
=== pieq__ is now known as pieq
didrocksgood morning04:35
robert_ancelldidrocks, hi!04:46
robert_ancelljamesh, how many days do you plan to be at GUADEC?04:46
didrockshey robert_ancell :)04:48
jameshrobert_ancell: I haven't booked the flights yet, but probably the whole lot given how long the flights are04:49
jamesh(assuming it is useful)04:49
robert_ancelljamesh, yeah, me too. I think I'll get more done in the last three days anyway just working with other people. Wanted to check I wasn't the only one who would still be there :)04:50
jamesh2 days of flights (plus jetlag) for 3 days of conference is not a great trade off04:51
jameshI don't think they've sent out formal rejections for the talks they haven't accepted yet04:53
jameshmine is still listed as "under review" in the events system04:53
dufluHi didrocks. And robert_ancell and james04:55
dufluHi didrocks. And robert_ancell and jamesh04:55
robert_ancellargh, none of the booking websites will work to give me an estimate for the flight prices...04:57
duflurobert_ancell, expedia?04:57
didrockshey duflu04:57
robert_ancellduflu, it seems to be confused by the regional connection I have to take. I'll just pretend I'm flying from AKL and add on a bit extra to cover the regional link.04:58
didrocksjamesh: we are waiting for the answers from those who were +1 to give a talk, ensuring they still plan to come04:59
didrocksjamesh: then, with ack/nack, we go down the list…05:00
jameshdidrocks: fair enough05:00
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didrocksrelocating to the library, it's 28°C inside (couldn't get lower), at least the library is opened in the morning. bbiab06:53
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
didrocksThe Internet for Lyon's library is just port 80 and 443 opened… no email, no IRC07:14
* didrocks thethers07:14
RAOFSo, it turns out that mutter hangs whenever I close a dialog in CLion.07:19
jameshworkaround: never close dialogs07:32
RAOFhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1834583 , for those playing at home.07:38
ubot5Error: ubuntu bug 1834583 not found07:38
marcustomlinsongood morning and happy friday!07:40
didrockshey marcustomlinson07:41
dufluMorning marcustomlinson, seb128 and willcooke07:42
seb128hey, good morning and happy friday desktopers07:43
dufluRAOF: Private bug?07:43
seb128hey duflu marcustomlinson jamesh, how are you?07:43
WimpressMorning o/07:43
dufluseb128, going well, but success will be measured by not working into Friday night so we'll see. How are you?07:43
dufluHi Wimpress07:43
seb128I'm good! busy list for today though, it feels like it's yet another of this week where enough things happened and needed attention in the week that I'm not going to manage to finish when I had planned from my todolist07:44
jameshseb128: good.  Writing some snapd interfaces to help us add deb package support to snap-store07:44
marcustomlinsonseb128: pretty good thanks. you?07:44
* marcustomlinson reads seb128's reply to duflu07:45
RAOFduflu: Yeah, contains a core dunno, so apport marked it private.07:46
dufludunno is also an appropriate noun, I hereby declare07:46
dufluseb128, I know how you feel. My weekly report will be relatively short compared to last one07:47
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:50
seb128jamesh, nice :)07:51
seb128lut oSoMoN, happy friday! how are you?07:51
oSoMoNseb128, I'm good, bracing up for a very hot day, how are you yourself?07:53
willcookemorning all07:54
oSoMoNgood morning willcooke07:54
jameshmarcustomlinson: so hopefully that hack you did to slim down the libreoffice snap turns into a real Snapcraft feature07:55
didrockshey willcooke, oSoMoN07:56
oSoMoNsalut didrocks08:00
oSoMoNgood afternoon jamesh08:00
Laneyhey happy friday!08:02
oSoMoNgood morning Laney, happy Friday!08:03
seb128sorry dropped offline while moving08:03
seb128hey Laney willcooke :)08:03
seb128oSoMoN, ça va ! almost a bit too cold here today but I'm not going to complain, that's better than overheating08:04
Laneyhi oSoMoN seb12808:08
marcustomlinsonjamesh: \o/ yeah thanks for the help!08:11
dufluHi willcooke and Laney08:11
jameshmarcustomlinson: with that said, sometimes snapcraft development moves quite slowly08:11
* marcustomlinson takes a deep breath...08:12
dufluRAOF, sanity check: You forced that core dump right?08:13
marcustomlinsonmorning didrocks jamesh duflu RAOF Wimpress willcooke oSoMoN Laney08:13
didrockshey marcustomlinson08:14
marcustomlinsonwell I mean, _and_ good morning jamesh :)08:14
RAOFduflu: Correct. With `ubuntu-bug --hanging $PID`08:15
oSoMoNmorning marcustomlinson08:20
dufluRAOF: Looks like maybe it regressed just today?08:21
dufluThere was an update08:22
dufluwhich you have08:22
seb128what Ubuntu serie are e talked about and update to what package?08:23
dufluseb128, eoan gnome-shell08:26
seb128Trevinho, ^08:27
seb128it might be an issue for the SRU which is the disco queue :-(08:27
Laneyshit happens, that's what queues and reviews and proposed is for08:28
Laneyand uploading to the dev release08:28
seb128poor Trevinho though, the recents SRUs have not been smooth going08:29
seb128oh well, it's part of the job I guess :)08:29
Laneyjob security08:30
Laneyhey Trevinho08:32
seb128hey Trevinho, happy friday!08:32
didrockshey Trevinho, Laney08:34
Trevinhohi seb128, didrocks and Laney08:34
dufluMorning Trevinho08:35
Trevinholovely to get up with bugs 😭08:35
Trevinhoduflu: hey08:35
* Laney hugs Trevinho08:37
Laneyit's going to be OK08:37
dufluSorry Trevinho. Let's blame RAOF for holding it wrong08:40
dufluI am joking08:44
dufluseb128, what does the sponsorship process look like if I just want a distro branch released to archive for eoan?09:49
dufluIt's committed already09:49
seb128good question09:50
dufluSo do I just point people to the branch or debdiff still?09:50
seb128just point to the branch should be enough09:50
seb128which one is it?09:51
dufluseb128, https://code.launchpad.net/~vanvugt/ubuntu/+source/gdm3/+git/gdm3/+merge/36902409:51
seb128Laney, didrocks, does one of you would be wanting to get that lp:~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/+source/gdm3 to eoan for Daniel?09:52
dufluNo rush. I am about to EOW09:53
seb128enjoy the W.E!09:54
dufluIn the past I would just wait, but this is a June card ;)09:55
dufluThat said, the card is overloaded and will slip into July regardless09:55
seb128lol, I see what you are doing there :p09:56
seb128duflu, I think you have a point, I start liking better the "backlog by month" with only one inprogress (and one in review and one blocked) layout09:56
didrocksseb128: if Laney doesn't beat me to it, I can have a look on Monday10:02
seb128didrocks, thx10:02
dufluI think Laney's other nvidia fix is pending release into gdm3 too10:04
LaneyI'll put it on the list10:04
LaneyWe'll get those NVidia fixes with 3.33.310:05
dufluExcept the performance fix because that's still waiting on review in mutter10:10
* duflu -> dinner \o10:11
willcookenight duflu10:11
* didrocks needs to go back home. Anyway, the library for even warmer than home I guess…10:54
seb128is there an easy way to enable ipv6 at least enough for things like ping to work?11:52
seb128by default it gives me a "unreachable error"11:53
marcustomlinsonseb128: willcooke may know11:53
Laneyseb128: Use the Canonical VPN, and turn off "Use this connectino only for resources on its network"11:58
seb128Laney, thx11:59
* Laney makes future sounding noises12:01
willcookeseb128, did you get it to work?  Getting IPv6 at home was easy enough (if your ISP supports it), but the firewalling made me scared and so I turned it off again until I have more time to really understand it12:04
willcookelooks like L_aney 's solution is the best idea12:04
seb128willcooke, yeah, VPN ftw, thx Laney!12:09
seb128willcooke, it was just to test a bug/fix12:10
seb128I don't plan to change my firewall/router/etc12:10
* Laney 's desktop serves ipv6 to the haus12:11
Laneyprobably should get a Pi 4 or something to do that12:11
TrevinhoRAOF: what kind of dialog triggers the issue? As I can't reproduce it13:35
didrocks4 letters!!!! This is what was making me living in a pointer nightmare :p13:41
oSoMoNa four-letter word ?13:43
didrocksahah, not even, a diff between two identifiers :p13:44
didrocksso, when taking a ref to it, doesn't correspond at all to what you expect ;)13:44
* didrocks really happy with https://github.com/ubuntu/zsys/commit/8b2215b39b67b3df55a52821012cb0af0d984032. Not a lot of code, but a long description to do something quite tricky in the end (compare or not, saving in golden file public/private Property from integration tests, external to the package itself)14:07
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
* oSoMoN out, have a good week-end everyone!16:00
RAOFTrevinho: as far as I can tell, *any* dialog in CLion (a Java app, it's in the Snap store if you want to try)22:30
RAOFTrevinho: it *might* only trigger if you close the thing via “ok” or “cancel” or the like. Hitting the window-decoration X might not trigger it (I'll check again on Monday)22:31
TrevinhoRAOF: actually I've already found a way to reproduce there and a test case 😅23:14
TrevinhoAnd also a fix... But not fully happy.23:14

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