
lotuspsychje!info ubuntu-docs17:45
ubottuubuntu-docs (source: ubuntu-docs): Ubuntu Desktop Guide. In component main, is optional. Version 19.04.2 (eoan), package size 205 kB, installed size 1819 kB17:45
lotuspsychjeseems like my bug fix has been pushed17:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1827788 in ubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) " Add #ubuntu as 'get more help' resource in the docs" [Wishlist,Fix released]17:46
lotuspsychjeanyone with ubuntu-desktop can test this?17:46
tomreynlotuspsychje: not sure you noticed this? https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-docs/trunk/revision/72/ubuntu-help/C/community-support.page doesn't contain a direct link to #ubuntu - but to https://www.ubuntu.com/support/community-support - which (amongst other) links to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList - which (amongst other) links to #ubuntu18:15
tomreynso it's a change - maybe not the one you were looking for ;)18:15
lotuspsychjetomreyn: i recently tested a 19.10 daily with a volunteer, nothing had changed in ubuntu docs yet18:16
lotuspsychjebut with the update an hour ago, i thought maybe look at it again18:16
tomreyndunno, i don't have +1 here, but i can read html.18:17
tomreyn(or xml rather)18:18
lotuspsychjetomreyn: what should happen is; the ubuntu-docs/get more help section/should show now a community support18:18
tomreynthat's nice.18:19
lotuspsychjetomreyn: yeah, knowing the help icon is default on the dock, could be nice18:21
tomreynyes, we can always hope some people actually read text ;)18:31
lotuspsychjei think they do tomreyn, as they probably found howto file bugs from there too :p18:31
lotuspsychjekiwi users flood soon hehe18:59

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