
wieczorek1990Updated my plugs01:24
df00zIs there a reason snapcraft seems to pass "-prefix=" with the autotools plugin?02:29
df00zit seems to hork up a lot of builds02:29
df00zunless /usr is specified02:29
hunterkI'm trying to add a scriptlet to symlink a library in my snap, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything. That is, I don't see any trace of it in the build log on snapcraft: https://github.com/libretro/retroarch-snap/blob/master/snapcraft.yaml#L2002:36
hunterkcan anyone tell me if I formatted that properly in the yaml?02:36
df00zsorry, i am not quite there yet, havent done scripts04:16
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mborzeckiduh, clearlinux is weird, it says it supports cloud-init, but makes no use of it when i attach a disk with vfat labeled ucidata06:35
mborzeckiturns out they have their own implementation https://github.com/clearlinux/micro-config-drive/ that takes config-2 openstack style disks only :/06:35
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mborzeckipstolowski: hey07:11
zygaGood morning07:14
mborzeckizyga: hey hey07:16
zygamborzecki: can you re-review https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/702607:30
zygamborzecki: I have some more patches but per agreement with jdstrand those will go to another PR07:30
zygamborzecki: those add a few more unit tests and allow the memory buffer to be capped07:30
zygamborzecki: with those test coverage for the new code is 100%07:30
mborzeckizyga: ok, looking07:31
zygapstolowski: how are you? :)07:32
zygaweekend coming up, weather is slightly saner (at least in poland, here's it is going to be much hotter)07:32
pstolowskizyga: hey! i'm good, and weather is sane, yes07:33
zygatoday is going to be blazing hot, cannot wait till 10:00 when the library opens07:44
ackkhi, to confirm, the "refresh" hook is called both on first install and every time a snap is updated right?08:16
* zyga breakfast08:17
zygapstolowski: ^08:17
pstolowskiackk: no. there is no "refresh" hook, there are "pre-refresh" and "post-refresh" hooks, they are only run if snap is already installed and is refreshed, not on initial install. see https://docs.snapcraft.io/supported-snap-hooks08:21
ackkpstolowski, ah, thanks08:22
ackkpstolowski, shouldn't post-refresh run when you first install the snap?08:36
ackkah, it doesn't seem so :/08:39
zygaackk: no, it runs after refresh, which is not the initial install08:39
pstolowskiackk: the idea with pre- and post- is to allow snap to do something with "old" snap resources before switching to new snap, and then afterwards in the new snap08:39
ackkThis hook is executed for the newly installed snap,08:39
ackkpstolowski, so doc is wrong I think ^08:40
pstolowskiackk: are you sure you didn't have old revision around? i checked the code before actually looking up the doc08:40
ackkpstolowski, if I do have an old revision, it is run08:40
zygaackk: are you trying or installing?08:40
zygathere's a bug with snap try in this case08:41
ackkpstolowski, I'm saying what I see matches what you said (only run on refresh, not on new install), but the doc says otherwise08:41
ackkzyga, try08:41
zygain try case it's broken because it's all one virtual revision08:41
pstolowskiah, snap try08:41
ackkzyga, so, if I want a script to be run on new install and on subsequent refresh, I can use install + post-refresh right? and symlink one to the other08:41
zygaackk: or configure08:42
ackkzyga, yeah that's what i have at the moment but I wanted to move away from that as it might break things if you run snap set08:42
ackkalso, it would run more times that it needs08:42
ackkzyga,  is symlinking allowed?08:42
zygaI suspect so but I don't believe we test for it08:43
ackkI'll try08:44
pstolowskizyga: thanks for pointing out 'snap try', i wouldn't realize this could be a factor08:44
zygapstolowski: we should warn if refresh hooks are present in snap try08:45
zygait probably would be easy now08:45
ackkzyga, you mean post-refresh is broken if you use snap try?08:46
ackkwhy is it one virtual revision? if you upgrade via snap try you get x2,x3...08:46
zygaackk: if you snap try snapd will think that you already have the hook08:50
zygaackk: because it's one actual directory it is always looking at08:50
zygaackk: I suggest that you snap pack and actually install to test this code08:50
zygasnap try cannot be used for that reliably08:50
ackkzyga, ok, thanks08:51
ackkzyga, I'm mostly using snap try because the squashfuse bug makes it really slow to use maas in a snap08:51
zygayou can compress with gz08:52
ackkit uses 100% cpu08:52
zygait will be fast08:52
zygait's not a bug, it's just expensive compression :)08:52
ackkzyga, uhm, squashfuse constantly using 100%cpu sounds like a bug08:52
zygasorry, I misread08:52
zygait's not a bug, squashfuse is just really this slow08:52
ackkzyga, https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/181727608:52
zygalots of overhead for access08:53
ackkzyga, it only happens inside containers08:53
ackkzyga, it makes it moslty unusable08:53
zygabecause we only use squashfuse inside containers08:53
zygafuse is just slwo08:53
zygawe'd need a new kernel implementation that is not fuse to be any faster08:54
zygaperhaps something could be improved in the current one but in general fuse is just really slow08:54
Chipacagood morning and greetings from The Sprint09:09
pstolowskihey Chipaca09:10
Chipacazyga: what's the status of #6891?09:11
Chipacapstolowski: 'sup :-)09:11
pstolowskiChipaca: how is the sprint?09:11
zygaChipaca: hey, looking09:11
Chipacapstolowski: I'm exhausted and I've only been here 24 hours09:11
Chipacapstolowski: how mvo, pedronis and niemeyer cope with it I don't know09:12
zygaChipaca: the status is that there's one undesired consequence of the fix that is present on core16 only, it needs to be debugged but debugging is painful (slow) because of core nature09:12
zygaChipaca: I will task switch to it as soon as https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7026 is merged09:12
zygaChipaca: the error is that on core16, the new test measures duplicated /snap/name/revision entries09:13
zygaprobably a consequence of something else propagating09:13
zygabut I don't understand it yet09:13
zygaChipaca: how is the sprint so far?09:13
ackkzyga, fwiw it seems a bit weird that snapd only prints "Running <hooname> hook if present" only when the hook actually exists. I mean why the "if present"?09:19
ackkzyga, FTR symlinking doesn't work :(09:20
zygaackk: bug, it used to always do that09:20
zygapstolowski: ^09:20
zygathe message is out of date09:20
pstolowskiright, we now optimize hooks out, message needs updating09:21
ackkah actually my symlink test wasn't accurate, need to test again09:25
ackkoh actually it seems symlinks get converted, nice09:33
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* ackk stares at squashfuse running at 100% since 5m10:02
Chipacazyga, mborzecki, either of you feel like taking a look at os-release for clearlinux? wrt https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snapd-on-clearlinux/12048?u=chipaca10:12
mborzeckiChipaca: tried booting clear linux image in the morning, was a funny experience10:14
Chipacamborzecki: glad you're having fun10:14
Chipacamborzecki: anything and everything clearlinux, I blame xnox for it10:15
mborzeckihm maybe i should at least paste os-release in that topic10:15
Chipacamborzecki: zyga has a zoo10:15
Chipacamborzecki: https://github.com/zyga/os-release-zoo10:16
Chipacazyga: archived? :-(10:16
zygaChipaca: I have a clearlinux VM10:18
zygaChipaca: tried building snapd there10:18
zygaChipaca: moved to gitlab.com/zygoon/os-release-zoo10:19
zygasince I was curious of how the grass looks like there10:19
Chipacait looks clear, duh10:19
ograand ?10:19
ograwas it greener ?10:19
zygaogra: it was very fast indeed10:22
zygaI was surprised to see a brand new package manager10:22
zyganot related to anything else10:22
zygaand a matching package format aswell10:22
wieczorek1990Can I get some love here: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/please-allow-use-of-personal-files-for-gitl-was-classic-confinement-for-gitl/9420/32?u=wieczorek199011:28
xnoxzyga:  i love your zoo11:40
zygaxnox: pleasure, contributions welcome11:40
zygaI should be more active about adding stuff I have access to there11:40
ograppisati, where did System.map-*, abi-* and config-* go ?11:53
ograwget -O- -q http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-4.4.0-154-generic_4.4.0-154.181_armhf.deb | dpkg -c - | grep boot11:53
ogradrwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2019-06-25 11:19 ./boot/11:53
ogra-rw------- root/root   7310208 2019-06-25 11:19 ./boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-154-generic11:53
ograseems they are not in the deb anymore11:53
ppisatiogra: :O11:54
ppisatiogra: check the linux-modules-* package11:57
ograah, there are config-* and System.map-* .... but abi-* is still missing ... did we drop that ?11:58
zygamborzecki: could you have another look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7026 please12:02
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zygamborzecki: if you are interested, on top I have one patch https://github.com/zyga/snapd/commit/eacf3860affb61f2ad6f8cd40bf5e6e56bb7bf91 that I decided to postpone until after this lands12:10
* cachio afk12:11
mborzeckizyga: nice, though jdstrand was ok with getline() :)12:12
zygayeah but then I played and fed /dev/empty into it12:12
zygathis used all ram12:12
zygaso ...12:12
zygahere it is :)12:12
zygaI'll propose it as soon as this lands12:12
zygaalso need to propose a patch to get easy way to run lcov12:12
zygabut first, small break12:13
zygathen back to https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/689112:13
mborzeckizyga: oh, looks like glib is using lcov too12:18
mborzeckizyga: i'd check of clang/llvm has something12:20
zygahonestly anything that works is ok12:24
mborzeckizyga: hahha, given that it's C land, you can put the bar too high :)12:28
mborzeckiso dropping snap.ReadGadgetInfo() saves ~20k on snap binary, worth it?12:33
zygamborzecki: yeah12:39
=== ricab_ is now known as ricab
zygatrying to join...13:02
jdstrandzyga (cc mborzecki): wow, you added a lot of code to get rid of the variable list. I feel bad cause of all the code you wrote, but jeez, why can't we just do a simple loop and search like I originally suggested?13:15
jdstrandI mean, this is setuid code, parsing teensy files that we control13:16
* setuid looks around13:16
jdstrandlets regulate the input and be very strict (skipping if malformed/whatever) and keep the code simple without state13:17
jdstrandmborzecki: am I wrong in my assessment?13:18
zygajdstrand: yeah but also made it much simpler (O(N) instead of O(N*N)) and much more testable13:18
zygajdstrand: this will also allow me to replace the os-release parser with the same tested code13:19
zygajdstrand: more is not necessarily worse (especially that the public code surface is smaller and even easier to use)13:19
jdstrandzyga: I think you mean s/simpler/faster/13:19
zygano, it is simpler to reason IMO13:19
zygathe logic in each function is more straightforward than before13:19
jdstrandI'm trying to reason about it while reviewing it and found that not to be the case13:20
zygawhere it was all in one more complex function13:20
zygathe private function does a pass over the file13:20
zygathe public function calls the private function with a helper callback that extracts the single key we are looking for13:20
zygaeverything else is tests13:20
zygajdstrand: the structs avoid very long argument lists13:21
jdstrandI understand the one loop pass. I know why you are doing it. I'm saying it feels like a lot more than is required to extract a key/value pair from a file13:21
jdstrandzyga: I am not saying I don't understand the code. I am saying it seems like more than is needed. I'd like mborzecki's input as well13:22
Chipacawhat key/value pair from what file?13:23
zygaack, though I'd rather not rewrite it again :)13:23
zygaChipaca: key=value from a file we write13:23
zygaChipaca: but also keeping it open to drop the custom code for /etc/os-release parser and use this one instead13:24
jdstrandzyga: I know, which is why I said I feel bad...13:24
jdstrandChipaca: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/702613:24
zygajdstrand: can you clarify if you feel bad because of how the code looks like or because of the initial suggestion, sorry I didn't get that13:25
mborzeckijdstrand: agree that it's bit more more than needed, but afaiu the idea is to reuse this elsewhere13:25
Chipacaoh in C13:25
mborzeckiChipaca: bleh C :/13:25
jdstrandzyga: I feel bad for you writing a lot of code that I really want to NAK. I'm trying to figure out if I am beign reasonable13:26
Chipacaand in part of a 800-line PR13:26
zygaack, I see13:26
Chipacathat touches 23 files in 34 commits13:26
zygaChipaca: most of that is noise, the main part is just tests and a single .c file13:26
* Chipaca steps slowly away from that13:26
zygaChipaca: I can move 90% of the files changed to another PR that can land without any impact13:26
zygajdstrand: on top of that I also wrote a patch to use fixed size buffer13:27
zygajdstrand: but I didn't include it in this PR as we discussed13:27
jdstrandzyga: again, I didn't care about fgets vs getline. I was just adding to the sidebar commentary13:27
* jdstrand takes a deep breath and tries to reread this in different orders to somehow rationalize is is worth it13:28
zygajdstrand: please make a decision, I will close and re-do this if necessary13:29
jdstranduhh... of course?13:29
jdstrandthough, if I'm being honest, if I do decide to let it through, I'm going to ask for Michael or Samuele to ack the added complexity13:30
Chipacazyga: I'd say that anything that touched C should be very far away from anything that is noise13:32
zygaChipaca: read the PR13:32
Chipacazyga: I'm feeling particularly ornery today though13:32
zygaChipaca: it's not noise per se, just trivial required changes to complete the feature13:32
zygaChipaca: it's noise for the point of view of the discussion13:33
zygaremoval of .info files13:33
zygaspread test + data files13:33
niemeyerzyga: I've got a bug on a connected content interface13:34
* jdstrand notes he is only talking about sc_infofile_get_key()13:34
jdstrandand down13:35
niemeyerzyga: Hello btw :)13:35
zyganiemeyer: hey!13:35
zyganiemeyer: can you tell me more please13:35
niemeyerzyga: I've been speaking to people all week live here and suddenly I forgot you were not one of those :p13:35
mborzeckijdstrand: wondering, as a middle ground, we could live without scanner state & callback thing, plus enforce <key>=<value>\n format, but keep the error codes, then https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7026/files#diff-5dd49f9aa50cb48081dd1039d91e4e9aR243 becomes where value is extracted, wdyt?13:35
zygaI hope it's one of the known ones, but we'll see13:35
niemeyerzyga: The scenario is quite specific, so might be related13:35
niemeyerzyga: I had a local snap unsigned that I developed myself13:35
zyganiemeyer: there's a fix that is close to landing that happened to resolve a number of bugs at once13:36
niemeyerzyga: And then I refreshed into a proper snap from the store13:36
* zyga listens13:36
niemeyerzyga: Which had a new connection that did not exist in my local snap13:36
niemeyerzyga: The connection was established (and is), but the actual content doesn't show up in the content directory13:36
zyganiemeyer: ok, some questions: is this snap using the desktop interfaces by any chance?13:37
niemeyerzyga: This is the gnome platform interface13:37
niemeyerzyga: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qDX9jnn9qr/13:37
zyganiemeyer: if you nsenter -m/run/snapd/ns/$SNAP_NAME.mnt - do you see the directory you were expecting?13:37
jdstrandmborzecki: I liked how the tests read (ie, the error codes) and found that a nice improvement. it is when I started looking at all the structs, caller_state, function pointers, etc that I was like "this is going to take me all day to prove to myself that it is bulletproof)13:38
zygajdstrand: I'm happy you like the error handling, I think it is a good pattern to follow, even if the outcome is die() simply because of how testable that mode is, and that error forwarding also calls die if nobody is to pick up the error on the caller side.13:39
niemeyerzyga: Where do I run thta?13:39
jdstrandmborzecki: not that it would take all day, but having that feeling isn't great when you are looking at setuid file parsing13:39
zyganiemeyer: open a terminal, sudo nsenter -m/run/snapd/ns/foo.mnt # replace foo with the name of the snap13:39
zyganiemeyer: normally on  your host13:39
niemeyerzyga: No13:39
niemeyerzyga: It's empty13:39
zyganiemeyer: ok, can you look at /run/snapd/ns/snap.$SNAP_NAME.fstab and see if we claim we made the connection there?13:40
zyganiemeyer: (do you see the mount point represented in that file)13:40
niemeyerzyga: Wait, but something doesn't add up13:40
niemeyerzyga: I may be running the command incorrectly13:40
zyganiemeyer: nsenter drops you into a shell inside the namespace13:40
niemeyerzyga: I don't have permission to run nsenter as a user on that ns13:40
zyganiemeyer: you have to sudo nsenter from the host13:41
niemeyerzyga: and runnign as root doesn't make sense13:41
niemeyerzyga: Doesn't that mean I'd get into a different namespace than my user would see normally?13:41
zyganiemeyer: it's just a debug tool, it is okay to run it as root13:41
zyganiemeyer: yes, but that's what I'm trying to debug at this moment13:41
zyganiemeyer: I strongly believe you are seeing a bug that is fixed by https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/689113:41
niemeyerzyga: Sure, but root never run the snap command13:42
zyganiemeyer: sure but this is not the snap command, we are inspecting intermediate state13:42
jdstrandmborzecki: I'm also worried about future maintenance13:42
zyganiemeyer: if you see the mount point and stuff connected properly in this mount namespace this is the same bug13:42
zyganiemeyer: that is all I'm trying to establish now13:42
jdstrandmborzecki: I would be ok with a middle ground. do you think I am being unreasonable?13:42
jdstrandmborzecki: (in my gut reaction)13:43
niemeyerzyga: Okay, I must be forgetting about some detail related to namespaces.. the namespace needs to be user-specific, and this file path doesn't look user specific13:43
niemeyerAh, no, it's not user specific13:43
zyganiemeyer: that's correct, this is the non-user-specific namespace; the bug is that because of sharing settings some changes don't propagate to the per-user namespaces13:43
niemeyerThat's what I'm forgetting13:43
zyganiemeyer: the PR changes the settings to properly propagate into per-user mount namespaces13:44
niemeyerzyga: So yeah, the content is really missing13:44
zyganiemeyer: we're hoping it will be in 2.4013:44
niemeyerzyga: Okay, cool13:44
niemeyerzyga: Thanks!13:44
niemeyerzyga: How's spain?13:44
zyganiemeyer: honestly, I'm just a piece of luggage here; I'm working all the time anyway. The kids seem to like it though, recalling memories and seeing friends13:45
mborzeckijdstrand: zyga: probably buggy middle ground? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nMVvYKpyQ2/13:45
niemeyerzyga: Hope you can enjoy the evenings with them a bit at least13:45
zygamborzecki: that would work but remember that the reason the callback exist is so that the os-release parser can extract ID and other fields that we need to look at without changing this function again13:45
zyganiemeyer: yeah, though evenings are the best moments to work for now, I take mid-day slow (I recall why siesta existed) and try to compensate in the evening13:46
zyganiemeyer: looking forward to a slower weekend though :)13:46
jdstrandmborzecki: that is like all that I was expecting from this PR13:47
zyganiemeyer: https://twitter.com/zygoon/status/114434752161301710613:47
jdstrandmborzecki: that verified with tests/etc is inline with what I would prefer. the fact that you loop through the whole file on each run is no big deal now (there is only one thing in the .info file) and isn't a big deal for os-release since it is small as well and one would want to extract like only a key or two anyway13:49
mborzeckizyga: jdstrand: ok, so perhaps we could work with that for now and then look at os-release once the fix lands?13:49
zygajdstrand: does that mean that the door for the future where this code can be brought back is open or that you'd rather use the simpler implementation and just loop over input several times?13:50
kenvandinejdstrand: is this still blocked?  https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/564413:50
jdstrandmborzecki: a future optimization for that could be read it into memory and pass that stream into sc_infofile_get_key(). then everything stays clean. if we were talking about large files, that would be different and we'd need to consider something smarter13:50
zygajdstrand: note, I wrote that version once, it was also nacked13:51
zygajdstrand: one that read everything into memory and scanned that13:51
jdstrandmborzecki: but that isn't the case (we can even comment "To keep this simple, ..."13:51
zygajdstrand: I have a feeling this is the 4th attempt at this key=value thing for snap-confine13:51
jdstrandzyga: I did say 'future' there13:51
jdstrandmborzecki, zyga: this PR seems like is is not focused, so yes, I like mborzecki's approach. do something simple and verifiable to fix the 'base changes' bug. then iterate to read os-release. we can land that sooner than later. for os-release, we can argue about the merits of efficiency vs simplicity/etc with all the right people looking at it13:53
jdstrandkenvandine: yes13:54
jdstrandkenvandine: it needs me to grandfather hundreds of snaps. it is still on for this cycle13:54
kenvandinejdstrand: ok, thanks13:55
niemeyerzyga: Nice!13:57
niemeyerzyga: How do I get the namespace to work again?13:58
jdstrandzyga: re open door> part of why we have peer reviews for this code is multiple viewpoints. I am always going to want simplicity in code for auditability, reliability and provability. if this was not setuid, it would be different. there is no obvious need (to me) for the optimizing, even when considering os-release. Michael and Samuele can overule that after hearing all sides13:58
zyganiemeyer: you'd have to discard it, I'm afraid13:58
niemeyerzyga: Already did13:58
niemeyerzyga: New namespace has the same issue13:58
zyganiemeyer: if it doesn't work now it may be some other issue13:58
zyganiemeyer: can you run this from the terminal with SNAP_CONFINE_DEBUG=yes13:58
zygaafter discarding it13:58
jdstrandzyga: I'm concerned about-- what happens if the user is able to trick snap-confine into reading a file the user controls, and there is a bug13:59
zygajdstrand: I share those concerns, I think we are on the same page here. I specifically made sure this robust (even to the point of fixed memory sizes in the follow-up)14:00
jdstrandzyga: I'm not saying the code has a bug. I'm just saying it takes a lot of mental thought to verify it is all ok and that thought will need to be expended every time this part of the code is touched when it lanes14:00
niemeyerzyga: https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/dC2YbSXMsr/14:00
* zyga fetches token14:01
jdstrandzyga: I know you're being careful! :) you have great checks; it is just so much more than seems required I balked at it14:01
zygajdstrand: ack14:02
jdstrandzyga: perhaps save it off for now, take the middle ground approach for now and revisit when everyone is back in town?14:02
zygajdstrand: yeah, I think that's the only way forward14:02
* jdstrand notes he is off Tue-Fri next week14:02
zyganiemeyer: is this after you have discarded? I'm surprised to see "keep" changes there14:04
zyga(keep indicates that an existing entry is reused)14:04
niemeyerzyga: Yep14:07
niemeyerzyga: I assume that to discard I need to umount and rm14:07
zyganiemeyer: how did you discard if I may ask?14:07
niemeyerzyga: Am I missing something?14:07
zyganot quite, you must run the discard tool, it also removes the .fstab files14:07
zyga(those in /run/snapd/ns)14:08
zygaI mean, you must umount and rm stuff in /run/snapd/ns that matches the snap name)14:08
niemeyerThere's nothing there14:08
niemeyerUh, no, I'm lying14:08
zyganothing in /run/snapd/ns/snap.*.fstab14:09
niemeyerzyga: Yeah, that fixed it14:09
niemeyerzyga: The rm of the fstab, that is14:09
zygagood, I'll look at fixing the propagation ASAP14:09
niemeyerkenvandine: Works, will be playing with it on the flight back home14:10
niemeyerzyga: Thank you!14:10
kenvandineniemeyer: awesome14:11
jdstrandzyga, mborzecki: ok, summarized my thoughts and irc outcome here: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7026#pullrequestreview-25575756314:19
zygajdstrand: I'm almost done, one sec14:19
zygaI'll push the simplified version14:19
zygajdstrand: pushed14:21
jdstrandzyga: I'm sorry for the extra work. we all want the same thing ultimately even if we have different opinions on how to get there. thanks for being patient (with all of the reviewers)14:21
zyga jdstrand in the extra test, you mean one that has a trailing newline?14:22
zygajdstrand: because malformed input test 3 already does that without the newline14:23
* zyga adds the extra test just in case 14:23
jdstrandzyga: yes14:26
zygaadded now14:26
jdstrandzyga: ie, the file we read in has14:26
zygajdstrand: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7026/commits/701b333abbdec24af7eea53f8a1479bb43ff3dc1 is this what you expected?14:27
jdstrandand foo is assigned the empty string14:27
jdstrand(or if you don't want to support empty strings, a test that it isn't allowed)14:27
zygaI want to support empty values14:27
zygaI think it is useful14:27
jdstrandzyga: I do too. then, 'yes' that is what I had in mind, but it isn't malformed14:28
zygayeah, I think those are "tricky" but not clearly malformed :)14:28
zygaI'll rename those14:28
jdstrandchar empty_value_ok = "key=\n";14:29
jdstrandbut choose whatever you want14:29
zygaI think this matches the discussion and can be approved now14:30
* zyga needs to take the dog out14:32
ograogra@pi3:~$ grep PRETTY /etc/os-release14:47
ograPRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu Core 16"14:47
ograogra@pi3:~$ snap debug sandbox-features|grep confinement14:47
ograconfinement-options:  classic devmode strict14:47
ograwhy does that list classic on an UbuntuCore system ?14:47
zygaogra: bug, should be fixed14:47
zygamborzecki: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/704514:52
zygajust want to formally ack it, it's just a simple make fmt14:52
zygaogra: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/704815:01
ograzyga, ah, nice !15:02
zygajdstrand: not binding in any way: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/704915:11
zygaI don't know if it passes tests yet15:12
zygajust wanted to open it to see what happens and see what you think15:12
jdstrandzyga: approved both15:41
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=== ShibaInu is now known as Shibe
zygaOh, great, thank you :-)16:13
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hunterkI'm trying to run a script as part of the snapification to symlink some libs that aren't being found. I'm doing it with override-prime, but that doesn't seem to be doing anything20:20
hunterkthat is, i see no override message in the snapcraft build log and no symlinks20:20
hunterkis there some other, better way of doing this?20:20

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