:49
mmazingseems like it's not getting an ip address15:49
donofriodoes this exist somewhere - ported/forked version of 18.04 for powerpc (g4,g5) - not looking for quick answer just would like to know if a ubuntu ports exist like it does for debian?15:51
donofrionot 18.04 for higher than g5....it's nice to see power8 but I don't have that hardware15:52
donofriogoing back to lurk mode15:52
lotuspsychje!mac | donofrio15:53
ubottudonofrio: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages15:53
JimBuntudonofrio, and... https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/powerpc/index.html15:53
donofrioagain, thank you for the quick links but I'm looking for current revision 18.04 or 19.04 in a "Ports" version like I have with Debian 10 (granted while not supported it does work) so I'll go back to lurk and I thank you for considering this request/question15:56
donofriofor PowerPC G4 and G5's do not have anything newer than that in PowerPc Arch15:57
BluesKajmmazing, try arp -a15:58
mmazingBluesKaj, no dice, just other stuff on wifi network, should i be using a crossover cable?16:01
Coolerhey do you remember what was your favorite retro gaming game ?16:01
JimBuntudonofrio, is this not the installer you need? http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/bionic/main/installer-ppc64el/current/images/16:01
Coolersorry wrong channel16:01
TJ-mmazing: the NetworkManager dnsmasq/dhcp server running on the shared connection will issues leases in the range16:02
TJ-mmazing: you should be able to find the leases files under /run/NetworkManager/ or possibly /var/lib/NetworkManager/16:03
pragmaticenigmadonofrio: If it isn't listed on the ISO download screen, it's not supported, and therefore no one here would have any knowledge or links to send you to find it16:03
TJ-donofrio: it was finally dropped in 2016, see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2016-December/001199.html16:10
BluesKajmmazing, I thought you were using a cable16:11
Cheezsay, for instance, you had a server 400 miles away and no console access, and screwed up the ~/.ssh/config file for a user, is there any way to remotely ignore that syntax error and log in anyawy? i almost certainly know the answer is no, but tt's worth checking before spending money16:13
coz_Cheez, I don't have an answer for that, however if no one answers here you could try the #linux channel as well16:15
jayjowhat's the best way to sync up a google drive with ubuntu 1804 LTS. I am trying to sync my KeePassXC database across a few hosts - seems to be the quickest way16:16
mmazingBluesKaj, i am using a cable, but it's a normal ethernet cable not a crossover cable16:16
Cheezcoz_: i'm pretty much resigned to paying the remote hands fee at this point. :)16:18
pragmaticenigmaCheez: The answer is no; unless your service provider offers another remote management option, or you have effectively locked that user out of the system. If another user account has access, and has sudo privileges, that user could restore the damaged file.16:18
Cheezi'm almost certain there's no way to bypass it16:18
BluesKajodd thatir doesn't show up, unless it's part of your ethernet name and circuit16:18
Cheezno other user has ssh rights :)16:18
pragmaticenigmaCheez: then you are out-of-luck i'm affriad16:18
Cheezmy own stupid fault really, i did some work on it, i saved and left the session open, and my connection dropped :D16:19
Cheezdidn't create a backup user just in case16:19
Cheezthe server has an ILOM card, but the card uses https only, is signed with an MD5 cert and requires java 6, which essentially means i'll have tp create a windows XP VM and use IE to even load the damn thing16:21
Cheezno current browser will let you even touch it16:21
Cheez(in normal use the network port the ilom card is plugged into is disabled, ironically i can enable that remotely fine!)16:22
CarlFKmmazing: gig-e ports will do the crossover - no need for special cable any more.16:27
tomreynCheez: unless you run other services which intentionally or unintentionally allow for remote administration of this system there's nothing (except for the ILOM) and a (just) potentially configured and physically existing serial console you can use / do.16:27
tomreyn!server | Cheez16:27
ubottuCheez: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Bionic (Bionic Beaver 18.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server16:27
tomreynCheez: actually, ~/.ssh/config is the ssh client configuration, it is not involved in ssh server operation.16:28
tomreyni.e. whether this file is broken, exists or not, should not matter for whether you can authenticate to this systems' running ssh server.16:29
CarlFKtop/htop shows some processes using about 80% of all 4 cores.  (good)   -- I need to email this to someone, but screen shots and cut/paste console output is icky.  is there something that will format that info in a cut/paste/email friendly format ?16:29
pragmaticenigmaCarlFK: That isn't entirely true. The ability of the port to do cross over depends on the board manufacturer, not the network speed capabilities. Most newer cards auto negotiate the cross over, the only way to know for sure is to consult the network cards documentation16:30
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tomreynCheez: this file, on the remote server, that is. if you broke it on your local computer and thus lost information on how to connect to and authenticate against the remote server, this could be an issue.16:30
CarlFKpragmaticenigma: it is in the spec.  if it doesn't, then technically it isn't gig-e.16:30
CarlFKwhich is kinda circular, but meh.  Ill bet the number of cards that dont' do it are small enough to ignore.16:31
pragmaticenigmaCarlFK: "man top" tells you that argument -b will generate output that can be redirected to a file or other destination. Used with "-n 1" will report one cycle of data16:32
CarlFKdoh.  my answer was right under my noise.16:32
pragmaticenigmaCarlFK: If you can provide a link to the documentation that state Gig-E always supports "auto-mdix" I would be interested in reviewing it. All the documentation I have found says it can be enabled, but nothing about it being required.16:35
TJ-Cheez: you mentioned the ILOM card uses old cert MD% etc; in that case I use an old 32-bit build of Netscape Navigator16:35
CarlFKpragmaticenigma: i'm parroting bwh, a DD who's full time job was linux nic drivers for a company that sold 10g nics.16:40
pragmaticenigmaokay, i'll keep searching for something to add to my library. thanks for the heads up CarlFK16:41
CarlFKpragmaticenigma: on my top thing - how do I show multiple cpus (what I get hitting 1)  in the -b mode?16:47
CarlFK          1  :Single/Separate-Cpu-States toggle16:47
TJ-pragmaticenigma: IEEE 802.3ab (1000BASE-T) makes auto-MDI/MDI-C an optional feature not a requirement16:51
TJ-grrr MDI-X ... silly fingers16:51
pragmaticenigmaThat's what I thought TJ- ... so CarlFK's information isn't fully correct. Gig-E can optionally support auto crossover, its not a reguirement?16:53
TJ-pragmaticenigma: it's more complicated than that :)16:53
pragmaticenigmaokay, I'll leave it at that then. Thank you both for the information16:54
TJ-pragmaticenigma: for 1000BASE-T in most case auto-MDI-X is not required16:54
TJ-pragmaticenigma: usually the phyical layer (PMA) detects which way cables are wired even when the pairs are wired "wrong"16:55
roy2098Hi all, i am trying to get openvpn server going on ubuntu 18.04 lts; what has happened to easy-rsa in the packages?17:00
tomreynroy2098: what do you mean by "what has happened to easy-rsa in the packages"?17:02
tomreyn!info easy-rsa bionic17:02
ubottueasy-rsa (source: easy-rsa): Simple shell based CA utility. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.2.2-2 (bionic), package size 16 kB, installed size 93 kB17:02
roy2098tomreyn: Package easy-rsa is not available, but is referred to by another package.17:03
tomreyn!universe | roy209817:03
ubotturoy2098: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.17:03
roy2098ok will do thanks!17:03
tomreynmy, that's an old how-to i pointed you to17:05
tomreynhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu are better17:05
tomreyn...than the "RecommendedSources" page17:06
roy2098tomreyn: here's what is in my sources.list - deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic main17:06
roy2098i've updated and upgraded17:06
roy2098still no easy-rsa17:06
tomreynroy2098: as indicated by ubottu, easy-rsa is in "universe"17:07
tomreynyou only have "main" so far17:07
roy2098ah, thanks again!17:09
tomreynroy2098: note the different support policies for these repositories as outlined on the wiki i pointed you to17:10
pragmaticenigmaCarlFK: i can't find anything in top to get the cpu utilization17:10
pragmaticenigmaCarlFK: I thought maybe nmon might have something, but that also is a dead end17:10
pragmaticenigmahtop doesn't appear to have a mode for an external output17:11
CarlFKpragmaticenigma: k - thanks for trying - "we" (or they?) are trying to figure out how much cpu is needed to run a set of processes - "we need i7!!!"  um.. I use i5s and I dug up an i3 that seems to be working (but one process shows 97%..17:12
ioriaps auxf > file.txt17:13
CarlFKi3-2120 from 2009 - anyone know what gen that is?17:13
tomreynprobably the first17:14
pragmaticenigmaCarlFK: gen 2... the first digit indicates the generation17:14
CarlFKioria: I need to show the total17:14
tomreynsandy bridge17:15
ioriaCarlFK, awk and sum it up ?17:15
CarlFKsandy bridge sounds familiar.17:15
TJ-man top17:15
CarlFKioria: too hard.  TJ: that doesn't prove anything ;)17:15
TJ-CarlFK: huh?17:22
pragmaticenigmaTJ-: They are looking for a capturable output of CPU utilization. top doesn't appear to provide that in an exportable17:23
tomreyntop -b -n1 > /tmp/top.log17:24
CarlFKI have the box here and can see the results: looks OK.  trying to document that17:24
CarlFKtomreyn: it doesn't break out the cpus like top ... press 1.17:24
TJ-pragmaticenigma: "sar"17:25
TJ-!info sysstat17:26
ubottusysstat (source: sysstat): system performance tools for Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 11.6.1-1 (bionic), package size 297 kB, installed size 1224 kB17:26
tomreynproper monitoring would work, too ;)17:28
CarlFKTJ- like you, I am only willing to put so much effort into helping someone else ;)17:29
Sven_vBwhen my script mounts an ext3 partition read-only into a mount point that is used only by my script (e.g. in its temp directory) and later umounts it, will this interfere in some way with other users mounting the same partition, possibly even rw, as long as my script and the interactive users don't read/write the same files?17:31
CarlFKthe top (snicker) problem is: DebConf video team needs 3+ boxes in about 4 weeks.  they think they can afford to hold out for i7s.  https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/19/VideoTeam/VideoEquipHunt17:31
tomreynCarlFK: and the debconf video team runs ubuntu?17:32
CarlFKtomreyn: they did the year I was the lead ;)  (and yes, there was a bit of grumbling)17:33
tomreynCarlFK: you won't normally be able to rw-mount this file system multiple times. so a user assuming they could do this would be interfered with.17:36
CarlFKtomreyn: um... wrong nick I hope17:37
tomreynCarlFK: sorry, not you, this was for Sven_vB17:37
tomreynSven_vB: oh you said your script mounts read-only. i guess it can be ok then17:38
tomreynthe other user may still run into a warning or error even, i'd recommend testing it17:39
Gallomimiacan you PLEASE make the ubuntu updater stop popping up in my face? i will do it by terminal when and if i choose17:42
tomreynsure, let me quickly login to your system and reconfigure it for you.17:43
Gallomimiawell, jokes on me i suppose17:43
Gallomimiabut yeah. maybe you could share with me how to configure that?17:43
tewardGallomimia: you can just remove the update manager and such17:43
Gallomimiaremove it?17:43
Gallomimiaoh my i didn't know that17:43
ryuoyou could always go to Mint where the updater doesn't nag you. :D17:44
Sven_vBtomreyn, thanks!17:44
presidentsudo synaptic17:44
Gallomimiaapt-get remove update-manager ??17:44
Gallomimiawhoa. it's going to remove ubuntu-desktop ? this doesn't seem wise17:45
Ooland perhaps remove gnom at the first apt autoremove17:45
tomreynGallomimia: update-notifier-common17:45
tomreynGallomimia: and ubuntu-desktop is just a meta package to help you get (and keep, if you wanted) the standard ubuntu desktop installed.17:46
Coolerhey how do you share your ubuntu drive to a win 10 machine ?17:48
tewardCooler: you don't.  Win10 can't speak ext17:48
Gallomimiadual boot or over the network?17:48
Coolerover the network17:48
tomreynGallomimia: you could also choose to have all updates installed automatically without you ever getting prompted. that way you get no notifications and still benefit from timely security updates17:48
OolI thought they are some ext reader in the win world17:48
Coolersamba ok !17:49
Coolerthanks !17:49
Gallomimiatomreyn, that is an ass-biter if i ever seen one17:49
Gallomimiacareful with the samba install17:49
Gallomimiathe last time i did it, i picked the wrong version and everything got borked. i couldn't remove it safely either17:49
Sven_vBis there an easy way to schedule a mount point to be umounted as soon as no process uses it anymore?17:50
OolSven_vB: automount ?17:50
Coolerwell... i will use a usb3 external drive then17:50
Gallomimiaif you have one of those and you're just copying a few files over, that's probably easier17:51
Gallomimiayou can also use putty and similar to copy files via ssh and scp17:51
OolCooler: not sure if it's work:  https://www.howtogeek.com/112888/3-ways-to-access-your-linux-partitions-from-windows/17:51
Sven_vBOol, not sure what you mean17:52
Gallomimiathat's for dual boot17:52
OolI mean I don't use windows :)17:52
Gallomimiaool he is dealing with 2 separate machines17:52
Sven_vBOol, in my case the mount point is in the temp dir of my script and ideally would also be rmdir-ed after it's umounted. I'm trying to avoid litter in case my script crashes.17:52
Gallomimiawants to share over network17:52
Cooler1 ubuntu and the 2 with win 1017:52
Oolsorry… winscp to see it across ssh17:53
Gallomimiathat's a much more useful and secure way to do it than samba17:54
Sven_vBthere's also SSHfs for windows https://github.com/billziss-gh/sshfs-win17:54
Gallomimiaaltho, slightly less convenient than having it mounted permanently. depends how long you want shares to be available17:54
Gallomimiacan i just go ahead and say i'm really disappointed with the "progress" that's been made in local area file sharing in the past 28 years?17:55
tomreynnot here, since that's a discussion topic17:57
Sven_vBGallomimia, let's discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic what features you see lacking in sshfs ;)17:58
Gallomimianext question: anyone know a decent script for purging duplicates from a music collection? turns out all my music files are literally in there twice. i'm using rhythmbox to browse and play, hearing every song twice is pretty lame18:08
lordcirthGallomimia, if the files are bit-for-bit identical, not just the same song, you can use 'jdupes'18:09
tomreynwhere are the dupes located relative to one another?18:10
Gallomimiathat's a big "who knows" buddy18:10
Gallomimiathere's a few nested folders in my /data/Music/ dir18:10
lordcirthGallomimia, I'd just run jdupes on the whole drive.18:10
lordcirthIf you find a bunch of matches in the same place, ^C and delete the whole folder, then run again. It doesn't match whole dirs18:11
Gallomimiaas an added note, a few of them are actually missing chunks out of them. shorter than their dupe and skips mid-song18:11
Gallomimiareading about on github ty18:13
GerowenAre snap packages architecture agnostic?  As in, if a snap is listed on snapcraft, does that mean I can install it the same on my x86 or ARM systems?18:13
leftyfblordcirth: fail: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/vYby3DcwSp/18:16
sarnoldGerowen: I think that's up to the snap authors, they'd have to build multiple versions18:16
lordcirthleftyfb, that's weird18:16
leftyfbI get it when running on my home directory as well18:17
lordcirthleftyfb, 18.04? can you strace it?18:17
tomreynGerowen: not necessarily agnostic, there are build configurations. /join #snapcraft / #snappy18:17
leftyfblordcirth: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/8tQyR5XzFb/18:18
lordcirthleftyfb, what filesystem? Does it always segfault on that file?18:19
leftyfblet me check18:20
leftyfbit does. It's a directory with 22 video files in it18:20
leftyfball under 1G in size18:21
lordcirthleftyfb, can you try the older 'fdupes'?18:21
lordcirthjdupes is a fork that is way faster18:21
iorialeftyfb, if you remove the 'A' option ?18:24
leftyfbfdupes runs without error. Though I'm not sure how it's supposed to work. It listed out 633(out of 1021) files in the same directory. They're all timelapse pictures so maybe it considered half of them the same picture?18:24
leftyfbioria: tada!18:25
lordcirthleftyfb, if the hash matches, it then does a bit-for-bit compare.18:25
leftyfblordcirth: the bits shouldn't be exactly the same really. At the very least the timestamps are different18:26
leftyfbioria: ah, I didn't mean to use -A anyway. I misread the man page and meant to use -118:26
iorialeftyfb, ok18:26
leftyfbthough it really shouldn't segfault with -A18:26
ioriaof course18:27
lordcirthleftyfb, jdupes 1.9 on 18.04?18:28
lordcirthleftyfb, that's weird. Could you please file an issue? https://github.com/jbruchon/jdupes/issues18:31
leftyfbcan't at the moment. I was just trying it out of curiosity. I'm in the middle of some things at work and might have to file some bugs with Intel instead :)18:32
lordcirthOk, no problem18:34
lordcirthFreeBDSM, hi18:37
FreeBDSMa general linux question: how to echo an arbitrary process's envs?18:39
sarnoldFreeBDSM: cat /proc/pid/environ18:40
FreeBDSMsarnold: hmm, thanks, keep forgetting about /proc/18:41
sarnoldFreeBDSM: there's loads of neat things in there :)18:42
FreeBDSMsarnold: like what?18:42
FreeBDSMhow to cause a hard system reboot by echoing something to /proc/?18:43
FreeBDSMjust came home from a job interview where I got asked this question18:43
sarnoldFreeBDSM: /proc/pid/exe is the executable that's running a process.. once, when I upgraded screen, I couldn't re-attach to an existing session because the protocol had changed between versions. but it was easy to use /proc/pid/exe to execute another copy of the OLD screen binary, to then reattach :)18:44
lordcirthThat's a fun question18:44
Visionfresh install of 19.04, installing updates, it hangs on "Configuring snapd..." with the last console message showing "snapd.snap-repair.service is a disabled or a static unit, not starting it." - any idea?18:44
FreeBDSMsarnold: thanks18:45
FreeBDSM`echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq && echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger`18:45
leftyfbonly as root. Otherwise, use tee18:45
leftyfbsudo tee18:45
FreeBDSMyeah, I learned how to sudo tee18:46
FreeBDSMsarnold: can I safely modify /proc/${pid}/environ to add a new env?18:55
sarnoldFreeBDSM: no, it's read-only. you could use a debugger though18:55
FreeBDSMsarnold: could you explain a bit more in detail about re-attaching to the old 'screen' process. What happens when you run old screen, then update screen package so it replaces the file, but the process of old screen still runs. Does system copy the old executable right into /proc/${pid}/exe (because usually that's just a symlink to the regular executable file of the program)?19:12
FreeBDSMor does the system move the old executable just elsewhere (and where? /tmp/?)?19:12
FreeBDSMalso, I'm exploring /proc/ now and I see that there's /proc/${pid}/root which is a symlink to '/', is this how chrooting works?19:14
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sarnoldFreeBDSM: on unix-like systems it's possible to unlink any file, while it's in use; the file data will stay on disk until all processes that have it open, close the file19:14
FreeBDSMsarnold: but how does that work? where will /proc/${pid}/exe point?19:15
FreeBDSMI lack some knowledge about interconnection between files on filesystem and inodes, I guess what you meant that unlinking a file doesn't unlink it's inode19:15
sarnoldhere's an example from one of my shells:19:15
sarnoldlrwxrwxrwx 1 sarnold sarnold 0 Jun 26 18:35 exe -> '/bin/bash (deleted)'19:15
Xalys Hi! What does 'nosplit' exactly mean in apt?19:16
FreeBDSMsarnold: so how did you use it then?19:16
sarnoldFreeBDSM: just a ./exe :)19:16
sarnoldFreeBDSM: a few lines output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DzVVnTXwMV/19:16
FreeBDSMsarnold: do I get it right that you could basically restore the executable via `cat /proc/${pid}/exe > myexecutable.exe`?19:17
ioriaXalys, i'd chck my /etc/apt7sources.list19:17
Xalysioria: that's not the issue19:17
XalysI changed web servers on the apt rep19:17
sarnoldFreeBDSM: yes. exactly! :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tGk2JXNQjS/19:17
XalysBut there doesn't seem to be any docs on what the error means exactly19:17
ioriaXalys,  can you paste  'sudo apt update' ?19:18
FreeBDSMsarnold: but it's quite rarely when a program is packed just as a single executable, it usually relies on libs and stuff, do they get deleted?19:18
Xalysioria: E: Failed to fetch http://xxx/dists/stable/InRelease  Clearsigned file isn't valid, got 'NOSPLIT' (does the network require authentication?)19:19
ioriaXalys,  you know it's not an ubuntu source ?19:19
Xalysioria: yes, it's my apt repo19:19
sarnoldFreeBDSM: yeah, if those get deleted, this trick might not work so well19:20
FreeBDSMsarnold: thank you a lot for explaining such things, I appreciate it a lot19:22
sarnoldFreeBDSM cool :)19:22
sarnoldI like explaining things, too, hehe19:22
FreeBDSMI'm exploring /proc/ now and I see that there's /proc/${pid}/root which is a symlink to '/', what if change the link to elsewhere? is this how chrooting works?19:23
sarnoldsometimes people don't always like explanations though, lol19:23
sarnoldthat's another read-only thing19:23
sarnoldit'll just indicate where in the filesystem the process's root is19:23
FreeBDSMsarnold: how come it's read-only if it's mode is lrwxrwxrwx?19:24
sarnoldFreeBDSM: all symlinks on linux are always 77719:25
sarnold(well, if they come from another unix system, they might not be. it's weird.)(19:25
FreeBDSMah, I see19:26
FreeBDSMand chmoding the link chmods the file it points to19:26
FreeBDSMweird design, IMO19:26
FreeBDSMwhy not mirror target's mode?19:26
sarnoldbecause then people would need to manage it :)19:27
FreeBDSMmanage how?19:27
sarnoldalso, the file it points to can be swapped out, mode changed, etc, and updating any symlink permissions at the same time would be very expensive19:27
FreeBDSMthat's a good explanation19:27
sarnold"I can't read your symlink can you please change the modes on it so I can see what the symlink points to" etc19:28
sarnoldalright, time to prep for a meeting.. have fun FreeBDSM :)19:28
FreeBDSMif you can't read the symlink - means it's target would have such a mod that you don't see that file :)19:28
FreeBDSMsarnold: okay, good luck with the meeting and thanks for help19:29
Xalysioria: issue found. apt does not like it when the content-type header is missing. I have to say the docs on this really suck.19:32
ioriaXalys,  ok, good19:32
donofrioJimBuntu, no that one threw a open firmware error http://paste.opensuse.org/3956492419:33
hil8Hey. I installed the golang-1.12 package but cannot run go commands. I've checked again and it shows it has been installed so I don't get what could have gone wrong. Any help?19:55
zapprogersometimes you need to log out and log in for the path to work right19:57
zapprogerI would try doing that first.19:57
hil8i forgot to add. I have rebooted as well just to be sure. And still no luck19:58
zapprogerDid you install this package from the ubuntu repos?19:59
zapprogervia apt?19:59
hil8yup. specifically the golang-1.12 package19:59
zapprogerwhat command are you trying to do?19:59
hil8I usually check using "go env"20:00
hil8and i get the message "command 'go' not found"20:00
zapprogercan you do "man go". doo you get a manual page?20:01
tomreynhil8: sudo apt install command-not-found; go20:02
hil8zapproger: just tried it and there's no manual entry for it20:02
hggdhwell, disco has go 1.10.420:03
tomreynhil8: which ubuntu version are you running there?20:04
hil8tomreyn: i'm a bit confused. should it be sudo apt install command-not-found? I'm on 19.0420:04
hil8hggdh: yup that's the default here as well. But I was hoping to get something newer than 1.1020:05
tomreynhil8: yes, i you'll   sudo apt install command-not-found  and you'll run "go" again it should tell you which package you need to install20:05
tomreyn!latest | hil820:05
ubottuhil8: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.20:05
=== nshireTimeout is now known as nshire
hil8tomreyn: it lists golang-go and gccgo-go which are both 1.10. There's also a snap package which is 1.1220:07
hil8If all fails i might try that20:07
tomreyna !ppa or !snap is probably the right thing to do (if you can find one which looks like you should be able to rely on it)20:08
tomreyn...assuming you really need the newer go version20:09
hggdhthere is a snap with go 1.12, from mwhudson20:10
hil8trying out webassembly and 1.11 or newer is required. I'll give one last go(reinstall) and see how it goes20:10
hil8hggdh: yup. i might have to go with that20:10
guntbertll mloza20:25
intokUbuntu encrypted install, stuck at initramfs. Never seen this. Booting from a USB I can mount the drive with the password and everything is there, just can't boot normally. Screenshot https://i.redd.it/wsvi4nobk7631.jpg I have a thread on the forums here https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2421770 if you would prefer replying there.20:26
vltintok: Not having seen your screenshots, but I’d guess `cryptsetup` is missing in your initramfs.20:27
vltintok: Sometimes that’s ignored while building the image (because misconfigured /etc/crypttab).20:28
vltintok: `CRYPTSETUP=Y mkinitramfs ...` from a USB booted chroot environment should fix this temporarily.20:29
intokvlt try it via reddit post I made https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/c4gf1x/getting_initramfs_on_luks_encrypted_system/20:30
vltintok: Try what?20:31
intokvlt mdadm keeps looking for arrays? The screenshot, thats where I am trying to link it from20:32
vltintok: What does `cat /proc/mdstat` say?20:33
vltintok: And `/proc/cmdline`?20:33
tomreynthe issue will be the state of your mdadm array, not lack of cryptsetup20:34
intokvlt from normal boot https://i.imgur.com/D7ebyoM.jpg20:43
intok tomreyn there shouldn't be a raid array, it's only a single drive laptop. this happened after an update, affects all installed kernels20:45
vltintok: I’m sorry, I can’t view screenshots. Can you describe the gist of the output?20:45
intokvlt mdstat stat lists personalities of linear, multipath, raids 0, 1, 6, 5, 4 and 10, in that order. cmdline says permission denied20:46
tomreynintok: make that "cat /proc/cmdline" on the last line20:46
vltintok: Yeah, sorry, I meant *cat*.20:48
intokvlt  tomreyn ok, bootimage=vmlinz-4.18.0-20-generic root=/dev/mapper/ubuntu--mate--vg-root ro  acpi=noirq pci=noacpi ivrs_ioapic[4]=00:14.0 ivrs_ioapic[5]=00:00.220:49
EriC^^intok: are you using raid?20:50
intokvlt  that last bit is required for the laptop to even boot as per Acer's stupid bios, see here https://community.acer.com/en/discussion/comment/619839/#Comment_619839 tomreyn20:50
intokEriC^^ no20:50
EriC^^intok: did you recently change anything in the bios regarding ahci/raid etc?20:50
vltintok: `blkid`, please.20:50
tomreynthis may be a non-existing resume device20:51
intokEriC^^ see the link to the acer forum above, it's required to boot linux at all on this laptop, had been working since January when I installed 18.1020:51
EriC^^intok: i see20:55
tomreynintok: try typing this in the initramfs prompt: RESUME=20:55
tomreynthen just press ctrl-d20:56
TJ-tomreyn: it's not the swap, it's root fs,20:56
EriC^^intok: can you boot a live usb? that would help troubleshooting since you'd have internet access and can upload pastes easily, if tomreyn 's suggestion doesnt owrk20:56
intokvlt EriC^^ tomreyn https://pastebin.com/mkpYXfDR20:56
tomreynTJ-: hmm right. wont work20:56
TJ-intok: Are you currently at the initramfs shell ?20:56
TJ-I've dealt with this issue before20:57
intok TJ- see th paste20:57
TJ-intok: which one?20:58
intok TJ- yes, booting from internal at the moment, what should I try before I try the live?20:58
TJ-intok: OK, I can talk you through the investigation to determine if you can manually do what is required, or need to do a live-boot recovery20:58
TJ-intok: first check there's a cryptroot config file: "ls -l /conf/conf.d/"20:59
vltintok: Try `cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda3 a3`.20:59
j0hhey, is /dev/null not available in initramfs?21:00
TJ-intok: if that file is missing it tells us the root-fs /etc/crypttab is incorrect, or /etc/fstab is21:00
j0hI'm getting can't create /dev/null: nonexiststen directory on my init-premount script21:00
TJ-j0h: what's the entire command causing that?21:01
j0hTJ- : if ping -c 1 example.com > /dev/null 2>&1; then21:01
j0hexample.com just example21:01
j0hbut it's an ip in real21:01
j0hthis is what I'm trying to do basically: https://github.com/ceremcem/unlock-luks-partition/blob/master/reverse-tunnel-setup.md TJ-21:02
intokroot delay might not be long enough? missing modules cat /proc/modules; ls /dev /dev/mapper/ubuntu--mate--vg-root doesn't exist   vlt TJ- tomreyn  EriC^^21:02
j0hthe issue is that I am getting ping: not found, sleep: not found as well21:02
j0hthis might be because I'm not using absolute routes?21:02
j0hthere is an issue in there with the creator of that repo with no solution21:03
j0hTJ- file in question is in step 3: link-with-server.sh21:03
TJ-j0h: look at /usr/share/initramfs-tools/init which is the /init script; you'll see mount -t devtmpfs /dev happens early on21:03
vltintok: Is that output of the cryptsetup command?21:03
EriC^^intok: try typing 'ls -l /conf/conf.d' as TJ- suggested21:04
intokvlt sh: cryptsetup: not found21:04
j0hTJ-, oh yea, I can see that it's there21:05
vltintok: Remember my first guess? :D21:05
TJ-intok: rootdelay isn't the issue, and for everyone: "mdadm: No arrays found..." is expected because the code is looping and sleeping repeatedly waiting for the root file-system to appear; each loop it rescans all devices21:05
j0hTJ- do you think I might have to copy ping and sleep bins over in hooks (step 2)21:06
intok-rw-r--r-- 1 14 splash  -rw-r--r-- 1  43 zz-resume-auto vlt TJ- EriC^^ tomreyn21:07
TJ-intok: so, no cryptroot then, that explains it.21:08
TJ-intok: in which case it is likely cryptsetup is missing too. try "which cryptsetup"21:08
intok TJ- " which cryptsetup " gives no output21:09
intokjust starts a new prompt21:10
TJ-j0h: a little hint; the Debian/Ubuntu dropbear-initramfs package already does all the needed initramfs hooks to get itself installed AND generate the key21:11
TJ-intok: OK, so somehow you've broken the root-fs config in fstab and/or crypttab, and this when the initrd.img was generated the tools were not included.21:12
intok TJ- ok, so this is all completely foreign territory to me.21:12
TJ-intok: So, first thing to do is reboot, interrupt at the GRUB stage by tapping Esc key, then choose the Advanced sub-menu and from that boot an older kernel version (because its initrd.img should not have been changed if you're lucky). If trying all the older kernels doesn't work you'll need to recover using a live-ISO21:13
j0hTJ-, I'm trying to setup a reverse ssh tunnel, hence the script needed21:13
j0hI fixed the missing ping and sleep issue, now it's just throwing that noexistent /dev/null error21:14
TJ-j0h: Oh, reversing it, sorry, I get what you mean21:14
Thr0rpragmaticenigma: FYI! Everyting I asked for help for earlier today is now fixed and in order. Thanks to the people helping here. Just so you know - all is good.21:15
j0hTJ- initramfs should include sleep right?21:19
TJ-j0h: not sure if this is related but... busybox-initramfs binary doesn't contain the 'ping' applet21:19
j0hahh TJ-, I'm using dropbear-initramfs21:20
TJ-j0h: right.... but that only provides the ssh client. busybox provides the shell and core tools and busybox-initramfs does *not* have a "ping" so your code trying to call ping is going to fail, run this to see the list of included applets: "/usr/lib/initramfs-tools/bin/busybox"21:23
j0hooh TJ-, you're right21:24
j0hit doesn't list ping21:24
TJ-j0h: to prove it do "sudo lsinitramfs /boot/initrd.img-$(uname -r) | grep ping"21:24
j0hyup, no ping21:25
intokvlt TJ- tomreyn  EriC^^ tried all installed kernels, no dice21:25
intokvlt TJ- tomreyn  EriC^^ go live iso?21:26
tomreyni guess you'll have to then21:26
vltintok: Yes, follow what I described first.21:26
j0hTJ-, do you know why it's causing an error with /dev/null being nonexistent directory?21:27
j0hbecause the init file does show it sets up /dev21:27
TJ-j0h: probably cause 'ping' is missing the line is being mis-interpretted.. anyhow let's fix tthe missing ping. In step 2 you'll see "copy_exec /usr/bin/dbclient /bin" - add after that "copy_exec /bin/ping /bin"21:30
j0hTJ- done, will update and try again21:31
TJ-j0h: That *should* help the ping issue and may as a side-effect prevent the complaint about /dev/null if it originates from the check_internet() function21:31
j0hwill see what happens now, thanks21:31
j0hstuck on boot loop now TJ-21:35
TJ-j0h: so ping works :)21:35
j0hooh, damn, I think the interface doesn't get setup yet TJ-21:36
j0hso it will never really be able to get a ping21:36
TJ-j0h: are you booting with "break=premount" so you can manually investigate ?21:38
TJ-j0h: are the correct network driver kernel modules added into the initrd.img, and any required firmware?21:38
j0hTJ-, the network does work, eventually21:39
TJ-j0h: in initramfs?21:39
j0has I was always able to connect to it locally21:39
j0hso it worked fine when I ssh'd in from local (without the tunnel)21:39
TJ-j0h: then you need to determine if it is still coming up but those scripts are failing21:39
TJ-j0h: so "break=premount" will let you explore21:40
j0hahh, so is there a way to break free from the bootloop and get into to set break=premount?21:40
j0hlike, I'm not sure how I can even uncrypt anymore with kvm21:40
j0hdoesn't even wait for the prompt, just boots straight away21:41
j0hTJ- even recovery more doesn't work21:44
TJ-j0h: "break=premount" is added to the kernel command-line, so presuming you're using GRUB, interrupt the boot by tapping Esc to edit the entry21:44
impchauni'm back21:45
j0hahh TJ-, I see it now21:46
j0hTJ- which line should I edit, one that starts with linux or initrd?21:48
j0hand do I add break=premount at the end of either of those lines?21:48
=== intok is now known as intok-linux-work
intok-linux-work(03:29:43 PM) vlt: intok: `CRYPTSETUP=Y mkinitramfs ...` from a USB booted chroot environment should fix this temporarily.21:51
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TJ-j0h: line beginning linux and add towards the end of the line; it's just another kernel option21:52
RojolaI am just setting up a virtual server (droplet) on Digital Ocean21:53
RojolaNow I have to choose the OS and version21:53
j0hnice TJ-, thanks21:53
RojolaThe latest LTE is 18.0421:53
j0hTJ-, think I'm in intramfs prompt now21:53
Rojolaso, 19.10 will be the next LTS of Ubuntu21:53
TJ-j0h: so find out if the network is available21:54
Rojolanow I am not so sure, if I should really pick 18.0421:54
Rojolashould I go with 19.04 ?21:54
Rojolabut 19.04 is not LTE21:54
j0hit says netwokr is unrechable21:54
j0hwhen i try to ping localhost21:54
TJ-Rojola: LTS are every 2 even years, 16.04, 18.04, 20.0421:54
TJ-j0h: so you need to check first if the interface is up, and if it has an IP address, and then if there's a route etc21:54
RojolaTJ-, oh, my bad, I thought it was 1,5 years21:55
RojolaTJ-, well, what should I do then?  18.04 LTS or 19.04 ?  Or, (offtopic)  Debian  9.721:55
intok-linuxvlt https://pastebin.com/Ayc8ZZie am I supposed to be running this from the terminal?21:56
RojolaI personally like Debian and Ubuntu equally much21:56
TJ-Rojola: I'd always go for an LTS on a server21:56
j0hTJ-, gotcha, I've used ip link show and it does show the ethernet interface (eno1) but no ip info21:56
RojolaTJ-, ok - and if I had to choose between  LTS and Debian 9.7  (9.9 is the latest version of Debian)21:56
intok-linuxer the terminal against the USB iso?21:56
Rojolashould I go with Ubuntu?21:56
j0hTJ-, I need to catch the last train home but will take this with me and continue to debug when I get home, thanks for all your help so far21:56
TJ-j0h: ip link only shows the Ethernet state; for IP address use "ip addr show" and for routes "ip route show"21:57
RojolaI need to install Docker, Sandstorm, etc.21:57
j0hip route show is empty21:57
j0hit's weird that this isn't getting auto ip21:58
TJ-j0h: is dhclient running for that interface?21:58
j0hdhclient says eno1 link is not ready21:59
vltintok-linux: I’m not sure what your question is.21:59
j0hthenthen I got an error saying shown not gound21:59
intok-linuxvlt should it be directed at sda1?21:59
j0hsbin/dhclient-script TJ-22:00
TJ-j0h: does "ip link" show the interface is up or down?22:01
j0hip link shows lo 1: lo and 2: eno1 but no indication if it's up or down22:01
TJ-j0h: og of course it's the busybox cut down version22:02
vltintok-linux: Maybe there’s an easier way now but I would chroot into the root fs (with `mount -o bind /dev dev` prior) and run it there.22:02
j0hTJ-, how come when I just did a normal busyboxy/dropbear ssh setup, the network was setup and connected fine22:02
j0hbut this script to create the reverse ssh is having issues with the network?22:03
j0hlike, what made it not work?22:03
TJ-j0h: actually it should still show status, I ran that busybox here and for my wifi link get "2: wlp2s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP200> mtu 1500 qdisc mq qlen 1000"22:03
j0hahh TJ- I see it22:03
j0hit shows UP for eno122:03
j0hsorry, missed that22:03
=== jje_ is now known as jje
j0hneed to dash, sorry TJ-, I'll be back online to debug in an hour22:04
TJ-j0h: if the ethernet link is up it'd look like this "2: enp1s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master br-lan state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000"22:05
Gallomimiaoh dear. someone suggest i run jdupes on my music. i ran it in prompt-to-delete mode and it seems i have around 8500 or more duplicates. dunno if i want to go thru each one and say yes22:05
TJ-j0h: note my example is a port attached to a bridge so it also shows "master br-lan"22:05
j0hTJ-  ping works now for some reason22:05
j0hI don't know if running dhclient enabled it?22:05
TJ-j0h: presumably it took some time for dhclient running in the background to onbtain a lease22:06
TJ-j0h: YES!22:06
TJ-that's dhclient's job22:06
j0hit threw some chmod unrecofnized option error but must have worked somehow22:06
j0hI thought it failed22:06
intok-linuxvlt TJ- EriC^^ tomreyn from the install:   not seeing the proper grub config file, just the sample    pastes from the install      /etc/fstab https://pastebin.com/MzGtFtxS     /ect/cryptmount/cmtab https://pastebin.com/02VfTYst22:17
intok-linux-workvlt EriC^^ tomreyn /i/ really have to go at the moment, can you please continue any new ideas on the ubuntu forum post? https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=242177022:19
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tomreynso the "cryptmount" package is involved there, i never knew this existed. and it's got an empty configuration file, which probably makes things break. i'm used to /etc/crypttab only. whether or not this exists on this system and what its contents may be we do not know.22:31
tomreynand intok is gone.22:31
GerowenWhat is the approved method for specifying a DNS server, or just resetting everything to DHCP, in Ubuntu server 18.04.22:39
GerowenI just uninstalled PiHole from my server to move it to its own dedicated device, but there's a setting somewhere telling the server that it is still its own DNS server, so it fails to connect to anything external.22:40
sarnoldcheck /etc/resolv.conf22:41
GerowenI edited that earlier and got it to resolve, but it doesn't persist after reboot.22:44
Rojola1I ran into a problem22:48
Rojola1so, I've successfully set up this amazing software called "wekan"22:49
Rojola1now I must import a project which already exists22:49
Rojola1unfortunately, the software does not let me upload the .json file22:49
Rojola1I have to paste the .json file22:49
Rojola1So, I opened the .json file,  selected everything,  and copied it22:50
Rojola1then I wanted to paste it, but nothing happened22:50
Rojola1I guess, it's too much textr22:50
Rojola1the json file (pure text) is 6 MB large22:50
Gallomimiacan you pipe it with terminal commands?22:50
Rojola1Gallomimia, not sure... the software (wekan) runs in a browser22:51
Rojola1nah it's beautiful22:51
Gallomimiayou can't paste it in stages?22:51
Rojola1yes well that could work.... but one tiny mistake and everything is messed up22:51
Gallomimiadon't make a mistake22:51
apb1963kworker 50% CPU/libreoffice 100% CPU  https://imgur.com/a/enE3Uvb22:52
Rojola1isn't there a clipboard manager who can handle it?22:52
Gallomimiayou'll have to forgive me for being prejudiced against some "software" that's trapped inside a browser container instead of running natively22:52
GallomimiaSaaS is against my religion. all hail Richard Stallman22:52
Rojola1Gallomimia, I respect your opinion, but politely beg to differ22:52
Rojola1Gallomimia, I personally appreciate portable software accessable from various devices with the same storage behind22:53
Rojola1However, I understand that there are many, many use-cases for natively running software22:53
Gallomimiawell. okay. but the blog post he wrote about specifically cautions against using it because you'll run into problems like this.22:53
Rojola1so yes, I absolutely get your point22:53
Gallomimiai think one day we'll get the best of both worlds22:54
deltabRojola1: use the browser's dev console to read the file and put the text in the input22:54
Rojola1Gallomimia, how would I share tasks with a team of people without the cloud?22:54
Gallomimiawhere your computing environment will be inside a cloud of sorts, portable everywhere, but yet still owned by you22:54
Rojola1deltab, I know the dev console, but everything else is unclear. Please be so kind and elaborate.22:54
Gallomimiaby owning and operating your own server22:54
Rojola1Gallomimia, I am operating my own server.22:54
Rojola1Gallomimia, Wekan is open source22:54
deltabRojola1: you need the text in a textarea, presumably22:55
Gallomimiawell then. maybe you can plant that file in the server files?22:55
Rojola1deltab, let me quickly verify that it's really a textarea - brb22:55
Rojola1deltab, yes, it is a textarea:    <textarea class="js-import-json" placeholder="Paste your valid JSON data here" autofocus=""></textarea>22:56
deltabdocument.querySelector('textarea.js0import-json').value = 'somehow get the json here';22:56
Rojola1I could perform an ajax request22:57
Gallomimiasounds like there's a couple of tricks you can do to skip the browser aspect in this operation. i assume it's a one-time setup process?22:57
Gallomimiamaybe curl can do it for you22:57
deltabRojola1: yep22:57
Rojola1Gallomimia, 30 boards22:57
deltaband to get the json text, you could start a webserver (python -m SimpleHTTPServer)22:57
Rojola1every board has it's own json file22:58
Rojola1deltab, I am using Apache anywa22:58
deltabalternatively, is it just a POST?22:58
Rojola1let me check.22:58
Rojola1deltab, https://dpaste.de/hg0o/raw22:59
Gallomimiashouldn't these json files go somewhere in the server directories? do they really need to be imported thru the web interface?22:59
Rojola1it's a weird <form> without an action and without a method22:59
deltabsend a request with the network panel open, select the request, choose 'Copy as curl command', paste and edit the curl command to read from the file22:59
Rojola1Gallomimia, they go into the MongoDB23:00
Rojola1deltab, I don't think this is a post-form23:00
Gallomimiacan you import it into the database then23:00
Rojola1it just says <form>23:00
Rojola1Gallomimia, absolutely no clue how they store it23:00
Rojola1and its not even MySQL23:00
Gallomimiai mean.... it's starting to look less and less beautiful if you're unable to get it to cooperate23:00
Rojola1I have zero experience with MongoDB23:01
Gallomimiagood time to learn23:01
deltabform with no action? probably relies on js23:01
Rojola1I will try the things you mentioned23:01
Rojola1deltab, Gallomimia - THANK YOU!23:01
Rojola1I will give you feedback soon23:01
deltabcheck what happens in the network panel when you submit it23:01
Rojola1I must minimize the chat window for a moment to solve it23:02
Rojola1(few minutes)23:02
k00l3th4nGallomimia: MongoDB is very easy to learn. It's just JSON.23:02
deltabor use the api? https://wekan.github.io/api/23:03
Gallomimiaif mongoDB is "just" JSON it sounds like he should still be able to drop the files directly into the database storage area23:09
Gallomimiaor possibly process them with some script23:09
* Gallomimia_ kicks his ghost23:19
=== Gallomimia_ is now known as Gallomimia
Gallomimiayou didn't see anything.23:21
j0hTJ-, back online again, do you know how I could start dropbear again in initramfs shell?23:22
j0hso that I can get back into the main ubuntu server23:23
TJ-j0h: start the dropbear SSH server?23:25
j0hI have an IP now after running dhclient23:25
TJ-j0h: I'd have thought it'd have started by now23:25
j0hmaybe it did, let me check if I'm connecting to the right ip/port23:25
TJ-if you stopped at the premount stage, I'd have thought dropbear would have been started earlier in order to receive the LUKS commands23:26
TJ-check if it is running with "ps | grep dropbear"23:26
Rojola1how can I split 1 big textfile in 20 textfiles equally sized?23:27
Rojola1without adding line breaks or spaces23:27
Rojola1a json-file to be exact23:27
Rojola1everything else has failed, so I want to manually copy and paste it into the textarea23:27
j0hTJ- dropbear is running but not with the options I had set23:28
j0hit's almost like it's using standard config23:28
TJ-Rojola1: see "man split"23:28
j0has I defined another ssh port that's not 2223:28
deltabRojola1: the split command23:28
Rojola1thank you23:29
TJ-j0h: I guess it depends on how and where you defined that setting23:29
j0hTJ- in /etc/dropbear-initramfs/config23:29
j0hbut that's fine, I can connect on 2223:30
j0hbut it's doing a weird timeout on askpass23:30
j0hbefore it was prompting to enter decrypt password23:30
TJ-j0h: what did you add to ../config ? DROPBEAR_OPTIONS="-p 1234"23:31
j0hyea, and also -s -j -k -I 6023:32
TJ-j0h: maybe there's something in those reverse-ssh scripts altering things?23:32
j0hcan I disable the script from running at boot?23:32
j0hso I can boot back and revert the line I added which I think cause this to get stuck in this state?23:32
j0hthe bin copy for ping23:33
j0hthat reverse-ssh script is broken in so many ways as it seems23:34
TJ-j0h: I don't see how that is going to break it; I'd expect something deeper is going on. ping isn't going to affect SSH or anything else23:34
j0hit's the reboot that's affecting it23:34
j0hso ping works, but because the interface isn't coming back up fast enough, it goes to a boot cycle23:34
j0hI don't know well enough about initramfs or anything involved to try and fix that script :(23:35
TJ-j0h: right, which shouldn't happen since that has a 60 second watchdog sleep... if it takes 60 seconds for the connection to get an IP address there's something else wrong23:35
j0hoh you're right23:35
TJ-j0h: did you just install the parts I saw in that link or other scripts from that same repository (I saw others listed but didn't check what they were)23:36
j0hjust that link23:36
TJ-j0h: better give it me again I'll take a swift look, but it's very late here I need to get to bed23:36
j0hI used this to setup dropbear-initramfs: https://hamy.io/post/0009/how-to-install-luks-encrypted-ubuntu-18.04.x-server-and-enable-remote-unlocking/23:36
j0hoh I understand, past midnight here too :(23:37
j0hso I did the hamy tutorial to do the crypt unlock stuff which worked as expected23:37
j0hthen the reverse tunnel stuff which broke it all23:37
Rojola2how can I delete a snap package without traces?23:39
Rojola2I messed up the snap "wekan" installation23:39
TJ-j0h: a quick note; is the reason you're not operating dropbear on port 22 to avoid the ssh client "scary warning" about different keys when SSHing to the real root-fs after unlock?23:39
Rojola2I would like to purge it including the database23:39
j0hTJ-, I just changed it from 22 as a force of habit23:39
j0hless people trying to hit and brute standard ssh port23:40
j0h(yea security by obscurity is not really much but at least it'll get hammered less)23:40
TJ-j0h: OK, well, if you want to avoid the ssh client warning just do this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cWkc9XZkcS/23:41
j0hahh ok TJ-, will do23:42
TJ-j0h: I presume in check_internet() you've altered the hard-coded "example.com" in the ping?23:44
j0hyea, I've added my own IP23:44
TJ-j0h: that really should be $LINK_UP_SERVER23:45
j0hI updated that on my script to use the VAR23:45
j0hinstead of duplicating23:45
j0halso I may have messed up the script when I renamed the sleep bin23:45
j0hI used /sbin/sleep and when I ran initramfs shell, /bin/sh scriipts/link-with-server.sh23:46
j0hit complained about /sbin/sleep not being a thing23:46
j0hmaybe that's what's causing the issue?23:46
j0hhum, is there an edtior in the initramfs shell to edit that script and maybe rename the sleep to /bin/sleep23:47
TJ-j0h: I don't see any call to /bin/sleep there only "sleep" (you'd not usually get an error messages /adding/ to the command's path in an error message)!23:48
j0hI added it in my script when it complained about no sleep being a thing23:48
j0hbut I added /sbin/sleep23:48
j0hwhich when I run the script in the shell says doesn't exist23:48
TJ-j0h: the busybox shell sohuld be proving /bin/sleep23:49
j0h/sbin/sleep is not a thing I don't think, it should have been /bin/sleep23:49
j0hyea, this was before we fixed the ping issue23:49
TJ-j0h: it tells me here it is in the initrd.img23:49
TJ-what is referring to /sbin/sleep then?23:49
j0hso you see on that script it's just sleep, well I did something stupid and replaced all the "sleep" occurrences to "/sbin/sleep"23:50
TJ-j0h: oh, you mean you've edited the script so it has absolute paths in it?23:50
TJ-and you added /sbin/sleep by mistake?23:50
j0hbingo :D23:50
TJ-j0h: oh, that's easy to fix23:51
TJ-j0h: create a sym-link: "ln -s /bin/sleep /sbin/sleep"23:51
TJ-j0h: also, something to think about, if that script reaches the watchdog() function and then causes a reboot, the script has twice got "online" back from those calls to check_internet()23:52
j0hso, that ln fixed the script when running in the shell, at least it printed watchdog console logs etc23:53
j0hthanks for that23:53
TJ-j0h: can you find out where dhclient is being called from, and find out why it takes so long to get an IP address. Best way to do that is monitor the DHCP server itself if you can, watching for the REQUEST23:56
j0hok TJ- will do23:57
TJ-j0h: because I do NOT see a call to dhclient to get an IPv423:57
j0hthe weird thing is, when I did the first tutorial, it got an IP and everything was fine23:57
j0hso it _must_ get called somehow23:57
j0hbut when you bring that reverse ssh script into the mix, something is messing it up23:58
TJ-j0h: try (on a booted system) "grep -rn dhclient /usr/share/initramfs-tools/" and you will see that the only call to it is for IPv6 (dhclient -6)23:58
TJ-j0h: so unless you get a result showing a call to dhclient -4, or just dhclient (without -4 or -6) then there is your problem23:58
TJ-j0h: in which case your script needs to start dhclient -4 ...23:59
j0hTJ-, any idea how it worked without the reverse ssh stuff?23:59
j0hcause that's just weird23:59

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