
ubottuIn ubottu, lordcirth said: !tmux is tmux is a window manager for terminal sessions. See also !screen16:28
ubottuIn ubottu, lordcirth said: !pkg is <alias> !info17:05
Menzador|Workpkg? What is this, Solaris?17:05
Menzador|WorkAlso why would screen be a see-also for tmux? they're 2 completely different terminal multiplexers19:12
Piciwell, they are pretty much the only choices19:20
Menzador|Workthat don't require a GUI, anyway19:20
hggdhMenzador|Work: byobu still offers both screen and tmux integration19:30
* Menzador|Work tries to remember if !multiplexer is a thing19:30
Menzador|Workhad enough of stoned20:16
Menzador|Workit was infrequent enough until that last bit where they just started rambling20:16
Menzador|Workalso, force-part needs fixing, it doesn't parse spaces20:17
Menzador|Work(all this in #u-o, just writing this in for record-keeping)20:17
daxREMOVE, like KICK and other IRC commands that take a multi-word argument, needs a : before the reason parameter20:21
daxI have no idea how your client does it, but by the time it gets to the server it needs to look like e.g. KICK #ubuntu-offtopic sillyperson :go away thanks20:22
daxso if you have an alias or opscript or something, it probably just needs an extra : in it somewhere20:22
Menzador|WorkOh, I was just missing a T_NEKUDOT :P20:22
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Menzador|Worklo and behold, the T_NEKUDOT was missing20:26
=== Menzador|Work is now known as Guest31262
=== Menzador|Work2 is now known as Menzador|Work

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